What to do if money was stolen from your card. What to do if fraudsters stole money from a bank card? Why are more stolen from Sberbank clients?

There is a risk involved in any monetary transaction. Although plastic cards have proven themselves well, problems can arise with them. Sberbank often receives complaints from its clients that money has been stolen from their cards. Of course, if it is the bank's mistake, then it returns them. This cannot be called theft. But there are cases when fraudulent actions are committed with the card, and the client is left without his cash savings. Unfortunately, Russia is far from last in the ranking of bank thefts. If money is stolen from a Sberbank card, the client should receive all possible support. On the side of the people federal law(No. 161), who protects their interests.

How to steal money:

  1. Use of phishing. The offender sends a letter or SMS message to the cardholder. It contains a virus program that is activated when a person opens a message. By visiting the redirected site, the client can say goodbye to his data, as it becomes known to scammers. As a rule, this is the user’s login and personal password for online banking.
  2. Using skimming. This device (skimmer) steals data from the magnetic strip of a plastic card. It also makes it easy to find out your PIN code. The attackers attach it to the ATM, and then use the collected data to make a duplicate card. After this, purchases are made at the client’s expense.

There are many stories on the Internet about plastic card holders becoming victims of scammers. Sometimes money is written off for completely different reasons, for example due to a failure or technical error. In this case, the client has every right for a refund. Because the money written off was withdrawn illegally.

If there is a failure at the terminal or ATM, the situation can be easily resolved. The card holder does not even need to contact a banking institution. Because in fact, the money remains in the account, but until all transactions are verified, they will be blocked. After the end of the working day, the bank to which the terminal belongs receives a report. Then the transactions for the day are checked, if they are successful, then the funds are written off. The procedure usually takes 3-4 business days.

Important. That is, if the client has doubts about the payment, whether it went through or not, whether the funds were written off or not, the situation will resolve itself within a few days.

But no financial instrument is perfect, so you should not trust it blindly. If a client encounters a write-off that he has not confirmed, he needs to immediately call Sberbank and start resolving the issue. Experienced people advise not to sit back and wait for a refund, but to go and figure it out.

A bank employee must explain the procedure if a person suspects that money has been stolen from his card. Written evidence of the transaction (receipt, photo from the terminal) is required.

The bank can consider the case within 180 days. This maximum term execution of the application.

If a person discovers the fact of constant write-offs, then he must leave a written request for a refund. But, if the write-offs are confirmed by the entered PIN code, then they do not fall under the “refund” article. The client is responsible for them.

In approximately half of the cases, success accompanies those who quickly contact the bank with their problem. Then the chances of a refund increase. It would be correct to enable the SMS notification function. It’s simple and convenient, the client receives a message about any movement financial flows on his map.

With online write-offs, everything is more complicated, since it is difficult to prove that the items were purchased by a fraudster and not a client. The return procedure is similar, which begins with submitting an application. But there is a nuance. Not all banks accept these applications. You need to carefully read the agreement with the bank, where this issue is covered.

Important. In cases where the client does not use the card for a long time, the best solution would be to block the account that is linked to it.

If money is debited from a client's card in an unauthorized manner, the following steps must be taken:

  1. First, you need to stop panicking, but rather sit down and remember what kind of expenses it could be. Sberbank doesn’t do anything for nothing; the money could have been used to pay for an SMS alert, to service a card, or money was written off for a purchase that was made some time ago.
  2. Block your card with the help of your bank operator.
  3. Write a statement asking the bank to return the money.
  4. When a large sum of money disappears, you can attract law enforcement agencies. For this purpose, a statement is drawn up and sent to the police department. Thus, it is possible to intensify the bank’s efforts to search for missing funds. A criminal case is being opened. Attached to it is a video taken from an ATM, which shows that it was not the card owner who withdrew the money.
  5. When a bank refuses assistance, a person has the right to go to court. If the transaction is considered illegal, the money is returned to the client.

If money is stolen by criminals

In this case, the procedure is as follows:

  1. Call the bank and block it.
  2. Check the amounts, perhaps they are written off due to auto payment or the activities of bailiffs.
  3. Come to a Sberbank branch to submit a written application for a refund. We also need to figure out how this could happen. You need to carefully study the agreement concluded with the bank. Especially those points that stipulate current situations. If the operator refuses to accept the application, the client can warn of his intention to go to court. Usually, after this, applications are accepted. It is very good if a person has proof of unauthorized withdrawal of money. For example, if the card was stolen, a copy of the loss document is attached to the application. The original document is retained by the police. After a criminal case has been opened (from this date), the client has no relation to the expenses that are made using the card.

In case of a negative response from the bank, you need to receive a refusal from it in writing and go:

  • to the police so that they can sort out the actions of the bank;
  • prosecutor's office for drawing up statement of claim.

Steal cash In this day and age, virtual payments are easy for criminals. Among the stolen amounts there are very significant ones. If the client has to withdraw a lot of money, it is better to visit a savings bank branch. There is no need to give attackers an extra chance to find out your card details.

Cash withdrawn from ATM

This may be a technical error caused by a glitch operating system. The ATM gives out a plastic card, but the client does not receive money. In addition, he receives a notification that they have been removed. This situation requires rapid response from the client side:

  • leave an application at the bank;
  • wait until the request is satisfied.

Of course, if the failure is confirmed, the money is quickly returned to the owner. You receive an SMS notification that your account has changed. If this does not happen, you need to go to the police.

In addition to device failure, a scrimming situation is possible. When fraudsters obtain card data through a special device. In this case, the client performs the same actions as described above.

Having reported the theft, the client launches an investigation, which is handled by the bank's security service. Using video, she establishes the theft. If it is proven, then the bank must return the money to the owner.

Actions of bailiffs

They can:

  • find debtors by submitting a request to the bank;
  • freeze accounts;
  • withhold money from the account.

They work closely with the main bank of the country. By court decision, any type of card can be written off, regardless of the holder’s opinion. You can find out why the money was withdrawn at a bank branch or at the bailiff service. If such information is not provided, you must write a written statement. It may be pending within a week.

Now there is an official website where you can find out about the status of your debts. As a rule, after a court order, the employee has the right to authorize the debiting of funds from the debtor’s card. Sometimes this happens so quickly that the client does not understand why such amounts are being withdrawn from his card.

Reasons for writing off funds

  • late paid fines;
  • unpaid alimony;
  • credit.

Bailiffs have the right to write off fines from card accounts without notifying cardholders. It happens that the amount is written off twice, then you need to contact the person in charge of the case and write an application for a refund.

Bank write-off

Often the money is written off to the credit structure. In this case, you need to figure out why the money was withdrawn. The bank does not have the right to transfer the entire client’s salary to pay off the debt. Withdrawal of 50% of the received amounts is allowed. But, all money is debited automatically. This clause is in the agreement concluded between the bank and the client. First of all, this applies to those people who do not pay their loan debts at all.

At work, a person can re-register wages and receive it in cash or to a card of another bank.

Social media

Very often, free subscriptions become paid after some time. The client may simply forget that he is connected to the service. The best solution will not leave your card details when subscribing. The bank will definitely not return such amounts, because they were the fault of the client.

How to return money stolen from a Sberbank card

It is almost impossible to return money that was transferred unauthorized through an online bank. Because the fact of theft is difficult to prove. Therefore, you need to protect your computer from virus programs, be vigilant about new emails, and do not click on unfamiliar links. If a client receives a letter with a tempting offer, it is better to go to the official Sberbank page and make sure that it is true. When a client is asked to reveal his personal data, it is often the actions of scammers.

Before you can return the money, you still need to prove that it was stolen. And this is not easy. To get started you need:

  1. Submit a written application to the bank.
  2. Take the report to the police.

Important. This should be done as soon as possible, otherwise the deadlines allotted for such cases may pass.

It’s more realistic to get your money back if there was a technical error on the bank’s part. The bank resolves this issue within 2-4 days. But, if the theft is serious, then resolving the issue becomes more complicated. But a positive outcome is possible if it is proven that the client had nothing to do with the unauthorized withdrawal.

To protect their funds, the client can insure the card against major risks. Then in case of fraudulent actions, you can count on compensation.

Fraudsters are an inventive people. Today they have worked out a fair number of ways to steal money from the accounts of bank card holders. Since theft from cards has acquired an impressive scope, we decided to pay attention to this problem and tell you how to return money withdrawn by scammers from bank card.

Money was stolen - what to do?

Is it possible to return stolen money? Can. If there is a suspicion that any transactions were made with your card without your participation and funds were withdrawn, we recommend that you immediately take the following measures to get your money back:

  • Immediately contact the bank using the toll-free number indicated on the card and request that it be blocked. You need to do this because to withdraw funds or pay for purchases, it is not at all necessary to know the PIN code and have the card itself in hand. A bank employee will tell you by phone about the balance on your card account and the latest actions with the card.
  • If it is impossible to resolve all the issues over the phone, it would be best to personally contact the nearest office of your bank, where you can not only block the card, but also receive all necessary information about the movement of money in your account.
  • If your fears are confirmed and money has been debited from your account by fraudsters, submit an application to the bank with a request to investigate the suspicious transactions with the account and return the money withdrawn from the card. Receive a statement of your card account and attach it to your application.
  • Since we're talking about about a criminal offense, you must file a statement about fraudulent activities and demand the return of the withdrawn money to the police department. The application is drawn up in two copies; your copy indicates the number under which it is registered with the police.

By completing these steps, you can count on the return of the stolen money.

What you need to know

Now we’ll tell you in more detail what to expect in the process of investigating the fact that money has gone missing from your account.

Application-complaint to the bank. Before drawing it up, study the responsibilities of the bank and the client, that is, you, specified in the contract for servicing the card account.

When making a statement, try to describe what happened in as much detail as possible, emphasizing your innocence in the loss of funds from the card. The bank that issued the card will contact the credit institution that received the payment with a request to return the money withdrawn by the fraudsters.

The payee has three months to review this request before deciding to transfer the funds. During this time, the relevant departments of banks check transactions on the client’s account, and also check the reputation of the applicant and the person who received the money.

During the investigation process, it is possible that bank security officers may interview the applicant’s colleagues at the place of work, talk with the local police officer at the place of residence and ask questions to family members of the card holder.

This is completely justified, since the bank must exclude the involvement of the victim himself in the fraudulent actions committed.

When fraud is proven, the receiving bank is obliged to return the received funds back to the cardholder's account.

As written above, the correct thing to do would be to file a police report. Wanting to save business reputation, bank employees will probably try to dissuade you from this step.

Keeping money in Sberbank seems to be the most reliable option, while the Central Bank closes several banks every day. The Green Elephant will certainly not be deprived of its license. But often the Green Elephant turns out to be more dangerous than the Green Snake, and his clients are left with zeroed accounts. If a bank’s license is revoked, you receive up to 1.4 million from the DIA; if fraudsters withdraw money from your Sberbank accounts, the chances are 50 to 50.

Grandfather's pension was withdrawn even before he received debit card, and a young mother who was selling a stroller on Avito had all her money withdrawn from her deposit. In times of crisis, the theft of money from Sberbank accounts becomes widespread. Let's see how money is most often withdrawn, who is to blame for this - Sberbank, clients or cunning scammers. What you need to do to avoid becoming a victim of criminals, and also where to run if money is rapidly flying out of your account.

Skimming - more and more sophisticated

Skimmers are reading devices that fraudsters install on ATMs to then create a duplicate card and withdraw money from it. In addition to a duplicate magnetic stripe, scammers seek to obtain a PIN code, most often using a microscopic camera. However, even without a PIN code, card data can be used to withdraw funds from it.

"I was at work when I received a message that my Visa cards. I immediately called Sberbank and they told me that the card was blocked due to possible fraudulent activities. Of course, I went to the bank, wrote an application for reissue and calmed down.I learned about the disappearance of funds 2 days later, when I discovered that a significant amount of 149,000 rubles had appeared on the Momentum card, which I managed to withdraw, the scammers closed the deposit on the savings book, and Sberbank withdrew its commission of 9434.62 for early termination of the deposit agreement " Manage", and transferred 413,286.44 to the Momentum card, the scammers withdrew 3,000 rubles 5 times, then 100,000 rubles, 150,000 rubles - a total of 265,000 rubles were withdrawn..."

Why are more stolen from Sberbank clients?

A large number of ATMs and clients leads to them becoming victims of fraud more often, but there are other objective reasons.

It would seem that the chip on the card should protect against skimmers, because it is more difficult to copy. All cards in Russia are equipped with chips, but not all ATMs read them. In most Sberbank ATMs, you can withdraw money from a duplicate card without a chip. Even if it is not possible to withdraw money, using a duplicate card, fraudsters can connect their phone number to a mobile bank, gain access to Internet banking and one-time passwords to confirm transactions.

Skimming cases in lately have become more frequent and clients of all banks are becoming victims. However, access to the Sberbnka card gives access to all client accounts and allows you not only to reset the card, but also to withdraw money from the deposit, savings book and credit card.

How to protect yourself from skimming?

  • Choose ATMs at a bank branch, rather than in a dark corner of a store or on the street.
  • Inspect the card reader and keyboard and refuse the operation if something is loose, traces of glue are visible, or the appearance of the ATM is suspicious.
  • Cover the keyboard with your hand when entering your PIN code.
  • Read about how to identify an ATM with a skimmer.
  • At the first suspicion that the card has been compromised, call the bank and block the card.

What to do if your money is stolen?

If the money has already been stolen, after blocking the card, it’s quicker to run to the bank and write a statement.

Will the money be returned?

In most cases, Sberbank returns money if you become a victim of skimmers, and you still have the original card. The main thing is to submit a request for a refund immediately. But keep in mind that the actual return period may take from 45 days to six months.

Phishing and social engineering

A classic example of phishing - you receive a letter from a bank via email, follow the link and you will be taken to a completely different site, which is very similar to the bank’s website. The login and password are immediately transferred to the attackers, and the money flows into their pockets. Substitution of the Internet banking login page can occur if your computer or smartphone is infected with viruses.

However, today's Sberbank clients suffer more not from hackers who create fake pages, but from those who cunningly lure out data to access the Internet bank. For example, you may receive an SMS about your card being blocked. You call via SMS, and a scammer picks up the phone and asks you to enter a one-time password to confirm your identity.

Another common situation: a buyer from Avito wants to send you an advance payment to a Sberbank card. You provide the card number and expiration date, after a while the buyer calls back and asks for the code from SMS, calling various reasons- the money went to the wrong place, he withdrew it instead of sending it and wants to return it...

“I decided to log into Sberbank Online, but I couldn’t log in, because Sberbank apologized for the technical work and promised to resume work in the near future. At 13.30 I logged into Sberbank Online again. This time everything was fine, I received I entered an SMS about successful login, but a window opened asking for my personal data (due to a failure in the bank’s security system), because everything happened on the official Sberbank website. And then something started. cancel the operation (I was sent an SMS with a password to cancel). I wanted to call Sberbank, but a man called me, introduced himself as an employee of Sberbank and said that there was a failure and I needed to follow the instructions appearing on the screen and the messages received by SMS, since one corresponded to the other. , I entered the password to cancel the operation. The window fell out again, the SMS came again, this happened three more times, I left Sberbank Online, tried to log in again, but I couldn’t. Then I called the bank employee who called me, but he didn’t. the phone was locked. I checked the phone number with the Sberbank phone number, and it turned out that it differs from the Sberbank phone number in one digit. Sberbank has a zero after six fives, but here at the beginning. I got through to Sberbank and then they killed me on the spot. ABOUT 700 THOUSAND RUBLES LEFT FROM MY CARD!”

Why does this happen more often at Sberbank?

A large number of clients who did not choose the bank themselves are pensioners, salary clients. Often these people are not very technically savvy, which means they are easier to confuse in order to get the information they need. But there is another reason.

Knowing the card number and the phone number to which it is linked, you can register with Sberbank Online again - the fraudster can only receive the codes from SMS. You can create a payment template and withdraw money using it without SMS confirmation. What is especially dangerous is that through Sberbank online, scammers gain access to all accounts, not just card ones.

How to avoid getting scammed?

To avoid becoming a victim of scammers, you need to be very careful and suspicious:

  • When logging into the Internet bank, pay attention to the correct spelling of the site address and a secure connection - https://online.sberbank.ru/
  • If, when logging into the Internet bank, you are required to enter something other than a login and password/one-time password, this is not the Sberbank website.
  • Do not tell anyone the codes from SMS, no matter what they say on the other end of the line. Sberbank never requires codes to cancel or annul a transaction - there is simply no such option.
  • Don't give out your card number strangers, and don’t tell anyone the expiration date - to send a transfer from card to card, you don’t need its expiration date.
  • If you receive a call from Sberbank, tense up - it is your “privilege” to call the call center and wait on the line. Sberbank calls only if it wants to sell you something.

What to do?

Block the card, write a statement to the bank and the police.

Will the money be returned?

If you yourself provided the code from SMS to the attackers, then you gave them your consent to write it off. In this case, Sberbank will not return the money.

It is enough to know the card number

The card number, its expiration date and CVV code allow you to pay for purchases online and make money transfers through special services. The card number can be compromised, for example, when paying in a cafe, when the waiter took your card behind the bar to make a payment. People easily communicate Sberbank card numbers to each other to send transfers from card to card, for example, when making purchases on Avito, Hand to Hand or on forums. If you use an ATM with a skimmer installed (see the first point), your card data will also fall into the hands of criminals.

Knowing only the card number, attackers can determine its expiration date and make a purchase on some sites that do not require a CVV code (for example, Amazon.com), in addition, a code with reverse side no card required for small payments, e.g. cellular communication. Quite a lot of money is spent on the telephone numbers of Beeline subscribers from Sberbank cards.

Most online stores accept payments via the 3D-secure protocol. In this case, the operation must be confirmed with a one-time password from SMS. But firstly, this is not required everywhere. Secondly, there have been a number of cases where attackers somehow obtained one-time passwords. Either the leak is on the bank's side or on the operator's side...

“My story is this: I wrote an advertisement for the sale of a baby stroller on a free website. Today a young man called and said that he was ready to buy this product, but would pay by transfer to a Sber card. He asked me to dictate my card number, luckily she gave me my husband’s card number , there was about 500 rubles. So they just told me the card number, when I received an SMS on my husband’s phone saying that the amount of 7 rubles 50 kopecks was withdrawn through RUS MOSCOW BEELINE MTOPUP. Naturally, I immediately guessed what was going on. but after 15 seconds 100 rubles were gone, then again 200 and again 100. So we had 75 rubles left on the card!

Why is Sberbank more dangerous?

Sberbank clients suffer more often due to the fact that it is very convenient to transfer payments from card to Sberbank card without a commission using the card number. Via online banking or ATM. Therefore, the card number is disclosed to every potential buyer.

How to keep card details secret?

  • Do not disclose the card number to third parties.
  • Do not make purchases in suspicious online stores, so as not to compromise your number.
  • Block the card if it is lost.
  • Set limits on spending transactions on the Internet and a ban on payments abroad.

If the money was stolen

Write a statement to the bank and the police.

Chances of return

If there was an operation with 3D-secure, the bank will not voluntarily return the money. If not, most likely the decision will be in your favor.

Mobile banking is a black hole

Here we will talk only about Sberbank.

Sberbank's mobile banking package includes SMS notifications about all transactions plus the ability to send short commands to special numbers for making payments (for telephone payments, transfers from card to card, etc.). The Economy package only informs you about logging into Sberbank online, sends one-time passwords and also makes it possible to make payments via SMS, but with a higher commission. Connecting a mobile bank - prerequisite for access to remote banking services (to Internet banking, in other words). Another prerequisite is the presence of a card and the conclusion of a UDBO (universal banking service agreement), which links all your accounts and links them to the number mobile phone. This is where miracles begin.

Option 1

A different number may be associated with the mobile bank - completely different from the one indicated in the written application or differing from it by one digit. As a rule, the employee's error here is accidental or intentional.

Having become the “happy owner” of someone’s mobile bank, a person can little by little withdraw money to his phone. And the account owner will not even suspect this, because he does not receive SMS.

It is possible that when you received the card, you did not write an application to connect to a mobile bank. But it was still connected to a number unknown to you, not without the participation of bank employees.

If there is written confirmation that the number turned out to be different, the money will be returned to you, but you will have to prove it.

It often happens that text messages came and came, and then suddenly they stopped. Program failure or? In any case, there is a reason to be wary and go to the bank.

Option 2

A second number can be linked to the mobile bank. You can connect the second number through an ATM, for example, using a copy of the card (see the first point). In this case, messages will no longer be sent to the first - main number.

Option 3

You changed your phone number or the operator transferred it to another subscriber, but you did not write an application to disconnect the old number and connect a new number. Or the employee accepted the request to disconnect, but forgot to press the key.

Perhaps you closed all your cards and lost your phone, and a year later you got a Sberbank card again. This is where the old number that you had already forgotten about surfaced. Withdrawing money through old numbers linked to a mobile bank is quite common.

Please note that when changing your phone number you need to write 2 statements! To disconnect the old and connect the new. Otherwise, up to 8 telephone numbers!

The sad news is that the bank will not return your money withdrawn this way. The only option is if you can prove that there was indeed an application for disconnection, but the employees did not disconnect the number.

Why does this happen more often to Sberbank clients?

SMS notifications and mobile banking are structured differently in different banks, but Sberbank clients suffer more often for several reasons:

  • It is very easy to make payments for large amounts through mobile banking. You don't even need to know your card details.
  • It’s hard to resist the temptation to withdraw money from someone else’s card if you’re receiving text messages day and night, even if you didn’t initially plan to rob someone.
  • Employees receive bonuses for connecting additional services, so they also connect mobile banking to those who did not ask.
  • Mobile banking is available to everyone, although it is mainly used by scammers.

New trend - SIM card replacement

Your SIM stops working, money disappears from your accounts, and then it turns out that someone received a new SIM card in one of the offices of Beeline, MTS or another operator...

Sometimes the attackers already have your passport data (the leak could be in a phone shop), card number (skimming) and access to Sberbank online, sometimes they use a mobile bank to withdraw through it what they can, then connect the Internet bank and withdraw rest.

Money is very quickly withdrawn through services for transferring from a card to a card of a third-party bank (the fraudster just needs to know the card number and select the expiration date), to a prepaid Kukuruza card (you need to know all the card details), to a Sberbank card (you need to have or restore login data Sberbank online).

Interestingly, Sberbank blocks the card only the next day. Of course, there is a huge hole here on the side of cellular operators - they reissue cards using fake passports, powers of attorney, pension certificates without an application, without an attempt to contact the real owner of the SIM card. And employees are often involved. But Sberbank is not without holes.

“They stole money from his wife’s card. It’s just like the same poor fellows: someone comes to the mobile operator and changes the SIM card to himself. Then the person loses contact with the bank while the attackers transfer the money to Kukuruza (in my case, to Novosibirsk). the next (!!!) day Sberbank sends an SMS that the account is blocked. But the login password is no longer there, according to Sberbank.”

Why Sberbank?

  • When replacing a SIM card, the phone number remains the same, but the IMSI code of the SIM card changes. By law, banks must track it, but this process works very crookedly - they block access to Sberbank Online themes those who have not changed their SIM card are blocked 3 months after the replacement, and the number of frauds associated with replacing a SIM card is growing rapidly. There is an opinion that IMSI code checking is simply disabled in Sberbank, while it works great in a number of other banks.
  • For some reason, the rapid withdrawal of funds from all accounts in several transactions does not arouse suspicion from the bank and does not lead to timely blocking of the card. This suggests that the anti-fraud system is working very poorly.

What to do?

The victim's procedure is standard - blocking the card, filing an application with the bank, and then, most likely, filing a lawsuit against the mobile operator and the bank.

Will the money be returned?

They rarely return voluntarily; the practice through the courts is contradictory. If fraudsters used your username and password to access your online bank, then the money most likely will not be returned.

The article used real reviews Sberbank clients published by them on Banki.ru.

January 2019

Despite the presence of several degrees of protection, cases of fraudulent activity with bank cards are quite common. At the same time, plastic is not always stolen - it may not leave the confines of its owner’s wallet, but the funds from the personal account go in an unknown direction. How money is stolen from a bank card, and what to do in this case - this is what today’s article is about.

How do scammers steal money from bank cards?

How are such actions carried out in practice? The most understandable situation is if the plastic was stolen. In almost every case, attackers do this only when they know the card code. They use the service of making financial transactions through shopping center terminals as quickly as possible - this makes it very difficult to track the identity of the robber. Many users store code numbers in their wallet, thereby helping scammers take advantage of the situation and facilitating access to profit.

The second option is when money is stolen from a bank card remotely. During an unauthorized monetary transaction, the plastic is in the owner's possession. A person learns about the completion of such an operation through the SMS notification service connected to his smartphone, or when he himself wants to use the funds, but they are no longer in the account. How does this happen? There may be several reasons:

  • the card was used by members of the user’s family;
  • Previously, the user himself carried out an Internet transaction, after which the person left his personal information online without correctly logging out of the resource;
  • the funds were previously withdrawn by the owner of the plastic card from an ATM in which a skimming device was installed (a type of fraud in which an attacker obtains the victim’s plastic card data by attaching special equipment to the ATM).

It is worth noting that these are only the most common types of fraud - as legal practice shows, modern lawbreakers are quite inventive. Ways to gain access to strangers personal accounts- a huge amount.

How to return money stolen from a card?

Whether the bank will return the money stolen from the card depends on the specific situation. If it is possible to prove the fact of fraud, then, most likely, the company will accommodate the client and assume the costs of compensation. It is worth paying attention to one significant point - the applicant will almost certainly have to prove his non-involvement. Main task- convince the bank that the user himself was physically unable to complete that transaction (for example, he was away or was at his workplace and could not leave it).

If you decide with a financial institution this problem It didn’t work out, the only option to prove that the card was stolen and scammers took money out of it is to go to court. This is done after the bank gives a written refusal - this document serves as the basis for filing a claim in court. In this case, the case takes a different formulation - the institution was unable to provide adequate conditions for the safety of its client’s personal account. If, at the stage of signing the contract, the potential owner of the plastic card was not informed in writing about the safety rules for handling the card, the chance of winning the case is almost 100%. Situations where such a clause is absent from the contract or annex to the document occur in every third case when receiving cards.

Procedure for theft of funds

If money has been stolen from your card, the first thing to do is block it as soon as possible. Even if the account balance is already zero, this must be done. There is always a chance that they will try to enter the card into the reader again. If blocked, this fact will be recorded by the bank and, perhaps, the criminal will be caught red-handed. Next you need to proceed according to the following scheme:

  1. The citizen informs the bank about the fact that transactions have been carried out by third parties and that he has already blocked the card through hotline companies.
  2. If the client is sure that close people are not involved in the theft of money, then he should personally contact the management of the institution that issued the card. If this is found out later, the financial institution will almost certainly write off commission expenses from the owner of the lost product, and in this situation they will be quite impressive - at least 1,000 rubles.
  3. The bank opens an internal investigation. If the client is sure that the loss of money from the account is the result of fraudulent actions with a bank card, he is asked to write a statement. This form is legally classified as a statement of a disputed financial transaction. It is registered, put to work, and the injured party is given a copy of the document certified by the signature of the manager and the company’s seal.
  4. The next stage is waiting for the test results. Maximum time to conduct an official verification - six months. After this period, the company formally notifies its client of the results of the investigation. Then the bank will either return the stolen money to the user’s account or give an official refusal justifying such a decision.

Theft of funds from a contactless card

How is money stolen in this case? To get close to someone else's funds, a criminal will need a special reading device, which, if you have certain skills, can be made independently. Approaching such a device close to a potential victim allows you to gain access to personal information located on the card. It is much easier to do this unnoticed where it is concentrated large number people - in shopping centers, transport. The fraudster simply brings the device to a possible location for the card - a pocket, a wallet, a handbag. In a few seconds he will have all the data to withdraw funds. You can do this discreetly when paying at the checkout - you don’t need to enter a PIN code there.

The fact that the risk of falling under the influence of fraudsters with them is several times lower than when using standard plastic works in favor of issuing cards with a contactless service principle. And the amount that a thief can withdraw through the terminal has limits. To spend a large amount of money, several operations will be required, and there is a risk of being caught by surveillance cameras or not having time to block it.

Safety rules

Even if the bank client manages to return the lost funds, a lot of time and effort will have to be spent on this. And although it is almost impossible to completely eliminate the risk of fraud, it is still possible to minimize it if you do not ignore the following security standards:

  1. You cannot store the PIN code for the plastic card in your wallet (or worse, write it on the card itself). It is also not recommended to keep it in the phone's memory. All these places are known to criminals, and they successfully take advantage of this oversight of citizens.
  2. When compiling a code combination, you should not allow this set of numbers to be identified with personal data, for example, date of birth - such a code is quite easy to select.
  3. There is no need to post information about the card on Internet resources. If there are no other options, and the data must be transferred to a third party, care should be taken to ensure that the remaining information remains confidential - product expiration date, codes on the back.
  4. You cannot share your PIN with strangers - even if it is a call from the bank. Posing as employees of credit companies is a favorite trick of criminals. The bank will never in a similar way clarify such confidential information.
  5. When trying to withdraw funds from an ATM, you need to choose a device that is located near the bank. The ideal option is the department itself (there is always security there).
  6. It is better to connect the SMS notification service to your phone. This way you can always be aware of all financial movements and quickly react in the event of a sudden loss of funds.

Video on the topic

The number of thefts from bank cards in Russia is growing in geometric progression. In some cases, the cardholders themselves are to blame, in others, banks are to blame for not installing a reliable system for protecting funds. But you shouldn’t discount the professionalism of scammers, which is also growing day by day. However, in in this case We are interested in another question: what to do if money is stolen from the card?

Some bank card holders believe that the bank is obliged to return the money stolen from the card in any case. Others say that the bank will not return anything. The truth, as always, is in the middle. We'll try to find her now.

What does the law say?

Despite the increase in thefts from bank cards, the situation is now more or less stable. Helps Federal Law 161 “On National payment system", which came into force at the beginning of January last year. The law in part 15 of article 9 states that the bank is obliged to reimburse the amount of the transaction that was performed without the client’s consent, unless he proves that the card holder himself is to blame. In addition, the bank is obliged to notify the client about all transactions made with his bank card.

The main thing is that the law stipulates the condition for the return of stolen funds. True, there are reservations. One of them is that the client is required to submit an application for a so-called disputed transaction within 24 hours from the date of the write-off. If you’re late, the train has left, and the bank won’t return the money in any case. The second condition is that the client must be crystal clear and not violate the rules for using the card. That is, if you gave your PIN code to one of your friends and he withdrew money, then the bank is not obliged to compensate for the losses - only you should know the PIN code.

But as for informing about completed transactions, the bank has an iron-clad alibi. Information is not necessarily an SMS message. If a bank provides all information about the movement of funds in your personal account on the website, this is also information.

4 step rule

So, we have dealt with the legislation. Now what are our actions? Let's start with the most unpleasant thing: money was stolen from your card and you discovered it quickly enough: you received an SMS about the operation, you quickly went into personal account on the bank's website, etc. Now we use the 4 step rule.

Step 1. Block the card. This is necessary in any case: scammers have gained access to your wallet and God knows what is on their mind. Perhaps the charge you did not make was a technical error by the bank, or perhaps a real theft. Therefore, we call the hotline and immediately block. This measure is especially useful in cases where there is a limit on transactions on the card and money is written off in small “portions”. That's it, scammers cannot withdraw anything from a blocked card. Only you can do this, and only during a personal visit to the bank, and only upon presentation of your passport.

Step 2. We write an application to the bank. Perhaps this is the most main step. Without a statement, no bank will return your funds if they were actually stolen. As a rule, all banks have special form for statements about a disputed transaction, but even if there is none, it’s okay. The main thing for the applicant is to accurately report his passport details, the time of the transaction, his actions, etc. The application can be submitted either in the office, or by email and through the bank’s website - all methods are equivalent. The more accurate data, the easier it is for bank specialists to conduct an investigation, the higher the chance that the money will be returned. If your innocence is obvious, the money will be returned within 24 hours. If there are questions, the bank will take a time-out, which can be 7, 30, or 60 days - depending on how much time it takes for the investigation.

Step 3. Contact the police. Theft from a card is a crime, and our law enforcement agencies deal with crimes. Therefore, you need to file a report with the police. You should not be optimistic: even if scammers are found (this does not happen as often as we would like), it is very, very unlikely that you will receive money from them. But the police have such an unspoken concept as a critical number of statements - perhaps you will be lucky, and it is your statement that will be given action. And finally, the criminal must be punished.

Step 4. Application to court. It is very likely that the bank, after considering your application, will refuse you. For example, it will inform you that the operation you dispute was carried out by entering a PIN code, which means you violated the rules for using the card. In this case, you can go to court and question the bank’s conclusions there. As a rule, judges side with the plaintiff without even delving into the situation.

However, let's be realistic. Even after going through all the steps, writing all the statements and being completely innocent, you may never get your money back. Unfortunately, this happens quite often.


  1. Never store on a card large sums. Optimally, no more than a week’s worth of spending.
  2. Never give your PIN code to anyone or keep it with your card.
  3. Do not allow your card to be out of your field of vision for at least 15 seconds. It takes scammers 1-2 seconds to read the information.
  4. Be sure to enable SMS notifications
  5. 5. For online payments, get a separate card and do not store money on it