How did modern chronology arise? The history of the introduction of chronology from the birth of Christ in Rus'.

Why did people who lived 2015 years ago suddenly decide to call their year the first year of “AD”? How did they number the years before that?


The calendar we are used to, according to which today (when this answer is written) is February 28, 2015 (after the Nativity of Christ or AD), is not the only and generally accepted one throughout the world (although it is the most used). So, according to the Islamic calendar, today is the 9th of Jumada al-ul, 1436 (counted from the date of the migration of the Prophet Muhammad and the first Muslims from Mecca to Medina), according to the Jewish calendar, today is the 9th of Adar, 5775 (counted from the first new moon after the creation of the world by God), and According to the Buddhist calendar, today is the 10th day of the 4th month 2558 lunar year(continued from the year of Buddha Gautama's passing into nirvana).

All calendars in use, including ours, called Gregorian, have a religious basis. In the history of mankind, there have been attempts to create a completely non-religious calendar (but not a non-ideological one!). For example, after the Great French Revolution they came up with new calendar, according to which it began new era from the day of the proclamation of the republic in France - September 22, 1792, new names for the months were invented; but the calendar lasted only a few years (and then a few months during Paris Commune- from March 18 to May 28, 1871). In Soviet times, it was proposed to start a new calendar from the moment of the victory of the Great October Socialist Revolution, but this proposal was not implemented (although in detachable calendars until 1991 it was written: “such and such a year of the socialist revolution”).

In the fantastic story "Guest from the Abyss" by G. Martynov, the action takes place in the 19th century after the Great October Revolution.

But let's return to today's Gregorian calendar. As already said, it starts from the Nativity of Christ. But this does not mean that this calendar actually began to be used 2015 years ago, as soon as Jesus Christ was born. At the time of the birth of Christianity in different parts The years were counted from everything in the world: from the founding of Rome, from the destruction of Rome, from the creation of the world, from the birth of Adam... and knowledge exact date The birth of Christ, in fact, was not of much interest to Christians for a full 500 years after the rise of Christianity. But the calculation of paschals (calendar dates for the celebration of Easter) prompted Abbot Dionysius to establish the year of Christ’s birth, based on very vague data from the gospels. This turned out to be the 753rd year from the founding of Rome. And the date of birth, according to the previously established tradition of celebrating Christmas, which emerged from pagan traditions, was December 25th. Thus, it turned out that the current year for Dionysius himself became the 525th year after the Nativity of Christ. For a long time, this chronology was used very narrowly only for calculating Easter and people continued to use the old calendars. It was only in 742 that the date recorded as “the year from the birth of Christ” first appeared in an official document, and the calendar “from the birth of Christ” became widespread in Europe only at the end of the 8th century.

In Rus', the chronology “from the Nativity of Christ” appeared at the “initiation” of Peter I, who ordered January 1, 7208 “from the creation of the world” to count January 1, 1700 “from the birth of the Lord God and our Savior Jesus Christ.”

So in no archive in the world will you find an original document dated, for example, the 35th year “from the Nativity of Christ” (“from R.H.”, Anno Domini, “A.D.”, “AD”).

The modern Christian calendar began in the Early Middle Ages. Until the first half of the 6th century, the era of Diocletian was widely used. The years were counted from 284, when he was proclaimed Roman Emperor. Despite the fact that Diocletian was one of the organizers of the persecution of Christians, this chronology system was also used by the clergy to calculate the dates of Easter celebrations. It was later called the “era of martyrs” and is still used by Monophysites in North Africa.

In 525, the Roman abbot Dionysius the Lesser, who, on behalf of Pope John I, compiled Easter tables, decided to abandon the chronology system based on the start date of the reign of the persecutor of Christians. He proposed a chronology from the Nativity of Christ. Dionysius, based on the Gospel of Luke, assumed that Jesus was about 30 years old at the time he began preaching. His crucifixion took place on the eve of the Jewish Passover under Emperor Tiberius. Using the already existing method of calculating Easter, the abbot calculated that the Resurrection of Christ falls on March 25, 31 years from his birth.

Many researchers believe that Dionysius the Small made a mistake in his calculations. Thus, the date of Christ’s birth turned out to be shifted forward by several years. This opinion was shared by the top officials of the Catholic Church. In the summer of 1996, in one of his messages, Pope John Paul II confirmed that historical date The birth of Christ is unknown and in reality he was born 5 - 7 years earlier than our era. Benedict XVI also considered Christian chronology to be based on incorrect calculations. In 2009, in the first part of the book “Jesus of Nazareth,” he wrote that Dionysius the Lesser “was wrong in his calculations by several years.” The birth of Christ, according to the pope, occurred 3 to 4 years earlier than the established date.

The chronology system developed by Dionysius the Small began to be used two centuries after its creation. In 726, the English Benedictine monk Bede the Venerable in his work “De sex aetatibus mundi” (On the six ages of the world) first used chronology from the Nativity of Christ to describe historical events. Soon the new chronology spread widely in Europe.

Already in 742, dating from the Nativity of Christ first appeared in an official document - one of the capitularies of the Frankish mayor of Carloman. This was probably his independent initiative, not related to the works of the Venerable Bede. During the reign of Emperor Charlemagne, the official documents of the Frankish court widely used the counting of years “from the incarnation of our Lord.” In the 9th – 10th centuries, the new chronology became firmly established in European royal decrees and historical chronicles, and the Christian era began to be used in acts of the papal office.

But in some states there is still for a long time other chronological systems were preserved. The countries of the Iberian Peninsula used the Spanish era. The years were counted in it from January 1, 38 BC. BC, when the region became part of the “Roman Peace” (Pax Romana). Most of the Iberian states gradually abandoned the Spanish era in the 12th century. XIV centuries. It lasted the longest in Portugal. Only in August 1422 did King João I introduce Christian chronology in the country. In Russia, until the end of the 17th century, the Byzantine countdown of time from the creation of the world was used. On new chronology the state passed after the decree of Peter I of December 20, 1699. Greece was the last European region to embrace the Christian era. The new chronology was established in the country in 1821 after the start of the war for independence from Ottoman Empire.

The Tridensky Cathedral in the 16th century introduced a new chronology, and the first (if not the only) monument to the new millennium was the bell tower of Ivan the Great in 1600, built by the most authoritative monarch of that time in Europe - Tsar Boris


You clearly messed something up. The Romans counted down from the legendary foundation of Rome (753 BC), Most other civilizations from the creation of the world, only their starting point was different; the Jews dated it to 3761 BC. e., Alexandrian chronology considered this date to be May 25, 5493 BC. BC The Byzantine calendar considered the starting point to be September 1, 5509 BC. e., it was actually adopted as a basis by Emperor Vasily II in 988. Yes, the year began to start on September 1 in Byzantium around 462, but this was officially recognized in 537. Otherwise, the calendar, with the exception of the names of the months, coincided with the Julian calendar (adopted under Julius Caesar). The Byzantine calendar lasted until the fall of the empire in 1453. The Gregorian calendar, which replaced it, was introduced under Pope Gregory XIII on October 15, 1582.


Oksana, I don’t deny the Romans’ use of Ab Urbe condita chronology. But it is a fact that the era of Diocletian was used for a long time by the inhabitants of the empire and was used even for some time after its fall. If you don't believe me, more details here

I did not set myself the task of talking about all the existing chronology systems, since the question was a little different. It concerned only the beginning of dating from the Nativity of Christ. And Dionysius the Less calculated this time focusing specifically on the era of Diocletian, and not on the founding of Rome or any other system.

All other calendars were well covered in this question.



Not right away. The chronology from the Nativity of Christ, and with it the concept of “our era,” appeared about one and a half thousand years ago, when Pope John I instructed the learned monk of Scythian origin Dionysius the Less to compile tables for calculating the day of Easter. In the early Middle Ages in Europe, years were counted from the beginning of the reign of the Roman emperor Diocletian (284 AD). Instead of the date of the accession of this pagan and persecutor of Christians, Dionysius the Small took the estimated year of birth of Jesus Christ as his starting point. He calculated it based on the text of the New Testament. (Today it is believed that the monk was wrong by four years, and our 2017 should be 2013.) In the 8th century, new dating became widespread thanks to the Anglo-Saxon chronicler Bede the Venerable, who relied on Dionysius’ system in his work “On the Six Ages of the World.” From the same Bede came the custom of dating events that occurred before the Nativity of Christ (“BC”), counting backwards. Gradually, all of Europe began to measure time from the birth of Christ. Russia switched to a new account of “the best for the sake of agreement with European peoples in contracts and treaties” in 1699 by decree of Peter I.

We need to start with the fact that primitive people imagined time chaotically, i.e. sets of unrelated periods of time, the boundaries of which were natural events (thunderstorms/hurricanes, etc.). IN Ancient world the boundaries of the reign of the kings (Egypt) acted as an era, or the counting was carried out according to EPONIM (Greece, Rome, Assyria) - this official, according to which the years are counted. (For example: “in the year when such and such was the archon..”). Archons - in Greece, Consuls - in Rome, Limmu - in Assyria.
In the ancient world, time was represented cyclically - as a spiral.
The linear era (universal) that is familiar to us appeared with the development of Christianity (so that all Christian communities celebrated holidays at the same time).
In 525 AD the era from the Nativity of Christ appeared. It was proposed by the monk Dionysius the Small. Before this, Easter was calculated based on the era of the martyrs (that is, the era of Diocletian (the cruel persecutor of Christians), the date when he began to rule on August 16, 284). However, Dionysius made a mistake in his calculations - Jesus Christ was born 5-6 years later than the date that Dionysius calculated. Since the 10th century, the Vatican switched to chronology from the Republic of Christ.

In general, the main chronological question of humanity is how to correlate units of time expressed as an integer.
There are several basic units of time:
1. solar day (24 hours)
2. synodal month (approximately 29 days 12 hours 44 minutes 3 seconds - from new moon to new moon)
3. tropical year (365 days 5 hours 48 minutes 46 seconds) the period from the summer solstice to the next similar day.
Based on these units of time, people began to divide time into segments - calendars appeared - solar (ancient Egyptian) and lunar (ancient Babylon, Ancient Greece). It is believed that the first such calendars appeared at the turn of 4-3 thousand BC.

The seven-cyclic calendar is a relic of the Ancient Babylonian calendar, which was considered sacred. In it, every day was under the auspices of a god or goddess, who in turn was associated with certain celestial bodies. This method migrated to Europe, and in 325 a seven-day week was declared to all Christian communities.

24 hours in a day also came to us from the Babylonian calendar, in which the day was divided into 12 parts according to the signs of the zodiac (the night was not divided), such a division came to Ancient Egypt, where the night was divided, thereby doubling the zodiac.

In Ancient Rome, the calendar appeared in the 7th century BC. Initially there were 10 lunar months = 304 days. Numa Pompilius carried out a calendar reform adding 2 lunar months = 355 days. in the 5th century BC the second calendar reform was carried out, a year later they began to add the thirteenth month MARCEDONIUS, which was inserted between February 22 and 23, it was equal to 20 days. This gave us approximately 365 days. However, every 4 years the calendar and astrological New Year diverged by a day. The duration of marcedonia was determined by the priests in Ancient Rome. New Year's Day fell on March 1st.
The months were called:
martos (from Mars),
aprilis (on behalf of the goddess Apra - one of the names of the goddess Aphrodite), mainos (Maya goddess of beauty)
junius (Juno - goddess of fertility)
quintilis (fifth)
sexteles (6)
Yunoarius (Janos - god of secrets)
februarius (February - god of the dead, unlucky month, because even number of days - 28).
There was no concept of a week. They counted according to the CALENDS - the first day of the month.

Julius Caesar stopped all this and during his reign a new calendar was created: JULIAN - 46 AD: New Year was moved to January 1 (when the distribution of positions of authority took place), Marcedonius was abolished, 1 day BISEXTUS began to be inserted into this place once every 4 years (twice a sixth) = leap year. Wed. The length of the year became 365 days 6 hours. Quintilis was renamed Julius (January).
In 365, the Julian calendar became mandatory for all Christians. But it was 11 minutes longer than the tropical year; in 128 years a day had passed, and by the 16th century 10 days had passed.

in 1582 - Gregory XIII Pope convened a commission (the calendar is the prerogative of the church, since time is the place of God), it was decided to count October 5, 1582 as October 15.

The Gregorian calendar is closer to the tropical year (the difference is a few seconds), one day in such a calendar accumulates once every 3200 years.

If we talk about the history of chronology in Russia, then little is known about the Slavic calendar. Initially, time was counted seasonally, i.e. simultaneously with agricultural work, the boundaries did not coincide (for example, spring from March 23 to June 22). Changes came with the advent of Christianity. Since the end of the 10th century, there have been two New Years - March and September. I will not go into details of this, I will just say that throughout Rus' there was no clear chronology. In 1492, the March calendar was abolished. This is due to the fact that from the creation of the world (5508), the year 1492 was considered 7000, in theory the end of the world was supposed to happen, this idea took possession of Christians so much that they did not even calculate the calendar - Paschal (Easter year) after this year.
In Peter's time it was discovered that the calendar did not coincide with the Western one. On December 19, 7208 (1699) from the creation of the world, Peter issued a decree on the transition to the era from Christ.

At the end of the 18th century everything European countries They adopted the Gregorian calendar, while Russia still had the Julian calendar. Throughout the 19th century, there were many disputes about whether Russia should switch to the Gregorian calendar, and on January 24, 1918, a Decree was adopted on Russia’s transition to the Gregorian calendar, after January 31, 1918, not counting February 1, but February 14. Actually what we have now.

If you have finished reading this long post, know that you have become a little smarter and more patient :)

What's behind the words?

The same stuff.

What! Where! How? and why?

Where they were and where they lived.

Lunar calendar in Islam and Buddhism.

Why is the week seven days?

Seconds, 60 minutes and 24 hours - why?

The origin of the universe and life on earth.

Stone Age, - Paleolithic, Mesolithic and Neolithic.

Civilization Sumer.

Melchizedek Drunvalo.

Spiritual Practice of Melchizedek.

How money or the wisdom of Pharaoh appeared.

Lenticular clouds.

Underwater city off the coast of Cuba. Sensation.

Giants. Giants. Atlanta.

Underground cities.

A material event in a non-material world.

Parameters of the Solar System.

17. Astronomical indicators and terms.

Theory about Phaeton.

If the universe is expanding, then where?

The strangest things in the universe.

One year from the birth of Christ.

Years from the creation of the World, until September 14, 2012

Year for Buddhists, until March - April 2013

Year in Islam, until 11/15/2012 and 1434 until 11/04/2013.

Billion Years from the arrival of the Great Race of the Human Race on Midgard.

What's behind the words?

Calculation from the "Nativity of Christ".

When, how and why.

It is of interest to know the true meaning and knowledge of how the phrase “From the Nativity of Christ” became the reference point for all calendars of the civilized world.

We have the learned Roman abbot Dionysius to thank for this., who called himself the Kid, for his small stature. He lived in the sixth century in Rome. Dionysius was commissioned to compile Paschalia - tables by which one could know in advance the beginning of Easter for all subsequent years. While developing Paschals, Dionysius the Lesser discovered that every 532 years all lunar phases, including the spring full moon, occur on the same day of the week and on the same day of the month. Dionysius saw a certain mystery in the number “532”. The devout Dionysius was the first to come up with the idea of ​​connecting Easter with the name of Jesus Christ, since the year of his birth was approximately close to the number 532. Dionysius marked the first year of his new Paschal table

M year "from the Nativity of Christ". This was only for official use, as if for shocking effect, among the “well-read and understanding.”

In this situation, Dionysius proposed something completely new - to use in Easter tables the counting of years from the year of birth of Jesus Christ. However, it turned out that no one had calculated the exact date of Christ’s birth for more than 500 years of the existence of Christianity! This may come as a surprise, but Christians lived for five centuries with some kind of calendar, and did not know the exact date of birth of their God!
Dionysius was still wrong.

Meticulous prospectors, only in the 20th century, were able to establish the date of birth of Jesus. This date now looks like this: October 17, 7 BC.

Only at the beginning of the 8th century did a learned Anglo-Saxon monk and theologian from Northumbria named Bede the Venerable, first used the chronology of Dionysius outside the Easter tables, using it to date events in his famous historical work “Ecclesiastical History of the People of the Angles,” which he completed around 731.

Bede's counting of years from the birth of Christ was called “Years from the Appearance of the Lord.”

In fact, Bede rediscovered and introduced into widespread use Dionysius's counting of years, which was facilitated by the great popularity of his historical work. Most likely, Bede’s appearance of counting years as “Years from the Appearance of the Lord” occurred only because a significant part of the Anglo-Saxon monk’s chronicle is devoted to the issues of calculating the dates of Easter celebrations, which means that Bede could not help but use the Paschals of Dionysius.
In 742, the date recorded as “The Year of Our Lord” first appeared in an official document
one of the capitularies of the mayordomo (military-political ruler) of the Frankish state of Carloman.

During the time of the Frankish Emperor Charlemagne (774-814), the counting of years “From the Incarnation of Our Lord” was already widely distributed in official documents of the state.

The 9th century finally introduced a new chronology into various legal and political documents of Europe, and starting from the 10th century, most of the documents, chronicles and decrees of kings in Western Europe dated precisely by the years according to Christ. At the same time, the dating had different names- “From the incarnation of our Lord”, “From the coming of the Lord into the world”, “From the birth of the Lord”, “From the Nativity of Christ”, etc.
Most of the secular rulers switched to the era from Christ much earlier than the clergy. The last country in Western Europe, with the era of Christ, Portugal became - in 1422.
In Russia, the counting “from the creation of the world” was used for a very long time, and only by decree of Peter I the Great, the counting of years “from the Nativity of Christ” was introduced.
, with the wording in the decree“the best for the sake of agreement with the European peoples in contracts and treaties.” This is how it was revealed on January 1, 1700, “from the Nativity of Christ.” The introduction in Russia of counting years from the “Nativity of Christ” was one of the steps in the reforms of Peter I the Great, designed to turn Russia onto the Western path of development.

Without a doubt, the introduction of a unified system of Christian chronology was during the Middle Ages the most important step in the religious and cultural consolidation of the Western world. However, later, with the assignment of the neutral designation “our era,” the religious background disappeared, and now Christian chronology has simply become a standard and understandable tool for counting years, which we use today, without even remembering the reasons and history of its appearance.

Even Muslim countries that count the years “from the Hegira” (the year of the Prophet Muhammad’s migration from Mecca to Medina in 622) use the “Muslim era” in internal documents, but use “our era” in foreign policy matters.

In memory of the Greatest Event of that time, our ancestors laid down a new countdown of time: “Creation of the World.” This victory was displayed in the form of an image - a White Knight on a horse, striking the Dragon with a spear. Christians, forgetting about the essence of the matter, gave the image the name St. George the Victorious and declared it a Christian holy great martyr. IN Christian churches His “sacred relics”, as many as 30 bodies, are carefully preserved.

Calculation in Islam.

The calendar is calculated from the Hegira ( July 16, 622 AD BC) - the dates of the migration of the Prophet Muhammad and the first Muslims from Mecca to Medina. For this reason, in Islamic countries the calendar is called the Hijri calendar.

Calendar structure. The year consists of 12 lunar months and contains about 354 days, which is 10 or 11 days less solar year. For this reason, the days of Muslim religious holidays shift relative to each year. Gregorian calendar. According to the Muslim calendar, the day begins at sunset, and not at midnight, as in the Gregorian calendar.

Months consist of 29 or 30 days. According to tradition, the first day of the new month was considered the first day after the astronomical new moon, on which the crescent moon could be seen in the sky shortly after sunset. If the sickle was not visible after the 29th day of the month, for example, because of clouds or because the moon set immediately after the sun and the sky was still too light, then the new day was considered the 30th day of the current month. Sightings of the crescent moon must be witnessed by at least two trustworthy Muslims.

This system is still used in some countries, such as Pakistan and Bangladesh. However, most Islamic countries use astronomical rules that allow them to calculate the beginning of the months in advance. Used in different countries different rules. In addition, the time difference between sunset and moonset depends on the geographic coordinates of the area. The moon moves among the stars from west to east at an average speed of 13.2° per day. The further west the country is, the more likely that the crescent of the young moon will be visible in the sky after the new moon. Thus, calendars differ in different Islamic countries and often the same religious holidays are celebrated on different days.

The lunar month lasts from the appearance of one new month to the next, that is, 29 days 12 hours 44 minutes 3.8 seconds, so some months have 29 days and others - 30. Additional days of the month are prohibited, except for the only day that serves to hold the new moon around the 1st of the month. This day is included in the 12th month (Dhul-Hijjah). Twelve lunar months make up a lunar year, which, according to the most approximate calculations, is equal to 354 days. And since the true length of the lunar month is not 29.5 days, but somewhat longer, then the length of the lunar year is not 354 days, but 354.367. Since this is not an integer, the problem of leap years inevitably arises, that is, the alternation of simple years containing 354 days and extended years - 355 days each.

The Muslim year is always shorter than the solar one: by 10 days - if the Muslim year is a leap year and the solar year is a simple one; by 11 days - if both years are simple or leap years;

Calculation in Buddhism.

Buddhism, like Islam, lives according to lunar calendar, but has its own characteristics and its own holidays. New Year in Buddhism is a very mystical holiday. They carefully prepare for the New Year and celebrate it for three days. White dishes are required.

April in Tamil Nadu.

Why are there seven days in a week?

Egypt - decades.

Today, in addition to the seven-day week with established names for the days of the week in different cultures, there is a definition of the working week. IN modern world A 5-day work week has already become common. This suits Jews and Christians in that they have their own “legal” holiday and one day for trade. In the current situation, Muslims found themselves on the most favorable living conditions - Friday is already a holiday for them.

Billion 600 million years ago. Our Galaxy was formed. Sun. Planets.

Billion years ago. Planet Earth has become dense. Land. Oceans. Atmosphere.


570-510 million. years ago. CAMBRIDGE PERIOD.

Stone Age

This is a period of primitive technological and social development, at the final stage of the “Stone Age”. Beginning in the 10th millennium BC, the Neolithic was accompanied by the development of early villages, agriculture and the domestication of animals.

The breakthrough in agriculture in the Middle East is associated with the development of organized irrigation and the beginning of the use of animal labor around 5,500 BC. Settlements remained completely dependent on stone tools. Stone began to be replaced by bronze around 3,000 BC. After the Bronze Age, the Eastern Mediterranean, Middle East and China entered the era of iron tools and weapons.

Agriculture created and maintained a surplus of food that could support people not directly involved in food production, giving rise to the first cities. They became centers of trade, manufacturing and political power. Cities were a symbiosis with the rural settlements surrounding them.

By the middle of the 2nd millennium BC. e. Sumer was absorbed by the growing Babylonian Empire. Where the Sumerian people went, their language and culture is not known. We got from them only chronicles from excavations, in the form of 30,000 clay tablets with cuneiform writing.

This civilization arose unexpectedly and was ahead of its time. Appeared in the 4th millennium BC, in Southern Mesopotamia. On ships, from overseas, from islands. The racial identity of the black-headed Sumerians is unknown; they have nothing in common with the Semites. Cities, statehood, rulers, civilization, progress got comfortable in Mesopotamia.

It was in Sumer that writing first appeared., schools, universities. 3760 BC e. world's first calendar. They were the first to have bricks from the kiln, multi-story temples and palaces, measures of length and weight, medicine and chemistry, pharmacology, herbal medicine, musicians and dancers, craftsmen and craftsmen, merchants and caravan drivers, codes of laws and judges, the first astronomers and the first observatories, and the first mathematicians. Wheel, floating metals, glass, asphalt, soap, beer, 16 types of fabric, ... . The equivalent of money is silver bars. They dug up something like a battery, restored it, and received an electric current.

On the sexagesimal system, which is based on the number 60. This system is more complex than the modern decimal system. It is ideal for geometric calculations, which is why it is still used in modern geometry. In addition, the Sumerian mathematical system is most convenient for performing complex astronomical calculations.

The Sumerians knew the structure of the solar system, they knew about the existence of all the planets, including Uranus, which astronomers were able to discover only in the 18th century. Scientists in our modern world are still arguing about the existence of another 12th planet in the solar system. The Sumerians called this planet Nibiru, “crossing planet.” The orbit of this planet is a highly elongated ellipse, Nibiru, crossing the solar system once every 3600 years. Next visit in 2100 - 2160.

Sumerian mythology says that people often came into contact with the “gods” of the Nephilim who came from the planet “Nibiru”. The gods are described as being similar to humans in many ways, the “gods” work and can get tired. For work, especially in mines, the “gods” created people. Archaeological research suggests that mining was carried out in South Africa during the Stone Age. Experts claim that “mining technology was used there in the period after 100,000 BC.”

The history of the Sumerian civilization radically changes our ideas about the distant past and present. The existing theory of human evolution is falling apart. We are by no means the top long-term development humanity. Many scientists whisper to themselves the question: “Is humanity regressing?”, sometimes remembering and reinventing what was known to our predecessors?

G. American Bernard Peron called himself Drunvalo Melchizedek, and the Spirit of Melchizedek allegedly entered his body. Drunvalo is a world-famous scientist, ecologist, inventor, metaphysician and esotericist, healer and Teacher.

For those unfamiliar with the Sumerians and Astrosophy, the modern Melchizedek is perceived as a genius and discoverer of truths. The release on his work “Flower of Life” was 2 pages, plus 2 pages - the spiritual Practice “Mer-Ka-Ba”.

Drunvalo Melchizedek writes that he:

ü Communicates with various angels: - green; blue; gold; orange; yellow; transparent; Michael; Lucifer; etc.;

ü Travels in spaces;

ü Communicates with his higher and lower “I”;

ü Capable of moving to different levels of consciousness - there is the past, there is the future, there are other scales, there are other Truths.

Modern Drunvalo Melchizedek speaks about the creation of man like this:

*The planet Nibiru passes through the solar system with a period of 3,600 years. One day, while passing through the solar system, the satellite of the planet Nibiru collided with the planet Tiamat. What was left of the planet Tiamat ended up in a different orbit and today it is the planet Earth with the Moon.

*About 450 - 400,000 years ago. A landing party of gold miners from the planet Nibiru landed on planet Earth, total 600 workers + 12 managers. These were the Nephilim: up to 6 meters tall, 360,000 years of life expectancy, 4th level of consciousness, reproduction - virgin birth, in short - Gods and miracles.

*About 200,000 years ago. The Sirians, also of the 4th level of consciousness and similar to reptiles, helped the Nephilim create mutants - a race of people, for work.

The result was a race of sterile giants - the Lemurians. However, the Lemurians did not remain sterile for long. Animal instinct for carnal pleasures led this race of mutants to carnal conception and reproduction. They created hundreds of mutants, but they turned out to be Lemurians, in thousands and in masses. And the smart Lemurians Ai and Taya suddenly mastered TANTRA - the immaculate conception, began to give birth to “immortal” children with a life span of 360,000 years, and they themselves also became “immortal”. The consciousness of the “immortal” Lemurians began to correspond to the 4th level. 600 souls managed to “print” such “immortals” and suddenly bad luck...

*About 60,000 years ago. The Gondwana islands, where the Nephilim kept the Lemurians, went under water, and Atlantis surfaced elsewhere on the mainland. The Lemurians settled Atlantis and arranged it according to the laws of the Tree of Life, according to the Kabala. The ninth of ten cities was forced to be populated by Jews from the future, and the tenth city, also by necessity, by Martians from the past. Over many thousands of years, the inhabitants of Atlantis became the Atlantean race, up to 4.5 m tall.

*About 16,000 years ago. The Martians are building an artificial time machine in their city. However, this only leads to the fact that various negative flows invade the space of planet Earth. What is called: “God gasped.”

*About 13,000 years ago. A meteorite falls on Atlantis. Just in time for the Martians.

Atlantis is sinking. A quantum leap is taking place. The planet's population is dying, even the artifacts of civilization are disappearing. Those who successfully and accidentally survived, the Atlantean Lemurians and homosapiens, found themselves at the 1st level of consciousness, without any signs of memory, speech was forgotten, and human consciousness became wild. Those 1000 immortals who possessed the 4th level of consciousness also survived. But, as it should be in such Scriptures: “There were gods, and there always will be, but today there is nothing to show, they are temporarily absent, for a vaguely complicated reason.”

*About 6,000 years ago. Tribes of wild people multiplied to settlements. Next Sumerians, Egypt, Mesopotamia, writing, craft, trade.Abraham, exodus, creation, discoveries, achievements and progress. The story continues.

Spiritual practice of Melchizedek - Mer-Ka-Ba.

Giants. Giants.

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In archeology, similar artifacts are sometimes found. However, they are kept silent. The reason for the silence is that it refutes the existing versions ABOUT THE TRUTH of the universe and the origin of man. The true goal of the world pyramid of power is to control people through deception, false ideas and “sacred COVENANTS”.

Scriptwriters and fashion designers of a distorted world order, vicious beliefs and slave-owning morality, are careful not to violate the philosophy of power, wealth and slavery intertwined for centuries. Power is arranged for us and at our expense. But for some reason, it is always not we ourselves who arrange the necessary benefits, but intermediaries, manipulators, falsifiers and tyrants. They are wearing togas. They are in uniform. They are with machine guns.

It is much more convenient for the authorities if the masses of the people are humble, submissive and obedient, like a herd: - wherever they drive, they go, - what they feed, they chew, - what they lie about, they believe. Every government has ideological supporters invisibly present. This service is a Confession. They are always in the service of power, but they speak only about holiness and only in the name of a fabulous, deliberately invented, non-existent something - “Miracle - Yudo - God.”

Two Russian classics Turgenev and Korolenko at one time, in the Swiss city of Lucerne, saw a skeleton about 6 meters tall in a museum. According to them, the skeleton was found in 1577, in a cave, by the doctor Felix Plater.

The list of skeletons from 3 meters to 6 meters tall can be continued for a long time. This confirms the fact that a race of giants really existed on Earth, but who they were and why they disappeared remains a mystery. It can be assumed that these were Atlanteans according to the Sumerians and Melchizedek, but this is not the answer yet. The version of the modern "Melchizedek" about the Nephilim, Lemurians, Atlanteans, Jews and Martians contains only imaginary plausibility.

Everything written above is true. However, there is something to add to this. It is necessary to add the dating of some fossil remains of giants. For example: 9 million years ago; their height was 7.5 m; and the weight was 370 kg. Who were they, the early Atlanteans or the late Lemurians? The priests of Tibet and those who pray to Tibet - half of humanity - believe in Lemurians and Atlanteans.

The Tibetan version of the giants was clearly outlined by E. Blavatsky in her very voluminous “Secret Doctrine”. Blavatsky's version of the origin of humanity assumes a theory of races, which is based on the “Condensation of the Spirit in Time.”

1st race - wave form of life. 60 meter angel-like;

2nd race - wave form of life. 40 meter ghost-like;


These clouds do not move even in very strong winds?

They love the wind.

Clouds usually have rounded shape, which is why they are often mistaken for UFOs.

In mountainous areas, above the tops of high mountains, you can sometimes see motionless clouds, two or more stories high. Such clouds are called lenticular. This is explained by the fact that air masses move over the earth in certain flows (layers), - bottom by bottom, and top by top. We humans perceive this movement of air as the wind. In this case, air masses flow around various obstacles and form air waves. Lenticular clouds form on the crests of such waves or between two layers of air (lower - warm - wet, and upper - dry - cold). Their stability is due to the simultaneous processes of condensation of water vapor at the height of the dew point and evaporation of water droplets, with downward movement of air and sudden change temperatures and atmospheric pressure.

Megalith "Battery".

There is always a cloud hanging over the megalith, which is called “Battery” on the road from Magadan to Arman, even in clear weather. Why Battery? Because if you lie down in a hollow of a stone, reminiscent of a bath, your strength is quickly restored. Fatigue goes away, overall health improves and tone increases.

Event material world,

Up to 450 km/sec.

763 times larger than Earth.

95 times heavier than Earth.

Has 62 satellites. 17 correspond to the status - Minor Planets.

Photo of Saturn taken spacecraft Cassini-Huygens.

Theory about Phaeton.

Not long ago, astronomers found evidence that there was another planet in the Solar System between Jupiter and Mars.

The proof is that now there is a so-called asteroid belt (consisting of approximately 400,000 asteroids), and traces of organic molecules were found on them, which means that the asteroids broke away from the planet. According to one hypothesis, this is the planet Phaeton.

This also confirms well-known rule Titius-Bode. The Titius-Bode rule is an empirical formula that approximately describes the distances between the planets of the Solar System and the Sun (average orbital radii). The rule did not attract much attention until Uranus was discovered in 1781, which fit almost exactly into the predicted sequence. And then Phaethon was presented as the missing planet according to this formula. Once upon a time, during a parade of planets, she collided with Mars, and after that, Mars became lifeless. A similar fate awaited the Earth, but most of the energy was extinguished by Mars.

Opponents of this theory argue that each planet has a core, which was not found among asteroids. Accordingly, there is no core - and, therefore, there was no planet.

And then scientists have an explanation - the Moon is that very core. It turns out that many chronicles, myths and legends say that the Moon was not in the sky. And it appeared after the Flood. Let us remember that the ebb and flow of the tides on our planet is “controlled” by the Moon. Then we can imagine how strong the tide could have been when the core of Phaeton appeared so close to the surface of the Earth. Masses of water, including those that were underground, were raised to the surface by tidal forces. This was the flood.

It is also known that more than 12 thousand years ago a year was 360 days. Scientists explain the increase in the year by five days as follows: the mass of the Earth has increased due to the presence of the Moon, the planet has moved further from the Sun, the orbit has become larger, and the year has increased by five days.

But we note that not everyone agrees with the theory about Phaeton and the Moon. Some believe that the asteroid belt is not a destroyed planet, but a planet that was never able to form due to the gravitational influence of Jupiter and partly other giant planets.

A trillion phones.

Million km 1427 2870 4497 ​​5900

65 (16) satellites 62 (17) sp. 27 (15) sp. 13 (8) sp. 1 bd.

Name Wed. rast. million km to the sun. weight volume density Water = 1 gravity number of satellites Day of days year of earth years average speed km/s
Sun ------- 332 800 1 303785 1,41 27,9 24,5 ------ 22,8
Mercury 57,8 0,553 0,06 5,427 0,37 58,6 0,241 47,9
Venus 108,2 0,82 0,857 5,243 0,88 0,615 35,0
Earth 149,6 5,515 29,8
Mars 227,9 0,107 0,15 3,933 0,38 1,03 1,88 24,1
Jupiter 778,3 317,8 1 321 1,33 2,69 65-(16) 0,414 11,86 13,1
Saturn 95,2 0,7 1,19 62-(17) 0,426 29,46 9,6
Uranus 14,5 1,27 0,93 27-(15) 0,718 84,01 6,8
Neptune 17,2 57,7 1,64 1,22 13-(8) 0,671 164,8 5,4
Dwarf. planet Pluto in the belt 0,0021 0,007 1,750 0,05 6,39 247,7 4,7

Comparative sizes of young stars, from left to right: a red dwarf - 0.1 solar masses, a yellow dwarf - the Sun, a blue dwarf - eight solar masses and RMC136a1 - almost three hundred times heavier than our star.

There are about 140 million stars in the explored galaxy. Ultracompact galaxies are among the densest star systems in the universe. Their mass does not exceed 200 million solar masses. Such a large value could be a consequence of the peculiarities of the evolution of galactic matter or the presence of a supermassive black hole.

Scientists have modeled the dynamic conditions in M60-UCD1 and concluded that at the center of M60-UCD1 there is a supermassive black hole with a mass of 15 percent of the mass of the entire dwarf galaxy. For comparison, the mass of the same hole in the center Milky Way makes up only 0.01 percent of the entire mass of the Galaxy.

The mass of the black hole in M60-UCD1 is estimated to be 21 million solar masses. Scientists believe that one of the reasons for the discrepancy in the mass and size of the dwarf galaxy is that part of its matter was pulled over by the larger star system Messier 60.

In the future, according to scientists, M60-UCD1 will merge with its neighbor, in the center of which there is also a giant supermassive black hole with a mass of 4.5 billion suns. This unification will be accompanied by the merger of two holes.

What's behind the words?

The same stuff.

What! Where! How? and why?

Where they were and where they lived.

Calculation from the "Nativity of Christ".

There is such a thing in chronology as era. The fact is that whatever the calendar year, it must have a serial number, that is, counted from some starting date - the basis of chronology.

Actually, the term era itself is believed to be an abbreviation of the following phrase: “ab exordio regni Augusti”, i.e. “from the beginning of the reign of Augustus” (aera - era).

In this regard, we note that an era can be real - this is when the count of years comes from some real event, for example, from the beginning of the reign, or fictitious - this is when the counting of years comes from some mythical event, for example, from the creation of the world.
As long as the count is consistent, this doesn't matter.

We know one such era - the Christian era, or chronology system from the Nativity of Christ.
It was created by the Roman monk Dionysius the Lesser in the 6th century. n. e. Then the so-called era of Diocletian was used, that is, the years were counted from the date of accession to the throne of the Roman Emperor Diocletian.
Dionysius somehow calculated that the year of Christ's birth took place 284 years before the beginning of the era of Diocletian, or, in other words, he equated the initial year of Diocletian's reign to 284 of the Christian era. The era of Dionysius was accepted throughout Christian Europe.

This was not the case in Russia at all. Since Christianity came to us from Byzantium, the Byzantine chronology system also came to us from there. from the creation of the world. This system was used in Russia until 1700, until by decree of Peter I Russia was transferred to the Christian era.

According to the Byzantine chronology system, 5508 years passed from the creation of the world to the birth of Christ. The year in it, as well as in the Christian system, was built on the basis of the Julian calendar.

It would seem that if the difference is only in the starting point, then the translation between eras is trivial, but in fact in ancient Rus' until the end of the 17th century, the new year began not from January, as in the Christian era, but from March (as in ancient Rome) or from September (as in Byzantium). That is, before the decree of Peter I, there were already two parallel calendar styles: the March style, according to which the new year fell on March 1, and the September style, with the new year coming on September 1.

Different styles change the calculation slightly, since in the March style the new year is two months behind the Christian new year, and in the September style, on the contrary, it is four months ahead of the Christian new year. Let's explain this with an example.

Let's assume the year March 7100 is indicated according to the “March style”. This corresponds to (7100-5508=1592) March 1592 from the Nativity of Christ.
If February 7100 is indicated according to the “March style”, that is, almost the end of the year, then it will correspond to February 1593 from the Nativity of Christ.

Now let's look at September 7100 according to the “September style”. This corresponds to September 1591 from the Nativity of Christ, but February 7100 according to the “September style” corresponds to February 1592.

At the same time, when dating events in the chronicles, naturally, it was not indicated which “style” was used. However, there are a lot of logical techniques that help researchers establish the style used in the chronicle. It is also known that since the end of the 15th century, the September style has practically replaced the March style (really, why look up to Rome). In addition, the March style had two more modifications - ultra-March and circus-March styles, but we will not go into such jungle.

Actually, the calculator below converts dates from our era to Old Russian (Byzantine), and serves more for entertainment. The task of reverse translation required to correctly date the chronicles, as shown above, is more complex and requires an analysis of the context to determine the style used in the chronicles.

A final word about the months - since it was based on the ancient Roman (Julian) calendar, in the earliest sources the names of the months are found in the form closest to the Latin prototype, which have not yet acquired a Russified form, for example, June, Julius, Augustus, and so on.

Our chronology = era "from the Nativity of Christ"


As already noted, the era “from the Nativity of Christ” was introduced post factum “by the tip of the pen.” For the first time since the Nativity of Christ (in the Latin tradition - "Anno Domini" (AD) - "year of the Lord") a year was designated, which became the 525th year of the new chronology.
The era was created by the Roman monk, papal archivist, and Scythian by birth, Dionysius the Small. There is no information on the basis of what calculations and considerations this was made. Therefore, various guesses are offered regarding the transition to a new chronology, although none of them seems more convincing than the other. What is known for certain is that this was connected with the preparation of Easter tables (Paschalia) for the future.
According to the church tradition that developed in the light of the decisions of the Council of Nicaea in 325, Christian Easter should be celebrated on the first Sunday after the first full moon after spring equinox. Due to the disproportion of the solar and lunar cycles with which it is compared, the date of the holiday shifts along the time scale over the years, ranging from March 22 to April 25 according to the Julian calendar. For almost every year it is determined by calculation.
When compiling Easter, the day of the vernal equinox from the year 325 was considered to be March 21 according to the Julian calendar. The calculations of the Easter phases of the Moon for each year were based on the relatively accurate 19-year lunar cycle, discovered by the great Greek astronomer Meton in 432 - the Olympian year BC. It has been established that every 19 years all phases of the Moon fall on the same days of the month of the solar year. This is the so-called “circle of the moon”.
On the other hand, in the Julian calendar, every 28 years, all the days of the month fall on the same days of the week. This is the so-called "circle of the Sun".
Since 19 and 28 are non-multiple numbers, all (calculated!) phases of the Moon coincide with the same dates of the month and days of the week after a period of time equal to the product of 19 x 28, that is, after 532 years. Therefore, every 532 years (this period is called the great indiction) the calculated dates are repeated Easter Sundays. In the modern tradition, indictions are usually counted from the starting point of the Byzantine era - from 5508 BC. Currently time goes by The 15th great indiction, which began in 1941.
Based on practical considerations, when developing Easter tables, they used a less accurate, but more convenient 95-year (= 19 x 5) cycle (this is the so-called small Easter circle). According to a custom dating back to the beginning of the 4th century, such tables were prepared by Paschalists Alexandria Church and then were sent throughout the Christian world.


In the year 247 of the era of Diocletian, the small Easter circle, compiled for the expiring 95th anniversary (153-247) by Patriarch Cyril of Alexandria (444 AD), ended. In this regard, in 241, Dionysius the Less began to calculate a new Easter, which was supposed to begin in the year 248 of the era of Diocletian. However, the named emperor, as already mentioned above, was a cruel persecutor of Christians. Therefore, Dionysius, in one of his letters, expressed a proposal to abandon the era associated with the name of the hated ruler, and henceforth to count the years from the Nativity of Christ (according to other sources - “ab Incarnatio Domini” - “from the Incarnation of the Lord,” that is, from the feast of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary , which was already celebrated on March 25).
There is an assumption that Dionysius took into account the following circumstance in his calculations. According to one of the interpretations of the Synoptic Gospels and ancient tradition, Jesus Christ, “beginning His ministry, was about thirty years old” (Luke 3:23), and was crucified on the cross, died and rose from the dead at the 31st year of his life. His resurrection took place on March 25. This was the first Christian Easter, which coincided with the day of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary and is therefore called Kyriopascha ("Lord's Easter").
Such a coincidence, as already mentioned, can be observed once every 532 years, during a period called the great indiction. It is after 532 years that all phases of the moon fall on the same dates of the month and days of the week. As Dionysius could determine from his Easter tables, the nearest Kyriopascha, i.e. Easter, falling on Sunday March 25 and coinciding with the Feast of the Annunciation, was supposed to be in the year 279 of the era of Diocletian. Consequently, the first Kyriopascha, according to the Roman Paschalist, was 532 - 279 = 253 years before the start of this chronology. Having added to this the number 31 (the estimated age of Christ at the time of death on the cross), he received that the era of Diocletian itself began in 253 + 31 = 284 after the Incarnation of the Lord, as discussed above (pp. 24-25).
Thus, in accordance with the supposed scheme of reasoning of Dionysius the Lesser, the beginning of the era “from the Nativity of Christ,” that is, January 1, year 1, fell on January 1, 753 from the founding of Rome, 43 years from the accession of Augustus, 4 year of the 194th Olympiad. On this day, consuls Gaius Caesar and Aemilius Paulus took up their positions. From March 1, 1st year A.D. began the 5509th year from the creation of the world of the Byzantine era, from April 21 - the 754th year from the founding of Rome, from the new moon on June 10 - the 1st year of the 195th Olympiad, from August 1 - the 44th year from the accession of Augustus.
It is worth noting that Dionysius himself began counting the days of the year from March 25, from the feast of the Annunciation of the Most Holy Theotokos (Let us recall the corresponding fragment from the Gospel narrative: “(And... went in to... the Virgin, betrothed to a husband named Joseph, from the house of David ,.. the Angel said to her:... Rejoice, full of grace! The Lord is with you... And behold, you will conceive in your womb and give birth to a Son and call His name Jesus" (Luke 1, 27. 28. 30. 31) ).
The Nativity of Christ (let us reproduce the Gospel text: “(Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea, in the days of King Herod” (Matthew 2:1)); “(And Mary) gave birth to her firstborn Son, and wrapped Him in swaddling clothes, and laid Him in a manger , because there was no room for them in the inn" (Luke 2:7)), the papal archivist and paschalist, naturally, attributed it exactly nine months in advance, i.e., to December 25 of the 1st year of the chronology he introduced (see: P. Popov. Brief Easter with an exposition the shortest possible ways to determine the date of Easter of the Orthodox Church for any given year. - Printed with the permission of the censor of the Moscow Spiritual Censorship Committee, priest Alexander Gilyarevsky, dated December 21, 1895. - Kostroma, 1896. - P. 5; I.A. Klimishin. Calendar and chronology. - Ed. 2nd. - M.: "Science", 1985. - P. 243.). It was on December 25 that the Nativity of Christ was already celebrated.


The question is quite appropriate: could not Dionysius, when establishing the era “from the Nativity of Christ,” have used ready-made calculations or assumptions? What were the opinions of Christian historians of the previous period on this issue?
According to Bishop Irenaeus of Lyons and his contemporary Tertullian (early 3rd century AD), “Christ the Lord came into the world around the 41st year of the reign of Augustus.” According to Eusebius of Caesarea, “this was the 42nd year of the reign of Augustus, and the 28th year of his rule over Egypt.” Epiphanius of Cyprus indicates the 42nd year of Augustus, the 752nd year from the founding of Rome, under the consulate of Augustus for the 13th time and Silvanus. According to Sextus Julius Africanus, this happened around the 29th year after the Battle of Cape Actium. Later, the Greek historian John Malala (491-578) attributed the Nativity of Christ to the 3rd year of the 193rd Olympiad, the 752nd from the foundation of the City, the 42nd to Augustus, and the Easter Chronicle to the 28th year the accession of Augustus in Egypt, to the consulate of Lentulus and Piso.
In the “Constantinople List of Consuls of 395” (Consularia Constantinopolitana ad a. CCCXCV), like Epiphanius of Cyprus, the Nativity of Christ dates to the year of the consulate of Augustus and Silvanus: “Under these consuls, Christ was born on the eighth day before the Kalends of January,” that is, 25 December, according to Presbyter Hesychius.
As you can see, all the listed authors and sources point to the 3rd or 2nd year BC, and the “Easter Chronicle” - to 1 year BC.
In the “Chronograph of 354” (Chronographus Anni CCCLIIII), the event of the Nativity of Christ is assigned to the year of the consulate of Gaius Caesar and Aemilius Paulus, i.e. for the 1st year of the new era. “Under these consuls,” it says here, “the Lord Jesus Christ was born on the eighth day before the Kalends of January on Friday the 15th Moon.”
"Chronograph of 354" is a fairly serious work, containing, in particular, a list of all Roman consuls, starting from 509 BC. to 354 AD, lists of prefects of Rome for a hundred years (251-354 AD) and Roman bishops from the Apostle Peter to Pope Julius (352). As a papal archivist, Dionysius could well have known about a document that contained such important chronological information. And therefore he could use the quoted evidence when establishing the starting point of the system of counting years from the Nativity of Christ. Perhaps it was precisely this that gave him the idea of ​​​​introducing a proper Christian chronology?
Of course, the possibility of later interpolation cannot be ruled out here. The original "Chronograph" has been lost, and we only have copies of the monument. However, in particular, the following circumstance may speak in favor of its authenticity.
Here - after the indication under the 29th year AD. (of course, in a later recalculation) the names of the consuls Fufius Gemina and Rubellius Gemina - it is noted: “During their consulate, the Lord Jesus Christ suffered on Friday when the age of the Moon was 14 days.” And further, in section XIII "Roman Bishops", we find additional information: "During the reign of Tiberius, our Lord Jesus Christ suffered during the consulate of both Gemins on the eighth day before the Kalends of April."
As we see, in the above fragments the death of Christ on the cross is dated to Friday, March 25, and His Resurrection, therefore, to March 27. IN Western Church in the 2nd-5th centuries, many authoritative theologians and historians (Bishop Hippolytus, Presbyter Tertullian and others) accepted on faith the testimony of the forged “Acts of Pilate”, according to which “Christ suffered eight days before the Kalends of April (ante diem VIII Kal. Apr.).” . In the Roman martyrology (memorial list of martyrs), under this number the prudent thief was even included, one of the two who were crucified on Calvary next to Christ (Luke 23, 32. 39-43). But after Dionysius, who dated the first Kyriopascha precisely to March 25, 31 AD, such an anachronism in later interpolation can hardly be considered possible.
Let us give another example in relation to this case. In one of the monuments close to the “Chronograph of 354” in time, in particular, in the “Constantinople List of Consuls of 395” (Consularia Constantinopolitana ad A. CCCXCV), under 29 AD. after the names of “both Gemins” there is a postscript: “Under these consuls, Christ suffered on the tenth day before the Kalends of April and rose again on the eighth day (passus est Christus die X Kal. Apr. et resurrexit VIII Kal. easdem).” If the day coincides with Dionysius in this case The year of Christ's death varies. Later monuments directly indicate the date of March 25.


Directly or indirectly, unfortunately, Dionysius was undoubtedly mistaken in determining the time of the Nativity of Christ. Its dating comes into direct conflict with the above historical evidence from the Gospel of Matthew: “...Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea in the days of King Herod” (2, 1).
As follows from the message of Josephus in “Jewish Antiquities” (XIV. 14, 5), King Herod I the Great “reached royal power in the one hundred and eighty-fourth Olympiad, during the second consulate of Gnaeus Dometius Calvinus and [in the first] Gaius Asinius Pollio.”
According to the consuls, this is 714 from the founding of Rome, i.e. 40 BC Unfortunately, the author did not indicate the year number for the fourth anniversary of the 184th Olympiad, as often happens with him.
In particular, consul Asinius Pollio (76 BC - 4 AD), orator, poet, historian (his “History” has not survived to this day), public figure, known as the founder of the first public libraries in Rome and patron of the outstanding Roman poet Virgil (70-19 BC).
It is with this contemporary of Maecenas that Virgil connects in the famous IV eclogue “Bucolik” (“Shepherd’s Songs”) his heartfelt prophecies about the onset of the “golden age”:

“The last circle has come according to the broadcast of the prophetess of Kumskaya,
From now on anew the majestic system is beginning,
Virgo is coming to us again, the kingdom of Saturn is coming,
Once again a new tribe is sent from the high heavens.
Be kind to the newborn, with whom you will replace
The iron clan, the golden clan will spread throughout the earth.
Maiden Lucina! Apollo is already your ruler over the world.
Under your consulate that blessed age will come,
O Pollio! - and great years will follow."

But let us return to King Herod, whose name became a household name throughout the Christian world. This cruel ruler died “five days after the execution of [his son] Antipater, having reigned thirty-four years after the death of Antigonus [ last ruler from the Hasmonean dynasty] and thirty-seven years after he was proclaimed king by the Romans... managing to live to an old age... (he was about seventy years old)" ("Antiquities of the Jews", XVII. 8, 1).
That year, before the Jewish Passover, on the night after Herod executed the Jews who rebelled against his iniquities under the leadership of a certain Matthias, whom he “ordered to be burned alive,” “a lunar eclipse occurred” (XVII. 6, 4).
According to astronomical calculations, there were three lunar eclipses during the period closest to the event: on the night of March 12–13, 750, January 20, 752, and on the night of January 9–10, 753 from the founding of Rome. Moreover, the second of them was apparently only in the Western Hemisphere and thus may not be taken into consideration. Further, on the coins of 753 the successor of the king who ended his bloody age is already indicated, and January is too early date to celebrate the Jewish Passover. All this points to the first eclipse. And this means that Herod rested from his evil deeds in 750 from the founding of Rome, that is, in the 4th year before the Nativity of Christ.
According to the Gospel of Matthew (2:1-18), several years before his death, the power-hungry king committed perhaps the most insidious and cruel atrocity in his life - the massacre of infants.
The arrogant ruler considered himself “mocked by the Magi,” who, guided by the Star of Bethlehem, came from the East to worship the Born Baby Jesus, Who was called the King of the Jews. They did not return to Jerusalem to inform the treacherous and malicious satrap in detail. And he “was very angry and sent to kill all the babies in Bethlehem and throughout its borders, from two years old and below, according to the time that he [previously] found out from the wise men.”
The given Gospel testimony dates the event of the Nativity of Christ even further from the death of Herod, within up to two years, “according to the time that [the king] found out from the Magi.” Before his death, the holy family spent some time in the country of the pyramids (“flight to Egypt,” Matt. 2. 13-15, 19-21).
In this context, we can also recall that according to the Gospel of John, the preaching of Christ until His betrayal on the cross and death lasted not one, but three years. This is evidenced, in particular, by the Jerusalem presbyter Hesychius (432). Thus, the chronological framework of the Savior’s earthly life is noticeably expanded.
In addition to circumstances of a historical nature, one should undoubtedly take into account errors in the initial data in the chronological calculations of Dionysius (if any were made): the inaccuracy of Metonic lunar cycle and the Julian calendar itself, the lack of a specific time reference for the Alexandrian Easter tables and much, much more...
Astronomers also addressed the problem of dating the Nativity of Christ later. In particular, attempts were made to connect the Gospel testimony about the appearance of the Star of Bethlehem, which guided the Magi, with relative position planets on the same axis, with their convergence, connection at one point in the sky with the brightness of the glow multiplied as a result.
As Rabbi Abarvanela (15th century) said, in particular, “the most important changes in the sublunary world are foreshadowed by the conjunctions of Jupiter and Saturn.” The Prophet Moses, in his words, “was born three years after such a conjunction in the constellation Pisces.”
One of the conjunctions of Jupiter and Saturn just in the constellation Pisces was observed in 747 from the founding of Rome, that is, in 7 BC. The distance between them at that time was about half a degree, which is equal to the diameter of the Moon. The following year, Mars joined these planets. It was based on calculations of the location of the mentioned planets that one of the founders of new astronomy, Johannes Kepler (1571-1630), attributed the event of the Nativity of Christ to the year 748 from the founding of Rome, that is, to a point in time two years before the death of King Herod. Believing a different point of view to be absolutely erroneous and completely conditional, the creator of the laws of planetary motion dated his work “New Astronomy” as follows: “Anno аеrae Dionisianae 1609” - “The year of the Dionysian era 1609”.
In search of traces of the Star of Bethlehem, we also note that archives were once examined that contained information about a wide variety of astronomical phenomena around the world. As a result, records were discovered in Chinese and Korean chronicles, according to which in the spring of 5 BC. at a point in the sky not far from the star Capricorn flared up New star, which was visible for 70 days. According to astrological concepts of that time, this foreshadowed the birth of a great king.
Here, we believe, it would not be inappropriate to once again recall one of several historical facts, which are certainly related to the problem under discussion.
Let us turn to the above initial words of the story of the Nativity of Christ from the Gospel of Luke: “In those days, a command went out from Caesar Augustus to make a census of the whole earth. This census was the first during the reign of Quirinius in Syria” (2, 1-2).
Emperor Caesar Augustus, shortly before his death, compiled a short biography, which he bequeathed to be carved on copper boards and installed at the entrance to his mausoleum. After his death, the so-called "Acts of the Divine Augustus" in Latin and Greek received widespread throughout the Roman Empire.
In 1555 A.D. Ambassadors of Emperor Ferdinand II to Sultan Suleiman in Ankara (ancient Ancyra) discovered a bilingual inscription (Monumentum Ancyranum) containing the text of the “Acts” on the wall of the local temple of Rome and Augustus, later turned into a mosque. Fragments of similar inscriptions were also found in Antioch and Apollonia (Pisidia in Asia Minor).
The biography in the first person tells about the actions of the divine Augustus for the benefit of the Roman people, for the sake of establishing their greatness, prosperity and power, for the sake of the reign of peace, the revival of good old morals; all his victories and triumphs are listed, all the benefits addressed to Roman citizens, soldiers, and veterans of the cohorts.
Among other things, it also talks about Caesar Augustus conducting a census “throughout the whole earth.” During the years of his reign, it was carried out three times: “The census was carried out after an interval of forty-two years... I carried out the second census alone, having consular powers, in the consulate of Gaius Censorinus and Gaius Asinius... The third census, having consular powers, I carried out together with my son Tiberius Caesar to the consulate of Sextus Pompey and Sextus Appuleius."
According to the dating accepted in modern historiography, the first census in the empire was carried out in 28 BC, the second in 8 BC, the third in 14 AD. The results of the last census were published 100 days before the death of Augustus (See, in particular: Reader on the history of Ancient Rome. - M., 1962. - P. 528).
Judea was not considered a province of Rome until 6 AD, when under Archelaus, the son of King Herod, it was annexed to Syria. However, the country was heavily dependent on the empire; its rulers were appointed in the Eternal City. Herod was confirmed on the throne of Judea in 40 BC. in the Roman Senate, from where he emerged accompanied by two of the triumvirs - Gaius Julius Caesar Octavian and Mark Antony. Josephus, as we saw earlier, speaks of the proclamation of Herod as king “by the Romans.” That is why the Evangelist Luke mentions the census carried out by order of Caesar.
In the light of what has been stated above, the timeline of the “Acts of the Divine Augustus” becomes more understandable in relation to Judea. True, the appointment of Quirinius as governor of Syria was documented only in 6 AD. However, based on the Gospel text: “This census was the first during the reign of Quirinius Syria” (Luke 2:2), it seems quite possible to assume that he could have been there twice: not only in modern times, but also somewhat earlier. According to commentators, this could have happened in 3-2 years. BC and in 6-7 years. AD (Joseph Flavius. Jewish antiquities. - T. 2. - Minsk: "Belorussia", 1994. - Notes to book XVIII. - P. 591). But where the multiplication of events is allowed, the problem of two or three years, we believe, is not a problem at all. True, it can hardly be said that the issue is thereby closed.
In conclusion and in support of the last thesis, we present a very competent opinion in this case, belonging to a prominent Russian historian Ancient Church and the most authoritative specialist in the field of church chronology, professor of the St. Petersburg Theological Academy V.V. Bolotov (1854-1900).
When in 1899, at a meeting of the Commission of the Russian Astronomical Society on the reform of the calendar, at which the scientist was present as a representative of the Holy Synod of the Russian Orthodox Church, the problem of the starting point (epoch) of the prospective system of world chronology was raised, he stated: “It is better to exclude the year of the birth of Christ from list of those eras on which the Commission can choose. Scientifically, the year of the birth of Christ (even just the year, and not the month and date!) is impossible to establish" (Quoted from: S. I. Seleshnikov. History of the calendar and chronology. - M. : "Science", 1970. - P. 190).


The era “from the Nativity of Christ,” introduced by Dionysius the Lesser in 525, was already tested by Pope Boniface IV at the beginning of the 7th century. It is also found in the documents of Pope John XIII (965-972). But only since the time of Eugene IV, since 1431, has this era been regularly used in the documents of the Vatican Chancery. At the same time, the year from the creation of the world had to be indicated.
Soon after its introduction, the era was also used by some Western historians and writers, in particular by a contemporary of the papal archivist Marcus Aurelius Cassiodorus, a century later by Julian of Toledo, then by Bede the Venerable.
During the 8th-9th centuries, the new era became widespread in many countries of Western Europe.
As for the Eastern Church, it, according to E. Bickerman, for a long time avoided using the era “from the Nativity of Christ,” since disputes about the time of the appearance of the Infant of Bethlehem in Constantinople continued until the 14th century.
True, there were exceptions. Thus, in the Greek Paschal, compiled in the 9th century for the entire 13th great indiction (877-1408) by John the Presbyter, along with the year from the creation of the world, the circles of the Sun and Moon, etc. The year from the Nativity of Christ is also indicated.
In Russia, Christian chronology and the January New Year, as already mentioned, were introduced at the end of 1699 by decree of Peter I, according to which (for the sake of agreement with the European peoples in contracts and treatises) the year beginning after December 31, 7208 from the creation of the world, began to be considered 1700 AD. However, the Julian calendar remained in existence until 1918. Apparently, the Russian Tsar did not dare to encroach on the ancient heritage of the great and divine Caesar. At the same time, as already noted, Peter I mistakenly considered 1700 to be the beginning of a new century.
By now, the era “from the Nativity of Christ,” created by Dionysius the Small more than a millennium and a half ago, “has become, as it were, an absolute scale for recording historical events in time” (E.I. Kamentseva. Chronology. - M.: “Higher School”, 1967 . - P. 24).

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