Finding google maps coordinates is easy. How to enter coordinates in Yandex Navigator? Features and Rules

Uses navigation system from Yandex large number people living in the CIS. Convenience and ease of use are perhaps the most important characteristics Yandex Navigator. Despite these characteristics, some aspects of the application raise questions even among experienced users. One of the frequently asked questions is “How to enter coordinates into Yandex Navigator?” In today’s material, our resource will answer exactly this, paying attention to all the subtleties.

Coordinate format

In order to understand how to enter coordinates into Yandex Navigator, it is important to have an idea of ​​their format. As is known from the school geography course, the coordinates of a certain place are indicated using the degree measure of its latitude and longitude, which in a certain way penetrate the entire globe. In navigation from Yandex, the format for displaying and entering coordinate data fully complies with generally accepted standards. As a basic example, you can take a coordinate such as “21 o 43’54.67’’N” for latitude and “11 o 23’34.77’’E” for longitude, where:

  • 21 o and 11 o - degrees of latitude and longitude;
  • 43’ and 23’ - minutes of latitude and longitude;
  • 54.67” and 34.77” - seconds of latitude and longitude;
  • N (North - North) and E (East - East) - direction indicators.

Note that navigation from Yandex only supports degree coordinate format. More precisely, by entering the exact indicators of a specific longitude and latitude into the appropriate fields, it is quite possible to find a given place. The method looks like “45.342324” for longitude and “32.34234243” for latitude.

Important! You can enter coordinates in Yandex Navigator using any of the methods described above, except for the case when the input field requires a specific one of these data formats.

Entry procedure

When wondering how to set coordinates in Yandex Navigator, many people not only do not understand how simple it is, but do not even suspect that in this application you can find out the coordinate data of a specific place and save it for future use. The latter, by the way, is very useful if you want to use navigation offline (that is, without an Internet connection).

So, returning to the procedure for entering coordinates, let's look at its typical procedure:

  1. Firstly, it is important to find out the coordinates of a specific location. The preferred presentation format would be in the form of degrees with a decimal “tail” (32.3231321), since this type data is recognized in absolutely all versions of Yandex Navigator, while the other format discussed earlier began to be used for searching information relatively recently. Note that to search for a place, it is important to know both its coordinates, that is, longitude and latitude.
  2. Secondly, the existing coordinate data must be entered into the appropriate field of the application. To do this, just go to the search menu (click the magnifying glass icon) and enter the coordinates, separated by commas, in the order: latitude, longitude (22.323132, 21.543555).
  3. And thirdly, all that remains is to click on the search button, after which the place with the given coordinates will be found. You can plot a route to the found position on the map, view the presence of traffic jams, determine the distance and perform other navigation functions from Yandex relative to it.

It is worth noting that in latest versions The application now has the following features:

  • enter coordinates in the format “degrees, minuses, seconds, location”;
  • communicate coordinate data to the navigator using your voice;
  • listen to given coordinates after they are found (information is provided in the format “degrees, minuses, seconds, location”);
  • set a route solely based on coordinate data; to do this, just select the appropriate function and enter the coordinates of the place where you want to lay the path.

Answers to frequently asked questions

Now that with how to enter in Yandex Navigator GPS coordinates For a specific location, everything is clear; it would be useful to consider other frequently asked questions about using this application. Having studied the relevant forums, our resource has identified the three most asked questions

and provided the answers to them below:

  1. Is it possible to work Yandex Navigator without access to the Internet?- Yes, however, in this case the application will not perform all functions. More precisely, the navigator will not be able to show existing traffic jams or provide information about places of stay. At the same time, to work with the application offline, you need to download maps of the area of ​​your movement, then turn on the GPS module on your device and use navigation.
  2. How to download or update Yandex Navigator?- To do this, just go to the application on your device called GooglePlay or AppStore and find navigation from Yandex in the search, after which you can intuitively navigate necessary operations.
  3. What should I do if Yandex Navigator does not work correctly (does not indicate the route, displays maps poorly, etc.)?- In order to configure the application, you must perform the following steps: restart the application, restart the device, check the Internet connection and GPS, reinstall the application. Naturally, it is necessary to stop carrying out these manipulations when desired result will be achieved.

With this, perhaps, today’s article has come to its logical end. We hope that in the material presented above you have found answers to your questions. Good luck on the roads!

Video review of the program:

In one of the articles we looked at the question of how to determine your coordinates and tell them to a friend. By the way, a very popular article.

Now consider the inverse problem. Let's say you received an SMS message or an email or a message from some messenger from a lost friend, in which he reports the coordinates of the place where he is and asks you to drive up to him and help him out.

What do you need to do? The answer is very simple: you need to use, for example, the application GoogleTOarts or YandexTOarts(you can download and install them using the links provided), enter the received coordinates in the search bar, find this place on the map and get directions using these applications. Let's see how it's done.


1. When opening the application, the system determines your location and shows this place in the center of the map. In this case there should be GPS enabled navigation ( Geodata in the curtain).

2. In the bottom line, click Search.

3. In a new window enter in sTRoku Search the coordinates you received. You need to enter them definitely in this form : only in form decimal numbers(without any degrees, minutes and seconds) with a dot as a separator, first latitude, then longitude and with a comma between them. For example, like in the screenshot: 60.0, 30.3 Press on the on-screen keyboard Search. The found location appears in the center of the screen in the form of a mark.

4. Click below Finding a route. The application finds route options (you can choose for driving or public transport) and, with the Internet turned on, taking into account traffic jams at the moment.

5. Select the one you need and click yellow arrow in the upper right corner or option Travel with Yandex navigator. And you go, you meet a friend who is waiting for you and says thank you. :)

Google Maps

The steps are almost the same as those described above. I provide explanatory screenshots.

1. Open Maps, enter coordinates in the search bar.

2. Click the car icon in the lower right corner. Choose the type of transport.

3. Choose one of the proposed routes. Click on the arrow icon in the lower right corner.

4. You are driving, walking, etc.

AND one more note. If in a friend’s message the coordinates are given in as a link like,30.3, then everything is much simpler and faster: you just need to click on the link and select Open URL. This will automatically open the application. Google Maps(if it was set by default for such links) or a browser window with maps and the desired point will be in the center. And then everything is as described above: we are looking for a route, etc.

If there is no highways, no and pedestrian roads(for example, in the forest) and it is not possible to automatically build a route, then, seeing your position and the position of a friend on the map, you can simply you go "in azimuth". :) But it is clear that a friend should in any case remain at the point whose coordinates he gave you. Warn him about this by phone or ask him for new coordinates.

Good luck to you, see you again on the pages of my site.

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Modern technologies greatly facilitate our lives, making it easier, simpler and more convenient. Among the variety of such innovations, an important place is occupied by tools that allow you to easily navigate the terrain, build a convenient route to a particular geographic point, and find toponyms and other topographical objects on the map. One of the options for finding the desired object on the map is to search for it using geographical coordinates. And in this material I will tell you how to search by coordinates on Yandex Map, and what are the features of this search.

As you know, in the modern digital market of cartographic services there are several competing companies that offer the user the ability to search for a point by coordinates. The list of such services includes the popular “ Google Maps", "Yandex.Maps", "2GIS", (specialization in detailing cities), "Bing Maps", "HERE WeGo", "OpenStreetMap" the previously existing "Yahoo! Maps" (now closed).

The main competitors on Russian market are " Google.Maps" And " Yandex.Maps" If the use of maps from Google is preferable on a global scale, then in the vastness of Russia we would recommend using the Yandex company’s service. The latter provides better coverage of Russia, has high level detail, can boast special tool for editing maps by users called “People's Map”, displays traffic jams that have arisen in domestic cities, works well with Geocoder, and has other useful features.

To determine your location in the Russian Federation, it is better to use Yandex.Maps

At the same time, you can use the Yandex.Maps functionality either using a regular desktop browser on a PC or by installing the Yandex.Maps mobile application to your phone (for example, from the Play Market).

Search by latitude and longitude

If you are faced with the question of searching for any geographical place on the map, or there is a need to point out some place on the map to another person, then you should use the method of determining the location of a geographical object by its coordinates, including latitude or longitude.

Let me remind the reader that latitude coordinates show the location of the desired object in relation to the North and South Pole (i.e. it is a point between north and south), and longitude coordinates determine the location of the object between east and west.

Zero latitude is usually considered to be the equator, therefore, South Pole is located at 90 degrees south latitude, and the north pole is at 90 degrees north latitude.

In this case, northern latitude is designated by the letter “N” (Nord), South – by the letter “S” (South), western longitude by the letter “W” (West), and eastern longitude by the letter “E” (East). ).

Find a place by coordinates on the Yandex Map

To determine the latitude and longitude coordinates of an object, just open “Yandex.Maps”, find the object we need on the map, and click on it with the cursor. A small window will immediately open next to the cursor, informing about the selected object and indicating its latitude and longitude coordinates.

Now to find this object on the map it will be enough to write down the data numeric values, and then simply enter them separated by commas in the “Yandex.Maps” search bar and press enter. The map will immediately move to the given location and point you to the object specified by the entered coordinates.

It is most convenient to share such coordinates while somewhere in nature; the other party will easily find your location simply by entering your coordinates into the Yandex.Maps search bar.

In addition to finding the desired point by latitude and longitude, the Yandex.Maps functionality makes it possible to build a pedestrian, automobile, bus route. To do this, just enter the numbers of latitude and longitude of the object you need into the search bar, click on enter, and after it is displayed on the screen, click on the button on the left “Build a route”.

Click on “Build route” to build various options route to the desired geographical point

You will need to enter the coordinates of the starting point of your journey (or type its address), and the service will automatically plot the most optimal route to it, and also indicate the approximate travel time and mileage.


If you need to search by your coordinates on Yandex Map, then it will be enough to enter the coordinates of the desired object by latitude and longitude in the search bar, and then press enter. If you just need to get the coordinates of the object you need, it will be enough to find it on Yandex.Map, click on it, and the required latitude and longitude coordinates will immediately be displayed in the sign that appears on the left.

One of the main and most interesting features Google Earth programs - search for any objects and places using previously known coordinates. To do this, you need to enter the required data in the search window specially designated for this. If you are working with the program for the first time and do not know How to enter coordinates in Google Earth, then read this article and follow the steps described here step by step.

Before we begin directly entering coordinates into Google Earth, we will understand the terminology, which will greatly facilitate the process of searching and entering them. For any point on the planet, the latitude is first indicated, and then the longitude. As an example, consider the coordinates of London Big Ben. For him:

  • latitude - 51° 30" and 3" N;
  • longitude - 0°, 7" and 28" W.

The degrees (°) are indicated first, then the minutes (") and seconds ("). The letter at the end (“N”, “W”, “E”, “S” or “C”, “Yu”, “Z”, “E”) is the cardinal direction (north, south, west and east, respectively). It turns out that the coordinates for London Big Ben will read like this: fifty-one degrees thirty minutes and three seconds north (N symbol) latitude (since it is always indicated first) and zero degrees, seven minutes and twenty-eight seconds west longitude .

Instructions for entering coordinates

  • Open Google Earth and wait for it to fully load (you need an Internet connection to work).
  • At the top of the screen, find the “Add” tab and select “Label” from the drop-down list.
  • You can also use hotkeys to quickly access required function(indicated opposite the name). For “Mark” this is a simultaneous pressing of the “CTRL”, “Shift” and “P” buttons (English layout).
  • A window will open for entering coordinates as shown in the screenshot below. In our instructions we use Big Ben's data, but you can try any others. To do this, just use the search or find out the coordinates of any important geographical object on Wikipedia.
  • Enter the width in the “Width” field, and the longitude in the “Longitude” field.
  • In the topmost field, enter a clear name for the label.

  • Now, in the same window, click on the “Description” button or in the “Label name” field. After this, you will move to the point you just entered.
  • To save the mark, click on the “Ok” or “Cancel” button to delete the changes made (in this case, the screen will not move anywhere and you can continue your observations).

Now you know how to use coordinate search in Google Earth and you can easily find any object. To get closer and take a closer look, use the mouse wheel.

Below are the coordinates of interesting places in Google Earth:

  • Alcatraz Prison - 37° 49" 35.91" N 122° 25" 22.11" W
  • Chernobyl nuclear power plant- 51°23"21.07"N 30° 6"1.03"E
  • Buran on Baikonur - 45°55"10.74"N, 63°18"36.73"E
  • France, Eiffel Tower - 48°51"29.54"N 2°17"39.69"E
  • Egypt, Pyramid of Cheops - 29°5841N 31°753E
  • Italy, Leaning Tower of Pisa - 43° 43 22.72, 10° 23 46.86
  • Stonehenge - 51°10"43.88"N 1°49"35.01"W
  • Greece, Akropolis - 37°58"16.69"N 23°43"34.10"E
  • Sydney Opera House - 33°51"24.34"S 151°12"54.17"E
  • New York, Statue of Liberty - 40°41"20.46N 74°02"40.66W
  • Pillau Fortress, Russia, Baltiysk, 54° 38" 32.56"N, 19° 53" 16.09"E
  • London Big Ben - 51°30"3.34"N 0°7"28.72"W
  • Rybachy village, nuclear submarine base: 52°55"9.98"N 158°29"21.44"E
  • Alcatraz Prison: 37° 49" 35.91" N 122° 25" 22.11" W
  • Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant: 51°23"21.07"N 30° 6"1.03"E
  • Abandoned ships of the liquidators of the Chernobyl accident 51°17"3.48"N, 30°12"47.93"E
  • Forgotten part of the missile attack warning system (not far from the Chernobyl nuclear power plant): 51°18"22.37"N 30° 4"1.21"E
  • Buran on Baikonur: 45°55"10.74"N, 63°18"36.73"E
  • France, Eiffel Tower: 48°51"29.54"N 2°17"39.69"E
  • Pos. Zvezdny, train stop with nuclear missiles: 57°41"26.60"N 56°17"56.14"E
  • NASA space tracking station. 35°24"8.54"S 148°58"52.69"E
  • And Bill Gates lives here 47°37"39.93"N 122°14"31.20"W
  • Britain, Stonehenge: 51°10?43.88?N 1°49?35.01?W
  • Egypt, Pyramid of Cheops: 29°58?41?N 31°7?53?E
  • Italy, Rome, Colosseum: 41°53?24.65N 12°29?32.85E
  • Britain, London - “Big Ben”: 51°30?3.34?N 0°7?28.72?W
  • USA, Los Angeles, “HOLLYWOOD”: 34° 8?2.64?N 118°19?17.98?W
  • Peru, Image of a face measuring 5x4 km on the rocks 16°20"5.58"S 71°57"39.72"W I looked at an altitude of 35 km.
  • Kazakhstan, Baikonur Cosmodrome. Launch site - 45°57?45.36?N 63°18?34.62?E
  • Jerusalem, Western Wall, 31°46?35.7?N 35° 14?4.1?E
  • Vatican, St. Peter's Temple, 41°54?7.49?N 12°27?22.41?E
  • Italy, Leaning Tower of Pisa, 43° 43? 22.72?, 10° 23? 46.86?
  • France, entrance to the Channel Tunnel, 50°55?20.34?N 1°46?54.84?E
  • Britain, entrance to the Channel Tunnel, 51° 5?49.17?N 1° 9?20.50?E
  • Fac on the field 53°32"19.24"N 1°20"48.18"W
  • Fascist symbols in buildings 32°40"36.63"N 117° 9"27.32"W
  • Drawings in the Peruvian Nazca Desert (center of the circle) - 14°41"18.31"S 75°07"23.01"W
  • Stonehenge - 51°10"43.88"N 1°49"35.01"W
  • London - "Big Ben" - 51°30"3.34"N 0°7"28.72"W
  • Washington - Pentagon - 38°52"16.39"N 77°3"27.76"W
  • Cape Canaveral Spaceport - 28°29"7.66"N 80°33"38.13"W
  • Baikonur Cosmodrome (one of the launch sites) - 45°59"46.06"N 63°33"50.18"E
  • Plesetsk Cosmodrome (low resolution) - 62°42"42.05"N 40°18"1.36"E
  • Aztec City - Teotihuacan (Mexico): 19°41"33.17"N 98°50"37.63"W
  • Cuicuilco - 19°18"5.73"N 99°10"53.14"W
  • Greece: Akropolis: 37°58"16.69"N 23°43"34.10"E
  • London, Heathrow Airport: 51°28"39.16"N 0°29"2.50"W
  • Flying car in Australia: 32° 0"42.42"S 115°47"10.49"E
  • Flying boat, in Buenos Airos: 34°36"29.85"S 58°21"52.79"W
  • Hoover Dam, USA, border of Arizona and Nevada: 36° 0"56.40"N 114°44"15.29"W.
  • Niagara Falls: 43° 4"40.36"N 79° 4"31.48"W
  • Egypt: Pyramids of Giza: 29°58"41"N 31°7"53"E
  • Rome, Colosseum: 41°53"24.65N 12°29"32.85E
  • New York: Statue of Liberty: 40°41"20.46N 74°02"40.66W
  • Germany: Cologne Cathedral: 50°56"29.21"N 6°57"30.58"E
  • Paris, Notre Dame: 48°51"10.70"N 2°21"00.10"E
  • Volgograd, statue of the Motherland: 48°44"32.47"N 44°32"12.93"E
  • Sydney Opera House: 33°51"24.34"S 151°12"54.17"E
  • Paris: Eiffel Tower 48°51"29.54"N 2°17"39.69"E
  • Paris: Palace of Versailles: 48°48"15.84"N 2°7"19.15"E
  • Berlin: Reichstag: 52°31"7.20"N 13°22"33.94"E
  • London: Towerbridge: 51°30"19.56"N 0°4"32.00"W
  • Rio de Janeiro, Moroccan Stadium: 22°54"43.51"S 43°13"48.33"W
  • Miami, Star Island: 25°46"36.92"N 80° 9"2.10"W
  • Spain: Barcelona: Stadium for 120,000 people: 41°21"52.94"N 2° 9"20.71"E
  • Ostankino TV tower: 55°49"10.97"N 37°36"44.50"E
  • Khodynskoye Field: Former military aviation museum: 55°47"21.77"N 37°32"14.24"E
  • Chernobyl contamination zone: Barge cemetery: 51°17"2.83"N 30°12"46.90"E
  • Nest of debauchery, island "Ibiza" 09°01"02.50"N 79°36"44.40"W
  • American Naval Base 36°57"30.16"N 76°19"45.15"W
  • The Palm Jumeirah 25° 6"55.53"N 55° 8"5.18"E
  • Hummingbird in the Nazca Desert 14°41"31.83"S 75° 8"56.72"W
  • Kennedy assassination site 32°46"44.38"N 96°48"31.34"W
  • Place of death of the legendary Titanic - 41°43"35"N 49°56"54"W
  • The city of Pripyat near the Chernobyl nuclear power plant: 51°24"20.35"N, 30°03"37.34"E

Google Maps is the most popular mapping service that was developed in 2005. But we will not delve into the history of its creation, advantages, etc. We'll talk about what they are secret places in Google Maps. Interested? Then read this article.

Google Maps - what is it?

As you may have already understood, in this article we will look at secret places in Google Maps. But first, for those who are not in the know, it’s worth briefly explaining what Google Maps is. Essentially, this is a map that covers the entire Earth (for those for whom this is not enough, you can additionally look at the map of Mars and the Moon). Thanks to Google's high-tech satellites, this map very accurately and clearly displays even the most remote corners of the planet.

But, perhaps, let's return to our sheep. Want to know where the secret places are in Google Maps? Read this article!

As you know, Google employs some very funny people. Developers are constantly adding some features, Easter eggs, and secrets to their software. For example, did you know that if you type the phrase “Google gravity” into the Google search bar and open the first link, you can observe how it affects the links, icons and pages of your browser.

And this is just one of thousands of examples. Google developers constantly insert some funny features into their creations. The mapping service from this company was no exception. The developers have also added so-called secret places to Google Maps. secret and interesting locations that are marked on the map. In this article we will talk about how to find them.

Secret places in Google Maps: coordinates and their descriptions

Well, let’s not drag our feet, and let’s jump straight into it. Below we will look at the most strange places in Google Maps.

By entering coordinates 66.266667, 179.250000, you can observe an unknown area of ​​​​Siberia, located near Alaska. What's there? This question excites the minds of many Russian residents.

By entering the coordinates 37.7908, 122.3229 into Google Maps, you can observe a real plane crash. The map shows a plane broken in two. It is not known for certain whether this is a real disaster or an ordinary production.

At coordinates 36.949346,122.065383 you can see a skeleton of quite impressive size. It’s creepy to even imagine what animal these bones belong to.

If you're a conspiracy buff, this next location is sure to pique your interest. By entering the coordinates 32.664162, 111.487119, you can see the secret BBC base, which is located in the United States of America. It is not known for certain what they are doing at this base, but if you wish, you can find a lot of the most fantastic theories on this matter.

By typing 54 28"6.32", 64 47"48.20" into the coordinate line, you can see a rather interesting picture. At this location, the inscription “Lenin 100 years”, which consists of trees, is clearly visible.

Sci-Fi lovers should type 19 56"56.76"S, 69 38"2.08"W into Google Maps. At these coordinates there is a drawing that strongly resembles an alien. Is this really the work of an extraterrestrial civilization?

Well, since this is the case, let’s not stray too far from the topic of aliens. At coordinates 45.70333,21.301831 you can see a real UFO hiding among the trees.

By entering the coordinates 45.408166, 123.008118, you can see the plane “parked” in the middle of the trees.

Remember how, as a child, playing on the beach with a shovel and a bucket, our parents told us something like: “Wow, what a deep hole, just a little more and you’ll dig all the way to China!” We took it as a joke, but apparently it was a very real warning. Don't believe me? Then enter the coordinates 38.85878007241521,111.6031789407134 into Google Maps and see a giant hole right in the middle of China!

At coordinates 44 14"39.45", 7 46"10.32" you can see a huge pink hare. It’s scary to imagine the “little” girl who played with him.

We've all probably heard and read about the notorious Area 52. By typing the coordinates 37.401437, 116.86773 into Google Maps, you can also look at this top-secret base.

Did Google Maps help you solve a murder?

There is also one interesting story, which deserves special attention. At coordinates 52.376552, 5.198308 you can see the reservoir of the city of Almer. The pier, the trees, the beautiful landscape - everything would be fine if not for one detail. In the photo you can see a man dragging a corpse to the lake. Google Satellite captured a small pier, several figures and a suspicious trail that could be mistaken for blood. But everything is not as it seems at first glance. In fact, there was no murder.

As one reputable publishing house later found out, the card depicted the retriever Rama, who went for a walk with his owner Jacqueline Quenen. The dog simply jumped into the water and then ran to its owner, who was standing on a wooden pier. The frame left behind a wet trail, which Internet users mistook for blood.

The owner of the dog, who saw the photo on the Internet, helped shed light on this “murder.”
