Fortune telling for New Year and Christmas. Fortune telling on jewelry

It’s not for nothing that New Year’s Eve is called magical: it’s not just about the colorful tinsel and the feeling of celebration. Faith in New Year's miracles has become so strong that they actually happen sometimes, and fortune telling New Year , often later come true. There are many ways to ask your destiny for advice or ask it to lift the curtain on the future. We will tell you about several, quite simple, but interesting.

The most traditional and beloved New Year's ritual is, of course, the action with champagne and a piece of paper with wishes. You can’t call it fortune telling, but rather a way to “push” the Universe to make your dreams come true.

Prepare a sheet of paper in advance with a list of wishes that you would like to see fulfilled in the coming year. When the ceremonial countdown to 12 begins around midnight, set fire to the leaf as the chimes strike, and pour its ashes into your glass of sparkling wine. Exactly at midnight, in the first seconds of the new year, drink everything to the dregs - and several wishes from the list will definitely not keep you waiting.

It is known that cats have always been considered in many cultures as conductors between the world of the living and the otherworldly. Therefore, New Year's fortune-telling with the help of a pet or pet may well have serious grounds. Preparing for the holiday - dressing, or covering New Year's table, mentally ask yourself a question that can be answered affirmatively or negatively, or make a wish. Having decided on the question, call your pet: if the cat enters the room from the right paw, the answer to your question is negative, and if from the left, then everything will come true.

New Year's fortune telling for 3 wishes

When you go to bed on New Year's Eve, write one of your most cherished wishes on 12 small pieces of paper and put them under your pillow. When you wake up in the morning, without looking, take out 3 leaves. The wishes written on them will definitely come true.

Fortune telling for expectant mothers to determine the sex of the child

Using an ordinary needle and thread magical night On December 31st it will be possible to determine the gender of the unborn baby. This fortune telling is suitable for both pregnant women and girls who are just starting to think about a baby. Thread a thread about 20 cm long into the eye of the needle and hold it suspended over your open palm. expectant mother. If the needle starts swaying in a circle, most likely the family will be replenished with a girl, and if they ate from side to side, we should expect the appearance of a boy.

Fortune telling for the future groom

The most fun girl's fortune-telling, known for hundreds of years. On New Year's Eve, a girl should go out into the street and ask the name of the first man she meets. Whatever name he names, that’s what the fortuneteller’s future spouse will be called. If you take your friends with you, you can not only successfully tell fortunes, but also make new acquaintances and have fun company.

New Year's fortune telling for love

For this love fortune telling you will need a decorated Christmas tree. Required condition: There should be toys on the Christmas tree different colors. The fortuneteller is blindfolded and spun in place several times, after which he must remove the first toy he comes across from the tree.

Depending on the dropped color, the interpretation occurs:

  • if you come across a ball of fiery color (red, orange, scarlet or pink), then expect passionate love in the new year;
  • if the toy is blue or purple- your relationship is waiting for a quarrel, a cooling of feelings;
  • green decoration foreshadows the emergence of a new relationship, but white indicates that your personal life will not change;
  • a gold or silver toy marks the appearance of a rich suitor.

No matter how interesting it is to find out your fate, it is always better to expect surprises from the future. Whether they will be good or bad is not so important, the main thing is that life will become eventful and full of events. And it’s always more pleasant to spend New Year’s Eve with friends or family, playing games or performing playful fortune-telling, without relying entirely on the fragile science of communicating with “otherworldly” forces.

New Year's holidays 2018 are an excellent occasion to look into your future, to find out what the coming year promises - joy, wealth, separation, and maybe a long-awaited meeting with your soulmate. New Year's fortune telling are held from December 25 to January 17 (except January 6 and 7). Here are some ways.

1. A dream you had on New Year's Eve will predict your future for the entire coming year.

2. Melt a little wax or paraffin and quickly pour it into a cup with cold water. The resulting figurine is a sign of what awaits you in the new year: - friend’s devotion, snake - treason, betrayal, - love, etc.

3. On New Year's Eve, pour water into a bowl and throw in a pinch of sugar and the same amount of ash and salt. Stir and place on the surface in a strand (not scattered) 3 of your hair and 3 of the guy you like. In the morning, look at how the strands are arranged - if they are connected, then you will be together this year, if you separated, one of you will find it on the side.

4. New Year's fortune telling with rings. Take a sieve, pour any cereal into it and throw in 3 rings - copper, silver and gold. Mix decorations with cereal. Each participant in the fortune-telling must put her hand in the sieve and, without fussing with the cereal, scoop up a handful. If the ring is not there, then the year will be difficult, marriage will not be in sight. If she catches a copper ring, it means she will be married to a poor man, if it is a silver ring, she will be married to a hard-working man, if it is gold, she will be the wife of a rich man.

5. Go outside on New Year’s Eve and mentally ask a question that interests you (so that it involves only “yes” and “no” answers), turning your back to your house. Turn around and count the number of windows in which the light is on. An even number means the answer is “yes”, an odd number means “no”.

6. In a room without light, light a candle. Crumple up a piece of paper and place it on a plate turned upside down. Light the paper and wait until it goes out. Then hold the saucer between the wall and the candle and look at the shadow. What you see in it will become for you a sign of the coming year. This fortune telling for the New Year is very subjective, however, only you can decipher it correctly.

7. At 23:00 on December 31, write your deepest wish on a piece. When the first chime sounds, set the leaf on fire. If it manages to burn out before the last blow, then the wish will come true.

8. Pour water into a saucer and place it on the porch (balcony). In the morning, look how the ice turned out. If uplifted, then the year will be good. If the ice is smooth, then the year will be calm. If there are icy waves on a saucer, there will be both happiness and sorrow. If the water freezes like a hole, the year will not be very successful for you.

8. Prepare three opaque glasses and fill each half with water. Add a pinch of sugar to the first glass, the same amount of salt to the second, and crumble some bread to the third. The fortuneteller is blindfolded and the glasses are moved. If a person chooses a glass with sugar, the New Year will bring him happiness. If there is salt, a lot of tears await him. If there is bread, the year will be prosperous in terms of finances. For those who want to tell fortunes for their betrothed, you can add 4 glasses of water and put it there. If this glass is chosen, then the person will start a family in the New Year.

9. Place rice on a flat surface. Make a wish. Lightly moisten your palm with water and place it on the rice. Then count how many grains are stuck to your hand - an even number will mean the wish will come true.

10. On New Year's Eve, lie down on your back in the snow, then get up and leave without looking back. In the morning, look at the footprint left in the snow. If the trail is smooth, then the husband will be kind and gentle. If the trail is lined with lines, the husband will be a rude person. A deep hole from your fall means more than one marriage awaits you in your life. If the print is covered with snow, then it won’t be waiting for you anytime soon. And if the mound became snowy overnight, then expect danger in the coming year.

11. Place four card kings under your pillow and say: “Whoever is mine, appear to me in a dream.” The king of spades will come in a dream - he will be older than you and very jealous, the king of hearts - young and rich, the king of diamonds - the one you love, the king of clubs - a businessman or military man.

12. Think of a question and focus on it. Say it out loud while looking at your phone. If the first caller is a man, then the answer to the question is positive, if a woman is negative.

13. Group fortune telling for the New Year. Place the key in a thick book so that the ring from the keychain sticks out. Tie the book tightly and hang it by the ring on the hook. When the book hangs motionless, each of the fortune tellers in turn says his name. The person on whom the book ends will have a wedding next year.

14. If you want to know whether your wish will come true in next year or not, write it down on a small piece of paper before the New Year. When the chimes strike, light the candle paper. When it burns completely, throw it into a glass and drink it in one gulp. If you manage to do all this before the last chime, your wish will come true.

Even if you didn’t have time to tell your fortune for the New Year, don’t be upset, because throughout the year you will still have the opportunity to tell your fortune for Maslenitsa or.

New Year's holidays occupy a special place in the series of red days of the calendar and it is no coincidence that they are endowed with the epithets “magical”, “fabulous”, and are associated with us with making wishes and expecting a miracle.

This is a mystical time when secrets hidden from a person, including those related to his future, become more accessible - that is why at the turn of the old and new years it was customary for our ancestors to tell fortunes.

Due to a change in the chronology system, we We celebrate the New Year from December 31 to January 1, i.e. not at the time when our ancestors saw off one year and met another, and this introduces some confusion into the situation with predicting the future.

The most traditional, “real”, mystical to this day are considered Christmas fortune telling (from Christmas to Epiphany), and New Year's fortune-telling is less sacred, more harmless and on this basis is perceived by many as innocent fun, fun game. However, this is not entirely correct: fortune telling for the New Year have every right existence and are also capable of lifting the veil over the future, even if this happens in the atmosphere of a cheerful, carefree, noisy holiday.

You can find out what the coming year has in store for you in a variety of ways. Choose what interests you most - luck, love, money, etc. (or all together), prepare the necessary " material base" - and give it your New Year's holiday an even more magical atmosphere!

Fortune telling for the fulfillment of a wish during the chimes

For the climax of the New Year, you need to prepare not only champagne, but also a tiny piece of paper. You need to write a wish on it, then burn a piece, and pour the remaining ashes into a glass of champagne. Sparkling wine is drunk along with the ashes while the chimes are striking. The point is that all manipulations - from writing a wish to absorbing the contents of a glass - must be carried out while the clock on the Spasskaya Tower is striking. If you have time, it is believed that this guarantees the fulfillment of your desire; if not, you will have to wait.

There is a second option for such fortune telling, which requires less skill. It provides a small preliminary preparation. At exactly 11 o'clock in the evening, take a piece of paper and write your deepest desire on it. In an hour, the first chime will be the signal to set the leaf on fire. If by the time the last blow sounds it burns completely, this means that you can count on your wish being granted.

Fortune telling for the New Year to fulfill a wish using water transfusion

In order to tell fortunes on New Year's Day in this way, you need two glasses and dexterity of your hands. Pour water into one of the vessels almost to the brim. Then the following is done: make a wish and immediately, instantly, quickly pour water from one glass to the second.
After this, look carefully at the surface on which you did all this. If you spill no more than three drops of water on the table (or anywhere else), this promises you a wish come true in the coming year. But if there are many more drops, and even more so if a whole puddle has formed, then, unfortunately, you will have to wait until your wish comes true.
It should be especially noted that no preliminary training to increase hand virtuosity is unacceptable - as well as repeated transfusions in order to obtain best result. All these tricks make fortune telling invalid.

New Year fortune telling for the future using a mirror, water and candles

The “toolkit” you need for this fortune telling is a carafe of water and three candles. A full decanter is placed in front of a mirror and surrounded on three sides with lit candles. To understand what future awaits you in the new year, look in the mirror through the thickness of water poured into the decanter.
Relax, give free rein to your imagination - and rest assured, the magical combination of water, fire and glass will do its job and will definitely produce some kind of picture.

New Year's fortune telling for love using a coin and saucer

For this type of New Year's fortune telling, you need a coin - not a simple one, but... no, not gold, but an old one. It will be simply wonderful if you inherited it from your ancestors. If no one left you an inheritance of this kind, you can take an ordinary coin from your wallet as an attribute of fortune telling, but do this in advance: 3-5 days are needed to charge it with your energy, carrying the coin closer to the body (for example, in a chest pocket or bag). Ask your loved one to hold the coin in his hands for a couple of minutes before fortune telling (of course, if such an opportunity exists). But an old or charged new coin is not all you need: you also need to get black ink and a round porcelain saucer white. They begin this fortune-telling strictly at midnight.

So, let’s assume that all the conditions are met, we can begin the process!
Place the saucer on the table, divide it into 4 parts center lines and in each sector write its designation:

  • Top left - HE.
  • Top right - SHE.
  • Bottom right - Me.
  • From below - WE.

Now take a coin and, placing it on its edge in the center of the saucer, sharply rotate it around its axis and slightly to the side. In which sector the coin will end up after stopping, this is the result:

  • HE is the problem.
  • SHE - you have a rival.
  • I mean the problem is you.
  • WE - you will be together.

If the coin stops at the border, then the result is mixed, depending on the share of the coin in some sector. For example: if 1/3 of a coin is in the “I” sector, and 2/3 is in the “WE” sector, then you will be together and everything will be fine, but it doesn’t hurt you to work on yourself, because in case of discord there will be more of you in it guilt than his.

Fortune telling for marriage using a decanter and a glass of water

To tell fortunes for your betrothed using this method, you need a glass and a carafe of water.
Pour water from a larger vessel into a smaller one, while saying the phrase: “You’ll get tired from the road, I have some water, come, betrothed, I’ll give you a drink.” They pronounce this phrase three times, and do it with a gentle intonation, tuned in to the positive, wishing well to a still unknown person.
Then the decanter and glass of water should be placed at the head of the bed, after which you can go to bed and dream with a sense of accomplishment. In one of them, the one destined for you will certainly appear.

New Year's fortune telling for love using a Christmas tree

This New Year's fortune-telling becomes possible if there is a decorated New Year's tree in the house, with toys on it of different colors. If the New Year tree is decorated in a fashionable “one-color” style, you will have to go to the neighbors. In addition, you will need an assistant who will spin the blindfolded fortuneteller several times in a clockwise direction, and then lead him to the tree. The fortuneteller's task is to reach out to her and remove the first toy he comes across. Next you need to see what color it is.

  • White color means that personal life will remain the same as last year.
  • Black - unhappy love awaits the fortuneteller.
  • Pink, red or orange are a sign of passionate love feelings.
  • The green color of the toy foreshadows a new love affair in the new year, and what it will lead to will become known only in a year.
  • If the toy turns out to be purple, blue tint, this means that in loving couple cooling will begin.
  • A silver or golden toy portends a rich gentleman.

New Year's wish fortune telling using paper

Set aside a little time for fortune telling on New Year's Eve - as much as is enough to write your most cherished desires on small pieces of paper.
After the papers are signed, they need to be folded and placed under the pillow. On January 1, after waking up, your first action should be to remove one of them from under your pillow. What is written on this piece of paper will come true most likely in the new year, or, in any case, the chances of its implementation will be the highest.

Fortune telling using a phone

If you want to know what the future awaits you in the new year, then instead of clinking a glass of champagne loudly and devouring a delicious festive table, you will have to go outside with a mirror, which you will first douse with water. It is necessary to go out into the cold strictly at midnight. You need to wait until the water on the mirror turns into a frozen pattern, after which you can return home and examine what happened.

  • If the ice lies on the surface of the mirror in circles, this indicates that you will not be in financial need.
  • A pattern in the form of squares promises an abundance of all kinds of difficulties.
  • Triangles indicate that you will be Fortune's favorite in whatever you undertake.
  • The paws of a spruce or pine tree portend hard work.
  • Straight, clear lines indicate that your existence in the coming year will be calm and problem-free.
  • Smooth, curving lines promise that you will be caressed by the warmth and good attitude of people towards you.
  • A surface covered with icy zigzags communicates that loneliness and emotional hunger are not clearly in danger of you.
  • The abundance of dots means that all started tasks will be successfully completed.
  • If you see the outlines of a face or figure, then thanks to the appearance of a new person in your life, a lot will change in it.
  • Chaotic various divorces have appeared - this means that your fate is not yet clearly defined, you will create it yourself step by step.

Fortune telling to determine the sex of the unborn child using a needle

With the help of New Year's fortune-telling, you can find out who - a boy or a girl - a pregnant woman will give birth to.
Thread a thread 20 centimeters long eye of a needle, turn the woman’s palm towards you “in interesting position"and hold the needle and thread suspended above it for some time. Most likely, the needle will begin to move, and if it moves in a circle, this foreshadows the birth of a girl, and a needle swaying from side to side indicates that a girl will be born. future husband rank.

Fortune telling using glowing windows

Without opening the book, place it on it left hand With your palm down and out loud, ask the question you are interested in. After this, with your left hand, open the book to any page, place your palm on it and read the line that is under your thumb.

Another variation of this fortune-telling is that at the very beginning you need to name an arbitrary line number (count from the top), after which the book is opened on the first page that comes across, the hidden line is counted and what is written in it is read. Of course, in both versions, what you read cannot be considered a direct answer to the question posed; it must be comprehended and projected onto your own situation.

Fortune telling about the occupation of the future husband using various objects

Every girl wants to know what profession her future husband will be. To find out this using fortune telling, you need to arm yourself with a variety of objects.
In the original version of fortune telling, bread (peasant), keys (merchant), book (priest), coal (worker) were used, but this list clearly does not correspond to today's realities.
Here you need to show your imagination: for example, an organizer will symbolize a business person, a mouse or flash card - a programmer or system administrator, a collection of laws - a lawyer, a comb - a stylist, etc. etc. Accordingly, the more imagination and diligence in searching for appropriate objects is shown, the more interesting, firstly, the fortune-telling will be, and secondly, the more its results will correspond to the girls’ expectations.

Fortune telling for the groom “Bridge” using the twigs of a broom or comb

In order to see the appearance of your future life partner, you need a broom. Break out several twigs from it and, when going to bed, build a miniature bridge from them, which must be placed under the pillow, while saying: “My betrothed, mummer, take me across the bridge.”
Then all that was left was to go to bed and see the desired image. For the same purpose, you can put a comb under your pillow, but you don’t need to comb your hair before going to bed. Putting the comb under the pillow is accompanied by saying the phrase three times: “Mummer, comb my head.” You can also send a mirror to accompany the comb under the pillow. In this case, the following words are pronounced: “Come, comb my hair, look and show yourself.” Try to remember the appearance of the person you dreamed about: in the new year you will meet him.

Fortune telling using frozen water

In the evening, take a saucer, pour water into it and place it somewhere on the street (you can take it to the balcony) - let it stand like that until the morning. The next day, take a close look at the ice.

  • If peculiar waves have formed on its surface, this means that the year will be “variegated”, that there will be both failures and victories.
  • The frozen water has formed a smooth surface - this means that nothing will disturb your peace of mind, no violent shocks are expected.
  • The rising ice foreshadows a year filled with accomplishments and joys.
  • If a hole has formed in the surface of the ice, it means that the coming year is unlikely to be happy, troubles are coming.

Fortune telling using a chain

As you might guess, such fortune telling requires a chain. Sit in a place where no one will disturb you, sit in such a way that there is a tabletop or any other flat surface in front of you. Take the chain in your hand and rub it lightly between your palms for a few minutes. When the feeling of warmth begins, transfer the chain to right hand, shake it several times in a clenched fist and with a sharp movement throw it onto the surface of the table (or something that replaces it). Your fate in the new year will be predicted by the figure in the form of which the chain is located.

  • If the chain lies in a straight line, this indicates a good time and that the fortuneteller will have good luck.
  • Snake - be careful: somewhere nearby there is a person who will betray you.
  • Triangle - in business, in love you will be lucky.
  • Circle - the coming year has in store for you difficult situation, the exit from which will be discovered only with great difficulty.
  • Oval - you will more than once find yourself in the center of everyone’s friendly attention.
  • Heart - someone loves you.
  • A knot is a sign of material losses or health problems.
  • Bow - for marriage.
  • Cloud - you will have a wonderful dream, to which you will strive with all your soul.
  • Loop - in the new year there will be everything: losses and gains, achievements and defeats.
  • Zigzag - the new year will be very stormy, you will experience a lot of emotions.
  • Flower - there are many pleasures and joys ahead.

It’s not for nothing that New Year’s Eve is called magical: it’s not just about the colorful tinsel and the feeling of celebration. The belief in New Year's miracles has become so strong that sometimes they actually happen, and fortune telling for the New Year, often later come true. There are many ways to ask your destiny for advice or ask it to lift the curtain on the future. We will tell you about several, quite simple, but interesting.

The most traditional and favorite New Year's ritual is, of course, the action with champagne and a piece of paper with wishes. You can’t call it fortune telling, but rather a way to “push” the Universe to make your dreams come true.

Prepare a sheet of paper in advance with a list of wishes that you would like to see fulfilled in the coming year. When the ceremonial countdown to 12 begins around midnight, set fire to the leaf as the chimes strike, and pour its ashes into your glass of sparkling wine. Exactly at midnight, in the first seconds of the new year, drink everything to the dregs - and several wishes from the list will definitely not keep you waiting.

Fortune telling on New Year's Eve with a cat

It is known that cats have always been considered in many cultures as conductors between the world of the living and the otherworldly. Therefore, New Year's fortune-telling with the help of a pet or pet may well have serious grounds. When preparing for the holiday - dressing, or setting the New Year's table, mentally ask yourself a question that can be answered affirmatively or negatively, or make a wish. Having decided on the question, call your pet: if the cat enters the room from the right paw, the answer to your question is negative, and if from the left, then everything will come true.

New Year's fortune telling for 3 wishes

When you go to bed on New Year's Eve, write one of your most cherished wishes on 12 small pieces of paper and put them under your pillow. When you wake up in the morning, without looking, take out 3 leaves. The wishes written on them will definitely come true.

Fortune telling for expectant mothers to determine the sex of the child

With the help of an ordinary needle and thread, on the magical night of December 31st, it will be possible to determine the gender of the unborn baby. This fortune telling is suitable for both pregnant women and girls who are just starting to think about a baby. Thread a thread about 20 cm long into the eye of the needle and hold it suspended over the open palm of the expectant mother. If the needle starts swaying in a circle, most likely the family will be replenished with a girl, and if they ate from side to side, we should expect the appearance of a boy.

Fortune telling for the future groom

The most fun girl's fortune-telling, known for hundreds of years. On New Year's Eve, a girl should go out into the street and ask the name of the first man she meets. Whatever name he names, that’s what the fortuneteller’s future spouse will be called. If you take your friends with you, you can not only successfully tell fortunes, but also make new acquaintances and have fun company.

New Year's fortune telling for love

For this love fortune telling you will need. Mandatory condition: the toys on the Christmas tree must be of different colors. The fortuneteller is blindfolded and spun in place several times, after which he must remove the first toy he comes across from the tree.

Depending on the dropped color, the interpretation occurs:

  • if you come across a ball of fiery color (red, orange, scarlet or pink), then expect passionate love in the new year;
  • if the toy is blue or purple, your relationship will face a quarrel and a cooling of feelings;
  • green decoration foreshadows the birth of a new relationship, but white means that your personal life will not change;
  • a gold or silver toy marks the appearance of a rich suitor.

No matter how interesting it is to find out your fate, it is always better to expect surprises from the future. Whether they will be good or bad is not so important, the main thing is that life will become eventful and full of events. And it’s always more pleasant to spend New Year’s Eve with friends or family, playing games or performing playful fortune-telling, without relying entirely on the fragile science of communicating with “otherworldly” forces.

On the night of January 13-14, one of the most mysterious holidays is celebrated - the Old New Year. He is known in various parts of the world. And in our country, the traditions and customs of this night originate in the deep past.

Fortune telling is one of the rituals performed on the night when the Old New Year is celebrated. Fortune telling makes this holiday mysterious and mystical. Such rituals have their roots in pagan deities. Our ancestors could predict many things: from global ones (whether the year will be fruitful, what disasters are possible) to personal ones (whether the girl will get married in the coming year).

Despite all the achievements of science and technology, the vast majority of humanity continues to believe in certain predictions. Let not so many people go to the soothsayers, a ritual fortune telling for the Old New Year is an indispensable attribute of this holiday for many. Some take it very seriously, others perceive it as a little festive entertainment without any subtext. In any case, remember that all fortune tellers temporarily become pagans, in the hope of predicting fate.

If you want fortune telling to be truthful, you must adhere to some rules:

  • It is best to cast a spell after sunset;
  • during the ritual there should be no dogs, cats, or other domestic animals near you (it is believed that living creatures can prevent the spirits from truthfully answering your questions);
  • if candles take part in the prediction, it is better to buy them in the temple (in this case you will be protected from evil spirits and they will not be able to play tricks or harm you);

This fortune telling is the simplest of all. On the night of January 13-14, girls go out and ask the name of the very first man they meet. They say that the name a girl hears will be her betrothed name. Large quantity women who told fortunes in a similar way, claim that fortune telling is true.

Fortune telling by ring and water

Fortune telling is also quite simple and does not require much effort. You just need to remove the ring from your hand and put it in a vessel with water. You can take any deep plate. The container should be left in the cold until the morning, and in the morning you should carefully examine the ice. The number of tubercles on the surface of the frozen water will tell you how many suitors the girl will have this year. If one tubercle clearly appears in the middle, then the girl will soon get married.

Fortune telling in a glass

Thanks to this fortune telling, girls will find out what awaits them in the coming year. You need to take four glasses and fill them halfway with water. You need to put sugar in one glass, salt in another, a ring in the third, and leave the fourth as is. The fortuneteller turns her back to the other, who moves the glasses and runs her finger over them one by one until the fortuneteller stops her. Then you need to try the water from the glass chosen in this way. The future is predicted by taste: if the water is salty - sadness, sadness, if the water is sweet - happiness and joy, fresh - the most ordinary year, if you come across a ring - a quick meeting with your betrothed.

Fortune telling with a mirror

This is the most widely known fortune telling, described in many works of art. Fortune telling with a mirror can be like unmarried women, and so do men. Fortune telling must be done at midnight. Light three wax candles in front of the mirror, sit in front of the mirror and quietly ask your betrothed to appear to you. Look carefully at the reflection and you will see the face of your soulmate.

Fortune telling on nut shells

Fortune telling nut shell also very popular. Place two shells in a container of water walnut. It is believed that if the shells come close, then very soon you will need to meet matchmakers.

Fortune telling for a quick marriage

On the night of the Old New Year, girlfriends go out into the yard at midnight, taking turns blindfolding each other with a scarf. Then the fortuneteller is turned around several times and the girl is pushed in the back. If the girl goes towards the gate, she will soon get married. If she steps towards the porch, she will sit in the “girls” for another year.

Wax fortune telling

For this interesting fortune-telling, a wax candle (be careful - not paraffin, but wax) and a container with cold water or melted snow are used. You need to melt a wax candle in a separate bowl, then pour the melted wax into cold water in the center. You can decipher your future from frozen figures. Use your imagination and guess your health!

Fortune telling on a book

This is one of the most common and simple fortune telling for the Old New Year. You need to take any book (it’s better, of course, to take fiction), ask yourself a question and wish for a page. Having opened the desired spread, you will find out the answer to the question posed by reading the first and last lines.

Who will the future husband be and what fate will the child have?

It is believed that this is one of the most effective fortune telling for the Old New Year. Place it on a tray various items: a glass or a glass, a piece of bread, paper bill, mirror, book, scissors, etc. Then you need to cover this “good” with a towel and pull out the first object you come across. If you take out bread, then the husband will be a hard worker, the bill will be rich, the mirror will be handsome, the glass or shot glass will be an alcoholic, the coal will be poor, etc. Of course, in our time, you can make fortune telling more modern by adding a flash drive or other part of your computer life.

They guess in the same way future profession child. Fortune telling is given to children aged two years and older and no more than once.

Fortune telling with a shoe

This type of fortune telling was popular in the last century. To open the veil of secrecy over the future, you need to take your boot and go out to the doorstep at midnight. Having swung well, you need to throw the boot as far as possible. By where the toe of the shoe points, you can find out which side the groom will be on.

Fortune telling on croup

For this fortune-telling, you just need to take a cup of cereal (rice works well) and say the phrase: “tell me, fate, what should I expect: good or evil,” then make your cherished wish, while simultaneously pouring rice from the cup onto the table. Select the black or bad grains and count them. An even number will indicate that the wish will come true, an odd number will indicate that the wish will not come true.