DIY toilet for Chihuahua girls. How to train a Chihuahua to a diaper or litter box

Upbringing - important point in the life of a dog at home. Any pet must be able to behave correctly within the walls of the house, which is why raising a puppy should not be put on the back burner. If you have become happy owner If you have a miniature puppy of a breed such as a Chihuahua, keep in mind that the dog will have to be litter trained.

Any miniature breed dog can be trained to use a litter box - they do not need to be taken outside several times a day. How to train a Chihuahua to use a litter tray?

How to toilet train a Chihuahua?

If the puppy is already 3 months old, you can begin to accustom him to going to a specially designated place in the house. Depending on convenience, the dog can be trained to the following places:

  • to the tray;
  • to the diaper;
  • to the toilet.

It is worth teaching gradually, without punishing the child for mistakes. It is worth considering in advance that it will take a long time to accustom your pet to using the litter box. Be patient and take action.

Tray training a puppy

Until the puppy is accustomed to going to the litter box, it is necessary to protect all places in the house from his accidental mistakes: carpets, rugs, sofas, etc. To do this you can place the dog in a specially designated place for a while- in the kitchen, in a small room or enclosure. In the place where the dog will live, remove carpets or rugs, and cover the floor with newspapers.

Place the tray in the location chosen for the toilet. Choose a tray with low sides - at first it should be comfortable for the puppy to climb into it, otherwise he will stop these attempts. Line the tray with newspapers or rags. After the dog goes to in the wrong place, wipe this place with a cloth and put it in the tray - over time, the dog will begin to look for a place to toilet by its smell.

There is no need to rush and scold your child for an accidental mistake. Please note that It will not be possible to train your pet to the tray right away, this requires your patience and perseverance. If you notice that the puppy is about to go past the litter box, carefully move your pet to the right place.

If, after several days, the puppy stubbornly goes to the toilet past the diaper, you can reprimand him for this strictly, but without resorting to screaming. It is necessary to report immediately after the commission of the “crime”, otherwise the pet simply will not understand why he is being punished.

After the puppy goes to the toilet in the tray or on the diaper, express your approval, give him a treat, caress or play with the baby. The pet must understand that its actions are directly related to your reaction.

How to train a Chihuahua to wear a diaper? In a similar way, place diapers or newspapers in the area of ​​the apartment where the dog’s toilet will be located - any material that will be comfortable for the puppy.

How to understand when a Chihuahua wants to go to the toilet?

If all attempts to accustom your Chihuahua to a tray or diaper are unsuccessful, you can use a little trick. Puppies miniature breeds will feel the need to relieve themselves some time after eating. Therefore, 10 - 15 minutes after the puppy has eaten, place it in the tray and make sure that he relieves his need in this very place.

Of course, this method also requires a lot of patience from the Chihuahua owner. Bye the dog will not get used to his diaper, she can go to the toilet in prohibited places. Therefore, you will have to monitor the dog’s meals and persistently show him the place of the tray or diaper.

Other litter options for your Chihuahua

Depending on the convenience of the dog’s owner, you can train the dog to go to the toilet in the following places:

  • to a specially designated place in the house;
  • on the street;
  • at home and on the street.

If the owner does not want the dog to go to the toilet in the house, you can train it to go for a daily walk. When going outside, let the dog relieve itself and only after that allow it to run and frolic. Daily walks should gradually become a ritual for the puppy. Praise your dog when he goes to the toilet outside, and sternly reprimand him if he misses and goes to the toilet at home.

An important rule for walking: play only after relieving yourself. Over time, the puppy will understand why he is being walked and will stop going to the toilet at home.

However, the best option Going to the toilet for a Chihuahua is a combination of walking and a home toilet. As has already been said that Small dogs go to the toilet more often- immediately after eating. The owner may simply not have time to go outside with her. For such unexpected cases, it is worth putting a tray at home and accustoming the dog to it. But still, do not deny your dog walks in the fresh air.

When going outside with your Chihuahua, it is advisable to put the dog on a leash, and if it’s cold outside, wear warm overalls. In order for your dog to quickly understand that it is necessary to relieve itself outside, walk with it where other dog walkers walk their pets. All dogs can smell the “marks”, which will prompt the dog to go to the toilet.

One of the most basic skills for a domestic puppy is the ability to recover independently in a specially designated area.

Therefore, it is important for the owner to know how to toilet train his little friend.

Also know how to wean bad habits, bark and bite

After a few hours of appearing in your home, you may stumble upon small unexpected puddles.

You should be understanding, because you did not purchase a porcelain figurine, but living creature, which has everything biological processes life activity.

Think over and get a toilet for the baby, preferably before the puppy arrives in your house. Because in its absence, the Chihuahua will find a suitable place on its own and you will have to make a lot of effort to wean it from peeing anywhere.

At home you can train yourself to relieve yourself on a disposable diaper. Another option is to organize a place for toilet training for a small puppy on a regular diaper, then it needs to be washed and disinfected often.

For such a toilet, it’s a good idea to fit something under the bottom that does not allow moisture to pass through, a plastic tray or a car mat.

There are quite a lot of other specially adapted trays in the pet store for toilet training of Chihuahuas, similar to those of cats.

So, on the first day the puppy arrives in your home, bring the dog to a prepared toilet, for example, to a diaper. Just show him. So that the Chihuahua quickly understands the purpose of the tray.

Alternatively, pour some water on the diaper placed in it and sit the puppy down. The main thing is to be patient and calm.

Remove soft carpets in the apartment so as not to tempt your baby to go to the toilet on it anywhere.

Because if she does manage to wet your carpet, then you are unlikely to be able to completely clean it of the smell of dog feces.

Then periodically, even if she knows how to walk to her toilet, she may walk on the carpet because of the remaining smell.

Most often, it is not possible to quickly toilet train a Chihuahua puppy. If a Chihuahua has been living in your home for a long time and continues to pee anywhere, then you should approach the issue in this way.

During the training period, place the dog somewhere in one of the free rooms, in the kitchen or in a spacious enclosure.

Where the puppy is placed, make sure that he walks on a special diaper, you can lay out several pieces on the floor. Place the diaper already marked by the dog in the tray.

A good location for the toilet will be the border of the dog’s personal territory.

Observe carefully where the dog has marked it and place the tray there. Be sure to sit your Chihuahua on the tray after eating.

At a very young age, the dog's metabolism is accelerated, and it can recover after eating.

The sequence of your actions should be as follows:

  • place it in the tray on the diaper;
  • if everything works out, then reward with a tasty treat and praise, show your joy;
  • You may have to repeat these steps within two months.

Place the puppy in the litter box after sleep and if you notice that the dog is about to pee anywhere, scold him and take him to the litter box.

The Chihuahua is very sensitive to the mood of the owner, he will definitely take note of your dissatisfaction, just do not scare the baby.

In addition to the difficult task of weaning a Chihuahua from the habit of pooping anywhere, and teaching it to use its own toilet and sit in a diaper, the pet may also have not very pleasant habits, such as barking and biting, and these also need to be gotten rid of.

The desire to bite in a puppy up to 4.5 months is justified by the growth of teeth. But if he continues to bite at an older age, then...

If a baby bites during play, then there are two reasonable methods of getting rid of it::

  • As soon as it bites, shout “Aarp”, the baby will recoil. In dog language, this means that you are in pain; a similar sound will be made by an injured dog when bitten. Immediately offer the toy to the puppy. Eventually the dog will stop biting because he will not be comfortable hearing the sound.
  • After biting, stop playing and walk out, eventually the dog will realize that once he starts biting, the play stops and will stop doing so.

And in the case when the baby Chihuahua began to bite after 4-5 months, not only during play, then the problem is probably an incorrect distribution of roles and your pet realized that he is dominant. We must correct it by showing character and patience.

Don't let anyone sleep on your bed. Do not allow her to come in front of you - in a word, show that you are the leader so that she recognizes your superiority.

They may bark for several reasons. Because of boredom, a desire to play, to get the owner's attention.

Surely we can say for sure that she should not bark constantly and should be weaned from it. Perhaps this habit of barking appeared due to your improper upbringing.

For example, in early age you gave the dog attention and praise when it started barking. Then she will strive to receive praise again and again.

Two the right way owner's reactions when the dog starts barking:

  • Ignore. Just make it clear that her efforts will lead nowhere. Do not scold under any circumstances, it will only increase the excitement.
  • Distract. Keep your puppy busy with activities that are more interesting than barking. For example, play with him.


If you do not have the opportunity to take your pet outside to the toilet in time, we recommend that you watch this video, which will help you quickly accustom your dog to the patch.

First you need to decide where exactly your pet will defecate.

In the cat tray you can put:
- special filler;
- newspapers;
- pieces of fabric (soft rags intended for cleaning the house, old diapers or sheets.
To avoid odor, you need to periodically change the cloth or rinse it in a non-concentrated bleach solution);
- disposable absorbent diaper. They are sold both in veterinary and regular pharmacies. There is practically no difference, but in the pharmacy for people disposable diapers are much cheaper.

If you choose one of the last three options, remember that a newspaper, rag or diaper should be placed in the tray so that the dog does not have to trample on its feces. Only in this case can you count on cleanliness in the house.

If we talk about the first option - a cat litter box with a mesh and filler, then at first glance it seems optimal. However, it should be noted that not everyone likes such a toilet. The tray should not have high sides, be unstable, or swing. Before pouring filler into the tray, it is advisable that it be covered with newspapers or rags for some time.

1. Start training you need as soon as the puppy gets into the house. Otherwise, he may get used to walking on the owner's soft carpet and will make a toilet out of it.

2. If we talk about carpets, then they It’s better to remove it completely for a while so as not to create unnecessary temptations for the puppy. Soft carpets attract dogs, and many choose them as a toilet. After this, two problems immediately appear. Firstly, it is very difficult to wash the carpet from the smell, which is strongly ingrained. Secondly, the puppy, attracted by familiar aromas, will go to the toilet on the carpet again and again.

3. All dogs choose a place for your toilet according to one principle, and the Chihuahua is no exception. Most often these are places that indicate the boundaries of the puppy’s territory: near the balcony, under the window, next to front door, on the balcony. It is best to see which place the puppy prefers and place the tray there.

In addition to balconies and doors, dogs really love dark nooks like the bathroom or toilet. Therefore, if the puppy has chosen one of these places, it is better to install the toilet there. But do not forget that he must have constant access to the tray, and the doors of the toilet or bathroom must be slightly open so that the animal can easily get inside.

4. To make it easier for the puppy to understand what exactly the owner wants from him, you can wet a piece of cloth or newspaper with urine and place it in the tray. This will leave a scent in the pan that will attract your Chihuahua.

5. If the apartment is large, and a small Chihuahua may not make it to the toilet, make a few toilets first. Over time, the puppy will choose one tray where it will relieve itself.

Some breeders place newspapers in each room so that the puppy always has access to the toilet, no matter where he is. This technique can be useful if the dog has to travel a lot in transport. For example, in a car. It is enough to place his toilet down on the mat so that the puppy can go to the toilet without interrupting the movement of the car.

As your dog begins to mature, you can reduce the number of litter boxes to one or two. The second option is more acceptable if the owner is away for a long time and cannot change the filler in the tray. Then the dog will be able to go to another, “spare” toilet.

6. Most owners know that a puppy that has gone to the toilet in the right place will must be praised. But not everyone knows exactly how to do this. Do not express wild delight, especially at a time when the puppy has just begun to relieve himself: he may get scared. Wait until the puppy finishes doing his “tricks” and pet him approvingly, saying something affectionate.

Never hit your dog if he relieves himself in an inappropriate place, but let him know that you are unhappy. Speak to her in a dissatisfied tone, perhaps louder than usual, but do not shout.

7. Some dogs, already accustomed to the litter box, relieve themselves in the right place. But the “big things” are done next to or past the pallet. In this case, you can buy a tray larger size or cover it on the sides with newspapers.

8. Helpers in toilet training a puppy can be: special sprays, sold in veterinary pharmacies. They are designed to scare away the puppy from defecating in the wrong places. It is enough to simply spray the spray on the surface where the puppy is not allowed to go to the toilet.

There are special potty trainers. On the contrary, they are sprayed into a tray reserved for the toilet. These sprays smell like dog urine and act similarly to a piece of newspaper soaked in urine and placed in a tray.

9. If a puppy constantly goes to the toilet in the wrong place, despite prohibitions and sprays, you can place bowls with dog food and water in this place. The animal will not go to the toilet where its food is.

10. If you leave the puppy alone, limit his territory to the room where his litter box is located.

11. Owners of big boy Chihuahuas can purchase special tray with a column. Or place a closed plastic bottle of water in a regular tray instead of a column.

12. The toilet should always be clean and the filler should be fresh. The dog may not want to relieve itself in a dirty pan.

13. If this is your first time getting a Chihuahua, ask the breeder about which toilet his mother is accustomed to, which toilet the puppy himself went to before. This may come in handy to help you complete your training faster.

Toilet training a Chihuahua is not a difficult task. Arm yourself with understanding and patience, develop rules that you will adhere to when communicating with your dog, try to listen to our simple tips- and, most likely, you will soon be able to forget about the problem associated with the toilet.

We must remember that an adorable puppy is not a plush toy. And with it new worries and the question of how to toilet train a Chihuahua will come into the house. Strangers and new surroundings can make him worry. And even if a puppy has been accustomed to a diaper or litter box by its former owner, it can make a mistake and make a “puddle.” Therefore, as the cartoon Carlson said: “Patience, just patience.”

Wean off adult dog It will be difficult to shit in the house anywhere, which is why you need to devote as much time as possible to the puppy in the first weeks.

A puppy is like a child; the younger he is, the more he goes to the toilet. This happens after sleeping, eating, while playing, and so on. If you just don’t keep track, your baby can take a shit anywhere. If during this period it is not possible to constantly monitor the dog, then when leaving, you should limit his freedom in the house or apartment. To do this, the puppy is left in a separate room, but the toilet is placed inside with him.

The owners of a Chihuahua may be faced with the question of whether to walk the dog or train it to do its “business” in the house in a specially designated place. Why do animal lovers stop at this one? Due to her small size and lack of time for daily walks down the street. A dog that has matured and is accustomed to a diaper or litter tray does not cause problems for its owners; it does not mark carpets and does not spoil the house. But first you will have to be very careful and patient.

Puppy toilet

It’s worth considering the toilet issue before purchasing a puppy. Otherwise, the baby can choose a place himself and will mark anywhere, and it will be difficult to wean him from this.

If in former house If the puppy is used to peeing on a diaper, an old rag or a newspaper, then at first it is worth laying on the floor more materials that are familiar to the dog.

Some owners buy a special “home toilet”. Before you train your Chihuahua to use a litter tray, you should choose the right size option. It is a low plastic container, like a cat's, and comes with a regular grill or diaper that absorbs moisture well. In the first case, it is possible to install a small column for “boys”.

As a cheap option, you can use a regular plastic tray, putting newspaper or an unnecessary rag there.

Where should the toilet be or the diaper?

Usually the puppy chooses a place for his toilet, heading towards the loggia or exit. You shouldn’t make a dog toilet just anywhere; it’s convenient to place it in the hallway or on the loggia if it’s glazed. In the case of the latter option, the dog will not mark in the apartment.

For the first days, it is advisable to keep a small puppy in a limited space: a separate room or enclosure, so that he does not have the opportunity to shit and mark in the most inconspicuous places.

The toilet - a tray or newspapers - should be placed there so that if the child wants to do his business, he can quickly find it. As the puppy grows, the toilet should gradually be moved to the place chosen for these purposes, in the hallway or on the balcony.

If an apartment or house has many rooms, then it is advisable to install several trays. For example, one in the corridor near the exit, another in the room where the puppy sleeps, or in the kitchen, if the baby often stays there with the owners. The pet will grow up and remember the place for the toilet, and the extra trays can be removed later.

Toilet training steps

Even before the appearance of a small pet in the house, it is worth thinking about how to train a Chihuahua to the toilet. On the first day, you need to bring it to the tray or diaper and show it to the dog. Of course, the baby may not immediately understand what this object is.

But the main thing here is persistence. You should gently and patiently put the puppy in the toilet after eating, between games, after sleep. It is advisable to remove all carpets from the area in which the small pet lives.

Because, even after peeing and shitting on the soft pile of the rug once, the dog will mark it periodically. It is difficult to wean a puppy from this habit; it is even more difficult to remove the smell from the carpet.

A little later, by the puppy’s behavior, you can understand what he wants to do. When the pet begins to run around with a worried look and sniff the floor and objects lying on it, intending to mark, you should take it and put it in the toilet. Holding it carefully, you need to not let the puppy get off so that it doesn’t get on the floor until he does his business.

If the puppy was able to mark the floor for the first time and make a puddle in the wrong place, you can blot it with a piece of diaper. And then put a damp cloth in the tray or in the place where the dog toilet is located. The smell of urine will be an additional incentive, which is why the baby will run to the right place if desired.

You can't scold and praise

After each successful trip to the toilet, you should praise the baby. In this case, some owners treat their pet with something tasty.

You have to be patient, you will have to be very attentive for a month or two so that the puppy develops the skill of going to the toilet in a tray or on a newspaper.

If trouble happens and the puppy shits anywhere, you should not punish him if more than 20 minutes have passed. The kid has already forgotten about his offense, and may not understand why he was punished. But when the dog marks in front of your eyes, you need to pronounce the command in a stern voice: “Ugh!”, “You can’t!” The puppy must understand that peeing on the floor or carpet is bad and the owner is upset.

Many breeders categorically advise against poking a puppy’s nose into that puddle he made in an unnecessary place. Frightened, a small dog may not understand what the angry owner requires of it and begin to mark again.

You shouldn’t scold your puppy if, when you come home, you discover that he has pooped not on the diaper, but in the wrong place. Scolding will not help here; the dog will only be frightened by the fact that the owner responds to his joyful meeting with a threatening reprimand. Such a repeated mistake will lead to the puppy becoming afraid of your arrival and it is unlikely to wean him from peeing in the wrong place.

To ensure that the puppy no longer marks or shits on the floor, before leaving, you should leave him in a limited space: a corridor or an enclosure. A dog toilet, bowls of food and water, a bed and toys are placed here so that the baby does not get bored in the absence of the owner.

Upon returning home, the puppy must be petted and picked up. After all, a dog is attached to its owner with sincere, all-consuming love. And you definitely need to praise if everything worked out with the toilet and there are no puddles on the floor.
The main thing in toilet training a puppy is kindness and patience combined with persistence and moderate severity.

Chihuahuas go to the toilet at home - they don't need to twice a day. Teach your puppy from childhood to relieve himself in one place, on a tray or absorbent diaper, to save yourself from regular cleaning of the apartment and unpleasant odors.

Site selection and equipment

Before you toilet train your Chihuahua, set up a place to relieve yourself. Inexperienced owners use newspaper as a dog toilet. This is not hygienic, since the material, when saturated with moisture, leaves stains on the floor. Instead of a newspaper, purchase a plastic tray - a tray with a grid insert. Types of dog restrooms:

  • with low sides for bedding;
  • open with high walls;
  • with imitation lawn grass;
  • closed;
  • with a post for males.

Do not buy a cat litter box - the design of the tray does not allow the dog to sit comfortably.

When Chihuahuas want to pee, they instinctively run towards the door outside. Therefore, a suitable place for the tray is in the hallway or in the living room by the window. If you have a glazed loggia and the door there is always open, install the tray directly on the balcony. This will help you get rid of the smell of feces in your apartment.

How to toilet train a Chihuahua step by step

The puppy needs to empty his intestines after eating, sleeping or between games. Constantly monitor when your Chihuahua is peeing out of place and take it to the tray. If your baby is left alone at home, lock him in a pen or enclosure and place a tray inside.

Multiple Tray Method

Competent breeders accustom their dogs to newspaper before selling them. But, having arrived in new apartment, even a trained pet forgets skills and cannot find the usual place for the toilet. Your task is to help him overcome his confusion.

Find out from the breeder what type of toilet was provided for the little puppies - diaper, newspaper, tray. Place your usual “toilet” accessories one at a time in each room. This is necessary so that if the dog wants to go to the toilet, he can quickly find it. The dog’s thinking works at lightning speed - if there is no newspaper or tray nearby, the puppy will go to the floor to relieve itself. Praise the dog that has done the right thing and reward it with a treat.

As the baby develops, reduce the number of “toilets” in the house, and move the last remaining one 3 cm per day to the right place.

Limited space method

A dog that has not seen a litter box before can be trained to use the toilet by limiting the space. Create a pen or enclosure for your puppy. Cover the floor of the pen with newspapers or diapers. Create conditions where, having wanted to pee, the puppy will go to the litter anyway.

After a week, remove one newspaper from the enclosure. In another week or two. If the puppy continues to go to the bed, praise him. If he shits on the floor, scold him with restraint and return the collected newspapers. As soon as the baby understands that he needs to go to the litter, disassemble the pen.

Before completely accustoming your Chihuahua to a diaper, after dismantling the pen, remove the carpets from the floors and spread diapers one at a time in the room. If you see that the puppy is about to relieve itself past the bedding, take it to right place. Feed the baby in a room with diapers, leave it overnight too.

How to litter train a Chihuahua if he walks on newspaper or bedding:

  • Buy a tray with low sides.
  • Wrap the diaper around the mesh insert.
  • After a couple of days, move the litter under the mesh tab.
  • After another two days, remove the litter.
  • Do not yell at the puppy if he pees in the first days after arrival. different places. Perhaps he was confused in an unfamiliar place.
  • When leaving your dog at home alone, do not scold him when you return in the evening and find puddles on the floor. The dog does not associate a long-standing offense with punishment. As a result of regular evening punishments, the little dog will begin to fear your return from work.
  • Praise your baby for correct actions, encourage him if he tends to pee on a newspaper or pallet.
  • Leave your dog in a room with clean water, toys, newspapers and food. Turn on the radio at low volume to create the effect of the owner's presence. Close rooms where your pet could damage valuables.
  • A dog that has not previously been trained in “toilet” skills can be trained by watching him throughout the day and transferring him to a tray every time you notice the urge to pee. Take a week off to exercise regularly with your small pet.
  • Don’t delay training - from the first days, show your dog a place to relieve himself and strictly guide him there.
  • After sleeping and eating, put the puppy on the diaper and praise if he pees.
  • Remove carpets from the house - soft pile attracts the puppy, and the smell of feces is difficult to remove with cleaning products. The familiar aroma encourages the baby to pee on the rug again.
  • To direct your pet to the litter box, dip a piece of newspaper in its urine and place it in the tray - the smell will show where things need to be done.
  • In a large apartment or house, install two or three toilets. Little dog may not have time to run to the back room to pee.
  • Praise your pet correctly - do not shout when he sits down to pee, but gently stroke him after he relieves himself and say kind words.
  • If your pet flatly refuses to go to the trough when necessary, use attractive sprays and powders.
  • If the puppy, after prohibitions and using the spray, continues to do things in the wrong place, put bowls of food there - dogs don’t shit where they eat.
  • To quickly toilet train a male dog, buy a tray with a post.
  • Clean the tray or change the litter daily as it gets dirty. Animals do not go to a dirty toilet.

Complex cases

If you train your pet to use the litter box, but he continues to go to the carpet or sofa, read on for how to act in special cases.

Puppy peeing on the carpet

If you didn’t clean the carpets when you brought your baby into the house, and he’s used to peeing on soft pile, cover the carpet with absorbent napkins. So, after relieving itself on the carpet, the pet automatically ends up in a diaper. After a week, hide the carpet and reduce the number of diapers by a third. Remove the remaining ones one per day and move them to the edge of the room. If the dog wears a diaper, praise him; if not, scold him and add new bedding. The retraining process takes longer than learning from scratch and takes a month or two.

Chihuahua shits next to the trough

Watch your pet go to the toilet. If he does not climb onto the tray, return to the first stage of training - wrap the tray with a diaper. If your baby pees in the washtub, but sits down on the edge and the urine flows under the toilet, try teaching him to sit exactly in the center. Buy a pallet large size and put a small newspaper in the middle. The Chihuahua will tend to go to the bedding and will stop sitting on the edge.

The second option is to make it easier to clean the space around the toilet. Place a piece of linoleum under the tray and clean it regularly.

Chihuahua goes to the toilet on the sofa

The pet shits on the sofa to attract the owner's attention. Think about what it is trying to tell you: it reminds you of a dirty pallet, unpleasant smell filler or inconvenient location of the toilet room. Do not scold a small pet without understanding the situation.

Male does not raise his paw

Males do not lift their paws until 10-12 months. Teach a puppy older than one year to pee while standing with his paw raised. To do this, buy a pallet with a post and wrap the post in a diaper. You can make a column with your own hands from plastic bottle with water. Chihuahua marks vertical objects instinctively, and the diaper tells him that he is doing everything right.

How to stop a Chihuahua from marking furniture and walls

Leave marks - natural feature males, and decorative chihuahuas do this at home during rare walks. If you notice indecent behavior in your dog, correct the situation immediately. Determine the causes of the problem:

  • lack of master dominance;
  • “updating” old marks from previous dogs;
  • external stimuli (a female dog in heat nearby);
  • hormonal imbalance, stress.

Everyone knows how to tame a Chihuahua, but showing him who the leader of the pack is is more difficult. Decorative dogs owners perceive them as toys, without paying attention to education. Don't repeat their mistakes - change your attitude towards your dog. Be consistent in your upbringing and achieve your goals. The dog will quickly feel the leader in you and the problem of dominance will be solved.

In a critical situation, when the dog does not accept persuasion and punishment, act harshly. Lock your Chihuahua in an enclosure and release it when you can supervise it. When you see a dog shitting on the floor, loudly say “no!” and place him on a tray in the enclosure. Do not let the Chihuah out for two or three hours, ignore it. Repeat the procedure until the pet gets used to walking on a diaper or trough.