Guard Private Serezhenka is the youngest soldier of the Great Patriotic War. We won

matveychev_oleg Private Serezhenka in the Guard - the youngest soldier of the Great Patriotic War

Seryozha Aleshkov was 6 years old, when the Germans executed his mother and older brother for their connection with the partisans. It happened in Kaluga region.

Seryozha was saved by a neighbor. She threw the child out of the window of the hut and shouted for him to run as fast as he could. The boy ran into the forest. This was in the fall of 1942. It is difficult to say how long the child wandered, hungry, exhausted, frozen in the Kaluga forests. He was encountered by scouts from the 142nd Guards Rifle Regiment, commanded by Major Vorobyov. They carried the boy in their arms across the front line. And they left him in the regiment.

The hardest thing was to choose clothes for the little soldier: where can you find size thirty boots? However, over time, both shoes and form is everything as expected. The young unmarried Major Mikhail Vorobyov became a second father for Seryozha. By the way, he later officially adopted the boy.

“But you don’t have a mother, Serezhenka,” the major said somehow sadly, stroking the boy’s short-cropped hair.

No, it will be so,” he replied. - I like the nurse Aunt Nina, she is kind and beautiful.

So with light hand child, the major found his happiness and lived with Nina Andreevna Bedova, foreman medical service, all my life.

Seryozha helped his senior comrades as best he could: he carried mail and ammunition to the soldiers, and sang songs between battles. Serezhenka turned out to have a wonderful character - cheerful, calm, he never whined or complained about trifles. And for the soldiers, this boy became a reminder of a peaceful life; each of them had someone left at home who loved them and was waiting for them. Everyone tried to caress the child. But Seryozha gave his heart to Vorobyov once and for all.

Seryozha received the medal “For Military Merit” for saving the life of his named father. Once, during a fascist raid, a bomb destroyed the regiment commander’s dugout. No one except the boy saw that Major Vorobyov was under the rubble of logs.

Swallowing back tears, the boy tried to move the logs to the side, but only tore his hands bloody. Despite the ongoing explosions, Seryozha ran for help. He led the soldiers to the littered dugout, and they pulled out their commander. And Guard Private Seryozha stood nearby and sobbed loudly, smearing dirt over his face, like an ordinary little boy, which he, in fact, was.

The commander of the 8th Guards Army, General Chuikov, having learned about the young hero, awarded Seryozha with a military weapon - a captured Walther pistol. The boy was later wounded, sent to the hospital and never returned to the front line. It is known that Sergei Aleshkov graduated Suvorov School and Kharkov Law Institute. For many years he worked as a lawyer in Chelyabinsk, closer to his family - Mikhail and Nina Vorobyov. IN recent years worked as a prosecutor. He died early, in 1990. The years of war took their toll.

The story of the regiment's son Aleshkov seems like a legend, if not for the old black and white photography, from which a smiling, round-faced boy with a cap pulled jauntily over one ear looks at us trustingly. Guard Private Serezhenka. A child who fell into the millstones of war, survived many troubles and became a real person. And for this, as you know, you need not only strength of character, but also a kind heart.

Seryozha Aleshkov was only 6 years old in 1942, when the Germans executed his mother and older brother for connections with the partisans. They lived in the Kaluga region. The boy was saved by a neighbor. She threw the baby out of the window of the hut and shouted to run as fast as he could...

Seryozha managed to hide in the forest. Today it is difficult to say how long I wandered around autumn forest exhausted and hungry child. But he was lucky - he was accidentally found by scouts of the 142nd Guards Rifle Regiment, commanded by Major Vorobyov. The boy was taken to the regiment. For the little soldier, although with difficulty, they found military uniform, but the uniform was found as expected.

Major Mikhail Vorobyov, young and unmarried, became Seryozha’s father. He later adopted the boy. “But you don’t have a mother, Serezhenka,” the major said somehow sadly, stroking the boy’s head. And he optimistically declared: “No, it will be so!” “I like the nurse Aunt Nina, she’s kind and beautiful.” It seems incredible, but with the light hand of his adopted son, the major found his happiness and lived with Nina Andreevna Bedova, a senior medical officer, all his life.

Seryozha’s character turned out to be simply golden - he never complained, never whined. He helped his comrades in any way he could: he carried cartridges and mail to the soldiers, and sang songs in between battles. For the soldiers, the baby was a reminder of a peaceful life, everyone tried to caress the baby, but his heart belonged only to Major Vorobyov.

Seryozha received the medal “For Military Merit” for saving the life of his named father. Once, during an air raid, an enemy bomb hit the regiment commander’s dugout. No one except Seryozha saw that under the rubble of logs was Major Vorobyov. “Folder!” Seryozha shouted in a voice that was not his own, pressed his ear to the logs and heard a groan. At first he tried to move the logs himself, but only tore his hands bloody. And although explosions roared all around, the baby was not afraid and ran for help. The boy led the soldiers to the place where there had recently been a dugout, and they managed to pull out the commander. And at this time, Guard Private Seryozha was sobbing loudly next to him, smearing dirt on his face, like a little boy, which he, in fact, was.

When General Chuikov, commander of the 8th Guards Army, learned about the young hero, he awarded Seryozha with a military weapon - a captured Walther pistol. Later the boy was wounded, he was sent to the hospital and never returned to the front line.

It is known that the son of the regiment, Aleshkov, graduated from the Suvorov School and the Kharkov Law Institute after the war. He worked as a lawyer in Chelyabinsk, where his adoptive parents, Mikhail and Nina Vorobyov, lived. Died in 1990.

There was another war in the history legendary personality Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya - .

Seryozha Aleshkov was 6 years old when the Germans executed his mother and older brother for their connection with the partisans. This happened in the Kaluga region.
Seryozha was saved by a neighbor. She threw the child out of the window of the hut and shouted for him to run as fast as he could. The boy ran into the forest. This was in the fall of 1942. It is difficult to say how long the child wandered, hungry, exhausted, frozen in the Kaluga forests. He was encountered by scouts from the 142nd Guards Rifle Regiment, commanded by Major Vorobyov. They carried the boy in their arms across the front line. And they left him in the regiment.

The hardest thing was to choose clothes for the little soldier: where can you find size thirty boots? However, over time, both shoes and uniforms were found - everything was as it should be. The young unmarried Major Mikhail Vorobyov became a second father for Seryozha. By the way, he later officially adopted the boy.

“But you don’t have a mother, Serezhenka,” the major said somehow sadly, stroking the boy’s short-cropped hair.

“No, it will be so,” he replied. – I like the nurse Aunt Nina, she is kind and beautiful.

So, with the light hand of a child, the major found his happiness and lived with Nina Andreevna Bedova, a senior medical officer, all his life.

Seryozha helped his senior comrades as best he could: he carried mail and ammunition to the soldiers, and sang songs between battles. Serezhenka turned out to have a wonderful character - cheerful, calm, he never whined or complained about trifles. And for the soldiers, this boy became a reminder of a peaceful life; each of them had someone left at home who loved them and was waiting for them. Everyone tried to caress the child. But Seryozha gave his heart to Vorobyov once and for all.

Seryozha received the medal “For Military Merit” for saving the life of his named father. Once, during a fascist raid, a bomb destroyed the regiment commander’s dugout. No one except the boy saw that Major Vorobyov was under the rubble of logs.

Swallowing back tears, the boy tried to move the logs to the side, but only tore his hands bloody. Despite the ongoing explosions, Seryozha ran for help. He led the soldiers to the littered dugout, and they pulled out their commander. And Guard Private Seryozha stood next to him and sobbed loudly, smearing dirt over his face, like the most ordinary little boy, which he, in fact, was.

The commander of the 8th Guards Army, General Chuikov, having learned about the young hero, awarded Seryozha with a military weapon - a captured Walther pistol. The boy was later wounded, sent to the hospital and never returned to the front line. It is known that Sergei Aleshkov graduated from the Suvorov School and the Kharkov Law Institute. For many years he worked as a lawyer in Chelyabinsk, closer to his family – Mikhail and Nina Vorobyov. In recent years he worked as a prosecutor. He died early, in 1990. The years of war took their toll.

The story of the regiment's son Aleshkov seems like a legend, if not for the old black and white photograph from which a smiling, round-faced boy with a cap pulled jauntily over one ear looks at us trustingly. Guard Private Serezhenka. A child who fell into the millstones of war, survived many troubles and became a real person. And for this, as you know, you need not only strength of character, but also a kind heart.
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In one of my military notes, I once talked about the oldest Hero Soviet Union. About the old - in the sense that about the oldest, the oldest.

He was Pskov hunter Matvey Kuzmich Kuzmin, who repeated the feat of Ivan Susanin- in February 1942, Matvey Kuzmich led a detachment of selected Bavarian rangers into the forest, and then in the area of ​​​​the village of Malkino he led the invaders out under the attack of our troops. The ambush prepared in advance by grandfather Kuzmich was a success: the German detachment was completely defeated, many rangers were destroyed, and some of them were captured. But the commander of the Bavarian riflemen realized that the old man had outwitted him, and in a rage he fired several bullets at grandfather Kuzmich. And the old hunter died. At the time of his feat, Matvey Kuzmin was 83 years old, and he became the oldest holder of the title of Hero of the Soviet Union during its entire existence.

Today I will tell you about the very young hero Russian Land. About a smiling boy with the affectionate surname Aleshkov, whose lot fell on far from gentle times and trials.

Here he is - a six-year-old guard private Seryozha Aleshkov , a graduate of the 142nd Guards Rifle Regiment of the 47th Guards Rifle Division. The youngest soldier of the Great Patriotic War.

Seryozha Aleshkov was born and lived in the forest village of Gryn, which is located in the Kaluga region. When war came to his region, the village became the base of a partisan detachment. In the fall of 1942, Nazi punitive forces staged a raid, and Seryozha’s mother and older brother were executed for connections with the partisans. The orphan boy ran into the forest and wandered there for a very long time. A hungry, exhausted and frozen child was found in the Kaluga forests by scouts of the 142nd Guards Rifle Regiment, commanded by Major Mikhail Vorobyov. Our soldiers carried the exhausted boy in their arms across the front line. This is how Seryozha Alyoshkin became the son of the regiment.

The guardsmen sewed a military uniform for their adopted son and even got some very small boots from somewhere.

The young and unmarried regiment commander Mikhail Vorobyov became a second father for Seryozha. By the way, after some time he officially adopted him. But Seryozha chose his second mother himself. He told his dad that he really liked the nurse, Aunt Nina, because she was kind and beautiful. And then the comrade major had to marry the foreman of the medical service.

So, with the light hand of a child, two front-line destinies united - Mikhail Danilovich and Nina Andreevna Vorobyov lived happily together all their lives.

What could a six-year-old boy do during the war? He was entrusted with a completely feasible service - he carried mail to the soldiers and delivered ammunition.

And in between battles, he entertained his comrades with songs and poems.

The boy turned out to have an absolutely wonderful character - cheerful, calm and flexible. Seryozhka never whined or complained over trifles. Looking at the ever-smiling son of the regiment, the soldiers warmed their hearts and thawed their souls. They remembered their families, their children and dreamed of a peaceful life. Seryozhka alone strengthened the morale of the fighters in a way that probably no political officer or propaganda brigade could have done.

The baby didn’t eat the soldier’s bread for nothing. He once helped capture two Hitler's soldiers. Big-eyed Private Aleshkov noticed that someone was hiding behind the haystacks. The commander sent scouts there. And they soon brought two “Krauts” with a walkie-talkie. It turns out that they were artillery fire spotters. For the vigilance of the guard, Private Seryozha Aleshkov received his first gratitude from the command.

Together with his unit, the little soldier took part in the defense of Stalingrad. And he even earned an award there - a medal "For military merit" . He saved the life of his named father and several of his officers. It was like this.

One day, a German bomb hit the regiment commander’s dugout, tore it open, and covered Major Mikhail Vorobyov and his staff with logs and earth. The seriously wounded officers could have suffocated and died there if the son of the regiment had not come to their aid in time. Seryozhka, right under the explosions, rushed to look for help, found it, led the sapper soldiers to the destroyed dugout, and they began to save people buried under the rubble. And next to him stood Guard Private Seryozha, and, smearing dirt and tears on his face, he sobbed at the top of his voice.

Having learned about the young hero, the commander of the 8th Guards Army, General Chuikov, awarded Seryozha Aleshkov not only the medal “For Military Merit”, but also a military weapon - a captured Walter pistol.

In 1944, the young soldier was sent to study at the Tula Suvorov Military School. After the war, Sergei Aleshkov graduated from the Kharkov Law Institute, worked for many years as a lawyer in Chelyabinsk, and in recent years served as a prosecutor. Until the end of my life (and the youngest “guardsman” in the history of the USSR died, unfortunately, early - in 1990) he regularly visited his adoptive father Mikhail Danilovich Vorobyov.

But how many more are like this? Seryozhek, Alyoshek and Vanyushek passed through the terrible crucible of war, through its bloody millstones!

During the Great Patriotic War, more than 3,500 young front-line soldiers, whose age was less than 16 years old, served in the ranks of the Red Army. They, to the best of their small strength, brought the Great Victory closer.

The regiment in which Seryozha was located took part in Battle of Stalingrad. The boy, as usual, was behind the front line, always next to the regiment commander Mikhail Vorobyov, who by this time had become like a father to him. One day he set out from the dugout, where the regimental headquarters was located, on an errand.

As soon as Seryozha moved away from the dugout, the air raid began. All the fighters hid and did not notice that one of the bombs hit right into the shelter. Only Seryozha noticed this. Despite the explosions, he ran to the destroyed dugout and began calling Mikhail. Realizing that he could not move the collapsed logs, the boy, right under the bombing, ran for help and brought sappers, who dismantled the logs and saved everyone who was under the rubble.

Mikhail Danilovich escaped with a slight concussion and was not injured. But while he was being pulled out, according to the recollections of eyewitnesses of those events, 6-year-old Guard Private Sergei Alekshkov stood nearby and roared loudly, and when they pulled out the commander, he rushed to hug him shouting “Folder-folder!” and couldn't say anything more.

After this, the boy was solemnly awarded the medal “For Military Merit.” They made a mistake on the award sheet by writing the wrong ending to his last name:

“To reward the regiment’s graduate Sergei Andreevich Aleshkin for the fact that during his stay in the regiment from September 8, 1942, he went through a responsible combat path with the regiment. On November 18, 1942 he was wounded. As a child, always cheerful, he fell in love with the regiment, the command and everyone around him. With his cheerfulness, love for his unit and those around him, in extremely difficult moments he instilled cheerfulness and confidence in victory. Comrade Aleshkin was the regiment’s favorite.”