Dull chin. Strong-willed chin in men and women: description and features


The shape of a person’s chin speaks of his strength, independence and temperament. There is a direct dependence of character on the chin: the rougher and more significant the chin on the face, the more dynamic, stubborn and tough a person’s character is.

From the book Reading Faces. Physiognomy author Schwartz Theodor

Protruding chin A protruding chin often speaks of the cruelty and stubbornness of its owner (Fig. 3.9). Rice. 3.9. Protruding chin Such people, as a rule, are accustomed to achieving their goals by any available and inaccessible means, sometimes without stopping

From the author's book

Long and sharp chin A long and sharp chin (Fig. 3.11) is often added to cunning fairy-tale characters. Rice. 3.11. Long and sharp chin And not by chance. Such people stand out from others, on the one hand, by their insightful mind, on the other, by their cunning and

From the author's book

Weakly defined chin A weakly defined, almost invisible chin (Fig. 3.12) is often called weak-willed. And for good reason. According to physiognomic characteristics, it indicates a soft, timid, indecisive and nervous nature. What actions can be expressed in

From the author's book

Fleshy chin A fleshy chin (Fig. 3.13) indicates intelligence, sensuality and strong character. No wonder the classic portrait of a thug - with a fleshy square chin. Such people are fighters by nature. Rice. 3.13. Fleshy chinReally significant

From the author's book

Strong-willed chin A strong-willed chin is usually called a chin that seems to be bent upward (Fig. 3.14). Its owners are persistent in achieving their goals and at the same time possess such qualities as cunning, determination and inconstancy. Rice. 3.14. Strong-willed chinThe heavier

From the author's book

Cleft chin A cleft chin (Fig. 3.15) characterizes people who are fickle and amorous. Rice. 3.15. Cleft chinDespite their passionate nature, such people very often strive for solitude and peace. In their views and beliefs they are slightly

From the author's book

If you dream of a forehead or chin... Seeing a high, beautiful forehead in a dream promises respect and a good reputation, which will be achieved thanks to your prudence and desire for justice. A low forehead warns of danger, of what you will need to collect

From the author's book

Chin and jaw A mole on a man’s chin indicates his domineering and despotic character. Such people are accustomed to setting specific goals for themselves and achieving them just as specifically. Why do they not neglect any means. Sometimes people with a mole on

What does the shape of your chin say about your character?

Today I invite everyone who is interested in the topic - physiognomy. In the last article, I talked about how the shape of a person’s nose and his character traits are connected. Now let's go down a little and look at the chin.

A chin protruding forward under the first incisor of the teeth (Fig. 1) means a desire for marriage. Such people prefer a partner with the same temperament as his. And then what we call intimacy arises between people.

A chin protruding a little further forward, behind the sign of intimacy (Fig. 2), speaks of a desire to be loved. This symptom is usually most common among men. When it is strongly pronounced, the chin gives out projections on either side of its center. This gives appearance chin and other features are refined.

The desire to love is expressed in a narrow rectangular chin; it is most pronounced in women (Fig. 3). Tender feelings depend largely on this ability to love, a sign of which is such a chin. Those who have this characteristic are pronounced, want to give pleasure to those who want to be loved, through something opposite to sex. All this speaks of mercy. If the owner of this sign is a woman, then she persuades modest people, mainly her circle, equal to her by birth and condition, to marry her.

The wide front of the chin, on the contrary, speaks of a trait opposite to the desire to love; the chin, expanding under the fang of the jaw (Fig. 4), speaks of the ability to be furious in love. Such a square chin belongs to courageous faces and accompanies unhealthy passions: jealousy, suspicion, embellishment of reality and deceit. This sign is present in mentally ill people due to love experiences.

A wide lower jaw under the first two small molars (Fig. 5) indicates the ability for ardent love. Together with a sign of frantic love, this gives the jaw a rounded outline and speaks of strong feelings; such signs are more pronounced in women than in men. These powers are most manifest in hugging and kissing, and are shown not only by the width of this part of the chin, but also by the width and fullness of the scarlet surface of the lips.

Width lower jaw under wisdom teeth (Fig. 6) means fidelity in love. This gift makes a person make promises and accept gifts as keepsakes; such people remain faithful to memories and marital vows and passionately desire to have children in marriage. People who have a pronounced sign of this will never violate someone else’s marriage by taking away their partner, and they will not change their own for a more suitable one. The passion to be loved here is the main incentive to love oneself and to be creative and faithful.

The desire for kinship of souls and exceptional passion is indicated by a chin protruding far forward (Fig. 7).

Throwing your head to the side also speaks of the desire to be loved and the ability to love fiercely (Fig. 8)

Willpower is indicated by the length of the chin, which slopes downward under the fangs (Fig. 9). Pronounced, such a sign indicates great strength of character. These are people who value the position in society that they themselves have achieved. Children with such signs have suffered many blows of fate during their lives, and, in the best option, become heroes in the future. These children tend to repeat often: “I will do what I want.”

The length of the lower jaw under the second molar (Fig. 10) indicates persistence. People who have this sign are very persistent, persistent in everything they undertake, and they do not tend to rest until the work is completed. This trait is clearly expressed in good students, naturalists, astronomers, and mathematicians.

By the length of the lower jaw, which goes down under the front incisor (Fig. 11), one can judge a person’s determination. People who have this sign are very energetic.

When such a gift of determination is small (Fig. 12), then people have little efficiency and energy.

Resilience can be judged by the base of the lower jaw and the straightness of the neck (Fig. 13).

Long windpipe with a larynx, with an arched front of the neck (Fig. 14) speaks of such a trait as independence. If this trait is not very pronounced, then such people still have some freedom of thoughts and feelings. Although at the same time they blindly rely on others. People with a pronounced such trait remain firm and unshakable when there are attempts to deviate them from their intended task.

Some people believe that our facial features reflect our character, others think this is complete nonsense. But here's one observation: for some reason, people who can quickly determine what a person is like usually have good memory on faces.

A dimple on the chin is a fairly common feature of the facial structure among Caucasians. It arises, according to physiologists, due to underdevelopment of the tissues that attach the skin to the bone. Depressions occur in places where muscle fibers They are attached to the deep superficial layers of the skin - on the chin and cheeks. This feature is inherited. Sometimes the depression in the skin looks like a “prick”, and then it is called a fossa. Sometimes there is a groove on the chin, and then they talk about a cleft chin.

What can a dimple on the chin tell us, and why did our ancestors treat people marked by this feature with some caution?

What does physiognomy say?

Physiognomy - the so-called doctrine according to which a person’s personality type, his mental qualities and even his state of health are associated with his facial features - is today considered a pseudoscience.

However, for centuries such a connection was considered undeniable scientific truth. A number of serious scientists paid tribute to physiognomy. Including the Swiss anthropologist and writer Lavater (1741-1801), the Italian doctor Montegazza (1831-1910) and the Italian psychiatrist Lambroso (1835-1909).

Lavater considered a dimple in the chin a sign of good nature. Montegazza, without disputing this statement, noted that the dimple, increasing attractiveness, indicates that this person has a more beautiful body than his soul. As for Lambroso, he, who described in his writings the features of the appearance of “typical criminals,” paid attention to the chins special attention. In his opinion, a protruding quadrangular, cleft chin reveals a born killer. A neater chin, with a cleft in the middle, is characteristic of a swindler, whose appearance is generally quite good-natured and attractive.

These statements can be treated as you like, but they are based on beliefs that have existed for centuries.

It has long been believed that people with a dimple on their chin were “kissed by God.” These are bright, extraordinary and artistic natures. And at the same time, they have a number of traits that make them quite dangerous individuals.

Men with dimples like this are different strong-willed character, courage and recklessness bordering on adventurism. They tend to act rashly and lack patience. In addition, men with a dimpled chin tend to be very popular with women and have an inordinate sexual appetite.

Women with this facial feature, according to physiognomists, are impulsive, selfish and incapable of compromise. At the same time, they are very attractive to men; dimples give their appearance a certain “zest”.

Thus, the owner of a cleft chin - be it a woman or a man - is simply a walking force of nature.

What does folk tradition say?

There was a special attitude towards the dimple on the chin not only in European countries, but also here in Russia.

Men with cleft chins were generally not favored. They were credited with fickleness, unbridled temperament and stubbornness. In addition, in Russia, girls were also very fond of good fellows with dimples on their chins. Evidence of this can be found in folk beliefs, described by Russian ethnographers I. Sakharov and A. Tereshchenko.

A Ukrainian folk song describes a handsome man who has won a girl’s heart: “...Vyshivanka shirt, tall and stringy, with a pit in his beard.”

There is a saying these days: “A dimpled chin is loved by idiots.”

However, the general disapproval of Russian people towards the dimple on a man’s chin is also caused by the fact that any feature of this part of the face is obvious only if the man is shaved. A smooth chin is only suitable for a very green boy, but not for an adult. The decoration of a man's face is a beard. A shaved chin, and even one marked with a dimple, was considered a sign of debauchery and depravity.

Moreover, there is something subtly foreign about the cleft chin. The Slavic type of appearance corresponds to a face with rounded, soft shapes. A firmly defined cleft chin is usually a sign of the “Nordic” type, characteristic of the Germans, for example. But Germans and any foreign people were not welcome in Rus'.

In Rus', women with a dimpled chin were treated somewhat more leniently. Popular rumor attributed to them love and kindness.

A dimple on a girl's chin was also considered a sign that her first-born would be a boy.

But at the same time, men were afraid of the stormy temperament of the owners of such a feature, because folk saying said that “The dimple on the chin is the mark of a slut” (a stronger expression was used in the original).

Fate line: We define male character by appearance

When we meet men, we know nothing about them. Therefore, we form an impression based only on appearance: handsome - not beautiful, pleasant - not pleasant.
But I really want to know more about a person! How to do this in the absence of information?
The science of physiognomy, which studies the correspondence of appearance traits to certain character qualities, will help us with this. It is based on many years of observations of various types people.
So, let's find out what the features of a man's face can say.


The owner of green eyes is hardworking, purposeful person. Jealous and possessive.
Master blue eyes often changes his occupation and is in constant search.
A gray-eyed man is practical, rational, looking for benefits in everything, including relationships with women.
Holder brown eyes in his youth he is frivolous and changeable. With age he settles down and becomes loyal.
Black-eyed men are melancholic, prone to despondency and depression.


Men with wide eyebrows have a broad nature, they do not waste time on trifles, and are generous with gifts.
The owner of eyebrows fused on the bridge of the nose is inclined to obey a woman. For the same reason, he idolizes his mother, which can complicate the relationship with him.
If a man has eyebrows that are too thick and hang over his eyes, then he is prone to adventurism and is not used to taking others into account.
The owner of narrow, sparse eyebrows is modest, compliant and indecisive. It is difficult to expect concrete actions from him.

The owner of a straight nose is a strong personality, he is stubborn, strives for leadership.
A man with an aquiline nose is masculine and sexy. Cunning, often cruel. Doesn't trust women.
Owner snub nose simple-minded, emotional, vulnerable, fickle. Money flows through his fingers.
A man with a thin pointed nose has subtle nature. He is gentle, romantic, but not obligatory, and does not know how to solve problems.
The owner of a round nose (shaped like a potato) is cheerful, frivolous, and loves company. Fickle.

Master thin lips cautious and conservative, often a pessimist and whiner.
If a man has too full lips, then he has a soft, childish character and often looks for a mother in a woman.
Lips of medium width and a clear shape indicate a strong, strong-willed, purposeful character. Such a man always achieves his goals.


A clearly defined, strong-willed chin speaks of perseverance, willpower, and the ability to achieve what is planned.
The owner of a square (Superman) chin is laconic, has a strong, decisive character, and can put pressure and demand.
The owner of a protruding chin is smart, cunning, secretive, and sharp-tongued.
An expressionless, sloping chin speaks of pliability and weakness of will. Such a man prefers to avoid confrontation.
A dimple on the chin indicates the capricious nature of its owner.

Face shape

The owner of a pear-shaped face (narrow forehead, wide lower jaw) is no different high intelligence. Respects only strength. Despotic towards those who are weaker or dependent on him.
Man with a face triangular shape(large forehead, narrow chin) smart, intelligent, spiritually developed. Proud, vulnerable, greedy for praise. Has an unrecognized genius complex.

A small chin (medically called inferior micrognathia, or microgenia) is an incredibly common problem.

However, most people who can be confidently diagnosed with this have not only not heard such words, but also do not suspect that there is anything wrong with them. They are healthy, everything is in place. But no matter how hard they try to achieve an ideal appearance, it doesn’t work!

Neither losing weight, nor taking care of your face, nor changing your hairstyle helps. It's not clear what's going on! As a result, people either come to terms with the fact that everyone is imperfect, or they suffer all their lives because the ideal is unattainable for them personally.

What is microgenia (micrognathia) of the lower jaw

Microgenia of the lower jaw is nothing more than a small underdeveloped chin. A defect in appearance caused by a lack of bone in the chin area.

A young girl contacted Platiennetal with complaints about a small chin and asymmetry of the chin area.

A chin augmentation was performed using a Porex implant, Bisha's fat bags in the cheek area were partially removed. It was possible to visually narrow and “stretch” the oval of the face, making it harmonious.

Completed: plastic surgeon Andrey Iskornev

Photo from the patient’s personal archive. Surgeon: Iskornev A.A.

Performed: upper blepharoplasty, ️installation of a chin implant, medial and lateral platysmaplasty with neck lift through an incision in the earlobe. Performed by a surgeon - .

A small or sloping chin spoils any face. And if a small chin in men can still be hidden under a thick beard (for those who find the strength to wear this “decoration”, which makes the owner’s appearance ten years older), then a small chin in women cannot be disguised.

Looking at human face, we often see only the whole and do not notice the particulars.

A short chin in itself is not noticeable and is not perceived as a flaw. But with its size it violates the proportions. From the side, a fuzzy oval of the face, early wrinkles, folds on the neck and a premature double chin are visible. And only a specialist - maxillofacial surgeon or an orthodontist will understand that the reason is the insufficient size of the chin.

Why is a small chin bad?

Try a little experiment. Take a full-face photo of yourself and mentally divide your face into three parts: the upper one - from the hairline to the eyebrow area, the middle one - from the eyebrow area to the tip of the nose, and the bottom one - from the tip of the nose to the base of the chin.

Now arm yourself with a ruler and see if these parts are equal to each other. Equal? Congratulations – your face has the correct proportions. Not equal? What third violates the harmony of features? There is a very high probability that the disproportion is “to blame” bottom part faces.

The basic laws of k - the “rule of three thirds” - were formulated by Leonardo Da Vinci.

Therefore, in order to improve your appearance as a whole, it is enough to simply “build up” your chin a little. Is this possible? Maybe. At Platinental we do this every day.

How to fix a small or receding chin

You will probably be surprised to learn that treatment for microgenia takes no more than 1.5 hours. Depending on the severity of the problem, two methods are used.

First– non-surgical chin augmentation with Radiesse fillers or Sculptra. Chin contouring corrects tissue deficiency in the chin area. But only for a while. Fillers must be reinstalled once every 2 years.

Second The technique is implantation, during which permanent implants are installed in the chin area. This operation can be performed even on those people who naturally have a very small chin, which cannot be corrected with any fillers.

The dream of a manly chin will require only 5 days of rehabilitation. Medpor chin implant. Lifetime results. Surgeon - Vasiliev Maxim.

Chin augmentation with Porex implant. Surgeon: Iskornev A.A.

Mentoplasty. Surgeon: Andrey Iskornev.

Contour plastic chin Performed by a dermatocosmetologist.

At Platinental we use Medpor implants made of dense porous polyethylene. They are biocompatible, perfectly follow the anatomy of the face and do not require fixation to the bone.

Medpor is inserted through incisions on the side of the mouth. After installation, such an implant grows with blood vessels, grows into the tissue and does not change its position.

These features of the implant allow it to be installed once and for life, without the need for correction in the future.