Who was the first on earth. First man

Olduvai Gorge

Scientists have been arguing for decades about where the first man appeared on Earth. Supporters of the monopolar theory called the homeland of Homo habilis, who later became Homo sapiens, either Africa or South Asia.

In the Olduvai Gorge East Africa Archaeologists have found the skeleton of the most ancient person on Earth. It is 1.5 million years old. It was thanks to this discovery that the theory arose that the first man appeared in Africa, and then settled throughout the earth. However, in the 1980s, scientists made a sensational discovery in Siberia that changed the idea of ​​human development.

The first man could have appeared not in Africa, as was previously believed, but in Siberia. This sensational version appeared in 1982. Soviet geologists were excavating along the banks of the Lena River in Yakutia. The area is called Diring-Yuryakh, translated from Yakut - Deep River. Quite by accident, geologists discovered a burial from the late Neolithic – 2nd millennium BC. And then, digging even deeper, they came across layers more than 2.5 million years old and found there the remains of the tools of ancient man.


These are hewn cobblestones with a pointed end - they are called “choppers”. In addition to such ancient axes, anvils and hammers were also discovered. This led researchers to believe that, in fact, the first man appeared in Siberia. After all, the age of the local finds is more than 2.5 million years. This means that they are older than African ones.

Ancient axes, "choppers"

“There was a whole archipelago, where the ice is now solid, the Arctic Ocean. And due to some disasters, this civilization was destroyed, and the remnants of this people were forced to move to the mainland, to develop lands that now belong to the Arkhangelsk region, Murmansk , the Polar Urals, and further – to Siberia. There is also such an assumption,”- says historian, ethnographer Vadim Burlak.

Burial in Diring-Yuryakh

More recently, it turned out that on the territory of Russia there are traces not only of primitive people, that is, creatures that only superficially resembled humans, but did not have developed intelligence, but also a reasonable person, that is, similar to you and me.

Ancient weapons found in Diring-Yuryakh

For a long time it was believed that the first people, who were no different from us today, first appeared in Europe 39 thousand years ago. However, in 2007 it turned out that the earliest site of an ancient man is located on the territory modern Russia. Thus, it turns out that the first Homo sapiens was born twenty thousand years earlier, and not somewhere in the vicinity of Paris, but in the Voronezh region, where a simple village called Kostenki is now located. This opinion was expressed by the famous American scientist John Hoffecker.

"In 2007, a remarkable researcher from the United States of America, John Hoffecker, published in the journalScience an article that sounded like this: “The first European comes from Kostenki.” This article was based on his five years of work here in Kostenki, and on the dating that he and Vance Holiday, his comrade and colleague, made as a result of research, and these results were stunning. That is, the age of existence of Homo sapiens here, on the territory of Kostenki, is very sharply increasing in age,” - explains Irina Kotlyarova, chief researcher at the Kostenki Museum-Reserve.

Remains found in Kostenki, which are about 60 thousand years old

The American Hoffecker found out: the first Europeans settled this area 50-60 thousand years ago. And the most amazing thing is that these were really intelligent tribes. Of course, practically nothing remains from such ancient sites. Only depressions, stone tools and pits filled with ash from burnt bones. And newer sites, those in which our ancestors lived about 20 thousand years ago, are well preserved in Kostenki.

Wall made of mammoth bones

Even houses whose walls are made of mammoth bones have been preserved. Researchers have found that the inhabitants of these houses knew how to make tools, hunted, gathered, built houses, had a well-established life and lived in a community. Mammoths were the main source of human life. A huge number of them lived in this area. People hunted them. They made clothes from the skins and ate the meat they caught. The bones of these animals were also used.

Irina Kotlyarova in one of the houses of Kostenki culture

The Kostenki archaeological culture is stunning in scale. About six dozen large human sites were found here. According to some experts, at least a thousand people lived here. Others estimate the population of the ancient Voronezh region more modestly - about 600 people. In any case, this number seems very impressive. After all, even the population of medieval European cities rarely exceeded several hundred people. Certainly, ancient sites Kostenki cannot be called a city. But for such a long time there was simply a huge population living here.

Layout of sites of ancient people in Kostenki

The collection of miniatures truly amazed archaeologists. It's cut from thick rock- marl - mammoth figures. Most likely, already 22 thousand years ago the inhabitants of Kostenki knew how to count. This seems completely incredible to most anthropologists.

Spearheads found during excavations in Kostenki

From this conclusion it follows that the Voronezh civilization is twenty thousand years older than the Sumerian kingdom, with its clay tablets, and the ancient Egyptians. Scientists claim that long before the Sumerian Anunaki in Kostenki they already knew how to count mammoths and write down, without relying on memory. So the mammoths from Lizyukov Street - drawn by the hand of the prehistoric Picasso - are a completely scientific argument in favor of the fact that Voronezh is the cradle human civilization.

It is generally accepted that Russians are a fairly young nation. In fact, four thousand years ago they were already built Egyptian pyramids. By the time of the birth of Christ, the ancient Romans had already sunk to the bottom of luxury and even debauchery, while our ancestors had not yet really begun anything - no state, no culture, no writing.

Historians decided to check if this is really true? And it turned out that 6 thousand years ago, when the Sumerian civilization, as is generally considered the first on Earth, was just emerging - in our country, on the territory of the modern Urals, our ancestors were so developed that they even knew metallurgy.

“We are talking about a very large developed civilization on a very large territory, which had a strong influence on the entire Eurasian region - this is already clear and beyond doubt. Therefore, here, I think, the future belongs to science,” - says Alexey Palkin, researcher at the Laboratory of Natural, Historical and Cultural Heritage of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences

This is the island of Vera. It is located in the Chelyabinsk region on Lake Tugoyak. In the 80s of the last century, archaeologists discovered a find here that became a real sensation: amazing ancient structures that turned out to be much older than the famous English Stonehenge. It was this discovery that made scientists seriously start talking about the fact that the first civilized society in the history of not only Russia, but the whole of Europe, and perhaps the whole world, originated right here - in the Chelyabinsk region, next to the Ural ridge.

"II understand that this may cause a shock, what I’m going to say now, but I’m saying this completely responsibly, these megaliths on Vera Island, they are much brighter and more interesting than Stonehenge. Why? Because Stonehenge is a great thing, but there is only one there. Here. Here in this particular place, and here on a plot of 6 hectares there are several objects different types", -

Megalith No. 1

The ancient structure discovered on Vera Island is called “Megalith No. 1”. That's what archaeologists called it. Once this ancient building was 3.5 meters high and served as an observatory. The ancient builders specially positioned the window so that on the days of the summer and winter solstice sunbeam penetrated, landing directly on the altar.

Megalith window

The main mystery of the ancient observatory is not even how people at that stage of their development came up with the idea of ​​​​monitoring the movement of celestial bodies, but that the building was made of huge stone blocks. Each one weighs several tens of tons. It turns out that the ancient inhabitants of these territories near modern Chelyabinsk were able not only to move heavy boulders, but could put it all together correctly. So reliable that even after thousands of years, the megalith did not collapse.

Central Hall

There is a central hall, which is connected to the side chambers by corridors. The hall is made up of a number of megaliths, which are located on the sides and in the ceiling. There are about twenty-five to thirty of them in total. The largest of them weighs 17 tons. The size of the megaliths is from one and a half to two and a half meters in length and half a meter in width. The construction dates back to the 4th - 3rd millennium BC.

The huge slabs were made by nature itself - this is the remnant of the mountain. But in order for the blocks to lie flat, the ancestors had to process them.

Nearby, archaeologists discovered a real smelting furnace. Its design suggests that metal smelting technologies in ancient times were practically no different from those that were invented just a couple of centuries ago. It turns out that the semi-wild tribes who lived on this island were engaged in non-ferrous metallurgy.

“It was here that the oldest copper smelting furnace was located. Scientists discovered a chimney that stands out very clearly against the general background. Traces of smoke that were reflected on the stones clearly remained and are visible on the stones,” - says Alexey Palkin, researcher at the Laboratory of Natural, Historical and Cultural Heritage of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Zyuratkul geoglyph

The fact that an incredibly developed population lived on the territory of the Chelyabinsk region thousands of years ago is evidenced by another amazing find - the Zyuratkul geoglyph. It was discovered by accident. In 2011, one of the Zyuratkulsky employees national park I noticed that the grass at the foot of the ridge was growing unevenly. This is despite the fact that they clearly did not exert any mechanical influence on it. The scientist decided to find out the reasons for this strange phenomenon. He was able to establish that the grass does not grow in some places because it is hampered by boulders laid out in a path reminiscent of a drawing or even a diagram. To see it in its entirety, national park staff took a helicopter and discovered a giant drawing laid out on the ground. Most of all it resembles an image of a moose.

The size of this moose is impressive: the length of the pattern is 275 meters. The age of the geoglyph is 5-6 thousand years. How did its creators control the accuracy of the laying, how did they manage to maintain the direction and correctness of the lines, if the entire drawing is visible only from high altitude– it’s unclear. But most importantly, why did they need this image of a moose?

The geoglyph resembles an image of a moose

"INIn the Neolithic period, in the Urals we had mainly a household - hunters, fishermen, and so on. That is, the population that built this here must have exploited a significant territory. That is we're talking about about some connections between these groups, about some slightly different social structures than we imagine it to be today. This is not just a group separate group hunter-fishermen, this is more complex social organization", - says Stanislav Grigoriev, archaeologist, senior researcher at the Institute of History and Archeology of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

If archaeologists were not mistaken in determining the age of this miracle, then it turns out that our ideas about the abilities and capabilities ancient population Russia, do not correspond to reality, which means that official science was wrong, claiming for many years that intelligent life came to these lands only shortly before the baptism of Rus'.

Scientists treat this hypothesis with great caution. However, new archaeological finds They are raising more and more questions that have no answers yet.

Another proof that ancient people on the territory of modern Russia were very developed is located in the Ignatievskaya Cave. It is located at the southern tip of the Ural Mountains in the Chelyabinsk region. In 1980, speleologists accidentally discovered a drawing on its arches that made a real revolution in archaeology. Research has shown that the drawings were made on the walls more than 14 thousand years ago. In no place on the planet has it ever been possible to find a drawing of such antiquity that would contain a clear plot. This cave depicts the very process of the creation of life. Exactly as our ancient ancestors saw it.

But why does the whole world know about the oldest rock paintings in Australia, and in all archeology textbooks people and bulls from Algeria are given as the first drawings? After all, they appeared on the walls of caves in the 11th century BC. That is, later than the Ural ones by 13 thousand years. Why are scientific journals silent about the discovery of Ural archaeologists?

Many experts are confident that such data will force us to reconsider not only scientific theories, but also to rewrite school textbooks.

First man

Adam; Michelangelo

Religious ideas

According to the Book of Genesis: in Judaism, Christianity

According to Kabbalah, it began with Adam spiritual development humanity. For the first time in the history of mankind, he received a desire for knowledge spiritual world and comprehended the nature of both worlds - material and spiritual. Adam is credited with the authorship of the ancient Kabbalistic book “Sefer Raziel ha-malach” (Book of the angel Raziel).

Among the ancient Germans and Scandinavians

From sparks and melt water arose the giant Ymir and the cow Audumla, who fed him with her milk. From the sweat of Ymir a couple was born - a man and a woman, and one leg with the other conceived a son. These were the first frost giants. Ask and Embla are people who, still in the form of tree prototypes, lifeless and “deprived of fate,” were found by the gods on the seashore; having revived them, they gave them reason and speech. (See also Storms).

Based on the Sumerian epic Enuma Elish

Among the ancient Indians

Purusha - according to mythology Ancient India, a creature living in human heart and at the same time inhabiting the Cosmos. Moreover, every human being carries within itself a particle of immortality. vtsvtsvtsv

Among the ancient Persians

In the culture of Ancient Persia, the first ancestor of people was Gayomart, who emitted light. After the death of Gayomart, all the metals “sprayed” from his body, the soul turned into gold, and the first married couple appeared from the seed, in the form of a rhubarb bush: Mashya and Mashyana.

In Ancient Greece

Phoroneus is the ancestor and creator of humanity, the son of the river god Inach and the nymph Melia. The historian Akusilaus called him in the Genealogy the first "man and the first earthly king", king of the entire Peloponnese. Plato in the Timaeus and Clement of Alexandria in the Stromata also argued that Phoroneus was the first man or the “father of mortals.”

East Africa

One day, a toad crawled onto a deserted seashore - the first creature on the earth's surface. In those days there was nothing in the sky except the Moon. The Moon had an idea to create a man, and she told the Toad about it. But the toad outpaced the moon and, swelling beyond belief, gave birth to two twins - a man and a woman. These were the first people on earth.

The Moon was angry with the Toad and incinerated her. Taking into her care people - the children of the Toad, she helped them bring their bodies to perfection, endowed them with intelligence and the gift of speech, giving them a resemblance to modern people. And the Moon named the man Bateta, and the woman Hannah.

Bateta and Hannah lived on earth several times longer than people live now, and when life became not a joy for them, the Moon, as promised, descended to earth and took them with it. Soon their firstborns died and were buried in the ground, and then death began to come for people more and more often.

West Africa

In the skies of Olorun, Supreme Being, began to create the first people. Orisha Nla sculpted their forms from the earth, but only Olorun could breathe life into them. Orisha Nla hid in Olorun's workshop to spy on how this would happen. But Olorun found out about this and plunged Orisha Nla into deep sleep; so that only Olorun knows the secret of reviving the body. To this day Orisha Nla makes new ones human bodies through the father and mother of the future newborn, but it is Olorun who breathes life into them.

According to the Koran in Islam

Unlike the Bible, which gives a systematic account of Adam, the Qur'an mentions Adam in several separate suras (chapters). Individual verses (verses) mentioning his name are scattered throughout the Quran. In the thirty-second sura “Petition” it is said that Allah created Adam from clay:

“He is the One who knows the hidden and the manifest, the great, the merciful, who made beautiful all things that he created, and created man for the first time from clay” (32:6-7).

The second sura “Cow” most fully reveals the purpose of Adam:

And your Lord said to the angels: “I will appoint a governor on earth.” They asked: “Will You place on earth someone who will sin and shed blood, while we glorify You with praise and sanctify You?” Allah replied: “Verily, I know what you do not know” (verse 30). And Allah taught Adam all the names, then asked the angels about them and told them: “Explain to me [the essence] of these names, if you are sincere” (verse 31). The angels replied: “Praise be to you! We know only what You taught us. Verily, You are the omniscient, the wise” (verse 32). Allah said: “O Adam! Explain to them [the essence of] names.” When Adam explained to the angels the [essence of] names, Allah said: “Did I not tell you that I know the unseen of the heavens and the earth, I know what you do openly and what you conceal?” (verse 33). And then We commanded the angels: “Prostrate yourself before Adam.” Everyone fell on their faces except Iblis, [who] refused [to prostrate], became proud and became an unbeliever (verse 34). Then We said: “O Adam! Move in with your spouse in garden of paradise“, eat there to your heart’s content, whatever you want, but do not approach this tree, otherwise you will be among the wicked” (verse 35).

The seventh sura “Fences” tells about the reasons for Iblis’s discontent:

[Allah] asked: “What prevents you from bowing down, since I commanded you?” [Iblis] replied: “I am better than him: You created me from fire, and him from clay” (verse 12). Then Allah warned Adam: “And then We said: “O Adam! Truly, he is an enemy to you and your wife. May he not force you both to leave heaven - because [then] you will become unhappy” (twentieth sura “Ta Ha”, 117 verse). In paradise you will neither have to starve nor walk naked, there you will not suffer from thirst or heat.” But the shaitan began to whisper to him: “O Adam! Shall I show you a tree [with fruits that bestow] eternity and eternal power?” [Adam and his wife] ate [the fruit of that tree], and they saw their nakedness. They began to cover themselves with the leaves of the trees of paradise folded [together]. So Adam disobeyed his Lord and went astray from the right path. Then the Lord chose him [from among others], forgave him and directed him to the straight path. [Allah] said: “Descend from Paradise, both of you, and let some [of your descendants] be the enemies of others. If, by my will, you step on the straight path, then whoever follows it will not be in error or in disaster” (verses 118-123).

See also



  • Lafargue P., The Myth of Adam and Eve, [trans. with German], St. Petersburg. 1906;
  • Trencheni-Valdapfel I., Social background for two myths about Adam, in the book: Origin of the Bible, M., 1964;
  • Gunkel N., Die Urgeschichte und die Patriarchen, Gott., 1911;
  • Hubner P., Vom ersten Menschen wird erzählt in Mythen, Wissenschaft und Kunst, Düsseldorf, ;
  • Patai R., Adam we-Adamah, Jerusalem, 1942;
  • Quispel G., Der gnostische Anthropos und die jüdische Tradition, “Eranos Jahrbuch”, 1953, Bd 22;
  • Röhrich L., Adam und Eva, 1968;
  • Schûöpfungsmythen, Darmstadt, 1977;
  • Strothmann F., Die Anschauungen von der Weltschöpfung im alten Testament, Münster. 1933;
  • Westermann C., Der Mensch im Urgeschehen, “Kerygma und Dogma”, 1967, Jg. 13, H. 4.
  • Beck E., lblis und Mensch, Satan und Adam: der Werdegang einer koranischen Erzählung, “Le Museon”, 1976, v. 89, fasc. 1-2.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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This question has always worried both scientists and ordinary people. Many scientists still devote their entire lives to studying this question, without finding an exact answer. And although no one knows for sure yet, in the scientific world they accepted as a basis the theory of Darwin, who believed that man evolved from a monkey naturally. However, so far no one has found such evidence of the origin of man from animals that is completely irrefutable.

Darwin's theory

IN modern world Darwin's theory no longer has the same power as before, but it is still the basis for understanding where man came from.

The question of the origin of animal species is considered by such a science as biology. The origin of man is also a question of concern to this science.

British biologist and geologist Charles Darwin published his book on the Origin of Species in 1859, which is one of the most famous works in the history of the science of biology.

In his book, Darwin outlined a theory on the basis of which he made an assumption about the evolution of living beings. He believed that living beings had evolved over billions of years through natural selection, that is, the strongest survived and adapted to new conditions.

Then, in the book “The Origin of Man and Sexual Selection,” he tried to substantiate the theory of Georges-Louis de Buffon, who suggested that the first people on Earth appeared due to evolutionary processes. After Darwin published this work, it was recognized by everyone scientific world.

Darwin's descendants, followers of his school - Darwinists, then declared that man descended from the monkey. This opinion is considered to be the only correct one today. scientific explanation what was the origin of man. There is still no scientific refutation of this theory.

Scientists believe that the first people on Earth appeared about 7 million years ago from ancient monkeys. Of course, there are also antagonists to this statement. The further evolution of man took place in a very complex way, leaving the right to life only to more advanced species.


Australopithecus is considered the first link in the human evolutionary chain. In the Republic of Chad, remains of this species were found that are more than 6 million years old. The "youngest" Australopithecus was found in South Africa. No more than 900 thousand years have passed since his death. Of all the links found in human evolution this type lasted the longest period of time.

Australopithecines have distinct features of both human and ape-like creatures. Their height was up to one and a half meters, and their weight ranged from 30 to 50 kg. The absence of large fangs suggests that they could not use them as weapons, therefore, they ate more plant foods than meat. They would not be able to kill large animals, so they hunted small animals or picked up already dead creatures.

These primates were able to use primitive tools that did not need to be made: stones, branches, etc. On the basis of this, Australopithecus is called “a skilled man.”


The life of the first people on Earth was clearly not easy, given their poor adaptability to simply survival.

The first remains of this species of ape were found on the island of Java, which is located in South Asia. This species existed on planet Earth approximately 1 million years ago. During the same period, Australopithecines completely disappeared. About 400 thousand years ago, Pithecanthropus also became extinct.

Thanks to the found remains, from which it was possible to determine the structure of the skeleton, scientists suggest that this species almost always walked on two legs, for which it was nicknamed “Homo erectus.” This was found out due to the fact that the femur of such a primate is very similar to a human one.

Their tools were also found during excavations. They cannot be characterized as masters of this craft, but the Pithecanthropes already at that time understood that sharp sticks and stones were more suitable for hunting and cutting food than unprocessed wood and cobblestones.

In addition, scientists believe that they managed to learn to coexist peacefully with fire. That is, they were not as afraid of it as other animals, but they still did not know how to get it on their own.

Pithecanthropus did not yet know how to speak and communicated with similar primates at the level of ordinary ancient monkeys.

They are often associated with another branch of evolution - synanthropes, which existed at the same time. Scientists believe that they were similar to each other and led a similar lifestyle.


Neanderthals existed in Europe and Western Asia for hundreds of thousands of years, isolated from other lineages of great apes.

For the most part, Neanderthals were carnivores and ate meat. To do this, they had huge jaws, which did not protrude forward, like those of more ancient primates. They even hunted very large animals: mammoths, ancient rhinoceroses, etc.

The brain volume was the same as that of modern man, although scientists suggest that in some groups of individuals it was even greater.

Due to the fact that they lived during the Ice Age, these apes were well adapted to survive in a cold environment. In addition, they had very broad shoulders, pelvis, and well-developed muscles.

About 40 thousand years ago, Neanderthals as a species of apes began to sharply die out. And 28 thousand years ago there was not a single living representative of this species left. Their extinction is associated with another link in human evolution - the Cro-Magnons, who could hunt and kill them.


Representatives of this species are called “modern man.” Modern man, especially representatives of the Caucasian races, is considered completely identical to the late Cro-Magnons.

The found remains of Cro-Magnons tell us that representatives of the early species were as tall as a tall modern man (about 187 centimeters) and had a large skull.

Cro-Magnons already knew how to express their thoughts with characteristic sounds, which is associated with the appearance of speech. They were all divided into hunters and gatherers, each using stone tools.

Later representatives of the Cro-Magnons already skillfully used fire and built primitive kilns in which pottery was fired. Scientists also suggest that they could use coal for these purposes.

They also progressed quite far in creating clothing that both protected them from the bites of wild animals and helped them keep warm in the cold seasons.

The feature that distinguishes this species among all early apes is the emergence of such a concept as art. Cro-Magnons lived in caves and left in them various drawings of animals or some life events.

Due to the fact that the quantity various types activities began to grow rapidly, everything more differences appeared between the arms and legs. For example, the thumb on the hand developed more and more, with which Cro-Magnons were able to hold heavy tools as easily as small objects.

Homo sapiens

This species is the prototype of modern humans. It appeared about 28 thousand years ago, as evidenced by the finds of the most ancient people.

Even then, our ancestors learned to express their emotions in coherent speech and increasingly improved their social relationships with each other.

Different climates and weather conditions entailed the formation of different traits of a particular race that lived on different continents. It was about 20 thousand years ago that three different races began to appear: Caucasian, Negroid and Mongoloid.

Thus, in a very condensed form, one can express the Darwinian evolutionary chain, which can describe the origin of man.

Thanks to scientific research The similarity of human genes with chimpanzees was found to be 91%.

Refutations of Darwin's theory and the teachings of his followers

Despite the fact that this theory is the foundation for all modern science about man, there are also findings by various researchers that refute the accepted understanding of the entire scientific world about where the first people on Earth came from.

The found footprints, which are more than 3.5 million years old, prove that anthropoid individuals began to move on straight legs much earlier than primitive labor appeared.

The evolution of man, associated with descent from apes, is unclear if we ask the question about human limbs. Why are people's hands so much weaker legs, whereas in monkeys it’s the other way around? What contributed to the weakening of the limbs, since strong hands are clearly more useful for hunting and other work, is not clear.

To date, all the links that could completely unite the ancient monkey with modern man have not been found.

Besides this, there is also a whole series incomprehensible questions and facts that cannot be answered using the well-known scientific theory origin of man.

Religious theory of human origins

Every religion that has survived today, says that man appeared thanks to a higher being. Proponents of this theory do not believe in all the evidence of the origin of man from animals that exists today. For example, Christians say that man descended from Adam and Eve, the first people created by God. Everyone also knows the phrase: “God created man in his own image.”

Regardless of the type of religion, they all claim that man was not born naturally, but is a creation of the Almighty. No one has yet found evidence of the origin of man from the Creator.


There is such a science as creationism. Scientists who study it are looking for evidence of theories about the origin of man from God and confirmation of information from religious books.

To do this, they use almost sound scientific calculations. For example, they calculated that the ark that Noah built could really accommodate all the animals (about 20 thousand different species), excluding waterfowl.

ape people appeared on Earth about a million years ago and disappeared half a million years later. The descendants of the ape people are the ancient people, who are usually called Neanderthals.

When did the first man appear?

Many people are interested in the question when did the first man appear. Below you will find historical finds that to some extent answer this question.

To date, bone remains of Neanderthals have been discovered in approximately thirty locations in the Old World countries - Europe, Asia, and Africa. There are incomparably more open sites where only Neanderthal flint tools were discovered. No Neanderthal sites have been found in America and Australia. This is explained by the fact that in these countries there have never been apes, from which people descend. Consequently, the descendants of fossil anthropomorphic monkeys - apemen and Neanderthals - also do not have to be found there. America and Australia were settled by people relatively recently, about ten to fifteen thousand years ago. These were the ancestors of modern American Indians and Australians.

Now we have an answer to another question: where did the man appear.

The first Neanderthal find (a partial skull) was discovered in the Gibraltar area more than a hundred years ago, in 1848, long before the bones of Pithecanthropus and even before the publication of Darwin's famous work " Origin of species" It is not surprising that no one attached any importance to the Gibraltar find. The second similar find (a skull cap and some other skeletal bones) was discovered in 1856 in Germany, in the Neander Valley, which is why the people of this species themselves, who form the connecting link between ape-men and modern people, are called Neanderthals.

What was the first man?

Although this find received some attention, it still did not receive proper assessment, despite the fact that some scientists thought about the strange shape of the Neanderthal skull cap. Only after the remains of Pithecanthropus were found on the island of Java did it become clear that the unusual features of the Neanderthal skull (as well as several other skulls of this type discovered later) were not the result of some kind of deformity, as some opponents of the doctrine of evolution claimed, but that the bones Neanderthals are the remains special type people who are our predecessors.

Figure 1 - One of the Neanderthal skulls found in France.

Judging by the bone remains, it is clear that Neanderthals were less bestial than ape-men. Bottom part The faces of Neanderthals did not protrude forward as much as those of Pithecanthropus and Sinanthropus, and the braincase was no smaller in volume than that of modern people. But still, the skull vault of Neanderthals was not yet high enough, the forehead was sloping and ended in front with a powerful supraorbital ridge, although smaller than that of ape-men. The lower jaw of Neanderthals did not yet have a protruding chin.

The Neanderthal man was somewhat shorter in stature than modern man, which is why the large head sitting on a short and thick neck seemed even larger. The Neanderthal stood on legs slightly bent at the knees with flat feet. In general, the Neanderthal looked awkward, stocky and strong. Figuratively speaking, he was rough-hewn, but firmly put together.

About one hundred to one hundred twenty thousand years ago, the descendants of the Neanderthals appeared - modern people. The most ancient of them are usually called Cro-Magnons (after the name of the village of Cro-Magnon in France, where fossil bones of this type were discovered).

Thus, link by link, the entire chain connecting fossil anthropomorphic apes with modern humans was restored.

Incompatible figures about human origins

So, from the appearance of the first people on Earth to our time about a million years have passed t. However, this huge period is insignificant in comparison with the hundreds of millions of years during which life on Earth developed.

And how childishly naive the Bible’s statement looks, against the backdrop of this chronicle of life, that the Earth, the “celestial lights,” plants, animals and people were created by God about seven thousand years ago.

The ancient Christian preacher Lactantius believed that science and enlightenment are a mortal sin before God, that people are not supposed to know anything other than what is written in the Bible. However, out of curiosity, he calculated that the act of divine creation occurred six thousand years before him, that is, almost seven thousand six hundred years before our time.

One of the greatest obscurantists, Pope Gregory XIII, who lived in the 16th century, calculated that Adam was created by God in 5199 before the birth of the fabulous Christ. But one English preaching scientist

“accuracy” beat “the viceroy of God on Earth.” He argued that God's creation of people took place in 4004 BC, October 23, exactly at nine o'clock in the morning!

Here is another example of the fabrications that theologians of the past engaged in. The Bible tells about monstrous giants, about how ancient people died many hundreds of years old. Adam, for example, the Bible says, lived nine hundred and thirty years, and one of his descendants, Methuselah, died at the age of nine hundred and sixty-nine. The Bible even mentions such “righteous people” who were taken by God to heaven alive and, therefore, endowed with immortality.

The Catholic preacher of the 4th–5th centuries, Saint Augustine, whom we mentioned, referred to the teeth found in the ground... of mammoths, which he mistook for human ones, as evidence that giants really lived in ancient times.

In the past, fossil animal bones were displayed in churches different countries Europe. They were supposed to testify that giants really lived in ancient times. Based on such fossil bones, one "scientist" priest calculated that the biblical Aden was 123 feet and 9 inches tall, and Eve was 118 feet, 9 inches and 9 lines! (Ft - English measure length equal to 30.47 centimeters; inch –2.64 centimeters, or 10 lines).

Let us also mention as a curiosity that in the capital of Austria, Vienna, in the Church of St. Stephen, until recently, believers were shown mammoth bones as the remains of some giant of biblical times.

The science of human origins

We know well that the most ancient people not only were not giants, but that they were shorter in stature than modern people. We also know that the age limit of ancient people was less than ours.

The bone remains of people make it possible to restore not only the appearance of the most ancient people, but also to judge their approximate age. Typically, the age of skeletons is determined primarily by the development of teeth, their preservation or destruction, as well as by the degree of healing of the sutures of the skull.

Because life expectancy anthropoid apes are smaller than those of modern humans, then the cranial sutures in these animals also heal faster. In our most ancient ancestors - the ape-men and Neanderthals, who occupy a middle place in the evolutionary chain between anthropomorphic apes and modern humans, the cranial sutures, quite understandably, should have healed later than in the apes, but earlier than in us. Judging by the degree of overgrowth of the seams on the skulls of our predecessors, we can establish their approximate age.

Our most ancient ancestors, who ate very rough food, undoubtedly had their teeth worn out faster than those of modern people. This sign also makes it possible to judge their age.

And so scientists calculated that only rare Neanderthals lived to be sixty years old. The age limit for the vast majority of Neanderthals ranged between forty and sixty years. The age of the oldest modern people (Cro-Magnons) was also somewhat younger than that of living people. These data, of course, have nothing in common with the fabrications of the Bible and its interpreters.

This is how the Guardian Angels tell it.

Modern man really appeared as a result of evolution. But the starting point of this evolution was not wild monkeys, as is now believed, but multi-meter giant people.

Periodically, our planet's climatic and natural conditions. At the same time, all organisms living on Earth were forced to adapt to these conditions. As a rule, the giants always died first, and the small organisms survived.

It was as a result of such natural selection that dinosaurs became extinct, and their contemporaries, cockroaches, not only survived to this day, but also achieved incredible endurance. As you know, cockroaches are the only animals capable of surviving the epicenter of a nuclear explosion.

The earth was created 4.7 billion years ago. The first people on Earth appeared 3.5 billion years BC. They reached a height of approximately 52 meters. And all the plants and animals surrounding them were of the same gigantic size.

Along with the giants on Earth, there were people of shorter stature who lived separately from their tall brothers. The growth of people depended on climatic conditions, habitat, and national characteristics.

This order of things has survived to this day. There are tall nations and short nations. Tall people, as a rule, live in places with a good, even climate. In those areas that are famous for harsh weather conditions, only short peoples survive, for example, Eskimos, Chukchi, Pygmies, etc.

That is, for example, if there is a sharp cooling on Earth and everywhere there will be the same cold as in the Arctic Circle, then in a few generations all people on the planet will be approximately the same short, similar to the Chukchi and Eskimos.

Evolution occurs in animals and plants in exactly the same way.

Global climate change has occurred on Earth four times already. Each time, living conditions on the planet became worse and worse. People, animals and plants decreased in size accordingly. Each such change entailed the death of the previous civilization and the birth of a new one from its remnants.

The first people on Earth reached a height of 52 meters. In the second civilization, the average height of a person was already 36 meters, in the third - 18, in the fourth - 6, in our fifth - 1.5-2 meters.

(If we do not take care of nature and the planet, then the next civilization of earthlings will have an average height of 50 cm.)

First world disaster

First civilization people existed for 800 million years and almost completely died due to a catastrophe caused by the displacement of continents.

Why did God allow this?

White and black forces are constantly fighting for the souls of people living on Earth.

White forces want people to develop according to God's laws, kept the Ten Commandments, lived in love and harmony with each other and with nature.

Black forces, on the contrary, are trying to lead humanity astray from the true path, replace God's ten commandments with their wolf laws, force people to kill each other and destroy the nature around them.

Nothing in nature disappears without a trace. All the white energy (love, kindness, etc.) emitted by people is collected in one place on the planet. Black energy (anger, hatred, envy, meanness) gathers in another.

Disasters (earthquakes, floods, natural disasters, shipwrecks, plane crashes, riots, etc.) occur in places where black energy accumulates. Having splashed out, causing destruction and misfortune, the blackness disappears.

For example, now in our time main center The concentration of black forces occurs in the Gobi Desert, on the border of Mongolia and China, where the entrance to Hell is.

White energy accumulates in the mountains of Tibet - where the entrance to Paradise is.

The two poles of opposite energies balance each other. If there is more blackness in the world, then a global cataclysm may occur, as a result of which almost all of humanity will die.

This has happened on Earth four times already. A global catastrophe occurred four times - continents sank under water, giant meteorites fell, and almost all life on the planet perished. The climate changed, and the surviving representatives of flora and fauna adapted to the existing conditions. As a rule, as a result of disasters, the largest organisms always died first.

The Earth itself cannot perish, since it is the cradle of humanity, it is eternal.

2.7 billion years ago, an all-planetary cataclysm occurred - a movement of the earth's crust, as a result of which some of the continents sank to the bottom of the ocean, instead of them from deep sea new lands have risen.

The Earth's climate has changed. Most of humanity died. The giants gradually became extinct, and the average human height became 36 meters. The time has come second civilization.

The death of the second civilization

The second world catastrophe occurred 2.2 billion years ago. Continents shifted again, the climate changed, people died. Those who survived became the founders third civilization- the longest, lasting almost 2 billion years.

The people of the third civilization (Lemurians) were 18 meters tall. They lived on the huge continent of Lemuria, which was located in what is now the Indian Ocean and the South Pacific Ocean. (Mainland Australia was the bottom of the sea at that time.)

The Mystery of the Easter Island Idols

On April 5, 1722, the Dutchman Admiral Jacob Roggeveen discovered Pacific Ocean an island he named Easter Island. (The opening was made on Easter Sunday).

On the island he discovered amazing statues - busts of strange giants ranging from 4 to 10 meters high and weighing up to 40 tons. The aborigines who lived on the island could not explain who made and installed these statues and when.

Who made these idols is still unknown. The version that they were made by local residents raises serious doubts. The largest unfinished statue is 21 meters long and weighs approximately 270 tons!

There are a little more than a thousand idols on the island, all statues are divided into two types - short-eared and long-eared. Some of them are decorated with “caps” of red volcanic lava.

Among the aborigines, a legend has been preserved that two tribes allegedly once lived on the island - the short-eared ones and the long-eared ones who ruled them. A war broke out between these tribes, in which the short-eared ones won.

What really happened on the island?

This is what the Guardian Angels say.

Easter Island is part of the continent of Lemuria that sank to the bottom of the ocean. The famous idols are sculptures of the Lemurians (not tombstones, but ordinary monuments). These are the oldest surviving structures on Earth. They are more than 60 million years old.

There really were wars between the short-eared Lemurians and the long-eared ones. Wars took place not only on the territory of Easter Island, but on the entire continent of Lemuria.

At the bottom of the Pacific and Indian oceans there are still many statues similar to the Easter Island idols.

These bloody wars gave rise to huge amount black energy. When too much blackness accumulated, the end of the third human civilization came.

Why did dinosaurs become extinct?

60 million years ago, the largest catastrophe in the history of the Earth occurred - the fall of a giant meteorite.

A terrible blow shook the entire planet. Millions of tons of sand and dust rose into the air. A dense dust curtain formed in the atmosphere, preventing sunlight from passing through.

The so-called nuclear polar winter has arrived.

The people and animals who survived the fall of the meteorite then died from cold, hunger, and lack of sunlight. Large organisms (dinosaurs) died at the moment of impact. Most people died out later.

The continent of Lemuria almost completely sank to the bottom.

Today we call the crater formed as a result of a meteorite the Gulf of Mexico.

The truth about Atlantis

Fourth civilization originated on Earth 3 million years ago.

At that time, the continents and continents on the surface of the Earth had completely different outlines than they do now.

In general, over the billions of years of the Earth’s existence, there has not been a single area left on the surface of our planet that was not periodically either the bottom of the sea or dry land. Once upon a time, water splashed where all the mountain ranges were, and there were mountains at the North Pole.

The Atlanteans lived on the continent of Atlantis (located on the site of the present Atlantic Ocean west of Spain).

Atlanteans reached a height of 6 meters and looked similar to modern people, but at the same time they had some differences.

They had six fingers on their hands and seven on their feet. The skin is rough, cream-colored, the eyes are large, elongated, occupying almost half of the face, the nose is flattened, the lips are wide, fleshy, like those of modern blacks.

The body proportions were not the same as those of humans. The shoulders are much wider, the torso is longer, the legs are shorter.

Life expectancy reached 1000 years.

The Atlanteans lived as one nation and spoke the same language. The rulers of Atlantis were elected democratically, the term of “presidency” reached 200-300 years.

Despite their formidable appearance, the Atlanteans were a peace-loving people. They never fought wars among themselves. The Atlanteans did not know what slavery was. IN better times the number of Atlanteans reached approximately one million people.

Each new human civilization went further in development than its predecessors. Therefore, at one time the Atlanteans were the most advanced people on Earth.

IN technical development the Atlanteans reached a very high level.

Contact between Atlanteans and Martians

15,000 years BC, a grandiose event took place in the life of the Atlanteans - the Martians landed on Earth.

The Martians reached a height of 12 meters. Their body structure was similar to Atlanteans - short legs, outstretched arms, but at the same time they had large bald heads with large ears and huge bulging eyes. The skin of the Martians was pale blue.

The meeting of two interplanetary civilizations took place in a peaceful, friendly atmosphere. Although the Atlanteans, of course, were very frightened by their size, appearance and the power of the Martians, whom they considered gods descended from Heaven.

The Martians were significantly ahead of the earthlings in their development. For them, Earth represented a nearby colony, rich in minerals and inhabited by peace-loving natives.

The Martians shared with earthlings a lot of knowledge from the field of astronomy and mathematics, discovered the secret of cosmic energy, and taught how to make aircraft.

The Atlantean aircraft could not make space flights, but they moved freely around the globe.

Death of Atlantis

The Atlanteans created a huge drill with an engine powered by cosmic energy. They decided to drill a well to the center of the Earth for research purposes.

The drill looked like an inverted cone (like a Vietnamese panama hat) and had the following dimensions: height - 18 meters, diameter - 66-67 meters. The drill, rotating at great speed, pressed the earth into the walls of the well. Clearing the way, the drill sank down under its own weight.

The Atlanteans had little idea of ​​the consequences of their undertaking. By their actions they aroused the wrath of the celestials and were punished for it.

A great catastrophe occurred - the continent of Atlantis suddenly sank to the bottom of the ocean. This happened in 11,245 BC. Most of the Atlanteans died. But some escaped and settled in the lands neighboring Atlantis.

The ill-fated drill got stuck in the ground at a depth of 15 km. Now he is located there - in the area of ​​​​modern Bermuda.

The mystery of the famous Bermuda Triangle is directly related to this drill. Radiation from cosmic energy, although it has decreased over the past millennia, still has an impact on planes and ships flying over the dangerous area.

The energy from the drill is not emitted continuously, but in short pulses. Therefore, not all ships and aircraft that enter the Bermuda area are exposed to radiation.

The nature of this cosmic energy is completely unknown to modern scientists. In the area of ​​influence of this energy, all the laws of physics, space and time change. Planes, ships and people caught in the affected area simply disappear from the surface of our planet.

For at least another two thousand years, the Bermuda Triangle will be an unfavorable area for the movement of ships and aircraft.

Traces of Martians on Earth

Many structures created by Martians have survived to this day on Earth. To build them, the Martians used their technology and the physical labor of ordinary people.

All these structures are distinguished by their gigantic size and perfection of execution. Many engineering designs of the Martians cannot be replicated even today with the help of modern technology.

Nevertheless, it is believed that these masterpieces of architecture were built by ancient people, our ancestors, with the help of chisels, antediluvian mechanisms and muscular strength.

The following structures were built by Martians on Earth: the Giza pyramid complex in Egypt, the Egyptian temples of Luxor, Karnak, Abu Simbel, the Baalbek temple in modern Lebanon, the stone complex of Zimbabwe, the pyramids in Mexico, the Sacsahuaman fortress in Cusco (Peru), Stonehenge and New Grange in England, drawings of the Nazca Valley, etc.

You, dear readers, can learn about when, how and why these structures were made, about Atlantis and the Bermuda Triangle from the following books in the “Revelations of Guardian Angels” series.

Death of the Martian civilization

Around 1900 BC, a fire broke out on Mars. nuclear war, as a result of which all life on the planet was destroyed.

The Martians were divided into four races, differing in skin color - pale blue (the most peaceful), greenish, dark brown and yellow.

War broke out between the last two races.

After nuclear bombing, Mars turned into a lifeless desert. On the surface of the planet, only the remnants of the former civilization have been preserved - numerous canals, roads, pyramids.

After this disaster, naturally, all contacts between Martians and earthlings ceased. Of all the Martians, only representatives of the pale blue race visited Earth.

Adam and Eve

Fifth civilization people (ours) appeared relatively recently.

The first representatives of human civilization were about four meters tall.

Only two names have survived to this day, which is why the story of the creation of man raised so many questions.

When reading the Bible, one absurdity immediately catches your eye - in the book of Genesis it is written: “God created Adam and Eve... Eve gave birth to Adam two sons - Cain and Abel... Cain killed Abel and was expelled by God... Cain knew his wife, and she gave birth his son Enoch..."

Question: Where did Cain's wife come from?

Who gave birth to all these sons, where did all these women come from?

As the Guardian Angels explain, the story of the creation of man, set out in the Bible, has survived to this day in a greatly altered form. That's why all these inconsistencies arose. True story humanity looks like this.

Modern humans appeared on Earth 27,000 BC in Mesopotamia - the area between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers in modern Iraq. (Now these places are semi-desert, but in those days it was the most beautiful and fertile place on Earth. It was called Eden, the Garden of Eden.)

The first modern people were short (up to 4 meters) Atlanteans who moved here from Atlantis. This group of people was united by the desire to create another civilization in a new paradise, more humane and more spiritually developed than the existing ones.

In particular, these people had a complete ban on killing and violence towards each other. Eden was considered a paradise not only because of its climate and nature. Human relations between the people living there were simply ideal; the very atmosphere in this region was imbued with kindness, love and benevolence.

The first sin on Earth is murder

Adam and Eve were not the first people on Earth. They appeared only 13,000 BC. The most ordinary people, who do not stand out among thousands of others.

Their names have been preserved in history for only one reason - they were responsible for the destruction of Eden. It was because of them that Heavenly punishment fell on the heads of people.

According to the Bible, the events happened as follows: Adam and Eve committed their first sin - they ate an apple from the forbidden tree of the knowledge of Good and Evil, God became angry and kicked them both out of Paradise.

Actually the first human sin was not about eating an apple at all, but about killing. The son of Adam and Eve - Cain - killed his sibling Abel.

People lived in heavenly conditions, did not need anything, and yet brother killed brother.

God became angry and destroyed Paradise. There was unbearable heat for forty days, all the plants in Eden burned, and the once flourishing region turned into a lifeless desert. God wanted to show people that no crime goes unpunished.

People were forced to leave the Mesopotamia region and go in search of new places.

Where did the legend of the apple come from?

The fact is that the original, the original Bible, has not survived to this day. More precisely, it exists, but is not yet available to people. The real Bible will be found in a few years.

The Bible that we use today was repeatedly rewritten and corrected to please the ruling kings and sovereigns.

We Russians understand how this is done. We have already encountered this in our own history. If necessary, historians can easily repaint white into black, and vice versa.

The Bible was edited very skillfully, with masterly touches. For example, the very first and main sin on Earth - murder - was replaced by eating an apple from the tree of Knowledge. It turned out that knowledge is a more serious crime than murder!

After this replacement, it became possible to commit murders with a Bible in hand. Remember history - numerous bloody wars in the name of God, the Inquisition, executions with the blessing of the Church...

Nobody, naturally, remembered that God punished all of humanity for one single death, depriving them of Paradise on Earth.

* * *

Life expectancy on Earth at that time was about 900 years. Eve died at the age of 847 years, Adam lived 952 years (according to the Bible - 930 years).

The murder of Abel and the destruction of Eden occurred 12,000 BC. Adam and Eve were no longer alive by that time.


Took place 9500 BC. It rained continuously for forty days and nights. The water level rose by 10-12 meters, a great many people and animals died.

In fact, the flood was not worldwide; only part of Europe and Asia was under water.

Noah's Ark

Bible story about Noah's Ark came to us in a somewhat distorted form. Mount Ararat was far from the only place on Earth that was not affected by the flood.

Besides Noah, many people and animals were saved in various parts of Asia and Europe.

Noah actually created the ship (or rather, two ships) that is mentioned in the Bible. Now the remains of these ships rest under a thick layer of snow on the top of Mount Ararat. (At the time of the flood, Mount Ararat was much lower than it is now.)

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You, dear readers, can find a more detailed account of the true events described in the Bible in the book “The Real History of Humanity” from the “Revelations of Guardian Angels” series.