Easy commands in minecraft. Minecraft console commands and cheats

These commands can be executed in the console of a running server, or they can be entered in the game by a user who has server administrator rights assigned (assigned by the command op). To launch the console in the game you need to press the “T” or “/” key. In the player console, all commands must begin with a "/" character. On the server, commands can be written without the “/” character.

In Minecraft since version 1.4.2 it is possible to write any console command to command block , which will allow you to perform it when receiving a redstone signal (via a redstone wire).

clear<цель>[object number] [additional data]— Clears the specified player's inventory of all items or specific IDs.

debug — Starts debug mode or stops it.

defaultgamemode - Allows you to change the default mode for new players on the server.

difficulty<0|1|2|3> — Changes the difficulty of the game, 0 - peaceful, 1 - easy, 2 - normal, 3 - difficult.

enchant<цель>[level] - Enchant an item in your hands to the level specified in the command.

gamemode [target]- Changes the game mode for the specified player. Survival (survival, s or 0), Creativity (creative, c or 1), Adventure (adventure, a or 2). For the command to work, the player must be online.

gamerule<правило>[meaning] - Allows you to change several basic rules. The value must be true or false.

Rules that can be set using gamerule:

  • doFireTick - if false, stops the spread of fire.
  • doMobLoot - if false, mobs do not drop drops.
  • doMobSpawning - when false, prohibits mob spawning.
  • doTileDrops - if false, objects will not drop from destructible blocks.
  • keepInventory - if true, after death the player does not lose the contents of his inventory.
  • mobGriefing - if false, mobs cannot destroy blocks (creeper explosions do not spoil the landscape).
  • commandBlockOutput - if false, the command block does not output anything to the chat when commands are executed.

As a result, the command to the server looks like this:
“gamerule doMobLoot false” - will cancel drops from mobs.

give<цель> <номер объекта>[quantity] [ additional information] — Gives the player an item specified by block or item ID.

help [page | team] ? [page | team] - Lists all available console commands.

publish- Opens access to the world local network.

say<сообщение> — Shows a pink message to all players.

spawnpoint [target] [x] [y] [z]— Allows you to set the spawn point for the player at the specified coordinates. If coordinates were not specified, the spawn point will be your current position.

time set<число|day|night> - Allows you to change the time of day. Time can be specified in numerical value, where 0 is dawn, 6000 is noon, 12000 is sunset and 18000 is midnight.

time add<число> — Adds the specified amount of time to the current one.

toggledownfall- Allows you to enable or disable precipitation.

tp<цель1> <цель2>,tp<цель> — Makes it possible to teleport a player specified by name to another or to the entered coordinates.

weather<время> — Allows you to change the weather to certain time, specified in seconds.

xp<количество> <цель> — Gives the specified amount of experience to a specific player, from 0 to 5000. If L is entered after the number, the specified number of levels will be added. In addition, levels can be lowered, for example -10L will reduce the player's level by 10.

ban<игрок>[cause]— Allows you to block a player’s access to the server by nickname.

ban-ip Allows you to block a player’s access to the server by IP address.

pardon<никнейм> — Allows you to unblock the specified player from accessing the server.

pardon-ip Removes the specified IP address from the blacklist.

banlist - Allows you to see a list of all players blocked on the server.

op<цель> — Gives the specified player operator privileges.

deop<цель> — Removes operator privileges from the player.

kick<цель>[reason] - Kicks the specified player from the server.

list— Displays a list of all players online.

save-all- Forces all changes to be saved on the server.

save-on Allows the server to make automatic saves.

save-off Prevents the server from performing automatic saving.

stop— Shuts down the server.

whitelist list— Displays a list of players in the whitelist.

whitelist <никнейм> — Adds or removes a player to the whitelist.

whitelist — Enables or disables the use of a white list on the server.

whitelist reload— Reloads the whitelist, that is, updates it in accordance with the white-list.txt file (can be used when white-list.txt is modified manually).

Teams in Minecraft on the server for the player

Commands are entered into the game chat console. To launch the console in the game you need to press the “T” or “/” key.

Hint: if you enter the “/” symbol in the console and press the key Tab, then all commands available to the player on this server will be shown.

me<сообщение> — Displays the entered message on behalf of a third party: “Player_name message text.” For example: "Player explores a cave."

tell<игрок> <сообщение>,w<игрок> <сообщение> — Sending a private message to another player. Useful if you want to prevent other players on the server from seeing the contents of the message.

kill- Allows you to kill yourself, which can be useful if you get stuck in textures. After using a command in chat, the message “Ouch. That look like it hurt."

seed— Allows you to find out the grain of the world in which the game is taking place.

Commands for private territory in minecraft on the server

/region claim<имя региона> — Saves the selected area as a region with the specified name.

//hpos1— Sets the first point according to your current coordinates.

//hpos2— Sets a second point according to your current coordinates.

/region addowner<регион> <ник1> <ник2> — Adds the specified players to the owners of the region. Owners have the same capabilities as the region creator.

/region addmember<регион> <ник1> <ник2> — Adds the specified players to the members of the region. Participants have limited options.

/region removeowner<регион> <ник1> <ник2> — Remove the specified players from the region owners.

/region removemember<регион> <ник1> <ник2> — Remove the specified players from region participants.

//expand<длина> <направление> — Expands the region in a given direction. For example: //expand 5 up - will expand the selection up 5 cubes. Acceptable directions: up, down, me.

//contract<длина> <направление> — Will reduce the region in a given direction. For example: //contract 5 up - will reduce the selection by 5 cubes from bottom to top. Acceptable directions: up, down, me.

/region flag<регион> <флаг> <значение> — You can set a flag for a region if you have sufficient access.

Possible flags to set:

  • pvp - is PvP allowed in the region?
  • use - is it permissible to use mechanisms, doors
  • chest-access - is it permissible to use chests?
  • lava-flow - is lava spreading acceptable?
  • water-flow - is water spreading acceptable?
  • lighter - is it permissible to use a lighter?

Possible values:

  • allow - enabled
  • deny - disabled
  • none - the same flag as not in the private zone

In which a long-awaited innovation was added - command blocks.

Using command blocks, you can set specific commands that can apply both to the entire server and to a random player.

Important to know: Commands can only be set to create a game world and only in creative mode. Command blocks do not work in Survival mode.

Many players do not know or understand how to use these blocks and what commands need to be entered to make them active.

To get a command block you need to open the chat and enter the command /give @p command_block

Then we select it and install a lever or any other activator to it.

How to specify a command for a command block?

In order for a command block to perform a particular function, it needs to be given a specific command. To do this, click on the command block and a window with settings will open. In the “Console command” field we need to enter the command we need.

Below you will find the Top 15 most popular commands for the command block on mobile Minecraft.

Top 15 commands for Minecraft PE

/title @a title Your message. Using this command, you can write and transmit some message or instruction to everyone on the server.

/effect @a regeneration 2000 2000. Regeneration command. 2000 is a level and quantity.

/tp @a 0 0 0 . Where are your coordinates, and 0 0 0 are the coordinates where you need to teleport. To find out your coordinates you need to download a special mod.

/clone~ -1~1~3~3~-3~4~-1~-3 Command for an endless road for a trolley. That is, the road will be constantly cloned and created.

/setblock its coordinates diamond_block . Command for an endless diamond block. This way you can get rich very quickly.

/weather rain . Command to change the weather to rain.

/weather clean .Command to change to clear weather, turns off rain.

/gamemode 0 – Quickly switch to Survival mode. /gamemode 1 – switch to creative mode. We set for whom the mode will change, for example /gamemode 0 @a - this way the mode will be applied to all players.

/time set night – this command changes the time of day to night. /time set day – thanks to this command, the day will come in Minecraft.

/give @a diamon 1 – a command that gives you items that you specify. In our case, these are diamonds. Where is 1 the number of diamonds.

/spawnpoint – thanks to this command you can set the spawn point after you die.

/kill – A command that kills everything on the map. You can specify what exactly needs to be killed, for example, animals or creeps.

/difficulty – a program that changes the difficulty of the game. You can bet from 0 to 3.

/say – a command with which you can also communicate with players on the server.

Here is a list of all available commands to players on our servers. All parameters (arguments) of the command are indicated in parentheses (there is no need to specify parentheses when entering the command). So: - a required parameter is specified, and [parameter]- optional.

Chat message tags

[A]– the person who sent the message is the server administrator.
[M]– the person who sent the message is a server moderator.


Team Description
/spawn Return to spawn
/kit [kit_name] Get a set of items.
If the name of the set is not specified, a list of sets available to you will be displayed.
/mail Send a message by mail
/rules View brief server rules. Full Rules of Conduct on game servers are posted on the website.
Send a request to teleport to another player. Teleportation will occur as soon as the player accepts your request.
/tpaccept [nickname] Accept a request to teleport another player to you.
If a nickname is not specified, the last received request will be accepted.
/ignore [nickname] Add/remove a player from the ignored list. This option allows you to disable receiving DMs, displaying messages in the general chat, and teleportation requests from a specific player.
To view the list of ignored players, enter this command without specifying a nickname.
Send a private message to the player.
/time Find out the current game time on the server. If you don't have access to this command, use RMB with vanilla gold clock
/me Write a message from the 3rd person (status).
/workbench Portable workbench (opens the interface of a regular workbench).
/back Teleports you to the place where you last teleported.
/hat Place any block (which you hold in your hand) on your head. To withdraw, enter: /hat 0
/scvroff Disables the function of saving inventory in case of death (things will drop out as usual).
/scvron Re-enables the function of saving inventory in case of death.


Allocation of territory

Below are the commands with which you can select a territory in order to later privatize it.
Team Description
//wand Get a wooden ax and a tag to mark out the area and check it.

On our servers, we have added a special ax and a tag for checking privateness so that players do not use them as free fuel.

Select the block on which you are standing (selection without an axe).
Select the block you are looking at (selection without an axe).
//expand [direction] Expand selection by N(number) of blocks in the specified direction. (if the parameter is not specified, the selection will expand in the direction where you are looking).
  • u, up- up
  • d, down- down
  • n, north- north
  • s, south- south
  • w, west- west
  • e, east- East
//expand vert Expands the selection vertically as much as possible (from bedrock to sky). It is recommended to use it so that your private cannot be poured on top or filled with liquids.
//contract [direction] Narrow selection to N blocks in the specified direction (if the parameter is not specified, the selection will be narrowed in the direction where you are looking).
//outset [-h/-v] Expand the selection (increase the volume) in all directions by N blocks.
  • -h- expansion of the selection only horizontally (north, south, west and east)
  • -v- expand selection only vertically (up and down)
//inset [-h/-v] Narrow the selection in all directions. The rest is similar to the above command //outset
//shift [direction] Move selection to N blocks in the specified direction (if the parameter is not specified, the direction in which you are looking is selected).
//size View information about the allocation (number of blocks, etc.).
Deselect (remove red grid).

Private territory

Instead of a command /region You can use a shortened analogue: /rg
Team Description
/region claim Create a region (private the territory). From now on, your territory is protected.
/region info [-s] [region_name] View information about the region (participants, flags, etc.). If you do not specify a region name, information about the region in which you are currently located will be displayed. When specifying a flag -s The region will be highlighted (the private grid will be shown).
/region list [page]
/region list -p [page]
Will display a list of your privates. The “+” sign marks private areas where you are the owner, and the “-” sign, respectively, indicates a participant.
/region flag [value] Set a flag (option) to a region. Leave the parameter [meaning] to reset the flag.

Access: Owner

/region addmember Add players as participants in private (player nicknames are listed separated by a space). This will give them the ability to only build and use machinery in private.

Attention! You add participants at your own peril and risk. No one will return stolen items or restore destroyed buildings to you.

Access: Owner

/region removemember [-a] Remove participants from private (nicknames are listed separated by a space). Flag -a deletes ALL participants, in this case there is no need to list nicknames.

Access: Owner

/region addowner Adds players as owners in private They get full access (like you) to private.

Access: Owner

/region removeowner [-a] Delete private owners (nicknames are listed separated by a space). Flag -a removes ALL owners; in this case, player nicknames do not need to be listed.

Access: Owner

/region setpriority Set region priority. Priority- any integer. By default, all regions have priority 0. Priorities are needed to resolve conflicts where regions intersect. Using them, you can determine which region will be dominant at the intersection.

Access: Owner

/region select Select the region (a selection grid will appear). This can be useful for viewing privacy boundaries and changing them. To remove the selection, use the command: //desel

Access: Owner Member

/region remove Delete region (remove private).

Access: Owner


Team Description
/warp Teleport to the warp.
/warp list [-p] [-c creator] [-w world] [page] View the list of warps available to you. Public ones are marked with a “+” sign.
  • -p– sorts the list by popularity (visits).
  • -c– displays a list of warps created by the specified player.
  • -w– filters the list by world.
/warp create
/warp set
Create public warp. All players will be able to teleport to this warp.
/warp pcreate Create private warp. This warp will be available only to you and players invited to it.
/warp update Update warp position (will be set to the place where you are currently standing, the direction of your view is also taken into account).
/warp welcome Set a greeting message. Enter this command, then write a message in the chat that you want to install.
/warp info View information about the warp (creator, coordinates, visits, etc.).
/warp invite Invite a player to private warp. The invited player will receive a notification that you invited him.
/warp uninvite Cancel invitation (remove access) to private warp.
/warp public
/warp private
Make the warp public or private.
/warp delete
/warp remove
Remove warp.


ATTENTION! The administration can make changes to the list of available commands. It is recommended that you review this section periodically.
Last edit date: 01/21/2017

Material from Playzone: Minecraft

Minecraft has a full command line interface (hereinafter - console), which allows the user to give specific commands to be executed by entering them from the keyboard. Commands can be typed in game chat (default is T or / to open chat immediately with the / character entered), then the command must be preceded by a forward slash (/). Commands can also be executed from the server console; in this case, the slash is not needed.

In addition, with 1.4.2 it is possible to write any console command into a command block, which will allow you to execute it when receiving a redstone signal.

Pressing Tab ↹ in chat will autocomplete a command and show all available options if autocompletion is ambiguous. So pressing Tab ↹ while typing / will show all available commands.


Required parameters are surrounded<угловыми скобками>, and optional ones - [square], brackets are not used when entering. The parameters that need to be substituted when entering the command are highlighted italics. Alternative arguments are separated by a vertical bar |.

Teams for players

List of commands for players without server operator privileges.

Team Description
me <message> Similar to the /me command in IRC and Jabber clients. The command sends a third-person message to the player: “* Nickname action text" Can be used to indicate a specific player status (“*Player explores cave”).
tell <player> <message>
w <player> <message>
Sends personal message to another player. Used on servers to write something to another player without others seeing.
kill Deals 1000 damage to the player, killing him. Useful if the player is lost, stuck, or starving (if the player can easily find things after death). Works in Creative mode (after preview 12w16a). Also, after using the chat, the message “Ouch. That look like it hurt."
seed Brings out the grain of the world. Introduced in version 12w19a.

Commands for operators only

These commands can only be used by server operators using game chat while on the server, or from the server console. When entering a command from the game chat, the prefix “/” is required.

These commands can be used in single player, if cheat codes were enabled when creating the world.

Note: Regular players on the server will see the commands that were entered by the operator in the chat log.

Team Description
clear <target> [object number] [additional data] Completely clears the specified player's inventory or only removes the specified objects from it.
debug Starts a new debugging profiling session or stops the current one if one is running. If a session is running, this is detected by characteristic lags while working with the console and creating a file with the results in the folder debug after stopping. The team was added at 12w27a.
defaultgamemode Sets the default game mode. This means that new players who have just connected will play in this game mode. The command is also available in single player, but is only useful in multiplayer. survival = s = 0, creative = c = 1, adventure = a = 2. This command was added in 12w22a.
difficulty <0 | 1 | 2 | 3> Sets difficulty: 0 - peaceful, 1 - easy, 2 - normal, 3 - difficult. This command was added in 12w32a.
enchant <target> <EID> [level] Enchant an item the player is holding based on its effect ID. Incompatible and impossible enchantments cannot be obtained. This command was added in 1.4.4 Pre-release.
gamemode [target] Changes the game mode for a specific player. Survival (survival, s or 0), Creativity (creative, c or 1), Adventure (adventure, a or 2). If the player's nickname is not specified, the command will change the game mode for the one who entered it. For the command to work, the player must be online. Note: this command is the very first in the list of cheat codes. To quickly type it, press / and Tab ↹.
gamerule <rule> [meaning] Regulates several basic parameters (rules). The value may be true or false, if no value is specified, it will be printed current state rules. List:
  • doFireTick - if false, the fire does not spread, does not destroy blocks, and does not die out.
  • doMobLoot - if false, mobs do not drop drops (experience still drops).
  • doMobSpawning - if false, mobs cannot spawn.
  • doTileDrops - if false, objects do not drop when blocks are destroyed.
  • keepInventory - if true, the player's inventory is saved upon death.
  • mobGriefing - if false, mobs cannot destroy blocks (disables creeper explosions and the ability of Endangerers to pick up blocks).
  • commandBlockOutput - if false, the command block does not output anything to the chat when executing commands.
give <target> <object number> [quantity] [additional information] Gives the player a certain item/block in the specified quantity according to data numbering. For example, if you enter /give John 4, it will give the player with the nickname John 1 block of cobblestone, /give John 35 64 11 will give a full stack of blue wool, /give John 278 1 1000 will give a diamond pickaxe damaged by 1000 units, and /give John 373 10 8193 will give you 10 vials of regeneration potion.
help [page | team]
? [page | team]
Lists all available console commands. The list is divided into pages, so the command can take a page number as an argument. You can also display help for a specific command. Note: Some commands are not displayed.
publish Provides access to the world via a local network. This command was added in 12w24a.
say <message> Shows a message in pink to all players on the server.
spawnpoint [target] [x] [y] [z] Sets the spawn point for the player. If the player is not specified, it is executed for the one who typed the command. If coordinates are not specified, the spawn point is set to the current position.
time set<number| day | night> Sets the time of day. Parameter number can take integer values ​​in the range from 0 to 24000, where 0 is dawn, 6000 noon, 12000 sunset and 18000 midnight (i.e. the hours are divided in half). day is equivalent to 0 (dawn) and night - 12500 (sunset).
time add<number> Adds to the current time of day specified value. Parameter number can take non-negative integer values.
toggledownfall Precipitation switch.
tp <goal1> <goal2> Teleports the first player to the second, that is, "player1" to "player2"
tp <target> <x> <y> <z> Teleports the player to the specified x, y, z coordinates. The y value must be greater than 0. Relative coordinates can be used, for example /tp John ~10 70 ~-16 will move the John player to a height of 70, +10 in X, and -16 in Z.
weather <time> Sets the weather for a specific time, specified in seconds. This command was added in 12w32a.
xp <quantity> <target> Gives to the specified player a certain amount experience points, valid values from 0 to 5000. If you enter L after the number, the specified number of levels will be added. In addition, levels can be lowered, for example -10L will reduce the player's level by 10.

Multiplayer only commands

These commands are similar to the previous group, but they can only be used on the server.

Team Description
ban <player> [cause] Blocks the player's nickname, adding him to the server's blacklist. Blocking removes the player's nickname from the white list.
ban-ip <ip address> Blocks all connections from a specific IP address.
banlist Displays a list of blocked players (blacklist). To display a list of blocked IP addresses, you need to enter an additional parameter: banlist ips
deop <target> Removes operator privileges from the player.
kick <target> [cause] Kicks the specified player from the server.
list Displays a list of all players connected to the server. Same as pressing Tab ↹
op <target> Gives the specified player operator privileges.
pardon <nickname> Removes the player's nickname from the blacklist, which again gives him the ability to connect to the server.
pardon-ip <ip address> Removes the specified IP address from the blacklist.
save-all Forces the server to write all changes in the game world to the hard drive.
save-off Disables the server's ability to write files game world to the hard drive.
save-on Allows the server to save game world files automatically. By default this option is enabled.
stop Shuts down the server normally.
whitelist <nickname> Adds or removes a player with a specific nickname to the whitelist.
whitelist list Displays all players in the white list.
whitelist Enables/disables the use of a white list for the server. Server operators will always be able to connect, regardless of whether their nicknames are on the white list.
whitelist reload Reloads the whitelist, that is, updates it according to the file white-list.txt on the local hard drive (can be used when white-list.txt is modified by third-party programs).

Commands for the command block only

These commands cannot be executed in chat or in the server console, only in the command block.

  • Main constituent element
    • text : A string representing the text that will be directly displayed. Please note that selectors will not be translated into player names; use instead selector. "\n" is used to break to a new line.
    • translate : The translation ID of the text that will be translated into the player's language. The identifiers are located in the language files of the game or resource pack. If the identifier is not in the translation file, the text recorded in this identifier will be displayed. Ignored if already present text.
    • with : List of text components used translate.
      • The number of the element in the list corresponds to the number of the %s argument in the translation string. That is, the first element of the list corresponds to %1$s in the translation string. For example: /tellraw @a ("translate":"<%2$s>%1$s","with":[("translate":"I want to see %s!","with":[("text":"honey","color":"gold")])," Bear"]) will display in chat " <Медведь>I want to see honey "
    • score : The player's score in the task. Will display an empty line if the player is not yet tracked in this task. Ignored if already present text or translate.
      • name : The name of the player whose score will be displayed. Selectors can be used. If "*" is specified, then the player for whom the text is displayed will have his own score displayed. For example, /tellraw @a ("score":("name":"*","objective":"obj")) will show each player their own score in the "obj" task.
      • objective : Name of the task whose score will be displayed.
      • value : Optional. When used, will display the specified value regardless of what it actually is.
    • selector : A string containing the selector (@p , @a , @r , @e or @s ) and optionally the conditions for it. Unlike text, selector will be translated into the creature's name. If the selector found more than one entity, it will be displayed as Name1 and Name2 or Name1, Name2, Name3 and Name4. Clicking LMB on a player's name, displayed by the /tellraw command, will enter /msg into the chat player_name. Pressing ⇧ Shift + LMB on a player's name will enter it into the chat line. Pressing ⇧ Shift + LMB on an entity name will enter its UUID into the chat line. Ignored if already present text, translate or score.
    • keybind : A string indicating the key required to execute certain action. For example, key.inventory will display "E" until the player changes the inventory key.
    • extra : List of extra elements.
      • A list of elements in the same format as the initial JSON object. Note that all properties of this object are inherited by child elements. That is, child elements will retain the same formatting and events until they are overwritten.
    • color : The color of the displayed text. Possible values: "black", "dark_blue", "dark_green", "dark_aqua", "dark_red", "dark_purple", "gold", "gray", "dark_gray", "blue", "green", "aqua" , "red", "light_purple", "yellow", "white" and "reset" (resets the color of the ancestor elements). Technically, "bold", "underline", "italic", "strikethrough", and "obfuscated" are also possible, but it is better to use the tags below.
    • bold : Makes the text bold. Default value: "false".
    • italic : Makes the text italic. Default value: "false".
    • underlined : Makes the text underlined. Default value: "false".
    • strikethrough : Makes the text strikethrough. Default value: "false".
    • obfuscated : Causes the characters in the text to constantly change. Default value: "false".
    • insertion : When a player clicks on text with ⇧ Shift + LMB, the string of that element will be inserted into the chat. This will not affect previously written text.
    • clickEvent: Performs some action when the player clicks on the text.
      • action : The action that is performed when clicked.
        • open_url: Opens value as a link in the player's browser.
        • open_file: Opens value like a file on your computer. Only used in messages created by the game(for example, when taking a screenshot).
        • run_command: Executes value as if the player himself entered it in the chat. This can also be a command, but it will not work if the player does not have enough rights to execute it.
        • change_page: Redirects to the page specified in value, if it exists. Can only be used in completed books.
        • suggest_command: Inserts value to the player's chat; in this case, all previously written text disappears.
      • value : URL, text, or book page number used action. Note that commands must be preceded by a forward slash (/).
    • hoverEvent : Shows a tooltip when hovering over text.
      • action : Tooltip type.
        • show_text Shows text in JSON format.
        • show_item: Shows a tooltip of the item, which may also contain NBT tags.
        • show_entity: Shows the entity name and, if possible, its type and UUID.
      • value : Possible values ​​for this argument depend on the selected action.
        • show_text: Can be either just a string or a JSON object with the same formatting as the main one.
        • show_item: A string containing the item's NBT data.
        • show_entity: String with constituent element(compound) with keys "type", "name" and "id" (should be a UUID, but actually accepts any string).