Wish a man good night in your own words. Wishing good night to a friend

Happy birthday, I hasten to congratulate my beloved mother today. It’s okay that the years fly by so quickly, dear, that gray hair shines more and more often, all these are just little things in life. It is much more important that we have a wonderful and friendly family. Today everyone who has gathered for this festive table they want to tell you about their love and respect. I am happy to join all the warm words and wishes and want only one thing, that my dearest and close person was happy. Mommy, you don’t need to think about numbers, it’s better to enjoy every new day. Let all problems that arise be insignificant and small. I wish you all the blessings that exist in this world and really want your eyes to always shine with happiness and joy.

There is nothing closer in life dearer than man than mom. Dear, today we have all gathered here to congratulate you on your next anniversary and just say a huge thank you for your love and affection, tenderness and understanding that you gave and continue to give us every day. I want to wish harmony in the soul, may the heart be filled with light and goodness, and may troubles or problems not be able to overshadow it. Mommy, I really want you to always remain young in soul and heart, because this is really important, and age is just a number. Fill your days with joyful events, pleasant people and complete rest. Mommy, you mean a lot to each of us, so please be happy.

Mom’s eyes sparkle all day today not only with happiness, but also with tears of joy. The house is filled with laughter, light and warmth for each of us. You are our soul and today I really want to raise a glass in honor of your anniversary and say that better than mom It simply cannot be. For me, you have always been an example of a real woman. Beautiful, self-confident, smart and patient, only you somehow managed to give hints completely unnoticeably right decisions, helps unobtrusively and is always nearby. Only with you can I return to childhood and again enjoy the warmth of your hands and your melodic voice. Mommy, there will be many more joyful days in life, bright emotions and victories, I wish that you never stop there and always move on.

65 is not a reason to sit on a bench and be sad about your past youth, because, really, mom. I know for sure that another year will not change anything in your life, and you will still be a young, cheerful and mischievous grandmother and mother. I wish you a lot of health, because, unfortunately, we cannot give you this gift, I also wish you inner balance, which is very important for happy life. Never think about the past and don’t regret anything, you can rightfully be proud of the wonderful family that you created with your dad, warm and a cozy home, to which you always want to return. Problems in life will arise periodically, but I really want you to have as few of them as possible. Happy birthday, mom.

There is no one in life dearer and closer than mother, and today on your 65th day - summer anniversary I want to repeat this again. I can’t believe that time flies so quickly, I have grown up a long time ago, you are already helping me raise my children and becoming not only my mother, but also my beloved grandmother. Dear, let me say thank you for all the sleep-deprived nights, for all the excitement and the help that you never refused me. Even if there are small wrinkles near the eyes, it’s not a problem, because for me they are the most beautiful and dear. Let me kiss your hands, which have given me their warmth, peace and comfort for so many years. Mommy, on your birthday, don’t hide your tears, but rather smile through them and feel our great love for you. Don't be sad, dear, happy birthday!

On this wonderful day, I hasten to congratulate my mother on her birthday. Many people believe that 65 is not a date for which you can organize a magnificent celebration, but this is a misconception. On her birthday, we will be able to surround the birthday girl with our warmth, attention and affection. Mom, I wish you to maintain good health for many more years, avoid hospitals and don’t think about sad things. I also really want you to have the opportunity to make everything you want come true. You are not only the greatest happiness for me, but also for my grandchildren, who consider you an angel. Keep in your heart all this kindness and warmth for which we thank you today. It's never too late to learn something new, so I wish you to find a favorite activity that simply won't let you get bored.

Even if the weather outside is bad or cold, all this can be changed by a smile and kind words moms. Next to you, no problems are scary, and I gladly return to childhood and simply enjoy these minutes. Mom, you are 65 years old today. I can’t believe this, because for me you are always young, cheerful and full of strength. Let it remain, and for years we will simply not pay attention. I would really like to wish you good health, which will not let you down, may wellness will become a constant and faithful companion. I would also like to wish you good and loyal people nearby so that they can share your joy and sincerely rejoice with you. Remember, mommy, that you have no reason to be sad, so just smile more often.

Let the years fly, because they can no longer be turned back, and this is not worth doing, I know that for sure, mommy. Don’t be sad that it’s already 65 years on your personal calendar, because it’s just a date. I sincerely congratulate you today and want to wish you all the warmth, light and wonderful things that can be in the world. Mommy, you deserve to have the whole world laid at your feet, because you have done and continue to do so much for each of us. Let your hands now, mommy, rest from daily work, we will be happy to fuss around you, as you have done for so many years. I want to see a sincere smile and happiness in your eyes, let the tears be only from happiness, and let all the problems just go away from our home.

Looking at my mother today, I see a mature, confident woman in front of me and I can’t even imagine that we all have gathered today to congratulate you on your 65th anniversary. Dear, I wish you to always remain as beautiful, charming and sweet, may dad give compliments more often and do not forget to give flowers. I want you not to think about age, but simply enjoy a well-deserved vacation with your beloved husband, children and grandchildren. Start your day with new goals and be sure to conquer the peaks that you have set for yourself. Smile even in the cloudiest weather and don’t let it spoil your mood. Let there always be prosperity, respect, warmth, love and support in your home. Happy birthday.

Children will always be indebted to their mother for the love, warmth and affection that you give every day. On the day of your small 65th anniversary, I want to wish you to always remain young and full of strength. Your optimism and sense of humor have more than once helped you get through difficult moments in life, so don’t lose these qualities. Of course, I wish you very good health. May all viruses leave our home, and may our health remain forever. I also want to be next to you true friends, which will make life brighter, richer and more fun, because this is very important. Let your love with dad only grow stronger every year, filling every day with tenderness, attention and care. Happy birthday, mommy.

Congratulations to Mom on her 65th birthday in verse and prose

Mommy beloved, dear
On the bright anniversary of 65
You are so beautiful
And today you will shine.

You have gone through and lived a lot,
The years flew by in labor and worries.
Now you can calmly and freely
Start a fun and sunny life.

I wish you not to grow old with your soul,
Live with a sparkle and don’t count the years.
Mommy I will always be with you
And on the anniversary, and tomorrow, and always.

Dear mommy, I congratulate you on your birthday. Today, on your anniversary, I am pleased to tell you again and again that I love you very much. How lucky I am that 65 years ago you appeared in this world - my mother. Congratulations on this worthy anniversary. May today's holiday give you an unforgettable experience and fill your heart with happiness. Long life to you - the best of all mothers.


You, mother, were young at twenty,
And at thirty - just young,
At forty I became very wise,
And at fifty - a little gray.
As six dozen knocked,
You began to remember your youth...
But now everyone has become the envy of
The most beautiful of all - at 65!
Stay like this for a long time:
Alive, fresh, mischievous,
Don't give in to the years
And be kind to fate!

Dear Mommy, in this world There is no person we value more than you. You gave us life, you raised and educated us. Thank you for the comfort and warmth with which you filled our home all these years. Thank you for your love, understanding and care. Today is your anniversary - 65 years. But this is not the age to sit on a bench and be sad about the past, really, mom. This is a great occasion to gather all our friendly family. You can not only take stock of some life results, but also make plans for the future. We wish you good health, optimism, only positive emotions and long - many years life.


I want to wish so much today,
Our mother is now sixty-five!
We will raise toasts, joke,
Talk about love and life!
We wish mom on this day,
Let trouble disappear from life like a shadow,
And hope, faith and warmth,
Let the south wind bring it!
We wish you cheerfulness and strength,
May the day only bring joy!
And the gray night and mischievous evening
Boldly carried away fatigue with you!
Let the grandchildren love and look forward to it,
Meetings, games and joyful moments,
And the moments spent with her,
With my dear granny!
Mom, our mother, don't be sad,
Release all grievances to the sky,
Fill your day and night with joy
We love and kiss. Son and daughter.


Dear mom!
How much you have done for my dear, for this I love and appreciate you very much! I want you to always remain so beautiful and cheerful, kind and affectionate. Let joy and happiness flow like a wide river, and let trouble and old age pass by!


“Six” and “five” became nearby -
Two anniversary numbers. Mother,
we congratulate you
Come here quickly.
We would like to wish from our hearts:
Health, long life,
Forget sadness, don’t be discouraged,
Live with faith, optimism;
Wait for more great-grandchildren,
And then - marry them;
Don't know luck, happiness doesn't count
And only praise the heavens!


Dear, beloved mother,
I hasten to congratulate you on your anniversary!
On this day I'm ready for a taganochka
Sing about what I carry in my heart!
I am very grateful to you
All worries and everything for me,
And for what was given by you.
A whole world called Earth!
I wish you forever,
Be more beautiful and kinder every day!
I press my lips to my hands,
I hug and kiss.


Mom, how wonderful it is,
What can I say on your holiday:
How much happiness is there in the world now -
I want to give everything to you alone!
May you be lucky in everything you want,
I wish you well on your anniversary.
Let fate prophesy at 65
Joy is both beautiful and generous.


Our dear mother,
You are sixty-five years old!
Let the years fly stubbornly -
Thank you to fate!
We want to wish, dear,
On this anniversary holiday,
Be happy dear
Among grandchildren and children!


Happy 65th Birthday, Mom!
We wish you wisdom, kindness, generosity. So that your health does not fail. So that the mood is always high. Let the family be warm and comfortable.


At 65 years old, I wish my mother
So that you quickly look around -
Your whole life is strewn with fruits
Your dear hardworking hands.
You reap the benefits and be happy,
I want to wish you health
And remain tender and beautiful,
Believe me, don’t be discouraged at all!


The smile is enchanting, the soul is energetic
She herself is so beautiful that it’s almost indecent...
And here is the anniversary, the lady’s birthday -
With my most beloved grandmother and mother.
And may sixty-five be a beautiful date,
You look into her face with a slightly gloomy...
There is no need for such mental torment -
For many men, you are the limit of their dreams.
Ideal for us - stable character
You have mastered the Internet and mobile.
Therefore, it is too early for age to give up -
Everything will work out more than once.


Sixty, and on top - five.
You've come a very long way!
But if you count correctly,
That's only half.
The best is yet to come
There, mother, there is happiness, impressions.
Don't be sad about what you've lived,
Capture wonderful moments!
And remember that when again
Your anniversary will come around,
Don't you dare count the years,
And enjoy life - be wise!


Today I congratulate my mother,
You are now, at 65,
I wish you the best
And never lose heart!
May all your dreams come true,
I wish I didn’t have to worry,
Don't worry about trifles,
Be happy! Become cheerful!