Magic wand spell for children. Children's magic spells

In the article you will learn:

Every path, if only it leads to our dreams, is a magical path

My beloved readers, thank you for visiting my blog and reading me! For several days now, I have been practicing magic words and trying to use them in my life as often as possible! I want to say that they make it much easier and contribute to the implementation of my plans. How does this happen and what magic words to make wishes come true work best– read on.

What to say

Many articles have been written about why it is necessary to voice your desires. The main idea is this: Every sound of human language throughout history has been charged with collective energy and endowed with meaning.. Therefore, it now has its own energy-informational structure and sphere of influence. That is, first man created the word, now the word creates man.

Knowing which words carry what energy, you can naturally influence reality by using them in different situations. For example, to make a dream come true, you need to say magic words to fulfill wishes. They must necessarily carry the energy of creation and creation, since bad energy only destroys and ruins your dreams:

I would like to emphasize that You need to voice your desire as specifically as possible. But not fantasy, but real event or something that can happen in your life, but when, under what conditions, is unknown.

How to speak

One of the rules of magical speech: speak according to the principle “ here and now" Because we live in the present moment, and not in the past or future. Therefore, when you say a wish, you need to feel how this is happening to you right now and how you like it.

Second important point: magic is only possible if you say magic words in his resource condition, that is, in pleasure and happiness from achieving the goal. Then you will unconsciously begin to act correctly towards your dream.

For example, let's talk about money

Often no money when you urgently need it, because money is perceived as something bad. It is not for nothing that it is customary to say that money is evil (which is fundamentally wrong and untrue). Therefore, do not think or speak badly about money, that it is evil. Evil is when money is spent on bad things.

You need money for good things, so visualize the required amount and talk about them as something good and pleasant, like you have a lot of them. And not about how they are always in short supply, how huge the prices are and how to live on such small salaries.

To consolidate a positive attitude towards money, use the technique of self-hypnosis. Say each following installation:

  • “I am physically healthy. I'm confident. I'm open to information. I'm talented. I'm solvent. I'm happy about money. I give joy to others."

When you have formed a reflexive-conditional connection “ money is joy“, start wanting money, but with the obligatory clarification of what you need it for. Read more about other techniques in the article “How to materialize a desire.”

When to speak

Another significant point. You can say a lot of magic words, but if inside you are melancholy, apathy and fear of the future, then your outer space will change little. That's why take care of your inner mood on the result. Start every morning by setting:

There is light in my eyes. In my mind there is abundance. I am love. I am the power. I am power. I am success. My life is a holiday. My heart is love.

Repeat these words when you wake up and greet a new day. Charges positive energy for a long time. Checked! Take these words into account in all life situations. Whatever happens to you, remember and repeat to yourself that you are light, abundance, love and success!

That's probably all. Fight your inner dragons and wish only for what you really need! Be the wizards of your life! I will be glad if you share your favorite magic words, write!

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See you soon!


    Avada Kedavra and others - from Harry Potter;

    And for some reason, birike from the cartoon The Inheritance of the Wizard Bahram. A strange set, of course, but that’s what I remembered.

    IN famous fairy tales The following spells were used:

    tibidoh-tibidoh-fuck-tibidoh movie Strick Hottabych

    bir-ike-cartoon The Inheritance of the Wizard Bahram..

    loiki-riki-peekapoo-tricapoo - The Wizard of the Emerald City

    you fly, fly a petal through the west to the east from north to south, come back after making a circle, as soon as you touch the ground it will be, in my opinion, the fairy tale Tsvetik-Seven-Tsvetik (I don’t remember exactly)..

    any-beny-slave-cartoon Devil 13..

    at the behest of the pike, at my will - a fairy tale at the behest of the pike...

    ay ben gim, erek uyu chos - cartoon In the blue sea, in the white foam..

    Well, stand in front of me, Titus Kulmich and Frol Fomich, a woman who conjures, a grandfather who conjures, three on the side, ours are not there, an ace of diamonds, a pine coffin - The Tale of Fedot the Archer, a daring young man...

    Our beautiful and beloved Scarecrow from the Emerald City was fascinated by the words of the spell summoning a flock of Flying Monkeys: Bambara, Chufara, Loriki, Ricky, Pikapu, Trikapu, Skoriki, Moriki! Appear before me, flying monkeys! The tale of the Wizard of the Emerald City was written by the Russian Soviet writer A. Volkov. But this is not his original work. This is a retelling of one of the series of fairy tales by American writer Lyman Frank Baum, The Wizard of Oz. Kind of like Pinocchio and Pinocchio.

    I remember the cartoon The Magic Bell: there the bear reads a spell like this: No arms, no legs, hop-hop, hop, spindle, work hard, moon yarn, spin!

    And I vaguely remember the movie Dwarf Nose, where Mimi the goose read a spell to make the moon rise, and she said: ... we need a bright moonbeam!

    I remembered old man Khattabych and his words Fuck-tibidoh-tibidoh (I wrote it as I remember it by ear). He spoke these words when he pulled out hair from his beard so that his wish would come true. There are many more spells in Volkov’s books on the adventures of Ellie and Annie (The Wizard of the Emerald City and beyond). But I don’t remember them now. Something like susak-masak, pfanika-gdanika...

    I remember this cartoon, it was called Tsvetik-Semitsvetik and there were these magic words: Fly, fly petal.

    Through west to east,

    Through the north, through the south,

    Come back after making a circle

    As soon as you touch the ground,

    Have it my way!

    At the behest of the pike, at my will; fuck-tibidoh-tibidoh; sim-silabim; crible-crable-boom;

    And as a child, I firmly believed and always treated everyone’s cuts and abrasions)) with words from a Norwegian fairy tale:

    it had to be said quietly right over the wound. And, most importantly, everyone believed, the blood stopped and everything passed. I wish I had THAT confidence now!

    The tale about Fedot the Archer by Leonid Filatov:

    Conjure, woman, conjure, grandfather,

    Three on the side - yours are not there,

    Ace of diamonds, pine coffin,

    Give me the answer about Sagittarius!

    Sesame, (or sim-sim) open!, from the fairy tale Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves

    At the behest of the pike, at my will. ..

    Movie Old Man Hottabych - fuck-tibidoh.

    Seven-flowered flower - Fly, fly, petal,

    Through west to east,

    Through the north, through the south,

    Come back after making a circle.

    As soon as you touch the ground -

    To be in my opinion led.

    There are a lot of different spells. Take books about Harry Potter, for example, you won’t find any there. And in The Wizard of the Emerald City they are (I don’t give a clear example, because they are difficult to pronounce and difficult to write).

    Here are some more famous ones:




    Hocus Pocus

    Fly, fly petal...,

    At the behest of the pike, at my will,

    Sim-sim open (close)

    Woman do magic, grandfather do magic,

    This is what I remembered off the top of my head.

    Rex, pex or fex? Or eniki-beniki - is that what you mean? There is another opinion-). I consider the most magical word I have ever encountered in literature - this word PLEASE, which smoothed out all the wrinkles on my grandmother’s face, improved my relationship with my brother and sister, and fed me pies. It is very effective, and I note that not only in the story, but also in reality

    I remembered such spells and magic words-spells.

    Open Sesame or Close Sesame. The fairy tale is called Ali Baba and the 40 Thieves

    The next fairy tale that many have watched or read is Sivka-Burka.

    Who doesn’t know Emelya from the cartoon? At the behest of the pike, at my will. And everything comes true.

    If only I could catch a pike like this in my life, everyone probably dreamed about it in childhood.

    The fairy tale Golden Key or the adventures of Pinocchio.

09:06 pm - Spells from childhood

Do you remember? Many even repeated them while playing in the yard) But someone didn’t pay attention... but in vain)

Fly, fly, petal,
Through west to east,
Through the north, through the south,
Come back after making a circle.
As soon as you touch the ground -
To be in my opinion led.
Tell me to be home with the bagels!
(From the children's fairy tale "The Seven-Flower Flower", a series of books " School library for non-Russian schools",
M.: "Children's Literature", 1975.)

Snip-snap-snurre, purre-bazelurre!

Andersen has this expression (only in Danish and only in two fairy tales - in “The Snow Queen,” as the Little Robber says in the finale, and in “Flax”; in Russian translations the snip-snap is absent, or rather replaced in both cases by “ this is the end of the fairy tale"), this expression opens " Snow Queen"Schwartz, and this suggests that the playwright read the fairy tale in Danish. But do any of you know where the expression “snip-snap-snurre-purre-bazelurre” originally came from? It is known that, apparently, in England and under Catherine, we had such a card game “snip-snap-snurre”, in fact, it is still in textbooks card games occurs, although with variations in pronunciation. But what does the expression itself mean and where does it come from?

Kribli, krabble, booms
(From the fairy tale “The Snow Queen” by Evgeny Schwartz, 1938)
A storyteller's spell from the fairy tale play “The Snow Queen” (1938), written by Soviet playwright Evgeniy Lvovich Schwartz (1896-1958) based on the fairy tale “The Snow Queen” by Hans Christian Andersen (1805-1875). There is no such spell in the work of the Danish writer. The phrase is a symbol of an ongoing miracle, magic, magical transformation (joking).

Conjure my shoes! Evil winds blow and blow!!! ...
(The evil sorceress Gingema in the cartoon "The Wizard of Oz")

Tear, break, destroy! Knock over houses, lift them into the air! Susaka, masaka, lema, rema, gema!.. Burido, furido, sema, pema, fema!
(The evil sorceress Gingema in the book "The Wizard of the Emerald City")

Bambara, chufara, loriki, yoriki, pikapu, trikapu, skoriki, moriki! Appear before me, flying monkeys.
(Evil sorceress Bastinda, "The Wizard of the Emerald City")

(From the fairy tale "Caliph the Stork" by Wilhelm Hauff)
To turn into a stork, the Caliph tenderly uttered these words.
" hold in your hands great secret: if you sniff the black powder from this box and say the sacred word: “Mutabor” - you can turn into every animal of the forest, every bird of the air, every fish of the sea and you will understand the language of all living creatures on earth, in the sky and in the water. When you wish to again take the form of a man, bow three times to the east and again say the sacred word: “Mutabor.” But woe to him who, taking the form of a bird or an animal, laughs. The cherished word will forever disappear from his memory..."

(The fairy tale film is called "The Seventh Genie")

(m/f "The Adventures of Baron Munchausen")

Sim-sim, open up
(From the fairy tale "Ali Baba and the 40 Thieves")
Sesame spices. Sesame or sesame (English sesame goes back to the Arabic simsim). The same Sim who opened the entrance to the cave with treasures to Ali Baba and 40 robbers.
The versions of interpretation associated with this plant of the most famous expression “open sesame” are very interesting. According to one of them, the use of the word “sesame” as a secret one suggested that, due to its fame, it simply would not be retained in memory, which is what happens in the fairy tale with Kasym. According to another version, this password is associated with the ability of sesame pods to crack and burst, revealing hidden seeds. The difficulty of harvesting sesame seeds is also connected with this - the pods are collected slightly unripe so that the seeds do not fall out.

(From the fairy tale "Pinocchio")
If anyone has forgotten where this quote comes from, let us remind you. Pinocchio, succumbing to persuasion in a place known as the Country of Fools, buried his only gold piece in the hope that the next day a tree would grow there and instead of leaves there would be gold ducats on it. He buried the gold and repeated it like a spell: krex, pex, fex.

At the behest of the pike, at my will...
(Russian folk tale"At the command of the pike")

(In the 16th issue of the cartoon “Well, wait a minute!”)
A wolf who lost consciousness due to sunstroke, a bottle comes into hand, smoke comes out of it, and a Hare with a goatee appears, dressed in a turban, robe and characteristic shoes. To the Wolf’s surprised exclamation “Hare?!” he replies: “Hare, Hare! Abdurrahman ibn Hottab! The Wolf threateningly says to the Hare: “Well, Hare”... He pulls out the hairs from his beard and casts the spell “Fuck-tibidoh-tibidoh!”, as a result of which the Wolf decreases in size and ends up in the same bottle. An old man catches a bottle with a seine and dreams of catching it. goldfish. Seeing the Wolf emerging from the bottle, the old man is taken aback, but he, having torn a hair out of the old man’s beard, pronounces the spell “Fuck-tibidoh-tibidoh!”, and a palace appears in place of the dilapidated hut. At the very end of the film, the old man catches the Wolf again and asks him to change the old woman to a pretty blonde princess. He pulls out a hair from the old man and casts a spell, but the result is somewhat unexpected: in place of the palace, a dilapidated hut has reappeared, and in front of it, of course, is a broken trough.

Sivka-burka, prophetic kaurka, stand in front of me like a leaf in front of the grass!
("Sivka-Burka" - Russian folk tale)

Eni Beni Raba
(film "Topsy-turvy", 1981.)
A cartoon about an imp who could NOT do dirty tricks. The spell "Eni Beni Raba" is cast when you need to do a minor dirty trick.

You roll, roll, little ring,
On the spring porch,
In the summer canopy,
In the autumn teremok
Yes on the winter carpet
To the New Year's bonfire!
(From the fairy tale “Twelve Months” by Marshak S.Ya., 1956)

Hut-hut, turn your front to me, turn your back to the forest!
(fairy tale film “Morozko” 1964)

Snur-re, snur-re, snur-re, vips! Turn around as a baby!
(Fairy tale "Little Nils Carlson" by Astrid Lindgren)

Abes Habes Karto Fla-bes
(From the movie "The Enchanted Boy")
“Abes - “in the name of the fathers”, Habes - “I put into action”, Carto “as written down”, Flask-bes - “and according to my prayer I will cook.” (This is a joke). With these words, the gnome (who has a pointed hat, which Jews were ordered to wear in England in the 13th century!) bewitched Nils.

Trips, traps, trulle, eight holes, five pans!
(Children's fairy tale “Secrets of the Old Town”, based on the fairy tale by Dagmar Normet “Zasypaika and his friends”)
It turns out that you just have to say “Thrips, traps, trulle, eight holes, five pans,” and any of your wishes will come true, if, of course, you make friends with Zasypayka. But getting to know him is not so easy - when he is wearing a magic cap, the children do not see him, and when he takes off the cap, the children immediately fall asleep. And so Zasypaika was very sad and dreamed of making friends with someone. And he became friends with the boy Mati and his dog Tups.

Grandma cast a spell, grandfather cast a spell, little gray bear cast a spell!
(From childhood)
The phrase had to be repeated 3 times. This was a saying, and then they called the action that should be performed, a request or desire. Sometimes it worked when the parents could hear. You also had to make passes with your hands while casting the spell. For mystery and for everything to work.

It is better to teach the rules of behavior to a child in game form to make it clearer and more accessible. For this you can use riddles and games about polite words presented below.


Don't be too lazy to tell your friends


(Good afternoon)

Saying goodbye to each other

We'll say...


Don't blame each other

Better soon...


How beautiful it is

Good word...

(Thank you)

When you are guilty, you are in a hurry to say

I beg you, please-


Never get involved in someone else's conversation,

And you are better than adults...

(Don't interrupt)

Even a block of ice will melt

From a warm word...

(Thank you)

The old stump will turn green,

When he hears...

(Good afternoon)

If you can't eat anymore,

Let's tell mom...

(Thank you)

The boy is polite and affectionate

He says when meeting...


When we are scolded for our pranks,

Let's talk...

(Excuse me please)

Both in France and Denmark

They say goodbye...


If a friend meets a friend,
Friends shake each other's hands
In response to a greeting
Everyone says...


I wrote a letter to my mother

Yesterday I answered

And at the end he conveyed

To all friends...


If with a friend or girlfriend

The separation was long

When we meet we say:

“How old and...”

(How many winters)

If you met someone,

According to the laws of etiquette,

So that the conversation goes uphill,

We ask: “How...”


Don't be rude to older people
And don't be too familiar
Tell them when you meet
Not “hello”, but...


Our world is tired of evil,
So that he becomes kinder,
We are not too lazy to talk
When meeting...

(Good afternoon)

Masha knew a lot of words,

But one of them is missing

And it’s like a sin,

It is said most often.

This word follows

For a gift, for lunch,

This word is said

If you are thanked.

(Thank you)

Children Dasha and Egorka

Pizza cheese is grated.

The mice are asking from the hole:

“Give me! Be..."

(So ​​kind)


Puppy Phil was walking in the yard,

Suddenly I met an old bulldog.

I ask you to quickly guess:

Who should say “hello” first?

(Puppy Phil, because he is younger, and the younger ones are the first to greet the older ones)

Here comes the lapdog Zhulka,

Fashionista, imagination...

And towards me - a gentleman,

Cute Scotch Terrier.

Can you guess it or not?

Who will be the first to say “hello”?

(A Scotch Terrier, because he is a man, and a man is the first to greet female acquaintances)

Below are some funny ones riddles about polite words by Olesya Emelyanova.


1. “Learning magic words”

Tell your child what polite words mean, what people different countries They greet each other in different ways, and all languages ​​have such magic words.

Learn magic words that are close in meaning - “Hello” and “Good afternoon”, “Goodbye” and “See you soon”, etc.

Or you can learn polite words in different languages peace. For example, the word “Hello” or “Hello”.

Hello is the most popular and useful word for a traveler. And it’s the simplest thing, so it won’t hurt to know how to say hello in different languages ​​of the world. It is interesting to note that a greeting from another language is not always literally translated into Russian as “hello”; often it will mean “good afternoon” or “hello”, and sometimes even “peace be with you”.

Language What does it sound like
Azerbaijani Salaam alaikum
English Hello,Hi
Arabic (Egypt) Ahlan wa sahlan
Arabic (East, North Africa) Marhaba
Afrikaans Hola
Belorussian Privitanne
Bulgarian Hello
Hungarian Jo napot
Vietnamese Chao
Hawaiian Aloha
Dutch Hallo
Greek Geia sou
Georgian Gamarjoba
Hebrew Shalom
Indonesian Selamat
Icelandic Godan Daginn
Spanish Buenas dias
Italian Buon giorno
Latin Ave
Latvian Lab dien, sveiki
Lithuanian Sveikas
German Guten Tag
Norwegian Goddag
Polish Dzien good
Portuguese Ola
Romanian Buna
Serbian Hello
Slovak Good day
Thai Sawatdi
Turkish Merhaba
Uzbek Salaam alaikum
Ukrainian Hello
Finnish Paivaa
French Bonjour
Hindi Namaste
Croatian Zdravo
Czech Good day
Swedish God dag
Esperanto Saluton
Estonian Tervist
Japanese Konnichi wa

2. "Be careful"

This game is best played with several children. You need to ask the children to complete the task, but they must complete it only when you call the “magic word”. Below are examples of commands, you can use them, or you can come up with your own.
Please stand up!
Raise your hands!
Please clap your hands!
Jump please.
Please, hands forward.
Please put your hands down.
Please, tilt your head forward.
Tilt it back, please.
Please, please take your seats.

3. “Polite is impolite”

Rules of the game. If you read about a polite act, children clap their hands 2 times. When you read about an impolite act, children stomp their feet 2 times. You can also come up with other fun moves.

Examples of actions:

Say hello when you meet
Pushing and not apologizing
Whistling, shouting, making noise at school
Give way to elders
Do not stand up when asked by the teacher
Help climb the stairs
Say goodbye when leaving

4. “Polite watch”

This is a warm-up game that can be played with one child or several. Children pretend to be a clock. Two hands are arrows that move around an imaginary dial.

Leading: Tiki-tock, tiki-tock -

The clock goes like this.

The clock struck seven in the morning,

All the kids were woken up.

Children clap their hands seven times to imitate the striking of a clock: bom-bom.

Leading: The morning has come

The sun has risen...

Answer me guys

What should you say when you wake up?

Children: Good morning!

The game continues. The arrows are moving again; The clock is ticking and now shows twelve o'clock in the afternoon.

Leading: The day has come, guys;

What should you say when you meet?

Children: Good afternoon

The game continues in the same way.

Leading: The arrows ticked and walked

And six o'clock struck.

Children clap their hands six times.

Leading: The evening has come, guys.

What should you say when you meet?

Children: Good evening.

Leading: Well done!

5. “Polite tram”

It's better to play this game big company. Because it involves the driver, conductor and passengers. Children line up one after another like a train, pretending to be tram passengers. The driver stands in front, holding a toy steering wheel. The conductor treats passengers generously, issuing tickets not for money, but for polite words (thank you, please, be kind, excuse me, hello, etc.). In this case, the same word should not be repeated twice.

Tickets can be made from paper, old postcards or calendar cards.

If one of the passengers finds it difficult to say a polite word, one of the passenger friends can buy a ticket for it. But at the same time, knowledge of the magic polite words is mandatory.

If no one can rescue the stowaway, the conductor sends him to the driver. The advantage of the driver is that he can say any polite words, even those that have already been spoken. When all passengers are satisfied, the polite tram departs.

There is a lot in the world around us that cannot be explained from the point of view of traditional science. In particular, such phenomena include magic. One can argue for a long time about whether all this really exists or is simply a figment of a person’s imagination, but the fact remains that the inexplicable happens. Moreover, such phenomena can be controlled. Spells for beginners will help you with this.

When starting to use them, remember that any action triggers a chain of consequences, so think about whether it’s worth interfering with the current order of things. Spells for beginners are not a toy.

What is needed in order to master the art of magic?

What are real spells for beginners? How do they work? It is often written that to master magic, all you need is imagination and self-confidence. There is no need to make an effort at all, it’s magic and miracles. Like, this is the magic for beginners. Spells, however, will not work on their own. And imagination is only enough for simple fantasizing. It is impossible to influence reality with its help. The component that is often forgotten is practice and iron willpower, the willingness to go to the line, and if necessary, then cross it. But in any case, you need to start with something simple and not requiring huge energy costs.

These are exactly the spells for beginners. Let's look at some of them below.

Wiccan spells for peace and tranquility for beginners - it's simple and clear

This ritual belongs to the Wiccan tradition and is used by witches to bring peace to the family. To complete the action you will need:

  • candle;
  • rose petals;
  • incense;
  • basin with water.

Light a candle. Ideally, it will be pink or white. Say: “There is calm all around.”

Then burn some incense, such as cinnamon or vanilla, and say, “Harmony is in the air.” Throw rose petals into the water with the words: “Peace on Earth.” Imagine how the planet is enveloped in the aroma of incense and soft pink light. Pour it all into water or onto the ground and end the ritual with the words: “So be it.” Spells for beginning witches in the Wiccan tradition are aimed specifically at learning to control both themselves and energy.

If you have just set out on the path of magic, it is better to use spells with a clear structure. They must contain a ritual part and lock words, for example: “so be it,” “commanded,” and the like. By doing this, you seal the ritual and increase the chance that the magic will work correctly. It is better to learn white magic spells for beginners first.

As a training exercise, you can try the following conspiracy, which is aimed at winning a person’s favor. This is not a love spell or a dry spell. By the way, if you have a negative attitude towards Slavic paganism, it is better not to use this spell at all, since the effect will be the opposite.

“As Yarilo loves all living things, as a mother pities her child, so I would not be hateful, but kind (full name of the person of interest). So be it." Say the spell 3 times, clearly keeping the image in your head the right person. The conspiracy helps in communicating with quarrelsome people, with bosses or teachers.

Magic for girls, and not only

The “Spells for Beginners” section also includes “Relieving Melancholy.” It is ideal for girls, because it allows you to stop worrying about unhappy love and also has both verbal and ritual parts. You will need:

  • a river or just a tap with running water;
  • glass of boiled water.

Light a candle and say the following words either to the water flowing from the tap or to the river: “As water flows without grieving for its banks, so I (name) would not grieve, I would not grieve for (name) - now and ever and ever. Amen". Next, speak the text onto a glass of water and drink it. No matter how difficult it may be, this spell will help you stabilize your psychophysiological state. A ritual can only misfire if this person is your destiny, if you are connected with him, which will have to be untangled in this incarnation. By the way, men can also use this spell.


What other white magic spells are there for beginners? Of course, healing spells. They are best used only in extreme cases, since healing comes at the expense of your personal power. This means that the outflow of strength will continue until the person becomes healthy. In turn, this is dangerous due to overwork and depletion of personal reserve. The body's defenses are weakened, and there is a high chance that you will take on the patient's illness. Relatively harmless healing spells include a spell to stop bleeding. It has practically no ritual part. If a person cuts himself, imagine that you have a needle made of light in your hand and begin to sew up the wound with it, imagining how the blood stops. To enhance the effect, say or whisper: “Blood is not like water, so stop pouring.” All spells for beginners have a similar structure. Words are most often spoken in a half-whisper and in rhyme.

What should you not do?

Beginners are not recommended to experiment with so-called black magic, when forces from the Lower World are called upon to carry out their plans. These are not always devils, etc., but nevertheless, such experiments will not bring anything good. In addition, there is a great danger of not coping with what you call, and of becoming dependent on dark forces.

Protect yourself!

Be that as it may, protection spells for beginners should be known in any case and used whenever possible. In order not to remember complex texts for a long time, in a crisis situation it is enough to say through clenched teeth: “Behind me is a river of fire, ahead of me is an easy road. There is an iron tyn around me. Teeth, tongue, lock."

Or you can use another protective spell. It is more complicated, but also more effective. At midnight say: “I will go out, crossing myself, and blessing myself, from door to door I will go to Alatyr the stone. A grandfather sits on that stone, wearing a hundred iron shirts. Give me, grandfather, your shirt for protection, amulets from demons and demonesses, sorcerers and sorceresses, from the dashing, the crooked, the askew. So be it. Amen". Now you can go to bed with peace of mind.

Black magic

If you still feel a craving for darkness or you have strong sorcerers in your family, you can take a risk and try a simple ritual in order to take revenge on the offender. Despite its ease, it is very effective, since it is based precisely on the concentration of the will on one single goal. The very essence of the ritual is fasting. Every time you want to eat something, refuse the treat in favor of water, bread or an apple. You need to fast in this way for 2 weeks, starting from the new moon. The end of the fast should coincide with the 16th lunar day - the astronomical full moon. That night, draw a circle around you, once again refuse food and, leaving the circle and taking a sip of water, say “Damn you, (full name) of the offender.”