How to hook a pin against the evil eye. A spell on a pin so that no one jinxes it

The simplest objects that are used every day in everyday life can serve as an excellent means of protection against the evil eye.

The most famous and widely used is regular pin, pinned to clothing. This mini-amulet is worn even by children, especially since it can be secured completely unnoticeably and is quite difficult to lose.

When choosing a safety pin, you need to compare several factors, ranging from its cost to the strength of the fastenings.

How does a pin work against the evil eye and damage?

IN souvenir shops We sell pins with stone chips that are suitable for representatives of different zodiac signs.

Despite this, their effectiveness is not much higher than that of a simple pin without stones and connection with astrology.

This happens because not all stones protect against the evil eye and are, in fact, just decoration.

It is considered fashionable and prestigious to buy gold and silver pins with stones. Most often they are given for christenings and so on.

But the question arises about the advisability of using such an expensive item for everyday wear, given that a “used” pin tends to get stolen and lost.

The shape of a closed pin is an oval, along which negative energy subsequently circulates.

When a person is subjected to a particularly massive and dangerous attack from ill-wishers, the amulet is revealed.

This happens when it needs to be “cleaned” and clearly indicates a large accumulation of negative energy around.

Another option for signaling the owner is to change the color of the jewelry. Ordinary non-precious pins turn black and bend. It is better to throw them away immediately and replace them with new ones.

How to pin and wear correctly

People's opinions differ on this issue. Some people think that they should be pinned on the back of the garment, others on the front side. Both are right in their own way.

Here it is necessary to clearly distinguish between a brooch and a pin, which can equally well serve as protection against the evil eye due to a similar fastening mechanism.

The brooch, naturally, is attached to the outside, and it is better to hide the pin from prying eyes. But there is an unambiguous rule - the amulet decoration should be on the left and as close to the heart as possible.

In this case, the head (the part that ensures the “closedness” of the pin) should be directed upward.

The main rule of wearing is to ensure that it is not left open for a long time.

In addition to simply wearing a pin, you can recite a special spell on it that will increase its effectiveness.

Please note that such conspiracies belong to village magic and have practically no ritual part, and their effectiveness depends only on the personal strength of the magician.

Speak the evil eye pin with the following words:

“Guardian angel, holder of heaven, come down from heaven and touch the pin. Protect me, God's servant (slave), from the witcher and the witch, the sorcerer and the sorceress, from the crooked, from the askew, from the dashing gaze. Amen"

After this, light a candle for your own health or for the health of the one for whom you are making a talisman. For 9 days, read a daily prayer to your Guardian Angel.

The second spell for a pin against the evil eye is a Christian adaptation of a pagan spell. However, this did not affect the efficiency in any way.

Take a small pin and... Over a burning candle, speak into the flame:

“On the ocean-sea, on the island-Buyan, the Virgin Mary sits with her baby. He sits and spins threads, day after day he goes on like this. As the devils spin the threads, they scatter, and as soon as they look, they scatter. Protect, Mother of God, the servant of God (name) from devils, from leprosy, and from the devil’s eyes. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, Amen"

Despite such a blatant confusion of the image of Mokosh and the Mother of God, this conspiracy is effective in protecting children, since even in the original version Mokosh was considered the Great Mother.

is powerful amulet from everyone negative impacts, be it damage, the evil eye or a curse. But it acts this way only if it is first spoken and worn correctly.

Its action is as follows: waves of negativity directed at a person are caught by the head of the pin and fall inside it. Negative energy begins to move around the pin, repeating its shape, but cannot leave it, because the pin is closed! It is this form that provides maximum protection.

But you should adhere to the rule - never let anyone touch your amulet or hand it over even for a second.

The person who touches the pin does not necessarily have evil intentions, but the power of the amulet will be significantly weakened by someone else’s energy.

How to choose the right pin?

Almost suitable for protection against the evil eye and damage any safety pin, although many experts are sure that it is silver that has maximum strength. But a simple metal or gold pin is in no way inferior to it, the main thing is to wear it correctly, having spoken first. It happens that on a pin right away beads set, or you can attach them yourself, it is only important to understand the meaning of the colors:

  • The green bead should be worn by pregnant women or children;
  • It is better to attach the yellow one to a pin intended for a friend;
  • A red bead will help protect your loved one from damage;
  • A blue bead is placed on an amulet made for parents.

Just remember that you should never use a black bead for protection; it can enhance the effect of the evil eye, and not protect against it at all.

If you are going to make a talisman for yourself or to a loved one, use only new pin! An old one that has been lying around in your house for a long time will not work - it has already collected a lot of information and will not be able to protect against the evil eye. It is a new product that is energetically pure that can help you. It is believed that it is better to buy it on Friday late afternoon.

How to pin?

Amulet pin For it to work, you should always carry it with you. It must be attached to the inside of the clothing, at heart level. It is better if it is clothes made of cotton and linen or other natural material - it is believed that synthetics neutralize the powers of the amulet.

It doesn’t matter whether you pin it on a jacket, dress or robe, the main thing is that it is always with you.

Attach a pin You can use it not only on clothes, it will help protect your home from the evil influences of unfriendly people or envious people. To protect your family and home from the evil eye and damage, stick a talisman into the door frame.

In order to a pin could protect you from the evil eye, you need to wear it correctly. You can only remove the amulet at night, and you need to close it and put it under your pillow.

Remember that the amulet must be regularly cleansed of accumulated negative energy. To do this, you need to remove it and wash it in holy water, only be sure to pour it on it, that is, so that the water is running. For the same purposes, pure spring or well water. After you washed the pin, it should be left open for a day somewhere in the sun. If the amulet turns black or rusts, it means that they tried to jinx you. Then you need to remove it and bury it in the ground so that the negative energy goes there.

Traditionally, a pin is attached to inside clothes head down. But now many new methods have appeared that are believed to have different effects. For example, you can attach it with the tip up so that the evil eye directed at the wearer of the amulet will be pricked.

Some people want to protect children from the evil eye with a pin and pin it on their clothes. It helps, but it's not worth it attach an amulet to clothes at all small child- He might get hurt. For protection infants This amulet is usually attached to the head of a stroller or crib, pointing down. In this case, you need to attach the pin as high as possible so that the baby does not accidentally reach it and injure himself.

Protect the child You can also protect yourself from envious people and ill-wishers using a regular pin. To do this, she is charmed and attached in exactly the same way as in the case of an adult. Children should only attach the pin to inside of clothes, and it’s better to choose small product, which will not interfere with the child when active games and with which he will not be able to inject himself strongly.

When it's time to wash things, you shouldn't do it together with the amulet. It is better to remove the pin and cleanse it of negativity with water, and then re-say the protective words and attach it to your clothes. Also repeat the plot worth every time you attach the amulet to new clothes. The following words need to be said:

“A sharp pin will pierce, prick everything evil, bad, drive away, drive away the dashing and bad from (child’s name)! The pin is sharp, protect and protect (name) every day from damage and the evil eye, from any infection! Always and everywhere! Amen".

In order for the amulet to work correctly and protect you from all bad influences, you need to properly care for it. If you are using as an amulet the simplest metal pin, change it every three months. But if the amulet has become dark or bent, bury it in the ground, and the sooner you do this, the better.

If you prefer to wear item made of silver or gold, remember that it needs to be cleaned. This will help get rid of accumulated negativity. This is best done during the new moon. Remove the pin, free it from the beads, if any, rinse both them and the amulet itself under running water, and then place the amulet in a glass of spring water and leave it there for three days. Add silver items to the glass - any, it can be rings or earrings, coins or a spoon. After the specified time has passed, remove the amulet and sprinkle it with coarse salt. Leave it like that for another night. In the morning bury salt in the ground or, in as a last resort, flush it down the toilet.

A gold pin cannot turn black, but if it is bent (this also applies to products made of other metals), it is sure sign attempts to damage you. Then you need to bury the amulet in the ground and not regret it, even if it is made of gold. You need to bury it as deeply as possible, you can spit over your left shoulder before doing this.

Since ancient times, the pin has been used and how amulet against the evil eye at weddings, because so many people look at the young, and among them there may be someone who is jealous or wishes evil. In addition, someone can accidentally jinx it without meaning to, but only while admiring the beauty of the bride. Therefore, it is worth attaching the amulet to the hem of the newlywed’s dress, from the inside, of course. To be sure, you can make a few invisible blue stitches nearby - it is believed that this can also ward off the evil eye.

The groom also needs to attach a pin at heart level, head down. It is attached to the shirt from the inside. In addition, another ancient way to protect newlyweds is crossed pins. In this case they must be gold. Such an amulet is also attached from the inside - at the level of the groom’s heart and to the hem of the wedding dress.

There is a belief that with the help of a pin, a new mother-in-law can protect a young family from quarrels and scandals.

To do this, you need to pin a pin on yourself at the moment when the newlyweds are going to get married. right breast, and when going back, chop it into left side. After the newlyweds arrive and get ready to celebrate the wedding, you need pin to the hem daughters.

It is especially important to use such a talisman at a wedding for pregnant brides, because in this case she finds herself under the gun of dozens of pairs of eyes, and protection is necessary. If after the holiday it is noticed that the amulet has turned black or bent, you should definitely bury it, thereby neutralizing the negativity collected by it. Remember that even your closest relatives and friends can cast the evil eye, and you don’t need to blame them for it - most likely, they don’t do it intentionally.

If handled correctly, an ordinary pin will become the protector of your personal happiness and energy. Such a universal amulet will save you from any magical influences, negative influence and evil.

Ritual with fire. Light a church candle and place a pin over its flame. Then drop wax onto the eye of the pin three times, saying the following words: “Guardian Angel, assigned to me by God, protect me with your hand from the evil eye, damage, witchcraft.” Don't get rid of the wax; it will disintegrate on its own over time.

Ritual with water. Pour spring, or preferably holy, water into a small container. Place your amulet at the bottom. Say the words of the conspiracy several times: “Your edge will protect me from the devil’s interference and the evil done by people.” Leave the pin in the water for exactly one day.

Ritual with red thread. Best to find wool thread red. It is necessary to make 12 knots on the thread from the beginning to the base of the needle. When tying a knot, say the words: “Strong knots will ward off misfortune, enmity, anger, troubles and sorrows. They will save you from black magic".

Caring for the amulet

The pin should not only be worn correctly, but also taken care of. A protective item tends to accumulate negative energy, so every two to three months it must be replaced with a new one or energy cleansing carried out. From a powerful attack of negative influence, the amulet can turn black and lose its power.

A bent pin means that your energy has been repeatedly attacked. It is possible that you are suffering from the effects of energy vampires, damage and other witchcraft. You should immediately get rid of such a talisman, even if it is gold or silver. An old pin, filled with negative energy, should be buried in the ground as far as possible from the house.

The pin is a universal protector against any witchcraft. Don’t part with your personal talisman, stay under it all the time powerful protection, then no damage can harm your life. We wish you success and good mood. Be happyand don't forget to press the buttons and

31.07.2017 04:28

The pin has long been considered a strong talisman from the evil eye and damage. But few people know how to properly use the power of this...

“Envy me, gossip, look askance, don’t like me - do what you want... Just don’t stare!”

Yes, this doesn’t always work out. Damage can come even from well-meaning people, friends, and when they least want to harm you. What to do? Not communicating with anyone? Not at all necessary. One thing will help us most powerful tool, a universal amulet against the evil eye - a safety pin.

Negative energy directed at a person is captured by the head of a pin. The energy enters the hairpin and begins to circulate freely throughout its shape. The oval, closed shape of the amulet does not allow negativity to come out, thereby creating reliable protection to the owner. Attention! Under no circumstances should you give a pin against the evil eye and damage into the wrong hands, even for a minute! Otherwise, its strength will weaken.

To protect yourself from the evil eye, you can buy any English stiletto heel. Many experts believe that the most powerful is silver pin from the evil eye. But gold or metal ones are not inferior in strength. Important role beads attached to a needle play:

  • the green bead is ideal for protecting children and expectant mothers;
  • yellow will give up her strength to reliably protect her friend;
  • red will protect your husband or a loved one from the evil eye;
  • blue will help resist the evil spell of your parents.

It is forbidden! For a safety pin loaded with protection to have a black bead on it will have the opposite effect.

How to wear protection correctly

An effective evil eye pin, how to wear it for maximum benefit? Know that this sharp protector should always be next to you, pinned to your clothing (be it a dress, jacket or dressing gown). It can only be removed at night and closed put it under the pillow. There are some rules for wearing it correctly:

  1. The pin should be visible and catchy (after all, the brighter it is, the more protection it provides. By the way, the brightest pin is gold). Wearing it on the inside, hiding it under vestments is not correct.
  2. It must be pinned vertically, head down, on clothing in the heart area (it can be worn on the left side on the lapel of a jacket).
  3. Mothers can pin this amulet against the evil eye on a sling with their baby.

But just buying a hairpin is not enough. Even if it is golden, the sharp protector must be awakened to work and activated (to charm the pin against the evil eye).

Preparing for work

Shop the quarterback of the future on Friday afternoon. But you need to carry out the activation ritual on the waxing moon on Tuesday. Spelling a pin against the evil eye is not at all difficult. There are several effective ways– just choose the one that suits you best.

  • Fiery. After midnight, light a candle blessed in the church and heat the eye of a pin with it. The spell is read three times, each time dripping wax onto the ear. Do not wipe off the drops - they will go away on their own. Text: “Angel, my protector, gifted by fate, cover and protect from the evil eye with your hand.”
  • Water. Pour well or spring water into a glass container. Put a hairpin there. A day later, speak the following words into the water: “Protect me with a sharp edge from the black evil eye, devil’s spawn and other infections.”
  • Nodular. We will need red wool thread. On the part of the amulet that does not end with a needle, tie the thread with 12 knots. With each knot you tie, say: “Twelve forces, twelve shields will take away the blackness, save you from anger and hatred. Take away the knots of bad weather, troubles and other misfortunes. Become my amulet from a minute to a century.”
  • Rowan. Open the pin and carefully thread the dried rowan berries onto the needle. There should be three of them. For each one, say: “The rowan is red, the rowan is strong, it brought me protection from the evil eye.”
  • Onion. Among the magical world of plants, onions are considered the strongest remedy that protects against adversity. Stick a pin into a large and ripe onion and read the hex: “Onion-fighter, protecting my crown, remove the evil deeds, turn away the damn deeds from me. Protect, amulets, ward off all adversity.”

After the ritual, the spoken hairpin should be pinned on clothing and worn. But the sharp defender needs to be looked after, periodically checked and well looked after.

Proper care of the amulet

If your safety pin against the evil eye is a regular metal one, it needs to be replaced with a new one every 2-3 months. Sometimes even more often if you have been subjected to a powerful attack of negative energy. In this case, the needle point will turn black or oxidize.

A silver or gold pin cannot turn black from the evil eye. Such amulets need to be cleaned periodically to remove all the negative energy that has accumulated. The procedure is as follows:

  • Wait until the full moon and remove your protector.
  • A gold or silver pin must be unfastened and freed from all additional accessories (beads, threads).
  • Rinse all parts of the amulet thoroughly in running, cool water.
  • Place the hairpin in a glass of well or spring water for three days. Place several silver items (coins, jewelry) in the container.
  • Then remove the pin and cover it with regular salt overnight.
  • On next morning the salt must either be flushed down the toilet or buried deep in the ground.

But if your protector from the evil eye suddenly bends, this is a sign that a massive attack of negativity was carried out on you, for example. In this case, the hairpin must be urgently changed (even if it is gold).

Bury the old hairpin, completely filled with black energy, as deeply as possible (in this case, the evil eye will go into the ground without causing harm to anyone). Many people advise spitting over your shoulder three times during this procedure. That's all. Wear your talisman and don’t be afraid of anything! After all, you are now reliably and for a long time protected from the most severe damage.

Video advice: 5 ways to protect yourself from the evil eye and damage:

The pin has long been considered a strong talisman against the evil eye and damage. But few people know how to properly use the power of this protective amulet. The point of the pin concentrates negative energy and prevents it from reaching the person wearing it. We will talk about how to properly pin a pin against the evil eye.

Which evil eye pin to use

Any pin will do for protection from negative energy. Silver pins are especially powerful. But ordinary pins are just as powerful. The only difference between them and silver ones is that they need to be changed or cleaned more often.

Buy a new pin. The one that has been lying around your home for a long time will not work as a talisman against the evil eye.

Where to pin

A pin against the evil eye and damage should be attached to the inside of the clothing. It should be attached to the left side, preferably in the chest area. No one should see your amulet, much less know that it protects you from negative energy.

You can pin the pin yourself. Even better if yours does it close relative, whom you trust. Then, in addition to the pin, the energy of your family will also protect you.

How does a talisman pin work?

The evil eye pin accumulates all the negative energy sent to you from other people. It turns out that what should “get” you is absorbed by the pin. Over time, it accumulates large number negative energy, which is why it needs to be cleaned periodically. To do this, you need to remove it from your clothes and pierce it over a fire with an open tip. It’s even better to pin a new one in place of the old one that has served its purpose.

An evil eye pin can also be used to protect your home. You need to pin it to the curtain on the window side. You can also stick the point of a pin into the door frame - then the negative energy sent into your home will return to the one who sent it. We wish you good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

05.11.2014 09:55

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