Translation of the anthem of the United States of America. US national anthem - text, translation, listen online

On June 18/July 2, 1917, the Military Circle of the Don Army elected A.M. Kaledin as Ataman of the Don Army. Under him there was a military government and a Small Circle. On January 29 (February 11), 1918, A.M. Kaledin resigned as chieftain and shot himself.

The military government of the Don Army State was formed on June 18, 1917 by the 1st Great Military Circle of the Don Army. Since August 1917, A.P. Bogaevsky was the chairman of the government.

On January 5, 1918, the government was renamed the “United Government of the Don Army.” The government was led by A.P. Bogaevsky.

On January 30/February 12, 1918, Major General A.M. Nazarov was elected ataman of the Don Army, he dissolved the united government.

On March 23, 1918, the Don Army was proclaimed on the territory of the region Don Soviet Republic(Chairman of the Council People's Commissars F. G. Podtelkov). On April 9-14, 1918, the First Congress of Soviets of Workers and Cossack Deputies of the Don Soviet Republic took place in Rostov-on-Don. The republic ceased to exist after the capture of Rostov-on-Don by the German army on May 8, 1918. The Republic used red flags.

On April 1/April 14, 1918, the Provisional Government and the Don Defense Council were created in Novocherkassk. Captain G.P. Yanov was elected Chairman of the Defense Council. On April 21, 1918, the Defense Council was renamed the Provisional Don Government.

On May 10, the Cossacks established control over Novocherkassk, and on April 28/May 11, 1918, the “Circle for the Rescue of the Don” gathered in Novocherkassk, the chairman of the circle was Captain G.P. Yanov. The circle that formed the new Provisional Don Government. On May 3/16, 1918, the Circle transferred full power to the new military ataman, Lieutenant General P.N. Krasnov. The Don Rescue Circle adopted the name of the new state "The Great Don Army", modeled on the names of the Don Cossacks in the royal messages of the 17th century. It was decided to create a new government - the Council of Managers of the departments of the All-Great Don Army (the first meeting of the Council took place on May 7, 1918). The council was headed by A.P. Bogaevsky. On May 4/17, 1918, the Circle adopted a draft Fundamental Laws that confirmed the independence of the Don Republic. A separate chapter of the Basic Laws was devoted to the symbolism of the Don:

About the Don flag, coat of arms and anthem.
48. Three nationalities have lived on the Don land since ancient times and constitute the indigenous citizens of the Don region - Don Cossacks, Kalmyks and Russian peasants. Their national colors were: among the Don Cossacks - blue, cornflower blue, among the Kalmyks - yellow and among the Russians - scarlet. The Don flag consists of three longitudinal stripes of equal width: blue, yellow and scarlet.
49. The ancient seal and coat of arms of the Don Army are being restored, depicting a naked Cossack in a hat, with a saber, a gun and ammunition, sitting astride a barrel. Use this seal and coat of arms in all necessary cases.
50. The national anthem of the All-Great Don Army is declared to be “The Orthodox Quiet Don is stirred up, agitated,” which must be performed in all cases provided for by law.”

In his memoirs “The All-Great Don Army,” Ataman Krasnov, when asked whether he could change anything in the Basic Laws, answered, not without humor:

"I can. Articles 48, 49 and 50. About the flag, coat of arms and anthem. You can offer me a flag other than the red one, any coat of arms except the Jewish five-pointed star or other Masonic sign, and any anthem except the Internationale."

The flag was used in the army and was also flown over buildings. In P. Krasnov’s memoirs it was reported that “a blue-yellow-red flag was flying over the ataman’s palace, and Novocherkassk residents went to admire it.” Actually, the idea of ​​creating the Don flag is also attributed to Ataman Krasnov. Here is a drawing of the military flag of that time.

Source of the picture -

M. Sholokhov in " Quiet Don"mentioned the blue-red-yellow flag of the All-Great Don Army from the time of Ataman Krasnov:

“They accepted it with joy. Everything, even the unsuccessfully altered flag, resembled the previous one: blue, red and yellow longitudinal stripes (Cossacks, nonresidents, Kalmyks), and only the government coat of arms, to please the Cossack spirit, underwent a radical change: instead of the predatory double-headed eagle, outstretched wings and spreading his claws, a naked Cossack was depicted in a fur hat, with a saber, a gun and ammunition, sitting astride a wine barrel (chapter 1 part 6 book 3, volume 2 see).

On August 15/September 20, 1918, the Great Military Circle was convened, and its first meeting took place on August 16. Before the end of the Circle, Ataman Krasnov proposed revising the articles on the flag and coat of arms of the army, returning to the all-Russian white-blue-red flag, but the Circle did not support this proposal.

Probably in the fall of 1918, the seal of the army changed; instead of a naked man, a deer struck by an arrow began to be depicted. The electronic encyclopedia Wikipedia provides a different version of Article 49 of the Basic Laws of the Don:

"Article 49. The ancient seal and coat of arms of the Don army, depicting a deer pierced by an arrow, are being restored."

Maybe, new version The coat of arms was adopted by the Great Military Circle (?) On the Kazarla forum, a fragment of the Basic Laws, already approved by the Great Military Circle of the All-Great Don Army, is given.

Chapter IX. About the Military Coat of Arms, Flag and National Anthem
45. The military coat of arms of the Don Army is in a blue shield, black, stylized steppe ““Elen” (deer) pierced by an arrow” - the old coat of arms of the pre-Petrine Don Cossacks. This coat of arms is depicted on the seal of the Troops in a circle, with the inscription around it: “The All-Great Don Army.”
46. ​​The Don flag, which now exists, consists of three longitudinal stripes of equal width: blue; yellow and scarlet, meaning the national colors of three nationalities living on the Don land since ancient times: Don Cossacks, Kalmyks and Russian peasants.
47. The national anthem of the All-Great Don Army is the hymn “The Orthodox Quiet Don has stirred up, stirred up.”

A wounded deer was also depicted on the award established by the Circle in 1918 - the “St. George Cross with the image of the coat of arms of the Don Army”: in the center of the cross - “a deer pierced by an arrow (ancient Don coat of arms).”

The emblem of a wounded deer dates back to the seal of the army of the 17th-18th centuries, in turn borrowed from the seal of the Bugogard palanka of the Zaporozhye army. There is information about the existence of flags with the image of a wounded deer.

Symbolism different countries represents interesting objects for study. The national emblem, anthem, flag - all these are ways to tell your story to the world. To be able to understand it, you need to know what details to pay attention to and what each symbol or color can mean. First, you can understand the meaning of the combination of red, yellow and green.


This Latin American country's state symbols perfectly match the brightness of nature and national costumes. The flag was officially approved in 1851. Since then it has remained unchanged. The Bolivian flag is red, green, yellow, a traditional tricolor with classic dimensions. It resembles a regular rectangle. Length is to width as twenty-two to fifteen. Three stripes of the same size are arranged like this: red on top, then yellow, and green at the bottom. There may be an image of the coat of arms in the center. Each color has its own meaning. Thus, red symbolizes the blood shed by patriots, yellow - inexhaustible natural resources and Inca culture, and green - the desire for progress and hope for a better future. Interestingly, the previous versions used the same colors. Already in 1825, a cloth with red-green stripes and gold stars was used. Later, in 1826, a tricolor with a different arrangement of colors was adopted.


There are symbols of such flowers in Europe too. photographs or images of which every tourist has seen is distinguished by its rectangular shape, and its sides are related to each other as three to five. The cloth is covered with three equal horizontal stripes - yellow, green and red. It was first used in 1917, when the country gained independence. When choosing symbols, it was decided to find something traditionally folk, so the colors of Lithuanian fabrics were taken as a basis. Artist Antanas Zmuidzinavicius created a combination that resembled the modern flag of Lithuania. The photograph seemed too pessimistic to the delegates of the state conference, so it was decided to choose the tricolor. It is still used today - only the aspect ratio has changed, which used to be two to three. The official explanation of the colors is that yellow is associated with the sun, prosperity and light, green represents freedom, hope, the beauty of nature and the color of grass, and red represents the blood of patriots and their courage. Lithuanians love their national flag. By popular opinion, yellow is also associated with the color of honey, girls' hair, gold and fresh wood. There is even a legend describing the flag. According to it, green grain grows from red soil, then turns into a yellow ear.


When listing national flags with such bright colors, it is definitely worth mentioning this country. The cloth was first used in February 1974, when the state became independent from Britain. The colors that the flag contains (red, green, yellow) are arranged on the standard with length and width ratio to each other as five to three. The cloth is noticeably different from traditional options with stripes. Along the entire perimeter there is a red border with three five-pointed gold stars. The center is divided into four triangles, the sides are green, and the top and bottom are yellow. In the very center there is a round red disk with a star. The border symbolizes unity, the green triangles represent local fields, and the yellow triangles sunlight. The number of stars is associated with the provinces of Grenada.


When studying state flags, we must not forget about African symbolism. The fabrics of this continent are distinguished by their originality and brightness. This is also true for Cameroon, which acquired its modern flag in May 1975. yellow - these are the colors used for the panel rectangular shape, the length of which is to the width as three to two. The field is divided into three vertical parts. The shaft has a green stripe, a red stripe in the center, and a gold stripe at the edge. In the center is the vertical arrangement of stripes indicating the country's past as the metropolis of France. And the choice of shades is related to the traditional colors of the region. Green indicates the rich flora of the country, yellow symbolizes the savannah, and red symbolizes the unity of the regions and the independence of the state.


In addition to Lithuania, there is another country in Europe that uses green, red, and yellow in its symbolism. Whose flag looks like this? This is the cloth of Portugal, a state on the Iberian Peninsula. The flag is a rectangle with an aspect ratio of two to three. It is covered with two vertical stripes, the left one is smaller and green, and the right one is larger and colored red. The line of contact features the coat of arms of Portugal, which looks like a golden sphere with a heraldic shield. There are five silver bezants and seven gold locks on it. This cloth has been used since the Republican Revolution of 1910, when the monarchy was overthrown in the country. A special commission chose new state colors and developed a coat of arms. The banner was first used on December 1, 1910, when the anniversary of Portuguese independence was celebrated.


Another country whose flag is red, green, yellow is located in Africa. Democratic Republic Ethiopia has been using it since 1996. The flag is a rectangular panel with a width half the length. It is covered with equal horizontal stripes. Red is at the bottom, yellow is in the middle, and green is at the top. In the center is the country's coat of arms, a circle blue with a yellow emblem in the form of a five-pointed star and rays. It symbolizes the peace of the peoples of Ethiopia, united in an unbreakable union. Red reminds us of fallen patriots, yellow reminds us of equality, and green reminds us of development.


There is another panel, the colors of which are red, yellow, green. Which flag uses a combination of these colors along with white? For example, the symbol of the Togolese Republic. It was adopted in April 1960 when the country gained sovereignty. In the 1992 constitution, its appearance was officially approved as follows: there are five yellow and green stripes on the cloth. In the upper left corner is on a red background. The creator of the flag is student Paul Ahij. The colors of the banner mean the following: yellow demonstrates national unity and rich natural resources, green - significant agriculture, red, as in many other countries, is associated with the blood shed in war, and white - with wisdom, feeling self-esteem and peace. The star symbolizes purity and life, and the number of stripes indicates the five administrative regions that make up the state.


In most cases, countries use a traditional horizontal tricolor or a banner with stripes covering the flag vertically. The green, yellow, and red colors on the symbol are arranged in a special way. On a traditional rectangular banner with a length to width ratio of three to two, the stripes run diagonally. This symbol was approved in August 1958, when the country gained autonomy from France. Each stripe has a special meaning. Red serves as a tribute to all those who fell in the struggle for the sovereignty of the Republic of the Congo. Yellow is a symbol of the wealth of African lands. And green demonstrates the country's natural resources. The colors, as already mentioned, are arranged diagonally. Upper left side- green, the bottom one is red, and there is a yellow stripe in the center. Initially, the coat of arms with a crossed hoe and hammer on palm branches, with a five-pointed star on top and a ribbon with the motto of the republic below was also applied to the panel. Over time, this symbolism was abandoned, and a modern version came into use, remaining unchanged since December 1991.


The flag of this republic is covered by three vertical stripes of equal width with a green star on the central yellow one. The colors of the cloth have a deep meaning. Green is the personification of the Prophet for Muslims, a symbol of hope for Christians and signifies fertility for animists. The gold stripe serves as a sign of wealth and the desire to improve the cultural level. The red one recalls the sacrifices of the Senegalese nation and the enormous will to develop. The star with five points indicates Senegal's prominence on the five continents of the world. Hers is a symbol of hope and youthful independence of the republic. In combination, the tricolor is the main pan-African version of state symbols. The cloth was officially adopted in August 1960.

State symbols have both popular and not very common shades. There are colors that almost every flag uses - blue, green, white, red. But in every country in the world they are filled with their own meaning. Find out about different options- it’s not just interesting, but also useful for those who want to understand world culture.


Many countries with such shades are located in Europe. For example, the Bulgarian flag - white, red, green are arranged in identical horizontal stripes along the panel. Previously, they were supplemented by the image of the state emblem, but in 1991, after the adoption of the new constitution, it was removed from the standard. In addition, the proportions of the flag changed - the ratio of length to width was two to three, and after the innovations it became three to five. The stripes are arranged in the following order - the top is white, the middle is green, and the bottom is red. The first serves as a symbol of peace and freedom, the second depicts the country's agriculture and forests, and the third talks about the blood shed in the struggle for independence.


There is another European country, whose flag color is red, white, green. This is Hungary. The panel is a rectangle with an aspect ratio of two to three. It is covered with three equal horizontal stripes, the choice of shades for which is based on the coat of arms colors. The Hungarian standard is filled with deep meaning and reflects the history of the country, like many other state flags. White, red, green symbolize the blood of the Hungarian patriots who fell in the War of Independence, the purity and lofty ideals of the Hungarians, and hope for a better future. This version of the panel has been used since 1957. The stripes are arranged as follows - red is on top, white is behind it, and green is below. The same tones became the basis for the state emblem. It depicts a green mountain, white stripes and a red shield.


Latin American standards also use a popular color combination. For example, the Mexican flag. White, red and green are its primary colors. They are located along the panel in three vertical stripes of equal size. On the right is green, and on the left is red, in the center is located white. The Mexican coat of arms is also depicted there. is associated with the purity of the soul, and red, as in many other countries, becomes a symbol of the blood spilled in the battles for independence. Green, on the other hand, evokes hope and represents the fertility of local lands. The image on the coat of arms is associated with the legend of the god Huitzilopochtli, who predicted that the best place would be to find an eagle sitting on the top of a cactus and eating the earth. Where such a bird was found, the Aztecs built the first temple and thus began the history of the Mexican people.


Another famous tricolor flag - red, white, green - belongs to a Mediterranean country, beloved by many tourists from all over the world. Italy uses a cloth with three vertical stripes as a symbol. By official version green represents faith, white represents hope, and red represents love. The Italian symbol is so popular that most people who see it don’t have to think - which country? The flag, white, red, green in which is not supplemented by other images or symbols, has been used since 1789. At that time the standard belonged to the Caesalpine Republic. In 1805 it became a kingdom and a golden Napoleonic eagle was placed on the green stripe, but in 1946 it was again removed from the banner. Exists funny story. Once upon a time in Italy there were various kinds manifestos and battles that required a national symbol. The dressmaker, desperate to find one, simply sewed three different pieces of rag together, creating the famous combination.


One cannot fail to mention the very original flag. White, red, green can be used not only in the form of stripes. The Lebanese standard, with a length to width ratio of two to three, is made of three horizontal lines, red at the edges and white in the center. On the middle one there is a large image of a stylized cedar, made in green. The red color on the cloth symbolizes the blood of the Lebanese shed in wars, the white symbolizes the purity of thoughts and the desire for peace, as well as the snow on the mountains of Lebanon. Finally, cedar is considered an official symbol and indicates Christian history states. The cloth has been used since 1943, when Lebanon gained sovereignty.


There is one more thing eastern state, using the same colors. Which country? The flag, of which white, red, green are the main components, belongs to Sudan. The panel is also complemented by a black tint. The flag is covered with three horizontal stripes of the same size. The top one is red, followed by white, and then on the left is a large green one. Each shade is strongly associated with Arab countries. Red serves as a symbol of struggle, white - peace and national movement early twentieth century, black indicates the name of the state, and green serves as the traditional shade of Islam. Used on at the moment was adopted in May 1970 and has not undergone any changes since then.


Many people mistakenly think that the standard of this Asian state uses the same classic colors, but in fact the Indian flag is a special one. White, red, green take on original forms in it. In addition, the standard is complemented by a blue element - a wheel in the center of the panel, the so-called Dharmachakra, instead of which a spinning wheel was previously depicted. In the Indian version, the red color takes on the national flavor of saffron. White and green are used in classic shades, but there are some subtleties here too. Despite its apparent simplicity, the flag can only be made of a certain type that gained popularity under the Indian leader Gandhi. This is homespun material, the use of which is regulated by the civil code of the state.


Finally, another country using a popular color combination in an original way, this time located in the center of Europe. Belarus is distinguished by a panel with two horizontal stripes, the top red, which is twice as wide as the bottom green. On the side, near the shaft, located vertically white stripe. It depicts a national ornament made in red. The width of the flag is related to its length as one to two, and the strip of the pattern on the side occupies one ninth of the entire flag. The meaning of each shade is as follows. the victorious battle of the Belarusians at Grunwald, as well as the legendary banners of the Red Army, with which numerous Belarusian partisan brigades collaborated. Green serves as a symbol of hope, rebirth and spring, and also points to the stunning local fields and forests. The ornament expresses ancient culture, unity and spiritual wealth of local residents. Belarus is the only country that has retained communist symbols, albeit with minor changes. The standard of the BSSR also contained an image of a sickle, a hammer and a star; in addition, the ornament was white and its background was red. The Belarusian flag has its own holiday, celebrated every second Sunday in May.

August 22 is celebrated State flag Russian Federation, established on the basis of Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 1714 of August 20, 1994. The modern flag of Russia is a three-color panel and is often called the tricolor.

Considering the enormous contribution of Josip Jelacic to the preservation of national heritage and independence, from that moment the countdown of the tricolor begins state symbol, which by its combination of colors symbolizes the unification and integrity of the Croatian people.

When Hitler created a puppet regime in Croatia in 1941, a coat of arms (made up of white and red squares arranged in a checkerboard pattern) was placed on the tricolor. Under the communists, the Croatian tricolor was supplemented with a red star. The crown crowning the modern state coat of arms is composed of shields with the historical coats of arms of Croatia.


The flag of Slovakia is a rectangular panel with an aspect ratio of 2:3, consisting of three equal horizontal stripes - top white, middle blue and bottom red. To the left of center is the coat of arms of Slovakia. Date of adoption of the flag is September 1, 1992.

The original Slovak flag in the Middle Ages consisted of two stripes: red and white, of which there was usually a red one on top.

During the revolution of 1848-1849, the Slovaks rebelled against Hungary and fought against it on the side of Austria. During the uprising, the Slovaks first used a red and white flag without a coat of arms, then a blue stripe was added, borrowed from the Russian and Croatian flags. The Russians were considered protectors of the Slavs, and the Croats a fraternal people within the Kingdom of Hungary.

After the creation of Czechoslovakia in 1920, after much deliberation, a blue triangle was added to the traditional white and red Czech flag, representing Slovakia, whose flag has contained a blue stripe since 1848. Thus, the flag of Czechoslovakia arose, which was later adopted by the modern Czech Republic.

The First Slovak Republic used a white-blue-red flag from 1939 to 1945. After the Velvet Revolution of 1990, the Slovaks reintroduced a similar flag. However, to avoid confusion with the Russian and Slovenian flags, since 1992 the Slovak flag has featured an image of the state coat of arms.

The coat of arms on the flag is slightly offset towards the staff, so that the distances from the coat of arms to the staff, lower and upper edges are equal, and is surrounded by a thin white border, the thickness of which is equal to 1/100 of the length of the flag.