Why are women prohibited from entering church with their heads uncovered? Why do women and girls cover their heads with a headscarf in church?

Christian traditions women are ordered to enter the temple with their heads covered. However, now this applies only to Russian Orthodox Church. For example, religious women enter Greek cathedrals without hats.


The fact that women who have converted to Christianity should cover their heads with a scarf during prayer is stated in the Gospel of the Apostle Paul: “... Every woman who prays or prophesies with her head uncovered shames her head, for this is the same as if if she were shaved, for if a wife does not want to be covered, then let her have her hair cut, and if a wife is ashamed to be shorn or shaved, let her cover herself... (...) Judge for yourself, is it proper for a wife to pray to God with her head uncovered?”

In this letter, the Apostle Paul clearly outlined for the Corinthians an explanation of this rule: “... A husband should not cover his head, because he is the image and glory of God, and the wife is the glory of her husband. For man is not from wife, but woman is from man; and the man was not created for the wife, but the wife for the husband...” Accordingly, by covering her head with a scarf, a Christian woman recognizes the headship of her husband and adheres to established order- accepts the Lord through her man, and honors him as created in the image and likeness of God.

Apostolic Letter

As you know, the teaching of the Apostle Paul that women should cover their heads during prayer refers to the section “epistles to the inhabitants of the city of Corinth.” In the middle of the first century, the apostle arrived in this coastal city from Athens and found the first Christian community there. However, otherwise it was still a pagan city of the Roman Empire.

Erik Nyström's Biblical Encyclopedic Dictionary reports that in the first centuries of our era, one of the largest temples of Aphrodite operating at that time was located in Corinth. The servants of the cult of this pagan goddess were ritual harlots, with whom any person entered into an intimate relationship and committed an act of worship to Aphrodite. The distinctive sign of all these priestesses - harlots - was a shaved head.

Meanwhile, historians who study the Bible suggest that girls, handed over to the service of a pagan goddess in childhood, could later hear the sermons of the Apostle Paul and accept them. But turning to Christian religion and the community, it is clear that these women still remained physically hairless for a long time.

And now the parting words of St. Paul “...if it is a shame for a woman to have her hair cut or shaved, let her cover herself...” speaks somewhat differently. Turning to Christ in prayer when you have the mark of a harlot is shameful both before people and before God. That is why the apostle recommended that all women, without exception, cover their heads, and “... if the wife does not want to cover herself, then let her have her hair cut...”. After all, all women, including those who have repented of their sins, are equal before God and are loved by him equally.

Greek tradition

In Greek Orthodox churches one can observe that women always pray with bareheaded. When entering the church, everyone, regardless of gender and age, even if they have hats on their heads, takes them off. True, this tradition is not so ancient, it exists no more than two centuries and is related to the national liberation struggle of the Greeks against Turkish rule.

In the first quarter of the XIX century Greece came under the rule Ottoman Empire and all women were ordered to appear on the streets and in public places in hijabs, even if they were not Muslim.

Greek women, like men, protested against forced Islamization and attended Christian services at night. At the same time, the Greek women took off the Turkish scarves they hated as a sign of freedom in Christ.

Since that time it has become an important religious-national tradition. And as for the message of the Apostle Paul regarding the covering of a woman’s head, the Greek priests point to the fact that nowhere in the Gospel is it stated that women are forbidden to enter the temple without a headdress. This means that Greek women do not violate religious rules in any way.

Russian woman and her headdress

In Russia, since the dissemination of “Domostroy” - a collection of advice and instructions from Russian people on social, family and religious issues of the 15th century, the tradition has been preserved when “... it was not the husband who was created for the wife, but the wife for the husband...” Orthodox Christian , even if she is not married, enters the temple with her head covered. In this way, she demonstrates her modesty and humility.

However, the Russians Orthodox priests V lately It is increasingly argued that whether a woman wears a headdress in church is her personal matter and legal right demonstrate their attitude to centuries-old religious traditions. And let better woman will enter the temple without a headscarf and turn to God with sincere love, rather than cross the threshold of the temple at all.

While attending church, parishioners are required to follow certain rules and rituals. Some of them currently raise questions, for example, why should you wear a headscarf to church? Where did this custom come from, which goes against modern fashion in clothing?

Origin of the tradition

The tradition of women covering their heads in the temple has deep roots. In ancient times, in the cultures of many nations, covered hair was a sign that determined the status of a married woman, indicating her subordination to her husband. It was forbidden to appear on the streets with your head uncovered; it was considered very immodest.

Woman in the temple

Similar rules“Dress codes” existed both in Jewish culture, where Christianity was born, and in Roman culture, where the first churches appeared. This is due to the fact that in the Epistles of the Apostle Paul the following words are written:

"5. And every woman who prays or prophesies with her head uncovered disgraces her head, for it is as if she had been shaved.6. For if the wife does not want to cover herself, then let her cut her hair; and if a wife is ashamed to be shorn or shaved, let her cover herself.” (1st sequence to Corinth.)

Someone may wonder: if in those days the wearing of a veil by married women was a universal rule, why did the Christians of the Corinthian church violate it, since the Apostle Paul had to specifically write about it? There is a version that this was due to the particular depravity of morals in the pagan city of Corinth (it was famous for this).

Because of this, local residents considered it unnecessary to observe the then widespread rules of decent clothing. And Christians, since they grew up in this city and were accustomed to its atmosphere, could also be infected with something from the general debauchery. That's why, The Apostle Paul called on Corinthian Christian women to be extremely modest and chaste in dress, to comply with all the rules of decency that existed in those days.

IN ancient Rus' The custom of women covering their heads after marriage was also in use. According to the ideas of our ancestors, if strangers see a woman without a headscarf, it will be a shame for her and her entire family. This is where the expression “goofing off” comes from.

In the church this custom has been preserved to this day, but has changed.

If previously the tradition of covering their heads concerned exclusively married women, and girls did not wear headscarves either in church or on the street, now even little girls’ heads are covered.

Is it possible to go to church without a headscarf?

It should not be understood that a woman who enters a temple with her head uncovered is committing a sin. For God, the state of our soul is important, not the form of clothing. However, there are also people in the church. For many of them, a woman without a headdress will cause irritation. Even if they are wrong, they should not commit actions that knowingly lead people into the sin of condemnation and distract them from prayer.

For these reasons, it is necessary to follow the established rules church clothes, wear skirts and hats to church.

Why wear a headscarf to church?

Which scarf to choose for church

In Rus' there was an interesting custom of wearing scarves to services, the colors of which corresponded to the days church calendar and repeat the color of priestly robes. Perhaps someone in our time will want to follow this. Here is a list of these colors:

  • The color of Easter is red or white. Women wore such scarves throughout the 40 days of the holiday.
  • At Christmas they wore white ones.
  • During the days of Great Lent they chose dark color. Black, dark blue, purple.
  • For the Feast of the Life-Giving Trinity and on the Day of the Holy Spirit, green ones were worn. Green is the color of life.
  • All the feasts of the Virgin Mary were blue.
  • IN ordinary days they wore yellow scarves, the color of a simple, everyday priestly robe.

Interesting about Orthodoxy.

Each of existing religions carries a set of certain rules and foundations. Some of them are radically different. But there are also general canons that are observed in many world religions. For example, Christianity, Judaism and Islam prohibit a woman from walking with her head uncovered. Naturally, there are certain nuances in observing these traditions.


According to biblical laws, by covering her head, a woman recognizes the headship of a man. The Apostle Paul said that submission to a man was ordained by God. And every Christian woman should gratefully accept the masculine principle. A woman's covered head symbolizes humility and is considered important principle Christian faith. IN holy scripture It is said that every woman should grow her hair and cover it with a scarf. Nowadays on the street you rarely see a woman tied with a scarf. Basically, modern Christian women wear a headscarf only in church, which cannot be said about Muslim women who religiously observe the laws of the Koran.


The principles of the Muslim religion are more radical. In Islam, awrah (concealment of nudity) is strictly observed. According to the Koran, a Muslim woman must sacredly honor God's advice and be pure. In Islam, it is prescribed for a woman to cover her entire body, including her feet and hands, while part of her face may remain uncovered. There is no specific clause about covering the head in the Holy Scriptures, but the clause “hiding the whole body” also includes the head. There is a tradition that in Islam came from the Prophet Muhammad. All his children were girls. And he asked them and their wives to wear headscarves so that everyone around them would know that these women were from his family. In modern Islam this tradition is sacredly revered.


In Judaism, everyone must cover their head. married woman. Modern Jewish women can wear any headdress, including scarves, hats and even wigs. For unmarried girl This rule does not have to be followed. The Holy Talmud strictly emphasizes female role and teaches that a woman can show her virtues only to her husband: before marriage she must be completely subordinate to her father, after marriage the man becomes the head of the family. In principle, these principles can be traced in each of the religions discussed - the head is always a man.

IN Orthodox faith There is ancient custom— a woman enters the church with her head covered. Where does this tradition originate and what does it mean, find out why a woman should wear a headscarf in church.

Origins and customs

This custom originated from the words of the Apostle Paul, he said that a woman should have a symbol on her head that signifies her submission and the power of her husband over her. Praying or venerating shrines with your head uncovered is considered shameful. From the words of the apostle begins one of the most ancient traditions associated with the church.

Why should a woman wear a headscarf in church?

A scarf on a woman’s head emphasizes modesty and humility, and communication with God becomes purer and brighter.

In ancient culture, hair was considered the most striking attribute female beauty. Attracting attention to yourself in church - bad sign, since before the Face of the Lord everyone must be humble and clear their heads of sinful thoughts. Remember, clothes should also be modest; you should not choose an outfit for going to God's temple, with decorations or emphasizing the figure. In this case, a covered head will not make sense.

The scarf is worn to emphasize the woman’s defenselessness and to call on the Lord for help and intercession.

Why should a man take off his hat in church?

When entering any room, a man must take off his headdress as a sign of respect to the owner. In the church it is God. In this way he expresses his respect and demonstrates true faith.

By entering the temple without a headdress, a man shows his defenselessness in the face of the Lord and speaks of complete trust. In the church, a man renounces war and bloodshed and must repent of his sins. This is a symbol of the fact that everyone is equal before God and social status and position does not matter.

It must be remembered that a true believer is obliged to observe certain rules and customs as a sign of respect for religion. For an Orthodox Christian to come to church in inappropriate clothing is unacceptable and shameful. We wish you good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and


Since ancient times, a woman has been going to church with her head covered - this is an ancient custom that originated from the words of the Apostle Paul. The apostle said that a wife should have a symbol on her head that signifies authority over her. This is necessary, first of all, for Angels.

This is where the tradition of covering one's head when entering a church arose. According to the apostle, if a woman prays with her head uncovered, it is shameful. An uncovered head is equivalent to a shaved head. With these words the apostle emphasized the shamefulness of clothing modern women who show their body. A man has the right to go to church with his head open.

By the way, in ancient culture the head was covered as a sign of modesty. Hair at that time was considered the most striking attribute of female attractiveness and beauty. Family women They were not able to walk around with their hair down, and were required to wear a headdress such as a scarf. The headscarf was an indicator that the woman was busy and belonged to her husband. Covering the head with a scarf is closely related to another point. In ancient times, soothsayers and priestesses, falling into frenzy, let down their hair.

Thus, they showed their mystical ecstasy, symbolizing absolute detachment from public opinion. However, the Apostle does not connect this fact with the requirement to attend church in a headscarf. He determines this necessity by the fact that communication with God must be orderly and pure. Women's clothing must be in certain agreement with Christian teaching.

The doctrine interprets that a woman should not emphasize her figure and decorate her clothes. If all the rest of your clothing looks indecent, then a scarf on your head has no meaning. On the contrary, the scarf in this case emphasizes the woman’s shamelessness even more and causes temptation among other people. The Apostle Paul confirms his view of women as subordinate to the demands of their husbands and to God.

Nowadays, clothing carries a completely different meaning. Women dress in fashion that is not based on Christian teachings. Women look up to each other, showing off the new items they have acquired. According to Christian teaching, you should not be ashamed of modest attire and pay attention to appearance others, worrying that people will misunderstand and have a bad opinion.

The apostle said that the clothing of a believer should not be provocative, but look modest, discreet and not the subject of attracting general attention. If you maintain all the customs proposed by the church, then it will be much easier for a person to tune in to prayer and remain alone with himself and God.

If a person attends church, it means he believes and therefore he must adhere to certain requirements, non-compliance with which is considered shameful. Therefore, based on the above, believers consider it inappropriate to go to church without wearing a headscarf.