Recycling in Eldorado. Terms

From September 29 to October 26, 2016, Eldorado stores have a “Recycling” promotion. Choose a product marked with a special price tag in the store, hand over old unnecessary equipment, and get a discount on your purchase new technology.

Promotion rules for retail stores

  1. The promotion runs from September 29 to October 26, 2016 inclusive.
  2. The buyer who returned the Eldorado to the store old equipment, gets the opportunity to purchase a certain new product at a discount or receive a promotional bonus (in the amount of 20 to 30% of the cost of the product) on the Bonus card.
  3. Not all products are included in the promotion! Check with the seller for the list of goods participating in the promotion and the amount of the discount or bonus.
  4. A discount or promotional bonus on a new product is provided only if the buyer returns the old equipment in accordance with the rules for exchanging old equipment for new ones.
  5. The size of the discount and the size of the promotional bonus are indicated on the price tag.
  6. Parts, components or parts of old equipment are not accepted; only the main set of equipment is accepted for participation in the promotion as scrap.
  7. Items returned by the buyer cannot be returned.
  8. When the buyer arranges for delivery of a new product, goods for disposal are removed from the same address free of charge.
  9. In the case of export of disposed goods, the buyer must independently dismantle it, prepare it for export and move it to front door. If this condition is not met, as well as if the product is refused for disposal, the product purchased at a discount is returned to the sales store, and the buyer is refunded the amount actually paid for the product.
  10. When handing over a laptop or system unit, the buyer is given the opportunity to transfer data from the old System unit or laptop to the newly purchased one. To do this, the buyer must contact the store’s PC Technician. For information about the conditions for providing this service, please contact your PC Technical Specialist.
  11. Buyers over 18 years of age can take part in the promotion. If the buyer’s age is in doubt, the store employee has the right to ask to see any identification document.
  12. About the action of the "Recycling" promotion when purchasing promotional goods in certain types Check with the seller for credits.
  13. Exchange of goods purchased as part of the “Recycling” promotion under the “Easy to choose, easy to change!” promotion. is made if the bonus received from the promotion has not been spent. If the bonus has been spent, exchange under the promotion “Easy to choose, easy to change!” is not produced.
  14. Check with your sales consultants for the effect of additional promotions on goods purchased under the “Recycling” promotion.
  15. In case of partial payment with bonuses, electronic gift certificate or gift card goods participating in the promotion, the promotional bonus is accrued on the residual value of the goods.
  16. In case of full or partial payment with a corporate gift card, participation in the promotion is impossible.
  17. The promotional bonus can be used 14 days from the date of accrual, or within 90 days.
  18. The standard bonus provided for by the terms of the Eldorado Club Loyalty Program, as well as double bonuses when purchasing on your birthday and within 5 days after, are not awarded on promotional items.
  19. The rules of the promotion are subject to change without prior notice to buyers.
  20. The promotion applies only to consumers within the meaning of the Russian Federation Law “On the Protection of Consumer Rights”.
  21. For goods participating in the promotion, bonuses are credited to the bonus card in the amount of: 1%. If the product is also included in a promotion with increased accrual of bonuses, the buyer is awarded a bonus for the promotion with the largest percentage accruals.
  22. All products are certified. The quantity of goods participating in the promotion is limited. For information about the list of products, the size of the discount, other details and rules for the promotion, please check with the sellers.
  23. Returns of promotional items are made at the price indicated on the sales receipt. In case of exchange of goods during the promotion, a discount is provided for a new product, according to the terms of the promotion. Goods handed over by the buyer for disposal in the event of a return or exchange of a new product are not subject to return.
  24. Find out the rules of the promotion and other details on the website and in ELDORADO stores.
  25. The organizer of the event is ELDORADO LLC, 125493, Russia, Moscow, st. Smolnaya, 14, OGRN 5077746354450

The largest hardware store periodically holds various promotions to attract customers. Thus, one of the traditional offers has already become the offer to receive a discount on a new purchase when returning similar old equipment to the store.

The idea behind this marketing campaign is to attract more customers. After all, it’s actually nice to get a significant discount on a new product by handing over an essentially unnecessary old, or possibly broken, item to the store. Therefore, during the promotion period, Eldorado notes an influx of customers and an increase in sales of the equipment that is included in the special offer. Please note here that discounts do not apply to the entire range. Usually, the store’s bright price tags indicate what discount you can get when handing over old equipment. Components and spare parts are not accepted separately; only the item itself is counted. That is, if you want to give away a burner and an oven door, they will, of course, accept them from you, but only together with the old stove and count them as one piece of old equipment. A huge advantage is that old equipment can be removed directly from your home, free of charge. After all, when buying a new refrigerator or kitchen stove, the question almost always arises: what to do with the old one? Bulky equipment needs to be placed somewhere; even to throw it away, loaders are needed. And here Eldorado solves all the problems for you, you just need to place the order and pay for delivery of your new purchase.

Many buyers ask the question: why does Eldorado need old equipment? Some even suggest that they use spare parts for repairs or even repair them and put them up for sale. This is not true at all, this is just marketing ploy. All equipment received during the campaign is disposed of by a company that cooperates with Eldorado.

The Eldorado company congratulates its customers on the past holidays and invites them to bargain shopping.
The promotion runs from March 13 to April 16, 2018 or until further notice to terminate.

In retail stores:
A buyer who returns old equipment to an Eldorado store gets the opportunity to purchase a certain new product at a discount or receive a promotional bonus (up to 6,000 rubles from the cost of the product) on a Bonus card.
Not all products are included in the promotion! Check with the seller for the list of goods participating in the promotion and the amount of the discount or bonus.
A discount or promotional bonus on a new product is provided only if the buyer returns the old equipment in accordance with the rules for exchanging old equipment for new ones.

In the online store:
. Select a product marked with the "Recycling" label
. Check the "Get Discount" box in your cart. Select the group of equipment to be rented
. Place an order in the online store
. Hand over your old equipment!
. Get a discount on the purchase of new equipment

The following products are included in the promotion:
. Microwave ovens
. Refrigerators
. Hobs
. Vacuum cleaners
. Freezers
. Gas stoves
. Washing machines
. Ovens

If you place an order for home delivery, we will pick up the old equipment ourselves.
If you placed an order for pickup, please return your old equipment at the pickup point upon receipt of your order.
When placing an order on the website of the online store, and after delivery of a new product, the following items are removed from the same address free of charge: refrigerators, washing machines, stoves, ovens, dishwashers, televisions.
The size of the discount and the size of the promotional bonus are indicated on the price tag.
Hurry up to profitably exchange your old equipment for a new one. As part of the promotion, customers who return old equipment to an ELDORADO store are given discounts of up to 6,000 rubles on the purchase of new ones.

The quantity of goods participating in the Promotion is limited. For information about the list of products and the amount of the discount, please visit or call 8-800-555-11-11 (toll-free).

Special collection points are organized where old equipment is dismantled and sent for recycling in parts: metal, glass, plastic. Toxic substances and materials are collected and disposed of using strict standards and techniques.

Large household appliances

In addition to sites free ads, regional newspapers and popular forums, household appliances can be sold in retail chains. For example, Eldorado store periodically conducts promotions for the recycling of old equipment. As a rule, two promotions are held a year: in the fall (September-October) and in the spring (April-May). They take place in all stores of the chain in Moscow and the Moscow region. Usually, promotion dates are announced on the Eldorado website, as well as in the media. Buyers receive a discount on a new product in the same category. The promotion includes old refrigerators, washing machines, dishwashers, cameras, computers, laptops, as well as vacuum cleaners, irons, kettles, toasters and much more. M.Video stores Also, twice a year (in spring and autumn) they hold campaigns “Change the old for the new.” For the duration of these actions, M.Video receives a license for the disposal of hazardous waste and disposes of equipment according to the rules, without harming the environment. At the same time, it is not at all necessary to buy something new. You can simply return your old household appliances to the store and use the discount coupon later (but within the promotion period) or not use it at all. Store employees can remove large equipment (refrigerators, washing machines) from the apartment themselves, but only if you purchase something from them and have it delivered to your home.
JSC "Petromax" Organization together with local authorities The authorities several times a year (once a season) conduct temporary actions for the removal of electrical scrap in the city of Lobnya, Moscow Region. Any electronics are accepted here, a company representative told Recycle. The company itself recycles and then sells secondary raw materials for reuse to various enterprises. You can find out more by calling: 8 (495) 995-47-54 and 8 (495) 995-47-65. BytHall company buys large and small household appliances in good condition: refrigerators, washing machines and dishwashers, gas stoves and much more. Loaders travel to both Moscow addresses and the Moscow region, and pay the money immediately. The application can be left on the organization's website. Technika + company I am ready to remove equipment free of charge, both in working and faulty condition. The organization buys washing machines, refrigerators, gas and electric stoves that are in working condition. If the equipment is faulty, the company will dispose of it free of charge. They work around the clock, applications can be left from 8.00 to 21.00 by phone: 8 (968) 767-00-97. Technostock company also buys and disposes of refrigerators, washing machines, dishwashers, and electric stoves in good and bad condition. They pay from 100 to 3,500 rubles for equipment, the price depends on the age, condition and model. Removal and disposal are free. They work within the Moscow Ring Road, but only if there is an elevator in the building. You can leave a request for the removal of equipment on the website or call: 8 (967) 046-82-16. Company "Util BT" takes out for free large equipment in any condition (broken, old, etc.) for recycling. Turning off washing machines and dishwashers is paid and will cost 300 rubles. In addition, you will have to pay if the house does not have an elevator. In this case, the cost for removing unnecessary equipment will be 100 rubles for each floor. For its part, the company promises polite drivers and careful freight forwarders. You can also call district DEZ and find out where the bulky waste site closest to your home is located. Refrigerators, computers and other equipment from these sites are taken to special equipment recycling companies. [NO LONGER OPEN] At the recycling collection point at Pechatniki metro station, st. Guryanova 2K2S3(behind the Lenta shopping center) you can donate unnecessary electronics and equipment, as well as CDs and DVDs with boxes from them. The collected electronics will then be sent for processing to the Petromax plant in Lobnya. In addition, here you can also hand over waste paper, glass of any color, tin and aluminum cans and lids, plastic types 1 and 2, as well as without labels 4,5,6 types, tetrapacks, batteries and energy-saving lamps. [NO LONGER WORKING]

Phones, computers and various gadgets

Computer and service center Complace. To hand over an unwanted computer to this company, you must fill out the feedback form on the website. It needs to be described in as much detail as possible. appearance, defects and other features. In response, the company's specialists will give an approximate price, and after testing - the exact cost. You can receive the money immediately. You can also repair faulty laptops and computers there. Address: Varshavskoe highway, 132A, building 1. Computer store PC1. This is a large used equipment store, on whose website you can find out the price of your old computer using an “online calculator.” The store buys not only PCs, but also components at market prices. Special pawn shop for DG Pro equipment accepts unnecessary computers, laptops, photo and video equipment, as well as smartphones, tablets and mobile phones. The site has an online calculator that allows you to find out the estimated cost of things. Before acceptance, the equipment undergoes a mandatory check for serviceability and functionality.
The “Good Deed” program together with the “Darudar” project offers to do a good deed and donate gadgets to people who need them. There is a map on the project website social centers. Having selected the nearest reception point, you can click on it and see the needs of the wards, that is, what exactly they accept there. “The purpose of the action is to give socially vulnerable citizens of Moscow ( large families, disabled people, pensioners) electronic devices allowing you to communicate, learn, stay informed current events, and also help them take advantage of electronic government services and reduce the digital divide,” it is written on the official website of the project. You can also use the service "Darudar" and donate your electronics to those in need. Here's how this can be done. You can also bring used equipment to a collection point, which opened in pavilion No. 14 at VDNKh as part of the “Good Deed” charity event. Volunteers Karina and Dmitry on their own initiative they accept working electronics for children from orphanages. They export the electronics themselves and transfer them to orphanages and other institutions remote from Moscow. Dmitry told Recycle that they can accept tape recorders, kettles, game consoles, microwave ovens, computers, electronic toys. You can contact them by phone: 8 (903) 223-08-13.
Samsung recycling program. We accept phones, smartphones, tablets, chargers, batteries and accessories. There are seven collection points in Moscow. The list can be found by following the link or by calling: 8-800-555-55-55. The website says that up to 90% of the materials the phone is made from can be reused. For example, plastic parts are used to create parts for new devices; valuable metals, after processing, are used for production jewelry, electronics, automotive parts, and battery components - to create new batteries. If it’s a pity to part with your old gadget, you can find a new use for it. Which one exactly, he knows AndroidPIT project team. So, the smartphone can be used as a remote control remote control, as an alarm clock, player, game console or server. Details can be found on the project website. If you know other collection points for equipment and electronics, write to us about it: hello@site