Connecting the power button to the gigabyte motherboard. How to connect the front panel of a computer to the motherboard

Most inexperienced computer users believe that connecting the front panel of the computer case, on which there are power and reset buttons, as well as USB inputs and audio outputs, to motherboard is a complex and difficult task.

But, as often happens, after spending 5 minutes studying the issue, everything becomes clear and very doable. In this article we will look at the sequence of actions that must be performed to successfully and correctly connect the front panel to the motherboard, be it a board from Asus, Gigabyte, Asrock, MSI and others.

Step 1 - find the cables going from the front panel to the mat. board

These are the same cables that we will connect to the corresponding connectors on the motherboard. The peculiarity of these very cables is that they can be found among other wires in the case system unit These are the inscriptions on the ends of their connectors:

  • Power SW (PWRBTN) - ;
  • Reset SW (Reset) - Reboot button;
  • HDD LED (IDE LED)(HDLED) - activity indicator hard drive;
  • Power LED (PLED) - Computer power-on indicator;
  • USB1..USBn - USB ports on the front panel;
  • Speaker(SPK) - ;
  • AUDIO (Mic, SPK L, SPK R, GND)(AAFP) - Headphone and microphone outputs to the front panel.

System unit front panel connectors

For those whose Power LED consists of 2 chips for 2 and 3 contacts (as in the figure above), the rationale is as follows: on some motherboards, the POWER LED connector (computer power-on indicator) is made on 3 contacts (the middle one is not used ), and on some by 2. Therefore, in your case you need to use either one Power Led chip or another.

Step 2 - find the contacts on the motherboard to connect the front panel

It is worth noting that the connection, reboot, indicator work hard disk and computer power-on indicator, as well as (F_Panel) this is one group of connectors (1 in the figure below), the connection of the front USB (USB) is another group (2 in the figure below) and headphone jacks with a microphone (AAFP) are the third (3 in picture below).

On the motherboard they are located something like this:

Location of connectors on the motherboard for connecting the front panel of the system unit

Step 3 - Connect the front panel connectors to the corresponding connectors on the motherboard

Option one

On your motherboard, all the contacts are labeled and you simply put chips on the contacts, observing the appropriate names and polarity. Polarity is important for HDD LED (IDE LED) and Power LED. On the board the positive contact is labeled “+”, and on the chip the positive contact is a colored wire (different from white and black). Or if all the wires from the front panel are black, then “+” will also be marked on them.

Polarity + and - when connecting PLED and HDLED

Even if you reverse the polarity, nothing bad will happen. It’s just that when you turn it on, the power button will not light up and the activity LED will not blink. In this case, simply turn the non-working chip upside down on the mat contacts. boards to change the polarity.

Option two

The contacts on the motherboard are not labeled, as in the photo below.

Front panel connection pins on the motherboard without labels

In this case, you need to find it on the Internet and look at the documentation on the pinout of button contacts, indicators, usb and sound outputs.

When assembling a PC, one of the most important components is connecting the case to the motherboard (or system board). It is important because, no matter how powerful and expensive the PC is, it will remain just a piece of furniture if it cannot be turned on.

It is on the body that all vital important organs controls and PC performance indicators. Correct connection of buttons and indicators will allow the user to control the operation of the PC and receive, albeit simple, but reliable confirmation of its correctness.

Of the controls located on the case, one of the most important is the computer power button, or power switch.

Often, the locations of connection points for certain switches and indicators may differ depending on the selected computer components. Moreover, this may depend not only on the manufacturer, but also on the specific model of a particular unit in the PC.

This article will tell you how to connect the power button to the motherboard.

Preparing to connect

To correctly connect the power button to the motherboard, you should carry out a number of preparatory work, as well as prepare the necessary tools.

Important! The last circumstance should not be ignored, since design features some motherboards do not allow connection to be made using only your fingers.

Preparatory work consists of reading the instructions for the motherboard. If the instructions did not come with it, knowing the device model (and it is always written on it, most often near the edge or in the middle, between expansion slots), you can find it on the Internet electronic version. The instructions will indicate the location of the front panel mini-connector and show the layout of its pins if there are no inscriptions on the motherboard.

Tools you will need:

  • small tweezers (to hold the connector from the system unit during its installation);
  • a screwdriver with a PH1 bit (in order to provide access to the front panel of the case, if such a need arises).

How to connect the power button to the motherboard step by step

The instructions for connecting the power management circuit are as follows:

  1. On the motherboard you should find a system mini-connector, usually consisting of two rows of pins, 10-12 in each, with characteristic inscriptions. Most often, this connector is located in the lower right corner of the board.
  2. On the connector you should find the location of the power switch.
  3. In the case (often near the front panel) you should find wires with connectors for connecting indicators and various switches and select the power connector among them.
  4. Connect the power-on connector from the PC case to the mini-jack contacts on the motherboard.

In order not to be mistaken with the designation of the “legs” of the connectors, we will consider the typical ways of designating them on modern components.

Symbols of button and indicator connectors

Directly next to each group of mini-connector contacts (the so-called “pins” from the English “pin”), which perform a specific function, a description of their purpose is given. This is done so that PC assemblers do not make mistakes, since there is no single standard for the arrangement of mini-jack pins.

Attention! Often functional purpose not only described, but also duplicated by the color of the plastic part of the connector. Polarity is also indicated for indicating devices.

The following notations are used:

  • POWERSW, POWER SWITCH, PSW, PSWITCH – pins of the power button connector;
  • RESET, RESETSW, RST, RESTART – pins for restarting the computer;
  • POWERLED, PWLED, PLED, POWERON, PON – pins for indicating the presence of electrical power (working or turning on the PC) on the system board;
  • HDDLED, HDLED, HLED – outputs indicating access to hard drives;
  • SPEAKER, SPK, SPEAK – pins for connecting a system speaker.

The front panel of the system unit is connected to the computer motherboard for the operation of buttons, indicators and all connectors. The developers place on the front panel only those connectors that can be turned on and off hot, without turning off the computer. These are all USB connectors, as well as headphones with a microphone. It is not necessary to connect all these connectors, but button outputs and indicators are always needed. Otherwise, the computer will not work. Here we will look at how to connect the front panel to the motherboard on various models.

The connectors on the outside of the system unit are marked and have special keys that prevent you from inserting the wrong cable into the connector. Inside, there is no such protection at all. Any wire can be connected to any contact. There, the same pin connectors are used everywhere with a pitch between contacts of 2.5 mm. Therefore, all connections must be checked according to the labels on the wires and on the motherboard itself. In order not to label each wire, manufacturers stick to several standard circuits connections. This results in a rectangular array of contacts in two or three rows. To find the reference angle, manufacturers leave a key - an unused contact.

Connecting all buttons and status indicators

Connection of all buttons and indicators is mandatory. Additional connectors are connected as needed; for example, there is simply no audio jack on many motherboards. They also often don’t connect a microphone because they don’t use it. It is unacceptable to do this with buttons and indicators. They all must be connected.

The motherboard has three groups of contacts for connecting the front panel: a group of indicators and buttons (about 15 pins), F-audio (Front Audio) and USB, which are on modern models usually several. All of them are connected by wires with appropriate inscriptions. Also popular color coding, but it is optional.

The first stage of connection is to identify these three groups on the motherboard and on the wires in the system unit. You need to focus on the labels on the connectors and on the board. It's all quite simple once you figure it out. Additionally, you need to clarify whether the motherboard has a built-in BIOS speaker. If it is, then there are no connectors to connect it.

The group of indicator and button contacts has 3 standard designs. Modern motherboards use a circuit with a built-in speaker. Exactly 8 contacts are active in it. 2x2 for LEDs and 2x2 for the “Power” “Reset” button.

A motherboard with an external speaker has 10 required pins for connection. In this case, the contact pad has 17. Of these, 3 remain empty on top (key), and the BIOS speaker is connected to 4 contacts at the edges with 2 contacts missing. The 4-pin pad for the speaker can be made separately and in general group do not enter. It also uses only two contacts. Contacts are identified by the inscriptions on the board.

The exact location of the contacts on the motherboard can always be clarified in its specification. The technical manual is easy to find on the Internet. The main thing is to accurately enter the brand of the motherboard.

The following connectors must be connected to the front panel (in parentheses - the inscription on the board for identification):

  • “Power” button (designated as PW, PWR, MSG, LD);
  • “Reset” button (marked as “SW” or simply Reset);
  • power indicator LED (LED);
  • LED hard drive activity indicator (LED HD);
  • BOIS speaker (if present, designated as SP or Speaker).
The contact group is often designated "Panel 1".

After connecting the required group of contacts, we proceed to connecting the front panel connectors with hot disconnection. These are USB and audio connectors.

The process of connecting the front panel of the system unit case

USB connectors on motherboards are always the same. This is a group of 9 contacts. Of these, only 8 are active, and the 9th is used as a key. The USB port carries significant currents. It's not 10 milliamps like the front panel LEDs. The port does not tolerate incorrect connection and immediately burns out. You need to be very careful when connecting it. General rules must be strictly followed:

the purpose of the contacts in the top and bottom rows is strictly the same, they just belong to different ports and should not be confused;
on the side of the empty contact (key), the upper and lower contacts are ground;
on the opposite side there are “power” contacts (marked as “+5V”);
two middle contacts - data bus. The wires are usually green and white. For them too correct sequence very important.

All groups of 9 USB pins are marked as “USB1”, “USB2” and further by number. There are a significant number of them on modern motherboards. Ports operate at the same speed regardless of their number. Architecturally, they are all the same. The numbering is included only as a designation of contact groups on the board.

Sometimes the USB connector is made as a single cable without separation into individual pins. In this case, you just need to connect the four-pin plug so that the black wire (ground) is on the key side.

Connecting the Front Soundbar to the Main Board

The audio connector has 4 pins, but the actual number may be more. This was done for noise immunity. The ground bus is connected many times. These are analog connectors, so the length of the wires (longer wires mean more noise and interference), especially for a microphone, is critical there. Usually the contact group is located near the sound chip. It is labeled as F-Audio. If there are no jumpers on it, then the chip supports operation on many channels.

To connect an audio connector, you need its wiring diagram (pinout), which is oriented along the empty contact (key).

The motherboard is the basis of any computer. It determines what components can be connected to it, and therefore what the machine will be capable of. All connections are easy to make yourself if you know what and how to do.

The first thing you need to do is connect the power supply. As the name suggests, it will supply electricity to all components. The following connectors come from it:
  • 24-pin (less often - 20) to the motherboard with various “lines” for 3, 5 and 12 V;
  • 4-pin 12 V;
  • sata and molex;
  • drive power supply.
All connectors have a specific design, which makes it impossible to connect them incorrectly. Therefore, if the “power supply” does not fit into the slot easily, there is no need to connect them forcibly. Nothing good will come of this. Correct connection will be firmly fixed and accompanied by a characteristic click. If everything is done correctly, all that remains is to power the Power button, which turns on the computer, as well as Reset and the built-in speaker of the motherboard. Based on the pictures, we connect the corresponding sockets along the edges of the board with the connectors marked “POWER SW” and “RESET SW”. The required “pins” on the board are designated by abbreviations, such as PW and RES. Any connectors labeled LED power signal lights responsible for various notifications. At this point it is worth mentioning that incorrectly connected wires are not fatal. The chips will not burn out, so if the computer does not start, just check that everything is connected correctly. To connect a hard drive or drive, you will need an IDE ATA, SATA or eSATA cable - it all depends on the available equipment. It is very difficult to confuse them, so we just look carefully at the motherboard and the device. Be careful with proper SATA placement to avoid breaking the delicate pin legs. Don’t forget to separately supply power to the components from the power supply, as shown in the photo.

What and how to connect on the rear panel of the system unit? These connectors also lead to the motherboard. Everything is as simple as shelling pears here. On top there is a power connection socket. You can recognize it by the grille with the cooler located next to it, which leads to the power supply. Below are two slots, green and purple for connecting to a ps/2 keyboard or mouse respectively. Next are several USB connectors, which can replace ps/2 if desired, and vertically placed slots for connecting to various video equipment. For additional fixation, they can be screwed with miniature bolts. Three round sockets of the same or different colors are connectors for audio devices (speakers, microphone, headphones, etc.). Even lower is the modem input with a plastic latch and various slots for connecting special devices.

As we saw from the article, there is nothing complicated about connecting wires to the motherboard. This process can be performed by any user by simply connecting the desired connector to the slot suitable shape. The main thing is not to rush and make all connections without using force, so that the equipment remains in working condition.

The power supply is needed to supply electricity to the motherboard and some of its components. In total there are 5 cables for connection, each of which has different quantities contacts. Externally, they differ from each other, so they must be connected to strictly defined connectors.

A standard power supply has only 5 wires with different characteristics. More details about each:

  • A 20/24-pin wire is needed to power the motherboard itself. It can be distinguished by its characteristic size - it is the largest module of all that come from the power supply;
  • The 4/8-pin module is used to connect to a separate power supply for the cooler with the processor;
  • 6/8-pin module for powering the video card;
  • The power cable for SATA hard drives is the thinnest of all and, as a rule, has a different color from other cables;
  • Additional power supply cable according to Molex standard. Necessary for connecting old hard drives;
  • Connector for powering the drive. There are power supply models that do not have such a cable.

For normal operation At least the first three cables must be connected to the computer.

If you have not yet purchased a power supply, then you need to make sure that it best matches your system. To do this, compare the power of the power supply and the energy consumption of your computer (primarily the processor and video card). You will also have to find a power supply that matches the form factor of your motherboard.

Stage 1: Installing the power supply

Initially, you just need to attach the power supply to inner surface computer case. For this, special screws are used. Step by step instructions looks like this:

Stage 2: connection

When the power supply is secured, you can begin connecting wires to the main components of the computer. The connection sequence looks like this:

Connecting the power supply is not too difficult, but the process requires care and patience. Do not forget that the power supply must be selected in advance, adapting to the requirements of the motherboard, in order to ensure maximum performance.