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Sofas have become an everyday item in any home or country property. In publicly accessible places, recreation areas with sofa corners are installed, such places include shopping centers, office sites, multifunctional centers.

What to do if the sofa creaks

What to do if the sofa creaks? Sofa furniture can be classified as a popular household item; it is used for various purposes - relaxation, sleep, children's games, etc. During operation, few people think about careful treatment and the maximum level of load that furniture can withstand. As a result, pressing of the surface and an unpleasant squeak occurs.

The new sofa is creaking: what to do

What can I do to prevent the sofa from creaking? After purchasing a new device, did you suddenly notice an annoying creaking noise?

The process of assembling furniture is quite a labor-intensive task; some manufacturers, in order to save time and opportunities, treat the work negligently. As a result, defects are allowed.

What can you do if the sofa creaks? The most common causes of squeaking are:

  1. Initially incorrectly calculated number of jumpers.
  2. The spring block is made of low-quality material.
  3. The structure has undergone deformation of the wood.
  4. During transportation, fastening elements (nuts, screws) became loose.

Minor defects in new furniture are easily eliminated; you can deal with them yourself. It is enough to stretch the fastening structure and lubricate the layout mechanism with technical oil. If the defect is visible, and you understand that you cannot eliminate it, then it is recommended to return the furniture to the store using the warranty card.

A sofa that is out of warranty is creaking: a solution to the problem

How to get rid of a creaking sofa? In cases where the furniture warranty has expired, it is necessary to carefully inspect the structure of the sofa and determine the area where creaking occurs. The furniture consists of:

  • Frame design, folding mechanism.
  • Spring blocks, filler, upholstery.

Frame defect: the base of the sofa is made of two types: wood, metal.

REFERENCE! Products with a metal frame are more reliable and practical to use.

IN wooden base the creaking occurs due to mechanical damage(broken, cracked). The broken element should be strengthened or replaced.

In a metal base, the cause of an unpleasant sound is usually the friction of loose fastening parts. It is necessary to stretch all the fasteners around the perimeter of the sofa.

Defective springs: squeaking in the spring block is much more difficult to eliminate.

IMPORTANT! Repairs will be expensive; it is advisable to replace the entire spring unit at the same time.

Only a professional can do this kind of work. But if financial situation on at the moment does not allow you to call a specialist; you will be able to reduce the sounds for a while on your own. To do this, you need to carefully disassemble the upholstery and fill the internal creaking spring element with foam rubber.

you have done serious work, and the sofa continues to squeak? Then follow the general recommendations:

  1. Disassemble the entire frame, replace damaged parts, lubricate the fasteners and assembly mechanism with technical oil or paraffin. The gaps between the dried wood can be filled with PVA glue and left until it dries completely.
  2. Install additional jumpers.
  3. Place a layer of foam rubber under the spring block on the plywood bottom. Add foam rubber to the internal depressed areas of the block.
  4. Assemble the structure carefully.

Taking these steps at home will help extend the life of your furniture.

How happy we are when we acquire something new. New suit or shoes, a frying pan or a flower pot, a car or a bicycle - it doesn’t matter! Changes for the better always accompany these changes. Do you remember how you looked forward to buying a stylish and fashionable sofa? How did you dream of getting to it after a hard day of work? Most had it. But... the new sofa stops coming positive emotions. And the reason for this is the creak.

Let's talk about why the sofa begins to creak and relaxing on it turns into a real musical extravaganza?

Let's highlight the main reasons that contribute to unpleasant sounds from a soft friend:

1. The first reason will surprise many. First of all, when you detect a squeak, check not the mechanisms of the sofa, but the floor on which it stands. Uneven floors are often the cause of squeaks. This is the most common problem that can be fixed in no time. If floor repairs are not planned in the near future, then this problem can be easily corrected by simply moving the corner sofa a few centimeters to the right or left. If this maneuver does not help in getting rid of the problem, then you can place something under the legs of the sofa to adjust the geometry of the furniture.

2. The second reason for the creaking does not lie in external reasons, but in the sofa itself. If you purchased this upholstered furniture in budget option, then creaking cannot be avoided over time. A low-quality sofa frame, for example, a frame made of chipboard, can cause the furniture to be unsuitable for further use. It is best to choose a rigid frame. This type of furniture is manufactured by our company. The skeleton of the sofa is made of dry planed timber or technically dried laminated timber. It is worth understanding that chipboard is a relatively soft material and over time, play may appear in the sofa element and cause creaking.

3. If you are worthy to become happy owner sofa, the frame of which is made of timber, then even in this version the creaking can disturb your peace. And here an important criterion is the quality of the timber in the frame. It is not easy to determine this nuance at first glance when purchasing. And non-professionals in this matter are unlikely to be able to understand anything just by looking at the frame. But such problems are not excluded if the frame was assembled from uneven and (or) damp wood, which has dried out and lost its geometry and now causes creaking. An expensive price and knowledge of the reliability of a timber frame are not a guarantee of reliability. And here there is only one way out - to work with trusted manufacturers.

4. When purchasing furniture, you should also pay attention to the quality of the connections. The places where frame elements are attached, for example, the frame of a seat or armrest, should be well glued and secured with high-quality hardware and staples. Check and bolted connections it won't be amiss either. For example, look between the linen drawer and the armrest, where the bolts may not be strong enough and the washers may not be installed.

5. Creaking may occur in the seat if the sofa has dependent springs. When they come into contact with each other, they cause the unfortunate creak.

Have a nice shopping, choose furniture in our catalog

It often happens when a recently purchased new beautiful sofa begins to creak shrilly and unpleasantly. The irritation of the owners is understandable: it is inconvenient in front of guests, it disturbs during sleep at night, and in the morning this creaking can wake up other family members.

What is the real reason for this disgusting squeak?

  1. Since the furniture frame is usually made of wood and metal, after drying the sofa may begin to creak due to the fact that the components of the frame were subject to deformation. IN in this case Even reupholstering the sofa won't help. The most creaky furniture is furniture with a plywood frame. This design becomes loose and breaks very quickly, not to mention the appearance of an unpleasant squeak.
  2. Less often, but still quite often, the cause of squeaking can be the fastening points where the parts are connected. It is desirable that the joints of the parts of the new sofa are not only fastened with bolts or screws, but also additionally glued (joints fastened with bolts are more reliable than joints with screws).

The spring block in the sofa mechanism is most often the cause of squeaks. If the springs are in separate cells, the quality of the spring block will be much higher.

How to get rid of the annoying creaking sofa?

Creaking, as is already known, appears in those places where there is no tight connection in the fastening mechanism.

  • To correct the situation a little, you can check the tenacity of all connections and tighten the bolts.
  • You can try to lubricate the iron parts with oil or rub them with wax candles.
  • If there are broken slats in the frame of the sofa or slats with an abundance of knots, they must be replaced.
  • If it is not possible to glue the joints between the slats, rubber gaskets can help.
  • Connections with springs, if any, can be covered with loose foam rubber.

In a word, you need to try to eliminate the causes of the squeak yourself, or contact the manufacturer.

Repair or replace?

Naturally, manufacturers themselves must combat these problems. Based on customer feedback and the problems they encounter, the manufacturer must make adjustments in the production of sofas. Even sofas in the economy price class should be of high quality and should not begin to creak after a month.

If you do everything correctly (tighten the bolts, lubricate the springs, glue the joints of wooden joints), then in 90-95% of cases the unpleasant creaking should disappear. If this doesn’t help, then you can safely start choosing a new sofa.