The rules for writing are neither combined nor separate. Integrated and separate writing not with different parts of speech

Today we will talk about literacy. Each of us sometimes sins by its absence. Due to certain circumstances, information is forgotten. But in some situations you need to explain the essence of your actions, especially when you are helping your child with homework. In order to clarify or refresh some vague points in memory, this article was written. Today we will look at when to write “not” and when to write “neither”. In order to simplify and speed up the process of perceiving “new”, well-forgotten information, the article will look more like a table than a coherent text. So let's get started.

Introduction to the question

There are many particles in the Russian language, and thanks to this, our language acquires high plasticity and some charm, but at the same time it becomes extremely difficult to learn and variable in the use of certain words. Because of this, certain incidents arise. For example, “the kettle takes a long time to cool down” and “the kettle takes a long time to cool down” are statements with the same meaning. Many foreigners are shocked by the phrase: “No, probably not.” In addition, the presence of double negatives sometimes makes translation from Russian very difficult.

Let's start simple

Therefore, even in such trifles as spelling particles, we have to be guided by certain rules. Usually these rules do not imply double interpretation and are quite simple. For example, the two most common rules in which mistakes are most often made:

  • The particles “would”, “whether”, “whether” are written separately, and also “here”, “as if”, “after all”, “they say” and others are written separately.
  • The second rule states that particles: “some-”, “some-”, “-that”, “-something”, “either-”, “-de”, “-ka”, “-so”, “-tko” ", "-tka" and "-s" are always written with a hyphen. As we can see, the rule itself is as simple as addition.

But there are such particles as “not” and “neither”, and, unfortunately, the younger generation, and sometimes some wise men in life, do not understand at all when it is written “not” and when “neither”. This is what the following table is for.

When to write "not" and when to write "neither"

First, let's look at general concepts spellings of “not” and “nor”, ​​and their place in a sentence. We'll look at the details a little later. For example, when “neither” is written in negative sentences.

Using "not" and "neither"

1. In denial. I for a long time wasn't home

1. Use to strengthen negation. I don't know you or your friend

2. In independent interrogative and exclamatory sentences. Why not remember your friends more often? They wouldn't go anywhere

2. In the subordinate part of a sentence, to strengthen the statement. We couldn't do it no matter how hard we tried.

3. Used with indefinite, negative pronouns and negative adverbs, being under stress. There was no one to ask

3. With indefinite, negative pronouns and some adverbs in unstressed position, “ni” is always written in sentences. Never remember grievances

Using “not” and “nor” with different parts of speech

From the previous table we learned when “not” is written and when “neither” is written. Now it’s worth moving on to more specific cases, namely: how both particles are used with other parts of speech. First, let's consider in which case "neither" is written separately. According to generally accepted rules, this almost always happens. The exception is the case when “neither” is written in negative pronouns and pronominal adverbs without a preposition. For example: nothing, nobody, draw, etc. In the case of “not” everything is a little more complicated, and therefore for clarity we will use a table.

"Not" with in different parts speeches
Part of speechTogetherSeparately

1. If the noun is not used without "not" (loser).

2. If a word has a synonym without “not” (not true - lie)

1. In opposition (not rain, but sun).

2. In interrogative sentences in the “isn’t it true” construction


1. If the adjective is not used without "not".

2. If there is a synonym without “not” (middle-aged - old).

3. If we contrast using the conjunction “but” (the apple is unsweetened, but juicy).

4. In short adjectives, when the full form is written together

1. If something is opposed through the conjunction “a” or when it is implied (not crooked, but tortuous).

2. C relative adjectives.

3. In short adjectives, when the full form is written separately

NumeralAlways written separately
PronounIn indefinite and negative pronouns without a preposition (something, someone)With other pronouns
VerbIf does not exist without “not”, as well as in the prefix “under-”With other verbs
ParticipleIf does not exist without "not", in the prefix "under-"With other participles
CommunionIf the full participle is without a dependent word (unverified person)

1. If there are dependent words next to the full participle.

2. If the participle is opposed (not a memorized verse, but only a read verse)


1. If does not exist without "not".

2. In adverbs ending in -о, -е, if there is a synonym (unwise - stupid)

1. In adverbs ending in -o, -e, if there is opposition.

2. In adverbs starting with -o, -e in such phrases: not at all, not at all, far from, not at all.

3. If an adverb is written with a hyphen


As we can see, the use of “not” and “nor” seems complicated only at first glance. Visually there are many rules, but in reality most of the statements are repeated for many parts of speech. Therefore, it is worth re-reading these rules more carefully and deducing for yourself a certain quintessence of when “not” is used and when “neither” is used, and feel free to enjoy literacy and life without mistakes.

In order for students to understand in which cases writing does not proceed separately, and in which cases it is written together, it is imperative to explain this topic with the help of tables, games and developmental tasks. Award examples for assignments will be best remembered by the children and will be easy to use in writing

There are rules that you need to remember and learn in order to know when not to write together. These are cases of writing that are not written together:

  1. In words that are not used without “NOT” (ignorant, invincible);
  2. In the words that give qualitative characteristics subject and which can be replaced with a synonym (enemy - enemy, very unhealthy appearance - very sick appearance, unhealthy - sick);
  3. In verbal adjectives on -my (independent);
  4. In indefinite pronouns (someone, something, some);
  5. In verbs with the prefix under-, which gives the verb the meaning of incompleteness, lack of action (underfinish, underestimate).

In these cases, the spelling is not always separate, regardless of which part of speech the word belongs to. Merged writing does not indicate that an object or attribute has an opposite quality, action or attribute.

Separate writing NOT

Students must learn to write the particle not separately, as this has great value for correct and competent written speech.

The particle “NOT” is written separately:

  1. With verbs (did not eat);
  2. With numerals (not two);
  3. WITH short adjectives with a connotation of obligation (it is not needed - not required);
  4. With all words, if they contain or imply opposition with the conjunction a (not a quiet, but a full-flowing river), as well as when strengthening the negation with the words far from, no one, not at all, not at all, not at all (not happy people at all);
  5. With adjectives in comparative degree(not thicker);
  6. In words with prepositions (not for anyone, unable to).

Separate writing with different parts of speech most often indicates the denial of a sign of an object or action.

Verification test

Offers you assignments and tests to test your knowledge of how writing will be separate or combined in written speech. We will give you examples of different parts of speech, and you will have to decide by ear or in writing which spelling is not, continuous or separate. Try to take the tests listed below, performing different tasks, in order to master separate writing not with different frequencies of speech.

An exercise in attentiveness, as well as the ability to distinguish participles and adjectives. Let someone dictate the following words to you out loud, and you just write down the numbers of adjectives that are not used:

  • unfinished book;
  • leisurely;
  • unsightly;
  • uninvolved;
  • careless;
  • immature;
  • ugly;
  • irreversible.

By ear, try to understand whether it is part of the root of a noun or whether it is a prefix without which the word cannot be used:

  • sky;
  • slob;
  • infirmity;
  • hatred;
  • dumb;
  • nectar.

Indicate how it is written not with a verb, gerund, participle:

  1. The sun (did not) bring relief
  2. The exercise was (not) completed.
  3. He (hasn't) seen bad weather.
  4. The animals (did not) run away, but looked at the hunter.
  5. (Without) reading books, it is difficult to be an intellectual.
  6. How to spell it not with adjectives and nouns:
  7. She did a (not) nice thing.
  8. What crawled out of the thicket was (not) a man, but an animal.
  9. This is (not) a brick garage.
  10. The river is (not) big, but small.
  11. The gorge is (not) long, but very deep.

Indicate how to write not with pronouns, adverbs, numerals:

  1. We admired the sunrise (more than) times.
  2. Victor (had) no time to look for the book.
  3. (Not) that entered the museum building.
  4. I live (not) on the tenth floor.
  5. (Not) which people love dogs.

Russian language. Spelling the particle “not” with different parts of speech

There is a negative particle in Russian NOT , which, like most particles, is written separately from the word to which it refers, and the prefix NOT -, which, performing a word-forming function (forms words with the opposite meaning), like all other prefixes, is written together. Their distinction lies in the complexity of separate and continuous writing NOT .

Wed, for example: And she remembered the story of how one young magpie decided to steal - of course, not the sun, but a pretty little star, which she couldn’t get enough of since childhood. (V. Kaverin); Turbid Not the gentle dawn is spreading Not willingly, as if by force. (V. Rasputin)

1. NOT is a prefix and, accordingly, is written seamlessly with words of any part of speech, when without NOT the word is not used, for example: Not touching, Not people-loving, Not fall in love, Not necessary, Not seer, Not understanding, Not expectedly Not guesswork.

NOT is written separately:

– with verbs in indefinite form and any form of inclination: Not dream, Not dreams, Not I would dream, Not dream;

– with verb forms such as gerunds and short participles: Not by answering, Not thinking, Not signed;

– with all numerals: Not two, Not five, Not second;

– with adverbs (except for adverbs in - O): Not Now, Not Tomorrow, Not in Russian;

– with prepositions, conjunctions, particles: Not within the power, Not That..., Not That,hardly Not etc.

Note. However, verbs with the prefix are written together under -, giving the meaning of incompleteness, insufficiency in comparison with any norm, as well as participles, gerunds, nouns from such verbs: Nedo the poet poured out, under He ate, he wore himself out, he felt inferior, and this made him more irritated and more harmful.(V. Astafiev); True, the crust was no longer so golden and crumbly, and the cabbage seemed a little under salty, but still it was a wonderful pie, and we ate it and praised it. (D. Dar); Pay as honest man, for under scales, under measures of their talented colleagues.(B. Slutsky)

2. NOT is a prefix and is written seamlessly with nouns, adjectives, adverbs in - O, if with NOT a new word is formed that can be replaced with a synonym without NOT : I drink to the dregs Not Love(= indifference), loneliness and humiliation. (D. Samoilov); The rays are split into Not calm(= stormy) river. Someone is sitting thoughtfully in the shuttle.(V. Bryusov); Slowly and Not confident(= timidly) the month rises above the earth. (G. Ivanov); Like a razor, I slashed my heart completely Not drawn(= real) love.(P. Teslenko)

NOT is written separately with all words, if there is or is implied a contrast with the conjunction A : In the enlightened, touching distance, which is as unclear as my dreams, Not sadness, A just a trace of sadness Not Love, A only a shadow of love.(D. Merezhkovsky); This time she got it Not calm, flexible Muromets, A silly, mischievous mare Liska. (A. Musatov); It felt like something had happened in his life... and now he was living Not confident, Not willingly A something like that, out of habit. (M. Gorky); With amazement, I realized that this frame was also a window, and the street and the corner of the house Not drawn, A the real ones. (V. Bazanov) Note. However, if adjectives or adverbs end in - O bound by union But , That NOT , as a rule, is written together: True, she also came down with me Not high(= short , short), But wide, like a bunch of pumpkins, a stern mother with her daughters.(L. Petrushevskaya); Madam is very Not cheerful(= sad), But very beautiful. (Yu. German)

3. NOT is written seamlessly in indefinite and negative pronouns without prepositions and in negative adverbs: not How many, not whom, not why, not where, not For what.

If there is a pretext NOT with negative pronouns is written in three words: not who has, not about what, not for whom. Also separately NOT written with any other pronouns: Not who to ask for mercy not why ask for forgiveness. (D. Samoilov); AND Not every day a plane is shot down with a rifle. (A. Tvardovsky); Among the green silence of the surging summer Not all issues have been resolved, Not all answers given... (N. Aseev)

4. NOT is written seamlessly with full participles without dependent words: They even like this one at first Not provided smoke break.(M. Chernenko); I feel like I'm in Not suitable environment, in Not suitable place and talk at Not suitable topics. (M. Petrosyan); There was life there, frightening and enticing unimaginative true. (K. Shakhnazarov)

In the presence of dependent words, that is, as part of a participial phrase, NOT written with full participles separately: It was drizzling outside Not provided for regulations rain.(I. Shein); I'm telling you straight: you are human. Not suitable for life. (M. Osorgin); Life obeyed its own nobody Not invented laws, one of which was coffee and those who drank it.(M. Petrosyan)

5. NOT is a prefix and is written seamlessly with adjectives, full participles and adverbs in - O if they have words Very,extremely,very,absolutely,absolutely,almost, enhancing the degree of quality, for example: I received from her Very Not funny (and very cute) letter. (Y. Daniel); His appearance appeared in the doorway extremely Not happy turnip. (T. Sakharova); The device worked absolutely Not noticeable and completely silent.(S. Velinos); And his autumn coat remained, and his good suit, and almost Not boots put on, everything was left, but he was gone. (Yu. Dombrovsky)

Note. However, if with full participles there are also other dependent words, then NOT need to be written separately.

Wed: There were places absolutely Not explored, and every day brought something unexpected.(V. Mezentsev) ( Not researched – together) and Based on data from the ship's log, a map of the St. Anna's drift, which passed along not at all researched in those days areas of the Arctic Ocean. (M. Dukalskaya) (Not researched in those days – separately).

But NOT is a particle and is written separately with adjectives, full participles and adverbs in - O, if the negation is strengthened by words with the prefix neither - or is part of the particles not far , not at all , not at all , For example: Nobody Not the paths of homeless smoke are known, It will rise into the sky, and later dissipate in the sky.(V. Blessed); Mukhin... had ordinary human speech, truly human and not at all Not humanoid.(S. Nosov); He lived then in anticipation of autumn not far better changes. (N. Rubtsov); Otherworldly voices not at all mysterious and Not ominous... (V. Blessed); My age not at all kid, there’s no point in hiding him.(Ya. Smelyakov)

6. Particle NOT is written separately with short adjectives that do not have a full form or for which it has a different meaning ( Not glad, Not must, Not ready etc.), as well as with adverbs of condition, which are used only as a predicate in impersonal sentences, for example: Both of them have no way to home and no one for them on earth Not glad... (L. Alekseeva); The painting was completed and now covered with a layer of varnish... but Not ready. (D. Rubina); I'm sorry that it's winter now and there are mosquitoes Not can be heard in the house.(O. Mandelstam); This means that my time has come, And Not sorry, and Not scary at all. (A. Gertsyk).

7. Particle NOT is written separately with full and short adjectives, with adverbs in - O, if two antonymous features are simultaneously denied: I Not stupid me Not smartI'm cheerful. (A. Volodin); Today I Not sad, Not joyful In some cases it is worse than one of two things: joy or sadness. (A. Batyuto); Zhenya's amazed hoarse voice was Not close and Not far. (M. Vishnevetskaya)

And finally, a few comments.

1. Particular attention should be paid to the spelling of the particle NOT with widely used words in the language - washed : unthinkable,independent,uninhabited,elusive etc. Such words are written with NOT separately only if the sentence has an explanatory word in the instrumental case, or if the explanatory word begins with neither-, or if NOT is part of the particles not far, not at all, not at all:Of course it was Not Darling Milena Benedictine, but it was drinkable. (K. Yakhontova) (there is a dependent word in the instrumental case form Milena); The gate clicks - and there is no more road to the beautiful, lilac, nobody almost Not favorite dacha.(E. Pishchikova) (there is neither by whom).

Wed: This is what they sing when they separate from their wife. Not beloved. Not visible, Not bearable. (B. Slutsky); She captivates with sincerity, naturalness, kindness. But… Not loved, that's all. (V. Bykov, O. Derkach); She was in the family Not loved for her extraordinary malice, so she was called only « Fisk the snake" (M. E. Saltykov-Shchedrin) - everywhere NOT is a prefix and is written together.

2. Sometimes combined or separate writing NOT determined by the possibility of double interpretation of the text.

The girl bewitched the boy - Not beautiful, and this makes all his relatives sad(Lyapis Trubetskoy). In this sentence the word Not gorgeous‘very ugly, ugly’ is written together.

In the example: No, Not gorgeous, but there is something damn attractive about her... – highlight! (N. Dezhnev) In this sentence NOT serves to deny extraordinary beauty ( Not gorgeous, but also Not freak) – written separately.

Let's compare two more examples:

Passengers of suburban seasonal buses - the people Not rich(= poor): pensioners, low-income(I. Kumeiko).

I'm a man Not rich, but there is somewhere to lay your head(V. Shulgin).

"Not with different parts of speech" is one of the topics in the Russian language that always causes difficulties. And the point here is not so much the complexity of the topic itself, but the amount of information that needs to be remembered: for a noun, the rules used for a verb are not always suitable, but try Determining the combined and separate spelling of a participle by analogy with a verb is generally one of the biggest mistakes! What should you do to be confident in your knowledge and not make mistakes?

Particle and prefix

First you need to clearly delimit the particle Not and prefix Not-. The particle is always written separately, but the prefix is ​​highlighted corresponding sign during morphemic analysis of a word and is its structural part. Based on this it is built general rule: Not with different parts of speech is written together if given word without Not just not used ( hate, bad weather, invincible, unexpected etc.). Finding such words in a text is not at all difficult, so there are usually no difficulties with them.

Spelling with nouns, adjectives and adverbs

In one large group nouns, adjectives and adverbs ending in -O (cold, fast). Spelling particles Not with different parts of speech in this case completely coincides.

So, Not written separately:

  1. If there is a contrast with the union A (not hot, but cold; not a friend, but an enemy; not fresh, but stale).
  2. With words not at all, far away (not at all cautious; not cold at all; far from easy).
  3. With double negative ( It’s not new to anyone; news that's not interesting to anyone).
  4. When negating two signs in a row ( not high and not low).

Continuous writing Not- with different parts of speech is possible in two cases:

  1. If you can find a synonym without Not- (foe - enemy, close - close, a little - little).
  2. If the conjunction is used But in combinations like shallow but fast. Union But is adversative, however, unlike the conjunction A it may not mean opposition, but a comparison of non-mutually exclusive features.


We continue to study the spelling of particles Not with different parts of speech. The rule regarding the sacrament can easily be called one of the most controversial, because it is with it that the greatest difficulties usually arise. But let's try to figure it out.

Together Not- It is written with the participle in such cases:

  1. If there is no dependent word ( wet grass; unfinished task).
  2. If there is no opposition ( unread book; unpublished manuscript).
  3. With adverbs of measure and degree very, extremely, absolutely, almost, completely, extremely, completely, quite (extremely rash decision; almost undisturbed order).
  4. If the participle is formed from a verb with the prefix under- (misunderstood, unwashed).

With separate writing Not It's also easy to figure out:

  1. If there is a dependent word ( an essay not written (how?) on time; student who didn’t come (when?) today).
  2. If there is a contrast ( not a fictional story, but a real one).
  3. If the participle has a short form ( the story is not made up, the book has not been read).

Only separately!

There are several situations in which only separate writing is possible Not with different parts of speech. Some of them are original rules and are memorized by children in elementary school, others are practically never found.

  1. With words that are written with a hyphen ( not friendly, not south-eastern).
  2. With adjectives in the comparative degree ( no better, no worse).
  3. With relative, possessive adjectives, as well as adjectives of taste and color ( not winter; not my mother's; not black).
  4. With numerals ( not one, not the second).
  5. With verbs ( didn't go, couldn't).
  6. With participles ( without being able to, without thinking).
  7. With function words: prepositions and particles ( not only, not with him, not because of him).

In addition to the fourth point: it is very important not to confuse the participle and the adjective, because in the case of a short adjective, the spelling Not will obey different rules. Compare: the girl is talented and educated And group formed. In the first case, the fact that the word educated is an adjective, indicates a nearby word of the same part of speech, and besides, the meaning is clear that this is not a gerund (the girl was not educated, but she is smart). In the second situation, it is clear that someone created the group, formed it, i.e. it educated. Consequently, different spellings are due Not different parts of speech, which include homonymous words.


Talking about spelling Not with different parts of speech, let’s focus on personal and negative pronouns. In the case of them, everything is very simple: if there is a preposition, it is written separately ( no one with), if it is not there - together ( once).

Under- And not up to

One of the most difficult points of this rule is the spelling of verbs with the prefix under- and verbs with a particle Not and prefix to-. This means words like malnourished And don't finish eating, which at first glance are absolutely identical, but from a grammatical point of view should be written differently.

Prefix under- denotes a completed action, the result of which does not correspond to the norm (some linguists say that any word with this prefix means something bad): undernourish (eat little), underestimate (not value highly enough), understate (hide the truth).

In turn, the particle and prefix characterize the interrupted action: not finish eating (not having time to finish the meal), not finishing (not finishing the speech), not swimming (not finishing the swim).

At first glance, everything is not so complicated, but sometimes situations arise when choosing between two options is not easy.

Not against neither

Another controversial topic is "Spelling Not And neither with different parts of speech." Fortunately, there are not many nuances here, so it won’t be difficult to understand the rules.

Particle Not used for:

  1. Expressions of negation ( I don't understand, not mine).
  2. Under stress in pronouns ( no one, no time).

Then as a particle neither:

  1. Strengthens denial ( there was no light or house visible)
  2. Used without stress in pronouns ( no one, never)
  3. Used in complex sentences to strengthen a statement ( wherever we went, we were greeted joyfully).

In principle, everything is not so difficult, some tasks of this kind are performed exclusively at the level of intuition, but still, knowledge of the theory can significantly facilitate the task.

We repeat

In order to consolidate the rule, it is better to repeat all the material. It is important to understand what combinations are formed with Not different parts of speech. The table will help you remember all the most important things.


Nouns, adjectives, adverbs in -O

1. Synonym without Not-

2. Not used without Not-

1. Contrast with union A

2. Not at all, not at all, far from it

3. Double negative


1. Without a dependent word

1. With adverbs of measure and degree

2. With a dependent word

Other parts of speech

1. With words that are written with a hyphen

2. With verbs and gerunds

3. With short participles

4. With possessive, relative adjectives, color adjectives

5. With numerals

6. With function words


In principle, this is where we can end the conversation about spelling Not with different parts of speech. This rule includes many subparagraphs, each of which is divided into several others - you really have to remember a lot. But, on the other hand, here and there there are overlapping points, thanks to which, of course, it will be much easier to understand. The main thing is desire, patience and practice, and the rest will come on its own.

§ 88. Not written together:

1. In all cases when a word is not used without a negative particle, for example: ignorant, inevitable, unfortunate, indignant, unwell, unwell, lacking(meaning “not enough”), impossible, impossible, really, unbearable, unshakable, unharmed.

2. With nouns, if the negation gives the word a new, opposite meaning, for example: enemy, misfortune, if the negation gives a word that does not have this particle the meaning of opposition, negation, for example: non-specialist, non-Marxist, non-Russian, For example: disagreements between Marxists and non-Marxists; all non-specialists liked the report; a non-Russian will look without love at this pale, bloody, whip-scarred muse(Nekrasov).

3. With full and short adjectives and adverbs ending in -o (-e), unless combining them with does not serve to deny any concept, but to express a new, opposite concept, for example: unhealthy appearance (i.e. sickly ), impossible character(i.e. heavy), the sea is restless (i.e. agitated), the matter is unclean (i.e. suspicious), come immediately(i.e. immediately, immediately), acted badly(i.e. bad).

4. With full participles, for which there are no explanatory words, for example: unfinished (work), unblown(flower), stainless (steel), unloved (child), unconcealed (anger), uncompressed (strip) (in such cases the participle is close to the adjective); But: work not completed on time, a flower not blooming due to the cold, a child not loved by the mother, students who have not yet been examined(in such cases the participle is close in meaning to the verb).

Note. With explanatory words denoting the degree of quality, not with the participle is written together (in these cases, the participles with are not close to the adjective), for example: extremely rash decision, completely inappropriate example, But: a completely inappropriate example(not written separately due to the presence of an explanatory word to the rule).

5. In pronouns, when not is separated from the subsequent pronoun by a preposition, for example: someone, something, no one, nothing(But: not with anyone, not for anything, not with anyone, not for anything, not for anything).

In pronominal adverbs, for example: no time, nowhere, nowhere, nowhere.

6. In adverbs there is no need (in the meaning of “aimlessly”, for example: there is no need to go there), reluctantly; in prepositional combinations despite, despite; in the interrogative particle really.

Writing adverbs and adverbial combinations that include a negation, a preposition and a noun or adjective (for example, unknowingly, inadvertently, by chance, beyond the power), determined by the rules laid down in § 83, paragraphs 5 and 6.

7. In the verb prefix nedo-, denoting non-compliance with the required norm, for example: nedo fulfill (perform below the required norm), nedo look (not enough, look bad, miss something), nedos sleep (sleep less than normal).

Note. From verbs with the prefix it is not necessary to distinguish verbs with the prefix do-, which have the negation not in front of them and denote an action that has not been completed, for example: not to read a book, not to drink tea, not to watch a play.

§ 89. Not written separately:

1. With verbs, including participial forms, for example: she doesn't drink, doesn't eat, doesn't speak; cannot help but see; without looking, without looking, without haste.

About continuous writing despite, despite and verbs with the prefix are missing - see § 88, paragraphs 6 and 7.

Note. Commonly used verb forms numb, numb, numb are written together.

2. In participles: a) in short form, For example: the debt is not paid, the house is not completed, the coat is not sewn b) in full form when the participle contains explanatory words (see § 88, paragraph 4), and also when the participle contains or implies opposition, for example: he did not bring the finished work, but only individual sketches.

3. With nouns, adjectives and adverbs, if there is or is implied opposition, for example: It was not luck that led us to success, but endurance and composure; It’s not death that’s scary, it’s your disfavor that’s scary.(Pushkin); the morning came not clear, but foggy; the train is neither fast nor slow(implied: “with some average speed"); not tomorrow (there cannot but be a contrast here).

Note. You should pay attention to some cases of separate writing of the particle not. The particle is not written separately: a) if with an adjective, participle or adverb there is a pronoun starting with neither as an explanatory word, for example: no one (for anyone, etc.) needs a thing, never encountered error, no one it is profitable to undertake this; b) if it is not part of intensifying negations far from, not at all, not at all, not at all, not at all, etc., preceding a noun, adjective or adverb, for example: he is not our friend at all, far from the only wish not at all fair decision not at all the best solution, far from sufficient.

4. With pronouns and pronominal adverbs, for example: not me, not this, not another, not like that, not otherwise, not like that. For cases of continuous writing not with pronouns and pronominal adverbs, see § 88, paragraph 5.

Note. The philosophical term not-self is written with a hyphen.

5. With intensifying adverbs, as well as with prepositions and conjunctions, for example: not very, not quite, not quite, not from..., not under..., not that... not that.

The expression is written separately more than once, for example: More than once he accused himself of being overly cautious.(Fadeev).

6. For unchangeable words that are not formed from adjectives and act as a predicate in a sentence, for example: don't mind, don't mind, don't be sorry.

7. For all words written with a hyphen, for example: all non-commercial and industrial enterprises; it is not said in Russian; They don’t sing in the old way.

§ 90. Neither is written together:

1. In pronouns, if the particle is not separated from the subsequent pronoun by a preposition, for example: no one, nothing, no one, nothing, no, no one's, no one's, no one's, But: no one, no one etc.