Testing well water - cost. How much does it cost to test well water?

DECEMBER 30 - only delivery of test results
DECEMBER 31 - the laboratory is open until 14:00. Only delivery of test results

Water analysis in Moscow and the Moscow region

CJSC "Main Control and Testing Center for Drinking Water" (CJSC "GITs PV") conducts chemical, radiological and microbiological analysis of ALL types of water for citizens and organizations.

CJSC "GIC PV" analyzes water from wells, boreholes and any other sources of drinking water supply for compliance with the requirements of regulatory documentation. Based on the results of the study, not only a test report is issued, but also methods and devices for water purification (tertiary treatment) can be selected.

JSC "GITs PV" examines the following types of water:

  • water from wells, wells, springs
  • drinking water from centralized water supply systems (tap water)
  • mineral water
  • bottled drinking water
  • distilled water
  • water for analytical research
  • water from swimming pools and water parks
  • domestic, technological and storm wastewater
  • any other types of water

Modern equipment and techniques, a high level of professional training of specialists, as well as many years of experience allow CJSC State Research Center PV to conduct water testing using more than 150 physical, chemical, radiological and microbiological indicators, which fully complies with all the requirements of national and international regulatory documents.

Water analysis, options:

Analysis of drinking water from wells, wells, springs, water pipes, analysis of bottled water

Basic analysis

Analysis of drinking water from wells, wells, analysis of tap water according to 15 indicators

Microbiological analysis

Water analysis for microbiology (separate from other analyses).

1500 rubles

Combined microbiological water analysis

Water analysis for microbiology (together with chemical water analysis)

1200 rubles + 2090 rubles


Our center uses only the most modern measuring instruments and testing equipment, which represent the latest achievements of domestic and foreign science and technology. All devices are included in the state register, undergo timely maintenance and verification by state metrological services.

You can independently take samples for water analysis and deliver them to JSC GIC PV. You can also order sampling or a courier visit: specialists from JSC GITS PV can take water samples in accordance with established requirements. For these purposes, JSC “GIC PV” has special transport, utensils and equipment.

Nowadays, water analysis is not a luxury, but a necessity. If you are going to use any water purification system at home - from a pitcher filter to a stationary system connected to the water supply, you need to do a chemical analysis of the tap water. This will allow you to choose a filter that is suitable for your conditions and, on the one hand, not overpay for purification of substances that are not in your water, and on the other hand, purify the water from pollutants that are actually present in it. Before installing a water purification device at home or in the country, do a water analysis and consult with our specialists. This will allow you to significantly save your money.

It is especially important to do a water analysis when using water from natural sources. Not only water from open bodies of water such as lakes and rivers, but also water from wells or springs can be contaminated with various chemicals or contain pathogens. At JSC "GITs PV" you can do not only chemical, but also microbiological analysis of water.

It is important to note that different contaminants are found in different water sources. Therefore, the analysis of water from wells, springs and other surface sources, for example, is different from the analysis of water from wells or taps. In surface waters, pollutants such as nitrates and nitrites are of particular importance, but sulfates, for example, common in wells, are practically not found. Also, water from surface sources must be tested not only for the content of various chemicals, but also for the presence of pathogens in it. At JSC "GITs PV" you will be offered several options for chemical analysis of water, each of which is designed for water from a specific type of source.

At JSC "GITs PV" you can have your tap water analyzed. It is necessary to additionally determine the substances entering the water during its treatment at water supply plants (coagulation, flocculation, chlorination, ozonation). These are, for example, polyacrylamide, chloroform, carbon tetrachloride, residual active chlorine.

Alpha- and beta-emitting radionuclides contained in water, including those of natural origin, can pose a serious health hazard. Radiological analysis of water in the Moscow region is recommended when using water from wells more than 20 meters deep.


Proper sampling goes a long way toward accurately and reliably determining water safety and quality. When independently collecting water samples for analysis, please follow the rules below.

Taking a water sample from a tap for chemical analysis

1. Open the water tap to full pressure and drain the water for 10 minutes.

2. Reduce the water pressure to a gentle stream and rinse the sample container with it 2-3 times.

3. Fill the sample container to the top with water so that no air bubbles remain and close the lid tightly.

4. Use a clean plastic or glass drinking water container to collect the sample. To determine organic substances in water, only a sample in a glass container is suitable.

5. The sample volume must be at least 1.5 liters.

6. The sample must be delivered to the laboratory no later than 1 day after collection. Before leaving for the laboratory, store the water sample in the refrigerator.

7. Record the date, time, and address of the sampling location.

Taking a water sample from a tap for microbiological analysis

WE STRONGLY RECOMMEND THAT YOU CALL A SPECIALIST FOR SAMPLE COLLECTION FOR MICROBIOLOGICAL ANALYSIS. Here we inform you of the general rules for sampling, but we warn you that the collection of such samples requires special training.

1. Wipe the outer surface of the faucet with alcohol or burn it with a lighter.

2. Open the water tap to full pressure and drain the water for 10 minutes.

3. Reduce the water pressure to a calm stream.

4. Wipe your hands with alcohol or disinfectant wipes.

5. To collect a sample, use a sterile plastic or glass container, which you can purchase at a pharmacy.

6. Open the sterile container and immediately pour water into it, leaving a small layer of air between the neck and the lid. Close the container tightly with a lid.

7. Do not touch the spout of the tap, the neck of the bottle or the inside of the cap with your hands when taking a sample.

8. The sample volume must be at least 0.5 liters.

9. The sample must be delivered to the laboratory no later than 5 hours after collection. Before leaving for the laboratory, store the water sample in the refrigerator. Transport the container with the water sample along with the cooling elements, previously frozen in the freezer.

Wells are not among the centralized sources of water supply. Therefore, the requirements of sanitary and epidemiological standards for water from wells differ from the requirements for ordinary tap water. The thing is that it is used by a relatively small number of people, so the associated risks are lower compared to centralized systems.

However, this does not mean that water from the source does not pose potential threats to the consumer. The well is an open source and is poorly protected from environmental influences, and is also not subject to systematic monitoring of water quality - a frequent case is also the error of technical services when designing structures.

The NORTEST laboratory offers a comprehensive analysis of well water, including:

  • Chemical analysis;
  • Microbiological analysis;
  • Bacteriological analysis.

We carry out independent testing of well water in a laboratory setting. We take samples ourselves, visiting the site, observing storage and transportation conditions, ensuring the reliability of the data obtained.

Timely analysis in our laboratory will allow:

  • Obtain objective and accurate information about the state of the water;
  • Determine the presence and ratio of hazardous substances;
  • Receive a full report in a form approved by regulations, which will allow you to use the data when contacting government services;
  • Evaluate the performance of existing filters and propose your own solutions based on many years of research experience in the field.

Our laboratory analyzes water from wells in Moscow, carrying out comprehensive examinations from any open source. It includes an assessment of the level of contamination taking into account regulatory documents, as well as indicators that will determine the suitability of the liquid for drinking and use for economic purposes.

The advantage of ordering analysis from NORTEST

  • Use of modern equipment, which guarantees 100% accuracy of research;
  • Analysis and obtaining results in the shortest possible time;
  • Registration of the results in the form of a protocol, which has legal and legal force, since we are an accredited laboratory with the necessary certificates;
  • Help in choosing a water purification system that can handle a wide range of pollutants.

Testing water at the NORTEST testing center is a professional examination of samples based on organoleptic parameters, identifying impurities and substances that may be harmful to health. The obtained analysis data are compared with established state standards and norms. Having determined the condition of the water at the source, our specialists will help develop a number of measures for purification and filtration - even in the case of serious contamination, modern devices will allow you to bring water indicators to the standards.

We set affordable prices for services, acting independently, without involving intermediaries or third-party equipment. Therefore, by contacting us for an analysis of water from a well, you can count on quick acceptance of the application, after which our employees will immediately go to the site to take samples. The research takes several days, depending on the complexity.

  • pH value;
  • turbidity;
  • dry residue;
  • general hardness;
  • color;
  • smell;
  • permanganate oxidation;
  • ammonium ion;
  • nitrates;
  • phosphates
  • iron;

Optimal list includes indicators whose contents are most often overestimated, and is necessary to obtain more complete information about water quality and to select a purification system:

  • pH value;
  • turbidity;
  • dry residue;
  • general hardness;
  • color;
  • electrical conductivity;
  • permanganate oxidation,
  • iron;
  • iron 2+;
  • manganese;
  • strontium,
  • lithium;
  • ammonium ion;
  • nitrates;
  • nitrites;
  • phosphates;
  • fluorides;
  • hydrogen sulfide and sulfides;
  • sulfates;
  • chlorides;
  • petroleum products;
  • Bacteriology: total microbial count and total coliform bacteria.

Advanced scroll for a complete characterization of the water quality of new individual wells, wells, collective water supply systems of gardening partnerships:

  • pH value;
  • turbidity;
  • dry residue;
  • general hardness;
  • color;
  • permanganate oxidation,
  • iron;
  • iron 2+;
  • manganese;
  • strontium;
  • lithium;
  • copper;
  • molybdenum;
  • arsenic;
  • sodium;
  • lead;
  • zinc;
  • ammonium ion;
  • nitrates;
  • nitrites;
  • phosphates;
  • fluorides;
  • hydrogen sulfide and sulfides;
  • sulfates;
  • chlorides;
  • petroleum products;
  • 2,4-D;
  • organochlorine pesticides;
  • phenols;
  • bacteriology: total microbial count and total coliform bacteria, thermotolerant coliform bacteria.

Chemical analysis of water from a well for drinking or use for technical purposes is more difficult than researching an aquifer hidden at a depth of more than 30 meters. The need for a comprehensive study of samples taken almost from the surface of the earth is due to the high probability of contact with pesticides, surfactants and biological pollutants. In this article we will look at the basic principles of research, and as a bonus we will give addresses where you can analyze water from a well in Moscow.

If water from a well is analyzed only for basic indicators (bicarbonates, iron, manganese, alkalinity, hardness, turbidity, sulfates and chlorides. Read more about analyzing water from a well.), then the upper layer of the aquifer often contains:

Microbiological contaminants (giardia, E. coli),

Inorganic substances (lead, copper, mercury, zinc, sodium),

Organic substances (acrylamide, styrene, vinyl chloride, PAHs, carbon tetrachloride, dioxin),

Pesticides (aldicarb, heptachlor, endrin, lindane, oxamyl, toxafol, methoxychlor),

Herbicides (dalapon, anthracine, diqual, glyphosphate, endothal, penchlorophenol).

Radionuclides (alpha, beta particles and radium).

Well up to 10 meters deep

Analysis of water from a well for drinking purposes up to 10 meters deep involves a detailed study of microbiological indicators. The fact is that stagnant water and excess oxygen in the air are optimal conditions for the growth and development of microorganisms.

In second place in terms of prevalence in wells up to 10 meters deep are substances that are transported with rainwater (surfactants, fertilizers, petroleum products) and domestic wastewater. Very rarely, surface waters contain increased concentrations of easily oxidized pollutants (ferrocompounds, chlorides, sulfides).

Well depth from 10 to 30 meters

At a depth of 10 to 30 meters, the oxygen concentration decreases significantly. That is why analysis of water from water intake sources of this type rarely proves increased turbidity or color.

As a rule, at a depth of 10 to 30 meters, the concentration of calcium, sodium, potassium, iron and manganese compounds increases significantly, which indicates a gradual transition of “well” water to “borehole” water. Analysis of water from wells and shallow wells will most likely show that softeners and iron removers are needed in the filtration system.

Example of well water analysis

An analysis of water from a well (Sinyavino village, Leningrad region) proves an increased content of manganese and iron. In addition, the color and turbidity of the selected samples significantly exceeds the norm (1).

Table 1. Protocol of water research results in the Leningrad region

Indicator name


Sample concentration

Turbidity (EMF units)

Color (degrees)

Oxidability permanganate

Aluminum (mg/l)

Not found

Alkalinity (mg-eq/l)

Ammonium (mg/l)

Iron (mg/l)

Nitrates (mg/l)

Not found

Manganese (mg/l)

Hardness (mg-eq/l)

Smell (points)

The analysis should be carried out only after 2-3 weeks of operation of the water intake source. It is by this time that the composition of groundwater, disturbed due to construction work, is restored almost completely.

So, where is well water tested?

Organizations that analyze water from a well in Moscow (laboratory addresses)

Please call for prices.

Geocenter-Moscow, research and production center

Roshchinskaya 2-ya, 10


Det Norske Veritas, LLC, representative office in Moscow

Trekhprudny lane, 9 st2 - office 406; 4th floor; BC on Trekhprudny

TsLATI, Center for Laboratory Analysis and Technical Measurements for the Central Federal District, Eastern Department

Zheleznodorozhny, Gidrogorodok, 15 - office 606; 6th floor


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Saneco group of companies

Mira Avenue, 106 - 528-536 office; 5th floor

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Mosekomonitoring, State Budgetary Budgetary Institution

Novy Arbat, 11 st1 - 15th floor

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ROSA, JSC, analytical center for water quality control

Rodnikovaya, 7

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Ecosystem, LLC, environmental company

Entuziastov highway, 4

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VED, LLC, environmental company

Nizhnyaya Syromyatnicheskaya, 11 - 1st floor

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PURSEY Corp., JSC, environmental company

Volgogradsky Prospekt, 47 - The Cube Business Center

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VITAKHIM, research and development company

Miusskaya Square, 9 st4

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Independent Certification and Expertise Center, LLC

Krasnoselsky 3rd lane, 21

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Federal Center for Analysis and Assessment of Technogenic Impact, Federal Budgetary Institution

Ostapovsky proezd, 3 st23 - BC Capital

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FlorEco, ecological enterprise

Dubrovskaya 1st, 13a st2 - office 513; 5th floor

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IsvodCenter, testing laboratory

Donskaya, 32

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Frekom, LLC, environmental company

Malaya Pirogovskaya, 18 st1 - office 407-408; 4-5 floor

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Zvezda, independent testing laboratory

Likhachevsky 2nd lane, 1a


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Cascavella, environmental analysis company

Klara Zetkin, 33 k35


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Ecoterra, expert and analytical center on environmental issues

Leninskie Gory, 1 st77


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TsLATI, Center for Laboratory Analysis and Technical Measurements in the Central Federal District, Pushkin Department

Pushkino (Pushkinsky district), Pisarevskaya, 8


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Sources used:

3.9 / 5 ( 9 votes)

The presence of a well or other natural water supply sources on the site is a good reason to conduct studies of the chemical and microbiological indicators of the liquids coming from them. Analysis of water from a well is a prerequisite for life support facilities; responsibility for compliance with sanitary standards rests with its owners. And if the source of H2O supply is public or municipal (in small villages, dacha areas), management companies or other government bodies responsible for the safety of life and health of citizens can check its contents.

It is worth remembering that research can only be carried out in laboratory conditions - the quality of rapid tests in most cases does not stand up to the slightest criticism, and the price of professional research in the SES remains affordable even to the poorest segments of the population. Residents of apartment buildings can conduct individual testing of tap water indicators.

How pure are natural springs?

Why do you even need to check the source of drinking water? Owners of summer cottages and garden plots are indignant. After all, everyone knows that the composition of ordinary drinking water and well water are not comparable in terms of their indicators. Water supply - individual or centralized - is considered to be almost a source of universal evil. And the liquids there are chlorinated and cleaned poorly. And the contents of a well or what comes from a spring are ideal for drinking. But it's not that simple.

SES specialists remind:

It is necessary to take samples to detect harmful substances in wells at least once every 6 months, and more often if you live near a landfill, industrial production, or a busy highway. A high groundwater level or the close location of a septic tank or cesspool can also lead to a clear and clear-looking liquid turning into a “time bomb.” For example, helminthic infestations, giardiasis, and E. coli spread through drinking unboiled raw materials.

What is important to know about well water?

Today, 9 out of 10 sources for individual use, when tested in the laboratory of liquid samples, demonstrate an excess of heavy metals and the presence of nitrates and nitrites in high concentrations. The analysis should be carried out more often if it has a depth of no more than 10 m, or is not used very intensively. After all, when a liquid stagnates, its microbiological parameters quickly cease to meet sanitary standards. Another possible source of danger is the entry of substances from the external environment into wells. Risk factors include:

  • petroleum products and their derivatives;
  • household chemicals;
  • fertilizers used on the site.

During heavy precipitation, all this can lead to contamination of even completely safe sources of autonomous water supply. And the result of infection can easily be a deterioration in the health of people who use it in their daily lives.

Why is analysis needed?

By ordering a chemical analysis of water from a well, its owner has the opportunity to reliably establish the safety of water resources used in everyday life. It is important to know that such studies are carried out only after 21 days from the date of commissioning of the structure - this is exactly how long it takes for the research data to be reliable.

As part of the research carried out by the laboratory, the qualitative characteristics of the liquid are measured, the advisability of its use for drinking, household or technical needs is determined, and recommendations are given on the use of additional cleaning measures. It is important to understand that in any case it is impossible to determine the content or presence of harmful substances either visually or by smell. Accordingly, by delaying contacting the laboratory, you can get life-threatening poisoning and jeopardize the health of your loved ones.

Is it expensive to conduct research?

Contrary to numerous myths about the high cost of water resources research, in fact, the price for this type of service in most SES departments is quite symbolic. Moreover, station specialists can even take samples independently and in the shortest possible time. The price also depends on the type of research. Comprehensive testing of chemical and microbiological parameters will be more expensive than simple testing for bacterial flora and other sources of biological hazards.