The most expensive and unusual lenses in the world. Top most expensive lenses

A 6mm fisheye, a 5200mm telephoto and a fifty-kopeck lens with an f/0.7 aperture are in our selection of the 10 most unusual and most expensive lenses in history.

At the time of its release in the early 70s of the last century, the Nikon 6mm f-2.8 was the widest angle lens in the world, boasting a viewing angle of 220 degrees. The lens is now out of production, but if you're lucky you can find it for sale on eBay from time to time.

Cost: $160,000

2. Carl Zeiss 50mm Planar f/0.7

The Carl Zeiss 50mm Planar f/0.7 lenses were created specifically for NASA to photograph the dark side of the Moon. A total of 10 lenses were produced. Three of them were used by director Stanley Kubrick to film the candlelit scenes in the film Barry Lyndon.

By the way, these lenses could be rented - P+S Technic, a film equipment manufacturing company, offered those wishing to rent a Kubrick Collection kit, consisting of a film camera and two Zeiss Planar lenses.

Cost: approximately $23 million - adjusted for inflation

3. Canon 5200mm F/14

With the help of a set of mirrors and a huge body, the focal length of this lens can be stretched to almost 5200 mm. If you suddenly want to shoot a wedding from a distance of 30–50 km, the Canon 5200mm F/14 is your choice! True, shooting close up will be more difficult - in order to focus on an object, it must be at a distance of no closer than 120 meters.

Cost: $45,000

Apo Sonnar, introduced by Zeiss in 2006, is actually on sale. Unlike most of the lenses in this selection, it was created specifically for photographers, and not for military personnel or scientists. True, you will need to choose a more impressive photo bag for it - the Apo Sonnar T weighs almost 256 kilograms.

Cost: more than $100,000

5. Leica 1600mm f/5.6 Telephoto

This is an extraordinary lens, and not just because it is made by the most prestigious optical manufacturer in the world. The Leica 1600mm is one of the most expensive lenses: it was purchased by Qatari Sheikh Saud bin Mohammed al-Thani for an amount exceeding 2 million US dollars. They say that al-Thani allocated a separate Mercedes, whose task is to carry the Leica 1600mm. True, unfortunately, the sheikh has not yet published a single photograph taken with this lens.

Cost: $2,000,000

6. Canon EF 1200mm f/5.6

This 16kg camera uses a special ultrasonic drive to autofocus; optical system consists of 13 elements, including two fluorite elements. And this is one of the reasons why the Canon EF 1200mm is so rare: only two lenses were produced per year, because it takes so long to grow fluorite crystals. The EF 1200mm has now been discontinued.

Cost: $120,000

7. Sigma 200-500mm f/2.8 APO EX DG

APO EX DG is the first 500mm lens with an aperture number of 2.8. The lens weight is 15.8 kilograms, length is more than 72 centimeters.

Cost: $32,000

8. Rokinon 650-1300mm f/8-16

It's difficult to say about the quality of the images, but in terms of affordability, this long lens is significantly different from the others in this selection. With an aperture number of 8 to 16, it is not suitable for low light shooting, but in daylight, the Rokinon 650-1300mm can produce excellent results.

Cost: $239

9 Sigma 4.5mm f/2.8

New to Sigma's lineup, this 4.5mm lens is one of the widest in the world. Designed for scientific and artistic applications, it is excellent for macro photography. The minimum focal length is 13.5 cm.

Cost: $1500

10. Leica 50mm f/0.95 Noctilux-M

This 50mm lens is every photographer's dream. For fifty dollars, f/1.4 aperture is considered excellent, but in 1975 Leica went even further and created the Noctilux-M. This was the company's answer to the Canon 50mm f/.95.

Using an adapter, the lens can be mounted on micro-4/3 format cameras.

Every photographer knows that telephoto lenses are the largest lenses. But what is used in everyday work is nothing compared to highly specialized optics. Sigma 200-500 f/2.8. Its weight is 15.7 kg and its cost is $24,000

The Sigma lens has a range focal lengths from 350 to 1200 mm at f/11 aperture. The cost ranges from 3,900 to 4,500. Weight is 7.9 kg

Ai Zoom-Nikkor received a working focal length of 360-1200mm and an aperture of f/11

Its cost is $10,966 and its weight is 7.1 kg.

The Canon EF 1200mm f/5.6 L USM has similar characteristics to previous models.

This baby costs between $90,000 and $120,000. Its weight is 16.5 kg. There is an opinion that a total of 12 such lenses were produced. Two belong to Sports Illustrated, another belongs to a private photographer, and the fate of the rest is unknown. This optic is currently not available. LEICA keeps up with its competitors with the LEICA APO-TELYT-R 1:5.6/1600mm lens

The cost of this optics is approximately 2,064,489USD. Nikon has another giant in its arsenal. This is the Zoom-Nikkor 1200-1700mm f/5.6~f/8.0s P ED IF

The cost is approximately $108,000-$128,000. A used one can be bought for 75,000. The device weighs 16 kg. About 18 of these lenses were produced. There are rumors that 8 of these lenses are used by the FBI. IN at the moment production has stopped. Of course, in this lens segment there is also Carl Zeiss with its ZEISS Apo Sonnar T* 4/1700.

The price of the optics has not been announced. Her weight is 256 kg. The largest and first ever lens of this size is the Canon 5200mm f/14

The pictures demonstrate the operation of optics in real conditions:

Weight is approximately 100 kg without a special stand. The original cost is unknown, but eBay auction a $55,000 price tag was spotted.

When Canon Mark II first came out, my boss started thinking about purchasing a new toy with an impressive telephoto lens. To the question “what do you care for?” a very comprehensive answer was given: “And to make photographers jealous”... They seem to be adults, but everything is measured, if not by genitals, then by the size of a wallet, an engine or a telephoto lens... An acquaintance who moved for permanent residence to the United Arab Emirates said that in the late 90s worked as a consultant in a photo store. One day the owner asked to talk to an incomprehensible Russian who wanted to buy a telephoto lens. As it turned out, he needed a telephoto lens “to look so normal, and nothing that would be inconvenient to photograph like that, I have a normal camera in my pocket.” In everyday life, a telephoto lens is the least likely thing to be uncovered. Widers and middles are much more in demand, but white “elks” are mesmerizing and eye-catching on their own. Optics with focal lengths of 200,300...500 can be found in any photo store. Is there anything more exotic in the world of telephoto lenses?

AF 200-500 mm f/2.8 / 400-1000 mm APO EX DG There is, of course, also a telephoto lens AF 170-500mm F5-6.3 APO DG and AF 150-500mm F5-6.3 APO DG OS HSM but their aperture and, accordingly, weight and size are not very impressive. And here is almost 16 kg of glass!

AF 300-800mm F5.6 APO EX DG HSM
weighs just under 6 kg

Wiki can also tell you about the existence of a 350-1200mm f/11 APO telephoto lens.
But if I'm not mistaken, this miracle is made to order, costs about 4,000 (not rubles) and weighs about 8 kg

Nikon can also please you with interesting examples, for example a telephoto lens
800mm f/5.6 Nikkor

further - more

The price of such a beast is about $11 thousand and the weight is more than 7 kg

What else can Nikkor please you with?
Well, of course, the legendary and mythical telephoto lens
You certainly won’t buy one like this in a store; it’s been discontinued, and the price of a used one doesn’t look attractive (more than $75 thousand)

But CANON pleases with its availability
just over 3 million rubles and you can become the owner of a telephoto lens
True aperture leaves much to be desired

... and that's all CANON can do? ask you FIGURES! Canon 5200mm f/14 is the world's largest telephoto lens! The weight of glass alone is more than 100 kg and a special platform is needed for it. And let's not find fault with the diaphragm as we definitely don't have the chance to test it.

Carl Zeiss simply had to appear on this list.
Carl Zeiss - ZEISS Apo Sonnar T* 4/1700 was presented on the highly respected site
It is also known that the weight of this telephoto lens is more than 250 kg, but the price remains a mystery.

If a photographer does not dream of becoming the owner of a LEICA for reasons of economy, then at least he has heard about the quality of equipment and optics from this manufacturer. And no wonder! LEICA is a world leader in mechanical engineering (not to be confused with the automotive industry) and even such by-products as cameras and optics are masterpieces. LEICA APO-TELYT-R 1:5.6/1600mm is rumored to be the most expensive telephoto lens in the world and costs 2,064,489 USD (it’s strange that the price is indicated to the nearest dollar). It is also known from the forums that there are only two such lenses. From the manufacturer and the African prince.

At the end of the review, I would like to share one more illustration for the Canon 5200mm telephoto lens.

Impressive. But to be honest, I don’t suffer from the absence of such a monster in my life as much as I can’t carry one with me, and there’s a cat at home from whom it’s better to keep budget optics away. And the white “Eka” from the same manufacturer will come in handy much more often in everyday life.

If you have a lot of extra money... Stop, though. To be honest, it’s unlikely that any of us will purchase one of the lenses listed in this article, but we think many of our readers will be interested in learning about the most expensive lenses that photographers have ever produced and purchased. Undoubtedly, in in capable hands These lenses will be capable of producing some of the most stunning photography we've ever seen, but some of them are too specialized. So, here is our list of the most expensive lenses.

Price: 2,000,000 US dollars

Of course, the most expensive lens on our list is expected to be Leica. This monster was specifically designed for the now-defunct R-series of DSLR cameras that Leica once produced.

Nikkor 6mm f/2.8 Fisheye

Price: US$160,000

This Nikon prime can literally see behind you. In addition, it is quite impressive in size.

Canon 1200mm f/5.6 L USM

Price: US$120,000

Canon jokes that they spent a year growing the lenses and crystal right inside this lens. It is reliably known that one of these was bought by guys from the CIA, and another by Sports Illustrated magazine.

Just remember that Uncle Sam is watching over you, and perhaps it's through this lens that he's watching you shower.

Sigma 200-500mm f/2.8 APO

Price: US$25,999

If you work outside of the studio, this is your choice (-: Even though Sigma released this lens a couple of years ago, it still packs a punch. No, seriously, what other lens can maintain a constant f/2.8 aperture throughout 300mm zoom range?

Nikon 800mm f/5.6 FL ED VR

Price: US$17,900

A fairly new 800mm f/5.6 lens in the Nikon lineup with a vibration reduction system. Just imagine how it looks on a Nikon 1 series camera!

By the way, we mentioned this lens in.

Horseman 23mm f/5.6

Price: US$13,500

This lens is available as a special order for Horseman medium format cameras. His high price This is due to the fact that in the segment of lenses for medium format cameras it is extremely difficult to find an equally wide-angle lens.

Canon 800mm f/5.6 L IS USM

Price: US$12,999

Although it is not such a monster as the Canon 1200mm, the production Canon lens with such a long focal length it will still cost you just a little more than the cost of living in New York City for a year.

Sony 500mm f/4 G

Price: US$12,998

While Sony still isn't as big a name as other lens makers, it does make a pretty serious 500mm f/4 telephoto lens. We got to use it several times during filming and the results were quite impressive.

Nikon 400mm f/2.8 FL ED VR

Price: US$11,997

Are you going to photograph birds? Or maybe a shooting competition? Then the Nikon 400mm f/2.8 may be just what you need.

Canon 600mm f/4 L IS USM II

Price: US$11,499

Released a couple of years ago, the Canon 600mm f/4 L IS USM II is very light for its size. However, holding it in your hands without insurance is not recommended.

Leica 50mm f/0.95 Noctilux

Price: US$11,350

For many years, it was the only lens capable of seeing in the dark. But time does not stand still, and since then many f/0.95 lenses have been released and sold. However, the Leica Noctilux was the only real option to consider.

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05.10.2013 36314 Photo museum 0

It’s good that our museum is only virtual. Otherwise, in order to buy exhibits for the next “stand” for a real museum, one would have to sell the organs of the entire museum staff for transplantation))). And highlight not just a stand, but several impressive premises!

Today's story is about the most unusual and very expensive photographic lenses! Surely, the military and NASA have even more impressive “guns” in their arsenal, but we will talk about lenses for SLR cameras, which theoretically “any” photographer can afford, who, again, is able to sell not only his kidneys, but everything to buy them movable and immovable property of your family and, perhaps, neighbors too))).

So, the first exhibit. Meet, Zeiss Apo Sonnar T* 1700mm f/4 !

At first glance, this huge pipe looks like a camera, but it is not one. This unique device was created by the German Zeiss laboratory on an individual order. It can be called a record-breaking telephoto lens - not only in size, but also in technical specifications. And no wonder - the creators themselves went through the period of work on this device as if it were a real test. During assembly, the company's latest developments were used using technologies taken from astronautics. For a more accurate idea of ​​the scale of the project, suffice it to say that one of the lenses costs as much as an exclusive model of a sports car and weighs 25 kilograms.

Apo Sonnar only works with Hasselblad cameras. Total weight the colossus weighs 256 kg. The focusing process itself is not automatic; it is controlled by a computer built into the telephoto lens body.

This miracle of photographic technology, which became a record holder, was created on a serious order from more than just an amateur photographer - a representative of the top government of Qatar, who is a passionate fan of photographing wild animals in nature. The significance of this hobby is also evidenced by the price of Apo Sonnar, which is 5,000,000 euros!

Issued in 2 copies. One of them was sold to Africa (to whom, unfortunately, it is not disclosed), the second is at the Leica plant in the city of Solms along with a Leica R8 camera, aimed at the green zone.

3rd position in this “exhibition” of our photo museum. This time the longest focal length lens in the world: Canon 5200mm f/14 .

This is a real lens for real men! The weight is only 100 kg, and it is mounted on a special platform. The lens shoots at a distance of 30 to 52 km! The minimum distance to the object must be at least 120 m. The remaining data of the lens is also impressive: height 50 cm, width 64 cm and length almost 2 meters. The price, compared to previous exhibits, is very affordable - “just” 55.000 USD.

Impressive? Maybe there will be more!
4. Look at Canon EF 1200mm f/5.6L USM - it can be called one of the largest interchangeable lenses in the world - not only due to its very impressive dimensions, but also due to its huge focal length and the highest maximum aperture. Using the Extender EF 1.4x or 2x teleconverters increases the focal length to 1700mm (f/8) or 2400mm (f/11), respectively. Its price is also impressive - $90.000!

The lens was released on Olympic Games 1984 in Los Angeles in the amount of 5 pieces to cover this sporting event in the media mass media. After this, the lenses were returned back to Canon, to later appear on the market again, but in a more modernized version.

It’s almost impossible to buy this lens at the moment (and I’m just getting ready!).

5. And this is not an army anti-aircraft missile system, but Sigma 200-500mm f/2.8 - a unique telephoto lens with incredible performance. Distinctive feature The lens has a record aperture of F/2.8, a record for optics with such DFs, at any focal length. The lens weighs 15.7 kg and measures 72.6 x 23.6 cm.

Announced and presented at the PMA in 2007, the Sigma 200-500mm f/2.8 may not have the same focal length range as the lenses above, but it is the fastest focusing speed of them all! And it absolutely corresponds to the recommended price in $38.000 .

6. Let’s leave it to “real men” to compare sizes, and in front of us is the very fast lens in the world: Carl Zeiss Planar T* 50mm f/0.7 . This lens was designed and used to photograph for the first time dark side Moons in 1966.

Rumor has it that Stanley Kubrick himself remade it for cinema and filmed some magnificent candlelit scenes in the film Barry Lyndon. There are only 10 examples of this lens in existence, one from Carl Zeiss, six from NASA, and three from Stanley Kubrick. The price is unknown, it is also almost impossible to buy (I'm disappointed again!).

7. All of us have an idea of ​​what a plate looks like. But none of you probably imagines that you can shoot with a lens that looks like a huge plate, and how! Nikon 6mm F/2.8 Fisheye - the world's first lens with a viewing angle of 220 degrees, gave new meaning the proverb about the eyes in the back of the head. The lens allows you to take circular photos and focus at a distance of 25 centimeters.

Used in scientific, industrial and not yet clear for what purposes, this lens is only available to order. In the 70s it cost $6,000, but now the price for this miracle reaches $35.000 .

Well, next time you will find an equally impressive collection of the most expensive digital cameras! Don't forget to check out our museum!