Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos “Korsun. Korsun Icon of the Mother of God

Celebration in honor of the Korsun Icon Mother of God takes place on October 9 (October 22 N.S.).
In front of the icon they pray for quick healing of various diseases, for help from poverty, for quick receipt of material well-being.

ABOUT Holy Virgin, Lady Theotokos, the Only Begotten God of the Word, all visible and invisible creatures, Creator and Master, one of the Trinity, Lord, God and Man, who gave birth more than nature and words, the Divine receptacle, the recipient of all shrines and grace, in Neizha the fulfillment of the Divine abides, with the blessing of God and the Father and the action of the Holy Spirit, chosen from all creation, the glory and unspeakable joy of the Angels, the royal crown of the apostles and prophets, the wonderful and all-praiseworthy courage of the martyrs and the wedding of the sufferers, the everlasting and incorruptible rewards of the immutable intercessor, the venerable honor and glory, the unlost path of the teacher, the source of light , an inexhaustible river of mercy, an inexhaustible sea of ​​all miracles and spiritual gifts! We pray to You and ask You, merciful Mother of the Lover of Mankind, to have mercy on us, Your humble and unworthy servant: look mercifully on our captivity and heal the contrition of our souls and bodies, destroy the visible and invisible armies, and every pillar of the fortress, weapons in battle, commander and invincible champion, make us unworthy on behalf of our enemies. Show us Your ancient mercies and wonders. For there is only one King and Master, Thy Son and God, and Thou art truly the Mother of God, blessed of all generations, who gave birth to the true God according to the flesh, and for His sake Thou art all able and mighty to act, even if thou wilt in heaven and on earth. Fulfill every request for the benefit of everyone, Lady: grant healing to those who are ailing, silence and control to those floating in the sea, travel and observe with those who travel, console those who grieve, ease poverty and all bodily bitterness, consume mental illness and bodily passions first of all through Your invisible intercession and by intercession, so that we may end this temporary path of life kindly and without stumbling, and receive eternal good for Your sake in the Kingdom of Heaven. Much more than this, entrusted to You, this city and every city and country from famine, destruction, cowardice, flood, fire and sword, from the presence of foreigners and internecine warfare and from vain death, and from righteous death, turn away all anger righteously moved towards us, by the good will and grace of the Only Begotten Son Yours, to Him belongs all glory, honor and worship, with His Originless Father and the Ever-Existing and Life-Giving Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Let us now diligently approach the Mother of God, sinners and humility, and let us fall down in repentance calling from the depths of our souls: Lady, help us, having had mercy on us, struggling, we are perishing from many sins, do not turn away your slaves, for you are the only hope of the imams.

KONDAK, tone 6
The intercession of Christians is shameless, the intercession to the Creator is immutable, do not despise the voices of sinful prayers, but advance, as the Good One, to the aid of us who faithfully call Thee: hasten to prayer and strive to entreaty, interceding ever since, the Mother of God, who honor Thee.

We magnify You, Most Holy Virgin, God-chosen Youth, and honor Your holy image, through which you bring healing to all who come with faith.

The history of the icon is presented ambiguously. The origin of this holy image goes back to hoary antiquity. There are two versions.

According to one legend, this image was painted by the Evangelist Luke himself. The Korsun, or Ephesian, icon came to Rus' in 988 - it was brought by the baptizer of Rus', the holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Grand Duke Vladimir from Korsun to Kyiv. Later, the image came to Veliky Novgorod, then to Moscow, and until 1918 it was in the Assumption Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin, behind the throne.

Another legend says that the icon was brought to Rus' in end of XII century by Saint Euphrosyne of Polotsk, in the world Predislava, daughter of the Polotsk prince George, who from a young age chose the path of asceticism. She founded a convent in Polotsk with churches in the name of the All-Merciful Savior and Holy Mother of God. The princess decided to decorate the second of the churches of the monastery with an ancient image of the Most Pure One. The Komnenos family, which reigned in Byzantium at that time, was related to the Polotsk princes. Euphrosyne sent to Emperor Manuel Komnenos (1143-1169) and To the Ecumenical Patriarch Luke Chrysover (1156-1169) received a messenger with rich gifts, and the rulers of the Second Rome presented a wondrous image, decorated with gold, silver and precious stones, to the Polotsk monastery. In 1173, this icon was solemnly installed in the Polotsk church in the name of the Most Holy Theotokos, becoming famous for the miraculous healings it provided.

In 1239, the holy prince Alexander Nevsky married the daughter of the Polotsk prince Bryachislav. The wedding took place in the city of Toropets; In memory of this, the image of Constantinople was transferred there and until the beginning of the 20th century it remained in the iconostasis of the Toropets Resurrection Cathedral.
Which of the two versions of the origin of the Korsun icon is correct? A handwritten book on twelve pages made of canvas was found in the funds of the Nizhny Novgorod Historical and Architectural Museum-Reserve. The manuscript tells the story of the discovery of the Ephesian Hodegetria. This icon, the manuscript says, was written in Byzantium in 1134 “under the Constantinople Archimandrite Joseph and King Emanuel of Greece” from the ancient original image of the letter of the Apostle Luke himself.

“The Icon of Ephesus Hodegetria stood in small church Archimandrite Joseph in Constantinople for many years. The Turks captured Constantinople. This icon was hidden in the ground from enemies; the holy icon would not have been desecrated. It remained in the ground for many years. After the Turks reigned in Tsar Grad, a little time passed, and the holy icon was taken out of the ground, unharmed. Upon its discovery, many sick people were healed by the holy icon. The Turks were indignant at the Christians, and the second thing the Christians were afraid of was that the Turks would not destroy the holy icon, a doctor for all those who were sick. After Archimandrite Joseph, who brought this icon from Ephesus, there were many governors. The holy icon was transferred to Russia, to the Moscow boyars Morozov, by the Tsaregrad archimandrite Gabriel in 1461...

And they arranged for the brought image a precious robe of gold and silver and precious stones and other pearls and a precious crown. This is a royal gift: from Tsarina Anastasia Romanovna, the wife of Tsar Ivan the Terrible, forged from pure gold.

Queen Anastasia had a love for the image brought from Ephesus and often went to the prayer of the Ephesian “Hodegetria” in the house of the Morozov boyars. Queen Anastasia walked with her own feet to prayer, and did not deign to ride in the royal carriages.”

And this went on for many years. But the family of the Morozov boyars was fading away, only the boyar Gleb and his wife, the boyar Feodosia, remained. The Morozovs decided to transfer the miraculous shrine “to the deserted Sharpansky monastery in the Nizhny Novgorod region in the Semenovskaya region in the forests beyond the Volga River,” built in 1622 during the reign of Mikhail Fedorovich.

The Korsun monastery was preserved in the Sharan monastery for almost two hundred years. In the very first years of the wonderworker’s stay in the monastery, the following buildings were built here at the expense of the noblewoman Feodosia. hospice and a huge temple that could accommodate up to a thousand worshipers. Hundreds of Orthodox Christians received healing from this shrine.

One day in 1728, Archbishop Pitirim of Nizhny Novgorod, “having suffered from a physical illness, his body became weakened from the flow of his blood. He sought help from earthly doctors, but not a single doctor could heal him from bleeding. And he left the earthly doctors and began to call on God and the Most Pure Mother of God for help. Archbishop Pitirim heard and saw that many people - residents of Nizhny Novgorod and from other countries - were going and going to worship the miraculous image, many were sick and suffering. They are taken and everyone receives healing from the holy icon. Archbishop Pitirim made his promise to go to the Semyonovskaya region, to the Sharpanskaya monastery, to venerate the miraculous image of the Most Holy Theotokos, seeing that a great source flows from it, rich in mercies, and all the suffering and sick receive healing from the inexhaustible source of the holy icon.”

Vladyka Pitirim went to the Sharpan monastery and, having received healing from the icon, announced to all Nizhny Novgorod residents that it was a miraculous and wondrous image. "I would like this great shrine bring it to our Nizhnenovgorod every summer,” said Pitirim. Everyone responded loudly: we all wish, Vladyka, to accept the miraculous icon. We make a promise, Vladyka, to bring the miraculous icon to Nizhny Novgrad every summer. Archbishop Pitirim proclaimed: “...There will be great joy in our city about the coming of the great intercessor for our city, let us pray to her, brothers. The icon will be brought to Nizhny Novgrad on the 10th day of July during the continuation of the icon’s stay until September 15th.”

This continued until 1853, when the icon disappeared and its traces were lost in history. And this was at least the third copy from the original Ephesian shrine, created in Byzantium by local craftsmen.

It is noteworthy that another copy from this image also stayed in Nizhny Novgorod, in the Annunciation Monastery, and just as mysteriously disappeared, although it had previously survived three devastating fires unharmed. It is believed that it was painted in Kyiv during the time of Equal-to-the-Apostles Grand Duke Vladimir as a copy of the icon brought by the Baptist of Rus' from Korsun. The basis for this assumption was the inscription on the robe in two languages, Slavic and Greek: “This image was painted in the summer of 6501 (903) by Simeon the hieromonk.” The main shrine of the Annunciation Monastery was sent there by the wonderworker Alexy, Metropolitan of Moscow, as the primate blessing of the newly created monastery.

In addition, in Russia there were nearly a dozen locally revered copies of the Korsun icon of later origin: in Izborsk in Pskov, in St. Isaac’s Cathedral northern capital, in Nezhin, Chernigov province, in the village of Pilatiki, Romanov district, Yaroslavl province, in the Spaso-Evfimiev monasteries in Suzdal, Solovetsky and Pavlo-Obnorsky near Vologda and in many other cities, villages and monasteries. The number of churches in the name of Our Lady of Korsun was even greater.


The iconographic version of the icons with this name includes two translations of the same type of shoulder-length image of the Mother of God and the Infant Jesus Christ, when the head of the Mother of God is tilted to the right or left in accordance with the position of the Infant’s head (right or left). The icon belongs to the Tenderness type: the large head of the Mother of God in a cap is covered with a maforia and is bowed to the head of the Youth Jesus, falling to Her cheek. With the fingers of one hand, the Mother of God touches His face, and the fingers of the other press His shoulders. The baby hugs the neck of the Mother of God with one hand, and holds a rolled scroll in the fingers of the other.

Korsun Icon of the Mother of God (Ephesus Icon of the Mother of God) - an icon of the Virgin Mary and Child, revered in the Orthodox Church as miraculous. Belongs to the Eleus iconographic type (its abbreviated, shoulder-length version).

History of the icon

Image of Prince Vladimir

According to legend, the Ephesian, or Korsun, icon of the Mother of God was painted by St. the Apostle Luke and while still alive, the Most Holy Theotokos, seeing her image, said: “The grace of him who was born of me and mine be with this icon.” On October 9, 988, a copy of this icon was brought from Korsun to Kyiv by the saints prince equal to the apostles Vladimir and received the name of the Korsun Icon. Later, the icon was moved to Novgorod, and from there to Moscow, to the Kremlin Assumption Cathedral.

Image of Euphrosyne of Polotsk

The image was brought from Byzantium to Rus' in 1162 by the Venerable Euphrosyne of Polotsk, daughter of the Vitebsk prince Svyatoslav Vseslavich. Euphrosyne founded the Spassky Monastery in Polotsk and built in it new church in honor of the Most Holy Theotokos, she wished to decorate it with the most ancient image of the Ephesian Mother of God, the origin of which, according to the stories of travelers and tradition, was traced back to the Evangelist Luke. She and her servant Michael sent rich gifts to the Greek Emperor Manuel and Patriarch Luke Chrysovergus, with a request to send this icon. The request was granted and the image was sent to Rus' from Ephesus. Decorating the image with gold, silver and precious stones, Euphrosyne placed it in the Church of Our Lady in 1173.

Regarding the new name of the icon - Korsun, there are two versions: in those days, the word “Korsun” was synonymous with the adjective “beautiful” or the icon was transported through Korsun, and at the request of the residents of this city, it stayed there for about a year, receiving the name Korsun.

Toropetsk Icon of the Mother of God

Korsunskaya, Kirillo-Belozersky Monastery

Unlike the original Korsun icon, the Toropets icon belongs to the Hodegetria icon painting type. There is a hypothesis that the icon comes from Polotsk and is a copy of the Ephesian icon of Euphrosyne.


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    Types of icons of the Mother of God Oranta Eleusa Hodegetria Agiosoritissa Eleusa. Vladimir icon Mother of God (XII century). Eleusa (Greek... Wikipedia

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    Korsunskaya- the icon of the Mother of God There are two legends about its origin. One says that the Korsun Ephesian icon, painted by the Evangelist Luke, was transferred from Korsun to Kyiv in 988, and then to Moscow; another says that the icon was brought... ... Complete Orthodox Theological Encyclopedic Dictionary Encyclopedic Dictionary

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There are many famous images that have healing and other miraculous properties. There are always crowds of people who want to pray at such icons; people come for them from other cities and countries to improve their condition. In this material I would like to offer you an overview of the icon of the Korsun Mother of God, which received great fame due to its amazing abilities.

There are two versions in total that explain how the icon of the Korsun Mother of God ended up on the territory Russian Federation.

The most ancient legend reads that the shrine was created by the evangelist himself and it was preserved in the city of Ephesus.

And on October 9, 988, a copy of this image was brought from Korsun to Kyiv (this was done by the holy Equal-to-the-Apostles) after his baptism, and the image began to be called the “Korsun Icon.” A little later, the face was transferred to the city of Novgorod, and during the reign of Ivan the Terrible, the Korsun Mother of God ended up in Moscow - in the Kremlin Assumption Cathedral, where she was placed behind the throne (she remains here to this day).

Numerous studies have been carried out, the results of which classify the Korsun icon as one of the almost unstudied monuments of the ancient chronicle, and the initial mentions of the face in history date back to the first half of the seventeenth century.

This icon in its own way appearance is very reminiscent of other images, for example, the image of “Tenderness”. This shrine, depicting the Mother of God, is revered as one of the first sacred relics of the Assumption Cathedral - the icon was on its altar for more than six centuries.

But there is a second legend, telling about the bringing of the Mother of God from Greece to the territory of the modern Russian Federation in 1162 with the help of the Venerable Euphrosyne of Polotsk (the day of her veneration is considered the twenty-third of May).

The Holy Spasskaya Monastery was founded in the city of Polotsk, and a little later - another temple in honor of Immaculate Virgin. When Euphrosyne was told that in Greece there were images created by the Evangelist Luke, she sent many generous offerings to the ruler of that country, Luke Chrysovergus, asking him to send her the image.

The request was granted and the shrine was sent to Russia from the city of Ephesus. On the way, the icon was transported through Korsun and the local population expressed a desire to keep the icon for twelve months, which is why it was named Korsun. Subsequently, the face was decorated with Saint Euphrosyne with gold, silver and jewelry, and in 1173 it was sent to the Church of the Mother of God. There the face remained for more than sixty years, demonstrating its amazing healing abilities.

In 1239, when the daughter of the Polotsk prince Paraskeva was preparing for marriage, she decided to take the image to the city of Toropets, where the face was in the Cathedral of the Virgin Mary and was revered as miraculous. Here, the Korsun Mother of God also performed quite a few miracles - in particular, one can highlight the intercession of Toropets from the attack of the Poles in 1611.

In 1917, the wonderful relic was seized by the Bolsheviks and taken to the city of Leningrad. Subsequently, the icon ended up in the Russian Museum (St. Petersburg).

The Holy Icon of the Korsun Mother of God is also known due to its other lists, namely: St. Isaac's Cathedral (St. Petersburg), Nezhinsky Monastery (city of Usman), Pavlo-Obnorsky Monastery (Vologda Diocese), Suzdal Spaso-Euphemius Monastery, Nizhny Novgorod Annunciation Monastery, and so on further.

What is shown on the icon

The image shows us the Virgin Mary, tenderly holding the baby Jesus in her hands, she tenderly presses him to her heart. It becomes clear how much importance her beloved child has for her, how dear it is to the mother.

In the eyes of the Virgin Mary one can observe a mixture of admiration, love, tenderness, kindness and anxiety for her son. Those representatives of the weak half of humanity who have already had to face the agony of the birth of babies, but they also felt all the happiness when the baby was already born, understand perfectly the peculiarities of the Virgin Mary’s gaze.

For this reason, one of amazing properties Lika can be called protection and patronage of mothers and their babies from pathologies and any negative impacts from the outside (damage, evil eye, and so on).

When is the Korsun Icon of the Mother of God venerated?

On October twenty-second, Orthodox believers have a tradition of taking their relatives, loved ones, and children and going to a service in the church to venerate the miraculous image of the Holy Mother of God.

It is imperative to light a candle for health, prosperity and peace for all your family and friends. Also, prayers with an akathist are necessarily read, the Intercessor is glorified, then the rite of confession and communion follows.

It is believed that on the twenty-second of October the Korsun icon acquires double strength, and when you come to your apartment, you will be able to feel the full power of the face on yourself.

Be sure to perform a ritual on this day to cleanse your home of all evil spirits, conflict situations and fill it with joy, kindness, generosity, prosperity, love and other positive emotions.

What can the sacred face help with?

You can ask for help from the icon of the Korsun Mother of God both at home and in church. The most basic condition is the regularity of prayers and the sequence of church rituals.

Sinners who have neglected the Commandments of God, who feel guilty about themselves, must atone for their guilt by sincerely offering prayers to the image of the Virgin Mary.

In this case, the icon will be able to help with the following problems:

  • show mercy and forgive sins;
  • to comfort those who need it;
  • alleviate suffering (physical and mental);
  • save lost souls;
  • to heal from diseases for which there seems to be no salvation in official medicine;
  • will help to obtain sincere repentance for the wrongdoings committed.

IN Orthodox churches To express one's gratitude to the Holy Virgin Mary, one practices the chanting of the Akathist of the Korsun Face.

At the same time, the akathist is a very serious event for believers and clergy. The songs glorify the healing power of the face, Christians express joy for the birth of Jesus Christ and demonstrate great love for all people, a desire to intercede for those who are weaker and more infirm.

The Akathist consists of twelve ikos and thirteen kontakia. They should be read by priests in the church, and believers at this time offer their sincere prayers to the icon.

Where can I buy the Korsun Icon?

Perhaps the largest assortment of icons and other church paraphernalia today can be found in church shops and Orthodox online stores.

The sacred image of the Korsun Mother of God is made in various variations and artistic styles.

In addition, the icon can be made independently - for example, embroidered from beads (or, as an option, purchase a ready-made embroidered icon). Such unusual icons, decorated with additional fittings, will be an ideal option with which you can decorate your home red corner (that is, the place where icons are usually placed in the house).

Now you are familiar with the main miraculous properties of the Korsun Icon, plus you know where to buy it. Finally, I would like to remind you once again that turning to any icon (or other shrine, To higher powers) presupposes that you have sincere faith in what you are praying and the absence of any doubts. Only in this case can your requests and desires really become a reality.

And finally, I would like to invite you to watch the video, which contains a prayer-address to the Korsun Mother of God:

(Ephesus Icon of the Mother of God) - an icon of the Virgin Mary and Child, revered in Orthodox Church miraculous.

History of the icon

Image of Prince Vladimir

According to legend, the Ephesian, or Korsun, icon of the Mother of God was painted by St. the Apostle Luke and while still alive, the Most Holy Theotokos, seeing her image, said:

“The grace of him who was born of me and mine be with this icon.”

On October 9, 988, a copy of this icon was brought from Korsun to Kyiv by the holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Prince Vladimir and received the name of the Korsun Icon.

Later, the icon was moved to Novgorod, and from there to Moscow, to the Kremlin Assumption Cathedral.

Image of Euphrosyne of Polotsk

The image was brought from Byzantium to Russia in 1162 by the Venerable Euphrosyne of Polotsk, daughter of Prince George of Polotsk.

Euphrosyne founded the Spassky monastery in Polotsk and, having built a new church in it in honor of the Most Holy Theotokos, she wished to decorate it with the most ancient image of the Mother of God of Ephesus, the origin of which was traced to the Evangelist Luke by the stories of travelers and tradition.

She and her servant Michael sent rich gifts to the Greek Emperor Manuel and Patriarch Luke Chrysovergus, with a request to send this icon.

The request was granted and the image was sent to Rus' from Ephesus. Having decorated the image with gold, silver and precious stones, Euphrosyne placed it in the Church of the Mother of God in 1173.

Regarding the new name of the icon - Korsun, there are two versions: in those days, the word “Korsun” was synonymous with the adjective “beautiful” or the icon was transported through Korsun, and at the request of the residents of this city, it stayed there for about a year, receiving the name Korsun.

Toropetsk Icon of the Mother of God

The history of the Toropetsk icon has been known since the turn of the 17th–18th centuries. when the first story about her was written.

It connects the appearance of the icon in the city of Toropets with the wedding of Alexander Nevsky and the daughter of the Polotsk prince Bryachislav.

The icon became the bride's father's blessing for marriage.

In the city, the icon began to be identified with the ancient Korsun icon, and at the same time the icon, popular in the 17th–18th centuries, arose. the legend about her “Korsun origin”.

Unlike the original Korsun icon, the Toropetsk icon belongs to the Hodegetria icon painting type.


Miraculous lists from the Korsun icon:

  • in the Nizhny Novgorod Annunciation Cathedral (written in 995)
  • in the parish churches of the city of Korsun, Simbirsk diocese, and the village of Glinkova, Vladimir diocese, near the Trinity-Sergius Lavra.

Photo gallery

Useful information

Korsun Icon of the Mother of God
Ephesus Icon of the Mother of God



O Most Holy Virgin, Lady Theotokos, the Only Begotten God of the Word, all visible and invisible creatures, Creator and Master, one of the Trinity, Lord, God and Man, who gave birth more than nature and words, the Divine receptacle, the recipient of all shrines and graces, in Neizha the fulfillment of the Divine abides , by the blessing of God and the Father and the action of the Holy Spirit, chosen from all creation, glory and unspeakable joy of the Angels, the royal crown of the apostles and prophets, the wonderful and all-praiseworthy courage of the martyrs and the wedding of sufferers, everlasting and incorruptible rewards to the immutable intercessor, honor and glory to the venerables, unforgettable path to the teacher , source of light, inexhaustible river of mercy, inexhaustible sea of ​​all miracles and spiritual gifts! We pray to You and ask You, merciful Mother of the Lover of Mankind, to have mercy on us, Your humble and unworthy servant: look mercifully on our captivity and heal the contrition of our souls and bodies, destroy the visible and invisible armies, and every pillar of the fortress, weapons in battle, commander and invincible champion, make us unworthy on behalf of our enemies. Show us Your ancient mercies and wonders. For there is only one King and Master, Thy Son and God, and Thou art truly the Mother of God, blessed of all generations, who gave birth to the true God according to the flesh, and for His sake Thou art all able and mighty to act, even if thou wilt in heaven and on earth. Fulfill every request for the benefit of everyone, Lady: grant healing to those who are ailing, silence and control to those floating in the sea, travel and observe with those who travel, console those who grieve, ease poverty and all bodily bitterness, consume mental illness and bodily passions first of all through Your invisible intercession and by intercession, so that we may end this temporary path of life kindly and without stumbling, and receive eternal good for Your sake in the Kingdom of Heaven. Much more than this, entrusted to You, this city and every city and country from famine, destruction, cowardice, flood, fire and sword, from the presence of foreigners and internecine warfare and from vain death, and from righteous death, turn away all anger righteously moved towards us, by the good will and grace of the Only Begotten Son Yours, to Him belongs all glory, honor and worship, with His Originless Father and the Ever-Existing and Life-Giving Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

In every house where Orthodox Christians live, there is at least one icon of the Mother of God. There are images that are associated specifically with Russia. The Korsun Icon of the Mother of God was brought from Chersonesus after the baptism of Rus'. It is recognized as miraculous and is the cultural heritage of all humanity.

History of writing

Belongs to the “Eleusa” type (like the “Vladimirskaya”), according to church legend, it was copied from the original written by the Evangelist Luke (however, according to legend, he painted almost every second icon of the Queen of Heaven). It is necessary to honor not the icon painters and the origin, but the Mother of God herself; the image can be anything - as long as it does not violate the canons.

The Korsun Icon of the Mother of God has changed many places of residence:

  • Initially, the prince brought it from Korsun to Kyiv;
  • Then she was sent to Novgorod;
  • After that I ended up in the Assumption Cathedral in Moscow.

The original image itself has long been lost; today a revered copy of it is in Nizhny Novgorod, in the Annunciation Monastery. The original, written over a thousand years ago, has also disappeared. Shrines are not lost by accident - the Lord hides them either until the time comes, or hides them from desecration. Therefore, you shouldn’t be too upset - prayers are still being raised to God, just like thousands of years ago.


The name “Korsunskaya” is actually worn by several different icons. What unites them is not so much their origin as general type images - “Tenderness”.

  • The image of Princess Polotsk. The bride of Alexander Nevsky brought the shrine as a dowry in 1239. The image was painted in Constantinople. Spassky was founded in Polotsk convent, where Euphrosyne donated it. The image was decorated with a precious frame.
  • Hodegetria of Korsun - created in the 13th century, today it is in the Kremlin Museum. For a long time The icon was in the Assumption Church, where Ivan the Terrible brought it. According to historians, it came to Russia from Constantinople at the beginning of the 14th century.

There are several other images that claim the honor of being called the Korsun Icon of the Mother of God. Each of them has a separate story, many are glorified by miracles, and therefore can be equally revered by believers.

The meaning of what they pray for the Korsun Icon

This type of image is characterized by the fact that it shows all the depth mother's love. In a theological sense it demonstrates ideal relationship between the Lord and people (they are represented by the Mother of God). The Mother of God, as you know, has a very pure soul, free from sins. Therefore, she can boldly offer prayers to God, her whole soul strives only for the Lord of heaven. In the icon, the Most Pure One shows this by hugging the Child to her with both hands.

The special tenderness between Mother and Son is manifested here in the arrangement of the figures - Mary and Christ gently press cheek to cheek. There is no distance between their bodies, which symbolizes spiritual unity. The Baby's hand is wrapped around the neck of the Virgin Mary. The baby raised his eyes to Heaven, as if peering into his future.

Maria looks as if deep into own soul, on her face there is a shade of deep sadness. She also knows what should happen when the child grows up. Fate will snatch him from his mother's embrace, and she will hug his cold, mutilated body...

But both are united by the great hope of the Resurrection. The meaning of the Korsun icon is to show that the sacrifice of the cross was made in the name of God's Love for humanity. Everyone has been redeemed by the blood of Christ; believers need to remember this, appreciate and take care of each other. Then every prayer will be answered, hope will be fulfilled, sins will be erased.

What does it help with?

In Russia, the Mother of God is greatly revered; the Korsun Icon is just one example. What are they praying for?

  • They ask for consolation in spiritual sorrows, relief from torment;
  • About enlightening the soul with the light of Christ's commandments;
  • About saving and guiding children and loved ones on the true path;
  • About bodily healing from illnesses.

Everyone has their own sorrows and worries, all of them can be brought to the feet of the Mother of God. She is the mother of all humanity. You can read an akathist in front of the Korsun Icon, order a prayer service for it, or read prayers privately. Here, only the will of the believer himself is important; the Church does not regulate the number of prayers. It is important that they are regular. Then the burden of worries will gradually decrease, God will send strength and spiritual joy. Most Holy Theotokos, pray to God for us!

Prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos before Her Korsun Icon

O Most Holy Virgin, Mother of Christ our God, Queen of Heaven and earth! Listen to the much-painful sighing of our souls, look down from Thy holy height upon us, who with faith and love worship Thy most pure and miraculous image. Because we are immersed in sins and overwhelmed by sorrows, looking at Your image, as if You were alive and living with us, we offer our humble prayers. The imams have no other help, no other intercession, no consolation, except You, O Mother of all who grieve and are burdened! Help us the weak, assuage our sorrows, guide us astray on the right path, heal our painful hearts and save the hopeless, grant us the rest of our lives in peace and repentance, grant us a Christian death, and at the terrible judgment of Your Son, the merciful Representative will appear to us, May we always sing, magnify and glorify Thee, as the good intercessor of the Christian race, with all those who have pleased God, forever and ever. Amen.

Korsun Icon of the Mother of God - where to find it, what to pray for was last modified: June 8th, 2017 by Bogolub

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