Yawn on Friday 11 to 12. Why does a person yawn according to popular belief?

Do you believe in omens? Do you notice what foot you got up on in the morning? Do you speed up your pace when a black cat appears on the horizon so that it does not have time to cross the road? Fortune telling by a yawner will tell you what a person’s yawning means, depending on when it occurs.

Pay attention to details

For the prediction to be as truthful as possible, it is necessary to take into account only a yawn that occurred unexpectedly, in a cheerful emotional and physical condition. If this process happened due to fatigue, desire to sleep, boredom, lack of oxygen in the room, such a reflex respiratory act It's not worth paying attention to.

The days when this happened, the time, and sometimes the number of yawns are taken into account.

Attention! The most accurate prediction will be based on a yawn that occurred in the middle of the hour. In other periods, the percentage of fulfillment of predicted events decreases slightly.

Times of Day

Depending on what time the yawning occurs, you can try to predict the expected events:

  1. Morning. In your environment there is a very interesting representative of the opposite sex, who is haunted by thoughts of your existence. His feelings have a very good chance of becoming mutual.
  2. Day. Yawn predicts that in difficult situation the help of a close friend will be timely. Try not to offend him with a refusal, otherwise you may end up with nothing to eat.
  3. Evening. Be sure that the person you care about finds you very attractive and interesting. But the fear of rejection does not allow him to admit his sympathy. Maybe you shouldn't wait for someone else's initiative? Take the situation into your own hands - take a step towards happiness.
  4. Night. Fortune telling foreshadows pleasant events, a party with friends. You definitely won't be bored!

The dependence of the forecast on the time of day is taken into account in the superstitions of many nationalities. But even more attention is paid to what day yawning occurs and in what time period.


A yawn on Monday means:

  • 00 – 01. Your sympathy is mutual, but the man is embarrassed to admit it;
  • 01 – 02. Slow down, you are too immodest;
  • 02 – 03. A woman is expecting a romantic meeting, which can develop into something more;
  • 03 – 04. A friend will soon need help: lend your shoulder - in difficult times, help will return a hundredfold;
  • 04 – 05. Minor weakness will lead to loss of strength;
  • 05 – 06. Your charm and magnificent external image will not leave anyone indifferent;
  • 06 – 07. Expect a visit from distant relatives or friends - the meeting will bring a lot of pleasant impressions;
  • 07 – 08. The intended goals will be achieved, efforts will be rewarded;
  • 08 – 09. Beware of deception from a fair-haired man;
  • 09 – 10. The fortune teller promises hot, passionate kisses in the strong arms of a loved one;
  • 10 – 11. Feelings will be reciprocated;
  • 11 – 12. To a quarrel with someone from the older generation;
  • 12 – 13. Friend (girlfriend) missed you without your attention;
  • 13 – 14. Nice guy dreams of meeting someone;
  • 14 – 15. A woman will have to choose which of her many admirers to give preference to;
  • 15 – 16. Wait for an offer of friendship from a person you are interested in;
  • 16 – 17. You will meet a very promising person;
  • 17 – 18. It’s time to change the situation, go on vacation with good company or visit relatives;
  • 18 – 19. You like someone who lives very close by (neighbor);
  • 19 – 20. Someone who likes this way does not experience mutual sympathy;
  • 20 – 21. 3 fans are vying for your attention at once;
  • 21 – 22. Tears await, but it’s hard to say whether they will be happy or sad;
  • 22 – 23. Expect to sleep with a person who has serious feelings for you;
  • 23 – 24. Think about a vacation - overwork does not lead to anything good.


Fortune-telling by time and days of the week for Tuesday says the following:

  • 00 – 01. Your loved one will soon propose marriage;
  • 01 – 02. It’s time to come out of the shadows and declare your boldest plans;
  • 02 – 03. Do not rush to jump out of bed - give yourself a little time to soak up, relax, this will not negatively affect your intended goals;
  • 03 – 04. Have time to make a cherished wish while yawning - it will certainly come true;
  • 04 – 05. To vain hopes;
  • 05 – 06. Get ready: love is very close;
  • 06 – 07. Happiness loves silence - do not share your secrets with anyone;
  • 07 – 08. Towards mutual feelings;
  • 08 – 09. To the marriage proposal;
  • 09 – 10. Don’t underestimate your self-esteem, take action;
  • 10 – 11. Do not tell anyone about personal things, this will help preserve the relationship;
  • 11 – 12. Wishes will come true;
  • 12 – 13. There is someone who dreams of your smile;
  • 13 – 14. The onlooker confirms: the sympathy is mutual;
  • 14 – 15. The immediate environment can cause a short quarrel with a partner over a trifle;
  • 15 – 16. You both dream of solitude;
  • 16 – 17. For easy, non-committal flirting;
  • 17 – 18. Try to restrain your emotions, otherwise there is a risk of being drawn into a conflict;
  • 18 – 19. They sympathize with you;
  • 19 – 20. All ages are submissive to love, distance is not a hindrance to it;
  • 20 – 21. To a break in relationships, which will bring relief;
  • 21 – 22. Feelings will not be reciprocated;
  • 22 – 23. To fruitless waiting;
  • 23 – 24. Somewhere very close, a person is awake, dreaming of you.


If Yawn is caught on an empty stomach on Wednesday, the day will end on a positive note.

Other interpretations:

  • 00 – 01. Carried away by your studies or career, you completely forgot about your personal life;
  • 01 – 02. Don’t let anyone use you;
  • 02 – 03. K good mood throughout the next 24 hours;
  • 03 – 04. Support parents - they need it;
  • 04 – 05. To accidental offense;
  • 05 – 06. Thoughts about personal happiness will soon materialize;
  • 06 – 07. Do not try to sit on 2 chairs;
  • 07 – 08. Happy first love awaits ahead;
  • 08 – 09. Take a closer look at your friends: perhaps one of them will try to take your lover away;
  • 09 – 10. You dream about the person you like;
  • 10 – 11. The wish will come true within a week;
  • 11 – 12. A bright streak of life begins;
  • 12 – 13. To the good news;
  • 13 – 14. The relationship with the partner will be clarified;
  • 14 – 15. The upcoming meeting may become significant: a marriage proposal or the establishment of business relations is possible;
  • 15 – 16. There is a high risk of unpleasant situations;
  • 16 – 17. Look around: a promising man is very serious towards you;
  • 17 – 18. Friends will again prove their devotion;
  • 18 – 19. To unexpected surprises;
  • 19 – 20. The evening promises to be tense;
  • 20 – 21. To troubles, tears;
  • 21 – 22. Meeting a handsome young man in the company of friends;
  • 22 – 23. A break in relations with a partner is possible due to different views on life;
  • 23 – 24. Ahead awaits a filled good events day.


Yawning on Thursday is a prediction of many interesting events:

  • 00 – 01. Someone “swallows their mouths” when they see your figure;
  • 01 – 02. It won’t be difficult to drive your partner crazy again;
  • 02 – 03. The yawner assures: a dream you have in the morning will be prophetic;
  • 03 – 04. Don’t get carried away with makeup, natural beauty will never go out of style;
  • 04 – 05. Be less wasteful;
  • 05 – 06. To kisses;
  • 06 – 07. The coming day will be successful in all respects;
  • 07 – 08. To an unexpected surprise;
  • 08 – 09. Friends need attention;
  • 09 – 10. Her lover dreams of a woman;
  • 10 – 11. Partner is not ready for responsibility;
  • 11 – 12. Wait for offers from friends about a walk;
  • 12 – 13. Believe in love at first sight;
  • 13 – 14. Happiness is already knocking on the door;
  • 14 – 15. To a fun party in the company of friends;
  • 15 – 16. The weekend promises to be successful, do not ruin it with scandals and money problems;
  • 16 – 17. Hopes, like trust in a partner, will not come true;
  • 17 – 18. Get valuable advice from a wise person;
  • 18 – 19. Towards mutual feelings;
  • 19 – 20. Your plans will come true;
  • 20 – 21. The chosen one experiences only friendly feelings;
  • 21 – 22. Drive depression away and move on towards your intended goal;
  • 22 – 23. The object of desire may break up with his partner, don’t miss the chance - take action;
  • 23 – 24. A pleasant acquaintance with a person of the opposite sex is expected.


What Friday yawns made at different hours will tell you about:

  • 00 – 01. Great luck awaits ahead;
  • 01 – 02. Don’t leave for another day what you can finish today;
  • 02 – 03. Don’t give up on the upcoming date;
  • 03 – 04. You should not trust new friends - their thoughts are not so honest;
  • 04 – 05. Someone will try to ruin your reputation, but this will only increase the interest of the people around you;
  • 05 – 06. The end of a long separation from a partner is approaching;
  • 06 – 07. Give people kindness, they will respond in kind;
  • 07 – 08. Your loved one is disgusted by one of your character traits, try to talk openly;
  • 08 – 09. From own behavior and the words spoken will determine the outcome of the important meeting;
  • 09 – 10. Towards mutual feelings;
  • 10 – 11. There is a high risk of a quarrel with parents;
  • 11 – 12. Friends don’t say something;
  • 12 – 13. A new acquaintance will disappoint;
  • 13 – 14. The weekend will be successful;
  • 14 – 15. To receive a conciliatory gift;
  • 15 – 16. Expect minor troubles;
  • 16 – 17. The partner is serious and ready for a relationship;
  • 17 – 18. To kisses and caresses;
  • 18 – 19. To the good news;
  • 19 – 20. All these days, intuition is telling you something, trust it;
  • 20 – 21. In the evening, a meeting with your beloved man is possible;
  • 21 – 22. Someone sees your image in their dreams;
  • 22 – 23. Old relationships that have outlived their usefulness may be replaced by a new acquaintance;
  • 23 – 24 – a great chance to get married.


Yawning on Saturday will tell you about a possible future. And it’s not without reason that they say: forewarned is forearmed.


  • 00 – 01. Be more accommodating in some matters, relationships sometimes depend on this;
  • 1 – 2. Fortune telling advises one to behave more selectively with the opposite sex;
  • 2 – 3. Important news will come from a friend;
  • 3 – 4. Communication with loved ones will help drive away the sad mood;
  • 4 – 05. V morning period wait for good news;
  • 5 – 6. Significant changes in life are not expected;
  • 6 – 7. A successful day when many problems can be easily solved;
  • 7 – 8. Be careful when driving or crossing the road;
  • 8–09. A great holiday lies ahead;
  • 9 – 10. Find something you like;
  • 10 – 11. Don’t underestimate your self-esteem - it’s time to love yourself;
  • 11 – 12. A secret admirer collects information about you;
  • 12 – 13. Look at life with optimism;
  • 13 – 14. The person you like will respond with mutual sympathy;
  • 14 – 15. One person sees your image in dreams;
  • 15 – 16. Your partner is proud of your achievements;
  • 16 – 17. The chosen one is really in love and is seriously thinking about a future together;
  • 17 – 18. There is a high chance of being deceived due to excessive gullibility;
  • 18 – 19. All worries are in vain;
  • 19 – 20. For upcoming happy events;
  • 20 – 21. If your loved one demands too much, explain what you consider acceptable in a relationship and what is unacceptable;
  • 21 – 22. Beware of the appearance of a rival;
  • 22 – 23. It’s time to come down to earth and become more realistic;
  • 23 – 24. You risk becoming a participant in a love triangle.


What yawns will warn you about at the end of the week:

  • 00 – 01. Get a good night’s sleep before the coming day, it will be filled with events;
  • 1 – 2. To rash actions;
  • 2 – 3. Your neighbor is not indifferent to you;
  • 3 – 4. Don’t hide your feelings, then they will become mutual;
  • 4 – 5. Efforts will have to be made to avoid possible danger;
  • 5 – 6. To love from a romantically inclined person;
  • 6 – 7. Be sure: your partner’s feelings remain sincere and strong;
  • 7 – 8. You will be happy;
  • 8 – 9. There will be a meeting with an old friend;
  • 9 – 10. For a romantic acquaintance;
  • 10 – 11. Don’t be sad, everything will be fine;
  • 11 – 12. To betrayal and deception on the part of friends;
  • 12 – 13. A change of image will lead to the delight of others;
  • 13 – 14. Expect love at first sight;
  • 14 – 15. Relationships with your chosen one will be strong and reliable;
  • Why do people yawn?

    Bottom line

    Yawns will tell you what you need to be prepared for at the end of the week. Try to take into account the information that yawning indicates in order to avoid possible troubles and change your life for the better.

Decoding yawns by day of week and hour.

Many of us are chronically sleep-deprived. This is due to the peculiarity of biorhythms. After all, the majority of people are owls who need to live according to the routine of early risers. This is why we periodically yawn in the morning, afternoon and evening. But our ancestors associated yawning with future changes in life and memorable events.

To decipher events and to warn people about upcoming changes, they came up with yawkers. Of course, yawning at night is quite logical, since this is the period for sleep. But even such a late yawn means something.

Night and day yawn on Monday:

  • From 0 to 7 am. A love date awaits you
  • From 7 to 8 am. You'll hear bad news
  • From 8 to 9 am. Expect smiles
  • From 9 to 10 am. Today you will kiss
  • From 10 to 11 am. Pay attention to details, you are being watched
  • From 11 to 12 noon. Someone will share their secret
  • From 12 to 13 pm. Make time for an evening walk
  • From 13 to 14 pm. Your dreams will come true soon
  • From 14 to 15 pm. Get away from envious people
  • From 15 to 16 pm. Wait for declarations of love
  • From 16 to 17 pm. You will cry and be sad
  • From 17 to 18 pm. Need to improve self-esteem
  • From 18 to 19 pm. Someone has tender feelings for you
  • From 19 to 20 pm. The chosen one is not worth you, look for something better
  • From 20 to 21 pm. To change
  • From 21 to 22 pm. Help a stranger
  • From 22 to 23 pm. Don't trust what they say
  • From 23 to 24 nights. Expect a quarrel with your lover

On Tuesday the condition is usually better, weeks on Monday, and getting up is a little easier. But if you had a rather hectic weekend, then during the day fatigue will make itself felt. You will yawn periodically. Below is a transcript of a yawn.

Night and day yawn on Tuesday:

  • From 0 to 7 am. They will give you something
  • From 7 to 8 am. Expect meanness from a friend
  • From 8 to 9 am. Look wider, you're not noticing something
  • From 9 to 10 am. Someone has tender feelings for you
  • From 10 to 11 am. Someone is gossiping behind your back
  • From 11 to 12 noon. You will meet someone influential
  • From 12 to 13 pm. Treat people with understanding
  • From 13 to 14 pm. Expect to date a guy with blond hair
  • From 14 to 15 pm. Don't waste your life and time
  • From 15 to 16 pm. Expect not the most pleasant conversation
  • From 16 to 17 pm. You'll get lucky soon
  • From 17 to 18 pm. Don't miss your lover
  • From 18 to 19 pm. Someone really likes you
  • From 19 to 20 pm. Hurry up, otherwise someone will take away your most valuable things.
  • From 20 to 21 pm. The man is delighted with you
  • From 21 to 22 pm. It's worth making a wish
  • From 22 to 23 pm. Don't live in the past, look to the future
  • From 23 to 24 nights. Unforgettable adventures await you

Wednesday is the middle of the work week, so most people feel quite cheerful. Fatigue has not had time to accumulate over the week and overall I feel tolerable. Sometimes you can yawn because you went to bed late. Or perhaps your yawning is a harbinger of some events.

Night and day yawn for Wednesday:

  • From 0 to 7 am. Two pleasant meetings await you
  • From 7 to 8 am. Don't waste time on trifles
  • From 8 to 9 am. Prepare for a surprise
  • From 9 to 10 am. Someone is looking for you
  • From 10 to 11 am. You might be going to a party soon
  • From 11 to 12 noon. Your financial situation will improve
  • From 12 to 13 pm. Your friend gossips about you behind your back
  • From 13 to 14 pm. Expect to meet someone
  • From 14 to 15 pm. Be careful on the street, danger awaits you
  • From 15 to 16 pm. Your lover will start an affair with someone else
  • From 16 to 17 pm. You will learn something new about loved ones
  • From 17 to 18 pm. Don't answer strangers' questions
  • From 18 to 19 pm. Don't expect mutual love
  • From 19 to 20 pm. Someone will find out about your secret
  • From 20 to 21 pm. You like a dark-haired guy
  • From 21 to 22 pm. Don't confess your love to just anyone
  • From 22 to 23 pm. A cute guy dreams about you
  • From 23 to 24 nights. Avoid gossipers

On Thursday, most of the company's workers are quite exhausted. This is due to the fact that this day is the penultimate day of the work week. The employees are already waiting and can’t wait for the weekend. Despite lack of sleep, pay attention to when you yawn.

Night and day yawns for Thursday:

  • From 0 to 7 am. Someone reciprocates your feelings
  • From 7 to 8 am. Good news awaits you
  • From 8 to 9 am. It's time to make a choice
  • From 9 to 10 am. Try not to conflict with anyone
  • From 10 to 11 am. Someone misses you
  • From 11 to 12 noon. Don't forget about school and business
  • From 12 to 13 pm. Be careful with secrets
  • From 13 to 14 pm. Make a wish
  • From 14 to 15 pm. You will meet someone you haven't seen for a long time
  • From 15 to 16 pm. Don't trust your blonde friend
  • From 16 to 17 pm. You will kiss someone passionately
  • From 17 to 18 pm. Your feelings are shared
  • From 18 to 19 pm. Parting awaits you
  • From 19 to 20 pm. Expect adventure
  • From 20 to 21 pm. Expect an exciting trip
  • From 21 to 22 pm. You will meet interesting and fun people
  • From 22 to 23 pm. You will fall in love
  • From 23 to 24 nights. Don't force yourself on your lover

Friday is the last day of the work week, when you want to wait until the evening and go on vacation with friends. Usually on this day a second wind opens.

Night and day yawn for Friday:

  • From 0 to 7 am. Expect a beautiful bouquet
  • From 7 to 8 am. Someone wants to tell you about their bright feelings
  • From 8 to 9 am. Read all the letters in the mail
  • From 9 to 10 am. Don't waste your energy on trifles
  • From 10 to 11 am. I have a good opinion about you
  • From 11 to 12 noon. You will cause conflict
  • From 12 to 13 pm. Don't believe everything they say
  • From 13 to 14 pm. Don't waste your time on this guy
  • From 14 to 15 pm. Stop putting things off until tomorrow
  • From 15 to 16 pm. They are trying to fool you
  • From 16 to 17 pm. You will receive an offer that is difficult to refuse
  • From 17 to 18 pm. Don't think about the guy
  • From 18 to 19 pm. You will spend the evening at the cinema
  • From 19 to 20 pm. A handsome brunette is thinking about you
  • From 20 to 21 pm. Someone sees you in a dream
  • From 21 to 22 pm. A pleasant date awaits you
  • From 22 to 23 pm. Take a step towards the meeting and dial your favorite number
  • From 23 to 24 nights. Your friends list will be updated soon

Saturday is a day off when you can sleep longer and relax. Usually people don't yawn that often on this day.

Night and day yawn for Saturday:

  • From 0 to 7 am. A handsome young man dreams about you
  • From 7 to 8 am. Don't be too modest, your rivals don't sleep
  • From 8 to 9 am. Enjoy your time with your lover
  • From 9 to 10 am. You have envious people
  • From 10 to 11 am. Expect guests
  • From 11 to 12 noon. Don't upset your best friends
  • From 12 to 13 pm. Don't think about the guy, wait for a new hobby
  • From 13 to 14 pm. Expect pleasant surprises
  • From 14 to 15 pm. You like a dark-haired man
  • From 15 to 16 pm. Someone will call you
  • From 16 to 17 pm. A sad meeting awaits you
  • From 17 to 18 pm. You are waiting for a meeting with your lover
  • From 18 to 19 pm. Soon you will have to part with your lover for a while
  • From 19 to 20 pm. A trick awaits you from people you know
  • From 20 to 21 pm. Give some attention to your friends
  • From 21 to 22 pm. Watch your health, illness awaits you
  • From 22 to 23 pm. Your lover looks at his girlfriend
  • From 23 to 24 nights. Look forward to a wonderful day tomorrow

Sunday is a day off, but you still have to go to work the next day. Most office workers try to go to bed early.

Night and day yawn on Sunday:

  • From 0 to 7 am. To the kisses
  • From 7 to 8 am. Don't tell your secrets to the opposite sex
  • From 8 to 9 am. Expect gifts and surprises
  • From 9 to 10 am. Your friends are jealous of you
  • From 10 to 11 am. Don't trust your lover's close friend
  • From 11 to 12 noon. Your dream will become reality
  • From 12 to 13 pm. You shouldn't go on a date
  • From 13 to 14 pm. You will hear three cherished words
  • From 14 to 15 pm. You will learn something new from distant relatives
  • From 15 to 16 pm. Think what you say
  • From 16 to 17 pm. Trust your problems to your lover
  • From 17 to 18 pm. They envy you
  • From 18 to 19 pm. The young man is delighted with you
  • From 19 to 20 pm. A business meeting awaits you
  • From 20 to 21 pm. Don't believe gossip about a young man
  • From 21 to 22 pm. Someone will quarrel because of you
  • From 22 to 23 pm. Don't forget about studying
  • From 23 to 24 nights. Unexpected guests will come to you

On at the moment, scientists have not been able to thoroughly study the phenomenon of yawning. There are many theories that yawning cools the body after sleep or increases neural activity in the brain. But our grandmothers believe more in omens.

VIDEO: Signs about yawning

What is incomprehensible here, most will be surprised, a person yawns, which means he just wants to sleep.

But in fact, the nature of yawning has not been thoroughly studied and is of great interest to scientists.

Like everything inexplicable, this process causes a lot of controversy, and therefore omens associated with yawning, there are a lot.

Why and why a person yawns - signs and beliefs

Our ancestors believed that when a person yawns, he gives demons the opportunity to enter his body and take possession of him. That is why the rules of etiquette have long prescribed covering your mouth with your hand when yawning.

Although in some countries, for example, in Turkey, on the contrary there is omen that the soul can escape from the body while yawning. And this is precisely why you need to cover your mouth with your hand.

About the connection between yawning and evil spirits It also says that this often happens during church services. Many believe that in this way the body and soul are cleansed of evil, of negativity, and filled with goodness and light.

Some psychics and magicians claim that yawning is a sign of an energy attack. In this way the body gives defensive reaction, shows that he needs more help.

Why yawn by time of day and day of week - signs

More accurately interpret I'll tell you when the yawning started, you can not only by day of the week, but also by time of day.

Yawn on Monday morning, is a sign of receiving long-awaited news from a loved one. If yawning started on the first day of the week at lunch, - most likely, everything planned will come true. Monday night yawn, is a sign of a quick meeting with close friends and pleasant people.

Morning yawn on Tuesday according to signs portends unpleasant meetings. You should expect visits from ill-wishers, often hidden. If yawning starts closer to lunch, - this sign speaks of an imminent declaration of love. A In the evening, – that it wouldn’t hurt to call your relatives.

If Wednesday started with a yawn, – there is a possibility of a fight with your significant other. At lunch yawning is a sign of an unexpected but very pleasant meeting, and In the evening this foreshadows the appearance of a secret admirer.

Yawning on Thursday morning says that very soon everything secret will become clear, so if you have something to hide, it’s better to tell everything yourself. Severe yawning at noon on Thursday may be a sign of gossip behind your back. It is not at all necessary that they have a negative connotation, but it is better to be prepared for any turn of events. Thursday night yawn- a sign for a romantic meeting. It is likely that this will be the beginning of that very true love that you have been looking for for so long.

If on Friday morning you are tormented by yawning, this may be a warning that one should be wary of ill-wishers. Most likely, they are preparing to strike from behind. Be careful. If yawned on Friday around lunchtime, - this sign suggests that the loved one is ready to reciprocate, but does not know how best to do it. Friday night yawn, – to receive unexpected profits in quite significant amounts.

Yawning on Saturday morning can warn about large number envious people nearby. If this happens at lunch, - think about it, perhaps you inadvertently offended someone? In the evening this could be a harbinger of a fun party.

Yawn on Sunday morning, is a sign of a very profitable purchase. If this happens closer to lunch, - you have won the admiration of others, and if in the evening, that is, the risk of a small quarrel, and even a major conflict.

Rarely, but it happens yawning at night. This is a proven sign that true love is approaching.

If, after waking up, a completely rested person literally cannot stop yawning, it is better to cancel all activities for that day. Trouble is possible.

What meaning is usually attributed to yawning? According to the beliefs of many peoples, including Slavic ones, yawning does not mean drowsiness at all, it is a danger signal. It is very difficult for a person to resist the desire to yawn, and if you yawn, you have thus opened the way for unclean spirits that can enter the body and harm your soul. Hence the frequently encountered recommendation to cross your mouth or simply cover it with your hand.

Other peoples believed that during yawning the soul could leave the body, so you should not open your mouth wide or should protect it with your hand or the sign of the cross.

On the other hand, some other peoples associate the sign of yawning with positive values. The Chinese, for example, believe that when someone yawns, they are thus calling on higher powers for help.

Esotericists believe that yawning has a different meaning. This action begins when there is not enough oxygen in the blood and the body seeks to replenish its energy supply. But where does the lack of energy come from? Why does a person yawn often? Mystics suggest that this is how the evil eye or damage manifests itself, so if you yawn often, this may raise concerns that you have been jinxed. Although, of course, it could always be a simple lack of sleep!

There is also a point of view according to which a person yawns when negativity leaves his body, so yawning is often found during healing sessions, including among the healers themselves.

In the East it is widely believed that real life yawning may indicate that you are currently communicating with an unpleasant person, perhaps an energy vampire, and your body, feeling a loss of strength, is trying to make up for the lack of energy in this way. Thus, the sign of yawning may be associated, among other things, with the fact that there is someone in your environment who “pulls” strength from you.

Another interesting fact is that yawning is “contagious”, and not all people are affected by someone else’s yawning. What is this connected with? There is an explanation here: we are “infected” by the yawning of other people only when this person is close to us, when he is in some way similar to us and there is sympathy or a good relationship between us.

The meaning of the sign of yawning to the nearest hour

Collections of folk signs offer their meanings for this sign, accurate to the hour. different days weeks. According to such collections, the spectrum of this sign is very wide: from negative (for example, receiving very bad news) to wonderful. If you wish, you can check the meaning of the action using such collections. It’s interesting that many signs are associated with love relationships: Yawning can signal someone's interest or, conversely, a loss of interest.

Bad news

Yawning early on Monday morning, from 7 to 8 am, predicts bad news. Tuesday from 10 to 11 am and Friday morning from 7 to 8 are also not the best times; the folk oracle says that this sign is not good.

If you started yawning on Monday from 4 to 5 p.m. or on Tuesday from 7 to 8 a.m., this is a warning: you have given your heart to a person who is unworthy of you. The sign of yawning at midnight on Monday has a similar meaning. The time from 17 to 18 on Wednesday is not the best best value: Your body is telling you. that they are cheating on you.

Meeting new love

Very often folk superstition connects the sign of yawning with the advent of new love. This can be predicted by yawning at the following times:

  • 7am to 8am, 11am to 12am on Monday
  • From 18 to 19, from 20 to 21 on Monday
  • From 8 to 10 am on Tuesday, and from 11 to 12
  • From 9 to 10 on Wednesday
  • From 20 to 21 on Wednesday
  • From 8 to 9 on Friday
  • From 6 to 7 am on Saturday
  • From 7 to 8 am on Sunday


Yawning from 12 to 13 on Monday, as well as from 21 to 22, can indicate a future conflict. Tuesday from 12 to 13 is also not the best good time, the sign of yawning speaks of possible quarrels and disagreements.

The following time periods are also not very successful: on Wednesday from 13 to 14 pm, on Thursday from 12 to 13 pm, on Friday from 16 to 17 pm.

We wish you a successful solution the real reason yawning! Don’t forget that a lot depends on your attitude towards a particular phenomenon. If you sincerely believe that your yawning is a good sign, then it will be so!

Tell your fortune for today using the “Card of the Day” Tarot layout!

For correct fortune telling: focus on the subconscious and don’t think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

When you are ready, draw a card:

There are many superstitions associated with cats, but few people know that they originated from medieval England. At that time it was huge amount These animals, moreover, they stole food and spoiled things, so they were recognized as evil spirits.

What awaits you in the near future:

Find out what awaits you in the near future.

Sign - yawn in the morning, afternoon and evening

Psychologists say that a person who is responsive and capable of empathy will definitely react to the yawning of others similar action. Scientists, having conducted a huge number of experiments, testify that 90% of people “respond” to the yawns of someone standing next to them.

This statement instills optimism and belief that people are not inherently so bad. The nature of yawning is not fully understood. There is ongoing debate in the scientific community about what constitutes yawning. for many years. What do they say about her? folk signs?

Why does a person yawn - signs

In Rus' they say that by yawning, a person allows demons to penetrate inside his body and take possession of it. To prevent this, people crossed their mouths and covered them when yawning.

It has been observed that people often yawn during worship. This does not at all indicate the presence of evil forces in the church. In this case, yawning is a sign that during the process of prayer the body is freed from accumulated negativity and filled with light energy.

In Turkey, there is a belief that in the process of yawning the soul can leave the body, and in order to retain it, you need to cover your mouth with your hand. The Greeks have a similar belief.

Yawning often means meeting an enemy. In the East they say that by yawning, a person cleanses and activates the chakras. This need appears after communicating with an angry and envious person. Defense mechanism psychics also consider yawning. In their opinion, it begins when a person is attacked on the subtle plane.

Often a yawn attacks when an energy vampire is nearby. It takes away some of the energy of the interlocutor, who at the same time feels weak and tired. Doing deep breath, a person receives more oxygen and restores energy potential.

Sign: yawn according to time

Everyone starts yawning when they are tired, bored, or worried. Some believe that it matters on what day and even what hour the body needed a deep breath. Young girls, languishing in anticipation of love, and some representatives of the older generation, looking for signs, tend to attach prophetic meaning to every yawn. higher powers in the most ordinary things.

Both will need a table containing information about what the sign of yawning on Tuesday and other days of the week means.

Day of the week morning Day Evening
Monday Receiving news from a loved one The plan will soon come true Meeting with friends
Tuesday Meeting with an ill-wisher A declaration of love awaits you Relatives remember you
Wednesday Possible quarrel with your loved one Unexpected meeting The appearance of a secret admirer
Thursday All secrets will become clear People are gossiping about you Meet new love
Friday Beware of ill-wishers Your loved one will reciprocate your feelings Making a profit
Saturday They envy you Someone is mad at you Fun party
Sunday Large purchase possible You are admired Risk of quarrel

Yawning at night means love, immediately after waking up means trouble at work. It is believed that a person who constantly yawns during illness is under the influence of the evil eye or damage.