Auction with lots of prizes from the birthday boy. Fun birthday lotteries

71. After a glass, have a snack. This is a very important matter. Here's a paper napkin instead of a sleeve. (Paper napkin).
72. Don’t get sick, be strong, we give you (Pills).
73. Who is so joyful there? As a keepsake for you - (Thermometer)!
74. Everyday matter, as they say, this thing may come in handy. (Cork).
75. You got a flower - a rose, It does not wither from the frost. (Rose).
76. Your winnings are like manna from heaven; you got a piece of bread. (A piece of bread).
77. And this decoration is just a sight for sore eyes. (Beads from paper clips).
78. You don’t need to get excited, mustard will calm you down. (Mustard).
79. Receive your winnings quickly as a gift - (Balloon).
80. You bought an unlucky ticket, show us a 100 ruble fine for diapers.
81. To find out your income, a notebook will come in handy. (Notebook).
82. This thing is necessary for lovers of intimacy. (Candle).
83. Do you understand what the meaning of the gift is? Life will be joyful and bright! (Felt pens).
84. I will not give up (Kefir) for any good in the world.
85. You are extremely lucky: kiss the neighbor on the right!
86. You and your companion will never be lost; you will never come home hungry from any guests. (Spoon).
87. You (Postcard) came across it, that’s how it was supposed to be with us.
88. You would like a piano, but you got a calendar. (Calendar).
89. (Notebook) - this is a small thing, but this is what you wanted.
90. Give this book to your future baby. (Children's book).
91. If there is a first aid kit in the house, then you also need a candle. (Candle).
92. Now you will have to buy a child so that you have someone to suck on the pacifier. (Pacifier).
93. Make a smart face, you won the egg. (Kinder surprise).
94. Happiness fell into your hands. You got two potatoes. (Two potatoes).
95. This book is not more important, Only you are the writer in it. (Notebook).
96. To write down where your pay went, this pen will be very useful to you! (Pen).
97. May your life be warmer from the gift of Prometheus. (Candle).
98. Since you are no longer at your desk, cards will come in handy in life. (Deck of cards).
99. Don’t be sad, don’t grieve, get up and kiss your neighbor. (Kiss the neighbor).
100. Evil lottery fate, The clothespin is only given to you. (Clothespin).
101. A device for transmitting thoughts at a distance. (Envelope).
102. To save you from suffering, we won hand cream. (Hand cream).
103. Open your mouth wider, you will get a roll of paper. (Toilet paper).
104. To look cool, we give you a limousine. (Children's car).
105. With the dream of a shortage, you will run around the whole city, but you will rarely meet it (Paper napkin).
106. Your winnings are yet to come, but for now, look at others. (Additional number).
107. Success awaits you today, Get your nut. (Walnut).
108. Your winnings are quite rare, you are happy, there is no doubt, you got not three candies, but three pieces of paper from candies.
109. You may have decided to run away, but your lot is to continue working! (Soap).
110. Eat bananas and coconuts and expect rewards from fate! (Banana).
111. Receive this tube as a gift, so that every tooth shines in the sun! (Paste).
112. Enjoy yourself, my friend, a little - you got (three candies).
113. Happiness fell into your hands, you got a big apple. (Apple).
114. Don’t be bored today, get Indian tea. (A pack of Indian tea).
115. To keep your hair in order, you will need an oven mitt. (Hair band).
116. Although your name is not Thekla, But you got beets. (Beet).
117. Seal of a small enterprise. (Eraser).
118. To prevent your teeth from hurting, brush them at least once a week. ( Toothbrush).
119. If you want to be rich, be it. (Wallet).
120. Washing machine"Little one." (Soap in a soap dish).
121. Oh, what a great fellow you are, get a lollipop. (Chupa Chups).
122. We give you toothpaste So that you have teeth. (Toothpaste).
123. You are well-versed in your work and will be held in high esteem by us all year. (Horseshoe).
124. You got this soap to wash your hands cleaner. (Soap).
125. In life you have to hope for the best. Take glue if life doesn’t stick. (Glue).
126. Well done for playing, Get two Ferraris. (Children's cars).
127. Forget for a moment how much this joke costs. Said in advance, dear attention. (Kiss the neighbor).
128. In life, anything happens and it can even happen, if you tarnish your reputation somewhere, (A clothespin) will help dry it.
129. You are the best, you will see that the glass is for you, you will get a hangover. (Glass with vodka).
130. Don’t be sad, dear friend, your souvenir is already here. (Icon).
131. The one who receives this candle will have to travel around the world! (Candle).
132. In order for the jar to be full, you need (a lid).
133. Yes, the lucky ticket is yours, keep it up (Pencil).
134. Pet control product. (Velcro for flies).
135. You will walk around with your hair beautiful, captivating everyone with your thick, fluffy mane. (Shampoo).
136. You will be cheerful and energetic, and therefore the whole year will go great! (Coffee).
137. Even though people say that vodka is poison. We give you a glass of poison as a reward. (A glass of vodka).
138. The turn has reached you, a fresh bar (“Mars”) for you!
139. Whether you need it or not, Here’s lipstick for you (Lipstick)!
140. For an overgrown baby - wonderful (Nipple)!

These lotteries can be used both at a wedding and for the New Year


It is necessary to prepare cards in the left column; the cards in the right column are addressed to the lottery organizer. Players can name any number from 1 to 26 or take a card out of the bag, or they can choose cards that are lying reverse side up and guess the prize. The presenter presents the lottery prize (see the names of the prizes in the right column).

1. Universal cleaning device for the morning toilet

1. Toothbrush

2. Right to a car

2. Lottery ticket

3. Norwegian mohair

3. Spool of thread

4. Apparatus for transmitting thoughts over a distance

4. Envelope

5. French cosmetics

5. Pencil

6. New Year's roll

6. Serpentine

7. White on black

8. Spare parts for sneakers

9. Thought fixer

9. Pencil

10. Typewriter

11. Vintage hanger

11. Nail

12. Cognac set

12. Three thimbles

13. Tools

13. Shovel

14. Diet food

14. Chewing gum

15 Disinfectant

16. Universal synthetic backpack

16. Cellophane bag

17. Slimming product

17. Jump rope

18. aircraft

18. Balloon

19. Measuring device

19. Centimeter

20. Bird of the future

21. Washing machine

21. Eraser

22. Painting unknown artist

22. Postcard

23. Sewing machine

23. Needle and thread

24. Remedy for talkativeness

24. Pacifier

25. Fruit of temptation

25. Apple

Copy the cards to colored paper, increase to the right size, multiply according to the number of participants or teams and cut.


Prepare two sets of cards: the first is “questions”, the second is “answers”. The presenter invites all participants to take any card from the first set, and then a card from the second set (from a package, a fan of cards). Now let’s read the contents of the first and second cards in a circle. Let's smile at the absurdities and inconsistencies.


Do you like carrying a suitcase without a handle?

Do you believe in love at first sight?

Do you play gambling?

Do you like to bang your head against the wall?

Do you feel like using bad words?

Do you often think about me?

Would you like to fly to another planet?

Do you like drinks?

Are you afraid when angry?

Do you often risk your reputation?

Do you want to be like

to Schwarzenegger?

Do you like to be the center of attention?

Can you rush under a tank with a grenade?

Do you like to flirt?

Will you dance “Dance of the Little Swans” now?

Do you like to dive into ice holes without scuba gear?

Do you love your teacher?

Are you happy to go to work?

Do you like to spend money?

Are you on the verge of madness?

Can you jump out of a plane without a parachute?

Do you like to eat a lot and deliciously?

Could you devote your life to me?

Can you go with me to the ends of the world?

Do you want to receive a kiss from me?

Are you contributing to society?

Could you give birth to a hero?

Do you want to sit next to me?

When you are irritated, do you behave decently?

Do you always eat so much?

Are you frank with your friends?


No, I tried it once, but it didn't work

Which of us is not without sin?

I'm not capable of such stupidity!

No. I'm too well brought up

They don't talk about this out loud!

When the poetic mood

There is such a word - “must”!

Somehow the opportunity never presented itself. Otherwise I would...

Is it worth ruining your youth for this?

Yes, if you really want to eat or sleep

For me it's a small scale

Yes it's mine normal condition

No, I prefer thrill

I find it difficult to answer because I don’t want to spoil my reputation

Only if no one sees

I'm ready to do anything for your company

Yes, this is what the doctor ordered for me

Don't compare me to yourself

Yes, but I'm being followed

The time will come, and I will honestly admit this, but for now - to no one

I don't answer questions like this when I'm sober.

When I remember this, I get a thrill of joy.

Yes, and I can provide a certificate as proof

I can't imagine my life without this

Well, of course, although it's not that simple

Yes, only in drunk

Yes, I am a man with an Italian temperament

Look at me carefully and you will understand everything yourself

Yes, but that's my only flaw


Players are divided into two teams: men's and women's. The first team looks at upside down cards with fun questions, and the second team deals with the answers. First, the men read out the questions, the women answer. Then the teams change places: the second asks questions, and the first answers.


Would you like to become a millionaire?

Would you like to get into a harem?

Do you often go to a restaurant?

Do you enjoy going to work?

Could you give birth to a hero?

Do you wear a wig?

Do you have any shortcomings?

Do you love music?

Are you always as polite as you are today?

Are you capable of love?

Do you enjoy drinking?

Do you like to dance?

Do you want to sit next to me?

Do you love children?

Can you be faithful (faithful)?

Do you go on dates often?

Do you behave decently when drunk?

Do you love me?

Are you jealous?

Do you always eat so much?

Do you believe in miracles?

You regret

that they are married?

Would you like to get drunk today?

Are you thinking about free love?

Are you modest?

Would you like to make new friends?

Do you lie often?

Are you capable of flattery?

Do you smoke often?

Can you be affectionate?


No, I tried it once, but it didn't work

This is my hobby

Only on the verge of despair

We're not angels, anything can happen

Who among us is not without sin?

This is a real pleasure for me!

Only in moments of weakness

I am not capable (not capable) of such stupidity!

This is my dream

No, I'm too well brought up

I will answer you when we are alone

I'd better keep quiet

Only in the bathhouse

Every second day

No way!

If it's cold outside


On paydays

On Saturday it's a must

Having nothing to do

If you have money

Only in a holiday home or resort

They don't talk about this out loud!

At lunch break

When it's profitable for me


It wouldn't bother me

Sometimes in the evening

When the poetic mood

Copy the questions and answers onto colored paper, enlarge the cards to the desired size, multiply them according to the number of participants or teams, and cut them.

To hold a lottery at a birthday party, you need to prepare in advance. First, you need to make tickets that can be printed on a printer. It’s good if the printer is color, then the tickets will be bright and colorful. Secondly, since this is a lottery, there should be prizes. And they should, of course, be varied and funny. The lottery can be held at any time during the celebration.

How to give away lottery tickets

Raffle tickets can be handed out to guests upon entering the house. But there may be another option. For example, guests are offered to buy a ticket. And its price is the same as how old the hero of the occasion is. Dates are written on the tickets, one way or another connected with events in the life of the birthday person, and guests who bought tickets must guess them. The one who guesses it correctly receives the coveted prize.

Interesting solution will pre-glue tickets to the bottom of the chairs on which your guests will sit. To distribute tickets, you can choose a beautiful bag or colorful box.

Each lottery ticket must have a number written on it, according to which the prize will be awarded.

How to run a lottery

A fun lottery can be done as follows. The presenter takes out pieces of paper with numbers from a bag or box. All guests now have tickets. On each number is written the prize that the owner of the same number will receive. It will be more interesting if before the presentation of the prize a short poem is sung, even just two lines will be enough. The rhyme should describe a specific prize. Here sample list couplet and prizes for them:

Well done for playing
get two Ferraris. (two small cars)

Cook dinner for five
This grater will help you.

Better than any rags
these indoor slippers.

So that everything is in order in the house,
you will receive gloves. (rubber gloves)

Don't cut your sausage into pieces,
if you don't have a cutting board.

So that girlfriends run into the house,
receive coffee mugs.

Do you want to be strong, like a gin?
Get your vitamin, friend. (carrot)

You won't get lost now
You won't leave here hungry. (spoon)

Why do you need a wallet?
Put the money in the bag. (plastic bag)

How to make ends meet
you will understand now yourself. (scissors)

To record where the pay went again,
you will need this pen.

For an overgrown baby
wonderful pacifier.

In the company of gentlemen and ladies
be the highlight of the program. (nail)

To straighten your hair,
I'll give you a comb. (fork)

You can come up with a lot of such funny poems. Your goal is to make the holiday fun and memorable for years to come.

An anniversary is a holiday that should be remembered by everyone. And not only with culinary masterpieces, but also with the way it was held. Success will depend on the chosen celebration scenario, as well as on the lottery drawing. An anniversary usually brings together a lot of guests, so fun and lack of boredom are guaranteed. How to hold a lottery, what funny prizes and accompanying texts to come up with?

Event organization

This can be done in several variations. To store tickets, you can install a large lottery machine in the center of the room or use a spacious box instead.

It can also be placed in the place where guests arrive (in the hallway, in the restaurant lobby, at the entrance to a cafe) so that they get tickets in advance. Anniversary lotteries can also be placed in advance next to guest cutlery. It looks interesting when lotteries are stuck into fruits or cakes using skewers. Then all the invitees will need to get them out of there, which will cause additional positive emotions. Another option is when guests receive anniversary lotteries in exchange for a narrated poem or song.

When and who conducts

If the celebration is small, then one of the relatives or friends of the hero of the day can take on the role of host. When we're talking about about a large-scale event, these functions are usually performed by a specially invited or chosen host of the evening. You can play lotteries for your anniversary at one time as part of a separate competition. Nobody forbids stretching out the pleasure and continuing the draw throughout the evening. In this case, guests will periodically be invited to take a ticket and receive a prize in return. And this is the most interesting part of the lottery, because everyone loves unexpected gifts!

Lottery game for the anniversary: ​​valuable prizes

What are the prizes for a joke event? Of course, the same - funny, kind and positive. Toys, household items, souvenirs, and cool things are suitable for this. Their cost is not so important, the main thing is that it is humorous and meaningful. A won gift must be accompanied by a humorous comment.

Here are examples of such texts and the prizes attached to them:

  1. Would you like to fix your hair, do you need a comb (the prize is a fork)?
  2. For your table I give you a set of crystal (the prize is a set of plastic cups).
  3. Here's a piece of jewelry for you, just a treat (a necklace made of paper clips).
  4. Whoever gets the beer will have a happy year (the prize is a can of beer).
  5. You wanted to get a flashlight, instead of it you - balloon IR! (inflatable ball).
  6. To keep your bones strong, drink calcium on time (the prize is crayons).

In poetic form:

Keep your money in the bank

After all, it’s the most reliable there.

There is protection there from robbers,

Then you will get what you deserve.

The interest you are entitled to

You can pick it up.

Yes, just look here,

So as not to lose everything at once!

Amid friendly laughter, a three-liter glass jar is taken out and handed to the winner.

We give you a phone number,

Brands, expensive companies.

Everyone knows this brand

Take him quickly!

Of course, the prize is a big green apple - the symbol of the world famous company.

Everyone is looking forward to the holidays! An anniversary is a great event to have a lot of fun. Comic lotteries for anniversaries will help make the holiday truly memorable and fun. It won't be difficult to carry them out. You need to spend a little time preparing, and all the guests will remember this day, and the hero of the day will be simply delighted!

Organizational skills

If a person has even a little desire and enthusiasm, he will succeed in everything! Arrange to a loved one a real, bright holiday. After all, most Sabantuys involve simply eating and drinking alcohol. To make your birthday memorable for a long time, you need to organize a cultural program. The highlight of this evening is a comic lottery for fun company for the anniversary!

Take care of the furnishings and decor from the very beginning. Even ordinary multi-colored balloons will add solemnity to the atmosphere and lift the spirits of arriving guests. You can make your own garlands and streamers with wishes from paper, hang lanterns, bows, and artificial flowers on the walls. Jewelry made from draped fabric looks very beautiful and expensive. There are many options, it is better to choose the right one taking into account the preferences and age of the hero of the occasion. Here you will need imagination and a little design ability!


The word "quiz" is associated with small prizes. Everyone wants to win at least some trinket. Therefore, you need to take care of prizes in advance. Of course, hand over household appliances and any expensive gifts are optional. You can get by with nice little things, such as:

  • pens, pencils, erasers, notepads;
  • scourers for washing dishes, soap, toothbrushes, toothpicks, wet wipes;
  • lighters, key rings, souvenirs, refrigerator magnets;
  • toilet paper, napkins, brushes for shoes and clothes, socks, handkerchiefs;
  • soft toys, flashlights, batteries, finger pads, rubber gloves, bandage, cotton wool.

Each of these prizes and thousands of other things needed in everyday life can be won, and comic lotteries for anniversaries will be much more interesting.

Lottery coupon

What should this treasured ticket that promises a prize look like? It depends on the imagination and capabilities of the organizer. You can print real copies on a printer or write by hand on simple napkins. If you have time, insert a photo of the birthday person into the ticket or decorate it with flowers. Tickets rolled into a tube made of thick paper are a classic. They look attractive, and guests will be intrigued when unwrapping them.

Distribution of lucky tickets

You can hold lotteries on any holiday. Wedding, anniversary, anniversary, professional holidays- they all deserve attention and preparation. Every guest will want to get their win-win ticket. Therefore, you need to figure out in advance how to distribute them to guests. Comic lotteries for anniversaries will go off with a bang and will not leave any guest indifferent. There are several ways:

  • Write lot numbers on thick beautiful paper and tape to the bottom of each plate. When it's time for the lottery, let guests know where to find the ticket.
  • Near the entrance to the hall or room where the celebration will take place, place a basket with lots, decorate them in an unusual way, for example, tie them with satin bows.
  • You can string tickets onto toothpicks, which you can then use to make canapés. The first layer is bread, then ham, pickles, cheese, again bread and a lottery ticket on top. Everyone will eat a treat and receive their prize.
  • No one has canceled the “old-fashioned” method either. Place the tickets in a pretty bag and let guests draw their own luck. Comic lottery for the 55th anniversary years will pass in a classic style, but with a touch of humor.
  • If children are present at the celebration, invite them to find a box of lottery tickets using a treasure map. Kids will be absolutely delighted with such adventures. And parents will have a little rest from their children. Give the team a note indicating where the next message is hidden. You can come up with seven to ten hiding places, there’s no point in delaying it any longer. When the kids find the main prize, a box of lottery tickets, don't forget to reward them with delicious sweets.
  • A fun way is to ask each of the invited relatives to show some talent and receive a ticket in return. It will be a lot of fun, because watching your grandfather sing or your auntie dance the cancan is very funny. When loved ones show all their creativity, you can start holding comic lotteries for anniversaries.
  • Write the lot numbers on thin paper and place each number in a balloon. Inflate them all and tie one balloon to each chair. Each party participant will pop their balloon in any way and take out their number.

55 - youth has come again

A wonderful age - 55 years. Life begins anew - the children are already adults, the job is stable, there is more free time for hobbies and interests. A comic lottery for an anniversary (a woman’s 55th birthday) can be dedicated to beauty, health, or knowledge of children’s fairy tales if she has grandchildren. If the company is of different ages, then conduct a universal quiz with questions on different topics! The main thing is more humor!

We connect a sense of humor

  • You got a cool prize, you can gnaw on it in the evenings (seeds).
  • If you want a cool hairstyle, get a comb (comb, comb) as a gift.
  • The hanger is old, antique, take care of it, brother (nail).
  • Micro equipment in your hands, forget about stains (soap) forever.
  • Erase unnecessary thoughts from your brain, take care of this gift all your life (eraser).
  • This thing is always fashionable, guys and girls need (laces).
  • In the evenings there is no time for boredom - a cup of tea in your hands (tea bag).
  • Today you are very lucky, you will get a sandwich.
  • At a distance of thought you can convey, I hasten to hand you the envelope.
  • To sleep peacefully at night without any distractions (diaper).

This comic anniversary lottery (in verse) will appeal to all guests and the hero of the occasion.

Congratulations to the stronger sex

Men need to be congratulated especially efficiently and diligently. After all, they are waiting for compliments and kind words addressed to them much more than the fair sex. For your beloved man, you can come up with a themed lottery or at least play a little on the favorite theme of the hero of the day.

A comic lottery for a man's anniversary should be rewarded with real men's prizes. These could be:

  • float, corkscrew, bottle of beer, dried roach;
  • souvenir soccer ball, toy car, motorcycle, shot glass, ice molds, slingshot.

Choose a number - receive a gift

Give guests the opportunity to choose their own tickets. Then no one will be offended. You can get the crowd excited at the beginning of the evening and announce that several valuable prizes will be given away! Everyone will be looking forward to the start of the comic lottery for the anniversary (for a woman or a man). The lottery quiz also goes like clockwork. Simple, fun questions will appeal to everyone without exception.

funny guys

The more fun the prizes won in the lottery are presented, the more fun the evening will be.

  1. To improve your mood, eat cookies (a packet of cookies) regularly.
  2. Whistle for us a tune, we provide the instrument, we greet with applause (toy whistle).
  3. The vacuum cleaner is new-fashioned to you, like a New Year's gift (broom).
  4. Kiss us now, the shoes will be just great (cream or shoe brush).
  5. So as not to be hungry anywhere, carry it with you everywhere (spoon).
  6. You won’t destroy your husband, they drank quietly (nail file).
  7. The foam is fragrant, the bottle is noble (a bottle of beer).
  8. Eliminate all imperfections and apply immediately (face powder).
  9. There is no better prize today, jump straight to the ledge (jump).
  10. This day has already come, keep your capital in the bank (glass jar).
  11. Are your tongues itchy? Help people urgently (toothbrush).
  12. The prize for those who are on a diet will give a head start to any candy (hematogen, chewing gum).
  13. An expensive heater will come in handy in winter (candle).
  14. Accept the magic carpet as a gift and quickly fly away to warm countries (handkerchief).
  15. Begins white stripe in life (toilet paper roll).

Be sure to spend comic lotteries for a 55th anniversary or on any other occasion with family and friends. It's a lot of fun and relieves the tension. The costs for prizes are minimal, the main thing here is to show humor and ingenuity. And it takes very little time to prepare. Don't forget about the little guests. Lotteries for children are a very exciting activity. You will get amazing emotions! Try on the role of a holiday organizer. Perhaps hidden talents and abilities will be revealed. After all, if a hobby and a job are one and the same, the person is happy!