NLP treatment of allergies. Allergy treatment pattern – NLP technique

1. Introduction………………………………………………………………………………..3
2. What is an allergy……………………………………………………….4
3. The relationship between allergies and psychological state……………...5
4. Achievements of R. Dilts in the field of allergy treatment…………………7
5. Counterexample……………………………………………………………8
6. Secondary benefits………………………………………………………11
7. When allergies occur……………………………………………12
8. Quick treatment of allergies……………………………………………...14
9. Clinical trials……………………………………………...19
10. NLP method of treating allergies Yanchikova V.N……………………….20
11. Bronchial asthma and its treatment using NLP………………..22
12. Practical application of NLP techniques……………………………..24
13. Conclusion……………………………………………………………32
14 Bibliography…………………………………………………………….34


“Allergy is a disease of civilization” is a long-accepted formula for an extremely important medical and social problem of our time. Allergies affect up to 20 - 40% of the population. At the same time, the incidence of allergies has not yet reached its maximum: only over the last 3 decades, the incidence of allergies has doubled every ten years.
At the same time, allergies are becoming the norm in modern society. If a newborn has an allergy, this is not a problem for everyone around him, because everyone around him has the same thing. And it's scary. There are many medicines and medical treatments for this catastrophic phenomenon. But when people treat it this way, people themselves don’t think about where it came from. Their task is to drive it deeper so that it simply does not make itself felt and does not interfere with their lives. But how can a life that depends on medications and doctors be considered normal!
Psychology, and NLP in particular, have made a breakthrough in the treatment of not only allergies, but also such a terrible disease as cancer. It is possible to cure everything, the only task of a person who wants to be healthy is to believe in it and get rid of all limiting beliefs, secondary benefits that support his illness.
This work examines what allergies are, what discoveries have been made in this area in recent years, what techniques are available for working with allergies, as well as practical material based on the experience of the author himself and the results of this practical work.

What is an allergy?

The allergy got its name in 1906. The Austrian pathologist and pediatrician Clemens Pirquet composed this word from two Greek roots: “allos” - “other” and “ergon” - “action” and called it the body’s increased sensitivity to the effects of certain substances in the external and internal environment: chemical, food, medicinal and biological. And the substances themselves that can cause an allergic reaction began to be called allergens (antigens).
G. N. Drannik in his book “Clinical Immunology and Allergology” writes: “... already at the very beginning of the development of the doctrine of allergies, the fundamental points and conditions for the occurrence of altered reactivity were noted, which later began to be interpreted as stages of a true allergic reaction.
1. Immune stage – lasts from the moment of the first contact of the immune system with the allergen until the development of sensitization.
2. Pathochemical stage - is activated upon repeated contact of the immune system with a specific allergen and is characterized by the release of a large amount of biologically active substances.
3. Pathophysiological stage - characterized by disruption of the functioning of cells and tissues of the body up to their damage under the influence of biologically active substances released by the immune system during the pathochemical stage.”
These stages are shown schematically in Fig. 1.(page 33).
Of interest in this text is the phrase “true allergic reaction.” In allergology, there is such a thing as “false allergy” or “pseudo-allergy”. According to the data presented by T. N. Myasnikova and T. V. Latysheva in the article “Drug Allergy” in the “Russian Allergological Journal”, true allergic reactions to medications were identified in 15.5% of patients, and false, or pseudo-allergic, in 84. 5%. And the practice of using NLP methods in the treatment of allergies shows that true allergic reactions almost always appear simultaneously with pseudo-allergic ones. This suggests that the percentage of pseudoallergic reactions exceeds 84.5% and most likely approaches 100%.
So, it turns out that the immunological model presented in Fig. 1 is not entirely accurate, since it does not reflect all the basic mechanisms of the development of allergic reactions. So what is the mechanism for the development of a “false” allergic reaction?

The relationship between allergies and psychological state

In 2003, Russian psychologists Vladimir Yanchikov and Svetlana Yanchikova discovered a psychological form of allergy, the so-called emoallergy. The first report of this discovery was made in Moscow on April 9, 2005 at the 17th International Conference of the European Association of Neurolinguistic Psychotherapy. The concept of “emoallergen” was also introduced. This is a specific emotional state, the experience of which leads to an allergic reaction - emoallergies - increased sensitivity of the body's immunity to emoallergens. Emoallergy is what is incorrectly called a “false” allergy. “Incorrect” because it occurs as a true allergic reaction, but the antigen (allergen) itself is absent.
There is a famous example that describes a similar situation. This occurred in the early 20th century and was documented by Dr. Mackenzie, who worked with a woman who was allergic to roses. There was an artificial rose in the doctor's office, and the woman, unknowingly, demonstrated the full extent of the allergic reaction upon seeing this flower.
Physician Albert Schweitzer once remarked: “Patients carry their doctor within themselves. They come to the appointment unaware of this truth. The greatest success can be considered the case when you give the opportunity to get to work with this particular doctor." So what kind of doctor is this? It turns out that these are our own thoughts, words and actions associated with them. Research shows that the thought process of many people suffering from allergies, it develops something like this: “Well, the poplar has bloomed, the fluff has flown. Now it will crawl into the nose, eyes, cause discomfort, and soon tears will flow or the whole body will begin to itch." Thoughts may not be expressed out loud, but there is a clear determination of what should happen. And while it is there, you can try many medications, but with each poplar flowering, everything will be repeated exactly down to the smallest detail.
Not only adults suffering from allergies are drawn into this vicious circle, but also children whose parents, trying to protect their children from diathesis to strawberries or other berries and fruits, colorfully describe a clear pattern of the formation of an allergic symptom. The child sometimes does not realize the meaning of what he heard, but he understands that something bad is about to happen. And that will definitely happen. Moreover, stubborn statistics are immediately included: a person suffering from diathesis in childhood has a 50% probability of being susceptible to allergic rhinitis or asthma.
Confirmation that an allergic reaction is directly related to a person’s psychological state and thoughts are facts known in medicine when allergic symptoms disappeared in people suffering from allergies during sleep or switching attention. Doctors even have an expression that people can “grow out” of allergies just as children outgrow a diathesis that is allergic in nature.
Practical experience in the use of psychological NLP methods for treating allergies by specialists in different countries irrefutably suggests that these methods affect both mechanisms of the allergic reaction, both immunological and emoallergic. NLP methods can equally effectively cure both allergies to antigens and emoallergy. This is evidenced by clinical studies of psychological NLP methods conducted in different countries, as well as by the fact that clients who have had tests on hand confirming that they are allergic to a particular antigen, after successfully undergoing the allergy treatment process through NLP , the immune system stopped giving an allergic reaction to the antigens indicated in the tests.
Thus, it becomes obvious that there is a psychological background behind any allergic reaction. And the first person to seriously study this problem was Robert Dilts, one of the first students of John Grinder and Richard Bandler.

Achievements of R. Dilts in the field of allergy treatment

In 1985, at a health seminar taught by Robert Dilts, an immunologist, Dr. Michael Levy suggested that allergies were very similar to immune system phobias. Following Dr. Levy's suggestion, Dilts studied the "ten-minute phobia" pattern developed by Bandler and Grinder. This technique had a significant effect on people's phobic reactions within a short period of time. Dilts wondered whether this process could be applied to immune system “phobias.”
Along with his work at the Neuroclinic, Dilts created a technique for treating allergies. It is similar to the technique of working with phobias. Dilts noted that both phobia and allergy manifest themselves as a response to what is called “waiting for a response.” “Waiting for a response” is the same process that is the basis of the placebo effect. Waiting for an answer is the result of the imagination, when a person mentally imagines an unpleasant answer. Dilts found that certain qualities of the visualization of stimuli associated with an allergic reaction could trigger the physical responses associated with the allergy.
One of the points in the allergy treatment process was finding a counterexample.

A counterexample refers to a context or situation in which a person should have had an allergic reaction but did not. One of the most common counterexamples is to find a substance that is very similar to the substance that produces the allergic reaction, but to which the person is not allergic.
Dilts decided to focus on the opposite example, as a means of “reprogramming” the immune system. This reprogramming is based on the knowledge that the immune system has two main types of work with foreign bodies in our bodies: active and passive. The purpose of a passive immune response is to remove non-living parts from the body, while an active immune response is to attack and destroy living cells, such as bacteria, that threaten our body. An example of an active response is a reaction to a virus. And in the case of allergies, the mistake the immune system makes is that it responds to harmless, non-living foreign materials as if they were a virus. As with a phobia, the immune system panics and is so confused that it attacks its own body, even if there is no danger there.
Dilts first experimented with people who were able to successfully walk on hot coals without burning their feet. Dilts theorized that they did not get burned because they entered a certain state of anticipation of a reaction in which they could selectively suppress some immune system responses.
Dilts used anchoring techniques developed in NLP to form a strong connection between the state of "charcoal" and external stimuli. These stimuli could then be associated with the allergen to speed up the desensitization process. Dilts discovered that this anchored state could be used to help people get rid of allergic reactions easily.
However, there are not many people who can walk on coals, and Dilts found that instead of such an experience, other counterexamples could be taken to achieve the necessary changes in the expected reaction.
In NLP, working with a counterexample is called “Treating Acquired Allergies.” In practice, this technique looks like this: first you need to identify the allergen. Then choose an antiallergen. If the allergen is, for example, oranges, then lemons can be used as an anti-allergen, or if the allergy manifests itself to washing powder, then tooth powder can be taken as a counterexample. Next, it is necessary to identify the kinesthetics accompanying the client’s interaction with the antiallergen. It is desirable that it be resourceful or at least neutral for the client. The state is to anchor. You can add an additional resource to an installed anchor.
Then a context must be created in which the client was protected from all possible external influences and could well dissociate from the allergy-related experience. Typically, clients choose transparent glass domes, energy shields, pressurized spacesuits, and so on. Invite the client (dissociated!) to select 3-4 situations in his personal history related to allergies: the earliest (the appearance of allergies) and two or three more, where the allergic reaction manifested itself most intensely. Also invite the client to imagine 3 possible situations in the future where, in his opinion, he could again interact with the substance that previously caused him an allergy.
Then invite the client to dissociately view all selected situations one by one, starting with the earliest one, so that in each situation he sees himself calmly interacting with the former allergen. The client's task is to see himself as natural as possible, as if he always had a normal reaction. The therapist’s task throughout the entire process is to use the anchor and calibrate the client so that he remains in a resourceful state all the time.
When the client has successfully reviewed and reshaped all situations in a dissociated way, invite him to associate and experience all the events himself, enjoying the possibility of a normal reaction. The therapist continues to hold his anchor throughout the entire process of re-experiencing and carefully calibrates the client.
Next, you need to conduct a behavioral test. If there is no result, you need to do the work again, finding another counterexample.
A counterexample is also used in another technique, which was also developed by Dilts and is called “Foreground - Background”. It consists of the following:
1. Identify the limiting response that occurs in a specific context (in this case, allergy).
A. Calibrate the physiology associated with it.
b. What is the foreground? What is the client most aware of?
2. Find an appropriate counterexample resource.
A. What is the foreground here?
3. Identify what is going to happen in both the limiting context and the counterexample that is outside the person's conscious control. What is the background in both cases? (i.e. how their soles feel, how warm their clothes are, etc.). Attach an anchor to this.
4. While holding the anchor, invite the client to focus attention on what he is most aware of as a counterexample experience. The goal is to create a strong association between what he is most aware of (foreground) and what he does not attach importance to (background).
5. Release the anchor and have the client immediately remember and associate with the previously limiting experience.
6. Calibrate the physiological response. If the limiting response still remains, go through step 3 again with another counterexample and strengthen the association between foreground and background.
7. “Transport” into the future by holding the foreground anchor while the client thinks about the future context.
However, the essence of allergy treatment is not only to find a counterexample, but also to find the secondary benefits of such a reaction in the body.

Secondary Benefits

Another focus of Dilts' research is identifying positive or secondary benefits that are relevant to the allergic response and should be maintained when the allergic response changes. Sometimes maintaining an allergic reaction is a good excuse for not doing certain things or avoiding certain situations and encounters. In other cases, people fear that without an allergic reaction they will be exposed to certain substances or situations that may actually have a more detrimental effect on them than the allergy. People with an allergy to tobacco smoke may even believe that if they weren't allergic, they might start smoking cigarettes themselves.
Sometimes allergies are the only reason forcing people to rest or pay attention to their health. It can serve as a reminder that it's time to take care of yourself. Often an allergy serves as a signal that a person is under severe emotional or physical stress. There are even people who are simply afraid to take on the responsibility associated with the understanding that their own health depends so much on themselves.
In some cases, if the father, mother, or some other person who had a special meaning in the life of the carrier of the allergic reaction had an allergy, this person may subconsciously believe that maintaining a similar allergic reaction can serve as a way of maintaining a connection with this important person for him ( “connections of times”, “continuity”).
The purpose of identifying such positive intentions and secondary benefits is to help the person expand the range of options available to him to behave in such situations. One of the fundamental principles of NLP is that environmental change is achieved by adding new choices, not by banning existing ones. Before a person is ready to change their allergic reaction, they may need to learn to cope with some life situations in new ways.

When does an allergy occur?

Dilts noted that many allergies occur at times in a person's life or under conditions that bear psychological similarities to situations where the immune system is confused. The immune system is the physiological equivalent of the psychological self-concept. For many people, allergies occur at turning points in their lives, when their ideas about themselves change. At such times, a person may feel that his or her sense of self is being threatened or challenged by external circumstances. In these cases, allergies may develop as a reflection of a psychological threat and the resulting stress. For example, allergies related to asthma are often associated with traumatic experiences.
To cope with such situations, it is necessary to help the person break the connection with such traumatic experiences. With the help of NLP techniques such as “Changing Personal History”, “Reframing” and “Reimprinting”, you can help a person understand that his personality has changed and has become different, not the same as in those circumstances. And the person will be able to find new ideas and behaviors that will help him learn to cope differently with life situations and with his reactions to crisis or danger, just as the body can learn to form new reactions to old stimuli. A person can imagine how they will respond in new ways if they take all their current knowledge, resources, and abilities back to those early situations in which the allergic reaction occurred.
By combining dissociation, anticipation of a positive reaction, counterexamples, and new behaviors to maintain positive intentions and secondary gains into one simple technique, Dilts found that he could effectively help people and change almost any allergic reaction. In most cases, people reported complete relief from old symptoms. Dilts began his research in 1985, developing special techniques for people with various types of allergies. Other significant changes were made by Tim Hallbom and Suzi Smith, with whom Dilts wrote the book Beliefs: Paths to Health and Well-Being (1990). Susie Smith and Tim Hallbom perfected one of their Dilts techniques, called the “Fast Allergy Cure Process.”

Quick allergy treatment
The first step is to establish rapport. Now we need to create an anchor for a state of comfort and security. It is necessary to ask the client to remember a pleasant situation in which he felt completely relaxed. You can help him find a condition that is not associated with an allergic reaction. When it is clear from his face and breathing that he has relaxed, you can easily touch his hand with your hand at a certain point. This will be a tactile anchor for this state. The client can be told that each time he feels this touch, it will remind him of a relaxed state and that he can immerse himself in it at any time throughout the procedure. However, the anchor does not have to be kinesthetic. Then you should divert his attention and interrupt this state. Then touch again in the same place on the hand (or, if a different anchor was placed, use it) and make sure that the client has returned to the same pleasant relaxed state. Repeat this process until the anchor begins to reliably move him into this relaxed state. Now you can be sure that if the client feels discomfort during the procedure, you can return him to a pleasant neutral state. This is a “lifeline” in case of unforeseen circumstances. The next step is to ask the client to recall the allergic reaction just slightly so that you can see what it looks like. You need to ask him what it feels like when he comes into contact with the allergen. It is important to pay attention to changes in his breathing, skin color and, especially, eye moisture. These are the first signs of an allergic reaction. In NLP this operation is called "calibration" of the reaction: this is how the allergic condition is tested by carefully observing how it looks so that it can be easily recognized later. If the reaction is already visible, this state must be interrupted. You can tell a joke, distract his attention and get him moving. The next step is to explain the mistake of the immune system. Tell your client that the allergen itself is not dangerous, that his immune system is doing his best to protect him, but is reacting to an inappropriate stimulus. She can continue to protect him in the same way, but not react so violently to this particular substance. She learned this reaction, and now she can learn another, more appropriate one. You should talk about an allergen as “this substance” and not as an “allergen”. By calling it a new name, he will begin to think about it differently. You can tell the client about medical research on the immune system, how wonderful it works, and how it can learn new responses. It is very effective to give an example of someone who has given up their allergies. The next step may take some time. What is the secondary benefit of this allergy? Allergies also have their benefits. It can determine what a person eats, who to be friends with, and where to go on weekends. She can help him avoid certain situations. Perhaps they use it to control other people or attract attention to themselves. Sometimes an allergy to cigarette smoke can be a reliable way to get someone to quit smoking without being too persistent. A person suffering from allergies organizes his life based on the schedule of medical treatment he receives. When the allergy is cured, he will have to bring new order into his life, make decisions, change his diet and pay attention to things that previously went unnoticed. Until these issues are resolved, the allergy will most likely continue to act. You could end with, for example, the following question: “If all these issues (diet, situations, etc.) were resolved satisfactorily and your life would became more fulfilled, would you want to give up your allergies?” You must listen carefully to any doubt expressed in his intonation, and continue only if the client clearly answers: “Yes.” Next, you need to find some substance with the help of which the immune system will be retrained. To do this, ask the client to think of a substance that is very similar to the allergen, but does not cause an allergic reaction (i.e., find a counterexample). Invite the client to fully associate with the memory when he was in contact with a harmless substance. It is important to closely monitor his breathing, eyes and skin color to immediately notice any sign of an allergic reaction. If such signs appear, you need to choose another substance. When a good example is found and the client is completely associated with the memory when he was in contact with this substance, anchor this state by touching a certain place on his hand, other than the “lifebuoy” " (or set another anchor). This will be a "resource anchor." Now everything is ready to begin teaching his immune system to react to the former allergen in the same way as it reacts to a harmless substance. The allergen is the anchor for the allergic reaction, and the therapist replaces it with a new anchor for the neutral reaction. During this operation, you need to protect the client from an allergic reaction, and to do this, ask him to dissociate, observing himself through a glass or plastic transparent screen. Ask him to make this screen airtight and thick enough so that it does not allow the allergen to pass through. Use a resource anchor and ask him to see himself on the other side of the screen in a situation where he may encounter an allergen. Let him very gradually introduce the allergen into the space on the other side of the screen. It is necessary that he look at himself, located on the other side of the screen and feeling completely calm in contact with the former allergen. At the same time, one must continue to hold the resource anchor and observe the client very carefully and stop immediately at the first signs of an allergic reaction. When he can see himself not showing any allergic reactions in the presence of the allergen, the process is close to completion. You can now ask the client to allow the screen to dissolve and disappear. After this, have him transfer the image of himself, calmly relating to the presence of the allergen, from behind the screen back into his own body and unite with it. And the last thing is a check. You need to remove the resource anchor and ask the client to imagine the presence of the allergen right now; It is important to pay attention to whether any signs of an old allergic reaction reappear. Usually it disappears completely or decreases significantly. After this, let him imagine his contact with the allergen in the future. This is the final check, and in NLP it is called "joining the future." In this case, the person mentally plays out a new reaction in an imaginary future situation. It is necessary to closely monitor for any manifestations of an old allergic reaction. It is best to test the allergic reaction on the spot, if possible, appropriate and the client has consented. You must be especially careful if your previous allergic reaction was severe. Briefly this technique looks like this: 1. Set up a lifebuoy anchor. This is such a pleasant memory that a person can return to during the procedure if any anxiety arises. Terminate this state.2. Calibrate allergy symptoms. Ask the person to very briefly imagine the presence of the allergen. Check for signs of allergies (wet eyes, change in skin color, change in breathing) so you can recognize them again. Terminate this state.3. Explain the immune system error. Explain the meaning of this process and its medical rationale.4. Check out a wide variety of consequences. How will his life change without allergies? What are the beneficial side effects of allergies? Find a way to maintain these benefits even after your allergies are cured. You may need to find new ways to cope with stressful situations.5. Find a resource. It should be as similar as possible to the allergen, but not cause an allergic reaction. Ask the client to imagine contact with this harmless substance. In this case, no manifestations of an allergic reaction should occur. Place a resource anchor on this state and hold this anchor until the entire process is completed.6. Help the patient dissociate. One of the best ways to do this is to invite him to see himself on the other side of the transparent screen.7. Have him imagine introducing the allergen behind the screen. He gradually introduces the allergen into the space behind the screen and observes himself reacting normally to the allergen.8. Return the image back to the body. Let the client diffuse the screen and connect with their image.9. Checking and joining the future. Ask the client to imagine future situations in which they will be in contact with the allergen and note any manifestations of an allergic reaction. If possible and appropriate, do a real allergy test with the substance that previously caused the reaction.

Clinical trials

The basic NLP method of getting rid of allergies has now undergone thousands of tests in clinical settings and in trainings and has proven effective in working with a wide variety of allergies. These include allergies to tobacco smoke, pollen, perfumes, etc., and allergies to various types of food, and even cases of asthma. In a study conducted in Salt Lake City (Hallbom and Smith, 1987), for example, this method was used with 32 patients suffering from a variety of allergies, including allergies to pollen, smoke and food. All but three experienced immediate relief of symptoms. In fact, in most patients, the allergic reaction completely disappears immediately after using the method.
A survey carried out six months later showed that only three patients, of those who showed positive changes after using the method, had allergic reactions again.
In the summer of 1994, clinical trials of the method were conducted with the participation of 120 patients suffering from allergies. These tests were conducted under the supervision of Dr. David Paul at Vail Hospital in Colorado. Studies have shown that the method leads to a significant reduction in the symptoms of allergic reactions of various types, and especially food allergies.
Later, research into the psychological aspects of asthma was carried out in Denmark. Jorgen and Henie Lund followed two groups of patients for a year. In the first group, along with traditional methods, psychological techniques were also used. In the treatment of the second group, only medications were used. After a year, both groups showed more stable lung function. But in patients in the second group, lung volume decreased by 50 ml per year, and in people from the first group, lung capacity increased by 200 ml, while the frequency of visits to the hospital and the number of attacks decreased significantly.
The method of Ann Entus (Canada) has become widespread in Russia. Russian specialists Andrei Pligin and Alexander Gerasimov successfully tested, improved and published this method in 2000 under the title “Method for the treatment of acquired allergies.”
From 1998 to 2003, psychologists Svetlana and Vladimir Yanchikov conducted a study of factors influencing the effectiveness of psychological methods for preventing and treating allergies. The identified specific emotional experiences that are present during the onset of allergies and are called emoallergens, made it possible to develop a unique method for the prevention and treatment of allergies - the “Coach method of working with emoallergies.” The method is based on a set of exercises aimed at developing the ability to manage emotional states. As a result of performing the exercises, the allergic reaction either does not occur at all, or can very quickly be stopped by the person himself.

NLP method of treating allergies Yanchikova V.N.

The method was first presented by Vladimir Nikolayev Yanchikov on September 22, 2007 in Moscow, at the 2nd All-Russian NLP Conference. Received the approval of all leading NLP specialists and conference participants. In their opinion, this method is the most holistic of those currently existing and, unlike other methods, it addresses all the main factors necessary for the successful treatment of allergies.
The essence of the method is to eliminate the psychological root cause of allergies, eliminate factors that support the development of an allergic reaction and desensitize various types of allergens, including emotional ones. Learning effective strategies for responding to stressful situations.
1. Diagnostics:
a) identification of psychological causes and emotional allergens that have caused a breakdown in psychological adaptation and trigger allergic reactions.
b) testing the factors of psychological flexibility used in NLP methods.
c) qualitative assessment of the effectiveness of the method for a specific patient:
2. Allergy treatment:
- Identification and neutralization of factors that support the allergic reaction, including secondary benefits from the disease.
- Elimination of the psycho-emotional root cause of allergies.
- Elimination of psycho-emotional maladjustment in stressful situations, which leads to the triggering of allergic reactions.
- Desensitization of emotional allergens.
- Desensitization of various types of allergens.
- Consolidation of results.
3. Checking the work results:
- Check for absence of reaction to emoallergens.
- Checking for allergies when in contact with allergens.
- Feedback on the results of treatment within 2 years.
The method is recommended for working with allergic reactions aged 18 to 45 years.
Currently, results of successful treatment of allergies using the NLP approach have been obtained in people aged from 2 months to 64 years.
To work with children from 0 to 14 years old, specialized approaches to work are required, adapted to work with children and their parents.
To use this method of allergy treatment, you must undergo training, which consists of 60 hours of theory, 60 hours of general skills training and 60 hours of special skills training.

Bronchial asthma and its treatment using NLP

Bronchial asthma is a disease in which the airways are narrowed because increased sensitivity to certain factors causes inflammation. The disease is becoming more common. From 1982 to 1992, the number of asthma patients increased by 42%, and mortality by 35%. The disease becomes more and more severe and increasingly requires hospitalization. About 10 million Americans suffer from asthma. In Russia, the incidence of bronchial asthma is also increasing and amounts to at least 5-6% of the adult population.
In bronchial asthma, the airways narrow in response to factors that do not affect the airways of healthy people. The narrowing can be caused by pollen, house dust mites, animal dander, smoke, cold air and exercise.
In Denmark, a one-year study (from May 1993 to May 1994) of asthmatic patients using NLP was carried out. Its results have already been presented at a number of European conferences, including the Danish Society of Allergy (August 1994) and the European Respiratory Society (Nice, France, October 1994).
The study was conducted by general practitioner Jorgen Lund and NLP master Hane Lund from Herning (Denmark). Patients were selected from 8 medical institutions. 30 people were included in the group in which NLP was used, and 16 people made up the control group. All clients received basic medical care, including medication. Most of them had never heard of NLP, and many either did not believe in it or were afraid of it. The motivation of these people to use NLP was generally low. In the group where NLP was used, on the first day there was a session of familiarization with NLP and Time Line treatment, and then 3 to 36 hours of treatment with NLP (average 13). The focus of NLP was not primarily on treating asthma itself, but on how people live in their everyday environments. Techniques used:
- Therapy on the Time Line when working with irritability, despondency, feelings of fear, resentment, guilt and any limiting decisions;
- Treatment of psychological trauma when working with the causes of asthma;
- Treatment of allergies.
The result was an impact on both people's lives in general and asthma. Patients tried to subjectively describe the changed sensations, characterizing them as having gained “greater openness”, “colossal strength and self-confidence”, “new life”, etc.
Lung volume in adults with asthma decreases by an average of 50 ml per year. This is what happened in the control group. At the same time, in the NLPt group, the lung volume of its participants increased by an average of 200 ml (as if in 1 year, completely eliminating the damage caused over 4 years). Daily fluctuations in peak flow (an indicator of unstable lung function) began at 30–40%. In the control group they dropped to 25%, and in the NLP group they fell below 10%. Sleep disturbances in the control group started at 70% and dropped to 30%. In the NLP group they started at 50% and dropped to zero. The use of inhalers and emergency medications in the NLPt group virtually ceased.

Practical application of NLP techniques

To test the effectiveness of the above techniques, the author selected 4 people as clients with various types of allergies to certain antigens.


Client: woman, 26 years old, name is Svetlana, married, one child.
“Case history”: allergic reaction to red apples. It manifests itself in the fact that the eyes and throat begin to itch. The allergy began 3 years ago after the birth of the child.
Therapy: A counterexample technique was used, something called acquired allergy treatment.
1. I asked Svetlana to think about what she was allergic to. Only red apples were an allergen. To my question whether there is the same reaction to green apples, Svetlana replied that she could eat them in any quantity without any consequences. I took this as a counterexample.
2. I asked S. to think about what sensations she gets when she eats green apples. S. imagined herself biting into a juicy green apple and was visited by a feeling of joy, similar to the one she experienced as a child when she spent the summer at the dacha. I asked her to stay in this state a little longer and anchored it with a light touch on her hand.
3. At my request, S. imagined a certain context in which she would be protected from external influences and could dissociate from the experience associated with allergies. For her it was a bell jar. I suggested that she place her “double” there, and then dissociatively remember 3-4 situations associated with allergies: the very first one and two or three more when the allergy manifested itself most clearly. S. also imagined three possible situations in the future where she would interact with the allergen.
4. S then presented the “double” in each of these situations one by one, so that he did not have an allergic reaction to the antigen. Throughout this entire process, I held the anchor and made sure that S. remained in a resourceful state. The task was completed successfully.
5. Now S. needed to associate and live through these events herself. I noticed that fear and uncertainty appeared in her eyes, and I immediately activated the anchor. S. managed to survive all these situations, and she admitted that she felt very good.
6. Check. S. wanted to check the result immediately. Before this, I warned that if there was even a shred of doubt that the work was successful, then there would be no effect from the therapy. Her task is to be absolutely sure that her immune system, having once made a mistake, has corrected it and will no longer give an allergic reaction to red apples. The test gave a good result.
Result: more than four weeks have passed since work, and during this time allergic reactions did not appear.
I decided to work with the next client using the same technique. The reason was to see if it would also be effective when dealing with allergies, which have a much longer history.
Client: male, 30 years old, name is Boris.
“Case history”: allergy to seafood, namely shrimp, squid, mussels. Manifestations: a rash all over the body that itches unbearably. Allergies since childhood, he doesn’t remember exactly at what age.
Therapy: everything was exactly the same as with the previous client. A counterexample was fish, to which B. is not allergic. The normal state was anchored. Managed to successfully dissociate. But difficulties arose at the association stage. There were signs of an allergic reaction. They were able to be removed with the help of an anchor, but when they tried to associate again, everything was repeated all over again. It was decided to choose another counterexample. But there were also problems with the choice. Here B. mentioned that he believed that he was allergic to protein foods. Then I asked if he was allergic to eggs, since they also contain enough protein. It turned out that no. We took eggs as a counterexample. Everything went well until the moment of association. And with another counterexample, an allergic reaction began to appear. Realizing that it was useless to continue using the same method, I suggested that B. continue the work using another “Quick Allergy Treatment” technique, but, unfortunately, B. categorically refused, saying that he did not see the point in this.
Result: negative. Due to the lack of sufficient practice, it is difficult to say whether this was due to the incompleteness of the technique itself or whether it was dictated by the inexperience of the therapist. The client's categorical attitude did not allow us to check this.


It was decided to work with the following clients using the technique improved by Hallbom and Smith, since it seems to be the most extensive and detailed, since the work also comes with secondary benefits.
The first client was a woman named Maria. She has been suffering from an allergy to dog hair for several years. Moreover, it also causes her inconvenience because she herself has long dreamed of buying a dog, but her allergies do not allow her to do this. Her children are also worried about not having a dog.
Our work began with the fact that I invited her to imagine some pleasant situation for her, so that he could relax. I didn’t have the task of finding out what exactly Maria presented. A few minutes later, looking at the expression on her face, it became clear that the desired state had been achieved. I decided to use the tactile anchor that was already familiar to me, and lightly touched her hand. Then we got distracted by other topics. During the conversation, I touched her hand several times until I was sure that the anchor was working.
Next, I suggested returning to the immediate topic of conversation and asked Maria to remember what her allergic reaction was and what it looked like. It turned out that her eyes begin to itch as if she had been working at the computer for a very long time, then, unable to tolerate this itching, she can scratch them until they begin to hurt and water. I noticed that her eyes became more moist at this moment, and she began to swallow more often. Not allowing further development, I interrupted her story by asking her a question that distracted Maria’s attention.
I then explained to her that this reaction to essentially harmless dog hair was just a mistake in her immune system. That the immune system only had a positive intention to protect Mary from something, it just chose the wrong way. That all this is possible without any medical intervention. At that moment, Maria remembered that her allergies began when she and her husband were forced to live with his parents. The relationship with his mother, as often happens, was terrible, and she was under constant stress. On this basis, they often quarreled with their husband. And my parents had a dog. But her allergies started after they moved. This was an important moment for me, but so far I have not focused her attention on it. I told her about how many people got rid of allergies that had tormented them for many years, and that I myself was able to recover from it.
Now it's time to identify secondary benefits. I told Maria about what secondary benefit is and what purpose it serves. At least one secondary benefit was already obvious - the allergy was an “official” reason for her not to go to visit her mother-in-law, whom she absolutely did not want to see. Having made this assumption, I plunged Maria into some confusion, but then she admitted that this was indeed the case. It was necessary to find out if there was some other way to solve this situation. Maria for a very long time did not dare to admit to her husband that she did not want to communicate with his mother. Then I asked her a question, what would happen if she confessed this to him. After a few minutes, Maria said that she was making a mistake by not telling him anything because nothing would actually happen. Now he will treat this with understanding. So, we got rid of one secondary benefit, and then Maria admitted that she realized that there was a second one. It consisted in the fact that although she wanted to buy a dog herself, she was afraid of one thing: that she would have to walk it, which she terribly did not want. In her youth, when she still lived with her parents, she had a dog, and only she walked with it, which really bothered her. And these memories scared her. However, she herself found a way out of this situation. She decided to talk to the children, who were already old enough, that she was ready to buy a dog only on one condition: that they themselves would go for walks, especially since there were two of them and they could set up a watch. Thus, all secondary benefits were eliminated, and Maria's determination to get rid of her allergies was evident.
Our next step was to find a counterexample. Everything turned out to be simple here - Maria was not allergic to cats. I asked her to imagine a situation where she was in the same room with a cat. I anchored this state by touching her other hand.
Then I asked her to dissociate. To do this, she imagined a kind of protective screen behind which she herself, that is, her “double,” was located. And she watches herself from her place. At my request, she began to gradually introduce the allergen into the space of the “double.” At the same time, I held the resource anchor. Maria managed to see herself in the presence of the allergen without any reaction to it. After that, I invited her to associate and transfer herself from behind the screen back into her body. I haven't removed the anchor yet.
At the next stage, Maria imagined herself in the presence of the allergen, but without the anchor. This check was successful. Joining the future also did not cause any signs of an allergic reaction.
Unfortunately, it was not possible to check the results directly on the spot. I asked Maria to let me know when she encounters an allergen and whether there are any changes. A couple of days later she called me and, thanking me, said that although the symptoms had not completely disappeared, they no longer caused her discomfort, and in this situation they could already afford to get a dog.
Working with this technique, compared to the previous one, is longer and more complex, since there is a greater likelihood of encountering client resistance, but even from just one work it became clear that it is more effective and gives the client the opportunity to understand the essence of the problem. Also, since it is very comprehensive, the client can take from it a set of tools to solve any problems they may have in the future.
The same method was used to work with another client, a 42-year-old woman. Julia described her problem as an allergy to cold. For four years now, with the onset of the first cold weather, she begins to have tonsillitis, a runny nose, and her temperature often rises. Doctors endlessly prescribe her a wide variety of medications, which turn out to be completely useless. Having once heard that this type of allergy exists, Julia decided that this was her case.
There is hardly any need to describe this therapy in such detail, since it was carried out similarly to the previous one. I will only note the distinctive points. During the work, it turned out that the allergy arose after 4 years ago in winter, Yulia’s older brother was in a car accident, in which he miraculously survived. But since the injuries were very serious, he spent almost a month in intensive care in serious condition and the doctors were not sure for a long time whether he would survive at all. That period was difficult for the whole family and especially for Yulia, since she is very close to her brother. Despite the successful outcome, this incident did not pass without a trace for Yulia, and the onset of cold weather alone reminds of those terrible days. It seemed to her that everything had already been forgotten, but in the course of work she realized that she herself did not let go of these memories, very often, without wanting to, returning to them.
Secondary benefits were also identified. Julia does not like her current job, and frequent illnesses save her from the need to do things that tire her. When she realized what her illnesses were for, Julia decided to find another job.
As a resource state, Julia imagined herself warming up on a beach somewhere by the sea.
Otherwise the work went quite smoothly. The client wanted changes and was ready for them, so there was minimal resistance.
The results are also quite good. Although not all symptoms disappeared, the temperature no longer rose, and the general condition changed significantly. If earlier the cold season was accompanied by depression and loss of strength, now there is a resource and a desire to change something in your life for the better.
These are the results of my own practical work. I am glad that there are positive changes. There is an understanding that it is necessary to further gain experience. I also became convinced of the undoubted effectiveness of NLP not only from working with other people, but also from my own experience.


Our life today is an endless marathon in pursuit of money, fame, recognition. And all this is accompanied by endless falls, losses, disappointments. And most people think that this is life. In such a situation, the study and understanding of psychology becomes absolutely necessary. Having followed this path, you begin to see not that “painted curtain” that everyone sees, but what is hidden behind it. I must admit that the sight is often not very pleasant. But in the understanding that psychology provides, there is one undoubted advantage - the ability to choose.
NLP is the branch that is most understandable for those who are just beginning to understand the surrounding reality, since it is very logical and structured. It is the best starting platform. NLP is completely universal and applicable in any area of ​​human activity.
With this work, the author covered only a small part of the entire NLP space. But even from this alone it is clear how much we create problems for ourselves, and how easy it is to solve them if we abandon old beliefs. According to the author, this is the most important discovery of NLP. Nothing limits a person more than his own opinions and judgments. NLP makes it possible to expand the boundaries of human consciousness, and, as a result, to qualitatively improve his life and be successful in absolutely everything.


1. O'Connor D. Ian McDermott. NLP and health 1998 (library of the site
2. O'Connor D. Ian McDermott. NLP in everyday life. M.: Publishing House Fair. 2007.
3. Dilts R., Hallbom T., Smith S. Changing beliefs. Psychotechnologies of the NLP-master level. M.: Independent Association of Psychologist Practitioners. 1997.
4. Dilts R. Changing beliefs using NLP. M.: Independent company “Class”. 1997
5. Pligin A.A., Gerasimov A.V. “Guide to the NLP-Practician course” - M.: KSP+, 2000
6. Myasnikova T. N., Latysheva T. V. Drug allergy. "Russian Allergological Journal" No. 1 2004.
7. Drannik G. N. Clinical allergology and immunology. M.: LLC Medical Information Agency. 2003.
8. Gordeev M.N., Gordeeva E.G. “NLP in psychotherapy” - M.: Publishing House of the Institute of Psychotherapy, 2002.
9. Encyclopedia for children. Volume 18. Editor-in-Chief V. Volodin. M.: Avanta+. 2001.

21.11.2013 This article describes two interesting cases of working with allergies.

Case No. 1. During one of the classes in the NLP Practitioner course, a participant complained of severe allergies. The disease was in the acute phase. All allergy symptoms were noticeable: the face was largely swollen, asymmetrical, the eyes were red, watery, and there was strong discharge from the nose. From the medical history, it was found out that over the past five years she has been bothered by spring attacks of allergy to poplar fluff. It was decided to carry out the “Quick cure for allergies” technique. It was known from the literature that at the height of the allergic process it is not recommended to carry out this technique due to the strong anchoring of the negative state. However, group dynamics showed that a demonstration of highly effective NLP technologies was necessary. Participants expected a trainer with appropriate qualifications to be able to help quickly. In the case of effective assistance, authority would increase, and if there was no effect, trust in the technicians would decrease (opinion from a conversation among group members).

The technique was carried out at a window from which a yard with a lot of poplar fluff was visible, which served as a good visual demonstration. The standard steps of the “Quick Allergy Cure” technique were followed; as a counterexample, the client chose dandelion fluff. The peculiarity of the technique was that poplar fluff was in reality, and dandelion fluff was only in the imagination. After completing all the steps of the technique, an adjustment to the future was carried out, which showed a positive result. After this, it was decided to conduct a behavioral test with real poplar fluff. Being in deep rapport, the client went outside. In a light trance state, the following phrase was uttered: “You see this fluff, and your immune system knows how to properly react to this harmless substance - poplar fluff. Take it in your hands a little and notice that the immune system reacts to it correctly. Take more... Now walk along the alley and lift the fluff up with your feet and breathe freely... And pay attention that as you walk, the runny nose and lacrimation disappear..." After 50 minutes, the participant came to the group completely healthy: facial asymmetry, swelling and all the previous signs disappeared allergies. The group gave them well-deserved applause. Subsequently, the participant no longer developed allergies (follow-up 10 years).

In this case, it is surprising that all clinical signs of allergy disappeared so quickly.

Case No. 2. A 60-year-old woman, a participant in the NLP Practitioner course, complained during class about an allergy to strawberries. There were no strawberries at that time, just the topic of the current block was “Allergies”. The standard “Fast Allergy Cure” technique was performed with associated environmental testing. Adjustment to the future showed positive results. A few months later, the same participant again complained that she was allergic to strawberries. In such a situation (the complete absence of the effect of technology), the ecology of changes and the presence of secondary benefits were checked in detail. And then a secondary benefit of the disease was discovered: her children (already adults) very often asked her to weed strawberries, and she had hypertension, and she had to work in an inclined position for a long time. At the same time, headaches increased significantly and blood pressure rose. Then it was decided to carry out the “Quick cure for allergies” technique only on strawberries, but leave it to the plant itself, which had to be weeded. The technique was carried out effectively, with good results. The berry allergy was no longer a concern.

This case quite clearly demonstrates the amazing ability of the brain to control the health of the body, and selectively!

Borisov V.A., NLP trainer, Gestalt therapist.

Fomchenko Yu.A. Doctor, Candidate of Medical Sciences, NLP and psychosynthesis trainer.

“I don’t believe it completely,” but 7“I completely believe.” Don’t be surprised that your score is within 1-2 pointsThis, alas, is how it should be for now.

5. Now, on a scale of ten, rate the level of your own anxiety about the original trouble. Here 10 points will correspond to maximum anxiety, and 1minimal. Again, don’t be surprised by the score of 8-9-10 points

It shouldn’t be otherwise, because this very trouble is firmly stuck in you and doesn’t want to go anywhere without outside help. But a rating level of 3-4 points indicates that you are doing nonsensethis can be dealt with without any NLP and EMDR.

6. Now do the last thing in terms of preparing for desensitization through DVE/Sepia eyes. Determine the optimal speed and amplitude of your eye movements using your own (but bettersomeone's hand, in which the “point of fixation of the gaze” will be two closed fingersindex and middle. Make this assessment for

    horizontal movements (O),

    vertical movements ($5),

    "diagonal" movements (&&),

    movements in a circle (O),

    "Big Eight"

-vertical (8) and -horizontal (°°), and melt/se

    "cruciform" movements (Q u X ) Choose the one of these movements that has improved you the most. Start with that.

7. RememberVAKD your trouble and, thinking about it, do a series of 24 eye movementsfor example, start with horizontal ones. When you finish the series, get everything out of your head and take a deep breath in and out. Then return to the image and examine:

    what you are now experiencing about this image,

    what you now think about your trouble.

And then rate your level of anxiety on a scale of one to ten. And repeat all of the above until the level of your anxiety about the unpleasantness decreases to an acceptable level for you (there are no exact norms here, although achieving 2-3 points is close to sufficient).

8. Now focus on imagining your chosen positive self-definition (just think about it) along with (simultaneously) the memory of your trouble (its image) and continue the series of eye movements until the belief in this most positive idea reaches the level acceptable to you level (usually 5 and above).

9. And finally, after the positive self-determination is sufficiently established, holding both it and the image of trouble, explore whether you have any t0 discomfort or tension in the body. If any are found, focus on them and perform the required number of series of movements/senior eyes.until everything goes away: both these sensations and what “pops up” while you work through them...

Exercise 58.

    Using literal reframing, “cleanse” your memories of past illnesses and past cases of this particular illness (the one for which you are currently being treated), thereby depriving all these memories of a destructive emotional and semantic charge.

Exercise 59.

-♦Rewrite all unsuccessful cases of recovery from past illnesses (a kind of experience of defeats in the struggle for one’s own health), turning it into an experience of victories.

Exercise 60.

    ♦Make a list of your fears, anxieties, doubts and everything else that is associated with your illness and recovery (and then just with life) and do the DPG technique for each case of this unpleasant or painful experience (past and future).

7.3. Techniques for working with phobias

Visual-kinesthetic dissociation (VKD).

All the techniques described above make it easy to cope with any cases of micro-obsessions and failures. However, if the traumatic situation has crossed a certain internal threshold and turned into a phobia (for example, when after a car accident you are shaking at the mere thought of driving again), I recommend that you turn to more complex techniques that are “indicated” specifically for such cases.

The first of these techniques is technique of visual-kinesthetic dissociation. It is very effective in cases where you need to overcome a phobia or eliminate the consequences of psychological trauma.

I will describe the “classic” version of the VKD technique, captured in the materials of early seminars on NLP IGISP (the author of the description is unknown to me).

/. Establish powerful anchors of comfort and “here and now.”

2. Imagine yourself as if out of yourself and see, as on the slide, again yourself, but at the very first moment of your traumatic incident. The result is that you are sitting and at the same time imagining your younger self right in front of you.

3. After you have clearly imagined all this, somehow leave your body in such a way that you can imagine yourself sitting in the same place and looking at your younger self. As a result, you seem to exist in three persons. The whole perspective is viewed from the third position, your body is in the second position, and you see yourself, younger and experiencing trauma, in the first position. Once you have established this so-called three-position dissociation, anchor it.

4. Nowno matter how much it hurtsagain play out your UAK of psychotrauma (what you really don’t want to remember), but at the same time remaining kinesthetically dissociated from this traumatic incident and only observing yourself as a young person experiencing trauma. To remain this way, use anchors (comfort and “here and now”), as well as language expressions that will help distinguish between the three cases; “I’m in a “promising” place here”; “me now” and “me as a young man, experiencing what happened then.” This is very valuable in order to separate your traumatized “I” at a young age from you, observing yourself today from a “place of perspective”.

5. After “viewing” and “listening” to the situation of psychotrauma, move from the third position back to the secondso that you, who is looking from the perspective, integrates with the actual position of your body.

6. Now mentally approach your younger selfa person who has experienced trauma. Convince him that you came from the future. Give your younger self any support you need by being as involved as possible.

7. After you see in your present state that, being visually represented as young, you have received sufficient support and have achieved comfort and understanding, integrate by bringing your younger part into your own body. And release the anchor of dissociated visual perspective.

I warn you that in the case of a strong and fresh trauma, you will have to do this procedure (or some parts of it) 2-3 times - until you can remain sufficiently dissociated so that you can complete the work of liberation from the past .

Example of using V1OD. I came to Alexander myself—or rather, his relatives brought me to him. He was lying in a separate ward of a prestigious hospital and was being treated for the consequences of a terrible attack by three unknown thugs, who almost made him disabled. However, despite the best medications and highly qualified care, the treatment was delayed. And at night, Alexander could not sleep peacefully from nightmares in which the beating scene was played out in various versions...

Among other things that I used to activate the client’s vitality and intensify the healing process, there was also visual-kinesthetic dissociation. Since it was clear that without processing the traumatic situation, which had stuck like a thorn in Alexander’s psyche, he was unlikely to be able to recover quickly - because this trauma simply would not allow him to do so...

First, I established and reinforced a powerful anchor of comfort, protection, and safety by inviting Alexander to think about a time when he felt comfortable and remember what he saw, heard, and felt then.

I placed the anchor twice more (in the same place): when the client recalled a time when he felt protected (first anchor) and when he associated with a time when he felt safe.

Next, I asked Alexander, with the anchor of comfort activated, to visualize himself “outside the frame” - in his youth and before the traumatic experience occurred. Having anchored this dissociation, I suggested that Alexander place on the wall, like a screen, a black-and-white still slide depicting a picture of a memory immediately preceding the trauma.

After I was confident that the client could clearly imagine himself in the early memory, I asked him to “float” out of his body and take a perceptual position behind him. Here I used the metaphor of a “cinema” and how a person looks at the screen to achieve dissociation. To do this, I asked my client to move from his body to the projectionist's booth, from where he would look at the two other selves, who were emotionally tuning in, turning on and watching the film. And he invited Alexander to look at himself watching a film about how his “young self” experiences trauma, mentioning that this film should only be viewed in black and white.

While the client watched the film, I carefully watched his reactions. And, using the anchors of comfort, protection, security and dissociation, he helped him remain in a dissociated state.

“I ask you to come back and comfort the “younger self.” He has been through terrible trauma, and you are the only one in the world who knows exactly how to comfort and calm him down. What happened now will never happen again. You did the best you could at that time, using the resources then at your disposal. Take your time and console until you are sure that your “I” has become lighter and calmer.”

And then, immediately after I realized from Alexander’s face that his “young self” had been comforted, I suggested that the client quickly (in two or three seconds) rewind the film in color, reminding him that he would be a participant in the event in color fast rewind the movie. At the same time, I allowed myself to use audd. a real imitation of film rewinding - i.e. It either hummed or hummed like a film projector being rewinded.

We did this several times - and watching, and consoling, and rewinding. And only when Alexander confidently reported that his “young self” was comforted and calmed down, I asked him to return to his own body, as if integrating the “young” and “current” I. And he invited the client to just kind of reach out and hug his younger self, paying attention to what would happen when he pulled his “younger self” into his own body.

I must say that the procedure worked and helped. The night after it was the first in which Alexander was able to sleep without nightmares. And then he just quickly got better...

Technique for quickly treating phobias. What I described above is not “pure” EVA. Because I included some elements in it rapid treatment techniques for phobias- another great way to combat post-traumatic experiences and simply fears. It is performed as follows (again, I present a classic version of this technique from ancient materials for seminars on NLP IGISP, Unfortunately, I don’t know the author of the description).

1. First of allunderstand and explain to yourself two points:

a) Most people acquire a phobia as a result of one single situation that was very dangerous or seemed so. The fact that it only took one instance, just one test, for fear to manifest itself proves that your brain is indeed capable of learning quickly and this makes it easier for you to master a new reaction;

b) that part of you that has protected you all these years by maintaining this phobia,this is an important and valuable part,

2. Access the phobia state (partially) by remembering, for example, the last time you were scared or what happened when you developed a phobia.

3. Dissociate yourself, as if “scattered” into three places:

a) close your eyes and imagine that you are sitting in the middle of the cinema (first dissociation) and see a black and white slide with your image on the screen (second dissociation);

b) now mentally go up to the cameraman’s booth, from where you can see yourself sitting in a chair in the hall and watching a black and white image on the screen (third dissociation). And clearly distinguish these three places for yourself.

4. Organize yourself a viewing of a black and white film.

Now you are in a camera booth, watching and listening to a black and white film of yourself, describing the very first or most unpleasant time you experienced this phobia. Watch and listen to this film in its entirety, from the moment leading up to this unpleasant event until the very end, when everything is fine again. Watch and listen, as an outside observer, as you go through psychotrauma as a younger if it happened to someone else. When you get to the point where everything feels good again, stop the movie, but keep your eyes open.

5. Create a movie review in reverse order.

Now enter (“jump”) into the last frame of the movie you just stopped and very quickly watch it backwards in color: for 2 seconds until the unpleasant events begin. Do what is described in steps 4 and 5 several times.

6. Checking and adjusting to the future.

Try to re-induce the phobia by asking, for example, what would happen if you were in that situation now? If the problematic reaction still persists, repeat the procedure, doing it faster each time, until nothing remains of the phobic reaction.

7. Conclusion.

Think about the fact that although you had both a phobia and psychotrauma, you have already moved far from those specific situations when all this happened. So you simply didn't have the opportunity to learn from these situations. Therefore, when you encounter similar situations in the future, exercise a certain degree of caution until you have learned enough about them to be safe.

Treating fear of future events. To be honest, when working with phobic reactions, I usually do not use VCD, but rather the technique of quickly treating phobias. Firstly, because I simply like it better than visual-kinesthetic dissociation. Secondly, this technique - perhaps due to some of its “theatricality” - is more quickly and easily understood and accepted by patients.

However, the main reason for my preference for the rapid phobia treatment technique is completely different. The amazing fact is that this particular technique allows you to treat not only past, but also future phobias. More precisely, fear of some very specific situations and incidents that are yet to come or are planned.

Mikhail came to me about his upcoming operation, which worried him very much - it simply caused panic and fear. The surgeon who was supposed to operate on my client apparently understood well that such a panicky state of the patient is difficult to recognize as a factor contributing to the successful implementation of a truly complex surgical intervention. And he suggested that Mikhail turn to a psychotherapist, which he did.

I suggested that the client divide the treatment ahead of him into three segments: before the operation, when everything will be fine, the operation itself and a short postoperative period, which, in fact, causes panic, after the operation, when everything will be fine again.

As soon as Mikhail clearly defined exactly when the “before” would end and when the “after” would begin, I explained to him that we would be working with the average time period, which is what causes fear. A segment that for us will begin from the last moment when everything was still good. And end with the first moment when everything will be fine again.

And then I asked the client to introduce a cinema named after himself. Enter it and, after chatting with the cashier and ticket taker, go into the auditorium. See on the screen a frozen slide with your image. Sit in the first row, and then, leaving yourself sitting there, move to the middle row. Again, leave yourself in the middle row and move to the last row. And then, again leaving himself in the last row, he went up to the “film booth” in order to get ready to show a film about himself and the operation. As you can see, I played it safe a little by dissociating Mikhail multiple times from the future event that frightened him—the operation.

After this, I suggested that the client “play a black and white film about himself and the operation” - from the moment when everything was still good until the moment when everything would be good again. And let him, by chance, view it through a very, very small window of a movie booth with thick, very thick glass. And as soon as the film ends, everything will be fine again - stop it mentally, quickly jump out of the movie booth and “jump” into the last frame of the film - “enter the situation.” And then, having made the film in color, in exactly two seconds, while inside the film, rewind it back - once, twice.

I repeated this whole action three more times, moving Mikhail first to the end of the hall, then to its middle, and then to the first row. How And Always when using this technique, the client's "operating" phobia completely disappeared. And he even told me that he was now looking forward to the operation with interest and curiosity...

Allergy as a phobia of the immune system. And finally, about the amazing discovery of neurolinguistic programming, which, in the person of R. Dilts, already known to you, found out that such a phenomenon, which is still not fully understood by medicine, like allergies, can be considered as immune system phobia(i.e. the immune system was afraid of something generally harmless and now mistakenly reacts to it as a substance hostile to your body). So if you want, you can even try to quickly cure your own allergies with the help below allergy treatment techniques, developed by this author and described in the book by R. Dilts, T. Hallobohm and S. Smith “Beliefs. Paths to health and well-being."

/. Calibrate your allergies. Ask yourself, what does it mean to you to be in the presence of an allergen? Think about your allergen. Imagine a situation in which he is present. And don't be surprised if your immune system suddenlyin the absence of an allergenwill give an allergic reaction.

2. Explain to yourself the error of the immune system. Think about it as if the immune system made a mistake by thinking that something is dangerous when in fact that very “something” is not. And if so, your immune system can retrainand quite quickly.

3. Check environmental/secondary benefits. What would your life be like without this allergy? Does it have many positive and negative consequences? Apply at this stage any NLP technique that you need to solve environmental issues before moving on.

4. Find an appropriate counterexample resource. Define some resource counterexamplesomething (something) that is as close to an allergen as possible, but to which your immune system responds normally. Anchor your response to this counterexample, and then maintain that anchor throughout the process.

5. Dissociate yourself from allergies, using an imaginary plexiglass shield from step to step. Continuing to hold the anchor, see yourself there, on the other side of the plexiglass, which has some resource that allows it to calmly react to the allergen. Use every argument to reassure yourself that you are truly there, behind the shield, as you want to be, and that your immune system is responding correctly.

6. GRADUALLY introduce the allergen. IN while you see yourself there, behind the plexiglass, slowly introducing the allergensomething that previously caused an allergic reaction. Do it gradually, giving yourself a chance to get used to it. At this stage, wait until you discover a physiological shift in yourself. It's as if your immune system is telling you, "It's okay, I think I got it."

7. Re-associate. Bring yourself back to your T ate, and imagine the presence of something that usually caused allergic reactions in you.

8. Extension to the future. Now imagine how in the future you will feel in the presence of something that used to cause allergic reactions in you. If no reaction occurs, then you have succeeded.

Two more techniques for curing allergies. If the final result is not achieved, you can not only repeat the procedure again, but also try two other techniques for working with allergies, the first of which is based on the use of anchors, and the second on submodality editing (both of these techniques were taken from the above-mentioned book ).

Allergy cure technique with three anchors was the first technique that R. Dilts began to use when he was working with allergies. It is very similar to the one described above. The only difference is that this process uses three anchors simultaneously (one for dissociation, one for counterexample, and a resource anchor) instead of just one counterexample. A short recording of this technique looks like this.

1. Calibrate your allergies.

3. Check the environment and secondary benefits.

4. Dissociate and anchor the state of dissociation. This will give you confidence that you can keep yourself dissociated. Find a relevant counterexample resource and anchor it. Ask yourself how you would like to be and feel in the presence of the allergen. Once you have decided, attach an anchor to this resource as well.

5. Use combinations of all three anchors in step 4 to locate yourself with these available resources.

6. Gradually (mentally) introduce the allergen in a dissociated state.

7. Remove the dissociation anchor and associate with the allergen in the presence of two other resources.

8. Travel to the future using two resource anchors.

9. Check the final result.

Well, the second technique is simply a variant of the well-known submodal editing, which R. Dilts called a technique for moving allergies through a process of submodalities. Instead of using anchors, you simply figure out which submodalities are present when the immune system is functioning normally and move them to where you have an inappropriate response. It is often found that one or two or three differences in key submodalities are sufficient for the allergy to go away.

A brief description of this technique is as follows.

1. Calibrate your allergies.

2. Explain the immune system error.

3. Check secondary benefits and environmental issues.

4. Find a counterexample corresponding to the resource and identify submodalities for this counterexample. These are the submodalities that your immune system uses when it responds correctly.

5. Identify submodalities associated with the allergen situation. These are the submodalities that your immune system uses when it reacts inappropriately.

6. Thinking about the allergen, move through the submodalities so that the submodalities of the allergies match the submodalities of the counterexample.

7. Travel to the future.

8. Check the result.

Exercise 61

    Think about any incident that really scared you. And “discharge” it with the help of visual-kinesthetic dissociation.

Exercise 62.

Think about what you fear about the future. Divide your fear into “before that” and “after that” (be sure to find this very “after that” - i.e. when everything becomes good again) and do the technique for quickly treating phobias.

Exercise 63.

    Identify something to which you feel close to an allergic reaction (something that causes you disgust and rejection, but so far without painful reactions - for example, I once could not stand the smell of sauerkraut) and practice “curing allergies” with all three techniques R. Dilts.

Once you have acquired the necessary skill and competence, deal with “real” allergies (if you have one, of course).

What if the cart stops and the ox keeps going?the monk asked Tozan.

Why not ask the driver?


In the second part of the book, which substantially corresponds to the “maximum program” of the PSI system, you will learn about the unique possibilities of deep “elaboration” and “processing” of human diseases.

About getting rid of deep psychological traumas and the consequences of stress, which may well be the cause of the emergence and persistence of human ailments: principles and rules of “ecological” behavior in stressful situations; turning failures into feedback; and most importantly - about getting rid of the burden of the past.

On redefining the meaning and benefits of illness, which do not allow us to really get rid of it: determining the causes, advantages and meaning of the disease; clarification, unloading and “unblocking” of the painful condition; and also about identifying “green” ways to gain benefits and meaning from illness.

About overcoming limiting beliefs, which, while playing a very, very important role in a person’s life, at the same time seem to cut off from us a lot of opportunities for life, health and happiness: about the three enemies of recovery (beliefs in hopelessness, helplessness and undeservingness); NLP techniques for changing beliefs and the “unfixing” procedure and Day; as well as formalized methods for identifying and overcoming limiting beliefs.

About releasing negative feelings, that is, patterns of stable emotional response, which once “attacked” a person, continue to torment his soul and disfigure his body: about forgiveness of oneself and others. geh; clarifying and processing recurring negative emotions; as well as special techniques for working with negative feelings.

About reprogramming the disease as an independent psychological entity that needs to be persuaded to change: about organizing an agreement with a symptom; the creation of the part responsible for healing, as well as the unification of conflicting parts.

About creating a healing program, that is, some internal mechanism that ensures a person’s recovery: about forming an image of the result of a cure and ensuring the healing process for the sick person.

AND about supporting healing how to maintain the normal “speed” of progress from illness to health (without stopping, “jumping to the side” and even turning back): about affirming the healing process; creating a mechanism for its implementation at logical levels, as well as optimizing human life and its meaning.


1. The presence of a system of goals and a set of adequate methods (processes) for achieving them;

2. Refusal from the position of Effect and transition to the position of Cause;

3. Having a flexible and environmentally friendly belief system;

4. Elaboration of fixed ideas and limiting beliefs;

5. Clarifying your needs and implementing them in an environmentally friendly manner;

6. Refusal to suppress deep meanings and needs;

7. Understanding the essence of your life, its Meaning and Purpose;

8. Refusal of an unecological and meaningless lifestyle;

9. Freedom of feelings; flexible and environmentally friendly emotional response;

10. Release and destruction of patterns of negative feelings;

11. Ecological response to problematic and stressful conditions and circumstances;

12. Cleansing from imprints and psycho-traumatic incidents;

13. Coherence of united units of Consciousness;

14. Overcoming fragmentation and polarity splits;

Structure of psychosomatic health

(“Lucky Atom” of neurosomatic perfection)


You can't stop the birds of sadness from circling above your head, but you can stop them from making nests in your hair.

Chinese proverb

If you have read my book up to this point, done all the recommended exercises and still have not recovered, then this means that... No, it is not at all that you are seriously ill or even terminally ill. It’s just that the disease, like a psychological formation, has penetrated quite deeply into your psyche and has settled well and firmly in it. And he does not want to leave you at your first request, but, on the contrary, “sets conditions” that you must comply with in order to be healed.

There can be quite a lot of these conditions. And almost all of them are discussed in the second part of my book, dedicated to the presentation of the maximum program of the psychosomatic healing system.

In this chapter we will look at the first three conditions for deep healing:

    changing your seemingly not very eco-friendly lifestyle - primarily in terms of reactions to life’s difficulties,

    turning failures into feedback and

    liberation from the burden of the past and possible causes of the disease.

1.1. Learning to respond correctly

Stress is inside us. Tell me, did you notice an interesting fact mentioned in this book? The fact that in the famous (and described in Chapter 2 of Part I) study by T. Holmes, devoted to studying the influence of stress on human health, 51% (more than half!) of those examined scored more than 300 points of “total stress” (critical, if you remember level after which the threat of serious illness becomes extremely real) never got sick!

Why did this happen? Yes, because they reacted differently to all the life trials that befell them. They responded to them calmly - without fuss, tension, anxiety, fear, hopelessness and despair. And they seemed to have missed everything that almost certainly would have plunged them into a debilitating or even fatal illness.

All this can be reduced to our first condition for maintaining health and healing: the need for environmentally friendly G ° responding to the troubles and misfortunes of our lives. After all, we have nowhere to escape from them - at least in the foreseeable future. The economic crisis that began on August 17, 1998 clearly showed that the question “When will things get better?” can be safely answered - “not soon.” And for a long time we will have to not live, but survive (although it is best, of course, to live simply and joyfully). For what, at a minimum, you need to maintain or restore health—activity, vigor and efficiency (remember, as the Georgians say: “If only we had health, we’ll buy the rest...”). Yes, you and I are unlucky - blessed (that’s me, according to Pushkin, who, as you know, argued that, “blessed is he who visited this world in its fatal moments”). One of the most terrible Chinese curses is “May you live in an era of change!” - has unconditionally come true in our lives. But we are not given another life. And from another era too. What can you do: “You don’t choose times. They live and die in them." Let's choose life. And we will remain alive and cheerful no matter what...


Allergies are similar to immune system phobias. Like a phobia, allergies often develop from childhood due to an unsuccessful encounter with an allergen, after which such a reaction haunts a person throughout his life. NLP has developed a whole system for working with allergies. It works more effectively when the reaction appears to a specific, easily identifiable substance.

This NLP method was developed by Robert Dilts, Tim Hallbom and Susie Smith. It aims to destroy the anchors acting on the immune system, breaking the connection between stimulus (allergen) and reaction (allergic reaction). Anchoring in NLP is the process of associating an internal response with some external trigger (similar to conditioned reflexes), so that the response can be quickly, and sometimes even indirectly, recalled.

Concepts used

This exercise also uses the following NLP terms, knowledge of which is necessary for the effectiveness of the method.

  • Joining the future- the process of mentally rehearsing with oneself any future situation so that the desired behavior is natural and spontaneous.
  • Calibration- the ability to read the unconscious non-verbal reactions of another person in the process of current interaction by establishing a one-to-one correspondence between observed behavioral signs and a characteristic internal state.

This exercise- an excellent example of the NLP approach to working with health. However, be careful: the method should not replace medical treatment, but act together with it.

Exercise "Get rid of allergies using NLP"

The exercise must be performed with a partner.

Step 1. Secure the lifebuoy anchor. This is a kind of pleasant feeling that a person can return to if anxiety arises while doing the exercise. The anchor must be secured by a certain touch on the partner's hand. Now stop this state.

Step 2. Establish a calibration for allergy symptoms. The person must briefly imagine the presence of the allergen. Now check for signs of allergies (watery eyes, red skin, choking) so they can be recognized again. Stop these feelings.

Step 3. Explain to your partner the error of the immune system. Reveal the meaning of this process and its medical rationale.

Step 4. Consider the various consequences and changes: how the patient’s life without allergies will change, what beneficial accompanying effects the allergy brings with it, etc. Figure out a way to maintain the benefits you find even after your allergies are cured.

Step 5. Find a resource that will be similar to the allergen, but will not cause an allergic reaction. Let the person associate the contact with this substance. He should not show any signs of an allergic reaction. Place a resource anchor on this state by touching your hand, and hold this anchor until the whole process is over.

Step 6. Help your partner dissociate. Let him see himself on the other side of the transparent screen.

Step 7 Now have your partner imagine introducing the allergen behind the screen. He gradually introduces the allergen into the space behind the screen and sees himself reacting quite normally to the allergen.

Step 8 Let your partner bring the image back into the body. The patient must dispel the screen and unite with his body.

Step 9 Verification through joining the future. Have your partner imagine future situations in which they will come into contact with the allergen. Note any signs of an allergic reaction. If possible, do a real allergy test with the allergen itself, but be careful.

Based on materials from the books by Ian McDermott and Joseph O'Connor. "NLP and Health." Using NLP to Improve Health and Well-Being" and Robert Dilts. "Changing Beliefs with NLP."

Exclusive material from the site "www.. Borrowing text and/or related materials is possible only if there is a direct and clearly visible link to the original. All rights reserved.

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In NLP there is a procedure for working with allergies. It works best if the reaction occurs to a specific, easily identifiable substance. This method was developed by Robert Dilts, Tim Hallbom and Susie Smith.

First of all, a warning. Allergies can be very dangerous, even health threatening. These methods should not replace medical treatment, but work together with it. If you have doubts, it is better not to use them.

The allergy treatment method developed by NLP breaks the anchors that act on the immune system, breaking the connection between the stimulus (allergen) and the reaction (allergic reaction). We will describe this procedure as if you were helping another person.

The first step is to establish rapport. You can acknowledge the other person's experience. After all, together you will have to change the allergic reaction.

Now begin to create an anchor for a state of comfort and security. Ask your partner to remember a pleasant situation in which he felt completely relaxed. Help him find a condition that is not associated with an allergic reaction. When you see from his face and breathing that he has relaxed, lightly touch his hand with your hand at a certain point. This will be a tactile anchor for this state. Tell him that each time he feels this touch, it will remind him of a relaxed state and that he can immerse himself in it at any time throughout the procedure.

Distract his attention and interrupt this state. Then touch the same place on your hand again and make sure. that he had returned to the same pleasant, relaxed state again. Check by also asking a question. Repeat this process until your touch reliably moves him into this relaxed state. Now you have secured the relaxed state with an anchor - a touch on the hand - and you can be sure that if during the procedure your partner feels discomfort, you can return him to a pleasant neutral state. This is a “lifeline” in case of unforeseen circumstances.

The next step is to ask your partner to just remember the allergic reaction so you can see what it looks like. Ask him what it feels like when he comes into contact with the allergen. Pay attention to changes in his breathing, skin color, and especially the moisture in his eyes. These are the first signs of an allergic reaction. In NLP this operation is called "calibrating" the response: you test the allergic condition by carefully observing what it looks like so that you can easily recognize it later.

If you have already seen a reaction, interrupt this state. Tell a joke, distract his attention and get him moving.

The next step is to explain the immune system's error. Tell your partner that the allergen itself is not dangerous and that his immune system is doing his best to protect him but is reacting to an inappropriate stimulus. She can continue to protect him in the same way, but not react so violently to this particular substance. She learned this reaction, and now she can learn another, more appropriate one. Talk about an allergen as “that substance” rather than “the allergen”. Having named it in a new way, he will begin to think about it differently. Tell him about medical research on the immune system, how wonderful it works and how it can learn new responses. If you can, give an example of someone who has given up their allergy.

The next step may take some time. What is the secondary benefit of this allergy? Allergies also have their benefits. It can determine what a person eats, who to be friends with, and where to go on weekends. She can help him avoid certain situations. Perhaps they use it to control other people or attract attention to themselves. Sometimes an allergy to cigarette smoke can be a reliable way to get someone to quit smoking without being too persistent. A person suffering from allergies organizes his life based on the schedule of medical treatment he receives. When the allergy is cured, he will have to bring new order into his life, make decisions, change his diet and pay attention to things that previously went unnoticed. Until these issues are resolved, the allergy will likely continue to act.

You could end with, for example, the following question: “If all these issues (diet, situations, etc.) were resolved satisfactorily and your life became more fulfilling, would you want to give up your allergies?” Listen carefully to any doubt expressed in his intonation, and continue only if your partner clearly answers: “Yes.”

Next, find some substance with which you will retrain the immune system. Ask your partner to think of a substance that is very similar to the allergen but does not cause an allergic reaction. For example, a person may be allergic to bee stings but not ant stings, or to grass pollen but not tree pollen. Make your partner fully associate with the memory of when he was in contact with a harmless substance. Watch his breathing, eyes, and skin color closely to spot any signs of an allergic reaction. If such signs appear, choose another substance.

When you find a good example and your partner is fully associated with the memory of when he was in contact with this substance, anchor this state by touching a specific place on his hand, other than the lifebuoy. This will be a "resource anchor".

Now you are ready to begin training his immune system to respond to the former allergen in the same way it reacts to a harmless substance. The allergen is the anchor for the allergic reaction, and you replace it with a new anchor for the neutral reaction. During this operation, you must protect your partner from an allergic reaction, so ask him to dissociate while watching himself through a glass or plastic see-through screen. Ask him to make this screen airtight and thick enough to keep the allergen out. Use a resource anchor by touching your partner's hand and ask him to see himself on the other side of the screen in a situation where he may encounter an allergen. Let him very gradually introduce the allergen into the space on the other side of the screen. It is necessary that he look at himself, located on the other side of the screen and feeling completely calm in contact with the former allergen.

Continue to hold the resource anchor. Monitor your partner very closely and stop immediately at the first sign of an allergic reaction.

When he can see himself showing no allergic reactions in the presence of the allergen, you will be close to completion. Ask your partner to let the screen fade and disappear. After this, have him transfer the image of himself, calmly relating to the presence of the allergen, from behind the screen back into his own body and unite with it.

And the last thing is verification. Remove the resource anchor and ask your partner to imagine the presence of the allergen right now; Notice if any signs of an old allergic reaction reappear. Usually it disappears completely or decreases significantly.

After this, have him imagine his future contact with the allergen. This is the final check, and in NLP it is called "joining the future." In this case, the person mentally plays out a new reaction in an imaginary future situation. Monitor closely for any signs of an old allergic reaction.

It is best if you test for an allergic reaction on the spot, if possible, appropriate and your partner has consented. Be especially careful if your previous allergic reaction was severe. Let safety be your main criterion.

We both used this technology with success. One of our colleagues used it on himself and cured himself of a whole bunch of allergies that had previously put him out of action for several days.

Below we provide a brief description of this technology.

1. Install a lifebuoy anchor. This is such a pleasant memory that a person can return to during the procedure if any anxiety arises. Secure it by touching your hand. Stop this state.

2. Calibrate for allergy symptoms. Ask the person to very briefly imagine the presence of the allergen. Check for signs of allergies (wet eyes, changes in skin color, changes in breathing) so you can both recognize them again. Stop this state.

3. Explain the immune system error. Explain the meaning of this process and its medical rationale.

4. Test a wide variety of consequences. How will his life change without allergies? What are the beneficial side effects of allergies? Find a way to maintain these benefits even after your allergies are cured. You may need new ways to cope with stressful situations.

5. Find a resource. It should be as similar as possible to the allergen, but not cause an allergic reaction. Ask the person to imagine contact with this harmless substance. In this case, no manifestations of an allergic reaction should occur. Place a resource anchor on this state by touching your hand, and hold this anchor until the entire process is completed.

6. Help the patient to dissociate. One of the best ways to do this is to invite him to see himself on the other side of the transparent screen.

7. Have him imagine injecting the allergen behind the screen. He gradually introduces the allergen into the space behind the screen and observes himself reacting normally to the allergen.

5. Return the image back to the body. Let the patient diffuse the screen and unite with his image.

9. Check and join the future. Ask the patient to imagine future situations in which he or she will be in contact with the allergen, and note any manifestations of an allergic reaction. If possible and appropriate, do a real allergy test with the substance that previously caused the reaction. Be careful!

This is a good example of the NLP approach to working with health. NLP is very practical. It is very important to establish rapport with the person you are treating.

First you determine its current state, then create the desired one. After this, you carefully check the consequences of the planned change.

The next stage is to find a resource that will help you make the transition from your current state to your desired state.

At the end you check and join the future. The procedure is successful if the patient gets the desired result.

In fact, you provide the opportunity for a person to influence his immune system through his thoughts, and you influence his thoughts with your words. Words hold great power and shape the way we think about our health.

How this happens is the subject of the next chapter.

Ian McDermott and Joseph O'Connor. NLP and health. Using NLP to improve health and well-being.