What to do with someone else's mirror in the house. Why you shouldn’t store old mirrors and how to throw them away correctly

How often do you come across broken, cracked mirrors on your way? And what do you do with them? Do you throw them away? How to proceed correctly? We will devote this article to these and similar questions.

A mirror is a necessary thing

What to do with broken glass

If you accidentally break glass, the first thing you should do is throw it away. No matter how much you feel sorry for it, no matter how expensive it is, do not spare money and do not spare it, you must throw it away immediately. Don't even try to glue the pieces together, it won't lead to anything good. A cracked mirror is destructive, and if you look at it, your affairs in life will be unsuccessful.

Why, you ask. After all, the mirror “remembers” you, your energy, etc. It stores your data. Imagine, it broke, which means grief and misfortune may come into your life. After all, why else do they hide a mirror when relatives or loved ones die? Yes, because you are not in the most wonderful state, so that it does not take you prisoner for the rest of your life, so that you do not remember it.

A broken mirror should be thrown away

What to do with an old and someone else's mirror

When moving to another home, the mirrors of the previous owners remain. What then to do in this case with the old mirror? Where should I put it? Psychic advice says that you need to get rid of it immediately. Again, the question arises, why. Let's explain now. As mentioned above, it stores data about the owners and remembers all negative situations.

Imagine that the previous owners constantly quarreled, argued over trifles, and it even came to blows. It’s clear that this is the manifestation of negative energy, even bad energy. The old mirror “remembered” this, and will now show it to you, your family. That is, now both quarrels and fights are possible in relations with your family.

Sometimes it’s a pity to throw away an old or someone else’s mirror. What then to do in this case? Is it still possible to leave it? Is it possible not to throw it away? This option is also possible; to do this, you need to cleanse it of negative energy and information about its previous owners.

How to clear a mirror of negative energy

Is it possible to get rid of the negativity of the previous owners? Is it possible to get rid of its bad consequences? To do this you will need holy water, a candle, and Thursday salt. Light a candle, place it in a vessel with Thursday salt and say to yourself: “I burn all the evil, I drive it out the chimney, I lock the clean glass with three locks.” After this, spray the glass with holy water.

The old mirror needs to be cleansed of negative energy

Now we can say that you have cleared the glass of previous energies and got rid of its negative consequences. In this case, you can leave the mirror, rather than throw it away and get rid of it.

How to properly throw away a mirror

It would seem such a simple question and such an easy solution. But that was not the case! IN this action There are rules and nuances that must be observed, because you can harm yourself and disrupt the harmony of your life in relationships with people around you. Rules for how to properly get rid of a mirror:

  • Don't take out the mirror together. If it is really heavy and you can’t handle it alone, then wrap it with some kind of long cloth. In this case, you can carry it out together.
  • Do not throw away during the waxing or full moon. It is recommended to do this during the waning moon.
  • If you throw it in the trash, then throw in a pinch of Thursday salt.
  • And still very important advice. Install a new mirror in place of the old one only after a week has passed.

The placement of furniture and things in the house is a matter of Feng Shui. Let's see what they recommend to us regarding mirrors:

  • Do not place a mirror near front door. This is explained by the fact that positive energy will never accumulate in your home, but will leave you, as the front door is reflected in the mirror.
  • Do not place in the bedroom. The mirror itself does not promise anything, but if it is located opposite your bed, then you will not do without failures and emergency incidents. If you live with your significant other and there is a mirror opposite your bed, then Feng Shui warns that frequent quarrels await you and even betrayal is possible. In this case, just cover the mirror with some kind of cloth at night.
  • Do not place the mirror too high or too low, because you will disrupt the entire flow of energy that is present in your home. Place it so that your family members can look at you comfortably.

In this article, together with you, we looked at the signs and rituals regarding the mirror, and also learned how to throw it away correctly, how to throw it away so that it collects all the bad energy with it and does not leave it for you.

It is believed that mirrors store information about a person, so you should not throw them away - this will attract misfortune. However, in some cases it is necessary to throw away the mirror. By doing this correctly, you can ward off trouble.

Many people consider mirrors to be part of the interior and do not give them special significance. However, in fact, mirrors are a powerful conductor of energy that can both harm and help owners. Experts on the site recommend listening to the advice of esotericists so that mirrors do not cause a lot of trouble.

When should you throw away a mirror?

Mirrors are part of the interior, but over time there may be a desire to change the style of the apartment, make repairs, or acquire new furniture. In this case, you can throw away the old mirror, because updating brings energy of joy and comfort.

You can also throw away those mirrors that have become tarnished over time or have scuffs and scratches. Blisters often appear on old mirrors, they begin to distort the image and are certainly not suitable for further use.

Broken and cracked mirrors should also be thrown away, because they emit negative energy, and they can easily get hurt. According to legends, you should not look into broken mirrors, so as not to bring trouble to yourself.

It is worth throwing away mirrors that were left over from previous owners. There is absolutely no point in storing a source of someone else’s energy, because it is unknown how it will affect the new residents. In addition, the previous owners could often quarrel, which means the mirror will be preserved negative emotions that will prevent you from living happily.

How to properly get rid of mirrors

Don't throw mirrors in trash bins. They can break, and this will bring misfortune to the house.

The mirror needs to be prepared before taking it out of the house. It must be wrapped in a dark cloth that does not allow light to pass through. Sprinkle salt on the mirror near the trash can to remove your energy from it.

You can simply take the mirror out of the house and leave it for someone else to use. Wash away all the information from it with running water, and then the mirror will become “neutral”.

A mirror can be buried in a vacant lot, especially if it has broken. It needs to be placed in a deep hole and sprinkled with salt.

According to legends, mirrors can only be thrown away during the waning moon in order to eliminate troubles in life. The only exceptions are broken mirrors, which must be disposed of immediately.

Each mirror should be cleaned of accumulated energy, especially if it belonged to several generations of the family. After the ritual, it can be thrown away without danger. Buy regular coarse salt on Thursday, prepare a container of holy water and a church candle. The candle must be placed in salt and set on fire, and then said:

“I burn out the accumulated evil with fire, leaving nothing behind. I cleanse the mirror and free it from my energy.”

After this, sprinkle the surface with holy water, wrap the mirror in a dark cloth and calmly throw it away.

Treat mirrors with care, because with their help you can bring good luck and prosperity into life. Choose mirrors correctly so that comfort, harmony and love always reign in your home and family. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

In every home, situations occur when an old mirror becomes unusable. Signs say that the old mirror should be thrown away special rules. The main thing is to follow all the rules so as not to incur negativity. There are many rituals that are aimed at neutralizing the negative energy of mirrors. Many people wonder how to properly throw away an old mirror. If you do not want to bring trouble to your home, then you should know some rules that apply to throwing away mirrors.

When can you throw away mirrors?

The mirror can be used in several directions. Firstly, this main part interior No woman can live in a house without mirrors. And men need to look at this piece of furniture every day, because it is very important to see how you look in at the moment. Also, people who return home, if they forgot something, look in the mirrors. By doing this, they replenish the lost energy that was spent after you crossed the threshold.

Mirrors are often used in black magic to perform black rituals. Fashion never stands still and attracts people to make constant renovations. Also, the monastery may lose its good appearance, which is also a sign of repairs.

Residents of the apartment try to change not only all the furniture, but also the mirrors, because in modern world There is such a wide range of such pieces of furniture that you want to put something special in each room. At such moments, it is necessary to throw away old mirrors. Therefore, it is worth knowing how to do it correctly. Never store old things in the house, and do not accumulate old energy. This can lead to unpleasant events.

Do not store the item if scratches begin to appear on it. Throw it away immediately and don’t regret it. Even if this thing was passed down to you by inheritance, you should not keep it. If the mirror accidentally breaks, then do not panic. First of all, you must collect all the fragments. Not a single fragment should remain in the house. You have to worry about making sure your reflection doesn't show up in the shards. The main thing is to think positive. You shouldn’t immediately program yourself that trouble will soon overtake you.

How to throw away old mirrors

There are guidelines to help you dispose of your mirror correctly. First of all, never break it into small pieces. Yes, it’s much more convenient to take it out this way. But there is a risk of not only injuring yourself, but also injuring others. After all, quite often stray dogs and people walk near the trash can. Leave the whole item near the tank and head home.

It is best to throw away old mirrors on the waning moon. During the waxing and full moon, you can bring negative energy upon yourself. As an exception, you can only throw away broken mirror, because under no circumstances should it be in the house.

Only discard the attributes yourself. Don't ask strangers for help. It's better to do it alone. If the size of the attribute does not allow you to carry it out yourself, then wrap it with a dark rag. It is also worth throwing away mirrors if a person has died in the house and this attribute is in his room, because the energy of the deceased person has been absorbed into the piece of furniture and can negatively affect you.

Rituals that allow you to throw away mirrors

If you are wondering how to properly throw away an old mirror, you can next ritual. To complete this you must do the following:

  • take the old mirror;
  • put it under a stream of water: you can take a hose and wash it, or put it in the bathroom and turn on the water;
  • It takes a few minutes to wash the item;
  • now you can peace of mind throw it away.

If you do not have the opportunity to direct the flow of water, then put it in the bathroom, full of water. Let it stay in this position for about a day, and only after that you can start throwing it away. Only after this ritual is it allowed to give the object to other hands. Now no one can send negativity at you.

Ritual with salt

You can perform this ritual so that negativity does not “stick” to you. First of all, you must prepare Thursday salt. It is Thursday salt that contains the power that allows you to get rid of negative energy. You should always keep salt in the house, which is stocked up on Maundy Thursday.

It is necessary to wrap the mirror with dark cloth and take it to a landfill. Place it there and sprinkle salt three times. You should not immediately put it in the place of the former object. new furniture. It also needs to be salted, and sacred candles must be lit for seven days. It is fire that will help you get rid of all negativity.

Ritual for holy water

If you are concerned about the question of how to properly throw away old mirrors, then you can perform a ritual with holy water. Holy water must be fresh. The surface of the mirror is washed with holy water. Now we need to baptize it with the fire of a holy candle. The next stage is that you must ask forgiveness from the attribute for everything you have done wrong and wrap yourself in the dark thick fabric. Only after this can you clear conscience throw it away.

How to throw away an old mirror School PSI 368

How to throw away an old mirror

How to properly throw away a mirror and other tips

A broken unnecessary product can be thrown away without consequences. Never keep it at home. Within our own walls bad energy should not be stored. You can throw it away only after all the rituals in order to remove all negative shadows from it. You also need to look at where you are going to throw such items. Place also plays a significant role in such situations. You must follow all instructions. Choose the right way, allowing you to throw away an unnecessary product and thereby remove negativity from your home.

What to do with an old mirror

How often do you come across broken, cracked mirrors on your way? And what do you do with them? Do you throw them away? How to proceed correctly? We will devote this article to these and similar questions.

A mirror is a necessary thing

What to do with broken glass

If you accidentally break glass, the first thing you should do is throw it away. No matter how much you feel sorry for it, no matter how expensive it is, do not spare money and do not spare it, you must throw it away immediately. Don't even try to glue the pieces together, it won't lead to anything good. A cracked mirror is destructive, and if you look at it, your affairs in life will be unsuccessful.

Why, you ask. After all, the mirror “remembers” you, your energy, etc. It stores your data. Imagine, it broke, which means grief and misfortune may come into your life. After all, why else do they hide a mirror when relatives or loved ones die? Yes, because you are not in the most wonderful state, so that it does not take you prisoner for the rest of your life, so that you do not remember it.

A broken mirror should be thrown away

What to do with an old and someone else's mirror

When moving to another home, the mirrors of the previous owners remain. What then to do in this case with the old mirror? Where should I put it? Psychic advice says that you need to get rid of it immediately. Again, the question arises, why. Let's explain now. As mentioned above, it stores data about the owners and remembers all negative situations.

Imagine that the previous owners constantly quarreled, argued over trifles, and it even came to blows. It’s clear that this is the manifestation of negative energy, even bad energy. The old mirror “remembered” this, and will now show it to you, your family. That is, now both quarrels and fights are possible in relations with your family.

Sometimes it’s a pity to throw away an old or someone else’s mirror. What then to do in this case? Is it still possible to leave it? Is it possible not to throw it away? This option is also possible; to do this, you need to cleanse it of negative energy and information about its previous owners.

How to clear a mirror of negative energy

Is it possible to get rid of the negativity of the previous owners? Is it possible to get rid of its bad consequences? To do this you will need holy water, a candle, and Thursday salt. Light a candle, place it in a vessel with Thursday salt and say to yourself: “I burn all evil, I drive it down the chimney, I lock the clean glass with three locks.” After this, spray the glass with holy water.

The old mirror needs to be cleansed of negative energy

Now we can say that you have cleared the glass of previous energies and got rid of its negative consequences. In this case, you can leave the mirror, rather than throw it away and get rid of it.

How to properly throw away a mirror

It would seem such a simple question and such an easy solution. But that was not the case! This action has its own rules and nuances that must be observed, because you can harm yourself and disrupt the harmony of your life in relationships with people around you. Rules for how to properly get rid of a mirror:

  • Don't take out the mirror together. If it is really heavy and you can’t handle it alone, then wrap it with some kind of long cloth. In this case, you can carry it out together.
  • Do not throw away during the waxing or full moon. It is recommended to do this during the waning moon.
  • If you throw it in the trash, then throw in a pinch of Thursday salt.
  • And another very important piece of advice. Install a new mirror in place of the old one only after a week has passed.

The placement of furniture and things in the house is a matter of Feng Shui. Let's see what they recommend to us regarding mirrors:

  • Don't place a mirror near the front door. This is explained by the fact that positive energy will never accumulate in your home, but will leave you, as the front door is reflected in the mirror.
  • Do not place in the bedroom. The mirror itself does not promise anything, but if it is located opposite your bed, then you will not do without failures and emergency incidents. If you live with your significant other and there is a mirror opposite your bed, then Feng Shui warns that frequent quarrels await you and even betrayal is possible. In this case, just cover the mirror with some kind of cloth at night.
  • Do not place the mirror too high or too low, because you will disrupt the entire flow of energy that is present in your home. Place it so that your family members can look at you comfortably.

In this article, together with you, we looked at the signs and rituals regarding the mirror, and also learned how to throw it away correctly, how to throw it away so that it collects all the bad energy with it and does not leave it for you.


A broken mirror brings failures and troubles if action is not taken in time. To ward off misfortune, you need to know how to behave in this unpleasant case.

The mirror has long been considered a magical object. Through it, people communicate with the other world, tell fortunes and call on spirits. There are various beliefs, and one of them says that the mirror is our double, and if we break it, we destroy our life. The surface of a magical object contains energetic memories - both good and bad - and when struck, they can penetrate and clog our aura. It happens that the mirror breaks on its own, but if it happens that you damaged it, then, most likely, misfortune cannot be avoided. However, there are rules that will help you immediately ward off trouble.

What to do if a mirror breaks

The first thing to do is collect the fragments. But it is important to know that you should not pick up the fragments with your hands. If you cut yourself with them, you will attract grief to yourself. Large pieces should be swept away with a brush, and mirror dust should be collected with a vacuum cleaner. This should be done by the one through whose fault the trouble occurred. If a child is involved, a blood relative picks up the pieces. If the mirror breaks into exactly several large pieces, they should be painted over with black paint to avoid troubles in your personal life.

Under no circumstances should you look at broken pieces and protect your children from this: you may lose vitality and attract health problems. Wrap the mirror in a durable cloth before throwing it away. You can perform a ritual and consecrate this place with holy water, reading the broom spell, then bad luck will definitely not come to you.

Remember that the fragments must not be broken again: this may cause negative reaction and aggression from the men in the house, and also to double the misfortunes that already come from a damaged magical object. It is not advisable to store a broken mirror at home, even if it is an antique item. You should get rid of it immediately and buy a new one instead.

You can't throw a mirror out into the street. trash can- you need to bury it in the ground in order to definitely protect yourself and your home from its negative impact. However, you can resort to a conspiracy and take it to the trash heap, whispering the words: “I take away misfortune, adversity, illness from home. Amen". If a person has already died in the apartment where the magic object crashed, then it is advisable to bury the fragments away from the house and, if possible, not walk there.

If you broke a magical object and then looked at its fragments, you need to urgently act and cleanse your energy field using protective techniques. First of all, you should lower the broken piece that you looked into under the flow cold water, otherwise expect worse health. Then you need to take a bath, after reading the prayer “Virgin Mother of God, rejoice.” Sacred words will help you find peace of mind.

After you have completed all the steps: collected the fragments, cleansed yourself with prayer, threw away the mirror, you need to say a few words to return good luck to the house. Say this with positive emotions and be sure to laugh: “It crashed to your health!” Good luck! For good luck! Amen!"

After breaking a mirror, there is no need to panic and get upset. You just need to follow the advice and properly cleanse your house of fragments, and protect your family from harm with the help of prayer and rituals. Now you know what to do if a magic item breaks, and you can prevent misfortunes. Good luck, and don't forget to press the buttons and

07.04.2017 08:36

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