Gigi hadid age. Yolanda Hadid: the difficult story of the life of a strong woman

Famous Russian singer for the first time since commented on her personal life. The winner of “Star Factory-5” frankly named the reasons for the break in relations with her husband and father of her daughter, Dmitry Kleiman. According to Daineko, she separated from her husband at the end of December 2016 and the reason for this was another quarrel, reports “7Days”.
“Dima and I often argued, both with reason and without reason. We just clung to each other, no one wanted to give in. I’m not one of those girls who are silent and hope that the man himself will guess that she’s not satisfied, so I expressed all my complaints to my husband directly and in colour. But often Dima himself started the conflict. He was very jealous of me about my past,” said Daineko.

Victoria also emphasized that after the breakup, Kleiman does not seek reconciliation, but despite this, she is in no hurry to file for divorce and officially break off the relationship. Daineko makes such sacrifices for the sake of her daughter, since her happiness and well-being are the main priorities in the life of a star mother.