What does the name Albina mean in Tatar? Albina: the meaning of the name

  • Female name
  • Meaning and origin of the name Albina: Translated from Latin, the name means “White”, “Light”, “Pure”.
  • Energy named after Albin: Balance, energy, self-esteem

The name Albina strangely combines softness and charm with firmness and the ability to show coldness. This usually manifests itself in Albina’s character as follows: in company and with close people she is sweet and balanced, but as soon as her pride is hurt, ice appears in her eyes, bordering on arrogance. It is possible that Alya will be proud of her beautiful name, the rarity of which may further enhance this impact. Well, where there is pride, there is often excessive pride. beautiful and rare name It can captivate a person, awaken ambitious dreams, and evoke the illusion of one’s own uniqueness. If these tendencies develop in Albina, she can turn into an extremely arrogant person.

The name does not at all incline Alya to conflicts, which, on the one hand, is good, but on the other hand, it can strengthen her in her superiority. In fact, arrogance often provokes conflict situations, but if a person actively reacts to a quarrel, then there is no trace of arrogance left, the scandal tears off the mask, tires him or her and, however, still releases the accumulated steam. Albina, in a conflict, usually prefers to simply express her contempt to her interlocutor and turn away indifferently - thus, negative emotions always stay with her, such contempt inflames people even more, and Albina gets the opportunity to feel her own “elevation” above the “boorish” environment. I’m afraid that nothing good will come of it except unfounded conceit, and therefore it is very important that Ali’s self-esteem be balanced by a respectful attitude towards people, regardless of their spiritual qualities. In the end, most of the “boorish” character traits are just an illusion that arises due to the inability to understand a person.

Of course, arrogance is not the best trait in a person, but the ability to maintain balance in a conflict situation can benefit Albina in terms of her career or business. In controversial situations, it is balance that provides a person with the most advantageous position, and he becomes a leader. Taking into account Albina’s pride, there is every reason to believe that she will try to take on a leadership role both in the family and in business and, most likely, she will succeed. If only because she doesn’t waste her emotions on screaming, but with her contempt she often hits those who hurt the most. In a word, she has many chances to succeed, but if she wants not success, but real happiness, do not forget that happiness is impossible without the ability to sympathize and love people as they are. Without this, sooner or later the soul becomes cold.

What do you think of the name Albina?

The name Albina belongs to the group of German Catholic names. The origin of the name Albina is associated with the Latin nickname Albinus (“albus” - white). There is an opinion that the name is derived from the name Alba (Albina). Very common in the USA and European countries (Czech Republic, Poland). The meaning of the name Albina speaks of a strict and measured personality.

Meaning of the name Albina by letter

Albina's church name is not provided, because it is more used in Catholicism.

The meaning of the name Albina for a girl

Little Albina is very active child. She is constantly busy: dancing, singing, jumping, laughing. This girl lacks balance. She constantly expects praise from adults, even if she has painted all the wallpaper in the house. She believes that everyone should notice only her merits. Parents are obliged to pay close attention to Albina's upbringing. Punishments and reprimands (exclusively within reasonable educational limits) will not be superfluous.

The girl Albina constantly needs to instill a sense of respect for people. If parents do not pay attention to this, then adult Albina may have terrible conceit. Does not refuse to help his mother/grandmother. Loves to cook and clean the house. The meaning of the name Albina for a girl speaks of capriciousness. This can cause problems at school.

A girl with this name, born in winter, is very hot-tempered, in autumn she knows how to control herself, in summer she is active and emotional, in spring she is arrogant and vulnerable. The meaning of this name speaks of a lively girl. She loves to fantasize. She remembers well what caused strong emotions in her.

Predisposed to aquatic species sports


Two sides - that’s what the name Albina means for her character. She can be unapproachable and cold, showing willpower and strength of character. On another day, she is flexible and soft, showing her charm and joy with all her might. Albina's weak point is her pride. She can get angry in a few seconds. Offended Albina is extremely arrogant and proud.

Doesn't like quarrels, but doesn't avoid them either. If her opponent is too aggressive, Albina will not accept the challenge. She will remain indifferent to any screams and will only give her opponent a contemptuous look. As usual, her behavior only makes the quarrel worse.

Albina knows how to control herself and considers this her advantage over others. To many, she may seem rude and even boorish, because Albina does not tend to listen to other people’s opinions and understand other people’s feelings.

She knows how to lead people and herself. Does not follow feelings and emotions. He knows how to hurt a person with just words and where to hit so that the enemy retreats defeated.

It’s better never to argue with her, never to test her. She will win and humiliate you as much as possible. Albina is inclined to start a quarrel in order to prove to herself her strength and advantage. He does a lot just to impress others.

Prone to euphoria, which develops into long-term depression.

Profession and career

Albina's calmness and coldness help her in her career. She can outplay anyone in a business conflict. Such a girl is an immediate leader. Her inability to succumb to strangers, and own feelings makes her an iron lady in any crisis situation. The characteristics of the name Albina indicate her success in any business.

He knows how to manipulate people, so it is better to choose a profession directly related to communication. She can be great sales representative, consultant, broker. Albina is good at teaching. Such a girl is not inclined to chase a prestigious position; it is important that she can express herself. Tends to make discoveries in professional creative activities.

Willingly takes part in public life. Sees more joy in self-development (narcissism, if poorly brought up), than in the work process. Has good intuition.


He often forgets that he needs to have compassion and pity on loved ones. She doesn’t know how to accept people for who they really are, so she tends to be disappointed in them for no reason. She tends to quickly find and lose acquaintances.

Does not tolerate ridicule directed at himself. For this, she can turn from friend into enemy, and take revenge with all the grace and cunning that is inherent in her.

All these qualities do not mean that Albina is devoid of kindness. The interpretation of the name indicates that she defends her pride only when she feels threatened. At other times, this girl is calm and sweet. She has a very rich inner world. She true friend and a hospitable hostess.

Takes all failures to heart, even those of others and the most insignificant ones. She cannot keep her feelings to herself, otherwise she will develop a nervous breakdown.

Romantic relationships

She is well aware of her own uniqueness. Because of this, she can be arrogant. She does not like intrusiveness, so she does not tolerate quick falling in love by men. Everything should be measured and on time so that Albina does not feel humiliated.

She is very picky when choosing a partner. Finds his ideal with difficulty. The interpretation of the name suggests that she will be happy if she accepts a man with all his shortcomings and comes to terms with her own. This doesn't mean she has to accept every weak guy. Let him just forgive his imperfection.

She knows how charming she is and knows how to use it. If she is comfortable with a man, she will give him unimaginable tenderness.

She is able to reach the top, get rich or find a rich man, and start relationships with “big” people. Powerful before marriage. Very sentimental, although he doesn't show it.


She is a leader not only in the office, but also at home. In everyday life, everything works out for her as well as possible. Quite practical. Even despite some indifference to the feelings of loved ones, she is ready to protect her family and friends more than herself. Loves to decorate her home and create comfort. Tries to comprehensively develop her children. Does not tolerate drunkenness in the house.


The meaning of the name Albina promises its owner problems with genitourinary system and weight.

A girl will be happy if she can curb her character and see people as real. She will not be able to find the perfect husband and the perfect job to match her nature, and if she cannot accept this, she will become depressed.

In her career, on the contrary, nothing interferes with her. If she finds the desired place, she can achieve everything she needs. Fate is preparing her to become a director.

There may be a breakdown in the relationship with her husband if Albina does not get rid of jealousy. Excessive coldness towards children can lead to their alienation. But by watching her character, Albina will be happy and healthy.

On Latin it means "white" and "pure". If you go deeper into history, then in the Roman Empire female names were forms of generic names. So, for example, the name Albina, which originally sounded different - “Alba”, meant that this girl was from the Alb family. What is noteworthy is that women of the same clan had the same names in those days. The only difference was age. So, the eldest woman in the clan was called Alba Maior, that is, the eldest of the Alb clan. Next came Alba Secunda (second) and so on. The word Minor was added to the youngest one.

If we go back to the present day, the name Albina is more common in Poland or the Czech Republic, as well as in the USA. In America it often sounds like Bella. In Orthodoxy, the meaning of the name Albina is not considered ecclesiastical and is not recognized. Beliana or Belana may be consonant with this name.

But let's move on to character traits. Knowing the meaning of the name Albina, you can guess that this child has been restless and curious since childhood. The girl is interested in every thing. Growing up, Albina becomes a good helper to her parents. She loves order and comfort. As a rule, a girl with this name has many friends and girlfriends. Albina is friendly and ready to help. Nevertheless, people often take advantage of her good nature to their advantage, but, as a rule, she does not hold a grudge against them. It is not for nothing that the meaning of the name Albina is pure and white. Having already matured, the girl becomes more reasonable, calm and pleasant in communication, which earns the respect of others.

In life, Albina is not a leader, so professions related to management are not suitable for her. The most she can achieve is managing a small department. Albina is an excellent housewife at home. As for her figure, most often this girl keeps herself in shape, so she is not deprived of male attention. She is in no hurry to get married. He is very scrupulous about marriage. Therefore, marriage most often occurs at an age well over twenty years.

Albina carefully selects her husband. She must wait for a person who will not only be loved, but also financially secure.

The most suitable men for marriage with Albina are Igor, as well as Alexander and Grigory. You should not marry Ivan and Vasily, as well as Nikolai and Peter. Here the relationship will not be permanent; most likely, such a marriage will fail, and the spouses will have to divorce.

The zodiac sign that best matches this name is Cancer. A talisman, a talisman for a girl named Albina is a moonstone. The most successful day is Wednesday. Therefore, it is better to postpone the most important things on this day of the week. Albin's name day is December sixteenth.

If you named your daughter Albina, the meaning of the name may vary depending on exactly when the child was born. So, girls born in May are predisposed to They sleep poorly in infancy, love to be carried in your arms. September Albins rarely get sick, they have a predisposition to tonsillitis. If a girl was born in February, then school years often gets sick. Such girls are restless and irritable, prone to nervous breakdowns.

So, the origin of the name Albina is from the male name Alben. Its roots are Latin. Beautiful and consonant, this name will bring happiness to your child.

Linguists claim that the name Albina comes from the Roman generic name Albinus, which in turn comes from the word albus. Translated, this means “white” or “pure”. I follow this logic the meaning of the name Albina is “white” or “pure”. Most popular in countries with great traditions in Catholic faith. These are countries such as Poland, Czech Republic, etc.

Also from generic nicknames came such female names as Camilla (Camillus), Claudia (Claudius), Sabina (Sabinus) and Emilia (Aemilius). You can find out their meaning by following the links.

The name Albina has several related names. This male names Albin and Albinus. The first of the names is typical for the Scandinavian countries, and the second was relatively popular in the 16th-19th centuries AD in France and Germany.

The meaning of the name Albina for a girl

Albina is a cheerful and active girl. She has a craving for everything new, which often spills out in the form of curiosity and restlessness. Albina needs to be closely monitored and the main thing is to teach her safety rules. She loving daughter and is happy to help parents. The girl is sociable and always has a lot of friends. He tries in every possible way to communicate longer, because without communication he cannot find a place for himself. The girl is very kind and sympathetic.

Albina studies well, and in addition to studying, she also goes to many clubs. She is interested in everything new, but there is also a long-term love for one particular subject. Very often, the love of learning will depend on the personality of the teacher. If a teacher can kindle a love for his subject in Albina, then such an ardent admirer of the subject will be difficult to find.

For the most part, the health of girls named Albina is good. Weak point Albina you can call her nervous system. She is quite an emotional person and can be overly sensitive. It is advisable for her to monitor her own emotional background and avoid nervous shock in every possible way.

Short name Albina

Bina, Binka, Alina, Alya, Lala.

Diminutive pet names

Albinochka, Alchik, Albishka, Albinushka.

Name Albina in English

IN English the name Albina has the form Bella and Albella.

Name Albina for international passport- ALBINA.

Translation of the name Albina into other languages

in Belarusian - Albina
in Ukrainian - Albina
in Polish - Albina
in Hungarian - Albina
in Czech - Albina
in Spanish - Albina
in Italian - Albina
in German - Albina
in French - Albi and Albine
in Portuguese - Albina
in Danish - Albina
in Swedish - Albina
in Norwegian - Albina

Church name Albina(V Orthodox faith) absent. This is not Orthodox name. The name Albina is revered in the Catholic faith.

Characteristics of the name Albina

For adult Albina, such features as prudence and calmness become characteristic. However, it happens that upbringing does not cope with Albina’s tendency to emotional outbursts. In this case, Albina becomes overly temperamental and arrogant. Albina can be absolutely different person. If virtues win in Albina, then it will be much more pleasant for others to communicate with her.

At work, Albina is usually a diligent employee. She sincerely tries to help the cause and achieve success. At the same time, Albina has no careerism and is calm about promotion. career ladder. Special characteristic feature Albins can be called calm in case of emergency conflict situations. She remains completely calm and does not lose her head, which allows her to solve the problem most rationally. For this feature of hers, Albina is respected by her colleagues and superiors.

Albina builds her family with special care. She is ready for a long time to choose the only one with whom she decides to start a family. For her, there are no unimportant criteria in a man. She draws attention to his universal and masculine qualities. He considers the material wealth of the chosen one no less important. Albina is not satisfied with just loving a man, although she most likely will not love a financially insolvent man.

Albina is a good housewife and knows how to be thrifty, although she doesn’t like it. She knows how to keep herself in good physical shape even after marriage. Even after the birth of children, Albina usually retains good figure. Albina is also a wonderful mother. She loves her children and devotes a lot of time to them.

The secret of the name Albina

Albina's secret can be called a tendency to arrogance. She often treats others with disdain, which in turn always leads to a large number enemies. If Albina cannot cope with this vice, she will have a lot of trouble. We must remember that arrogance (pride) is one of the eight sinful passions in Orthodoxy, one of the deadly sins in the Catholic faith and the main sin in Islam.

Planet- Proserpina.

Zodiac sign- Virgo.

Totem animal- Stork.

Name color- White.

Tree- Silver willow.

Plant- White aster.

Stone- White agate.

Quite rare and expressive names are often chosen for girls. The name Albina is one of these. Girls with this name are very impulsive and impressionable. What is its significance? Albina is one of the most ancient names connected with the history of mankind.

Name Albina. Meaning. Interpretations

It itself has quite a lot of interpretations, but, as Latin says, the meaning of the name Albina stipulates that the girl wearing it is “light, white and pure.”

Almost everyone whom history knows with this name often did not have an “angelic” character, since these are very strong and decisive natures with an imperious and very persistent disposition, accustomed to getting their way by any means. Rather, the Albini are more warlike than the Latin meaning suggests. The name Albina, apparently, was given to girls in order to emphasize their proud and independent character in the future, because it came to us from Ancient Rome.

Excursion into history

Albina. Muslim name meaning

Albina, from the point of view of Muslim psychology, is a freedom-loving woman and not inclined to submission. This is exactly what men of this faith love. Their main task comes down to not even conquering a woman or “buying” her expensive gifts, but to simply subjugate it.

Common characteristics of women with this name

Women and girls named Albina can sometimes be unbalanced, which can lead to misunderstandings with others. But still, in the family, Albina is a true keeper of the hearth, who will protect all her household members to the end. In terms of sex, she is very inventive and active.

Love "exploits"

As a rule, if Albina goes on vacation at sea without her husband, she will definitely find adventures for herself or as a last resort will start a “resort romance”, and will part with her admirer without any regret. Naturally, men revere women of this type. But the Albins leave such an indelible mark on their souls that they are ready to follow them everywhere, even leaving their families, which does not lead to anything good.

Albins receive mental trauma when they are abandoned. They are not used to this, and that is why they are prone to revenge, remaining outwardly calm and cold. The saddest thing is that revenge can be very subtle and not even without humor.

However, it is better not to thicken the tone. In fact, Albina is a woman who primarily cares about her family, children and her home. She, like a real lioness, will be the breadwinner. It is not surprising that most women named Albina are born under the sign of Leo.

Albina or Leo?

In fact, it is somehow not customary to draw a parallel between a name and a birth sign. On the other hand, both the name and the sign are characterized by very similar features. Willpower and impatience with other people's actions or mistakes, even the smallest ones, cause serious rage in them. And it’s better not to stand at hand here. A woman of this type can destroy an employee mentally in a matter of seconds. Apparently, Albins are also born around August...