How do you understand the expression “let your words be in God’s ears”? To whom do they say, “Drink honey with your lips”? Your words have meaning in God's ears.

Words are honey

“Through your lips and drink honey” they answer someone who says pleasant, encouraging words.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your sweet, warm words and kind advice, which I so need. I wish I could “drink honey with your lips”! (Letter from Grand Duke Konstantin Konstantinovich to I.A. Goncharov, 1886)

Synonyms of the saying “let you drink honey with your lips”

  • I wish I had your honey and hit us on the lips
  • Let your word be in God's ears

English equivalent of the expression “with your lips and drink honey” It is too good to be true- too good to be true

Use of sayings in literature

    “Look that he will return soon and even, perhaps, with the Tsar’s mercy... - God grant that with your lips and drink honey...And I’ll give you some coffee...” Petrovich hurried and left the office” (N. E. Heinze “The Crowned Knight”)
    “What he cannot promise, he will not promise, and what he promises, he will keep. - Lord grant drink honey with your lips! From these few words of the Corps Commander, I only managed to notice that good people tried to lower Freytag in his eyes. Not everyone liked the kind and honest Robert Karlovich” (F. F. Tornau “Memoirs of a Caucasian Officer”)

    “France is sleeping, we will wake it up. All I had to do was say: “God willing, drink honey with your lips!"(Herzen “The Past and Thoughts”)
    “If one person doesn’t like it, the other one will like it. - God bless her drink honey with your lips..." (A.F. Veltman "Adventures drawn from the sea of ​​\u200b\u200beveryday")
    “I hope you won’t get sick again. - With your lips, yes, drink honey“, - said the grandmother and, going out with Galina Sergeevna onto the staircase, closed the door behind them” (Pavel Sanaev “Bury me behind the baseboard”)

Let your words be in God's ears

Psk. A response to good wishes and predictions. SPP 2001, 70.

Large dictionary of Russian sayings. - M: Olma Media Group. V. M. Mokienko, T. G. Nikitina. 2007 .

See what “Your words would be in God’s ears” in other dictionaries:

    Without further words. Razg. Without talking, without talking much, without wasting time talking. FSRY, 431. Can’t connect two (three) words. Razg. Disapproved About a person who cannot express his thoughts clearly. FSRY, 431; BMS 1998, 531. No one has words. Unraveling... ...

    Resin is not water, swearing is not hello. Why did I (you, him) have to be born! It would be better if you were not born! The friend is a sieve, the sieve is (not) rattled through. God would love you as much as you love me! What haven't you seen? What have you forgotten here? It would be your sentence, but you... ...

    The century will stretch, everyone (everyone) will get it. Day after day does not come. Day after day does not happen, hour after hour does not fall. Anything can happen in the world (and it also happens that nothing happens). Mountain does not meet mountain, but man does not meet man (or: but a pot with... ... V.I. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

    Θεός - ο God is the Creator of heaven and earth; ΦΡ. for the sake of God / for the name of God να δ ώσει ο Θεός God forbid Θεός φυλάξοι God save from (something, someone) ο Θεός βοηθός God help δόξα... ... Η εκκλησία λεξικό (Nazarenko Church Dictionary)

    Don’t bother anyone’s speeches. Olon. Don't pay attention to whose people. words, don't listen to anyone. SRNG 31, 404. Quiet in speech, but fierce in heart. People's Disapproved About a two-faced person, a sycophant. Jig. 1969, 221. Getting in the way in speeches. Kursk Confused, stammering,... ... Large dictionary of Russian sayings

    Ask (Seek) as one asks (seeks) for bread. Demand is not a sin, refusal is not a problem. The request does not fit into your pocket (or: does not go). The request will not hit you in the face. Refusal will not fade, there will be no bumps on the forehead. If you ask for beer, you won’t get drunk (unless they give it to you). Asking not to get drunk, but they won’t give it... V.I. Dahl. Proverbs of the Russian people

    Wed. the exceptional ability of a person to publicly express his thoughts and feelings; the gift of speaking, communicating with intelligently combined sounds; verbal speech. Man is given the word, but cattle is dumb. The word is the first sign of conscious, intelligent life. Word… … Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

    - (if God heard, and your words were fulfilled) Your honey would hit us on the lips. Let your word be in God's ears. Wed. It’s good to drink honey with your lips. In my heart I would be happy for Avdotya Maksimovna. Ostrovsky. Don't sit in your own sleigh. Wed. I… … Michelson's Large Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary

    I would like to drink honey with your (your) lips (so that God would hear and your words would be fulfilled). I wish I had your honey and hit us on the lips. Let your word be in God's ears. Wed. It’s good to drink honey with your lips. In my heart I would be happy for Avdotya Maksimovna... Michelson's Large Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary (original spelling)

    GOSPEL. PART I- [Greek εὐαγγέλιον], the news of the coming of the Kingdom of God and the salvation of the human race from sin and death, announced by Jesus Christ and the apostles, which became the main content of the preaching of Christ. Churches; a book presenting this message in the form... ... Orthodox Encyclopedia

There is a saying: “Let your words be in God’s ears.” Few people take it seriously. When pronouncing it, people mean that they would like what was said to come true or be true. But the very appearance of such a saying is due to an incorrect understanding of the nature of God and his relationship with man. After all, for the first time someone used it literally, otherwise it would not have been born.

What could the person who coined this expression have been thinking? Imagine how someone who says these words seriously feels. He thinks that God is deaf to his requests. He believes that God needs to be convinced and prayed for something so that he deigns to help, to seek leniency from him and to earn his favor. He believes that God does not see something, but man can know better than him.

But God doesn't need advice. God is not some separate highly developed being who has power, but in his arrogance does not listen to those whom he considers inferior to himself. His consciousness includes the entire human mind, so no man can come up with anything that God does not know about. Man cannot calculate and plan something better than God. You cannot influence God, you cannot convince him, you cannot come to an agreement with him.

For God, a person is a part of his own body that has some autonomy. It performs its functions independently, but is subordinate to the owner. Just as a person will not harm his arm or leg in his right mind, so does God - only the latter’s mind is always in good health.

God knows the desires of every person. But he also knows what will be good for the person. And he knows this better than a person. He does not need to be persuaded to fulfill his wishes. He is ready to do what will be beneficial, without any payment for it, and will never do anything else.

God doesn't require prayers. He needs permission. Man was given power over the Earth and his own soul, but he chose to live only according to his own mind. God needs permission to intervene in a person's life. Where there is no explicit permission, there is a prohibition. God is not powerless, but he respects man's choice not to share power with him, although not indefinitely. A person needs to invite God to himself and stop hiding from him.

Only the lack of consent and acceptance of the will of God, the desire to be independent from him, separates a person from the Kingdom of God. It is said: “The Kingdom of God is within you.” But which kingdom will be God's? One where God will be the ruler. In whose power your soul is, such is the kingdom in it.

A wise man realizes the superiority of the Divine will over his own, so he says: “Father, not my will, but Yours, be done.” And not because he follows the rules and observes safety precautions when offering prayers, but because this is what his heart desires, because he sees this as the highest good for himself and others. The thought “If only God had done it this way and not otherwise, if only he had done it my way and not his own” simply does not occur to him.

There are those who believe that God made a mistake by giving man the will and power to live in his own way and create suffering for himself, cutting himself off from God. So let them give up their will, return it to God, unite with him and correct his mistake! But no, they will use it and blame the power that gives them such an opportunity. They will judge others for having such a gift, but will never give up theirs.

There are no stronger words than “Thy will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven.” This is not a request. This is a decree to what is in the power of man - the Earth - to submit to God, manifest his will and accept what is already prepared for it. Until these words are spoken, she submits to the consciousness of a person and gives him what he has in his soul. But inside he has struggle, not harmony, poverty, not wealth, greed, not generosity.

Man could become perfect, and then the Earth would be perfect. But how can a person become perfect without accepting the will of God, if his will is perfection?

0 The most important thing in our life is the relationship between people. When everything is good, fine and wonderful, then roses bloom in your soul and nightingales sing. Although, of course, it is not always possible to live in peace and tranquility, sooner or later conflicts, quarrels and loud " door slamming"People break up over trifles, not realizing that good words spoken to their partner or good friend could significantly improve the situation. Therefore, give compliments, congratulate, praise and generally come up with such expressions and words that your interlocutor will simply melt And how do you know that your fawning was successful? It’s very simple, the person should respond in a very positive way, expressing the whole mood in a good-natured smile and some phrase that is pleasant to you. Your words, yes to God's ears, meaning you can find out a little below. Add our website to your bookmarks so that you can visit us from time to time.
However, before I continue, let me recommend you a couple of other interesting articles on the topic of proverbs and phraseological units. For example, what does the First Wife of God mean; how to understand Marked by God; what does it mean that the Light has not converged like a wedge; the meaning of the expression Have a heart-to-heart talk, etc.
So let's continue, ?

In your words, in God's ears- this is what they say in response to kind words addressed to them.

In your words, in God's ears- means that a person agrees with the opinion expressed by the other side, and, as it were, says that he wants these words to reach the Almighty, and he would help faster, that is, so that everything that was said in the wish would happen, as as soon as possible.


Bro, you play that guitar like Elvis Presley! - Thank you Tolyan, your words are in God’s ears.

Max, I’m sure that tomorrow everything will work out, and we’ll raise the money normally! - Yes, your words are in God’s ears, but I’m still reducing it.

Marin, I promise you can marry him to you! - Eh, brother, your words are in God’s ears.

A person establishes a connection with God through strong and heartfelt prayer, and if this person wishes something right and good for another, then during his conversion he can ask the Creator for this. If the request is not impossible, sinful or evil, then he will definitely help. In fact, these thoughts are the basis of this phraseological unit. And when you whisper your prayer directly into God’s ear, he will hear it faster and, accordingly, will provide support much more quickly.
When this proverb is used, it talks about a situation that has not yet been achieved, but several people want to achieve it, trying to support each other.

After reading this informative article, you found out what do your words mean, yes in God’s ears, and now you won’t get into trouble if you suddenly hear this catchphrase again.