Causes of interethnic conflicts. Interethnic conflict

Reasons between national conflicts diverse:

Political reasons. First of all this is a crisis and then the collapse of the USSR - a major transnational world power. This reason is universal in nature, since confrontation between ethnic and religious groups always intensifies during periods of collapse of multinational asymmetric states. Another, The derivative political cause of the conflict is the struggle of both new and old political elites for the redistribution of the “imperial inheritance.” In this struggle, the national factor is used without any restraint. It is being conducted in the conditions of the virtual absence of rules of the political “game” (the old rules have been abolished, and the rules are new; a new political culture is just beginning to take shape). Therefore, in a number of cases one can observe shameless speculation on national feelings, despite the obvious damage, grief and even blood that such “games” bring to the population of all nationalities. Moreover, the national “card” is sometimes played with success even by openly criminal, mafia structures.

Economic reasons are closely related to political ones. On the one side, here there is a largely similar political struggle for the redistribution of national wealth, on the other hand- regions that are traditionally poor, deprived of natural resources or do not have a developed economy, but which received some centralized support, now, having lost it, are trying to somehow get out of the situation by appealing to the categories of national survival, preserving the national home, while resorting to any available to them means of economic pressure or even blackmail. Besides, economically more powerful regions seek to block trends of national separatism, also using economic and financial levers for this. The core problem of ensuring national security, including in matters of countering separatism, is the strengthening of statehood. The independence and autonomy of its individual most important systems - the legislative branch, regional power structures - is currently largely symbolic in nature. This is the vulnerability of the modern public administration system. Moreover, such a system is less able to withstand evolving threats from separatist tendencies. Another important area of ​​countering separatism in the Russian Federation in modern conditions is the improvement of the state structure of Russia and its federal foundations.

Many interethnic conflicts can, in a certain sense, be called false, since they are based not on objective contradictions, but on a misunderstanding of the positions and goals of the other side, attributing hostile intentions to it, which gives rise to an inadequate sense of danger and threat. There are many examples that can be given here: this includes distrust of the Russian-speaking diaspora in neighboring countries, and fear of Caucasians or natives of Central Asia and Central Russia. Naturally, such feelings are rationalized through a tendentious selection of everyday and other examples that influence everyday consciousness. And of course, politicians playing the national card are trying in every possible way to use this fertile soil. Really, the phenomenon of psychological opposition between “us” and “them” rooted in deep layers the public subconscious, and it is very difficult to fight it, although it is absolutely necessary. The weakening of the false conflict can be achieved through educational, educational and explanatory work among the population. Moreover, one should appeal not only to the rational, intellectual levels of the human psyche, but also to emotions, to mass sentiments. In this regard, a few words should be said about the role of the national intelligentsia. One of the noble traditions of the Russian intelligentsia has always been supporting peoples oppressed by imperial power on the territory of their own state, protecting them from oppression by the central government. And such a position, as a rule, was by no means considered in intellectual circles as a national betrayal, but, on the contrary, had a clear patriotic motivation. And in recent times, during the period of the far from bloodless agony of the USSR, the Russian intelligentsia for the most part supported the republican movements for self-determination - on the issue of the Baltic states, in the Tbilisi events. She saw her moral duty as the intelligentsia of a large nation in helping small nations gain freedom. And here she was united with the intelligentsia of these small nations.

Relations between nations and peoples were often tense and even dramatic. Russian lands, for example, were of interest to many invaders. They were attacked by Mongol nomads, German knights, and Polish conquerors. On Central Asia and Transcaucasia were encroached upon by Tamerlane's troops. When Columbus discovered America, many Indian tribes were destroyed. Colonizers captured the peoples of Africa. And these are not all examples from the history of Europe. Interethnic conflicts broke out during the world wars of the twentieth century.

National problems

Interethnic conflict is a historical enmity that has left its mark on national consciousness. And today, prejudices become the cause of hostility, the roots of which go back to the past. Previous options for solving the nation's problems have now exhausted themselves, since hostility and mistrust are the result of political mistakes and blunders that have accumulated over the years.

Growing international conflict

Heightened self-awareness of nations and intolerance even towards minor violations equality - all this provokes ethnic conflicts in Europe. It is no coincidence that since the second half of the twentieth century national question again appeared where it had previously been exhausted: Wales and Scotland, Canada and Quebec, France and Corsica, and so on. The world was amazed by the rapid growth of conflict in the early 1990s. Appeared new threat, for which the community of nations, which have been holding back nuclear challenges for 45 years, turned out to be unprepared.

National Security

Interethnic conflicts pose a threat to people and nations, therefore the activities of states should be aimed at ensuring national security. To the Bolshoi Soviet encyclopedia the security of the nation was considered as protection from external enemies, but in reality it is necessary to protect both the external and internal spheres of the state, including both material and spiritual aspects. For example, the main factors in the defeat of Nazi Germany were resilience and unity Soviet people, his faith in ideas.

Interethnic conflicts: the cause of their occurrence

The main reason for the emergence of disagreements between peoples is the clash of interests of nationalities, national groups and others. If conflicts that arise are not resolved consistently or in a timely manner, a conflict arises. And nationalization and politicization of the interests of peoples become strong catalysts for its development. Interethnic conflicts mixed with political interests reach highest stage exacerbation, which, in turn, provokes national antagonism.

Consequences of aggravated relations between nations and peoples

Every ethnic conflict leads to tragedies in the destinies of entire nations. In addition, there is a danger that past grievances and misunderstandings will be carried over into the memory of new generations. This can be avoided by giving a proper legal assessment of the situation, since public censure can subsequently lead to unjust actions in resolving even simple cases.

For recent years More than 40 armed conflicts blazed in different parts of the world: in Yugoslavia, Angola, Somalia, Georgia, Armenia, Afghanistan, Tajikistan, the North Caucasus region of Russia and others. The vast majority of conflicts are of an interethnic nature. They deployed on the territory of one or several countries, often turning into full-scale modern wars. Many of them were complicated by religious and clan contradictions. Some last for centuries, such as the Middle Eastern conflict between Jews and Arabs, and the Transcaucasian conflict between Armenians and Turks. The root causes of ongoing conflicts are often erased by time, disappearing into the subconscious and expressing themselves in inexplicable, almost pathological national intolerance. The immediate causes of periodically renewed clashes are usually immediate “injustices.” By putting this word in quotation marks, I mean that in most interethnic conflicts, a fair solution for all warring parties does not objectively exist, since each is guided by its own truth, its own historical periods, events, and facts.

So conflict situations in countries formed on the territory former USSR, due to many reasons. For example, such as:

  • 1) political (centralism and unitarism of power, repression and conquest of peoples),
  • 2) economic (economic crisis, unemployment, impoverishment),
  • 3) socio-psychological (interethnic communication barriers, negative forms of national self-affirmation, open nationalism),
  • 4) territorial and many others.

A conflict situation in most cases develops as a resultant component of a complex of causes and conditions. Conflict arises when international comparisons occur objectively, and not rarely subjectively; when in the psychology of peoples; when the solution to many problems is seen only in national self-affirmation. (Belarus, Ukraine)

There are always conflicting people (groups) in such cases. National political forces striving for power and property cleverly use spontaneous discontent. By fueling it, they present themselves as defenders of the nation. And although it has long been known that nationalism and ethnocratism are hopeless and destructive, they, as a rule, do not seem so to the rebellious people. On the contrary, it is ethnocratism and nationalism that become the most understandable, closest and unifying ideology. The unity of language, customs, traditions, and faith unites people instantly. After all, what could be easier than to have a common object of negation and to internalize a common “ideology of falsehood”, in the name of which this object should be rejected? To say, for example, that for all the misfortunes of the world - and above all of every soul - Jews, Germans, Arabs, blacks, gypsies, Vietnamese or Czechs are to blame. And there will always be a sufficient number of Vietnamese, Hungarians, Czechs, gypsies, or Jews whose actions can illustrate the idea that they are to blame for everything.

Communist ideology, based on repression, kept national conflicts at the level of isolated manifestations. The wind of freedom that blew during the period of perestroika, although it suggested changes for the better, was at the same time a significant condition for interethnic instability. Therefore, the first manifestations of democracy, market economy and sovereignization became the key to the formation of nationalist, adventurist, extremist and criminal forces.

When studying the causes of some interethnic conflicts on the territory of the USSR, one may not find serious national circumstances. The latter can be painted in the national “color” of political, social, economic, environmental and other problems. Nationalism in this case is an accompanying component that functions as a social “glue”. The latter, in the minds of the conflicting parties, can completely replace the essence of the problem. They may forget about it to some extent, but remember: ours are strangers. In such psychological atmosphere the generally accepted centuries-old laws of human coexistence are replaced by “national justice,” and bloody reprisals against strangers become sacred revenge, which is not perceived as criminal. The behavior of one side, according to the law of mirror reflection, is instantly reproduced by the other. And so they both enter into a fierce battle with each other, which, according to the “funnel” principle, draws in ever wider masses of like-minded people. In such a cycle, the right and the wrong disappear, and only the poor on both sides remain.

Showdowns in spontaneous ethnic clashes can be limited to mass riots, the commission of serious crimes against the person, property, public order, and in politically and ideologically organized ones they can result in full-scale armed battles. This is how everything is done under the guise of sacred revenge. What harms another nation. Mutual destruction continues until general insanity. New rounds of violence are becoming more and more brutal. They are stimulated by the victims just suffered, new grievances and targeted propaganda of open and secret forces interested in inciting conflict, used for personal criminal purposes as a mechanism for increasing intolerance and hatred.

When an interethnic conflict occurs within one state, judging by the bitter experience of countries. Formed on the territory of the former USSR, there are two options for the behavior of the official authorities. First: the authorities, maintaining a balance, remain above the conflict, trying to extinguish the conflict that has arisen, like this, with permissible forces and means. For example, this was done by the Russian authorities in the conflict between the North Ossetians and the Ingush. Second: the authorities themselves are drawn into the conflict, advocating for the preservation of the territorial integrity of the country or on the side of the titular people, as was observed in Azebarjan in the conflict between Azerbaijanis and Armenians, in Georgia in the conflict between Georgians and South Ossetians, between Georgians and Abkhazians. The Russian authorities in Chechnya were eventually drawn into similar situations.

A serious barrier to keeping the conflict at a peaceful level is the absence of appropriate groups trying to resolve interethnic contradictions by force. In such cases, the parties shall refrain from acute situations, which can serve as serious reasons for violence. Similar forms of interethnic conflict are still observed in Estonia, Latvia, and Kazakhstan between the titular nations and the Russian-speaking population, which maintains civilized behavior in the face of constant violation of their rights by nationalist-minded authorities

Examples of such events were given to many peoples at a very significant cost. The bloody world wars of the twentieth century will long be remembered in every corner of the globe. Modern society, it would seem, opposes any military actions and conflicts; its development is based on liberal ideas, healthy competition and world globalization. However, in reality everything is somewhat different. The number of conflicts on national and religious grounds is only increasing every year, and everyone is involved in the cycle of such battles. more participants, which leads to a gradual expansion of the scope of the problem.

The discrepancy between national interests, territorial claims, negative perceptions of each other by the parties - all this creates interethnic conflicts.

Examples of such situations are highlighted in political news with enviable consistency.

It is a type of social conflict, which is based on many factors and contradictions, usually ethnosocial, political, national and state.

The causes of national conflicts, if we examine them in more detail, are in many ways very similar:

  • Fight for resources. Depletion and uneven distribution natural resources providing the most often leads to inciting disputes and strife.
  • Population growth in conditions of closed territory, uneven level of quality of life, mass forced
  • Terrorism as a phenomenon requiring tough measures and, as a consequence, escalation

Religious differences

The international ones, which will be given below, relate primarily to the largest power of the twentieth century - Soviet Union. Many contradictions arose between the union republics, especially in the Caucasus region. A similar situation persists after the former received components Soviet countries have sovereign status. Since the collapse of the USSR, more than one hundred and fifty different conflicts have been registered in Chechnya, Abkhazia, and Transnistria.

The presence of the disadvantaged within a sovereign country directly forms the basis of the concept of “interethnic conflicts,” examples of which are becoming more and more common. This is the Gagauz conflict in Moldova, the Abkhaz and Ossetian conflict in Georgia. Usually, with such contradictions, the population within the country is divided into indigenous and non-indigenous, which leads to an even sharper aggravation of the situation.

Examples of religious conflicts are no less common. The most striking of them is the fight against infidels in numerous Islamic countries and regions (Afghanistan, Chechnya, etc.). Similar conflicts are typical for the African continent; the fierce struggle between Muslim authorities and representatives of other faiths has claimed more than two million lives, and wars on the holy land between Muslims and Jews have lasted for decades.

The same sad list includes conflicts in Kosovo between Serbs and Albanians, and the struggle for the independence of Tibet.

Federal Agency for Education

State educational institution higher professional education

State University of Management

Department of State and Municipal Administration


by discipline « Social anthropology »

on the topic: “Interethnic conflicts.”


Student of the State Medical University group 3–3

Stenina Maria


D.I.N., professor Taisaev K.U.

Moscow 2009

1. Introduction………………………………………………………………………………2

2. Causes and factors of interethnic conflicts………………...3

3. Forms of interethnic conflicts…………………………….5

4. Ways to resolve interethnic conflicts……………………….6

5. Conclusion……………………………………………………………...9

6. List of references……………………………………...11


A multinational environment is a typical feature and condition of life modern man. Peoples not only coexist, but also actively interact with each other. Almost everything modern states multinational. All capitals of the world are multinational, major cities, and even villages. And that is precisely why, today more than ever, you need to be correct and attentive both in words and in actions. Otherwise, you can find yourself involved in completely unexpected and unreasonable vicissitudes, and sometimes even in a clearly formed interethnic conflict.

Interethnic conflict- this is a complication of relations between nations and peoples up to direct military action. As a rule, interethnic conflicts can occur at two levels interethnic relations. Thus, one of them is associated with interpersonal and family relations, while the other is implemented through the interaction of federal constitutional- legal authorities and subjects of the Federation, political parties and movements.



Interethnic conflicts How social phenomenon there is a conflict of interests different levels and content, and is a manifestation of complex underlying processes in relations between individual ethnic communities, groups of people, occurring under the influence of many socio-economic, political, historical, psychological, territorial, separatist, linguistic, cultural, religious and other factors.

Factors influencing interethnic conflicts:

1. national composition of the conflict region (its likelihood is higher in mixed regions);

2. type of settlement (the probability is higher in a big city);

3. age (extreme poles: “older-young” give more high probability conflict);

4. social status (the likelihood of conflict is higher in the presence of marginalized people);

5. level of education (the roots of the conflict lie in the masses low level education, however, it should be remembered that its ideologists are always individual representatives of the intelligentsia);

6. Political Views(conflicts are much higher among radicals).

Whatever the reasons, interethnic conflicts lead to massive violations of laws and citizens' rights. Objective reasons exacerbation of inter-ethnic tension may be:

firstly, the consequences of serious deformations national policy, the dissatisfaction that had accumulated over many decades, spilling out under conditions of glasnost and democratization;

secondly, the result of serious deterioration economic situation in the country, which also gives rise to discontent and hostility among various segments of the population, and these negative sentiments are channeled, first of all, in the sphere of interethnic relations;

thirdly, a consequence of the ossified structure government structure, weakening the foundations on which the free federation of Soviet peoples was created.

Subjective factors are also important.

Interethnic conflicts due to the cause and nature of their origin can be:

● socio-economic (unemployment, delays and non-payment of wages, social benefits, which do not allow the majority of citizens to meet the necessary needs, monopoly of representatives of one of the ethnic groups in any service sector or industry national economy, etc.);

● cultural and linguistic (related to the protection, revival and development native language, national culture and guaranteed rights national minorities);

● ethno-demographic (relatively rapid change in the population ratio, i.e. an increase in the proportion of newcomers, a foreign ethnic population due to migration forced migrants, refugees);

●ethno-territorial-status (non-coincidence of state or administrative borders with the boundaries of settlement of peoples, demands of small nations to expand or acquire a new status);

● historical (relationships in the past wars, past relations of politics "domination subordination", deportations and associated negative aspects of historical memory, etc.);

● interreligious and interconfessional (including differences in the level of the modern religious population);

● separatist (demand to create their own independent statehood or reunification with a neighboring “mother” or related state from a cultural and historical point of view).

Reason any thoughtless or deliberately provocative statements by politicians, national leaders, representatives of the clergy, the media, domestic incidents, cases of

Conflicts over national values ​​and the most important life attitudes in the sphere of interethnic relations are among the most difficult to resolve; it is here that the problem of ensuring and protecting the civil, socio-cultural rights of individuals and representatives of certain ethnic groups may be most acute.

According to A.G. Zdravomyslova, And source of conflict is the measure and form of distribution of power and positions available in the hierarchy of power and management structures.


There are civilized and uncivilized forms of interethnic conflicts:

a) local wars (civil, separatist);

b) mass riots accompanied by violence, gross and numerous violations of individual rights and freedoms;

c) religious fundamentalism.

Depending on the motives (reasons), characteristics of the subjective composition, interethnic conflicts can be presented as follows:

1) national-territorial conflicts. In many cases, these conflicts contain attempts to solve problems of the “historical homeland” (the original territories of residence or the reunification of different ethnic communities);

2) conflicts related to the desire of national minorities to realize the right to self-determination;

3) conflicts, the source of which is the desire of deported peoples to restore their rights;

4) conflicts based on the clash of ruling national elites in the economic and political spheres;

5) conflicts related to discrimination against any nation, ethnic group, violation of its rights or rights, freedoms and legitimate interests its representatives;

6) conflicts caused by belonging (on a national basis) to different religious communities, movements, i.e. on confessional grounds;

7) conflicts based on divergences and clashes of national values ​​(legal, linguistic, cultural, etc.).

The importance of researching and preventing conflicts on an ethnic and interethnic basis is also evidenced by the following figures: according to some unofficial sources, in the period from 1991 to 1999, the number of deaths in interethnic conflicts in the post-Soviet space amounted to more than one million people.


Interethnic conflicts are one of those types of conflicts for which it is impossible to find a standard approach or solution, since each of them has its own peculiarity, basis. World experience shows that such situations are best resolved only through peaceful means. So the most famous of them include:

1. deconsolidation (separation) of the forces involved in the conflict, which, as a rule, is achieved through a system of measures that make it possible to cut off (for example, by discrediting in the eyes of the public) the most radical elements or groups and support forces prone to compromise and negotiations.

2. interruption of the conflict- a method that allows you to expand the effect of pragmatic approaches to its regulation, and as a result of which changes emotional background conflict, the intensity of passions decreases.

3. negotiation process- a method for which there are special rules. In order to achieve success in it, pragmatization of negotiations is necessary, which consists of dividing the global goal into a number of sequential tasks. Usually the parties are ready to enter into agreements on vital important needs, regarding which a truce is established: for the burial of the dead, the exchange of prisoners. Then they move on to the most relevant economic ones, social issues. Political issues, especially those of symbolic significance, are put aside and dealt with last. Negotiations should be conducted in such a way that each side strives to find satisfactory solutions not only for itself, but also for the partner. As conflict experts say, it is necessary to change the “win-lose” model to the “ win-win" Each step in the negotiation process should be documented.