Choban Kule Tower Crimea. Choban-kule - medieval tower in Crimea

5 km from the village of Morskoye, in the area of ​​the village. Privetnoye, Cape Agira is located, on which the medieval tower “Shepherd-Kule” of the 14th – 15th centuries is located, which means “Shepherd’s Tower”. It is surrounded by the remains of ancient buildings and defensive walls.

The tower is made of fairly massive stones and pieces of rock. The walls reach a thickness of 2–3 meters. Its height is now approximately 9–10 meters. The entrance to the tower is located on the southwestern side and is heavily damaged.

Destroyed and upper part towers, probably mainly thanks to tourists.

Inside the tower, in the wall, there is a fairly deep niche with an opening to the outside, the purpose of which can be very diverse. The fireplace and water pools located in the basement have been preserved.

On the eastern side of the tower, the remains of defensive walls are still visible; according to some sources, there was a temple not far from the tower. Massive ruins at the foot of the tower bear the outlines of some buildings.

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5 km from the village of Morskoye, in the area of ​​the village. Privetnoye, Cape Agira is located, on which the medieval tower “Shepherd-Kule” of the 14th – 15th centuries is located, which means “Shepherd’s Tower”. It is surrounded by the remains of ancient buildings and defensive walls. The tower is made of fairly massive stones and pieces of rock. The walls reach a thickness of 2–3 meters. Its height is now approximately 9–10 meters. The entrance to the tower is located on the southwestern side and is heavily damaged. The upper part of the tower was also destroyed, probably mainly due to tourists. Inside the tower, in the wall, there is a fairly deep niche with an opening to the outside, the purpose of which can be very diverse. The fireplace and water pools located in the basement have been preserved. On the eastern side of the tower, the remains of defensive walls are still visible; according to some sources, there was a temple not far from the tower. Massive ruins at the foot of the tower bear the outlines of some buildings. Save changes

Not far from the village of Morskoe, the attention of tourists is attracted by the remains of an old tower on a high cliff overlooking the sea. This is the Chaban-Kale tower and the wonderful mountain range called Agira, which are an interesting attraction in the south-eastern part of the Crimean peninsula and an excellent place to relax by the sea.

Castle of the Rebellious Brothers

The tower is more than six hundred years old. In the fifteenth century, it was part of a castle built by the Genoese feudal lords, the Guasco brothers. They did not want to depend on the consul Soldaya, located in a fortress on the territory of modern Sudak, so they started building their own castle, which they called Tasili. The strained relationship between them and the consul is evidenced by the so-called “Case of the Guasco Brothers”, which has survived to this day in the archives of Genoa, consisting of twenty-two documents prepared in 1474-1475. The brothers were accused of declaring their independence along with the construction of the castle, ceasing to obey the consuls of Soldai, and committing arbitrariness and lawlessness.

A place was chosen for the castle on the top of a cliff by the sea, from which there was a good view.

In good weather, the lookouts could observe not only everything that was happening in the waters of the bay, at Cape Meganom and near Mount Ayu-Dag, but also to see the ships that set sail from the Soldai pier. The fortress was built in strict accordance with all the canons of medieval fortification art. The entrance to it was most likely from the north-west. The walls of the fortress rose above steep rocky cliffs, seemed impregnable and instilled fear in those who approached the castle with evil intentions. Inside the castle there were barracks, houses for officers, an arsenal, warehouses and even a church. Heating of living quarters was carried out using fireplaces. A secret underground passage led from the castle to the foot of the mountain. Convenience was added by the presence of a small stream on the mountain, which to the fullest provided a garrison for the fortress drinking water. The fortress even had a water supply system made from ceramic pipes. Today you can see the water pool and fireplace preserved in the basement of the tower.

Unlike the Genoese fortress of Sudak, the brothers built their castle in the absence of central funding from Genoa, exclusively with their own funds and, as they say, from scratch, in the absence of a base previously owned by the Alans, Khazars, Byzantines or Genoese. Therefore, Tasili Castle turned out to be much more modest. Later, during the Tatar rule, the castle was renamed into the “Chaban-Kale” fort, which translated means “shepherd’s tower”. Moreover, according to archaeologists, the fortifications were quite powerful.

What has survived to this day is the dilapidated main tower of the donjon - the dominant tower of the castle, with a preserved entrance hole and small loophole windows, fragments of the fortress wall, a small tunnel and the remains of even more ancient pottery kilns of the eighth-ninth centuries, which are located a little lower, towards the sea.

The thickness of the tower wall is about two to three meters, the height is up to ten, and the outer diameter is fourteen meters. The walls are made of practically unprocessed limestone blocks on a fastening limestone mortar, to which crushed ceramics have been added. Quite powerful wooden beams were used as floors. On the northern, eastern and western sides, the fortress was protected by a wall two hundred and thirty meters long.

It must be said that in general the Guasco brothers managed to carry out their plan. They established control over part of the flow of wine, grain, and other goods sent from the steppe regions of Crimea to the seaports. In addition, pottery was produced here, which was in demand in various cities on the southern coast of Crimea. Evidence of the prosperity of the castle and the residential settlement that quickly grew near it are numerous amphoras, pithoi, flasks and other pieces of pottery from the Middle Ages.

The path to the tower is not difficult, although it runs along a rather steep mountain slope, so even the most unprepared person for the journey can overcome it. From here you can clearly see the entire southern coast of Crimea, starting from Cape Megon and all the way to the famous Ayu-Dag Mountain, and this is a little bit of about a hundred kilometers.

The views from here are simply amazing. It’s not for nothing that Shepherd-Kale is rightfully considered one of the best observation platforms on the Crimean peninsula.

Shepherd-Kale is often chosen by photographers looking for interesting panoramic views, lovers of historical reconstructions of medieval knightly tournaments, newlyweds who want to spend a few days in a romantic place on the seashore. In the village itself you can rent private house or a room in one of the cottages. Directly in the Chaban-Kale area there is a long spacious beach without the crowding characteristic of large Black Sea resorts, a wonderful grove at the foot of the mountain with a large number pine and thuja trees, convenient car camping. All this makes a trip to the Chaban-Kale tower an exciting walk with the opportunity to spend several days by the sea.

The southeast of Taurida is hidden among seaside rocks and the mouths of small rivers. And the Sudak region is generally a curious coastline in Crimea in terms of shape and relief. Cape Choban-Kule is the most unique in this regard. Photos and reviews from tourists say that it looks like a tower - that is why the Crimean Tatars called it the “fortress of shepherds.” At its top, the ruins of an ancient bastion are also actually preserved. In addition to shepherds, artisans lived here - the remains of their necessary products are found everywhere.

Where is the cape located in Crimea?

Ledge seashore about which we're talking about- This is part of the Sudak urban district, the territory between and the mouth of the Uskut River. The lower reaches of the latter in the coastal part is a conditional administrative border with Bolshaya.

Choban-Kule on the map of Crimea

History of life on the Cape

Do not be fooled by the translation of this toponym - Choban-Kule was built not by local shepherds, but by Genoese merchants. The conversation is about the di Guasco brothers, who appeared near Soldaya (present-day Sudak) in the 15th century. The small castle, built of mud brick, was called Tasili. The ears of medieval chroniclers heard rumors about the violent temper of these perky Italians.

In fact, they fought with neighboring rulers ( Crimean Tatars, Greeks and other Genoese) for land, livestock and slaves. As for slaves, everything is very understandable - local residents were valued for their skill in making ceramics (round-bottomed egg-shaped amphorae, pithos and flasks). Archaeologists have found dozens of remains of pottery kilns and thousands of fragments of various dishes.

This center of crafts dates back to the 8th century - the time of settlement of multinational artels of artisans. The potters' products were quickly sold in Byzantine shops and bazaars. The last section of the climb to the remains of the citadel is not particularly convenient. For this reason, in ancient times the cape was called Agira (“heavy”). Today it is safer to go a little around the tower - through a gently sloping pine grove.

Features of visiting the tract with a tower

The map clearly shows that in the east the cape occupies the space from the place where the P-29 turns sharply to the northwest. Therefore, to get to this historical “reserve” you need to start by crossing a rivulet that is barely perceptible in the thickets. Travelers move along a quite tolerable road. On their way, they will cross a slope with a vineyard and a small grove located a little further, located as if on steps.

Below there will be, on the one hand, a small wasteland, on the other, several paths leading straight into the sea. At this point, lovers of local history usually turn west – to the “Shepherd’s Fortress” fort (Tasili). There was still quite a bit left of its largest dungeon - 10 m. Di Guasco's troops from here went on predatory raids on many farms of the Soldai community.

In the location described above, many human bones were found with obvious signs of damage. The tower and its surroundings are officially recognized as a historical monument. The complex is protected by the state.
There is also a campsite on the local seaside patch, which is well known to all and many experienced tourists. Car travelers come here with trailers.

The shore is mostly large pebbles, and in some places downright rocky. There is no flat strip here even near the sea. It is not recommended to walk on the beach without shoes. Previously, a tunnel led directly from the water to the castle of the di Guasco brothers. They say it was blown up in the middle of the 20th century... It is worth considering that Cape Choban-Kule is. Here you don’t have to worry about being cramped or appearance his bathing suit, as well as about the lack of clothing at all.

A stream of the same name runs under the eastern foot of the Sudak landmark. It flows into the sea right at the campsite. From the latter to the village of Morskoye, where you can replenish supplies, walk along the shore for 4.5 km (meaning the path to the bus station). It takes almost the same amount of time to get out along the local road and highway.

How to get to Choban-Kule?

It is easy to reach the described object. The road to the cape starts from R-29, behind the first river bridge after the Morskoye bus station. To the coastal slope of the cape you need to walk 450 m. To the Choban-Kule tower - another 300 m of winding dirt road running upward.

For better orientation, we also offer a route on the map that will help you get to Choban-Kule:

Note to tourists

  • Address: Morskoye village, Sudak urban district, Crimea, Russia.
  • Coordinates: 44.811296, 34.746083.

The cape and tower of Choban-Kule in Crimea are interesting as a secret place for swimming and a quiet campsite, as a space with many historical attractions and as a low observation deck. The surrounding picturesque landscape and the clear azure sea are attractive. Near them you can find the ruins of underground passages and ancient wells of the 8th-15th centuries. Not far from the castle, enthusiasts built a smaller copy of it from rubble stone. Against its background you will get excellent frames for a memorable photo collection. However, sometimes they create less masterpieces of land art here.

Four kilometers southwest of the village of Morskoye there is a steep, steep Cape Agir. Several campsites and tent cities are located at the foot. The top of the cape is crowned by the ruins of the medieval Shepherd's Tower of Choban-Kule. Some sources claim that the first fortifications were built on the cape by the Byzantines two thousand years ago. However, first things first.

Photos from users:

Useful information:
  • The tower is clearly visible from Cape Ai-Foka, the village of Morskoye and coastal campsites near Privetnoye. The height of the remains is 9-10 meters.
  • Researchers believe that the construction of the castle took place in the middle of the 15th century.

Medieval manners and customs

The tower became famous during the time of the Genoese owners, Papa and the three brothers di Guasco (their names were Andreollo, Dimitri, Teodoro). In the middle of the 15th century, they captured the surrounding villages of Tassili and Gromovka and established extremely cruel orders. To intimidate the residents, a gallows was erected in the center of Privetnoye, and a pillory was placed on the border of the property. Even the Sudak consul could not calm the brothers down. The confrontation was resolved in hot July 1475: the coast was captured by the Turks and the cruelty of the previous owners was quickly forgotten.

Exterior view of the structure in the Middle Ages

The castle had square shape and was small in area. In the center stood the donjon, the tower in which the di Guasco brothers lived. It is built from massive boulders brought from the seashore and pieces of rock. Along the outer perimeter were fortress walls with loophole towers in the corners. The thickness of the walls ranged from 2 to 4 meters; outbuildings made of clay were molded to them from the inside. In the western part there was a small temple. From the castle an underground chord led to the foot of Cape Agir.

Video review of Choban kule

Choban-Kule Tower today

Now you can get inside the tower from the southwest side. The ground floor, first and partly second floor are well preserved. Inside you can see a niche in the wall (archaeologists speculate about its purpose). In the basement there is a collection pool fresh water and utility rooms. The blank walls of the first floor suggest that there were storage rooms here. The living rooms were higher; on the second floor level there was a well-preserved fireplace and embrasure.

What to visit in the area

There is a branch of the museum in the village of Morskoye. Authentic documents are kept here that shed light on the history of the fortress. The correspondence of the Sudak consul Soldai, the venerable Cristoforo di Negro, with the metropolis is interesting. It contains complaints about the scandalous temper and tyranny of the di Guasco brothers, their unwillingness to obey the Sudak community. From this meager information one can imagine some of the events of that harsh era.

You can stay overnight in neighboring villages, or put up a tent in the Privetnoye camping site or the Livecamp tent camp.

How to get to Choban-Kule and Cape Agir

On the Alushta-Sudak regular bus you need to get to the stop. It is located between the villages of Privetnoye and Morskoye. Then you will have to walk a couple of kilometers along a dirt road to Cape Agir. The tower will be visible from afar.

With your own car, the route is similar, but you can drive almost all the way to the tower.

Choban-Kule on the map of Crimea

GPS Coordinates: 44°48’40″N 34°44’45″E Latitude/Longitude

On the way, we saw a marked landmark in the navigator - the Choban-kule tower. We read that it offers magnificent views, it is a kind of observation deck. We decided to see this for ourselves and hit the road.

Choban-Kule. Historical information.

Choban-Kule is translated as “shepherd’s tower”. There is a variant of the name Choban-Kale, which means shepherd's fortress. It is generally accepted that the Choban-Kule tower belongs to a complex of towers left over from the Tasili fortress, which belonged to the Genoese feudal lords - Guasco's brothers. The tower is built from massive stones and pieces rocks. The thickness of the walls reaches three meters. The height today is about ten meters.

In the nineteenth century, a large pottery center was located near Choban-Kule. This is evidenced by large number fragments of burnt clay and ceramics remaining near the kilns. The manufactured dishes were distributed throughout Taurica and beyond.

After the Tatar Khan recognized himself as a vassal of the Turkish Sultan, the right of the Genoese granted by the Khan of the Golden Horde Tokhtamysh ceased to apply. The lands and wealth of the Genoese in Crimea were declared the property of the Sultan. The Guasco brothers decided to fight, hoping for the height of the walls of their fortress, but after a long siege they were forced to surrender.

Choban-Kule. Review.

On the road from the village of Morskoye we turned onto country road towards the sea. We drove past an abandoned well. We saw a small forest where people were standing with tents. We put it in the navigator as a camping spot. We drove a little further, parked the car in a quiet place and prepared to climb Choban-Kul. A horse blocked our way:

Then we saw another one:

Here they are together:

After talking with the animals we set off to climb. There is a quite good road leading to Choban-Kula, the downside is what it does longer way directly. We decided to climb straight, the landmark was the Choban-Kule tower itself. It was barely visible from below. The path was uphill, it’s good that we rested the previous two days. Don’t forget to turn around to admire the views:

We made it through the journey with only one break. Although the height is not very high, there was still joy from achieving the goal, here is Choban-Kule in all its glory:

According to Slavic custom, everyone wants to leave a memory of themselves and write their name or the name of the city on an ancient building:

The views are truly amazing:

It's time to climb the tower itself:

Let's take a photo from another angle:

An interesting moment, being near Choban-Kule, the shepherd’s tower, we met a shepherd with a flock of sheep:

After exploring, we went downhill to the car.

Choban-Kule. Bottom line.

Our morning exercise in the form of climbing to the Choban-Kule tower has come to an end. The ascent will not be difficult and will not take time, but will give you pleasure. Moreover, it is located next to the highway. We recommend visiting. Meanwhile, we set a course for, an indescribably beautiful mountain lake, surrounded by mountains, and a hike along the gorge to the Arpatian waterfalls awaited us, this is what the next issue will be about! Thank you for your attention, see you soon! Don't forget to watch the video for a better idea and subscribe to channel if you haven't already done so: