Overview of the gameplay of Samurai Sword. “Bang! " - a new version of everyone's favorite board game "Bang! Rules of the game Bang! Samurai sword

Attention! Game Bang! The samurai sword is already on sale.

The bell fell silent in the distance,
But the scent of evening flowers
Its echo floats.

"Bang! Samurai Sword" is a continuation of the popular game "Bang!", with updated rules. In the new version, players do not drop out of the game until the very end, so no one will be bored. "Bang! Samurai Sword" It will appeal to fans of “Mafia”, “Overboard!” and all connoisseurs of fun conversational games. Thanks to the simple mechanics, the rules will be clear even to those who have never played board games before.

Musashi Plain around.
Not a single cloud will touch
Your traveling hat.

"Bang! Samurai Sword" is played by 3 to 7 people. At the beginning of the game, players are dealt role cards. You can play on the side of the samurai, under the leadership of the Shogun, or become a fearless ninja. Finally, you may get the role of a loner Ronin and then you will play only for yourself.

All roles are not revealed until the end of the game, with the exception of Shogun's role. After role cards are dealt, players are dealt character cards. Each character has a certain ability and its own number of durability points.

All players then receive game cards, which include weapons, additional abilities, and special actions.

Players take turns. A player's turn consists of four phases:

  • Player recovers health
  • The player receives two cards
  • A player can play any number of cards from his hand
  • After this, the player can discard extra cards

During the game, you can attack other players, form alliances, and use special abilities to win. The goal of each team is to be the last one standing or have the maximum number of honor points by the end of the game.

You can download the full rules in Russian at .

Brother Wu gave a detailed review of the game Bang! Samurai sword. Be sure to check out:

Review in English by Tom Vasel:

"Bang! Samurai Sword" has not yet been published in Russia, but thanks to you this wonderful game can appear here too. On this page, everyone can become a participant in the project and support the publication of the game. It needs to be translated, typed and sent to print. To do this, you need to collect 350,000 rubles. The publication will be handled by Hobby World, the parent company of CrowdRepublic and the largest manufacturer of board games in Russia. If the required amount is collected before July 6, then already in early August "Bang! Samurai Sword" will appear on store shelves.

"Bang! Samurai Sword" will go on retail sale at a price of 790 rubles. Project participants on CrowdRepublic will receive boxes with the game at a special price - 670 rubles.

Lark at dawn.
From under the sleeve of armor
The samurai is watching.

All people play some role in their lives. Some pretend to be an honest businessman who gives people joy, while others envy him and put a spoke in his wheels. Therefore, an honest businessman needs a kind defender, who doesn’t care who he protects, as long as the money is paid correctly. In any such relationship story, there is some antagonist who opposes everyone, one who considers himself a fighter for truth and freedom.

Have you thought about your role? Are you a Good Samaritan? Valiant warrior? Noble assassin? Or an innocent victim? But no matter who you are, there will always be someone who will want to stop you from achieving your goal. There are always those who doubt the honesty of your words.

Do not think that the specifics of my blog have changed and now I have moved into moralism and philosophy. I'm just quietly and peacefully playing a new localized game from the company Hobby World . The game is called Bang! Samurai Sword .

“Before you express your opinion to a person, think about whether he is able to accept it”

Board game Bang! Samurai Sword takes us to Medieval Japan, in which a certain shogun is assassinated by ninjas, so he has to use the services of samurai, who are ready to come to the aid of their master at the first call. And on the sidelines there is still a lonely ronin who is pursuing some of his own goals and it does not matter to him who will die from the swing of his sword - a shogun, a samurai or a ninja. No matter who you are in this game, you have to constantly attack and defend!

Bang! Samurai Sword is a card game about bluffing and hidden roles. In addition to cards, the game also includes cardboard honor and fortitude tokens. The game box seems quite large compared to all the components.

“When you make a mistake, you need to correct it immediately. If this is done without delay, it will soon be forgotten."

IN Samurai Sword Each player plays for one of the roles that he gets at the beginning of the game. This could be a shogun, samurai, ninja or ronin. Each role has one common goal - to achieve the most victory points as a team. Shogun plays on the same team with samurai. Ninja with ninja. And the ronin plays on his own - he is alone on the team.

Do you know what the main problem is in teams (except ronin)? Nobody knows other people's roles! All roles are given out privately before the game, they cannot be shown to anyone, but you can deceive other players by saying that you are a samurai or a ninja, although in fact you are playing a different role. There is only one role that is played openly - that of the shogun. All players know who is playing as the shogun, but the shogun does not know his samurai, the ninjas do not know each other, and the ronin can pretend to be anyone.

Victory is achieved by accumulating victory points, which are represented in the game as honor tokens. At the beginning of the game, the shogun has 5 honor tokens, the rest of the players have 3 or 4 (depending on the number of players). The game ends then, then any player runs out of honor tokens. The more honor tokens you save, the greater your chances of winning, so they must be protected at all costs.

After the roles are dealt, each player receives a character card, which has health, expressed by fortitude tokens (their number varies from 4 to 5), and a special game property. When a player suffers damage that causes him to lose his last fortitude token, the defeated player must give 1 honor token to the one who defeated him. This is how honor tokens are won and lost. But let me remind you that as soon as someone loses the last honor token, the game ends.

The entire gameplay takes place through the drawing of cards, which players receive at the beginning of the game and then collect as it progresses. Let me tell you about the order of the move in general.

The course is divided into 4 phases:

  1. Restoring stamina. If at the beginning of a player's turn there are no fortitude tokens, he gains them to the original value.
  2. Set of 2 cards.
  3. Playing cards from hand.
  4. Discarding extra cards(no more than 7 cards should remain in your hand).

Of all four acts, the third is the most interesting. By playing cards, we attack, strengthen our defense, or play actions that force other players to do something beneficial to you. There is no limit on the draw.

Cards abilities- blue color - have a long-lasting effect and lie in front of the player until someone removes them by playing a certain action. These cards can allow you to play more weapon cards per turn, deal 1 more damage in an attack, and allow the player to become more difficult for others to attack.

Cards actions- yellow color - have an immediate effect, after which they go to the dump. Such cards can cause other players to take one wound if they do not discard a defense or weapon card, for example. You can also use these cards to take cards from other players and force them to discard cards from their hand or those already laid out on the table.

Cards weapons- red color - used to attack other players. These cards have one important feature - you can play no more than one such card per turn! The only thing is that only with the help of the Cold Blooded card can you play 2 weapon cards.

The weapon cards depict the classic melee and firearms used in Japan - katana, bokken, nagayari, naginata, nodachi, etc. But you won’t be able to attack any opponent with just any weapon. IN Samurai Sword there is a concept difficulty of attack. The number with arrows on the weapon card shows the maximum difficulty of attack with this weapon. The number “1” means that these weapons can only attack neighbors on the right and left. With weapons with two, you can attack players next to your neighbors, etc. Those. The higher this number, the further away the player from you can be attacked.

Below the difficulty of the attack is the damage number - this is the number of durability tokens the attacked player will lose if he cannot defend against the attack. You can defend yourself very simply - just show and discard a defense card from your hand. A card with a protection symbol allows you to repel any attack.

After a successful or unsuccessful attack, the weapon card is discarded.

If a player loses all Fortitude tokens during the game, he is considered bloodless, and can no longer be attacked or targeted when playing some action cards. Roughly speaking, the player turns into a ghost until he gets his turn and regains his stamina.

When the game ends, players reveal their role cards and score by adding up their honor tokens. A special table, which can be found in the rules or on hint cards, gives the odds for each role for a certain number of players. For example, if you play with five players, then the samurai has a coefficient of 1, and if with six players, then the samurai’s points are multiplied by 2. Next, the teams (shogun + samurai, ninja + ninja) add up their points, after which the team with the most VP wins the game.

“I don’t know how to defeat others; I know how to conquer myself"

Talking about the game Bang! Samurai Sword (MS), we can’t help but mention the original game Bang! . MS is like an improved version Bang! . I don't have very good memories of the original game. a few years ago I persuaded the well-known tabletop developer Sputnik to buy a set Bang! in the form of a bullet, in which, in addition to the base, there were also additions. We played several times, immediately adding some kind of addition to the game. We argued a lot about the correctness of certain actions, which did not have a very good effect on the atmosphere, but what upset me the most was the elimination of players. You could easily get eliminated at the very beginning of the game and the further course of events would no longer interest you at all. I don’t really like games with elimination, so the feeling from the game was not the most rosy.

I can’t completely compare both games, because Bang! I played a little and I practically don’t remember the names of the cards and their actions. But I can say with absolute certainty that some cards from Bang! migrated to MS. For example, Dynamite turned into Bushido.

In principle, the gameplay also remained the same - roles, division into teams, attacks on opponents with weapons have not gone away. But the setting has changed - the game moved from the Wild West to the islands of Japan. And, accordingly, the change in setting affected the names of the weapons and the names of the cards (geisha, bushido, jujutsu, daimyo).

But the most important difference between MS and Bang! is that players no longer drop out of the game, but play until the very end. This is a great innovation that definitely makes the new game significantly better than the original. Theoretically, as I understand it, you can modify the original one Bang! and play it without elimination, but to do this you need to enter your home rule.

But let me tell you specifically about my impressions of MS.

As you probably already know, I love games with secret roles and that’s why MC was initially interesting to me for that very reason. There are only 4 roles, and the ronin appears in the game only if you play with 5 players. In games with fewer players, only Shogun, Samurai and Ninja play. Despite the meager selection of roles, the character cards bring good variety to the game. There are only 12 of them and before the game each player receives one such card. All roles are unique and interesting in their own way. Firstly, they differ in health, and secondly, all their properties are interesting and they force the player to adhere to a certain play style. For example, Musashi inflicts one more wound in an attack, Tomoe draws one card from the deck with a successful attack, and Hanzo can defend himself by discarding a weapon card from his hand. Having played with one character, it becomes interesting to play with other characters.

For the most part, MC is a game about bluffing. The only role that everyone knows is shogun. The samurai knows his shogun, tries to help him, but the shogun may decide that the ronin is helping him, not the samurai, and the ronin is not playing on his team. Also, a ronin can pretend to be a ninja, thereby causing panic in the ranks of those who play as ninjas. The rules do not prohibit communicating with each other, swearing that you are a real samurai and are ready to help your shogun. Naturally, no one forbids lying and cheating, earning precious tokens of honor by deception.

After several games, when the players already have experience in this game, each new game will be accompanied by an incredible intensity of passions due to the weaving intrigues between the players. Good players mix things up so cleverly that until the very end of the game the players may not understand who is who.

I really liked the game because players can often play completely illogically, but in the end you understand that there was logic in their actions. For example, sometimes it is advantageous to attack a player on your team in order to keep an honor token on the team. Can you imagine what a player thinks when he is attacked by another player who seems to be playing on his team? Of course he thinks he was deceived. Then try and prove that this was what had to be done in order to keep the token on the team. The second great moment of the game is that a killed player always returns to the game, unharmed, only he will have a little less honor than he had. The player will always have the opportunity to take revenge or prove that they killed the wrong person.

I really liked the ratio of action cards in the game. In this basic version, it is not overloaded with mechanics. In one game, most likely, you will have played all types of cards, and maybe someone will think that there could be more of them. But I think there are just the right amount of them and you're less likely to get confused, which is a plus for me. Of course, after a dozen games played, you may want some new roles, characters or actions, then it will make sense to turn your attention to the additions that we may see in the future in Russian.

Regarding the number of players, I can say that in my opinion the game starts to bring in fun from 5 players, i.e. when the ronin comes into play. I really like this role for its chaotic behavior pattern. Ronin needs to score the most points alone, so it doesn't matter who he attacks, it is important that other players do not suspect that he is a Ronin, otherwise he will be subject to a barrage of attacks from all players. In MS you can play with three or four players, but in this case, it seems to me, the game loses the shine of the bluff mechanics and is more based on winning cards, i.e. there is more bias towards the combat part. For example, in a three-player game, one player plays as the shogun, while the other two players act as ninjas. Therefore, the game simply turns into a straightforward brawl.

About the art I want to say that despite the fact that I’m not a fan of the Western theme, it’s original Bang! It seems to me more stylish and prettier in the pictures compared to MS. IN Bang! everything is stylized like the Wild West, even the font. But the art in MS is more reminiscent of a carelessly hastily drawn comic book. And if the picture on the box is quite nice, then the rest of the illustrations are far from amateurish. So the art in MS for less is more of a minus than a plus. I’m not suggesting, of course, to compare the art of the MC and the Legend of the Five Rings, but I still believe that it could have been drawn better. And it’s better to choose a different font.

I didn’t notice any catastrophic disadvantages in the game. I played more than 5 games and all of them went quite smoothly and pleasantly. It seems that there are characters in the game that are a little weaker than others, but playing as them is like taking on a challenge, trying to prove that strength is in the mind, not in stats.

“Giving people your opinions and correcting their mistakes is very important.”

Board game Bang! Samurai Sword It turned out to be higher than my expectations, which is good news. This is an enjoyable game for a large group and it is best if there are at least 5 players at the table. Samurai Sword - this is a modified version of the game Bang! , the main difference of which is that in MS players do not drop out of the game. Otherwise, these games are quite similar. I'm not sure who owns the original Bang! worth buying MS. Perhaps already for Bang! You can find a non-elimination option online. And if you choose what you better take - B! or MC, then choose what is closer to you on the topic, because both games are equally fun, emotional and enjoyable in gameplay.

For me personally Samurai Sword one point higher Bang! , because I love the Japanese theme, there is no elimination of players and I feel more comfortable playing this game. I recommend the game to those who love good games about secret roles!

Board game Bang! Samurai Sword provided for review by company

What sakura is among flowers, a samurai is among people (Japanese proverb).

In the Land of the Rising Sun, loyal samurai defend the shogun, their master and leader, skilled ninjas strive to destroy the empire, resorting to any, sometimes unworthy, methods, and only the shine of the sword reveals a lonely ronin, who is preparing for a new battle in the hope of revenge.

A samurai without a sword is like a cowboy without a revolver.

“Bang! Samurai Sword is a new game based on the tabletop spaghetti western Bang! Noble Kojiro and Nobunaga will replace Butch Cassidy and Elusive Joe, katanas and shuriken will take the place of Gatling and Volcano, and fatal geishas will invite you to a tea ceremony, persistently distracting you from observing the sacred code of Bushido. The main innovation: now in “Bang!” you cannot die, and all participants remain in the game until the end of the game. After all, the life of a samurai is nothing until honor is lost!

Attention! This is a standalone game. Basic "Bang!" not required.

Board game ! Samurai Sword allows you to transport participants to the expanses of Medieval Japan, where the shogun is being assassinated by ninjas and the help of samurai is required. Also, the ronin stands aside, and it does not matter to him who dies from his sword. Regardless of the role in the game, it is imperative to defend and attack. This kind of entertainment will definitely appeal to fans of “ Overboard!" and "", "" and " Tichu».

Difficulty level: Average

Number of players: 3-8 (suitable for two)

Develops skills: Quick wit, Speed ​​of thinking

Bang something familiar

Unlike the original « ! In the Sword of the Samurai version, instead of playing the roles of the wild west, players are transformed into martial artists with unique skills.

About the original Bang!

The box contains a brochure with the rules, 7 playing fields, a number of tokens and a huge deck of cards. In the very first step, everyone takes one card face down, and only the sheriff immediately reveals his role. Next, each character receives a random character card, takes the number of bullets indicated on the card, and places them on his own game board. But the sheriff gets one more token. Similar to the number of tokens, the participant takes that number of cards, and the game can begin. In addition to the main cards with roles, there are also about 80 cards with various properties, which are spelled out in detail in the rules.

Cards are divided into two types:

  • having a brown frame. They have an immediate effect, that is, they go away immediately after use. These are either attacks, or a return to life, processes of discarding or drawing cards.
  • having a blue frame are kept by the players. These are new weapons, sights, and putting the player behind bars.

To win the party, the sheriff and his associates need to remove the bandits and the renegade from the party. The criminals, in turn, must finish off the sheriff, and the renegade must remain with the bandit and defeat him in a duel.
It should be remembered that regardless of the modification of the game, it will be necessary to recognize bluffs and use deductive methods in order to figure out the roles of the characters.

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The main difference between “Sword of the Samurai” and the original version is that the hero is not killed, but bled to death. As a result, the character ends up in the hospital and does not participate in battles until the start of the next turn, but can carefully observe the game.
Each participant has honor points. The player only dies when he loses all these points.
Before starting a turn, the character checks his health, and if it is zero, then it is restored to the initial number of lives.

A fun game for a group of warriors

Modification « ! Samurai Sword" will be an ideal addition to friendly meetings, quiet evenings and large companies. During all games, an atmosphere of excitement and tension reigns, which completely envelops and brings the players together. A game can only bring friends closer and understand how they behave in a given situation. The seriousness and simplicity of the rules of “Sword of the Samurai” will allow you to have a fun time.


Version composition «

  • 7 role cards, of which 1 shogun, 2 samurai, 3 ninja and 1 ronin;
  • 12 character cards;
  • 90 different cards: 32 - weapons, 15 - abilities, 43 - actions;
  • 36 fortitude tokens, 30 honor tokens;
  • 2 scoring cards;
  • rules;

The role cards are shuffled and dealt back to the participants. The Shogun, like the Sheriff, immediately reveals himself to other players. The rest keep the names of their roles with the main side down.
Character cards are dealt to the players with the open side, reading the name and properties of the received role out loud. Afterwards, you need to take the specified number of fortitude tokens and place them on the card.
The Shogun gets 5 honor tokens, while others get 4.
Cards are dealt clockwise to all players.
After all the preparatory components have been laid out, the participants proceed to the beginning of the game. It should be remembered that the tenacity tokens show how many wounds are needed to defeat him.
A character who is bleeding is one who has no Fortitude tokens or cards left in his hand. Bleeding in the version « » implies the following:

  • You cannot use a weapon card against a participant;
  • the player is not affected by cards " Battle cry" And " Jujutsu»;
  • the participant is not taken into account when determining the sophistication of the attacks;
  • the character remains in the game.

The first move is for the shogun: he takes 2 cards and plays with any number in his hands. Then he discards the extra cards and opens the turn to the next participant in a clockwise direction. Then the following characters do the same. It is assumed that the characters are located at a unit distance from each other. The damage radius is indicated in the same place as the name of the weapon. However, it is possible to carry out the action at a shorter distance towards any player.
A character susceptible to attack can respond with a yellow card, and there are those who block the attack altogether. Also, do not forget about the help of cards with a blue frame.
When attacking, you can take the life of a character, but he does not die, but loses his “star”. However, as soon as the player loses all the stars, the participant leaves the game, and the rest count the victory points: the samurai together with the shogun, and the ninja and ronin separately.

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It's no secret that the rules of "" and modifications « ! similar. The role itself chooses the participant. However, instead of mafias, yakuzas, commissars and doctors, fair rulers are samurai, the strongest fighters are shoguns and other interesting characters. And the main rule that unites these games is that you must defeat your opponents!

This is Japan baby

In this version of the game you can't do without battle. For example, if you attack opposite the person sitting " naginata", he is able to deflect your blow. And if you throw a trick at the next player, he will deprive you of three points on the next turn. If you take away all the fortitude points from a character by organizing a Tea Ceremony with a neighbor, he will lose an honor point, but will not die. And the death of a character and the end of the game occurs only when all honor points are lost.

"A samurai without a sword is like a cowboy without a revolver"

Modification « ! Samurai Sword” will easily transport participants to the classic Spaghetti Western. Popular Butch Cassidy And Elusive Joe will be replaced Sasaki Kojiro, Also Oda Nobunaga, instead of the “Gatling” and “volcanic”, “katanas” will come, and beautiful geishas will organize a tea ceremony!

Where did the ninja hide?

In order for the ninja team to win in a Japanese-themed version of "Bang!" you will have to fight over the ronin, samurai and the rest, after all, you need to figure out the rest of the ninja players. Therefore, you will need attentiveness, bluffing and intuition. In this regard, the samurai and the shogun benefit greatly from joint complicity.

Where is your katana, brave ronin?

The most interesting thing is the intrigue, because no one knows the roles of the neighboring participants. Ronin will definitely have the hardest time to win since he always plays alone.

Purpose of the game

First, you should know that the participants are divided into 3 secret teams:

  1. Samurai and shoguns (the number of samurai depends on the number of participants).
  2. Ninja (2.3 depending on the number of players playing “Bang!”).
  3. Ronin introduces himself.

The goal for a team to win is to collect more victory points together or do everything to ensure that a player from your team survives.

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Let's sum it up

This new modification is designed primarily for fans of the original version, but will also appeal to those who have never dealt with board games; the rules are quite simple and understandable. It actually changed, rather than just adding cards, but the meaning of the original remained the same.

Approximate cost: 790 rubles.

The game package includes: 7 role cards - 1 shogun, 2 samurai, 3 ninja, 1 ronin; 12 character cards; 90 game cards; 36 Fortitude Tokens and 30 Honor Tokens; rules of the game and two cards for counting points.

Rules of the board game “Bang! Samurai Sword:

In this version of the game, each player has lives and so-called honor points. The player dies only if he loses all honor points. When a shot is fired, a life is taken away; if all lives run out, then 1 honor point is taken from the player and he misses a turn. The next time, he again gains the maximum number of lives and plays. If a player takes the last life from another player, then the loser's honor point goes to him.

At the beginning of the game, players are dealt role cards. Shogun reveals himself immediately, the others do not reveal themselves until the end of the game. The lone Renegade is replaced here by Ronin, the bandits are replaced by ninjas, the samurai protect the Shogun with all their might. After the role cards are dealt, character cards are dealt out, each with individual characteristics and stamina points. They deal 4 cards to each player, put something on the table in front of them - weapons, protection. Something is left in the hand. A deck is formed from the remaining cards and placed in the center of the table. The game begins. The player makes a move.

  • Restores health (if damage was done in previous games and if there is a corresponding card in hand);
  • Takes 2 cards from the deck;
  • Makes a move: shoots, uses special cards. Any quantity, but can shoot once if there is no special card;
  • Can discard unnecessary cards.

If the deck runs out, the cards are shuffled and the deck is formed again, but one stamina point is taken away from all players.

Purpose of the game:

You need to be the last one alive or get the maximum number of honor points by the end of the game.

I only managed to play this game once. There were four of us playing without samurai. I was a bandit and I was the first to run out of stamina points. But the other bandit was more important than me (the leader’s durability points are doubled when counting) and in the end, he managed to score more points than Shogun and Ronin. Despite the fact that I dropped out, we still won.

Let's summarize:

Of course, this game is aimed primarily at an army of fans, but thanks to the simple mechanics, the rules will be clear even to those who have never played board games before. The nice thing is that the game has changed a little, that it is not just additional cards with pictures. That a slightly different meaning appeared. And yet, the creators managed to preserve the “Bang” style. My conclusion: this game is for those who love “Bang!” If you have already played all the add-ons and have been waiting for a long time for the new game to appear. For fans of the games "Mafia" or "The Thing". For sushi and geisha lovers. If all this is about you, then quickly look “Bang! Samurai Sword on the shelves of your city.

If you liked the game, you can order it using the link:


  • Mastering the game - 70 POINTS
  • Game mechanics - 60 POINTS
  • Plot and atmosphere - 50 POINTS
  • Ease of play - 70 POINTS
  • Quality and design - 75 POINTS
  • The resulting fun is 80 POINTS

TOTAL (for an ordinary person) - 68 POINTS

  • Mastering the game - 95 POINTS
  • Game mechanics - 60 POINTS
  • Plot and atmosphere - 50 POINTS
  • Ease of play - 70 POINTS
  • Quality and design - 75 POINTS
  • The resulting fun is 86 POINTS

TOTAL (for geek) - 73 POINTS