Night trains. Across Europe by train

The night in Europe is devoted mainly to freight transport. There are not many passenger trains. As a rule, there will be only one night train on most routes, sometimes two. On some lines there may be no night trains at all. Several night trains in one direction are a rarity, typical only for Italy.

Most night trains in Europe depart after seven in the evening and complete the route by ten to eleven in the morning. Only occasionally does a train begin or end its journey during the day. And it’s quite rare for a train route to be a day long. This only happens on underdeveloped and slow roads. Balkan countries. Usually they try to arrange the schedule so that the train leaves at ten or eleven in the evening and arrives at seven or eight in the morning.

Night trains are divided into two subtypes - fast and sleeper.

Sleeper trains usually differ more high level comfort, and also because they are on the road only from evening to morning, and never travel during the day. The sleeper train makes two series of stops - evening and morning. In the evening there is only boarding, in the morning only disembarkation of passengers. Other tickets are simply not sold. At night, from about midnight to five or six in the morning, you cannot get on or off the sleeper train. This is done so as not to disturb sleeping passengers. All stops that the train makes at this time are technical. There are always sleeping cars with compartments for 1-3 people on a sleeping train, but there may not be couch or seat cars. However, most trains still have all types of night cars.

Reservation of a seat on sleeper trains is mandatory. The pricing system here is its own, and does not depend on the usual tariffs on this route. Prices also do not depend on distance, or change slightly. As a rule, tickets are more expensive than in fast trains. However, sometimes it is cheaper. In first class sleeping cars, breakfast is included in the ticket price. Sleeper trains include:

  • NachtZug(NZ, Germany). They run both between German cities and from Germany to neighboring countries. A special system of tariffs, which can be either higher or lower than regular ones. Large youth discounts from 25 to 50 percent.
  • CityNightLine(CNL, Switzerland-Germany). They run from Zurich to Berlin, Dresden, Dortmund and Hamburg, as well as from Dortmund to Vienna. One of the most modern trains in Europe. Youth discount 30 percent. On this train, breakfast is served to all passengers regardless of the type of carriage.
  • Artesia de Nuit(France). Travels from Paris to Milan, Rome, Florence and Venice. There are no seats.
  • Trenhotel (Talgo Trans Pyrenees) (Spain). They run from Barcelona to Paris, Milan and Zurich, as well as from Madrid to Paris and Lisbon. A special system allows them to switch from a wide Spanish gauge to a narrow European one in the direction of travel, without changing wheel bogies. Seating is available only in the Lisbon, Zurich and Milan trains.
  • Caledonian Sleeper(United Kingdom). They go from London to cities in Scotland. There are no couch seats. Seating reservations are not required.
  • Pociag Hotelowe(Poland). They go along three routes within Poland. There are no seated carriages.

Holders of railway passes pay a surcharge on sleeper trains - it can be either insignificant or very significant.

Fast night trains They stop all night, and you can travel in them from any station and to any station. Usually a fast overnight train has all types of overnight carriages, although some countries do not have couch carriages. On fast trains, regular fares apply and regular tickets can be used. Seating reservations are only required in Scandinavia, Spain and Portugal.

In many countries, night fast trains are called the same as day fast trains - Schnellzug (D) in German-speaking countries, Rychlik in the Czech Republic and Slovakia, Rapido in Portugal, Express in some other countries. But there are also special names for fast night trains - Espresso(E) in Italy, Estrella(*) in Spain.

EuroNight. The trains of the EuroNight (EN) system stand apart. This is for the most part international trains, connecting cities in Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Belgium, the Netherlands, France, Italy and some other countries.

There is a lot of confusion with EN trains. The fact is that the railway administration of each country puts its own meaning into the concept of “EuroNight train”. It can be an ordinary fast train, or it can be a sleeper train. Accordingly, there may or may not be mandatory reservations. Regular tickets can be used, or special tickets can be used. Moreover, when crossing state borders a train can change its name. In one country it is called EuroNight, and in another it is simply a fast train. In addition, many sleeper trains (eg Artesia, NachtZug, Talgo, Trenhotel) are often referred to as EuroNight in timetables published in other countries.

There should be no problem if you are traveling on EN within Austria, Switzerland, Germany, Belgium and the Netherlands. In these countries, EuroNight is equivalent to fast trains; seat reservations are not required; regular tickets are used at no extra charge. In other countries, you should check travel conditions before boarding the train as there is usually a small surcharge. The same applies to Italian domestic trains InterCityNotte(ICN).

If you are traveling on a night train in a seated carriage, be careful when boarding or changing to another carriage along the route. Approximately half of the night trains in Europe consist of several parts, traveling in different cities. In the middle of the night, such a train either simply splits into parts or exchanges cars with other trains.

For example, the EuroNight train departs from Vienna every evening, consisting of two parts - Amsterdam and Brussels. At the same time, the fast train (D) departs from Munich, which also has Brussels and Amsterdam carriages. At night, these two trains converge in Nuremberg, are re-arranged, after which all Brussels carriages continue their journey to Belgium, and all Amsterdam carriages to Holland. Interestingly, in each of the two new trains, the cars arriving from Vienna continue to be called EuroNight, and those arriving from Munich - D.

Another example. That same Nuremberg, a fast train from Prague arrives at night and is divided into three parts. One of them goes to Munich, the other to Frankfurt, and the third to Stuttgart. Moreover, Nuremberg carriages are additionally attached to each of these parts. In general, carefully read the signs on the carriages and do not end up in a Munich carriage instead of a Frankfurt one.

October 29, acting Chairman of the Board of UZ Alexander Zavgorodniy once again confirmed the company’s course to reduce the number of night trains, which are perceived as “hotels on wheels.” For many years now, we, tourists, have been observing such a course and its results, and we simply cannot remain silent any longer.

To begin with, I would like to describe why such trains are needed. The point is not at all that tourists want to save 100 hryvnia on a hostel. It's about something completely different - time. You can take the train on Friday evening, spend the weekend in Odessa, Dnepr, Lvov, Kyiv, spend money there and be at work on Monday morning. The second scenario is trips to one-day conferences, exhibitions, events in Kyiv. If you use the daytime train, you will have to spend +2 days, but taking one or three days off from work is still a three-fold difference. In case of weekends, you will have to take two days off, instead of just days off.

The cancellation of night trains will deal a mortal blow to domestic tourism. Which, in turn, is terribly useful to the economy, since the hryvnia spent within the country is not the hryvnia spent on the purchase of imported goods or a trip to Egypt.

In addition, without night trains, people will switch to cars, since traveling four people by car has always been cheaper than traveling by train on the same train. It’s also often faster, plus you don’t have to take a taxi at the place of arrival. The number of road trips will increase, which means more purchases of imported gasoline, currency flowing out of the country, inevitable road accidents and deaths, which, even in peacetime, are almost the same as losses in the ATO. And of course, more rugged roads and suspension. Hello again, imports and spending on road repairs.

In general, the ministers of economy and tourism should stop doing nonsense and start “inserting brains” to the heads of the Ukrzaliznytsia.
In fact, night trains are a miracle. Transport of the 21st century. “Instant teleport”, working on the principle “the passenger closed his eyes in Kharkov - opened them in Lvov, Kyiv or Odessa.” And now they are even trying to cancel the little good that happened before.


Comment in the forum...

10.11.2015 17:26

Mladen wrote:

That’s why I wrote above that our management of UZ are complete ASSHOLES!

As for maintaining the old ones, they are supported with all their might. trying to keep prices at the old level.
Regarding taxes on UZ - I honestly wasn’t interested, but my inner voice tells me that the statehood of the company lies in the fact that the main shareholder of the company is the state and, accordingly, it receives profit from the company and, by managing the company’s policy, distributes the profit, for example, to maintain suburban transportation.
By the way, regarding the cost of transportation and competition - in recent years 5-8 a lot of carrier companies have appeared that provide transportation services/leasing cars, etc. actually on at the moment The Ukrainian Railways has a fleet of freight cars that are rubbish, and if you need to transport abroad or something more decent than garbage, you need to take the cars from the carrier company. so - the cost of services has not somehow decreased, but quite the opposite
Regarding your own production of wagons - a great idea, but you need to do this a little earlier than buying wagons. and here we can only think about today and in your pocket. 11/10/2015 20:03

AndySouth wrote:

Well, besides, Hyundai makes two flights a day, unlike the night one. this is essential.
As for maintaining the old ones, they are supported with all their might. trying to keep prices at the old level....

So, the point is that Hyundai and “night” are compounds with different ranges of use. The “night” ones have the task of bringing passengers from one end of Ukraine to the other overnight over a distance of 700-1100 km, with a duration of 8-12 hours. And Hyundais and other Skodas are trains for distances of 300-500 km, which fly in less than 5 hours. That is, some go Kharkov-Lviv or Uzhgorod, Odessa-Lviv or Odessa-Kharkov. Others are Lviv-Kyiv, Kyiv-Kharkov, Kyiv-Dnepr, Dnepr-Odessa... And the bureaucrats from UZ make us believe that it is quite possible to merge these two classes and everything will be good and convenient.
Well, I specifically brought it out clearly that the majority of existing trains are not optimal for the real needs of transportation. The same Hyundais are rarely more than 50% loaded, so why drive such long trains. Break a couple of Hyundais into “halves” and let them go in the middle of the day, when the number of passengers is minimal, and coordinate their arrival in Kiev with the departure of similar “high-speed, seated” cars further on. Otherwise just look at the schedule. On the Kharkov-Kyiv line, intercity trains arrive in Kyiv at 12:01, 17:53, 23:18. And to Lvov from Kyiv, such “fast trains” go in the morning at 06:44, and in the evening at 17:21 (from Kharkov it arrives half an hour later) and in the interval 20.10-22.40. That is, even if you quickly get to Kyiv in a Hyundai, you then have to wait a few more hours for the opportunity to leave further. Now it seems that the “fast trains” from Lviv are getting back better at Kiev at 10:52 and 22:30, and then to Kharkov there are “intercity” trains at 11:24, 18:11 and 22:40, but between trains there are connections late in the evening 10 minutes, you could easily be late.

In general, the point is that railway communication in Ukraine is largely chaotic; there is not the slightest attempt to provide passengers with fast and convenient travel that is NOT tied to one or two trains a day. At least if you work with the schedule of connections between regional teams in Kyiv, Dnieper or Zaporozhye, there is absolutely no sign of it. If there are more trains, they will have fewer cars, locomotives will be needed with less power and, accordingly, gluttony.... In suburban traffic, it is also high time to run short trains in the middle of the day, but more often. Apply separation of cars as you move away from megacities. It is logical to separate half of the train ~25-30 km from the city and send it back to the city. While the other half reaches the final station and returns to the separation point, the one that returns to the city will have time to separate the next portion of summer residents. As a result, we get one flight to a distant station, and two round-trip flights at half the distance. But alas... no one in UZ is in a hurry to do this, but for the average person it’s easier to take the bus, which runs every 20-30 minutes, and not once every 3-4 hours like trains.... And it seems like the prices are increasing in commuter trains will somehow be fixed similar situation....

For the sake of an example, for the same Hungarian railways (far from the richest country in Europe), I entered a request for two towns in different parts of the country (Szombathely and Nyíregyháza, for those interested), about 500 km accumulated there. The options dropped out at intervals of no more than two hours... although some even contain 6 changes. But the towns are also quite similar in size to Kovel, Shostka or Kupyansk. Try to find between similar towns possible compositions To get there with the help of UZ, you will spend more time at the transfer stations than you will have to drive. But the Hungarians have no problems:

10.11.2015 22:04

Well I don't know
Judging by the schedule, it costs them 700-800 UAH and takes 6-8 hours and at least two transfers.
I prefer Hyundai

Threat. But overall it's cheap by European standards.

Regarding the chemistry with the reformation of trains, etc. - I don’t know how effective it is.
This will lead to increased complexity of the infrastructure, which will eat up all the expected savings at the fantasy stage.

In general, what I wanted to say

When planning a trip to Europe, the first thing we face is the choice of transport for the trip. An airplane is good for its speed, a car provides independence, hitchhiking gives a feeling of adventurism, but what should you choose if you want to save money? Perhaps the best option would be railway.

It’s extremely convenient to move around, judge for yourself:

  • The Old World has a developed railway network, so you can get to the most remote corner of the EU;
  • There are a variety of trains running here, and you can choose the one that is ideal for the purpose of your trip: cheap or expensive, day or night, high-speed or not;
  • You can save money with a single InterRail ticket, which gives you the right to use all trains in Europe.

But first things first.

Railways of Europe

Every country has a national railway, the most developed are:

  • German “Deutsche Bahn” (;
  • French "SNCF" (;
  • British "British Rail" (;
  • Czech "?esk?" dr?hy" (;
  • Italian "Ferrovie dello Stato" ( ).

They and many others are included in international organization"Railteam", which allows them to successfully interact.

Trains: which one to choose?

To travel successfully, it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of various trains. In the Old World they are usually divided into daytime and nighttime.

Day trains

In this kind of trains you will not find seats that we call “reserved seats”; the carriages with comfortable soft seats are more reminiscent of airplane cabins. Therefore, you won’t be able to lie down like on our trains.

There are second and first class carriages, to find out which one you are in, take a look at front door or the wall next to it. A large number printed on the surface will mean class. Second class carriages have four seats in each row, while first class carriages have three. But all of them, without exception, are divided into sections for non-smokers and smokers. Therefore, smoking, which is common in our country in vestibules, corridors, and toilets, is strictly prohibited. When traveling during the day, you will encounter the fact that the train is accompanied not by a conductor, but by a conductor. His responsibilities include checking and selling tickets, giving a signal for departure, monitoring the disembarkation and embarkation of people, and closing the doors. But the doors are opened directly by passengers.

There are several types of daytime trains:

  1. Suburban ones are “electric trains” in our understanding, but very comfortable: with soft, large chairs and air conditioning. They are considered a connecting element between urban transport and railway transport. Often, “electric trains” descend underground, forming a single system with the metro;
  2. Regional – differ in their short time on the way (about 2-3 hours) and extremely frequent stops. There is, however, a pleasant exception - regional express trains, which stop only in the largest populated areas;
  3. Ambulances travel long distances and make minimal stops. The carriages are usually divided into compartments, which can accommodate 6-8 seats, and the train is equipped with a buffet or restaurant. May vary in terms of comfort and speed;
  4. High-speed - streamlined in shape, similar to rockets, they are capable of reaching speeds of more than 300 km/h, and therefore are suitable for long-distance travel. Equipped with sockets, audio systems and TVs.

Night trains

Trains running at night are quite rare in Europe. Usually these are just a couple of trains that depart after 19:00 and arrive between 10:00 and 11:00. Each carriage has a conductor who is responsible for order and checking tickets. While traveling, you will come across the fact that there are two types of overnight trains: sleeping and fast. The first of them are more comfortable and make stops only in the evening (for boarding passengers) and in the morning (for disembarking). At night nothing bothers you healthy sleep, which cannot be said about vacations in fast trains that stop at all stations included in the route.

There are three types of carriages on night trains:

  1. Sleeping. They are divided into single, double or triple compartments, equipped with soft shelves with backs, TVs, lamps and even a washbasin;
  2. Couch beds. These are analogues of our compartment cars, with only one difference - instead of the usual four seats, there are often six;
  3. Sedentary. They are found infrequently and are ordinary open carriages with soft seats.


Traveling without a ticket is a rather dangerous gamble: fines in the EU are very high, so you need to take care of paying for the fare in advance.

If you are not going to travel a lot, a regular one-time ticket will do, but if your plans include visiting many cities and countries, use a travel card. In Europe there is an extremely convenient system called InterRail Pass. This is a type of travel card that allows you to travel independently and easily: on any train and at any time of the day. There are several types of InterRail Pass.

In Europe, where distances between cities are not so long, night trains provide an excellent alternative to other means of transportation. During the night on the train you will not only reach your destination, but will also have time to sleep and gain strength, and also save on a night in a hotel. In this article I want to talk about night trains in Europe and the types of seats that can be booked on such trains.

There are three categories of seats on night trains: regular or seated seats, lie-flat seats, and sleepers with bed linen provided. To compare the places offered and their prices, consider a night train traveling on the route Munich - Vienna. The trip lasts 6 hours, during which you can have a good rest.

Seating(German: Sitzplatz) are provided in a 6-seater compartment or in a general carriage. This is the most budget option travel, the cost of such a place is 69 Euro. The seats in the 6-seater coupe look like this, the nice thing is that the seat can be pushed forward and you can stretch out to your full height.

Seats in a common carriage.

Lying places(German: Liegeplatz) can be purchased in a 4- or 6-seater coupe. For each purchased seat you will be given a sheet, blanket, and pillow. It is convenient to order a separate compartment with lie-flat seats when you are traveling with your own group and do not want strangers in the compartment. The compartment is naturally locked at night. The cost of 1 seat in a 4-seater compartment is 89 Euros, in a 6-seater compartment - 79 Euros.

Sleeping places(German: Schlafplatz) - most comfortable option for travel, but also the most expensive. The sleeping compartments are designed for 2-4 people and are equipped with a separate toilet. The price also includes breakfast and bed sheets. Coupes come in Economy and Deluxe classes. A trip in a 2-seat Economy class compartment will cost 109 Euros per person, in a 1-seat compartment - 159 Euros per person. The Deluxe class coupe is not available on this route, but one has to think that its price is significantly higher than for the Economy class.

In a compartment there must be a temperature regulator above the door; as a rule, there is a socket near the window.

All night trains in Europe are equipped with a dining car.

Most tickets for night trains can only be bought at the ticket office; if you're lucky, you can also buy tickets online. If you are traveling in Germany, or leaving Germany abroad, you can buy it on the German Railways website.

I had the opportunity to travel on night trains on the routes Stuttgart - Vienna, Prague - Spisska Nova Ves (Slovakia), Prague - Budapest. Twice I rode in seats that you can recline at night and sleep peacefully. Once (to Slovakia) I was traveling on a recumbent seat in a compartment for 4 people.

The most popular and longest night train routes in Europe include the following: Berlin - Zurich (travel time - 11 hours), Paris - Venice (travel time - 13 hours), Berlin - Belgrade (travel time - 26 hours). Along their route, trains make stops at major cities on the way.

Night trains

There are relatively few night trains in Europe. In most directions there are no more than one or two, and on some lines there may not be any at all. As a rule, the schedule is designed so that night trains depart after 19.00 and arrive at the final station by 10.00–11.00. Longer routes, lasting a day or more, exist only in Eastern European countries.

On night trains, in addition to seated carriages, there are couchette carriages (similar to our compartment carriages). The compartments in them are usually not 4-, but 6-seater - with three shelves on each wall, and a folding ladder on the side. There are no mattresses there, but the shelves themselves are soft, and the pillows are taken from the bottom shelf, where during the day they are attached to the wall. Sleeping cars have 1-2-seater compartments. You have to pay extra for travel in couchette and sleeping cars. In daybeds - usually 20–30 €, and in bedrooms the surcharge can reach up to 100, and in single compartments - up to 200 €.

Night trains can be either ordinary fast trains or purely sleeper trains. The sleeper train stops in the evenings only for boarding passengers, and in the mornings for disembarkation, but during the period from approximately 0.00-5.00 one cannot get on or off the sleeper train. Sleeper trains have only lie-flat seats and therefore reservations are required. As a rule, travel on a sleeper train costs more than on a fast train. You have to pay both the cost of moving from one place to another and overnight accommodation. Therefore, for example, the most cheap place- in a seated carriage (some night trains do not have them), in a 6- or 4-berth couch carriage, travel is more expensive by approximately the cost of an overnight stay in a cheap hotel, in a 3-2-1-berth sleeping compartment - by the cost of a room in 2- 3-4 star hotel.

Night trains NachtZug (NZ) run between German cities and call at countries neighboring Germany (Berlin – Paris fare from 110 to 265 €); CityNightLine (CNL) trains connect Zurich with Berlin, Dresden, Dortmund and Hamburg (from 75 to 255 €), and also run from Dortmund to Vienna; French Artesia de Nuit trains run from Paris to Milan, Rome, Florence and Venice; Spanish trains Train Hotel Elipsos (Talgo Night, have proper names: “Francisco Goya” connects Madrid with Paris (13.5 hours), “Joan Miro” – Barcelona with Paris (12 hours), “Salvador Dali” goes from Barcelona to Milan (12.5 hours); the Caledonian Sleeper train connects London with cities in Scotland (from 80 to 175 €). In Poland, night trains are called Pociag Hotelowe (from 25 to 80 €).

Fast night trains are no different from day trains. They stop at all stations, and travel is possible using regular tickets without any special surcharge. Reserving a seat on such trains is only required in Scandinavia, Spain and Portugal.

In many countries, night fast trains have the same names as daytime trains. But there are also exceptions. For example, in Italy they are called Espresso (E), and in Spain – Estrella. EuroNight (EN) trains within Austria, Switzerland, Germany, Belgium and the Netherlands are equivalent to fast trains: seat reservations are not required, regular tickets are used at no extra charge. In other countries, they are considered sleeper tickets and require a small surcharge to the price of a regular ticket. In 2005, a new category of trains appeared in Poland – Tame Linie Kolejowe (TLK, “low-cost railway lines”). These are day and night trains with mandatory seat reservations, but at the same time with relatively low fares. They operate on routes previously served by InterRegion (IRN) and Nocny Express (NEx) trains. The fare is the same as for regular fast trains, i.e. about 45–55 zlotys ($1 = 3.2 zlotys) for most long-distance journeys in second class and about 70–80 zlotys in first class. Moreover, if you purchase in advance, you can purchase an even cheaper Tani Ticket at a special price of 27 zlotys (the number of these tickets is limited on each train). On TLK night trains there is an additional charge for a daybed - 20 zlotys per seat, but bed linen must be purchased for additional fee. Unlike other purely sleeper overnight trains, they do not offer free meals.

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