Summary of physical education classes in kindergarten. Middle group

Program content:

  1. Teach children to maintain stable balance when walking on increased support; practice vigorous pushing off the floor and soft landing on bent legs while jumping forward.
  2. Develop and improve motor skills. Form such physical qualities, like leg strength (walking with high knees, jumping forward); balance (walking on an increased support area, walking on limited area supports).
  3. To cultivate expressiveness and beauty of movements; cultivate the ability to listen carefully to the teacher’s explanations and act on his signal.

Motivation: Today guys, we have two very difficult tasks. First: you need to walk along a very high bench and not fall. And only the one with the straightest back and whose eyes will be looking at the landmark (red circle) will be able to pass. And the second task is to jump over this yellow bar. And only the one who tries hard, who has the most obedient knees (I show a half-squat in a jump) can do this.

Progress of the lesson.

Bottom line.



Abstract physical education class V middle group kindergarten.

Program content:

  1. Teach children to maintain stable balance when walking on elevated support; practice vigorous pushing off the floor and soft landing on bent legs while jumping forward.
  2. Develop and improve motor skills. Develop physical qualities such as leg strength (walking with high knees, jumping forward); balance (walking over a larger area of ​​support, walking over a limited area of ​​support).
  3. To cultivate expressiveness and beauty of movements; cultivate the ability to listen carefully to the teacher’s explanations and act on his signal.

Motivation : Today guys, we have two very difficult tasks. First: you need to walk along a very high bench and not fall. And only the one with the straightest back and whose eyes will be looking at the landmark (red circle) will be able to pass. And the second task is to jump over this yellow stripe. And only the one who tries hard, who has the most obedient knees (I show a half-squat in a jump) can do this.

Progress of the lesson:

Part I: Walking in a column one at a time, at the teacher’s command, switching to walking, stepping over cords (40 cm), easy running.

Part II : formation in 2 columns.

  • General development exercises:
  1. I.p. feet shoulder-width apart, cube in right hand. Passing the cube over your head to left hand, and vice versa (4 times).
  2. I.p. feet shoulder-width apart, cube behind your back. Hands forward - sit down - stand - hands behind your back (4 times).
  3. I.p. legs spread wide apart, cube in right hand. Tilt to the right, the right hand slides down, the left one rises to the waist. Tilt to the left, the left hand slides down, the right hand rises to the waist (4 times).
  4. I.p. sitting on the floor, legs apart, holding the cube with both hands behind your back. Cube forward - bend forward, touch the floor, straighten up as far as possible, cube forward - return to the starting position (4 times).
  5. I.p. lying on your stomach, hands under your chin, cube lying in front of you. Swing your legs, first slowly, then quickly (2 sets).
  6. I.p. legs together, cube pressed tightly to chest. Jumping on two legs, alternating with walking (2 sets).
  7. Breathing exercise. Hands up, deep breath through the nose, tilt down - exhale deeply through the mouth.
  • Main types of movements:
  1. Balance – walking on a gymnastic bench. Hands on the belt, in the middle of the bench, arms to the sides - sit down - hands on the belt - reach the end of the bench, jump off gently, legs slightly bent at the knees. Draw the attention of children that their eyes are directed towards a landmark. After the bench, walk over a limited area of ​​support, with a high hip lift, hands on the belt, back straight.
  2. Jumping on two legs with forward movement, you need to jump over the yellow stripe (standard 60 cm), repeat 4 times. After jumping, walk with your back straight.
  • Outdoor game "Cat and Mice"

On one side of the hall there are 2 hoops - this is the house of mice.

Vaska the cat is sitting in the corner,

Pretended to be asleep.

Mice crawl through hoops and run on their toes throughout the room. A child in a cat mask sits on a high chair with his eyes closed.

Mice, mice

That's the trouble

Run away from the cat!

Children run into the holes through the unenclosed part (the hoops are removed). Repeat 3 times.

Part III : walking in a column one at a time, following a guide in a group.

Result: Guys, think and tell me, who tried really hard today and jumped over the yellow line? Or maybe it didn’t work out for someone? Who had the straightest back when walking on the bench? Maybe someone didn't manage to walk on the bench correctly? Guys, if someone didn’t succeed, what can we do (practice and next time everything will definitely work out)?

— To develop physical qualities in children 4-5 years old: endurance, speed, agility.

— Strengthen the ability to walk “snake” between objects, walk, stepping over objects.

- Practice crawling under the arch.

- on two legs.

— Develop balance when walking on a gymnastic bench.

— Provide customization educational process in class taking into account physical health and development of each child.

— , self-confidence.

Equipment. Balls of small diameter 6-12 cm (according to the number of children), two gymnastic benches, two arches, 8 hoops, 8 Christmas trees, 10 snowballs, a “magic” wand, 3 snowflakes, 3 movement patterns.

Character. Snow Queen.

Progress of a physical education lesson

I. Introductory part.

Children enter the hall to the music and line up from column to line.

R.f. Today I received a mysterious letter (shows). Do you want to know who this letter is from and what is written here?

Children. Yes.

R.f.(reads). “Dear guys! I am the Snow Queen. I invite you to visit me. I will be very glad to meet you.” We are invited to visit. Do you like to visit?

Children. Yes.

R.f. Only the Snow Queen didn’t write where we should go. Maybe you know where she lives?

Children. In the snow kingdom.

R.f. You're probably right. But we have a lot to do long way with unusual obstacles. Are you ready?

Children. Yes.

R.f. Then let's go! Jump to the right! First, let's walk along a flat path at a normal pace!

There are Christmas trees ahead. Hands on the belt, walking like a snake between the trees.

Now let's warm up a little. Running on your toes.

There are snowballs ahead. Hands to the sides, walking, stepping over snowballs.

And let's warm up again. Hands on your waist, run, raising your knees high (children with a warm-up group walk inside a circle).

Finished running. And now let's go at the usual pace again!

II. Main part

Formation into links for performing general developmental exercises.

General developmental exercises with a small diameter ball

R.f. Here we come with you to a fairy meadow.

What wonderful snowballs you have.

Don't be surprised by the magic of snowballs

Feel free to join in on the tasks.

These wonderful snowballs are good for warming up!

1. I.p. — o.s., ball in left hand.

1-hands to the sides, 2-forward, transfer the ball to the right hand, 3-to the sides, 4-p. 6 rub. (do not bend over).

2. I.p. - legs apart, arms to the sides, ball in the left hand.

1-turn the body to the left, pass the ball to the right hand, 2-I.p., 3-4-the same to the right. 6 rub. (do not move your legs, arms straight)

3. I.p. - wide stance, ball in left hand.

1, 2, 3 - lean forward, roll the ball to the right foot, take the ball right hand, 4-p. 6 rubles, children with pre-school age. gr-4 r. (do not bend your knees).

4. I.p. - stand on your knees, arms to the sides, ball in your left hand.

1-sit on your heels, arms back, pass the ball to your right hand, 2-p. 6 rub. (look forward, do not bend, back straight).

5. I.p. - sitting, legs apart, ball below in both hands.

1-tilt to the left leg, touch the toe of the left leg with the ball, 2-ip., 3-4 to the right leg. 6 rubles, children from prep. gr. –4 rub. (do not bend your knees).

6. I.p.-closed stance, hands on the belt, ball on the floor.

Jumping around the ball left and right. Alternate with walking. 2 rubles, children from prep. gr. 1 rub.

R.f. Well done! You did an excellent job. I wonder what new test the Snow Queen has prepared? Let's take a look at the magical snowflakes. Listen carefully! “To get to my palace, you need...” (shows diagrams of basic movements and tells how to perform them correctly). Can we handle it?

Children. Yes.

R.f. To get to faster Snow Queen, we will carry out tasks in two units. Jump to the right, march behind the links!

Basic movements

1. Walking on a gymnastic bench (on a bridge).

Children with preparatory group get off the bench, the rest jump off.

2. Climbing under an arc (under a snow gate)

3. Jumping from hoop to hoop (from ice to ice).

Children from the preparatory group jump through two hoops.

Formation into a column or line.

R.f. Guys, you completed all the tasks and quietly came to visit the Snow Queen.

The Snow Queen comes out

Sn. cor. Hello guys! I am very glad that you came to visit me. I see you guys are brave, strong, dexterous. And I want to play with you. I have wand. I'll freeze anyone I touch.

Outdoor game “We are funny guys”(2 rubles).

Children stand in the middle of the hall, lined up in a circle. There is a trap in the center of the circle. The children say the words in chorus:

We are funny guys

We love to run and jump,

Well. try to catch up with us,

One, two, three, catch!

III. Final part

Sn.cor. Well done, guys! Now please help me make a pattern of snowflakes.

R.f. Shall we help the Snow Queen?

Children. Yes.

Sn.cor. Then I will blow on you and turn you into light, fluffy snowflakes (blows).

Low mobility game “Funny Snowflakes” (2 rubles).

Children walk quietly around the hall. At the signal “The wind has blown,” they spin around in place. the text reads:

Fluffy snowflakes

Tired of flying

Stopped spinning

We sat down to rest.

Children squat on the last line. After a short rest, the game is repeated.

Sn.cor. Thank you guys. For your efforts, I will teach you how to blow on snowflakes so that they spin smoothly.

Breathing exercises “Snowflakes” (3 r).

Children blow on their palms and blow away “snowflakes.”

Sn.cor. Thank you guys for coming to visit me. And guests are always treated. And I want to treat you with candy (he treats you).

R.f. Children, you are probably a little tired. Let's relax and fall asleep in a magical sleep.

Relaxation “Magic sleep”.

R.f. Guys, here we are already in kindergarten. What miracle happened to you?

What did you do while visiting the Snow Queen? What was the hardest task for you? Which is the easiest? Did you enjoy your visit? But it's time to return to the group.

Children line up in a line, column and go into a group.

Physical education for children is extremely important. They serve not only an entertaining purpose, but also teach you to explore the world, provide the necessary stress on the muscles, and prevent diseases. Any physical education lesson in the middle group and others must be structured according to the Federal State Educational Standard.

What is GEF?

GEF is federal standard preschool education. The goal of the standard is to create all the conditions for the formation of successful individuals. So that after leaving kindergarten the child has such qualities as independence, self-confidence, the ability to complete everything, attentiveness and determination.

Physical education classes in the middle group according to the Federal State Educational Standard should carry an information load. Be it introducing children to the world around them, fairy tales or even the importance of physical education in their lives.

Physical education lesson “Forest inhabitants”

Preschool physical education has many more opportunities than school physical education. It contributes not only to the child’s athletic development. Everything depends on the professionalism of the teacher. First of all, you need to teach children to perform movements of varying complexity. Secondary tasks may include speech development, homework, etc.

In addition, physical education classes in the middle group according to the Federal State Educational Standard should be aimed at developing in children the qualities that are necessary successful person. The desire to win, the ability to show willpower, initiative, etc.

The theme of forest dwellers for the lesson will be very relevant in the middle group. Children will get acquainted with the “forest world” and learn new interesting facts about animals. This exciting activity will allow you to easily learn new exercises and reinforce those you already know.

Objectives of the lesson “Forest inhabitants”

To successfully conduct a lesson, you need to carefully prepare. Determine tasks and goals, have the necessary equipment, and clearly fit into the allotted time. So, the objectives of this lesson are as follows:

  1. To consolidate and expand children's knowledge about forest animals.
  2. Learn to walk on benches while maintaining balance.
  3. Learn to jump short distances, from hoop to hoop.
  4. Arouse children's interest in active games.

Don't set yourself too many tasks. Children are constantly learning something new and will get a lot more out of the lesson. useful information. It is necessary to highlight the main goals and pay special attention to them.

Equipment for the lesson “Forest Dwellers”

In addition to what is included in the usual equipment for kindergarten, sometimes you may need additional elements- layouts, posters. You can make them in advance with your children.

For the lesson you will need:

Long benches;

Skittles or flowers made of thick cardboard;

Cardboard circles in three colors;

Buckets or baskets;

Rope and clothespins.

Cardboard circles and flowers need to be prepared in advance, bring a rope with clothespins. And everything else is usually included in standard equipment for a kindergarten.

Lesson plan

  1. Tell interesting story about the forest, introduce children to the habits of some animals.
  2. Invite the children to tell what they know about animals. Leading questions should be asked to make it easier for children to find their way: “Children, do you know where the bear lives?” etc.

  1. Warm-up consists of jumping and leg raises (5 min.). Bears are stomping through the forest (we raise our feet and stomp), bunnies are jumping (jumping).
  2. Exercise “The morning begins” (7 min.). Stretch, stretch out on your toes. Bend over with outstretched arms (the sun is rising).
  3. Exercise “The bear came out of the den.” We hold the hoop, the children climb through the neg and stretch (3 min.).
  4. Exercise “Flowers on the lawn.” Scatter cardboard flowers around the room and instruct the “bunnies” to collect them. Children jump and bring flowers (3 min.).
  5. Exercise “Crossing the bridge.” Children take turns climbing onto the bench and walking along it. Give a hand if the baby cannot cope (5 min.).
  6. Exercise "Snake". Place the pins in a line, 1 meter apart. Children must run between them, holding each other by the waist, like a snake (5 min.).
  7. Exercise "Collecting nuts." Color the cardboard circles different colors, attach with clothespins to a rope. Children need to unfasten the clothespin and put all the nuts in different baskets (4 minutes).
  8. Game "The Fox and the Chicken". The fox can be a child chosen by a counting rhyme, or a leader. The chickens (the rest of the children) are walking around the room, suddenly a fox runs out and catches everyone who did not have time to jump inside the hoop. The caught baby becomes a fox, and the fox becomes a chicken (10 min.).

These exercises will be very exciting for children and they will enjoy doing them in such a playful way.

Brief lesson summary

First you need to tell the children about the forest.

The forest never sleeps. Together with the sun, bears, squirrels, bunnies, and wolves wake up. What other forest animals do you know? They collect food all day. Bears feast on raspberries, squirrels feast on nuts and cones, wolves hunt bunnies. What do bunnies like to eat? There are also chickens living in the forest. They are called capercaillie, hazel grouse. They build their houses in small holes. Who else is building houses for themselves? A squirrel builds a house from thin twigs. She makes a circle out of them with two doors. Why does a squirrel need such a big tail? With its help, it is easier for her to jump on branches, and in winter she covers herself with it like a blanket. How does a fox hunt? She hears mice and hits the ground with her paws. The mice get scared and run out of the houses. This is where the fox catches them. What interesting things do you know about the forest?

Then we do the exercises themselves. A physical education lesson in the middle group will be very fun if it is accompanied by a story. For example, the sun has risen (everyone has stretched out), the bunnies are jumping on the lawn (jumping), the bears are stomping angrily, they want to get some more sleep (we are stomping, raising our legs).

Ending the lesson

When the exercises for children are completed, you need to sum up summary. Ask the children what they liked most about the forest. Which animals are the jumpiest and which are the heaviest? Ask some questions about the forest from the opening story.

You can gather equipment together and ask where the children would like to go next.

Impact on children during class

Young children may not yet be able to do some things. Some people don’t know how to walk on a bench, others don’t know how to unfasten clothespins. There is no need to insist on completing the task or scold the child for it. Physical education classes in the middle group should teach new things, and not discourage the desire to try your hand.

If a child does not succeed in something, the teacher’s task is to encourage him and gently push him to complete it. For example, take the baby’s hand and show how the clothespins are unfastened. Then invite him to try it himself.

Such physical education in the middle group should be permanent.

Lesson objectives: to develop motor improvisation skills in children; mastery of basic actions using the ball; cultivate personal qualities.

Equipment: balls with a diameter of 15 cm, music center.

The lesson is held in the gym.

Planned result.

Children develop: basic physical qualities (dexterity, jumping ability, balance); need for motor activity; ability to act independently.
- Independence and activity are formed; the ability to listen and hear, to make voluntary movements to music in accordance with the nature of the melody; navigate in space.

Approximate course of a physical education lesson

Content Dose-
Introductory part 4 min
1. Formation, greeting30 sIn one line
2. General developmental exercises
in motion. Walking on toes, on heels, on outside feet, with hip lift, bending over, squatting, running, walking to restore breathing
3 minWith poetic accompaniment:

We walk on our toes

And now on your heels,

Everyone checked their posture and squeezed their shoulder blades together.

The clumsy bears went through the forest,

The clubfoot bears did not find any cones.

We're walking, we're walking,

We raise our legs higher,

We go like horses

We carry our heads straight.

The goats went out for a walk,

Pinch some fresh grass,

We looked left, right,

They sang a sonorous song.

Geese are a type of poultry

They walk proudly in a line.

Geese, geese!

Ha, ha, ha.

Do you want to eat?

Yes, yes, yes.

The monkeys ran

No one was overtaken

And now we're back on our feet,

They ran after each other

3. Construction for the main part of the lesson30 sTake a specially designated place
Main part 12 min
1. Rhythmic gymnastics2 min 30sMusical accompaniment - song " True friend"(lyrics by M. Plyatskovsky, music by Savelyev)
I.p. - left leg on the toe, right arm bent;

1 - change;

3 - change;

4 timesI.p. - starting position.

Perform the exercise rhythmically, with the heel high off the floor

I.p. - standing, hands on the belt;

1 - half squat, head down;

3 - half squat, head back;

5 - half squat, head to the right;

7 - half squat, head to the left;

4 timesSpring movements, back straight, elbows to the sides
I.p. - o.s.;

1 - raise your shoulders;

3 - raise your right shoulder;

5 - raise your left shoulder;

8 timesO.S. - basic stance (legs together, arms down), shoulder blades connected, back straight, legs together
I.p. - o.s.;

1 - half squat, hands on the belt;

2 - straighten your legs, turn to the right, arms to the sides;

3 - half squat, hands on the belt;

4 - straighten your legs, turn to the left, arms to the sides

4 timesBack straight, legs together
I.p. - legs apart, hands on the belt;

1 - half squat;

2 - straighten your legs, tilt to the right;

3 - half squat;

4 - straighten your legs, tilt to the left

4 timesTilt as low as possible, exactly to the side
I.p. - legs apart, arms up
into the lock; 1 - bend forward, arms down; 2 - i.p.
8 timesLegs straight
I.p. - standing, hands on the belt;

1 - raise your hands up;

3 - squat, arms forward;

5 - bend forward, touch the floor with your hands;

7 - squat, arms forward;

4 timesWhen squatting, keep your back straight; when bending, try not to bend your legs.
I.p. - stand with your legs apart, arms bent at the elbows in front of you;

1 - swing right foot, bent
in the knee;

2 - the same with the other leg and hand

4 timesBack straight, swing leg as high as possible, support straight
I.p. - o.s.;

1 - right hand swing, clap
under the foot;

2 - the same left

4 timesThe swing leg is as high as possible, the supporting leg can be slightly bent
I.p. - o.s.;

1 - jump legs apart, arms
on the belt;

2 - jump o.s.;

3, 4 - the same at an accelerated pace

8 timesJumps are performed at an increasing pace
I.p. - right leg forward, left leg back, hands on the belt;

1 - change position with a jump;

2 - jump o.s.

8 timesOn socks, easy. Finally, walking in place with breathing restored
I.p. - o.s.;

1 - rise on your toes, arms up;

2, 3 - lower the hands and elbows one by one;

4 - lower your arms, bend your knees, arch your back

4 times1 - stretch out as high as possible on your toes;

2, 3 - maintain an extended position;

4 - relax

2. A set of exercises with a ball9 minWith poetic accompaniment

fairy tales "Kolobok"

Hand ball rolls:

I.p. - standing, ball in hands;

1 - roll the ball in a circular motion with your right hand on your left palm;

2 - the same with the other hand;

3 - simultaneously with both hands

The old woman baked it on Wednesday

Grandfather Kolobok for lunch...

Grasp the ball, fingers slightly apart, elbows to the sides, back straight

Ball rolls by hand:

I.p. - standing, arms forward, ball lying down
on palms facing up;

1 - roll the ball towards you;

2 - blow on the ball and roll it

And cool it down a little

I put it on the window...

Hands are straight, next to each other, fingers raised up

Hitting the ball on the floor:

I.p. - standing, ball in hands;

1 - release the ball with a light hit
about the ground;

2 - catch the ball

Kolobok did not wait long,

He jumped down and galloped...

Hold the ball at mid-abdomen level, fingers slightly apart, elbows to the sides, back straight

Ball rolls by hand:

I.p. - standing, ball in right hand, hand to the side, roll the ball onto your chest with your left hand, intercept the ball with your right hand and roll it down your left hand
on the palm.

Same in the other direction

Along the path through the meadow

He rolled, he saw, suddenly...

Roll the ball along your outstretched arm from bottom to top, fingering it with your fingers, back straight

I.p. - o.s., the ball is on the floor.

Jump around the ball on two legs, then jump forward over the ball

Bunny hops from a bush...

Taking off in jumps is performed with both legs at the same time. Landing on your toes with a smooth descent onto your heels

I.p. - standing, hands on the waist, the ball pressed to the floor with the right foot.

Roll the ball back and forth with your foot
in a circular motion.

Same with the left foot

He says: “Wait, my friend!

Where are you going alone?

Answer me, why are you silent?

I am a ruddy Kolobok,

I have a baked side.

My path is close, is it far?!

I can easily leave you...

Back straight, hands on waist, try to maintain balance

I.p. - lean forward, ball on the floor.

Use your hands to roll the ball over your legs from bottom to top and in the opposite direction.

Along the path straight into the forest

It rolls, suddenly, hears a crash...

When bending forward, try not to bend your knees, keep your feet together

I.p. - squat, ball in hands in front
by yourself;1 - stand up, move your hands with the ball to the right;2 - i.p.;3 - stand up, move your hands with the ball to the left;4 - i.p.
Wolf (comes out of the thicket): “Are you scared?”

Well, of course!

I got you at the right time,

I was just hungry...

I.p. - standing, holding the ball in your knees.

Jumping with advancement

The gingerbread man started to run,

What was the strength...

Try to hold the ball with your feet, hands on your waist

I.p. - standing, holding the ball on the floor with your feet.

Bend forward, turning left and right

The wolf fell behind, but ahead,

A bridge is visible on the way...

With your right hand, imitate a visor, lean forward and look into the distance

I.p. - standing, holding the ball on the floor with your feet;

1 - lift the ball with your right foot;

3 - lift the ball with your left foot;

The Bear is standing on the bridge,

He says to Kolobok...

Try to hold the ball, back straight, hands on waist

I.p. - standing, holding the ball on the floor with your feet. Walking back and forth “That’s good luck, wait, wait.

I'll take you with me.

It will be a nice dinner for me..."

Kolobok is gone...

Imitate the movement of a bear,

without releasing the ball

I.p. - squat, ball on the floor;

1 - roll the ball around you to the right;

3 - roll the ball around to the left;

He rolled towards the river,

Look, the Fox is sitting on a stump...

The back is straight, while squatting, lift your heels off the floor


Oh, what a blush,

Sit down with me and sing a song...

Try not to bend your arms, palms turned up - “plate”, perform a spring movement with your legs, back straight

I.p. - standing, ball in outstretched arms;

1 - half squat, lower your arms;

2 - throw the ball forward and upward;

3 - half squat, lower your arms;

4 - throw the ball forward and up

Kolobok has forgotten,

He jumps on the fox's nose,

And I got caught in the teeth.

Perform the throw with outstretched arms, palms turned up, assisted by the spring movement of the legs

Final part 4 min
1. Outdoor game.

Free running to music

2 min 30 s“One, two, three... find your place.”

Music sounds, children run freely around the hall. After the instructor turns off the music, children must find their place.

2. Summing up, leaving the hall1 min 30 sOne at a time in a column

Program content:

  1. To develop children's coordination and throwing power while throwing a bag into the distance with their right and left hands.
  2. Improve your ability to crawl under an arch, arch your back, and avoid touching the floor with your hands.
  3. Strengthen the ability to maintain posture and balance when walking on a reduced support area /on a bench/ with an object in your hands.
  4. Activate speech activity. Develop the relationship between speech activity and movements, general and fine motor skills.
  5. Evoke an emotional response in children to participate in a gaming activity.

Preliminary work: looking at illustrations about winter, reciting and memorizing nursery rhymes.

Equipment: 2 gymnastic benches, bags (cotton balls) according to the number of children, 2 arches, a hat for a snow woman.

Progress of the lesson

Introductory part:


White snow lies around
The fence and the house became white.
Even the roof is gray
All white from snow!

- Children, when does this happen? ( in winter)

“It’s getting cold outside, but we’ll still go for a walk, just dress warmer.”

Hand and foot massage (coordination of speech with movements).

We bought Varenka (stroke your right hand, then your left hand)
Mittens (from fingers to wrist)
And felt boots (simultaneous stroking the legs from bottom to top).
Let's put on a warm fur coat (imitation of movements)
And let's go for a walk soon.

Educator: We can go for a walk.

Like on thin ice (walking in a column one at a time)
A little white snow fell.
Ah, winter, winter,
Snow White has arrived.

So as not to trample the snowball (walking on toes, hands on belt),
We need to stand on our toes.

Not enough snow (walking forward)
Under the snow the ice glistens timidly.
We'll slide on the snow
Deftly and skillfully.

It started snowing.
Everyone is very happy about snow.
We'll go catch snowflakes (walking in a circle, alternately pointing forward),
We'll go catch some fluff (right, left hand).

Let's run to catch snowflakes (running in a circle).
Let's run to catch fluff.

Educator: We caught a lot of snowflakes, let's make snowballs.

Movement exercise “Snowballs”

We're making, we're making snowballs walking with clapping
Snow pies. imitation of movements
These are the snowballs - snow pies.

Children take “snowballs” (balls made of cotton wool) or throwing bags.

Main part:

ORU “Let's play with snowball”

  1. “We want to play with the snowball, hold it cold, in one palm, then the other, we’ll hold our own snowball.”
    I.P.: o.s. B: 1 – pass the snowball over your head and one hand to the other.
    2 – i.p. Repeat 6–8 times
  2. “Look at the snowball, and be careful not to drop it.”
    IP: feet shoulder-width apart, hand with snowball extended forward.
    B: 1 – turn the body to the right with your hand, 2 – i.p., shift the snowball
    in the left hand, 3 – turn to the left, 4 – i.p. Repeat 6-7 times in each direction
  3. “We’ll play with the snow, put it on the ground and pick it up.”
    I.P.: – feet shoulder-width apart, snowball in both hands.
    B: 1 – bend over, put the snowball on the floor, 2 – straighten up.
    3 – bend down, take a snowball, 4 – i.p. repeat 6 – 8 times
  4. “Now let’s go squat, come on, have fun, guys!”
    I.P.: O.S., snowball in hands. B: 1 – sit down, stretch your arms forward, 2 – i.p. Repeat 6–8 times
  5. “We’ll jump around a little and warm our feet.”
    I.P.: o.s., snowball on the floor. B: jumping in place, hands on the belt, alternating with walking. Repeat 3 times for 15–20 jumps
  6. “Our feet are moving, we’ll warm them up a little.”
    B: walking around a snowball

ATS: “1, 2, 3, 4, 5 – we will throw snowballs.”

1. Throwing a bag (cotton ball) into the distance with the right and left hands.

“We’ll take the snowballs and walk across the bridge”

2. Walking on a bench while holding a snowball”

“We’ll pass under the gate and carry the snowball”

3. Climb under the arc, without touching the floor with your hands, a snowball in your hands.

Educator: Children, what else can you make out of snow? ( children's answers)

– I want to teach you how to sculpt a bunny and a snow woman.

Finger game “Making a bunny” (coordination of speech with movements)

We made a snowball (imitation of movements)
The ears were made later showing (“ears”)
And just instead of eyes (index fingers touch the corners of the eyes)
We found some coals.
The bunny came out as if alive! (Bring your arms to your chest, hands down)
He has a tail and a head! (Show the tail, then put both hands on head)
Don't pull your mustache - (wag a finger)
They're made from straws!
Long, shiny (spread your hands from your nose to the sides)
Definitely real! (Shake head)

Outdoor game “Snow Woman” (coordination of speech with movements)

Children stand in a circle. The snow woman stands in the center of the circle.

Today from a wet ball (walk in a circle, rolling an imaginary snowball)
We made a snow woman near the house.
Carrot nose and broom in hand (imitation of movements, according to the text)
A large bucket on her head.
Snow woman play now (clap hands)
And quickly catch up with our guys (the children run away, the snow woman catches up with them).

The final part.

Educator: How nice we had a walk on the street today, but it’s time for us to go back to kindergarten.

Let's say goodbye to the snow woman:

- You stand by the green Christmas tree, snowy woman.
- Well, our kids are returning home. (Calm walking in a circle)