Codes for all colors in minecraft. Color Codes in Minecraft

Minecraft color codes, or Minecraft formatting codes, allow any player to add flowers and format text in every possible way directly in Minecraft. Color codes from &0-9 - to &a-f. Add them before your text. Messages from players can contain color codes that allow you to add color to your sentences.

Colors and formatting codes

The ampersand sign (&) followed by a hexadecimal number in messages signals the client to switch colors when displaying text. Additionally, text can be formatted with an & followed by a letter. You can add different colors to books, command blocks, server name, server description (motd), in the names of worlds, in signs and even in player names.

It's very easy to format your text in configs or in game using the color chart below. &r is used to reset all codes, i.e. &mAAA&rBBB will be displayed as AAA BBB.

We present a table of color codes in Minecraft for your convenience:

CodeNameTechnical NameSymbol colorSymbol shadow color
&0 Blackblack0 0 0 000000 0 0 0 000000
&1 Dark bluedark_blue0 0 170 0000AA0 0 42 00002A
&2 Dark greendark_green0 170 0 00AA000 42 0 002A00
&3 Dark blue-greendark_aqua0 170 170 00AAA0 42 42 002A2A
&4 Dark reddark_red170 0 0 AA000042 0 0 2A0000
&5 Dark purpledark_purple170 0 170 AA00AA42 0 42 2A002A
&6 Goldgold255 170 0 FFAA0042 42 0 2A2A00
&7 Greygray170 170 170 AAAAAA42 42 42 2A2A2A
&8 Dark graydark_gray85 85 85 555555 21 21 21 151515
&9 Blueblue85 85 255 5555FF21 21 63 15153F
&aGreengreen85 255 85 55FF5521 63 21 153F15
&bBlue-greenaqua85 255 255 55FFFF21 63 63 153F3F
&cRedred255 85 85 FF555563 21 21 3F1515
&dLight purplelight_purple255 85 255 FF55FF63 21 63 3F153F
&eYellowyellow255 255 85 FFFF5563 63 21 3F3F15
&fWhitewhite255 255 255 FFFFFF63 63 63 3F3F3F

Sometimes it is necessary underline, cross out, highlight some text. This is done using text formatting. It is used in exactly the same way as colors (we put before the text code, for example &lMinecraft = Minecraft.

For your convenience, below is a table of formatting codes:

&kMagic text
&lBold text
&mStrikethrough text
&nUnderlined text
&oItalic text
&rText without formatting

It is difficult to imagine that Minecraft was originally or suddenly became in the future, with one of the versions, black and white. What would happen to us, his fans, if such a colorless problem was added to his “roundness”? We probably would have continued our battles and creative deeds anyway, but the resentment towards the developers would have been very strong.

Just imagine: the grass is gray, the red dust is gray, the fire is the same. In short, it would turn out to be some fifty shades of gray. If anyone has read this book, they will understand what the game would turn into. Even colored wool would have to be called differently. In a word, nightmare and that's all! Fortunately, none of those who are responsible for the fate of the game have yet lost their minds, so our fears and possible dark dreams will always remain only a shadow of a possible disaster.

However, a tragedy, albeit a much smaller one, can befall any crafter who does not bother to learn or at least write down the color codes present in the game. They are needed, for example, by those who Russify plugins, they are useful to modification developers... Even if you are far from such matters, Minecraft does not leave you a chance to avoid getting acquainted with encodings, since without them, for example, colored inscriptions on signs, etc., are impossible. p. Therefore, without delaying until later, take and color your future right now, remembering the data that the Minecraft color table gives.

Learn colors in Minecraft

Look at the table. It contains sixteen colors. The column of “colors” themselves is followed by codes starting with an ampersand - &. The column to the right indicates the names of the dyes. Everything that follows them (even further to the right) is data presented in hexadecimal. They are not required for everyone.

You may find it more convenient to represent the colors and their codes in a different way. Keep him too.

Very relevant in many games. When players have nothing to “measure” against, everyone begins to think about how they can stand out. Considering what is in the game large number surfaces on which to write. Thus, people have room for creativity in the direction of color inscriptions. Let's figure out how to make the colors in Minecraft even brighter.


By default, all inscriptions in books and on signs are black. In order to change it, before the actual text you will have to insert a special symbol and a color number that corresponds to the table stored in the game’s memory. There are 16 colors in total, and they are designated according to the hexadecimal number system. To begin with, we will analyze the basic paints according to the well-known proverb “Every designer wants to know where to download Photoshop.”

  • Red - "s".
  • Orange - "6". By the way, there is no such color in the game. Its closest analogue is gold. We used his number.
  • Yellow - "e".
  • Green. There are only two shades of this color in Minecraft.
    • Light - "a".
    • Dark - "2".
  • Blue. According to the color chart, this shade is also not in the game. Instead, you can use aqua - "b".
  • Blue. It also has two colors in Minecraft, just like green.
    • Blue (indigo) numbered "9".
    • Dark - "1".
  • Purple - "5".


The colors in Minecraft are not very diverse, but they can be diluted with some shades of others. Yes and basic settings no one canceled. Below you can see those colors in Minecraft that were not included in the previous list.

  • Black - "0".
  • Dark aqua. More like a swamp. Code - "3".
  • Dark red. Cherry - "4".
  • Gray - "7".
  • Dark gray - "8".
  • Pink - "d".
  • White - "f".

Please note that all letter codes written in Latin. In order to change the color of the inscription, you first need to enter the special character "&" (Shift + 7 in the English keyboard layout), then the color number (code), and then, separated by a space, the text of the message. For example, "&d Hello!". This way you will get a pink inscription.