Keeping a Maine Coon in a private home. Features of caring for Maine Coons

Maine Coons are cats of a large breed, with original external characteristics, and the character traits of these beautiful “giants” are determined not only by their origin, but also by their history of living together for many years with humans.

Friendly, affectionate and loyal Maine Coons are not difficult to keep at home, but due to their breed characteristics, hygiene requirements and a standard regime of preventive measures must be strictly observed.

Place for a Maine Coon in the house

Before purchasing a Maine Coon kitten, you need to prepare certain, maximum comfortable zones for it in your house or apartment, represented by:

  • place for a toilet;
  • place for feeding;
  • play area;
  • sector for sleep and relaxation.

The arrangement of the toilet area should provide the pet with the convenience and comfort of using the tray. It is strictly not recommended to install a litter tray in the hallway or in the interior space. The area for feeding the animal is most often allocated in the kitchen, where it is necessary to equip a special place with installed containers for water and food.

Bowls can be made of special food-grade plastic, high-quality metal or ceramics. Containers must be stable enough to prevent your pet from knocking them over while eating or drinking.

Important! All Maine Coons are active, but are able to occupy themselves independently, so such pets need to be provided with movement and games, using special play complexes and a variety of toys for this purpose.

The sector for rest and sleep can be represented by several comfortable and reliable beds located at a sufficient height, but outside the zone of negative influence of drafts. You can use special large cat houses or mattresses with a removable, non-allergenic cover. A properly designed play area will allow the animal to maintain physical activity and keep itself in good shape throughout its life.

Maine Coons have a very positive attitude toward surfaces located vertically at different heights, so the best option would be to purchase and install a special, reliable sports corner. Under the installed sports coon complex, it is advisable to lay a fairly soft floor covering that will protect the pet from injury during active games and jumping.

Maine Coon Care

Maine Coons are almost ideal pets in all respects. Such an animal is naturally well-mannered and peaceful, treats well even small children, lends itself well to education and training, and is also clean and easily adapts to the habits or character of its owner, so there are no problems with caring for the pet.

Cleaning ears, eyes and nose

The Maine Coon's eyes, ears and nose require regular care. Cleaning the corners of the eyes is required to remove accumulated mucus, which systematically appears in this area even in a completely healthy pet. It is advisable to remove mucous secretions using a regular cotton swab, first

soaked in boiled clean water or not too strong tea leaves. Veterinary experts do not recommend using a chamomile-based solution for this purpose, which often causes hair loss and the appearance of bald spots around the eyes. The very sensitive area of ​​the ears will require special attention, so the pet's ears are examined at least once a week, and gentle cleaning is done as needed. It should be noted that clean and absolutely healthy ears have a pinkish tint on the inside.

If during the examination of the ears an accumulation of wax is observed, then it is advisable to use special solutions sold in zoological stores to clean the ears. The hygienic solution is applied relatively generously onto a cotton pad. Cotton swabs are not used to clean ears, as any careless movement can cause injury to the pet. After cleaning, it is advisable to sprinkle the ear canal with a special powder, which prevents ticks from infecting your pet.


The Maine Coon's coat is one of the main distinguishing characteristics of the breed, and with proper care, the pet has a unique appearance. In addition to its visual appeal, the animal’s fur is very functional, and is also perfectly adapted to protect against cold and overheating.

The condition of the coat is an indicator reflecting the health status of the Maine Coon. A completely healthy pet has flowing, silky and shiny fur. The condition is influenced not only by proper nutrition, but also by living conditions, as well as hygiene measures and compliance with all rules of care.

Shedding in Maine Coons is seasonal and also associated with changes in the duration of lighting and temperature fluctuations. An animal can actively shed due to hormonal changes in the body or health problems. The animal's fur needs regular brushing. At the stage of active shedding, the coat is combed every other day, and in the absence of shedding, the procedure is carried out weekly.

Important! To minimize the risk of injury to the skin during combing, it is recommended to pre-moisten the cat’s fur using a special antistatic agent.

First, the fur is combed out with a wide-toothed comb, and untidy tangles on the animal’s belly, chest, lower body, behind the ears and on the animal’s paws are carefully cut off. Then combing is done with a fine-toothed comb, in the direction from the head to the tail. At the final stage, the coat is combed using a brush with natural bristles.

Care for claws and teeth

As the practice of keeping Maine Coons shows, one of the breed characteristics of such a pet is a low level of susceptibility to tartar and plaque deposits, but oral hygiene should not be neglected. It is especially important to provide complete care at the age of four to five months, when the animal’s baby teeth change.

During this period, the oral cavity must be examined a couple of times a week, and if necessary, the pet must be taken to a veterinary clinic for the removal of a baby tooth. Every day you need to brush your teeth using a special cat toothpaste and a soft brush.

This is interesting! To ensure the Maine Coon develops the correct bite, you need to purchase rubber toys for the kitten, as well as use dry ready-made diets.

Long claws that grow too quickly can cause a lot of problems, including pain, for a pet of any breed, including Maine Coons, so it is important to trim them systematically. For trimming, you need to use only special rounded scissors, which are as safe as possible and cannot injure nearby vessels in the claws.

It is easiest to trim unpigmented claws yourself, in which the capillaries are clearly visible. The tip of the claw is trimmed at a slight angle. It is important to remember that the claws on the hind paws are longer than those on the front paws, so trimming must be done very carefully and carefully. Among other things, the Maine Coon needs to be provided with access to a traditional scratching post or special pads.

Bathing and washing

Almost all representatives of the Maine Coon breed treat water procedures with absolute calm, but accustoming to water and swimming should begin from a very early age. When bathing a pet, you must follow a number of certain rules:

  • Beforehand, the animal’s coat must be thoroughly combed, the skin must be carefully examined to identify wounds, and the claws must also be carefully trimmed and the ears cleaned;
  • It is best to bathe your pet not directly in the bathtub, but in a fairly deep basin or sink filled with warm water;
  • to prevent the paws from slipping and scratching the coating of the container, it is advisable to lay a special rubberized mat or a small terry towel on the bottom;
  • During the washing process, it is recommended to hold the pet by the scruff area with one hand quite firmly, but gently, and with the other, use a sponge to rub a special shampoo into the animal’s coat.

Soap foam should be washed off using a shower head, with a water jet under low pressure, from a distance of 20-30 mm. To make the Maine Coon's coat shine, special cat conditioners are used. It is strictly forbidden to use shampoos and balms intended for human hair to bathe a cat.

Important! The dried pet's fur is combed out with a double-sided comb with sharp and sparse teeth, tangles are removed with sharp scissors, after which a rubber massage mitten is used.

After finishing bathing, the coat should be carefully dried with a terry towel, and then used a low-noise hair dryer to dry. It is also perfectly acceptable to dry your pet's fur naturally.

Diet features

The Maine Coon's main diet in the first weeks is represented by mother's milk, but as the pet grows older, it is gradually transferred to feeding dry granules, wet food or natural products. From the age of two to four months, the diet should include meat, egg yolk, cottage cheese and cream, thick milk porridges, stewed vegetables in the form of carrots, pumpkin, cabbage and zucchini, herbs, as well as boneless ocean fish fillets.

At five to six months of age, maturing Maine Coons should receive a significant amount of calories compared to medium-sized cats. However, overfeeding a kitten is undesirable, as it can cause serious problems with the digestive system or joints. The standard feeding ration at this stage of development should include a traditional set of products, supplemented by offal, cottage cheese and whey.

If you choose the method of using ready-made dry diets in feeding, then it is advisable to give preference to high-quality premium or holistic feeds. The best diets for kittens are:

  • Royal Canin KITTEN, containing specific proteins and fatty acids that help improve the functioning of the digestive tract;
  • JOSERA Kitten Minette, containing fiber, which allows nutrients to be absorbed quickly and quite easily;
  • ORIJEN CAT, which does not contain grain crops, is represented only by vegetables and healthy plant components.

Food for adults can be represented by the brands Hills, Eukanuba, Iams, Nutra Gold, Choice, Bosch and Biomill. You should absolutely not feed your pet low-quality diets Whiskas, Friskies, Darling, “Vaska”, PreVital, “Doctor ZOO”, “ProTail”, “Skif”, “Katinka” and others like them.

Important! It is strictly forbidden to feed the Maine Coon with pork or lamb, products with any dyes or flavoring additives, sweet yoghurts and curds, fatty sour cream and cream, baked goods and whey, bones, and food from the human table.

Incredibly proud and very beautiful pets are not capable of stealing or begging for food from the table, therefore, when preparing an optimally balanced diet, the Maine Coon is not in danger of becoming overweight.

Maine Coons know how to make an impression with their appearance - gigantic size, beautiful hair, tufted ears, powerful paws, dressed in “pants.” At first glance, it may seem that these domestic lynxes require special living conditions. In fact, caring for a Maine Coon is not difficult if you know the habits of these animals and follow simple rules.

Read in the article:

The coon should not be kept in a small apartment - it is a large, active cat that requires living space, if only due to its rather large size. Animals of this breed are not cheap to keep, primarily due to the cost of food - Maine Coons require more of it than ordinary cats, but in general they are unpretentious, have good health and an easy-going character, which is important when caring for them.

What to feed a Maine Coon?

Like all cats, Maine Coons can be fed both dry food and natural food. Dry food should be super premium: it already contains the necessary vitamins and nutritional supplements necessary for the proper development of the animal.

A cat's natural diet consists of meat (80% of the diet) and vegetable, cereal, and fermented milk ingredients. For Maine Coons, they recommend boiled meat and offal (poultry, rabbit, beef, lean lamb, chicken hearts and liver), boiled sea fish, vegetables (carrots, zucchini, pumpkin, beets), hard cheese, cereals and bran, eggs, sea cabbage Food prepared specifically for a cat should not contain spices, salt or sugar. If an animal eats natural food, it must be given vitamins.

You can feed your Maine Coon according to a mixed diet: the basis of the diet is dry food, and natural products as a supplement. The animal also needs fresh greens for digestion, for example, sprouted oats or wheat (but not street grass). If your cat is allergic to a certain type of food or has a food intolerance to a product, you should choose a suitable analogue.

It is important to choose suitable containers for food and water. In nature, Maine Coons, before quenching their thirst, clear the water from fallen leaves and branches, driving away natural debris with their paws. This reflex is also preserved in domestic animals - coons can splash water, knock over a bowl of water or move it along the floor, so drinking utensils must be heavy or attached to the floor. It is advisable that it be kept at a distance from the bowl of food so that splashes do not turn the food into mush. If it is not possible to constantly be near the animal, you can purchase an automatic drinking bowl.

Prevention is the key to health

Maine Coons need vitamins for a healthy, beautiful coat, strong bones and teeth, and to maintain immunity. It is especially important that your pet receive vitamin supplements during growth, pregnancy, or illness. Special vitamin complexes for cats have been developed and can be purchased at veterinary pharmacies.

Feeding your cat pills is a problem for many Maine Coon owners. Animals spit out the medicine, and if it is mixed with a treat, they manage to eat the food and bypass the tablet. In this case, the medicine is turned into powder and combined with liquid food. If this does not help, there is only one way out - put the tablet in the cat’s mouth, on the root of the tongue, close its jaws with your hand and hold them until the animal swallows the medicine.

In addition, clean semi-long-haired Maine Coons need a special paste for removing hair. While licking itself, the Maine Coon swallows fur, it gets into the stomach, rolls up into hair balls and causes discomfort to the animal, leading to constipation, coughing, and even intestinal obstruction. The paste helps solve this problem, especially during shedding. It can be mixed with food, or it can be given to the cat separately.

How to brush a Maine Coon's coat

A luxurious fur coat, collar, fluffy “pants” on the paws and, of course, a magnificent tail - all this splendor attracts admiring glances at Maine Coons at exhibitions. These cats are naturally given fur protection from the harsh weather of the Northeast of America. But in order for marten wool to shine like silk and flow like a waterfall, you need to work a little.

Maine Coons are semi-long-haired cats, there are no particular difficulties in caring for them, the only important thing is attention to the animal and knowledge of its physiology. In normal times, it is enough to brush the coons once or twice a week, during molting - more often, and before the exhibition they are given a real “beauty day” with a swim and a “ceremonial” hairstyle.

To ensure that the Maine Coon's coat is always in order, the following equipment is needed:

  • comb with teeth of different lengths;
  • wide-toothed comb;
  • fine-tooth comb;
  • a comb with frequent small teeth to remove dirt, loose hairs and insects;
  • brush with natural bristles.

All brushes, combs and combs should be metal so that the cat does not “spark”, and also have rounded teeth to avoid scratches on the animal’s delicate skin.

First you need to examine the coon to see if the fur is tangled somewhere. Felting the wool leads to the appearance of tangles, especially on the sides, “pants” and collar. If a tangle does form, you can try to untangle it by dividing the matted wool into several strands, or carefully cut it.

Coons are first combed with a sparse comb, then with a frequent comb, and at the end of the procedure they run a brush through the fur to finally get rid of the fallen hairs. If you want to get your animal in order quickly, you can use a comb with teeth of different lengths. First, the tail is combed, then the sides and back and chest, and finally the “pants” and belly. The Maine Coon's tail must be handled with care because the hair on it grows back slowly.

If the cat sheds, you can add a slicker brush to the mentioned set of combs and brushes, but you must use it extremely carefully - not every animal treats this tool favorably. During this time, the coon should be combed several times a week and under no circumstances should he be allowed to lick or swallow the fallen fur. Maine Coons shed once or twice a year, and coping with the problems of this period is not difficult, although troublesome. But the reward for your efforts will be a healthy animal with well-groomed shiny fur and a clean apartment.

Bathing a raccoon cat

Bathing is an important part of Maine Coon care. Like all cats, representatives of this breed are not too fond of water treatments that involve getting their fur wet, although they enjoy playing with water. Coons are washed once every few months; urgent bathing is recommended if the pet is dirty or shedding (washing speeds up the shedding process - dead hairs are easier to remove). You should definitely bathe the animal before the exhibition.

For water procedures, you need shampoos (washing and tint), conditioner, sponge, towel, hair dryer, as well as hair styling products (gels, creams, powders).

Bathing a Maine Coon goes like this:

  1. Fill a sink or small basin with warm water (not lower than +38°C). You can put a terry towel on the bottom so that the paws do not move apart and the cat does not get nervous.
  2. Holding the Maine Coon by the scruff of the neck, moisten the fur with a sponge and smoothly rub shampoo intended for long-haired cats into it, from the back to the tail.
  3. The cat should never be rubbed, otherwise the fur will become matted.
  4. Wash your hair without shampoo, do not allow detergent to get into the animal’s mouth, eyes and ears.
  5. You need to wash your Maine Coon's fur under a weak shower, from head to tail. Be sure to remove all the shampoo to make the coat squeak, otherwise skin irritation may occur. In addition, if the wool is poorly washed, it appears unkempt.
  6. Apply a special conditioner to the cat's fur, then rinse it thoroughly.
  7. Dry the animal with a towel, maybe a paper towel, so that the long fur does not get tangled from wiping.
  8. Wrap the Maine Coon in a large towel and take it to a warm, draft-free room.
  9. Dry the fur with a hairdryer (if the cat can tolerate the sound of it).
  10. Brush the cat. Pay special attention to the belly and “pants”, where the fur tends to curl in ringlets; it is advisable not to comb the tail at all, and comb the collar from bottom to top for fullness.

Eyes, ears, teeth and claws - these are my documents

It is advisable to regularly inspect your Maine Coon's teeth to ensure that tartar does not form. If the cat eats dry food, you can brush its teeth once every two months, if it eats natural food - at least once a month. Coonam's teeth are cleaned with a special paste for cats using a children's toothbrush.

Caring for the eyes of a healthy cat is usually limited to daily wiping with a piece of cotton wool. If discharge appears, you can wipe your eyes with tea or a weak solution of boric acid.

The inside of a large weasel ear should be pink, clean, and free of black coating. If wax builds up, it can be gently removed with a cotton swab and Vaseline.

If the Maine Coon is not supposed to be present at the exhibition today or tomorrow, it is better not to touch the claws - he will take care of their length himself using a scratching post. But if the claws have grown a lot, they can be trimmed with a special nail clipper or tweezers, very carefully, cutting off only the tip, strictly across, otherwise you can hit a blood vessel.

Particular care must be taken in shortening the pigmented claws - the blood vessels are not visible through them, in addition, it should be remembered that the claws on the front paws are longer than on the hind paws. It is better to carry out the procedure together - one person holds the cat, and the other shortens the claws. After this cosmetic operation, you can polish the claws with a nail file. If an animal breaks a claw, it must be trimmed: a broken end can injure the cat's paw.

Intimate question

A cat's litter box is, at first glance, a simple and unassuming item, but not only the order in the house, but also the well-being of the animal depends on it. If a cat is uncomfortable fulfilling its natural needs, it becomes nervous, which affects its behavior and well-being.

It is better to buy a toilet for giant coons, the largest one, open or with a mesh. A toilet-house is convenient for owners, but not every animal recognizes such a design, and the filler in it takes longer to dry than in open trays.

When picking up a kitten from the nursery, it wouldn’t hurt to get acquainted with the “common areas” to which the little Maine Coon was accustomed from the first weeks of life, and buy the same tray and filler for home - at least for the first time, while the baby gets used to the new place . You can also take some used litter with you and put it in a tray at home - so that it is easier for the kitten to understand by smell where the toilet is in its new home.

Wood filler is suitable for Maine Coons - it absorbs moisture well and absorbs odors, and is also inexpensive. The only drawback is that the filler is light and spills out of an open tray if the cat likes to dig into it. Expensive silica gel litters are easy to clean, require replacement once a month, and retain odors, but many cats do not like them because of the crunching noise they make. Clumping litters are good if there are one or two cats in the house. They are environmentally friendly, economical, they can be thrown into the sewer, but if there are a lot of animals, cats will trample the lumps and spread dirt on their paws.

Caring for a Maine Coon is not only about caring for the appearance and health of the pet, but also moments of communication with an animal that craves attention. Even if some procedures are not very pleasant for a cat, but if a person and his pet trust each other, neither bathing, nor trimming nails, nor taking pills will become an insoluble problem.

Maine Coon care video

– owners of a bright appearance. Their luxurious coat, impressive size and powerful paws cannot go unnoticed. Inexperienced owners who are just planning to get such a pet may think that coons require special, labor-intensive care, but this is not the case. The main thing is to follow simple rules and know about the characteristics of representatives of this breed.

Before the kitten appears in the house

You should carefully prepare for the arrival of a kitten in your home. It is necessary to hide the wires, remove household chemicals, poisonous plants and small objects that the kitten may accidentally swallow. If there are small children in the family, they need to be prepared in advance for the arrival of the pet so that the kids do not accidentally harm it. You should also purchase:

  • bowls for food and water;
  • and filler;
  • combs, shampoos;
  • scratching post and nail clipper;
  • carrying - a backpack;
  • house or bed;
  • toys.

All care and maintenance products should be purchased immediately based on an adult animal - Maine Coons do not like change.

Rules of courtship

Maine Coon care - a set of hygiene procedures, aimed at maintaining not only a beautiful appearance, but also good health of the pet.


Ear care involves cleaning the ears from accumulated wax using cotton swabs. Using water or any medications to clean ears is prohibited without consulting a veterinarian. It is allowed to treat the inner surface of the ear with antiseptic powder in order to prevent ear mites.


A healthy pet should not have mucous accumulation in the corners of the eyes. If they appear, you need to remove them by wiping the Maine Coon's eyes with a cotton pad soaked in tea, chamomile infusion or boric acid solution. Rubbing must be repeated daily until until the discharge stops accumulating.

If after several days the situation does not change, you should show the animal to a doctor.


The Maine Coon's face does not require special care, however, the appearance can be spoiled by crusts that sometimes form in the corners of the nostrils, but they are easily removed with a cotton swab dipped in boiled water. Also, show grooming involves cutting the so-called smile, that is, thinning the hair around the mouth.

Teeth and gums

Coons are prone to tartar formation, Therefore, it is necessary to monitor and care for the condition of the cat’s oral cavity. If the cat’s diet is based on dry food, which helps clean teeth and form a correct bite, You should brush your pet’s teeth yourself once every 2 months, when feeding natural products - monthly. For cleaning, use a children's toothbrush and special toothpaste.


Most often, tangles form on the paws. This occurs due to particles of filler, feces and urine getting into the wool. That is why the limbs of coons require the most careful care and regular combing.

Nail care technique

As a rule, Maine Coons grind their claws down on their own using a scratching post; if this does not happen, they need to be shortened with a nail clipper 1-2 times a month. It's important to do it right:

  • take the paw pad from below with your index finger, and with your thumb grab the skin above the claw, lightly pull it and squeeze your fingers - this way the claw will come out;
  • examine the claw through the light to see where the vessel passes;
  • carefully cut the claw across the plate, because increases when trimmed lengthwise
  • risk of damaging blood vessels;
  • if the claw is pigmented and the vessels cannot be seen, when trimming it is necessary
  • leave a reserve;
  • File the sharp edge with a nail file.

If blood vessels were damaged during the procedure, it is necessary to treat the wound with an antiseptic. If there is severe bleeding, apply a tight bandage to your pet's paw and contact a veterinarian.

Scratching posts

A scratching post is necessary not only to protect furniture from damage, but also to maintain the health of your pet. Too long claws can cause curled claws, discomfort when walking and, as a result, lameness, sprained ligaments, painful cracks and chipped claws. Scratching posts can be:

  • wall - planks covered with sisal rope or canvas;
  • floor - sisal rugs lying on the floor;
  • free-standing - posts wrapped in sisal rope and standing on a wide, round base.

It is believed that wall-mounted scratching posts and posts are better for coons.

How to train?

After the cat wakes up, you need to pick him up and take him to the scratching post. First, he should sniff it and calm down, then, supporting the pet, you should run the pads of his paws along the scratching post. This needs to be repeated several times, then praise and pet the pet.

Maine Coons have a semi-long coat, so maintaining its healthy shine and silkiness requires some effort.

Coat care should begin with examining your pet for any tangles that have formed.

If there are tangles, they must be carefully untangled or cut off. To prevent fur from matting in the future, Coons need to be brushed at least 2 times a week first with a wide-toothed comb, then with a fine-toothed one, and then comb the coat with a massage brush with natural bristles - this will help get rid of the maximum amount of lost hair.

First of all, you should comb the tail, then the back, chest and sides, and at the very end - the “pants” and belly. Representatives of this breed shed twice a year. At this time, you need to comb your pet more often, preferably daily. You can additionally use a powder brush.

All combs should be metal so that the pet’s fur does not become electrified, and have rounded teeth so as not to scratch the cat’s skin.

Types of cat houses

The range of cat houses in stores is quite large, It can be difficult for an inexperienced Coon owner to choose the right option for their pet. It could be:

  • a hammock that can be secured on 4 sides almost anywhere, even under a chair;
  • a house in the form of a booth, which is a fabric-upholstered structure with a roof;
  • cardboard house of any kind - such products look original, but are not practical.

Small copies of home furniture are also popular– beds and sofas for cats.


One of the simplest options for a cat house. Essentially, it is a thick mattress covered with fabric that can be removed and washed if necessary. Beds can be round, square, rectangular, heart-shaped, etc. It is important that the size of the bed matches the size of an adult cat.


There are several types of carriers:

  • bag - a carrier made of lightweight fabric with a frame, thick walls and a mesh that allows air to pass through, some models are equipped with small windows;
  • a backpack is the most convenient option for travelers, since the owner’s hands remain free;
  • plastic container - a stable, ventilated design that is easy to clean;
  • cage – designed for transporting cats in transport and is a stable, durable, well-ventilated metal structure.

It is best to have several types of carriers, since each of them is convenient for some purposes and not suitable for others.

Game complexes

These are three-dimensional designs that include everything a Maine Coon needs for a comfortable life and development: loopholes, stairs, hammocks, a house, scratching posts, toys, etc. Play complexes are a good way to provide your pet with everything they need and organize their leisure time, but you should understand that they take up a lot of space and are not suitable for installation in a small apartment.


All toys for Maine Coons can be divided into several categories:

  • balls, mice and other toys that the cat rolls on the floor - it is important that they do not contain small parts;
  • so-called teasers - the cat can play with them only in the presence of the owner, since they have feathers or small balls that the coon can tear off and swallow;
  • Interactive is the best option for Coons, promoting their development and helping them tolerate loneliness more easily.

It is important to choose high-quality toys that do not contain toxic substances.

Toilet and tray training

It is necessary to monitor the pet and its behavior.

If he moves restlessly, tries to find a secluded place, meows, then these may be signs that the cat wants to go to the toilet.

You need to carefully pick up the coon, take him to the tray and put him in it, not allowing him to leave until he goes to the toilet. You should also take your pet to the toilet after sleeping and eating. Make sure the tray is clean– strong unpleasant odors repel animals.

During the first month, you can limit the pet’s space, leaving him with a minimum of opportunities to relieve himself in the wrong place. If a puddle is still noticed outside the tray, you should blot it with a napkin, which should then be placed in the tray - this smell will attract the cat and indicate to him the correct place for the toilet.

You cannot scold or physically punish a cat - this will only scare it away.

Water treatments

Representatives of this breed require a thorough wash every 2 to 3 months. urgent bathing is possible in case of heavy soiling, before exhibition and during molting. You need to bathe your pet as follows:

  • Fill a sink or basin with warm (at least 38 ℃) water, lay a towel or rubber mat on the bottom so that the cat’s paws do not slip;
  • holding the coon by the scruff of the neck, wet his fur with a sponge and smoothly, without allowing the fur to mat, rub in the shampoo, moving from the back to the tail;
  • Wash your hair without shampoo, making sure that water and detergent do not get into the cat’s eyes, ears and mouth;
  • rinse the hair under low pressure from the shower, rinsing off all the shampoo, otherwise its residue may lead to skin irritation;
  • apply the balm and rinse it off;
  • blot, but do not rub, the wool with a towel;
  • dry your pet with a hairdryer.

After bathing the cat you need to brush it,
paying special attention to the hair on the belly and “pants”.

To make the collar more magnificent, you need to comb it from the bottom up; you should not comb the tail.

Grooming may include deep cleansing shampoos, cosmetics aimed at nourishing, moisturizing and adding volume to the coat. It is possible to use medicinal shampoos - strengthening, fighting hair loss, seborrhea or skin diseases. There are also hypoallergenic products and cosmetics intended for kittens.

For Maine Coon care at home, products from the brands Goop, Jerob, All Sistem, Gimpet, Anju, Bio-Groom and others are suitable - their range allows you to select products taking into account the quality and color of the coat.

Nutrition - what and how to feed?

Industrial feeds are suitable for feeding Maine Coons and The main thing is not to mix both types of feeding and keep the diet balanced. When feeding prepared foods, preference should be given to premium and super premium products. The most popular food brands are Royal Canin, Eagle Pack, Hills, Nutro, Eukanuba - their range includes food designed specifically for Maine Coons. Natural nutrition should consist of 70 - 80% meat products, the remaining 20 - 30% is allocated to cereals, vegetables, fermented milk products, etc. The menu must include:

  • veal;
  • beef and beef by-products;
  • chicken and chicken by-products;
  • eggs;
  • porridge;
  • vegetables;
  • dairy products;
  • seafood other than fish;
  • greens and vitamins.

Maine Coons with light coats can be given liver no more than 2 times a week, otherwise the coat color may change.

You cannot feed your pet:

  • canned food intended for people;
  • smoked meats, pickles, sweets, spices;
  • pork;
  • duck;
  • legumes;
  • potatoes.

Also, your pet should always have access to drinking water. Since the time of living in the wild, representatives of this breed have retained the habit of “digging” water before drinking in order to clear it of leaves and branches that have fallen into the reservoir. Therefore, you should be careful when choosing bowls for water and food.– the dishes should be heavy enough or secured to the floor so that the cat cannot knock them over or move them.


Age Diet Number of feedings
1 month The basis is mother's milk, a milk substitute, scraped, pre-frozen beef, and liquid porridge are gradually introduced 8
2 months It is necessary to reduce the amount of bait porridge and milk, increasing the amount of meat. Food volume – 120 – 150 g per day 6
3 - 4 months If you plan to feed your kitten with ready-made food in the future, you should decide on the brand and feed it in accordance with the directions on the package. In the case of natural nutrition, it should be based on boiled or steamed meat. Amount of food – 180 – 200 g per day 4
6 – 12 months Gradually transfer your pet to the diet of an adult cat, increasing the serving size to 200 - 250 g per day, of which meat should be at least 40 g 3, closer to a year – 2


The first vaccination is given when the kitten is 2 months old. A complex vaccine is used that protects against rhinotracheitis, panleukopenia, calicivirus infection and chlamydia. The second vaccination is given at 3 months, At the same time, the pet is vaccinated against rabies. Subsequently, vaccination is carried out at 1 year of age and annually thereafter.

10 - 14 days before vaccination it is necessary to carry out deworming.

Rules for walking a pet

Maine Coons love to walk outside and such walks are important for their health, however, they can only be walked with a harness.

The harness is a figure-of-eight harness; it is convenient because, unlike a collar, it does not choke the pet and does not allow him to jump out of it.

It is necessary to choose a light, non-metal harness, which at first the pet should wear in the house and without a leash in order to get used to it.

After a few days, you need to attach a leash with a maximum length of 4 m to the harness and allow the cat to get used to it while walking the pet around the apartment. For walks on the street, you should choose a quiet place away from the roadway. You should not scold your coon if he refuses to go forward; walking on a leash should only be encouraged.


It is important that there is a friendly, trusting relationship between the owner and the cat. Only in this case, the pet will calmly react to all care procedures and none of them will cause problems. On the contrary, caring for a Maine Coon will no longer be a routine chore and will become another opportunity to spend time with your four-legged friend.

Before you adopt a kitten, it is important to know how to properly care for your Maine Coon. Maine Coon Care quite labor intensive.

First of all, do not forget about disease prevention. Give your Maine Coon deworming medications on time, treat for fleas and ticks, and vaccinate your pet on schedule.

An important component of caring for Maine Coons is keeping their coat in order. The luxurious coat of Maine Coons requires additional care. They should be combed at least once a week with a metal comb with rounded teeth. It is important to accustom your Maine Coon to brushing from childhood, otherwise you are unlikely to be able to convince an adult cat of the need for these procedures.

The fur on the belly and inner legs may become tangled. If you cannot untangle the tangle, cut it off.

Maine Coons are washed regularly. They love water and take this procedure calmly.

Hygienic care for your Maine Coon is important. Make sure your cat's ears and eyes are clean.

Trim your Maine Coon's nails as needed.

Keeping a Maine Coon in an apartment or house

Don't leave your cat in a room with an open window. A fall from a height can be fatal. The best option is to cover the windows with special nets that will protect the Maine Coon from falling.

To properly maintain a Maine Coon in a house or apartment, it is important to provide it with everything necessary. Maine Coon needs:
  • Tray. It is important that the tray for the Maine Coon is of such a size that the cat can turn around there completely calmly.
  • Scratching post. It's better to buy several and give your pet a choice.
  • Bowls for food and water - ceramic ones are better.
  • A house or lounger is a cozy place where a Maine Coon can relax.
  • Toys to keep your Maine Coon from getting bored.

Feeding the Maine Coon

Many owners are interested in what to feed a Maine Coon.

The basis of the Maine Coon's diet is meat (boiled or previously deep-frozen): chicken, turkey, beef. It does not need to be cut into small pieces. You can give peeled shrimp, boiled fish, quail eggs (no more than once a week), natural yogurt, and cottage cheese.

Prohibited foods when feeding a Maine Coon: lamb, pork, tubular bones, milk, raw fish.

If you prefer to feed your Maine Coon natural products, make sure that they are of high quality and fresh.

You can also use dry food to feed your Maine Coon. However, in this case, you should focus exclusively on premium or super-premium products.

Under no circumstances should you skimp on feeding your Maine Coon!

Anyone who has at least once thought about getting such a handsome Maine Coon has also thought about how he should be cared for. Therefore, this article will talk about how to care for a Maine Coon.

Nutrition as the key to Maine Coon health

Caring for and feeding a Maine Coon cat affects the quality of the coat, overall health, development and growth.

The Maine Coon, like a cat of any other breed, can be fed either natural food (popularly called “natural”) or commercial food (“ready-made” food).

There is no point in arguing about what is better or worse; here each breeder decides for himself what is best for care and maintenance. However, it is generally accepted that natural is healthier and better. So let's look at it first.

The slogan for this class sounds something like “expensive, but worth it.” Compared to holistic, even natural food loses. After all, this type of food is made exclusively from high-quality products; scientists have developed ideal proportions of all substances that are so necessary when caring for a Maine Coon.

All physiological characteristics of the animals are taken into account; food can be selected according to age and needs, this will ensure proper care and maintenance.

Meat is not only present in this type of food, but it is of the highest quality and undergoes many tests. Meat used for holistic purposes is suitable even for humans.

There are no “waste”, “by-products” and “substitutes”. Everything is exclusively natural and strictly prescribed in the composition.. Caring for and maintaining a Maine Coon with this diet will be quite simple. After all, the kitten will not have problems with teeth, fur and gastrointestinal tract.

What is missing from holistic foods other than low-quality meat? They do not contain: chemical preservatives, coloring elements, soy, starches and gluten, cellulose-containing components. All these “products” are needed for volume and to somehow fill the composition of the product, which has a detrimental effect on the condition of the kitten. Flavoring additives are also excluded.

This food class is grain-free and has predominantly protein, its content not less than 80%.

Super premium class

The digestion of Maine Coons reacts normally to super premium food. However, it is not as good as holistic for the care and health of the gastrointestinal tract. It contains high-quality raw materials and its percentage should not be less than 40.

They have a wide range and assortment. Contain gluten, corn and so on. But you can’t call it completely bad. It is this kind of food that is most present on the shelves of pet stores.

Premium class

This is something between “super” and “economy”. The quality of the product is higher than economy, but the nutritional value is lower than premium. Not recommended for animal care.


The worst thing that can be offered as a recommendation for caring for a Maine Coon.

This food is worse than table food. Will certainly lead to health problems and early death of the animal. Such foods include the well-known whiskeys, friskas, and so on. In general, this category is unsuitable for care and nutrition.

However, whatever you choose as food, you need to remember that natural and finished products cannot be mixed. You must choose one thing. This is the only way to achieve a positive result from caring for your pet.

Features of care and maintenance of the Maine Coon

1. Maine Coon wool

Anyone who has seen the luxurious and flowing coat of a Maine Coon immediately begins to wonder whether caring for such beauty is difficult? To say that Maine Coon hair care is not necessary would be an outright lie. Yes, the wool of this breed does not get into tangles and does not come out in clumps all year round. But you will have to comb the Maine Coon.

Grooming consists of bathing and brushing. That's basically it. You will have to comb it two to three times a week. During the seasonal period (autumn and spring) shedding occurs more often.

You also need to wash your pet; this is an important component of care. Although the coat of this breed is quite “crumbly”, still, if you neglect bathing procedures, it will stick together and form “icicles”, which in general will not decorate the appearance of the pet.

Shampoos should only be used for cats and should preferably be chosen for long-haired breeds. Such shampoos contain conditioning agents, which makes it easy to comb your Maine Coon and bring it into divine shape.

As for hair, you will need a slicker brush to care for the coat. Especially during the molting period in the spring. The Maine Coon “throws off the insulation”, and accordingly the undercoat will be everywhere.

However, this is not the most shedding breed. The same Persian cats shed much more and cause much more trouble to their owners in terms of care.

2. Maine Coon eyes

Caring for the eyes of a healthy cat is usually not a problem. Healthy eyes should not run, water, or have white or any other specific colored deposits.

Just go to any pet store and you will be offered a lot of lotions, eye care and hygiene products. All products are easy to use. They are simply applied to a cotton swab, which is used to gently wipe the eyes. The procedure should ideally be daily..

It is very important to organize the care and maintenance of a Maine Coon kitten. The visual organs require special care. After all, kittens often experience lacrimation. It could be a simple allergy or something much more serious. For example, this is how infectious or viral diseases manifest themselves.

Therefore, you need to carefully monitor the eyes throughout the Maine Coon’s life, but especially closely during childhood.

3. Maine Coon Oral Cavity

The peculiarities of caring for a Maine Coon in terms of the oral cavity come down to simple actions.

Strangely enough, and perhaps even unexpectedly for some, cats also have their teeth brushed; this is a very important part of care! To do this, use a special cat toothpaste. You can also find a soft toothbrush on sale.

4. Dental care comes down to several points:

  • Daily cleaning.
  • Examine your mouth at least twice a week for caries, plaque and other abnormalities.
  • Kittens under 6 months of age should be checked regularly for any abnormalities. This is due to the fact that from 3 to 5 months teeth change and new ones grow.
  • It is necessary to provide solid food (for example, dry food) and toys so that the Maine Coon can chew on them, thereby removing plaque.

5. Maine Coon ear care

How to care for a Maine Coon in terms of ears? There is nothing complicated here either. The main thing to remember is that there should be no deposits in the ears, the ears should be clean and pink.

If there is blood, liquid discharge or black plaque, then this is a reason to visit a veterinarian. Normally, indoor cats have nothing in their ears except natural secretions (wax).

Black plaque can be evidence of ear mites. Especially if the cat scratches its ears.

To care for your Maine Coon's ears, you will need two things:

  • Cotton pads.
  • Ear cleansing lotion. This product is sold in pet stores.

It is better not to use cotton swabs, because one wrong move on your part or on the part of your pet and he will get injured.

The ears are examined weekly, or more frequently if the Maine Coon shows a “special interest” in them. For example, he scratches them.

6. Maine Coon paw care

As everyone knows, cats need to wear their claws down, so owners who love their furniture and wallpaper buy scratching posts for their pets. However, it doesn't end there.

The Maine Coon needs regular manicures. Veterinary pharmacies and pet stores offer special cat scissors for this.

As with many other procedures, the Maine Coon needs to be taught to trim its nails from childhood. After all, this procedure, although painless, is not very pleasant for cats.

7. Nail care technique:

  • By lightly pressing the pad of the paw, “squeeze out” the claw.
  • Look at the claw in good light, you will see that there is a transparent part (the free edge) and a part that has a pinkish tint.
  • It is necessary to carefully cut off the transparent tip of the claw using cat scissors. In this case, the part with blood vessels must not be touched! It is better to cut less than to cause injury.
  • After the procedure, you can stick on special silicone caps. They are sold in pet stores and are called “anti-scratches.” This is especially true for families with children or for owners of stubborn Maine Coons who do not recognize a scratching post as such.

What else is needed to care for a Maine Coon?

In addition to all of the above, you need “equipment” for a Maine Coon. Namely a tray, bowls, toys, a scratching post.

But if it’s clear with bowls and everything else, then it’s worth saying a few words about the tray. The Maine Coon is, first of all, a large and dimensional cat. Therefore, you should initially choose a large tray. It will simply be uncomfortable for the cat to walk into a small tray, and he may refuse to use it. This is worth thinking about.