What do you dream about when you are looking for a person? Why do you dream about looking for something or someone? Dream Interpretation: interpretation options

A dream in which you are looking for something lost and cannot find it is a bad omen; in reality, losses and illnesses await you.

Seeking someone's favor in a dream means that soon you will stop needing and will begin to pay more attention to yourself.

Looking for a hotel in an unfamiliar city in a dream means obstacles that you must go through in order to achieve complete happiness.

Looking for a needle means that your worries are in vain, your friends still value and respect you.

To dream that you are looking for a map means unexpected dissatisfaction with your surroundings, which will give you new impetus in your work and allow you to rise to a higher level of well-being.

If you dream that you are looking for someone in the morgue, this means that you will be stunned by the news of the death of a relative or friend.

Looking for fleas in a dream is a sign that real life they want to drag you into a scam that can give you nothing but losses personally.

Looking for bedbugs means suffering a loss due to the dishonest attitude of people you know.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation alphabetically

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Dream Interpretation - Search

Look for an object, money.

Tip of the day: if you haven’t found the item, then your hopes for the best in the near future will not come true.

Change your goal.

Look for a way out of the building.

Tip of the day: changes in your life will happen gradually.

You won’t even notice how you find yourself in a new situation.

Don't take drastic steps.

Only perseverance and perseverance will lead you to success

Interpretation of dreams from

A dream in which you are looking for something lost and cannot find it is a bad omen; in reality, losses and illnesses await you.

Seeking someone's favor in a dream means that soon you will stop needing and will begin to pay more attention to yourself.

Looking for a hotel in an unfamiliar city in a dream means obstacles that you must go through in order to achieve complete happiness.

Looking for a needle means that your worries are in vain, your friends still value and respect you.

To dream that you are looking for a map means unexpected dissatisfaction with your surroundings, which will give you new impetus in your work and allow you to rise to a higher level of well-being.

If you dream that you are looking for someone in the morgue, this means that you will be stunned by the news of the death of a relative or friend.

Looking for fleas in a dream is a sign that in real life they want to drag you into a scam that can give you nothing but losses.

Looking for bedbugs means suffering a loss due to the dishonest attitude of people you know.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation alphabetically

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Dream Interpretation - Search

Look for an object, money.

Tip of the day: if you haven’t found the item, then your hopes for the best in the near future will not come true.

Change your goal.

Look for a way out of the building.

Tip of the day: changes in your life will happen gradually.

You won’t even notice how you find yourself in a new situation.

Don't take drastic steps.

Only perseverance and perseverance will lead you to success

Interpretation of dreams from

This dream often means an attempt to reach his heart, feelings, and also try to understand him as a person. In some situations, looking for a person in a dream means that he is indifferent to you and treats you with distrust, as well as an indicator of an insincere and false attitude in reality.

Very often in dreams people continue to search for someone who escapes in life. Whether it will be successful or not depends on how lucky your efforts were and whether you managed to find it or not. This is why you dream of losing a person and spending time and energy trying to find him or waking up in unpleasant anticipation.

Close and dear people

Various anxieties and concerns may be associated with them. The Dream Interpretation writes that quite often the fear of losing such a person begins to express itself in the fact that you have to walk the streets in anxiety, trying to find him.

Modern dream book does not interpret a dream in which you have to look for a person when it is caused by news or similar problems in someone's life.

For example, you watched a program in which a person disappeared or was found, after some time, then you may dream that you are losing a daughter, son, or even a spouse.

Sometimes such night pictures repeat scenes from a film, a program, or illustrate the story of a friend whose relative has disappeared.

The dream book does not interpret such dreams, since they are simply inspired by impressions and conversations.

But if you are worried about something and you suddenly had to look for loved one in a dream, the dream promises you a quarrel, misunderstanding and conflict situation with him.

Sometimes such a vision means that in some way life situation he will turn away from you and will be unavailable.

Therefore, mothers before adolescence you begin to dream that you have to look for your son or daughter, spending a lot of time and effort on this. The same is true for the dreams of a wife who worries about her husband. Nightmares about him cheating on you or just packing up and leaving one day often mean that you will actually quarrel with him or simply have a disagreement.

Why dream of looking for a person you like, but you are not dating him? This dream often predicts troubles and quarrels for you. If he doesn't know about your crush, pay attention to the place where you start looking for him.

If it is connected with your place of activity, work, then in reality the seeker is trying to understand the direction of his activities, the secrets of success or wealth. In some cases, a lost person shows that you want to achieve some interesting life goal, wealth or simply material acquisition. Sometimes the people we are looking for in a dream show the way not to them, but to a solution to some problem in life.

For example, a girl may be looking for a guy she knows, but in life she will need not so much him as confirmation of her attractiveness and tenderness.

This is very important for people who are completely unsure of themselves and want to feel more interesting. Therefore, you should not be surprised if in a dream you begin to look for your boss in order to kiss him, although in life you do not allow such thoughts.

Find the right person safe and sound in a dream - to joy. You will be able to solve a problem or get an answer to a question of interest.

The dream book writes that finding in a dream an acquaintance or someone who interests you in a dream as sick, maimed, wounded or killed means that you will soon cease to be interested in him.

Modern books indicate that very soon your relationship with him will go wrong due to severe disappointment. If this person died or was killed, then in fact he will live very well, but at the same time you yourself will lose interest in him.

Look for an important person whom you only know from a dream

This could be a civil servant, a boss, or just someone who manages various affairs, but you are unfamiliar with him. Such a dream may mean that you want to find support and support in some life situation, and the profession of this person can play a very important role here.

If you are looking for a doctor, then such a dream means trouble, as well as a desire to restore mental comfort and balance. In some cases similar dream dream means that you are subconsciously looking for a healthier, both physically and mentally viable way to improve your mood and life.

Searching for a person or searching for objects in a dream can either irritate and even plunge the sleeper into despondency, or make him incredibly happy, depending on final result. That's why key point interpretation of a dream in which you happened to be looking for something or someone, the final point is whether the search was successful. Unfortunately, most often such dreams are cut short and do not provide an answer to the main question.

Looking for a person in a dream and finding him is not yet a reason to assume that everything will be fine in life. In a number of cases, this object is a symbol, a reflection of an area of ​​​​life in which we are not sure, we experience some kind of incompetence or failure. If someone helped you look for a person in a dream and your search was crowned with success precisely because of this help, perhaps in real life this person will help you gain confidence or achieve what you want.

Searching for a person in a dream can also be (and most often is) a reflection of the dreamer’s internal, sometimes unconscious anxiety about this person, and therefore in most cases you have to look for your child, as the least protected object, causing parents constant anxiety. Searching for a child in a dream should not become another cause for concern, but, on the contrary, should become a reason to analyze your own subconscious anxieties. If there really is a reason for them, it should be eliminated as calmly as possible, but if the fears are far-fetched, you need to work on yourself, and not strengthen authoritarian control.

Among all the fruitless searches in dreams, the search for a child takes first place. This indicates the need to correct one’s own emotional perception. If you delve into the events of the past, you can often find the presence of some kind of emotional trauma associated with children, and it will not necessarily be about the child who disappeared in a dream.

Looking for a child (stranger) in a dream whose cry you hear is an event of a different nature. This is a vital question for which there is no answer, moreover, which has not yet arisen in full height, but only looms on the periphery of the subconscious and worries.

To lose and look for someone in the crowd - such a dream can visit a person in difficult times. life period, for example, after the death of a loved one, loss of purpose, disappointment in an old dream, etc. At the same time, a person sleeping against the background of a long-term emotional decline experienced in real life may look with his eyes in a dream for an indefinite object, and not for a specific image of a person. This type of dream also includes a dream in which a person receives news and does not have the opportunity to give an answer to it, while feeling that it (the answer) is absolutely necessary.

Looking for a thing or a path in a dream is another example where an unsuccessful search indicates the mental instability of the object. Searching and not finding objects in the place where they were placed or in which they were supposed to be is a signal of a discrepancy between a person’s ideals, goals and his behavior, the desire to achieve these goals. In general, two types of dreams “to seek - to find” and “to seek - not to find” are given to a person a way of assessing the effectiveness of those ways to achieve life goals, the efforts that the sleeper makes in reality. Based on such a dream, you can with a high degree of probability conclude for yourself whether they contradict each other.

Looking for someone in the dark - the dream indicates the complete uncertainty of your life tasks and priorities. Did you know who you were looking for? Were you sure this person was here? Why didn't he respond to your call? All these questions are important for determining the prospects for searching in a dream, and therefore for finding the meaning of setting certain life tasks in real life.

Another category of dreams of this plane is to look for a loved one in a dream and not find it. Let us clarify that we're talking about not about an abstract loved one who does not yet exist, but about a completely concrete person who is lost in a dream. Perhaps in reality you have some plans for this person that, alas, lead nowhere.

If a woman has to look for her husband in a dream, this may indicate her fear of losing this man or suspicions of his infidelity. Such a dream does not give any predictions regarding the correctness of these suspicions.

A different matter is the plot in which a woman begins to look for her former lover, a person whom she has already lost in reality. In this case, deciphering the dream is not difficult - the sleeping woman would like to return this relationship, although, quite possibly, in reality she is not yet aware of this.

If you dreamed of searching in Tsvetkov’s dream book

Looking for something in a dream is a sign of uncertainty, a crossroads in life, especially if you dream of searching for a path, the right road.

Looking for your child in a dream is an unkind sign; you should strengthen control over him and urge him to be careful, if this is possible due to his age.

Looking for a person among many other people is an indication that in reality you neglect relationships with him, do not value them, as a result of which you may lose them.

You dream of looking for things in your own home as an indication that you cannot figure out your life, correctly determine the place of everyone who is dear to you, you are rushing around, wasting time, and sometimes loved ones.

Looking for fleas or bedbugs in a dream means deception and financial losses.

Meaning of sleep search - Hasse's dream book

Looking for an overnight stay in a dream is the personification of the emptiness of the soul, the disorder of one’s own inner world.

Looking for a person and not finding him - such a dream warns that your frivolous attitude towards loved ones can lead to irreparable loss in reality. The dream becomes especially relevant if you had to look for a loved one, but the search turned out to be in vain.

If you had a chance to look for your loved one and find him in a completely unexpected place and among people unknown to you - in reality you will be able to overcome some serious disagreement between you.

Looking for things in your home - such a dream warns that you are missing something important in the pursuit of little things, be smarter about the main things.

If in a dream you were looking for something lost on the street, in real life you will also have to go to the goal through some inevitable losses.

Looking for clothes in someone else's house - such a dream hints that in reality you pay too much attention to the affairs of other people, especially since they do not always ask you for it.

Why do you dream about searching - esoteric dream book

Looking for something in a dream and not understanding what exactly you are looking for is a reflection of inner emptiness and uncertainty. There are too many doubts in your life.

Looking for a person and not finding him - such a dream speaks of a mistake made in a relationship with someone, as a result of which internal unity was lost, and only an external symbol remained. The fact that the search for a person does not bring results in a dream indicates the impossibility of using what was found, therefore it simply does not exist in the dream.

Losing a child, looking for him in a dream is a reflection of subconscious anxiety, as well as one’s own guilt, awareness of a mistake made in upbringing.

Why do you dream about searching, Longo’s dream book

A dream for a woman, in which she happened to be looking for a man in order to do some work that was too much for her, indicates that she is putting too much on her shoulders; in fact, some of the tasks could well be transferred to others.

If young man I had to look for a girl to meet in a dream, which means that he is too shy and is waiting until a happy occasion helps him arrange his destiny. You can wait a very long time for such an opportunity, so it is better to build your happiness on your own.

Why dream about searching - modern dream book

Looking for a place to stay overnight in a dream means uncertainty about the future, doubts about the correctness of the chosen path.

Looking for children - such a dream portends that you will have to worry a lot about them.

The search for some object indicates the dreamer’s desire, which is not destined to come true.

Searching for something or someone in real life is almost always associated with a feeling of anxiety and anxiety. But, if you are looking for something in a dream, the interpretations may be radically different from each other. For example, one of the dream books believes that looking for something means having an impossible desire. Why else do you dream of such a plot is described below.

Wardrobe items

If in a dream you have been looking for shoes for a long time, then in reality you will long journey. Losing shoes means unjustified hopes, shoes means problems with marriage, boots means future changes. Grishina also explains why you dream of losing shoes and looking for them. Grishina’s dream book says that, most likely, you are dissatisfied with your current life and are making every attempt to change it. Looking for one of your things in a dream means trying to find a solution to your current problem in reality. Losing a bag means suffering property losses. Search in vain wedding dress- to late marriage, a simple dress - to problems in relationships with representatives of the stronger sex. The modern dream book believes that looking for clothes in a dream means that in reality you need protection and understanding. If you didn’t find the socks where they were supposed to be, you will have to face quarrels in the family. If you dreamed that you were looking for a jacket - you were in danger of a secret danger, slippers - you needed the understanding and approval of loved ones, various things - a thirst for some kind of change.


Looking for a loved one in a dream is a negative sign. Your lover is deceiving you for his own gain. If a friend was in the place of the other half, gossip and empty slander cannot be avoided. Universal dream book believes that the search for his beloved wife predicts disagreements with her. Looking for a child in night dreams means futile attempts to find inspiration, a mother for a comfortable existence, a father for family support, a daughter for a love affair, a son for new achievements. Search stranger, means trying to solve a fairly complex problem. If a husband was in the person’s place, then you are probably in reality making attempts to improve marital relations. If you want to communicate with a man, you dream of a passionate love affair. You may dream of searching for a girl or guy if you are not ready for serious relationship and count only on short emotional adventures.


The modern dream book suggests that looking for a dog in your night dreams means trying to find it in reality. true friend. Searching for a cat, cat or kitten means a desire to defeat your enemies. If you dreamed that you were looking for a snake, then in reality you are asking for trouble. Grishina's dream book strongly advises avoiding all situations that could cause serious harm.


Looking for a car in a dream, but not finding it, means unjustified hopes. If the car was nevertheless found, then you will be able to find a way out of the difficult situation and turn all the problems in your favor. If you dream that a train is missing, it means that you are passionate about traveling, but for some reason you cannot afford it at the present time.

Real estate objects

Looking for an apartment or house in a dream means trying to solve a difficult problem. If you need just one room, then in the near future in reality you will decide on a divorce, moving, or changing jobs. If you dreamed that you were trying to find the store you needed, this would indicate a feeling of dissatisfaction. The modern dream book is convinced that you cannot be content with existing opportunities and are constantly in need of new horizons. Looking for housing in a dream means moving.

New duty station, documents

Do you want to get a job? new job? In reality, you will benefit from participating in an unexpected business. Losing your passport and any important documents means getting into trouble and incurring losses.

Jewelry and cash

Shereminskaya's dream book suggests that looking for a gold ring in a night vision means having a passionate desire to find a soul mate. It is interpreted in the same way and what dreams mean wedding ring. Searching and finding a ring means a quick wedding. If in a dream you were looking for gold and became the owner of a real treasure, you will be able to find a solid source of income. It will bring big profits regularly. Did you dream that you lost your wallet with money? You will incur unplanned expenses. If you dream that you are looking for earrings, get ready for a fleeting pleasant flirtation.

Dead men and cemetery

Looking for a cemetery in a dream means wishing for peace. Looking for a grave in a cemetery means finding a person with whom your soul will be calm and good. Searching for a dead person according to Miller’s dream book means the emergence of sadness. If you manage to find a deceased person, you will be able to quickly and easily cope with depression. Vain attempts to find the deceased in a dream indicate fruitless efforts.


Did you dream that you were looking for a road in the forest and couldn’t find it? The universal dream book believes that you have not yet decided on the direction of your life path. Finding a way out of a building or the right way home means in reality understanding what you really want and what needs to be done to achieve what you want. Looking for a way out into the street in a dream means a feeling of one’s own lack of freedom, inner constraint. If you dream that the treasured door was never found, then you will not be able to become happy for a long time. If you dream that there is nothing at the specified address, then all efforts to change something will remain unfinished.


The Dream Book of Health warns that looking for mushrooms in a dream means problems with the functioning of the body. You may even need to see a doctor. If you needed water vitally, then in reality you do not get satisfaction from what you do. The dream indicates that you should think about changing your activity. Aesop's Dream Book believes that needing food means trying to increase your earnings.

A few more options

Not finding the keys in a dream means the constancy of life. Changes should not be expected in the near future. There definitely won't be any. Aesop's Dream Book reports that looking for a book in your night dreams means experiencing spiritual hunger in reality. If there was a telephone in place of the book, then you lack communication; if there is a suitcase, you are striving to gain new experiences. If you dream that you are looking for the door to the toilet - you need material support on the other hand, entering the office means a desire to gain new knowledge and take a higher position. If you dreamed that you were pulling out lice, this means that your financial situation will improve significantly. Looking for a needle in a dream means mastering new skills, flowers - a thirst for romantic adventures.


    Hafiza Mirzaeva:

    Please tell me today I had a dream that I was in a store with my sister, and I got lost and found myself in the forest among immigrants, all strangers. And I lost my things, although I took care of them so much not to lose them. Then I found myself where clean water waves flow to pass the road, I began to swim and moved on. My mother appeared nearby and was very nervous that we couldn’t find the road and my sister. At the end, two sisters appeared and took us away from there! (Can you tell me what my dream means? Thank you in advance).

  • I don’t remember how we were in the maternity hospital, but I clearly remembered that my old friend was giving birth. This was her first child, a boy, he did not cry during the entire sleep, he just looked. It all started from the moment she dressed him. He was wearing a vest and rompers, and on top she dressed him in a light autumn jumpsuit, but incorrectly. The hood of the overalls was on the side of the baby’s face, but they didn’t change the clothes, it was cool outside (the hood itself soon ended up where it was supposed to be). Since this was her first child, she didn’t have the skills to hold him, so he was in my arms (she doesn’t have children yet, she was babysitting her brother, we are 15 and a half years apart). When I took him, we hurried to leave the hospital and headed home (in the dream he was very close). I kept looking at my feet so as not to slip, I heard my friend walking ahead, but as soon as we found ourselves near the entrance building, I lost her from sight. The child was constantly exposed to the wind, the overalls were thin and the hood, with buttons, was always unbuttoned, I adjusted it every minute. Most importantly, I was looking for his mother. There were a lot of people on the street, I started asking everyone if they had seen her. But no one remembered it. But I knew for sure that she lived in this house, but the entrance... I didn’t know. I called her by NAME, knowing that it was HER name, I looked in all the entrances, asked everyone I met, but no one saw her. I was already desperate, I went out onto the porch, there were three girls around me. I don’t remember whether they spoke to me or not, but then the one who stood in the center pointed under the porch, there was a dead dog lying there (I don’t know the breed, similar to a dachshund, only the body is not so long, somewhat similar to Jack- Russell Terrier). I don’t like such “pictures”, my face expressed sadness and tears were about to come when she, the girl in the center, smiled at me, index finger“shhh” at the lips.. calmed me down and said: “look.” My gaze turned to the dog... she came to life. No, rather, she REVIVED her. And only then, looking at this girl again, I realized that this was her, the mother of the baby, and her name was completely different. At this point I woke up, but I felt uneasy. Please help me disturb my sleep.