How to run a reg file online as a batch file. Working with the Windows registry: how to run the regedit program on your computer? Double click


Call the main system menu by clicking the “Start” button and go to “All Programs”. Expand the Accessories link and launch the Notepad application. Create a new text document.

Type Windows registry Editor Version 5.00 on the first line of the created document and be sure to leave the next line blank. On the next line specify the section registry a, to be added file, in square brackets: [Path registry A].

On the fourth line of the document, enter the name of the parameter to be added to registry in quotes: "Parameter". After the name of the desired file put an equal sign and indicate desired type data:"Parameter"="Data type".

Please note the allowed types: - Reg_Binary - hexadecimal parameter; - Reg_Dword - string parameter; - Reg_Expand_SZ - hexadecimal parameter that does not require a value; - Reg_Multi_SZ - special hexadecimal parameter.

Next, put a colon in Enter the required value::data_value". Thus, this line should look like "Parameter"="Data type: data_value". The last line of the created document must be empty. The full syntax of the created reg- file:Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00[Path registry a]"Parameter"="Data type:data_value"

Save the created text document with the extension .reg and enclosing the value of the name and extension in quotes. Run the created reg file in one of the following ways: - double click (you will need to confirm the selected action by clicking "Yes" in the system prompt window that opens); - REGEDIT command in the Windows command interpreter; - REG ADD command; - INF files Reboot the system to apply the changes made.


  • Windows Registry Basics

User Editing registry Windows OS - an action potentially dangerous to normal functioning operating system. Microsoft does not recommend doing this, but sometimes it becomes necessary to make “spot” changes to the registry that cannot be made using standard OS tools. Therefore, the manufacturer is still in keys included in software default and editor registry.


Right-click the My Computer icon on your desktop and select context menu"Editor" item registry" - this will give you access to the tool for changing the system registry. If this icon is not on your desktop, then open the main menu on the “Start” button and select the “Run” line in it. This command (or the WIN + R key combination) opens the program launch dialog. Type in the input field regedit command and click the "OK" button - editor registry You can open it this way too.

Save a backup before editing registry. This editor does not have an undo function, so you may need a copy to roll back to the original state in case of an error. Expand the “File” section in the menu and select “Export”. A dialog for saving the file will open - specify the storage location and file name and click the “Save” button.

Navigate to the branch where you want to add the key by expanding the folders in the left pane of the editor. See the full path to the folder that is selected in at the moment You can do it in the status bar - it's at the very bottom of the editor window.

Right-click the free space in the right pane of the editor where the parameters of the branch you need are located. There will be only one line in the context menu (“Create”), hover your mouse over which you will see a set of five types of keys (string parameter, binary parameter, DWORD parameter, multi-string parameter, expandable string parameter) - select the one you need. The exact same selection can be seen if you expand the “Edit” section in the editor menu and select “New”. The “DWORD parameter” creates a key, the value of which must be a four-byte integer in binary, hexadecimal or decimal formats. The “Binary parameter” must contain binary data in hexadecimal format. A "string parameter" must contain text of a fixed length. An "extensible string parameter" creates a key with a text string of variable length. A "multi-string parameter" creates a key containing multiple lines of text separated by spaces or some other characters .

Type the name of the key immediately after selecting its type - the editor will assign the created parameter a default name and immediately enable editing. When finished with the key name, press Enter.

Right-click the created parameter, enter its value, and click OK.

Certificate are called electronic document, intended for signing installed applications in the Symbian OS environment. Certificates are issued by specialized centers and issued by Symbian itself.

You will need

  • - s60SignSis;
  • - UCWEB.


Download and install in mobile device Ucweb browser recommended by the developer. The browser will allow you to perform the saving procedure the required certificate.

Launch the installed Ucweb browser and press the joystick on the “Enter address” field.

Click the Submit button to confirm sending the request and wait for a new dialog box to open indicating the success of the submit operation.

Click the found button and specify the Save command in the new dialog box to save the received certificate.

Wait for the download process to complete and close the Ucweb browser.

Use your installed file manager to determine the required certificate in the UCDownload folder (default) or use installed browser to perform the certificate obtaining operation. The algorithm of actions is not .

Complete the procedure for signing the required applications with the received certificate using the previously installed s60SignSis program. An alternative way to order and receive a certificate is to use the “Functions” - “Order” menu option of the s60SignSis program itself.

Video on the topic


  • Obtaining a certificate for Nokia
  • Obtaining a Symbian Signed Publisher ID certificate yourself

The registry is a structured OS Windows database that contains information about system settings and status. Many viruses change the state of the registry to disguise their presence. The result of these actions may be a prohibition from launching the “Control Panel”, “Task Manager”, the inability to surf the Internet, etc.

At some point while working on a PC, each user may need to make changes to the Windows registry. The most trivial example is that the language bar has disappeared and to restore it you need to find and run it on regedit computer.exe. Perhaps for advanced users such an action will not cause any problem, but for beginners such advice will instantly respond with the phrase “it’s easy to say, but how to do it?” Indeed, how to run regedit on a computer? It's actually very simple - just use one of 4 simple methods.

Option number 1: Launch the registry editor through the “Start” system menu

Perhaps this is the most convenient and simplest method that can be used to open regedit on absolutely all computers, regardless of the version of the Windows operating system installed on them. True, depending on the system interface, the actions will differ slightly:

Option #2: Launch regedit using Windows Explorer

You can also get started with the Registry Editor by using the operating system explorer. To do this, open “My Computer”, select Local disk C, and in it the Windows folder. In the contents of the folder we find regedit and launch it by double clicking the mouse.

Option #3: Launch the Windows Registry through the built-in search bar

On a PC with operating system Windows system 7, you can start regedit using the search form built into the top of the folder menu. In this case, just go to the “My Computer” section, enter Local Drive C, enter the name regedit in the address bar and press Enter. The system itself will search and show the access file to the registry editor.

It may be that the system detects several files with regedit in their name. This is not something to be afraid of. We simply find among them the one that is located on drive C in Windows folder and is called regedit. To launch it, double-click on it with the mouse, in principle, nothing complicated.

Option number 4: Open the Windows registry through the “Run” command

What's different about this way of launching Registry Editor? The speed of task completion, since to start the program it is enough to perform only 3 steps:

In general, this option for launching the registry is suitable for use on computers with any operating system from Microsoft. However, on computers running Windows XP, you can also take advantage of its internal interface to do this.

In this case, use any of the methods described above to open the “Start” menu, find the “Run” item and click on this tab with the left mouse button. After this, the same standard Windows utility “Run” will open. Now all that remains is to enter the value regedit in the empty search field and click OK. As a result, the registry editor will start and be ready to work - everything is very simple.

Thus, finding and launching the Windows registry (regedit program, registry editor) is quite easy. You just need to choose one option you like from the 4 described above and feel free to start making the system settings you need.

You can import registry settings in several ways.

Running a REG file

This is the easiest way. It consists of launching a REG file containing the necessary parameters by double-clicking or from command line.
Note. Additional information see the article REG file

Double click mice

As trivial as it sounds, you can make changes to the registry by double-clicking on the REG file. However, first the system will clarify whether you really want to do this. If the answer is positive, changes will be made.

Figure 1. The system asks for confirmation to make changes.

Command line

To import REG files from the command line, there is the REGEDIT command. By typing at the command line

You will get exactly the same dialog box as when you double click. You can suppress the appearance of the dialog box by running the command with the /S parameter

REG ADD Command

You can also import registry settings using the REG ADD command. It is convenient because the commands for importing parameters can be included in a batch file that also performs other tasks (i.e., there is no need for an additional REG file). For example, this command is often used to import registry values ​​into the RunOnceEx key and then install programs the first time you log on. The command syntax is quite simple.

REG ADD [\\\] The name of the remote computer; if omitted, it is considered equal to the name of the local computer by default. Only the HKLM and HKU partitions are available on remote computers. Full path to the registry key in the form ROOT\Subkey. Root radel. Values ​​[HKLM | HKCU | HKCR | HKU | HKCC]. The full path to the registry key in the selected root partition. /v The name of the parameter to be added in the specified section. /ve Add an empty parameter (Default) to the specified section. /t Data types. By default, it is considered equal to REG_SZ. /s Specifies the separator that is used to separate data in multiline parameters of type REG_MULTI_SZ. By default, it is considered equal to "\0". /d The value assigned to the registry parameter to be added. /f Force overwrite existing registry entries without warning. Examples: REG ADD \\ABC\HKLM\Software\MyCo Adds the HKLM\Software\MyCo section to remote computer ABC REG ADD HKLM\Software\MyCo /v Data /t REG_BINARY /d fe340ead Adds a parameter with name: Data, type: REG_BINARY, and value: fe340ead REG ADD HKLM\Software\MyCo /v MRU /t REG_MULTI_SZ /d fax\0mail Adds a parameter with name: MRU, type: REG_MUTLI_SZ, and value: fax\0mail\0\0 REG ADD HKLM\Software\MyCo /v Path /t REG_EXPAND_SZ /d %%systemroot%% Adds a parameter with name: Path, type: REG_EXPAND_SZ, and the value: %systemroot% Note: Use double percent characters (%%) in the line

INF file

You can also import settings into the registry using INF files. Their general syntax is somewhat more complex than that of REG files, but writing directly to the registry is quite simple. Below is an example from the Msgina addon

Signature="$Windows NT$" Msgina OptionDesc="Msgina" Tip="GINA Login Library" Modes=0,1,2,3 AddReg=Msgina.AddReg HKLM,"Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\System\ Shutdown","ShowHibernateButton",0x10001,1 HKLM,"Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\System\Shutdown","HibernateAsButton",0x10001,1 Note. More information about INF files can be found in .

These are small files that quietly do their job, allowing the computer to function normally and perform its tasks. If the system files are damaged, then the operating system itself begins to work with errors (“glitchy”).

In the worst case scenario, this could cause Windows to stop working completely. This does not happen often, and there are several reasons why system files become damaged. One of them is the incorrect actions of an inexperienced user who, overestimating his strength, tries to tune the operating system without having either knowledge or experience.

Therefore, I want to warn you right away - if you do not know what you are doing and what consequences this may lead to - DO NOT edit system files or delete them. In principle, this applies to any files with an extension unknown to you.

Let's start looking at system files with the reg file. Because these are the files that users often encounter. Despite this unusual extension, this is actually an ordinary text file. The reg extension tells the operating system that this file contains registry keys and certain settings.

See below what the reg file looks like.

All information is clearly structured for ease of computer processing. So, for example, the required first line REGEDIT with the required parameter tells the computer for which version of the Windows OS the reg file is intended for. Next, in a certain order, are the registry keys and their parameters.

By the way, I have written an article using this file more than once. For example, " "

What is the reg file for?

The main purpose of this type of service files is to work with registry keys. This is the easiest way to create or replace the necessary keys. In an applied sense, the reg file is used to create, store or change user settings. With it, you can quickly and easily transfer settings from one computer to another or create a backup copy so you can restore them in the future.

Working with such files is quite simple. To bring in necessary information to the operating system registry, open the reg file, and click “Yes” twice - agreeing to the changes that will be made to the registry. Next, Windows will automatically create the required request, process it and enter the data into its registry.

How to work with reg file

Since, as I mentioned earlier, the reg file is essentially an ordinary text file, then the best remedy Programmers have not yet come up with a way to work with it other than notepad. You can use a standard Windows notepad or its equivalent. Based on own experience, I can safely recommend using the Notepad+++ program. Firstly, it is free, and secondly, it has a lot of additional features.

Editing itself is no different from working with any text. To save changes, just save the file again using the “File” - “Save As...” command or the hotkey configuration “Ctrl” + “S”.

Creating a file with the reg extension is also done using the standard procedures “File” - “Create” or the hotkey configuration “Ctrl” + “N”. In addition, you can create a reg file using standard procedure exporting data from the registry.

In conclusion, I would like to note that working with such files does not cause problems for an experienced user. I would especially emphasize “ from an experienced user" If you are just starting to master your computer, I strongly recommend that you do not experiment with the registry. Because, as practice shows, in most cases such experiments lead to the need to restore the operating system. But you will agree that you hardly need this.