Wooden rosary. Beads

Hello, dear readers!

Today we will explore very interesting topic- types of wood Buddhist rosary. We'll find out why they play like this important role in Buddhism, how and from what materials they are made and what meaning they carry.

History of origin

Rosary beads first appeared in India in the second millennium BC. At that time, monks used them while reading mantras to concentrate their attention. Touching the beads helped to activate the mind and prevented people from falling asleep during long rituals.

Subsequently, the rosary spread throughout the world, and Muslim, Christian and Catholic rosaries also appeared. They look a little different and have their own individual characteristics.

In Buddhism, beads are needed to count the number of mantras and prayers read, as well as the number of rituals and bows that were made.

So, let's first learn more about their structure.

Design and number of beads

Classic rosaries are beads placed on a cord, one end of which is connected to the other end, forming a circle.

They consist of 108 beads. The 109th bead holds the ends of the rosary together and is called the bead of God. A “tail” of threads can be attached to this bead.

Threads can be different colors, depending on the different traditions of Buddhist schools. The 36th and 72nd beads are called spacers, and they come in a different size from the rest of the beads - larger or smaller.

Why exactly 108 beads? There are many versions, but the main one is considered to be the following: 108 is the number of worldly passions and desires of a person that prevent him from getting out of an infinite number of rebirths and achieving spiritual enlightenment.

Also, rosaries can consist of numbers that are multiples of 108: 54, 27, 21, 18. They also come in the form of wrist bracelets - the number of beads in them can be less (if they are made in one turn), or the same.


The rosary is an amulet that protects its owner from evil spirits and negative energy, so completely different materials are used to make them, depending on the goal that the practitioner wants to achieve.

They can be made of wood (sandalwood, juniper, boxwood, neem), precious or semi-precious stones, gold, silver, and even human and animal bones. The material depends on the traditions and characteristics of different schools of Hinduism and Buddhism.

For example, Shaivists use rudraksha for beads, Vaishnavas use tulsi and neem, Shaktas use crystals, metal, Buddhists use juniper, sandalwood, lotus seeds and Bodhi tree seeds, and Tibetan Buddhists use bones, precious or semi-precious stones.

Types of wooden rosaries and their meaning

There is a belief that rosary beads are made from different materials carry various healing properties that have an impact on the human body. Once you know them, you can choose malas especially for yourself. Let's look at the most known species wooden rosary and their qualities.

Rosary beads made from other materials

Rosary beads made from the following materials are less common, apparently due to the lower availability of the materials themselves.

For example, these are rosary beads made from human bones. They are quite popular in the tantric form of Buddhism. Their production is possible thanks to the rule that exists in Tibet - the dead there are not buried in the ground, but are taken to special cemeteries.

The tradition of such rosaries originates in the ancient pre-Buddhist religion of Tibet - Bon. Then they belonged to the most powerful shamans.

It is believed that meditation with them is special, capable of giving a person very great power.

If such small ones are made of frontal bone skulls, then they are of particular value, because It is in this area that the “third eye” is located. To make them from 108 beads, you need 108 different skulls. Very often, instead of beads, images of small skulls are made.
Rosaries are also made from the bones of yaks, animals that live in the mountains of Tibet.

Warrior monks made rosaries from iron and, if necessary, used them as weapons.

Rosary beads made of gold help prolong longevity, while silver ones bestow wisdom and the ability to act in difficult situations on their owner.

Rosary beads made from black coral are used in Buddhist mystical rituals.

Pearl malas are very suitable for women, because... pearl is a stone that has feminine energy; it helps to reveal the creative potential of the wearer, calms and gives joy.

Quartz beads cleanse the mind, soul and body, while jade beads help eliminate negative influences.


Today we met with you different types Buddhist rosary and examined in detail the healing qualities of malas made from various breeds tree.
In the modern European world, rosary beads can be not only a religious or spiritual attribute, but also a wonderful ethnic decoration that will add zest to your appearance.

The first association that arises when we hear the word “rosary” is associated with religion, clergy and prayers. But as soon as you add “changeover” to this word, your imagination pictures “not so remote” places and prisoners dashingly twirling a small strip of flat dies between their fingers. Rosaries of this format were very common in prisons and among the so-called “brothers”, because they were made from improvised materials: plexiglass, ebonite, bread, bone. Prisoners occupied their hands with such “chatterboxes” to relieve aggression and calm down.

Few people know that in fact, wooden rosary beads came to us from the Christian Caucasus. Believers of Armenia, Georgia and Azerbaijan. Nowadays, this accessory is also used as a religious accessory, either to develop manual dexterity, or to prevent arthritis of the wrist joints.

What do flip rosary look like?

This format of rosary is not at all similar to. They are not closed in a circle, and there are no beads in the wooden crossover rosaries. Instead, flat dies are used, tightly fastened together with strong elastic thread. There are many variations of this design: from the laconic design of wooden rectangles, to carved models with beads and crosses, decorated with a pattern.

The most common number of “beads” in flip rosaries is 13. But sometimes there are also wooden flip rosaries with 8, 10 or 12 links.

We make crossover rosaries from wood with our own hands

Of course, now it is not difficult to buy wooden rosary beads in an online store, or look for them in the wooden souvenir departments. But if you want to make something unique for yourself or as a gift, we offer you a simple master class on how to make crossover rosaries from wood with your own hands.