Walkthrough of the game This War of Mine. Collection of survival tips

Characters and their qualities

Bruno is a skilled cook, has a small bag, but cooks well, saving some of the ingredients. It can even save sugar and water on moonshine. Cigarettes are required to maintain morale.
Pavlo is a fast runner and is capable of good sprinting. Also, a small bag is still a priority as a “breadwinner”. Unless, of course, the team is of another character with a more spacious backpack, for example, Marco.
Marco is an experienced earner. His bag has 15 cells, which is a very good addition. He can endure almost more than anyone else at once, which makes him simply irreplaceable.
Sveta loves children. There is little information about the character yet...
Zlata is a master of inspiration. This girl is able to quickly and most importantly more effectively bring a lost (depressed) character back to his senses. There is little information about the character yet...
Anton is a good mathematician. There is little information about the character yet...
Arika – has the skills of a thief. This character can silently move through many areas, making much less noise.
Roman is a trained fighter. Well trained in close combat and perhaps suffers less if he has to kill, but this is not certain. According to information from players, he is able to protect a house well from robbers.
Katya is a good bargainer. This girl can negotiate more favorable terms in an exchange. It has been proven that her skill helps to get huge discounts from some sellers, and if you also trade in rare things, you can take almost the entire bag from the trader. Morality depends on the amount of coffee in the house.
Boris is very strong and can carry 17 objects, but he hardly runs. No one carries safe areas better than him. Has a lot of health.
Meyrin is a game character with the ability to craft efficiently and economically. It spends significantly less resources on the production of some items.
Emilia is a lawyer who increases the morality of characters when they commit bad deeds. For example, when killing a civilian, the character will become depressed; with Emilia, he will simply be sad. Coffee lover. Backpack with 10 cells.

Basic rules of the game

It's going on in the city civil war. The area where you live is cordoned off by the military and is constantly under fire. In some areas there are bloody battles. We have at our disposal a group of people who now cannot get out of this hell, like, in fact, many other residents of this city. The main goal of the game is to survive (see the end of the war). To successfully complete the game you need to survive (leave at least one person alive) for a little more than 43 days (but someone writes that it is 46).

At night, you can go out in search of supplies and materials for construction and the production of useful things in everyday life. Only one character goes on the journey, while the rest are sleeping off or guarding the house from uninvited guests - bandits. Everything in the game is timed. We are given a limited amount of time for daytime activities and night hikes. If night simply falls during the day, then if the timer runs out at night, and the “breadwinner” does not have time to return before dawn, then he will find himself in a difficult situation and it will be more difficult for him to get home safe and sound.
There is also morality in the game. It significantly complicates the process of survival, since stolen property, in addition to the chance to live longer, will also bring moral suffering, which can result in quarrels, depression, fights, and even refusal to do anything. In addition, morality also consists of simple events. For example, classical music on the radio slightly reduces the blues, but cold, hunger, or lack of cigarettes (or coffee) can reduce the blues.

Shelter is our everything

The same refuge is always available to us. We spend all daylight hours in it, and do household chores: crafting, cooking, strengthening the house, drinking and heart-to-heart conversations. Our shelter is the main refuge of our party and cannot be changed until the end of the game. It has a dozen rooms, where the main workbench, a bathroom with medicines and a refrigerator where food is stored are located.
The refuge must be protected. It’s not only honest and peace-loving citizens who snoop around at night in search of profit. Everywhere is full of criminals and looters who, without hesitation, will take all your food and water by force. And it would be okay if they just rob you, but they could also injure you or even kill you. To strengthen (protect) we can board up holes, set up alarms, and also post armed guards at night.
The shelter needs to be equipped. Without customizing beds, furniture, stoves, rat traps, beds, workshops and other things, it is impossible to complete the game. Characters require coziness, warmth, protection and comfort. Setting up a shelter will even allow you to extract some of the most necessary resources, such as water, meat (from rats), grass for cigarettes and even vegetables. To some extent, our task is to achieve a certain autonomy. And this is quite logical, if the fate is that all other resources on the map are strictly limited.

Food and how to eat healthy

There is not much food in the game, in terms of types. There is meat, vegetables and canned food. Food affects several character parameters. Primarily for performance, hungry characters perform poorly. Also, when a character has eaten well and has the “fed” status, he immediately receives small bonuses to morale and productivity.

Meat is a common and, one might say, standard resource. This is what you eat most of the time and you can get it from rats using traps. The meat can be cooked in the oven, and even with vegetables, so that there are more portions, but you can also eat it raw. Meat satisfies well, removing and increasing statuses.

Vegetables are not like that quality product, like meat and therefore less satiating. They cannot be cooked and can only be added to meat. Cannot remove or raise statuses, at least for one portion. Can be grown in garden beds at home.

Canned food is an analogue of meat, but there is no need to cook them before eating, which makes them indispensable in hungry and cold times, when there are no resources for a stove or the creation of water filters.

Resources, their types, rarity, value, properties

Boards - obtained from furniture and large quantities lying around almost everywhere. Needed for heating stoves and crafting, as well as improvements. Type: not rare. Value: none.
Components - can be found almost everywhere (in trash heaps) and are necessary for almost all crafts. Can be used as fuel in a furnace. Type: not rare. Value: none.
Water – is obtained from a rainwater collector and is sometimes found in buildings and garbage. Needed for preparing food and drinks. Type: rare. Value: moderate.
Meat is the only type of food produced. Prepared with water per serving of food. Obtained from traps. Type: rare. Value: good.
Vegetables are another type of food. Serves as an addition to the standard portion, doubling the quantity and giving a greater satiating effect. Can be grown in garden beds at home.
Cartridges are found among armed people and sometimes in houses and warehouses. There is only one type of ammo in the game for all barrels. Can be made at home. Type: very rare. Value: good.
Moonshine is a produced resource. Serves to stifle feelings of guilt or as money. Crafted from water and sugar. Type: rarest. Value: very high.
Canned food is the second type of food. No cooking required for consumption. Is the currency in the game. Type: rarest. Value: high.
Bandages - they can be used to treat wounds (although over time). Collected from herbs and alcohol. Type: rarest. Value: high.
Spare parts for weapons - with the help of them, almost all weapons in the game are assembled, and broken ones are also repaired. Type: rare. Value: moderate.
Fertilizers are needed to grow food and grass. Type: rare. Value: moderate.
Spare parts – needed for upgrades and improvements. Required to create equipment. Type: very rare. Value: high.
Electrical parts - with the help of these spare parts almost all especially rare crap is built (thermometer, alarm, mixer, lamp). Type: rare. Value: high.
Herbs are common herbs that can be used in cooking, making medicine, and "smoking." Can be grown at home in garden beds. Type: not rare. Value: low.
Coffee is a hot drink that can calm you down. Hard to find. Type: extremely rare. Value: very high.
Cigarettes are a substitute for money; along with moonshine, they are very expensive. You can make it at home from tobacco. Type: extremely rare. Value: very high.
Roll-your-own cigarette is an ordinary homemade cigarette, made at home from ordinary smelly herbs. Type: rare. Value: moderate.
Alcohol is pure alcohol. Always worth its weight in gold. Type: you'll find horseradish. Value: exorbitant.
Jewelry is jewelry whose price became ridiculous under martial law. But at the same time, you can still exchange something valuable for them. Type: you'll find horseradish. Value: very high.
Tablets - help fight diseases. Much more effective than herbs. Type: you'll find horseradish. Value: very high.
Herbs and medicines help fight ailments; they won’t bring down a serious fever, but they will cure a cold. Type: rare. Value: high.
Books - you can read them and, if necessary, light the stove with them. Type: rare. Value: low.
Thermometer - crafted in an improved basic workbench.
Mixer - crafted in an improved basic workbench.
Lamp - crafted in an improved basic workbench.

All weapons

The pistol is weak and not the best effective way kill someone. You can find and repair it, buy it from merchants.
Gun - helps to kill the enemy at close range. Very effective in close combat. Everyone gets two shots maximum. You can find and repair it, and also buy it from merchants.
Automatic - allows you to successfully exchange fire at a distance. Not so strong and it requires too much ammunition, but if you need to kill a lot of people at a distance.
An assault rifle with a sniper scope - located by the sniper at the construction site. Has an average chance of falling when killed by a shooter.
Close Combat
An ax cuts well and guarantees the death of the enemy in two hits. Stealthily kills with one attack.
The crowbar is weaker, but you can still pick doors with it. Stealthily kills with one attack.
A shovel is also strong and two hits are always enough. It can also be used to dig up heaps of garbage (obstacle). Stealthily kills with one attack.
A knife is useless in everyday life, but it helps to defend yourself or kill from the shadows.

Survival Tips

First, you should understand that the game is saved only after you return home. If you get killed or injured on a mission, simply exit to the menu and replay the day. This is not entirely fair, but not everyone will like playing in one gulp.

The more resources you collect, the faster you will get frustrated and begin to reap the fruits of your labors. First of all, we build workbenches, stoves and places to stay for the night. Beds are needed to allow night shift workers to sleep during the day before their next shift. Having collected resources for weapons, craft an ax and use it to dismantle all the cabinets in the house. This will allow you to get hammered from bandits.
Carry only what you need, do not try to carry supplies based only on their value. This is not dayz and everything that you have not collected will remain in that very place. If you need beds, look for materials; if you need weapons, look for parts.
Start extracting water and brewing moonshine from the very first minutes of the game. We rivet filters and brew chacha, it will later become the best currency in exchange for food, weapons, ammunition and other useful things at an army checkpoint. But you should always keep one bottle for yourself, in case someone starts going crazy. It will pop once and it will immediately feel easier.
Don’t try to immediately stock up on meat, and especially don’t need to fatten your charges to maximum condition. They walk just fine even when they are hungry, but when they are very hungry, you can give them one serving.
Collect canned food - this is the most valuable thing in the game! If it were not for canned food, it would be problematic to survive until the end of winter. They will also help give you a head start in the final week if you have already reduced your charges to the state of “zombies” and they barely move, not to mention cooking and crafting.
Kill only bandits - do not even think about killing or robbing civilians. This can only be done out of complete hopelessness, when you have nothing left to eat and someone is about to go to their forefathers. After such a campaign, morale will be guaranteed to be lowered, and some of your characters will refuse to obey.
Don't bargain with the huckster who comes to your house! Well, or don't buy too much from him. Need ten wood? Change. If you need food and medicine, then it’s better to go to other merchants. His prices are high and he never changes his favorable rates.
Achieve autonomy. Build rat traps and place them in the basement. Two traps are quite capable of supporting your charges fresh meat. Vegetable beds are profitable. Moonshine is profitable. The only thing that has no practical value is cartridges. The more ammo you have in your inventory, the more willing your guards are to attack looters at night. If there are five rounds of ammunition, that will be enough for them to fight back. If there are ten, they will use them all up.
If someone has begun to be treated, then don’t send him away to do his daily chores or, especially, to go on outings. Sleep, food, weed are the basis of recovery. The same problem with bandages. If you're tired, sleep well, let the others go around and keep watch.
Don't gather a big team. Yes, it’s easier to live with five people and it’s easier to defend yourself, but it will be hard to gather food for everyone. If someone starts to get sick, then that’s a whole point. In addition, some people always consume internal resources: coffee, cigarettes, etc. Why do all this when they can be exchanged for canned food and ammunition, and then live in peace for a couple of days. Anyone coming to your home should always be assessed in terms of usefulness.
If you run out of wood and it’s no longer available in the locations, then take an ax and go chop down the furniture.
Palm - an icon that says you can lift objects. A hand raising an object indicates that you are aiming at someone's things - you are stealing.
One improved stove is better than three potbelly stoves.
If the market location on the square is open, then you can bargain and exchange a bunch of useful things, because... Each seller's price for their material is unique. For example, for bandages one will give almost two cans of stew, while the second is ready to exchange one can for the same bandage.

Game locations and events

A bombed house is a safe place full of all sorts of rubbish. In three passes you can take out almost everything; there are locked doors. You can't go anywhere without a crowbar or a master key.

Church of St. Mary - there can be two events at this location. 1 The bandits killed the priest and took over the place. 2 The priest is alive and trading. Loot supplies are good.

Dilapidated slum - no enemies were seen here. Only one homeless person who doesn't have enough food. If you bring him food, he will show you the hiding place. Eat closed premises You will need a crowbar or picks. There's a lot of material here.

Supermarket - two events can happen in the store. 1 a soldier will attack a woman and try to rape her; if you help her, the hero will receive + morale. 2 There will be armed people on the spot, but they will not be aggressive and will allow you to search the store, then, however, after returning there will be almost nothing left here. There are closed rooms you will need a crowbar or master keys.

Quiet House - There is one house where a couple lives. They are not hostile, but will defend themselves if you get inside. Having robbed them, you will receive a “-” to karma. The provisions here are good and there is a lot of useful junk.

A bombed school - there may be militia or homeless people inside, but in any case it is safe here. Militias can be traded, homeless people can simply be robbed. There are good reserves for more than one race. There are also closed rooms.

Hotel - in it you can stumble upon an armed man, possibly a maniac. His armed comrades may also be nearby. They shoot without warning. At the end of the room there is a hostage whom they can kill if they delay the rescue.

Army checkpoint - the military has good goods and they are a great substitute for alcohol. If you came to bargain, then you are not in danger.

Central square (sniper junction) - there are two possible scenarios for this location. 1 There will be a market here where you can buy absolutely everything. 2nd street will be under sniper fire and you will have to move in dashes to reach the house. Also in the second case, you can help the wounded man at the statue. To do this, run to the house, and then go through the sewer and break the door. The rescued one will give supplies. The location is rich and if there is a sniper here, you can return time after time for supplies of all types.

Construction site - here in both cases it will be dangerous. 1 There will be two military men here who will try to kill one person, if you go further, then you too. 2 Now two snipers are waiting for you, working in a different location. They can't see you, but that doesn't make searching the location any safer. Lots of materials and weapons.

Garage - a family lives in a destroyed house. They bargain and they really need medicine; they can give almost anything for it. You can rob them if you take a saw and walk across the roof, but morale will immediately go downhill.

The small monastery is a multi-story building. There can be two events at this location. 1 There will be drunken bandits walking around inside and they will shoot without warning. 2 There will be a group of merchants here; a merchant may be sitting right at the entrance.

Brothel - in it you can find a merchant who exchanges many goods, even weapons. The prices are not the best, but the range is impressive.

Warehouse - bandits live here. There are a lot of useful things scattered around the location, but until you knock down all the guards, it will be impossible to collect everything. So, the place is very filling and there is a lot of stuff lying around here.

House for two families - two parts of the house are connected by a passage with a lattice. There are two types of events. 1 There is no one in one part, people live in the second. They might even shoot out of fear. 2 There is a killer walking somewhere and all the residents of the second part of the house shoot without warning, although not everyone is armed with a firearm. The place is crowded and full of rubbish.

Ruined Villa - in this location there are a lot of supplies, but in any case you will have to work hard for them. They are guarded either by a couple of civilians who are ready to fight for them or by deserters who have weapons and do not ask questions, but immediately shoot to kill.

The hospital - no matter how long I’ve been here, there are always armed guards at the entrance and don’t ask unnecessary questions. There may be something useful there, but fighting a group of well-equipped enemies is not the best best option. You can only go here in as a last resort. Players report that if you come very seriously wounded or sick, you can be treated for free.

Production and autonomy

It is impossible to achieve complete autonomy. No matter how hard you try, you need to go out for resources, and even better, every night, and don’t come home without a catch. But still, some of the supplies can be made at home in order to protect yourself from unnecessary forays, and therefore risk. The first thing you need to do is stock up on water and learn how to make filters. Water is needed almost everywhere, from cooking to brewing moonshine. There is no thirst in the game, but without water it is still difficult.

You can also produce meat by placing rat traps in basements. You can start growing tobacco for cigarettes in your garden beds, or even vegetables for a delicious stew. You can also produce ammunition or weapons, but they will require ingredients.
List of things produced at home:
Water (filters required) – using a water extraction device and one filter you can get 4 units. this resource.
Meat (you need bait) - you build a cage, and then put something inside and wait. After a certain period of time (it is always different), you will receive two pieces of meat.
Herbs (need fertilizer) – we build a garden bed and grow the necessary resources in it. Need fertilizers.
Moonshine (needs water and sugar) – you pass sugar and water through the device, and in the end you get a bottle of moonshine.
Fuel - wood or components are used to make firewood for the stove, stove and moonshine still. You can also burn books.
Cartridges - you need shell casings, gunpowder, etc. Can be done on an improved workbench.
Cigarettes are made from tobacco, shag and grass. Just a smoke and money for a rainy day.
Bandages - this requires alcohol and herbs. Alcohol is almost impossible to find, a couple of times throughout the game.

To post stre1nikov
There is also this guy - Roman, an experienced fighter. only 10 inventory slots, but he has the lowest cooldown when shooting and in hand-to-hand combat, in fact, he works with a shovel at the same speed as other characters with a knife (here, a shovel has more damage)
Regarding the characters, the most useful ones are Boris, Borya, Borisych, Borka... and oh yes, BORISSSSS!!! No seriously, this guy is really awesome. And he is not so slow that it causes REAL inconvenience. After him by does good Marco. Yes, although he is faster, the size of the inventory is critical (more on this below), then there are the economists - Meyrin and Bruno, and to be honest, I find it difficult to say who is more priceless, because Bruno saves water, which is absolutely necessary, and Meyrin materials, which are also never superfluous , Next, the novel I was talking about - the fact that he is a fighter is of course cool... but if your brain is completely normal, then with competent play any character can easily defeat a special forces platoon (and more on that below). Next in usefulness, Katya and Zlata compete with Roman, they are mutually devaluing characters, which are useful for a certain type of game (If you prefer to solve hardcore cases without sin, then you will have to trade. TRADE A LOT. Accordingly, you need Katyusha. If you are a maniac clearing out clinics and churches and pensioners' houses for the sake of swag, then you urgently need a psychiatrist. Yes, yes, exactly you, user XD, and your stress-prone characters - Zlata). Then there are useless characters... and Pavlo and Arika... no, honestly... with 10 inventory slots, why let him into the city? and quickly run around the apartment... well, perhaps at the end of the game, when you have several greenhouses, mousetraps, moonshine industry and a bunch of other things... although a cooperative of other characters coped perfectly well without him... Arika's skill is just as useless . ALL characters, when walking quietly and without direct visibility, are not detected by enemies (I calmly jammed the club-footed BORISSS with a tire iron from the back) Regarding the remaining Persians... one word - BALLAST. You can only take it if you want to increase the difficulty of the game.
and now a few tricks:
1) The main resource of the game is the size of the inventory. There is ALWAYS something to take in the city; there are no useless items in the game. if something is not needed, it can always be sold. The main rule of survival is that every night your breadwinner must bring as much stocked inventory as possible home. Even if it’s stupid boards. Naturally, this does not mean that you should clear a location to zero; if you have raked it out so that only some boards or a couple of rolled-up cigarettes are left there, then there is certainly no point in spending the whole night to pick up the scraps - it is more profitable to encircle another location.
2) When you encircle a cleared location (or it was initially without enemies), do not run home only after filling up your inventory. The ideal option is to find a pile in the center of the location and drag everything you find into it. If you don’t have time to pull everything into one pile before dawn (locations such as construction sites are quite large), take first those items that have completely filled the stack, even if they are less needed than things with an empty stack. Why? Example: at one end of the house there are two cans of stew that you found, and at the other there are two cans that you don’t know about because you didn’t get there. You are delighted to drag these two cans home, instead of taking a full stack... well, let there be gears. As a result, when you return the next night, you drag home both the gears and the remaining two cans, but you could only have the cans, leaving an inventory slot in order to steal something else.
3) the second most important resource, after the size of the inventory, is spare parts (adhesive tape, nails, colored markers). Because they are needed for almost everything, and primarily for crafting filters. And filters are so damn necessary because it’s WATER. And water means crafting food and planting vegetables in gardens... and herbs. and grass is medicine, and medicine is the most profitable resource for exchange both in the church and in the garage( especially in it) and in the hospital.
4) in general, if you are inclined to trade, then by the middle of the game the ideal chain looks like this: you buy ALL the parts from the visiting merchant and the guy from the garage. You make a bunch of filters for moisture collectors (at the end I usually have 4 of them, generally max them out if possible), water the greenhouse with the grass. and already from the grass you can start selling pills - for a couple you can get twice as many parts from the guy at the garage as you spent on them. with Katya - even more. And if you start drinking alcohol and making bandages, then the local hucksters will end up in your anal slavery.
5) Someone there said that you need to take food from the coming merchant... 3 times HA. firstly, he does not have a preferred product that would be good for exchange at high rates, and secondly... his main value is that the items purchased from him GO IMMEDIATELY TO THE HOME INVENTORY. for tankers - that is, if you buy 40 boards from him, you won’t have to run into the city for 2 nights in a row, carrying two boards per stack. Of course, Boris can afford it, but that’s why he’s BORISSS... + it’s not a fact that you have it.
6) FOR THE SAKE OF ALL THAT IS SAINTED, don’t carry the boards home if you’re not planning to build, but to light a fireplace with them! I repeat, only two boards per stack! Make yourself an ax and chop down furniture right at the locations - they usually drop both boards and fuel in equal quantities. only the stack of fuel is 4, and the stack of boards is 2. That is, even spending an inventory slot on an axe, you gain almost twice as much benefit on the lock!
7) regarding the battle, almost all areas with enemies have niches. Find one not far from a loner, create noise by running near her, and hide. when the loner approaches, perform a silent kill. If the enemies are far from the niche, then you can “create noise” by running from the door to their room to the niche - the enemies follow you like devoted little goats on a leash. But beware of the steam. If a couple is frozen in pillars near your niche, kill one silently and immediately shoot the second with a shotgun. Don’t be afraid - you can immediately hide back in the niche - the reinforcements that came running at the sound of the shot, if they weren’t standing nearby, won’t see you.
8) Firearm. A pistol is a weak gun that wastes ammo, it has only a passive benefit - to be in your inventory at home, so that your people are considered armed to the teeth during night raids on your hut. Automatic - sell this cocoa at the first opportunity - first of all they give for it good price, secondly, this is not a joke, there are ALWAYS few cartridges (and their supply is fiercely burned during the “defense” of a house), and the machine gun in that game is essentially the same fart pistol but with an increased rate of fire... correction - with an increased rate waste of cartridges. Honestly, you better sell them! a sniper machine gun... well, well... how many locations are there where you have the opportunity to shoot across the entire house? Moreover, in essence it is the same cartridge washer. Our choice is SHOTGAN. not so difficult to find (oddly enough, easier than a machine gun), and the main thing is the optimal ratio of damage per bullet - a bandit without armor will knock down a bandit from a couple of steps with a shot (we stand under the stairs so that the enemies descend with their backs to you, one shot - one corpse), and Considering that we will almost always fight in confined spaces with not too long corridors, then this is definitely our way out
9) If you started with three or fewer characters (I once started the game with only one mathematician, Anton. Well, well... RESET), drive away all sorts of mathematicians, nannies and other ballast characters who come to you. In a couple of days, more helpful guys will come to you.
10) pay attention to the second recipe when cooking - its main feature is not that it is prepared in at least two copies, and not that it uses a vegetable instead of one piece of meat, BUT THAT less water and fuel are required per unit of food received , even less with Bruno. As a conclusion, if possible, do not use the first recipe. Even if you only need to feed one person, prepare a second recipe - the remaining food will not go anywhere, but will remain on the stove at least until the end of the game.
11) Pay attention to the temperature! below 14 degrees - there is already a chance of getting sick. Keep in mind - medicine is one of the most expensive goods in the game. And it’s usually more profitable to exchange 1 pack of tablets for a mountain of fuel (unless, of course, your religion allows you to go to some location with an ax and chop up furniture), than to then spend 4 packs to heal the whole team
12) regarding the “eating” of ammo by your team during night defense. the point is controversial. On the one hand, a decent amount of ammunition goes to virtually nothing, on the other hand, the absence of firearms during defense (especially during the week of banditry (astrologers declared the week the week of banditry, bandits doubled the population XD)) is fraught with injuries. And medicines are more expensive than cartridges.
Well, this is about a hodgepodge of survival tips that might help someone. There are many more “tricks”, but I also wrote a whole novel ;)

Of course, in order to fully experience the game, you need to experience everything yourself, but sometimes a couple good advice won't hurt.

  1. First of all, clear your shelter of rubble and collect all possible belongings. The faster you do this, the faster you will begin the necessary construction of the shelter.
  2. The first items to be built are a workbench, a stove and a bed. There will already be a regular workbench. If you have enough materials, then two beds. Then make three beds and get the achievement.
  3. The first items to use are a crowbar and a knife. In the future, as soon as you upgrade your workbenches to a new level, always have two or three files and two or three master keys in stock.
  4. Second important thing The house will have a water tank, a stove and a radio. Moreover, we build a stove even if it’s warm, because in reserve. On the radio you can always find out important news about the world around you, including the weather.
  5. When you upgrade a regular machine to the second and then the third level, and this is best done, we build the furniture in this order. A medical workbench, patching holes, a reinforced door, a garden bed, and then everything else. The first one will allow us to roll cigarettes and roll-your-own cigarettes, as well as create medicines. This is what will usually be the currency of exchange. Filling up the holes will help protect you from raiders at night, as will a reinforced door. Grow vegetables and herbs for rolling papers in the garden.
  6. Always wait for a merchant or neighbor, try not to rewind the day until the evening. Firstly, the merchant is at least important for base construction. Buy building materials, spare parts and food from him first. Secondly, neighbors asking for help, if you agree to help, will cheer up your heroes, and they may also thank you later.
  7. It is best to eat canned food, and save meat, as well as vegetables. Use the meat as bait in a trap. This way, by the end of the game you will have collected a lot of meat and vegetables and will definitely not die of hunger.
  8. When leaving for the night, leave a firearm in the house, and one or two characters on guard, so that there are no problems in the morning


  1. You can feed the heroes every other day. Yes, they will whine, but nothing will be lost. If you’re really stressed out about food, you can fast for a couple of days and keep the heroes at the “hungry” level. They will be a little sad, but it’s not scary, fortunately it’s not depression.
  2. Be sure to let all the characters get enough sleep. So a tired character is slow, capricious and can quarrel at night or spend the night sleepless.
  3. It is better to use alcohol in the fight against depression as a last resort. Better sell alcohol.
  4. If the heroes are "slightly wounded" or "slightly ill" this can be corrected by sleep. Lay down for a day and everything is fine.
  5. When Voight comes to you, think twice before you agree to work with him. This guy does bad things, steals at night. And asks for your help, this can have a moral impact on your heroes.
  6. Theft and murder drive your heroes to depression. So steal as a last resort, and kill only bandits and marauders. No one will be sad about their death.


  1. All help to people on forays will come back to you good mood, or even useful belongings.
    • St. Mary's Church
      There are several options. If the holy father survived, then you can bargain with him. Don't go down to the basement. Take a shovel and a hacksaw to get into the attic of the house. If the father died, then an aggressive bandit will be standing in the church itself. He will dig through the trash with his back to you and you can kill him quietly. There will be other aggressive guys in the house. Take a shovel and a hacksaw.
    • Construction site
      On your first visit you will meet two snipers and their victim. On your next visit you can go down to the basement. You need two hacksaws and a pick.
    • Supermarket
      There are several options. In one version there will be a soldier who harasses a girl. You can scare him by opening the door, but it’s better to run away immediately if you can’t fight back. In another option, there will be getters; if you don’t touch them and don’t collect the things they collect, then there will be no aggression from them towards you. You will need a master key or crowbar.
    • Sniper interchange
      There is shelling there, then wait. Hear a shot and quickly run behind the armored personnel carrier, another shot and behind the monument. There, listen to the wounded man. Further from the monument after the shot, to the tram, from it to the ambulance. After that, into the house. There we go down to the basement and tear off the door under the monument. This way we will help the wounded man. You will need two hacksaws. Do not linger at the location; if you do not make it in time, you will get injured. If you killed snipers at the construction site, then the location will be different...
    • Central Square
      Now they are ordinary civilians, no one shoots and there is active trading. There is a non-aggressive, but intractable person in the house. If you come in, he will shoot.
    • House for two families
      The house is their two parts. The first is empty, the second contains people who will not be happy with you. If you need a crowbar or a master key to get into the second part of the house, then go through the basement. Need a master key.
    • Ruined villa
      Close doors behind you to prevent residents from looking for a burglar.
    • Warehouse
      There are only looters here. All supplies are “private property”. Kill them silently, with a knife. Shots will immediately bring all the bandits to you.
    • Army checkpoint
      You can trade with the military. If you clear the area of ​​them, you will have a bunch of weapons and ammunition. Some of it can then be successfully exchanged with the merchant for many, many things.
    • City Hospital
      Here you can give medicine to the doctor and get good things in return. If you are injured, you can come here and be treated by a nurse.
    • Brothel
      On ground floor slaves, if you kill the marauders and free them, they will be very grateful to you. You will need a lot of hacksaws and picks.
  2. Other locations are safe
  3. The cells of the backpack do not increase, so take the one who has the most cells and take only hacksaws, master keys and a knife with you
  4. Always return before the end of the night, otherwise you may return wounded.


No special features. Usually this is summer, marauders do not always attack at night. It is not necessary to flood the oven. Best time in order to stock up on everything you need.

The weather is sub-zero. That’s why you always need to light the stove. Ideally, upgrade it to the second level. If you create an ax, you can easily type huge amount kindling material and boards. You can use an ax to break furniture. At this time of year, you can collect water in the yard, or rather, collect snow and melt it into water.

The warm time of day has arrived again. The first few days it is still better to heat the room. During this time, it is best to gather supplies, as difficult times are coming.


Which characters are best to start the game with?

Characters are generated at the beginning of the game randomly (randomly).

It is better if you have a good cook (Bruno), an experienced breadwinner (Marco), plus a good trader (Katya) or Katya, Meyrin, Arika. Worst option, this is when there will be two people - Anton and Sveta (they are sick and suffer from wounds).

Character options at the beginning of the game

Roman, Katya.

Katya, Mairin, Arika. (Most easy option, you can craft anything and trade with merchants).

Anton, Sveta.

Pavlo, Anton, Sveta, Zlata.

Bruno, Marco, Pavlo.

Character skills and what they are for


(10 slots in the backpack) - an experienced cook is needed to waste less wood and water on cooking on a simple stove.
Smokes, has a neutral attitude towards theft. Doesn't really like helping neighboring residents. Doesn't like it when there is no food. May hang himself from depression.


An experienced miner, Marco has more slots in his backpack (15 pieces), and at the same time he can jump over gaps. Quickly inspects cabinets, etc. Indifferent to bad deeds, loves good deeds. If he himself does bad things, he worries for a long time. Perceives wounds negatively. He can leave if things are bad and grab some things.


Trader Katya (12 slots) will be able to exchange for more favorable offers for you. He loves coffee, good deeds, has a negative attitude towards theft and murder, worries about his roommates if something happens to them.


(10 slots) - a jack of all trades, can craft with fewer components. Coffee lover, loves good deeds, does not like hunger and bad deeds.


(10 slots) - moves quietly. Kuryaga worries if she herself does bad things and strangers perceive her negatively. Has a normal attitude towards theft. They can shoot her right away. Worried about conflicts and injuries. She might leave (and take food with her) if Roman beats her. Well guarded.


(10 slots) - an experienced fighter, he can kill in one hit with a knife or pickaxe by attacking from behind (and not worry too much about this). If he kills a lot, he will be depressed, he may beat up his roommates, and then even hang himself. At night it is better to keep him under guard and keep cigarettes in the house. Worried about his injuries. Has a bad attitude towards good deeds. Neutral if someone else does bad things. Protects the home well. He has a better chance of surviving a shootout or fight, and returning home with his last breath.


(12 slots) - inspirer, gets you out of depression. Raises the morale of others. Has a bad attitude towards bad deeds, and a good attitude towards good ones. You worry if someone gets hurt. I noticed that her rat traps work faster.


(8 slots) - loves children. Hungry less. Worries about his comrades, spends less ammo when defending his home. Approves good deeds, negatively perceives bad deeds.


(17 slots) - Healthy, can also kill with one hit, cannot jump over large gaps, runs slowly. In general, he will not worry about bad deeds and does not like to help his neighbors.


(8 slots) - good mathematician. Hungry less. Neutral, worries about his comrades. Doesn't like alcohol. There is a legend that Anton can be eaten! But for now this is just a legend)).


(10 slots) - runs fast. Approves of good deeds, neutral towards bad ones.


(10 slots) - a good lawyer, bargains well with the courier. A coffee lover, she worries about her comrades and herself. Neutral in character, sometimes approves of good deeds, sometimes condemns.

You need to make a metal workbench and upgrade it once. Weapon components will also be needed. With the help of an improved bench, you can make a hacksaw for metal.

Why do you need an ax

They can be used to make boards and firewood from furniture. You can take the ax with you and chop down furniture in locations.

Why do we need fertilizers (feces)

Not only can poop be used to make fertilizer, but it can also be used as rat bait and for food! It's better to make two traps.

When winter begins

Winter can start any day at random. Even on the first day. It is better to throw 6 firewood into a simple stove. It is better to improve the furnace (to do this you will have to improve the workbench to make a thermometer from electronic components).

How long does the game last?

You need to survive about 32 or more days, on average the game lasts 40 days or more.

How to melt snow

Snow can be collected outside the entrance door when it is winter. Then you need to make a water filter. And heat it on the stove, if you have wood, of course. When winter ends, snow will not be available, even if you accumulate it in reserve.


It is not necessary to feed the characters to their fullest. Feeding should be done if the character is very hungry, sick or injured. It is better to feed first those who will guard the house at night. You can feed if the Persians are very hungry (every other day). It is better to eat after five in the afternoon. When a merchant arrives or someone brings you vegetables, or one of the characters is called to work.

Murder and crime

Killing civilians and stealing from civilians affects the ending (good/bad, for everyone who killed or stole). Try not to kill again.

Books, cigarettes, coffee, guitar

Books and a chair improve your mood, just like cigarettes and coffee. The characters smoke, read and drink coffee themselves whenever they want. Katya, Arika, Zlata, Pavlo play the guitar well... The radio also improves the mood.


You can find out when winter begins and the war ends. Tells you which products are currently in price. If they report on the radio that a crime spree has begun, this means that potential enemies will perceive you negatively at night and may immediately kill you.


Dangerous condition... The character can leave, fight and even commit suicide. To get a character out of depression, you need to talk to him with other characters, have in the house what he loves (coffee, cigarettes, books). Good deeds will also help. Also, read the bio of the characters, it says what they are worried about (for example, no bandages, no food, cluck-cack-cack...) and correct the situation. It is better to bandage the wounded, give medicine to the sick so that they don’t worry about them.


It's better to go to work with a knife. Hide and attack from behind. You don’t have to kill completely, leave a little HP for the enemy, then the enemy can stop bothering you (if you don’t kill anyone, then the morale of the characters will not drop). It is better to leave firearms and ammunition at home for home defense. Beware of well-equipped soldiers, they are harder to damage.

Humanitarian assistance

One day, a suspicious neighbor may knock on your door and ask you to go with him to pick up some badly placed humanitarian aid. If you send someone with him, then your character will return with a small loot, and after a couple of days the militia will come to you and demand that you hand over this neighbor. They can offer you food and medicine. Then decide for yourself whether to take it or not. If you fail to pass it, the morale of the characters will rise.

How many beds to make

Make it based on the number of characters minus one. That is, if you have four characters, make three beds. Someone might get hurt, someone might get sick...

Defense at night

It is best to max out the workbenches and fill up the three holes in the house and improve the door. Better to keep it in the house large number cold and firearms and cartridges. Sometimes, in the midst of crime, it is better to have a couple of people on guard. It’s better to immediately cook all the food on the stove from what you have, so it won’t be stolen. You can also leave food in traps, then it won’t be stolen either. Do not rush to take all the medicines and food from the shelter cupboards.

When the merchant comes

Comes on average once every three days between five and six in the afternoon. It’s better to talk to him Katya. Put one expensive item up for auction and add cheap ones.

Help a woman protect her home

One day a woman will come to you asking you to protect her house for the night. Send a character there. In a few days they will bring you a broken gun with cartridges.

What to do so as not to kill

Hide and wait for the end of the night. Or go out and start the day again.

Last day

If on the last day you send a character to help neighbors or on another quest, then information about him will not appear in the end credits.



If this location is open, immediately go there with a knife. On the ground floor, a military man tries to rape a girl. You sneak up from behind, open the door and knock down the military man, remove the Kalash and cartridges from him. Your friends will only thank you, and they will have something to protect your home with. Or, if you don’t have a weapon with you, then just hit the military man once with your fist and run to the exit, the girl will also run away, and the military man will be wounded. There will be no military personnel during the next trips to the supermarket. There will only be a woman familiar to that girl, she is harmless. In another scenario, in a supermarket you may catch looters, but they will not touch you and will leave.

Quiet house

If you visit the old people and bully them, many characters will be very upset; it is better to leave some food and medicine for the old people. If you don’t take food and medicine and take the rest, then none of your Persians will notice.


You can send a seriously wounded or wounded character to the hospital and ask the nurse to bandage him (they will not bandage a lightly wounded character). It is better not to loot private property in a hospital if there are militias nearby.


You take a woman, give her a bandage and go to the garage to change. Walk calmly in the direction of the main entrance to the garage (do not run), a man will come out and ask for bandages for exchange.

Dilapidated slum

There's a homeless man sitting there. If you give him a can of stew, he will reveal a cache of alcohol and jewelry.

Construction site

At the very top sits a sniper with a partner and shoots at people in the square. You need to go up to the level under the snipers and wait for them to leave, the next day they won't be there. Since the territory is vast, it is better to go on a night raid with Pavlo (he runs fast). When you first enter, the basement is flooded with water; after the snipers leave, the basement is accessible for visits (one hacksaw is needed). Also, you can kill the sniper and his partner, then you will get a sniper rifle!

House for two families

You will need a pair of hacksaws.

Comments, reviews, opinions

: ID: 1340 26/10/2015 17:49

I want to ask a question about the pass that is located at the location old town, if I'm not mistaken.
Who is the best person to trade it to?

: ID: 1263 09/06/2015 15:25

Run when the sniper is reloading.

Anton: ID: 1476 02/07/2016 15:22

and I immediately demolished the military checkpoint (the whole one). I just took a shotgun, climbed onto the tower right in front of the person, extinguished the guard from the shotgun, stood in his place, received a burst of bullets (the statute was slightly wounded (but this despite the fact that I was wearing a helmet and body armor )), and made fun of the guards from top to bottom (with full information). I took a Kalash, then went to another building (on the second floor there is a place where you can hide in the shadows) and from there I shot through the window on the left at everyone who was running towards me. As soon as I kill one I hide, the other one runs, I also extinguish it and hide again. so in one go the entire checkpoint was smashed

: ID: 1213 04/14/2015 01:54

In the location there is a house for two families, if you get into the house through the basement, in the first room there will be a closet with things. Things will be replenished there every night, even if you cleaned out the closet before.

Olmeca: ID: 1178 03/18/2015 12:46

Marco, too, can leave when depressed and grab some things (((

: ID: 1738 12/06/2016 21:11

At a construction site, you need to kill a sniper - you will get a sniper ak with an increased range - useful for a checkpoint

The situation, hunger, injuries and illnesses, the real field of view of enemies + incomprehensible saves and unknown how much items cost - all this blows your mind when you sit down to play this game for the first time. The first time my Persians lost their comrade over a couple of cans of stew, they became depressed and died of hunger. Then, of course, we figured it out. And we wrote advice for those who are already playing, but have not yet turned into Rambo, guarding their food, medical and smoking warehouse.

Collection of survival tips

Collection of survival tips

Tip #1 The most important thing is to understand the game's save system. The only automatic saving available is that occurs every morning when the character returns home. It's better to copy the save slot somewhere. Otherwise, if a character is killed, you need to immediately exit the game before the slot has time to be overwritten.

Tip #2 Don't get sick and don't quarrel. Every third day the merchant Franco comes to the house. Apart from this, the events of the day are random. Therefore, if you return home and see that someone is sick, or the house was attacked and someone was injured, or an unwanted NPC came to the house, you can safely exit the game and load again. The same morning will load (i.e. the Persian comes home with loot), but the rest of the events are different. At the same time, information about attacks and quarrels is shown immediately, and NPCs approach the house around 11 am, i.e. You won't have to replay for a long time.

Tip #3 In the case where the party consists of three characters, on the 7th day a fourth random character comes to the house. I was playing Arika-Bruno-Roman and I needed someone with a lot of inventory. I rebooted about forty times and finally waited for Boris.

Tip #4 There is a complete list of heroes, but all the skills are mixed, and at first it is not clear which ones are important for survival. Let me give you a brief description:

Roman and Arika

The only ones who can kill from behind with one blow (Arika - with a knife, Roman - with anything). With my style of passing (+ reluctance to sit in shelters for a long time), one of them is necessary.

Boris (17 inventory slots) and Marco (15 inventory slots)

One of them is necessary, Boris is better by as much as 2 points.


Bruno (saves food), Marin (saves spare parts), Katya (saves when selling)

They sit at the base, craft and barter. Most likely, one of them will be in the party. You can have two and save even more.


Anton, Sveta, Emilia, Pavel, Zlata

Without advantages that would help with my passing style.

Tip #5 Nothing happens in the locations. You can come to the sniper junction (in the version where you can help a shot father get to his child) either on the 7th or 37th day - until the location is unsealed, the father will sit under the statue and wait for us. Nothing happens in the locations during the day either. You can come as a well-armed fighter, clear any place of enemies, take nothing, and then a few days later carry everything out with a more powerful comrade. The only thing that disappears is the corpses. After the murder, you need to immediately (that same night) search them and put everything in the nearest boxes.

Tip #6 Many locations have several event options. For example, in a supermarket there can be either one soldier (hostile) and a girl, or three non-hostile foragers. In the church there is either a living priest or a gang. Event types are fixed and do not change over time. You can find out what event you got on the action planning map from its description. There are a total of 20 locations in the game, of which 15 open in one playthrough. To see everything (and even different options events in locations) must be played more than once.

Tip #7 Buy all the materials from the merchant Franco, who comes to the house every third day. Sell ​​weapons, alcohol and medicine. If you have nothing to change for, at least buy components and wood - they are needed everywhere in large quantities, and when carried, they add up to only 4 components and only 2 wood (i.e., Boris can bring only 34 wood or 68 components per night) . Ingredients are vital - for example, to make food and alcohol, you need water. For 4 units of water you need one filter, for one filter - 3 components.

Tip #8 General procedure actions, repeated for each location. During the day, the fighter and the messenger sleep, the thrift crafts.

  • First day. The housekeeper crafts to a minimum and not very much (it is very likely that this day will have to be overloaded many times; crafting the same thing for a long time will get boring).
  • First night. Nesun guards. A well-equipped fighter goes to some hostile location and takes out everyone there. Picks up corpses, puts loot in nearby boxes. If he has time, he saws through the bars, breaks the locks, and, if possible, demolishes everything in one box. Takes out weapons and the most necessary ones in maximum stacks.
  • Second day. Maximum crafting, food, fighter sleeps.
  • Second night. The fighter guards, and the empty carrier goes to the previous location and packs up. In fatty locations, two or three walks will be needed.

Tip #9 As an example, I recorded a video of how Roman took out an outpost in one night.

Collection of survival tipsThis War Of Mine - Militaty Outpost in one night solution

Tip #10 Initial craft. First you need to make a bench, make a shovel, a crowbar and an ax. Clear away all the rubble and break unnecessary furniture in your home. Then - make a bed, a stove and a water collector. Prepare food (save canned food for a rainy day). To cook two servings of Bruno you need meat, vegetables, fire and 5 water, while 4 waters are made on the manifold from one filter, and the filter is made from three components. In total, for two servings you need approximately 4 components, one tree, meat and vegetable.

Tip #11 The ending of the game depends on the playing style. If you do bad things, the game ends badly. In my case, Roman cleared an outpost, a brothel, a warehouse, a church (from bandits), a construction site, and a supermarket. They never refused to help their neighbors. There are 3 endings for each character (+ death, suicide and leaving the shelter). In the end, everyone ended well except Roman (who had an average ending).