New statuses about loneliness with meaning. Beautiful statuses about loneliness with meaning

More than the fear of loneliness, maybe only the fear of spending your whole life with the wrong person.

Call loneliness freedom and be happy...

Learn to live without someone who is no longer in your life...

If I appeared on this earth, does that mean someone needs it?

Men cannot be left alone for a long time... They are such scammers - they either spread dirt in the house or women in bed...

- Happy people- never alone! They just... don't have time to be lonely people.

A person is lonely not only when there is no one nearby. A person is lonely when there is no mutual understanding with those around him. And it is still unknown which loneliness is more terrible...

F*cked up is when you keep other people’s secrets, listen to the snot of your friends, help your loved ones... and at that moment when you yourself feel bad, you sit alone, listen to music and don’t even know who to talk to...

In this life you need to live by the principle: praise yourself, help yourself, love yourself. In short, everything by myself.

If you decide to climb to the top, don't forget to enjoy life while you're down, because it's usually cold and lonely at the top...

If you live in such a way that you don’t need anyone, sooner or later it will turn out that ABSOLUTELY no one needs you.

Everything in my life is just wonderful! ... but to be completely honest, sometimes I get terribly tired of convincing myself of this ...

If you jealously guard your independence all your life, then why cry from loneliness?

We come into the world alone and leave alone... a person needs to be alone sometimes. To make sense of your life... and fear can turn a person into a beast...

Life passes through our fingers like sand, but we understand this when, clenching our hand into a fist, we feel the emptiness in it...

It's bad to be alone, but living alone is fucked up.

People left alone long time rethink life or go crazy. A I haven't decided yet.

There is no loneliness worse than being alone in a crowd...

It’s good that you have friends nearby, you can lean on their shoulders. You can't live without friends in the world. Loneliness is difficult!!!

The longer you are alone, the less able you are... to be with someone. You forgot...

I can live without you, but I don’t understand why...

I don’t know who I was in his life... But I’m happy that at least for a short time he was in my everything.

We never appreciate those around us, always looking for the best. This is precisely the reason for the loneliness of many people.

Loneliness lives in the soul if this place is not occupied by anyone, regardless of the number of people around...

Are you lonely? Sadness in your heart and nothing to do with yourself? Come to me... wash the dishes.

The desire for absolute independence leads a person to loneliness...

When you are happy... you laugh... it seems like the whole world is laughing with you... but when you cry... you cry alone...

Fuck you, teachers of life who are unable to lend a hand when asked.

Of all bad habits, the worst thing is not smoking. It's being faithful to a person who doesn't need you at all.

No matter how old we are, we always need a place to call home... Because without the people you love most, you will still feel lonely...

On this stuffy, lonely night, for some reason she again remembered Vovan, who knew how to make his fingers into a fan.

Loneliness is when you don’t care what part of the apartment your phone is in and that it’s on silent...

I was always terribly afraid of being someone's wife, because life taught me that one person cannot love another completely, truly.

The strength of the weak is in the crowd, the weakness of the strong is in solitude.

“Seclusion must be sought in big cities.”

You DO NOT feel loneliness when you are doing what you love!
You just need to do it more often and for longer...

It’s not loneliness that’s scary... It’s scary to know that there is someone you need... And he’s comfortable in his life even without you...

As a rule, too “smart” people are lonely. Not because they are smarter than us, but because they have such an opinion about themselves.

Statuses about single life

There are five of us... Me and four walls... Loneliness is the lot of the strong. The weak always huddle with the crowd...

We make ourselves lonely. We must be strong so that loneliness does not envelop us in its web of doubts!!!

There are five of us... Me and four walls... Loneliness is the lot of the strong. The weak always huddle with the crowd.. Loneliness is when you hear as the clock ticks …
Loneliness is when you hear the clock ticking... When the most beloved, dear person to you... is very far away
from you......and you miss him like crazy.....for me
this……- loneliness…. I am free and at the same time not alone, in search, but not actively! I think I found it, but it’s not mine yet. Saturday evening is an indicator of loneliness... when the phone is silent and you are sitting alone at home. Loneliness is when you know exactly who screwed up in the kitchen. Loneliness is the wrong side of freedom. Boredom is when there is nowhere to hide from yourself, and loneliness is when there is no one with whom the main thing is that loneliness does not become a state of mind even when there is someone next to you, it’s scary to feel alone... always... with anyone... When I’m happy , I want to cry, but when I'm sad, I don't feel like laughing. Therefore, it is better, I think, to be happy. So you get two experiences for the price of one. Loneliness is when there are a lot of people around, but you can’t live alone to the fullest cherish.. I know what loneliness is: A bitten piece of chocolate, a cup of strong coffee, music that already hurts my ears, an unbearable emptiness in the depths of my soul and tears in my eyes…. Loneliness is when you hear the clock ticking? No! Loneliness is when it rains and there is no one to hug you. The feeling of loneliness surrounded by people is unbearable... Beautiful girls are never alone, but often lonely... When I’m alone... it seems to me that I’m completely alone... And when I’m with people... it doesn’t seem like it to me... I know that for sure... People often remain lonely because instead of building bridges, they build walls. Loneliness is when you respond to spam and add it to your contact list Loneliness is when you have people who care about you and who love you, but they have other people who are closer than you Loneliness is something that is better to look at from the outside ... Proud loneliness is a cheap excuse for uselessness Loneliness is when you are surrounded by wonderful people, but they have someone closer than you It is better to enjoy loneliness than to suffer from friends nothing screams louder than silence... I don’t feel my heart, I don’t feel my hand ... I myself decided so, silence is my friend... It would be better if I sinned... Loneliness is torment... Don’t be jealous of my loneliness. I don't understand this jealousy. Sometimes a person wants to be alone, alone... I am alone. Why do I need someone? I'll be lonely again. All efforts are fruitless. Thanks everyone. Everyone is free

Society prevents you from seeing your real self. You can only see yourself alone.

Love is shared loneliness for two. It is a reward without merit and a miracle that others cannot see.

There are millions of my favorite combinations: lime and pear, heat and rain, loneliness and soulful music, but my favorite combination is still you and me.

Loneliness is a painful wait for someone, and a sad realization that no one will come.

Best status:
No one will ever be able to understand your condition. And all attempts to do this will only spoil the mood even more.

I decided to find little green men in the bathroom. Instead of a laser sword, she armed herself with a rolling pin and a screwdriver. All these are jokes of loneliness. Soon they will put me in a straitjacket...

Loneliness is my strategy. Wisdom is my weapon. Courage is my armor. I am the only master of my life. And no one will dare to poke their nose into it.

The smarter a person is, the sadder he is. Only loneliness makes you think and become wiser. Nobody wants to be sad, so nobody likes to be alone.

My upstairs neighbors flooded my downstairs neighbors. Conclusion: everyone is ignoring me!

He hugged her tightly and tried to feel that wonderful aroma of perfume that had emanated from her before. But I only felt the bitter smell of cigarettes, alcohol and loneliness...

When I’m seems to me that I’m completely alone...And when I’m with doesn’t seem that way to me...I know that for sure...

Proud loneliness is a cheap excuse for uselessness

Life is too short - don't waste it needlessly feeling sorry for yourself, sitting alone. There is a spark inside everyone, you just need to kindle it in order to warm yourself with life-giving warmth, wake up and dare to live on.

Alone and lonely – two absolutely different concepts. You can also be lonely at a noisy party. And this is a state of mind

I know what loneliness is: A bitten piece of chocolate, a cup of strong coffee, music that already hurts my ears, an unbearable emptiness in the depths of my soul and tears in my eyes...

For some, loneliness is when they are unloved, someone is lonely because they have no friends, and I am lonely when you are not around...

There are 100 contacts in the phone, but there is no one to call.... There are 500 friends in contact, but you don’t know who to write to...

Loneliness is when you respond to spam and add it to your contact list

Loneliness is when you know exactly who screwed up in the kitchen

In search of little green men, she set up an ambush in the bathroom, armed with a kitchen knife and a screwdriver. Loneliness disrupted my mental balance. It seems it's time to try on a straitjacket...

Don’t look at me as your Highness, save me from loneliness...

Loneliness - in 4 corners you are looking for the fifth.

I have nowhere to go, I destroyed my world,

Loneliness is when you hear the clock ticking? No! Loneliness is when it rains and there is no one to hug you

Loneliness is happiness because then we do not know lies, betrayal, fear of losing a loved one, we simply live for ourselves(

I'm lonely not because I have bad character. I'm lonely because I think outside the box

People often remain lonely because instead of building bridges, they build walls.

There’s emptiness in my heart, as if I’m alone in the world...

There are 100 contacts in the phone, but there is no one to call.... There are 500 friends in contact, but you don’t know who to write to... And only real friends call and write first. They don't need a reason

Loneliness consumes the soul when our dearest and dearest leaves us. close person. Then we become like animals driven into a cage. We start throwing ourselves at the walls and howling at the moon

It's nice to experience loneliness when you're in love with someone, even if it's not mutual. This develops imagination. Only in solitude can a person show his true nature

Every morning she makes me hot sandwiches. I gently whisper to her, “I’m already on my way, I’m on my way... Now.” But she never understands me. Maybe because it's a microwave?

Only a candle cries for me at the cold dawn...

But she was happy, And didn’t know any tears at all... Through pain and screaming: “I’m strong!” She whispered: “I’m tired...”

Loneliness is when you wake up from a call in the middle of the night, you are glad that suddenly someone needs you, but all your expectations are dashed by the phrase “Sorry, I just got the wrong number.”

I crawl under the blanket, and loneliness quietly creeps up on me, presses against my back and strokes, strokes, strokes my arms, chest, neck...

I am lonely, and you are lonely... But we will not take a single step towards meeting each other.

Loneliness is when there are a lot of people around, but you cannot fully appreciate any of them...

Only in solitude can you see in yourself what society does not allow you to see.

Beautiful girls are never alone, but they are often lonely...

The night sky, sparkling stars, the moon illuminating the road, dreams, complete silence and brief loneliness - that’s all that made her happy... But loneliness is now getting in the way...

When you're single for ages, you become very picky about food and sex.

loneliness is when only shampoo spies on you in the bath

Loneliness is when you hear the clock ticking? No! Loneliness is when it rains and there is no one to hug you..

Loneliness is a kind of absolute. The only one that exists. Everything else is a figment of our imagination, an illusion.

It's better to be unknown but happy in love than brilliant but lonely

You are sitting on a chair with a straight back, and your soul lies next to you in a lump, tightly hugging your knees with your arms, like a wounded but faithful dog

nothing screams louder than silence...

The soul suddenly became empty. This is no one's fault. Feelings just die like that...

I sat and looked at the sky... there was one cloud there... and I realized that it was me...

I’m alone... in the whole world... I’m so lonely among you... you are unhappy people... who don’t understand... all of life... because life is a lie...

There's a pair of each creature. Where is my creature?!

Night. I sit, smoke and stare out the window. It’s sad, there’s no one to talk to, no one is waiting for my call. I look at the stars and think: “How many of us are still so lonely in the world?”

I'm so alone at this hour that I want to die. I have nowhere to go, I have destroyed my world, Only a candle cries for me at the cold dawn..

Don't be jealous of my loneliness. I don't understand this jealousy. Sometimes a person wants to be alone, alone...

I’m not looking for anyone, I don’t regret anyone, I don’t love anyone, I don’t suffer, I don’t believe... I don’t call anyone, I don’t forgive anyone, I don’t owe anyone - so I don’t promise...

I'm lonely... and for some reason I like...

Loneliness is when you are surrounded by wonderful people, but they have someone closer than you

We are all, to some extent, doomed to loneliness. It hits each of us at some point...

Loneliness is when you are going crazy, and there is no one to even tell you about it...

When you're lonely, you even have sex with yourself. Every lonely person can invent his own world, just like God once did.

Sometimes you want to wrap yourself in a warm blanket, take out an old photo album and listen to the rain outside the window. Fight loneliness! Go outside, run through puddles and you will see a rainbow

We parted, but every minute I cherish your image near my heart. I haven’t stopped loving, and for the life of me I can’t believe this separation...

Are you lonely? Don't miss the opportunity to enjoy the company of an intelligent person

Loneliness is when there is a telephone in the house and the alarm clock is ringing :)

Much depends on ourselves. Until we ourselves want to break out of our shell of loneliness, no one will help us with this.

When the most beloved, dear person to you... is very far from you... and you miss him madly... for me this is... - loneliness...

Loneliness is when they forgot to pick you up from the morgue...

There are five of us... Me and four walls...

How tired I am of hearing “I want you,” I so want to hear “I want to be with you!”

And I had no idea that parting would hurt so much...

Breaking up doesn't always mean the end. Sometimes it's just opening a new page in life.

Real fighters for their place in the sun have neither allies nor friends. They endure loneliness because they are strong in spirit

When I find myself alone, I feel the savor of life... And I can’t tell the annoying voice that tells me to work...

Do you love freedom?! Free!

I'm alone. Why do I need someone? I'll be lonely again. All efforts are fruitless. Thanks everyone. Everyone is free

I'm alone! Why do I need someone? I'll be touchy again! All efforts are fruitless, thank you all! Everyone is FREE

What does loneliness mean? For me, this is when I go to the kitchen in the middle of the night to drink water, and there is no one to ask, “Where are you going?”

– Why do you always wear headphones? “They are like a safety net between me and the rest of the world.”

I will marry a can of coffee and will always be cheerful and happy. my lover will be an mp3 player, the record holder for the number of music lover orgasms brought to me

The moon and the sun came together on my horizon. Day and night have changed places. I live, I breathe, but not with you...

I'm so alone at this hour that I want to die.

Love is when the heart beats faster, and separation is when every minute it seems that it is about to stop...

Life at the very top can be quite lonely, but it's a great place to speak your mind

I love the music of rain when my heart is lonely...

Dummy people gather in flocks. Loneliness is like death for them. The rulers of the world look down on everyone and strive for privacy. I don’t belong to either one or the other, and I take loneliness for granted.

Deep loneliness is when you walk down the street in the evening, and even mosquitoes don’t bite you...

I don’t feel my heart, I don’t feel my hand... I decided so myself, silence is my friend... It would be better if I sinned... Loneliness is torment...

Loneliness is when you are and when you seem to be absent.

Love is when the heart beats faster, and separation is when every minute it seems that it is about to stop...

We are no longer links in the same chain, we are no longer parts of one whole, he will no longer wake me up in the morning with a kiss... Does anyone have a pill for love?

“Beautiful girls and women are rarely alone, but they are often lonely” Henryk Jagodzinski

People who live alone always have something on their minds that they would be willing to tell. Anton Chekhov

Do you live alone?
- Yes.
- Aren’t you lonely?
- No, I have Internet at home.
Pink Panther

Independence does not mean loneliness.

Solitude is a place where it is good to visit, but not to live there.

What makes people sociable is their inability to tolerate loneliness—that is, themselves. Arthur Schopenhauer

Nothing could be more pleasant than living in solitude, enjoying the spectacle of nature and sometimes reading a book. Gogol

There is nothing worse than loneliness,
than loneliness in a crowd,
When everyone is laughing madly,
but you want to cry.

The strength of the weak is in the crowd, the weakness of the strong is in solitude.

Loneliness is not the absence of friends or loved ones, loneliness is when your heart yearns for someone you don’t even know yet...

Never be afraid of losing people just because you're afraid of being alone. You are always alone.

It’s hard for you to understand yet, but try: loneliness is not always scary. It is much worse if, in order not to spoil your old age, which is so far away and about which you still know nothing, you now ruin the present with your own hands...

“One is calmer. I want to eat halva, I want gingerbread.”
- "Girls"

When living with people, do not forget what you learned in solitude. And in solitude, think about what you have learned from communicating with people. Leo Tolstoy

If you are alone, it is not because no one needs you, but because you care who is next to you.

- Yes.
- Do you like loneliness?
- I don’t like it. I just try not to make unnecessary acquaintances, so as not to be disappointed in people again.

Norwegian forest. Haruki Murakami

It doesn’t matter who you spend your time with, but what matters is who you remember when alone...

I don't have many close friends with whom I could be frank. Therefore, loneliness is sometimes also a worthy interlocutor

my heart is chronically cold with loneliness.

I hate loneliness, but it loves me.

Every day without you is a damn marathon of loneliness.

Loneliness is a state that you have no one to tell about.

More than the fear of loneliness, maybe only the fear of spending your whole life with the wrong person.

And in the evening no one waits, and you can do whatever you want... and what is it called? Freedom or loneliness?

The downside of loneliness is that after a while you start to get a buzz from it. And you just don’t let anyone into your life.

It's bad to be lonely, but being lonely with someone is even worse.

I feel like a kitten in a store. Everyone likes me, but no one needs me!

There is no person more lonely than the one who has outlived his beloved. (E. Hemingway)

It's inevitable. I was counting on you, on us... But I have to accept that I will always be alone.

Anyone who can be happy alone is a real person. If your happiness depends on others, then you are a slave, you are not free, you are in bondage. (Osho. About a woman)

Loneliness is the eternal refrain of life. It is no worse or better than much else. They just talk about him too much. A person is always and never alone. (Erich Maria Remarque)

Beautiful women are rarely alone, but they are often lonely.

The fallen angel betrayed God, probably because he wanted loneliness, which angels do not know.

I believe that the greatest challenge in a relationship between two people is that each of them should guard the solitude of the other. (Rainer Maria Rilke)

Imagine that in a city where more than five million people are constantly moving, you can be alone, completely...

The most important thing is to accept the most important thing: no matter how lonely you feel, no matter how much pain you feel - all of this can be endured with the help of those who are close to you.

The fallen angel betrayed God, probably because he wanted loneliness, which angels do not know. (A.P. Chekhov)

I'm drowning alone, and for the first time in my life I feel like I won't be able to swim out. (Mark Levy. Where are you?)

If a person is lonely, it means he is strong. Weak people always reach out to similar ones.

Sometimes it comes - it becomes sad, I don’t suffer at all, it doesn’t hurt me, but you left and my heart became empty.

Loneliness is what it is state of mind when there are a lot of people around you, everyone is having fun, talking, laughing and having fun, but you are sad...

We are all lonely, but in different ways. Some more, some less. People are ashamed of their feelings because they evoke neither sympathy nor interest. But, one way or another, everyone is susceptible to loneliness.

Best status:
Infinitely lonely people cause the same endless sadness and melancholy. Sometimes you want to go up to such a person and just hug him, so that your soul becomes more cheerful.

“How many people in the world are lonely like me?” – Everyone thinks at least once while looking out the window. It’s a pity that the moon cannot answer us, because just like people, it is alone.

The law of loneliness: if you are sad alone, your sadness will triple; if you are sad with a friend, your sadness will disappear without a trace.

It can be sad in spring and summer, should I drink something? The apartment is empty...

When the most beloved, dear person to you... is very far from you... and you miss him madly... for me this is... - loneliness...

Do you love freedom?! Free!

I don’t feel my heart, I don’t feel my hand... I decided so myself, silence is my friend... It would be better if I sinned... Loneliness is torment...

There are five of us... Me and four walls...

Loneliness is when you are and when you seem to be absent.

People often remain lonely because instead of building bridges, they build walls.

You are sitting on a chair with a straight back, and your soul lies next to you in a lump, tightly hugging your knees with your arms, like a wounded but faithful dog

I’m not looking for anyone, I don’t regret anyone, I don’t love anyone, I don’t suffer, I don’t believe... I don’t call anyone, I don’t forgive anyone, I don’t owe anyone - so I don’t promise...

I know what loneliness is: A bitten piece of chocolate, a cup of strong coffee, music that already hurts my ears, an unbearable emptiness in the depths of my soul and tears in my eyes...

Signs, questions...who are we with...cry of loneliness...

Loneliness is when you are going crazy, and there is no one to even tell you about it...

I am lonely, and you are lonely... But we will not take a single step towards meeting each other.

How tired I am of hearing “I want you,” I so want to hear “I want to be with you!”

I'm alone! Why do I need someone? I'll be touchy again! All efforts are fruitless, thank you all! Everyone is FREE

There's a pair of each creature. Where is my creature?!

I'm lonely... and for some reason I like...

Dummy people gather in flocks. Loneliness is like death for them. The rulers of the world look down on everyone and strive for privacy. I don’t belong to either one or the other, and I take loneliness for granted.

I love the music of rain when my heart is lonely...

I'm alone. Why do I need someone? I'll be lonely again. All efforts are fruitless. Thanks everyone. Everyone is free

Every morning she makes me hot sandwiches. I gently whisper to her, “I’m already on my way, I’m on my way... Now.” But she never understands me. Maybe because it's a microwave?

Alone and lonely are two completely different concepts. You can also be lonely at a noisy party. And this is a state of mind

It's nice to experience loneliness when you're in love with someone, even if it's not mutual. This develops imagination. Only in solitude can a person show his true nature

Loneliness consumes the soul when our dearest and closest person leaves us. Then we become like animals driven into a cage. We start throwing ourselves at the walls and howling at the moon

Loneliness is a kind of absolute. The only one that exists. Everything else is a figment of our imagination, an illusion.

Sometimes you want to wrap yourself in a warm blanket, take out an old photo album and listen to the rain outside the window. Fight loneliness! Go outside, run through puddles and you will see a rainbow

I'm not lonely because I have a bad character. I'm lonely because I think outside the box

And I had no idea that parting would hurt so much...

Beautiful girls are never alone, but they are often lonely...

I have nowhere to go, I destroyed my world,

Loneliness is when there is a telephone in the house and the alarm clock is ringing :)

We parted, but every minute I cherish your image near my heart. I haven’t stopped loving, and for the life of me I can’t believe this separation...

When I find myself alone, I feel the savor of life... And I can’t tell the annoying voice that tells me to work...

Loneliness is when you wake up from a call in the middle of the night, you are glad that suddenly someone needs you, but all your expectations are dashed by the phrase “Sorry, I just got the wrong number.”

Loneliness is when you hear the clock ticking? No! Loneliness is when it rains and there is no one to hug you..

I will marry a can of coffee and will always be cheerful and happy. my lover will be an mp3 player, the record holder for the number of music lover orgasms brought to me

Loneliness is when you hear the clock ticking? No! Loneliness is when it rains and there is no one to hug you

Don’t look at me as your Highness, save me from loneliness...

I’m alone... in the whole world... I’m so lonely among you... you are unhappy people... who don’t understand... all of life... because life is a lie...

Don't be jealous of my loneliness. I don't understand this jealousy. Sometimes a person wants to be alone, alone...

It's better to be unknown but happy in love than brilliant but lonely

Loneliness is when you respond to spam and add it to your contact list

For some, loneliness is when they are unloved, someone is lonely because they have no friends, and I am lonely when you are not around...

I'm so alone at this hour that I want to die.

Love is when the heart beats faster, and separation is when every minute it seems that it is about to stop...

Loneliness is when there are a lot of people around, but you cannot fully appreciate any of them...

There are 100 contacts in the phone, but there is no one to call.... There are 500 friends in contact, but you don’t know who to write to...

There’s emptiness in my heart, as if I’m alone in the world...

Are you lonely? Don't miss the opportunity to enjoy the company of an intelligent person

Loneliness - in 4 corners you are looking for the fifth.

Deep loneliness is when you walk down the street in the evening, and even mosquitoes don’t bite you...

Breaking up doesn't always mean the end. Sometimes it's just opening a new page in life.

The soul suddenly became empty. This is no one's fault. Feelings just die like that...

I'm so alone at this hour that I want to die. I have nowhere to go, I have destroyed my world, Only a candle cries for me at the cold dawn..

Loneliness is happiness because then we do not know lies, betrayal, fear of losing a loved one, we simply live for ourselves(

The moon and the sun came together on my horizon. Day and night have changed places. I live, I breathe, but not with you...

I sat and looked at the sky... there was one cloud there... and I realized that it was me...

loneliness is when only shampoo spies on you in the bath

He hugged her tightly and tried to feel that wonderful aroma of perfume that had emanated from her before. But I only felt the bitter smell of cigarettes, alcohol and loneliness...

nothing screams louder than silence...

But she was happy, And didn’t know any tears at all... Through pain and screaming: “I’m strong!” She whispered: “I’m tired...”

Loneliness is when you know exactly who screwed up in the kitchen

When you're lonely, you even have sex with yourself. Every lonely person can invent his own world, just like God once did.

The night sky, sparkling stars, the moon illuminating the road, dreams, complete silence and brief loneliness - that’s all that made her happy... But loneliness is now getting in the way...

Loneliness is when you are surrounded by wonderful people, but they have someone closer than you

When you're single for ages, you become very picky about food and sex.

We are all, to some extent, doomed to loneliness. It hits each of us at some point...

What does loneliness mean? For me, this is when I go to the kitchen in the middle of the night to drink water, and there is no one to ask, “Where are you going?”

Loneliness is when they forgot to pick you up from the morgue...

When I’m seems to me that I’m completely alone...And when I’m with doesn’t seem that way to me...I know that for sure...

We are no longer links in the same chain, we are no longer parts of one whole, he will no longer wake me up in the morning with a kiss... Does anyone have a pill for love?

Real fighters for their place in the sun have neither allies nor friends. They endure loneliness because they are strong in spirit

– Why do you always wear headphones? “They are like a safety net between me and the rest of the world.”

My upstairs neighbors flooded my downstairs neighbors. Conclusion: everyone is ignoring me!

Only a candle cries for me at the cold dawn...

Life is too short - don't waste it needlessly feeling sorry for yourself, sitting alone. There is a spark inside everyone, you just need to kindle it in order to warm yourself with life-giving warmth, wake up and dare to live on.

Night. I sit, smoke and stare out the window. It’s sad, there’s no one to talk to, no one is waiting for my call. I look at the stars and think: “How many of us are still so lonely in the world?”

In search of little green men, she set up an ambush in the bathroom, armed with a kitchen knife and a screwdriver. Loneliness disrupted my mental balance. It seems it's time to try on a straitjacket...

Much depends on ourselves. Until we ourselves want to break out of our shell of loneliness, no one will help us with this.

Love is when the heart beats faster, and separation is when every minute it seems that it is about to stop...

I crawl under the blanket, and loneliness quietly creeps up on me, presses against my back and strokes, strokes, strokes my arms, chest, neck...

Proud loneliness is a cheap excuse for uselessness

Only in solitude can you see in yourself what society does not allow you to see.

Life at the very top can be quite lonely, but it's a great place to speak your mind

There are 100 contacts in the phone, but there is no one to call.... There are 500 friends in contact, but you don’t know who to write to... And only real friends call and write first. They don't need a reason