Rename a folder on the command line. How to rename a Linux file

    During system operation, it is often necessary to perform periodic routine maintenance tasks automatically without human intervention, for example, checking for updates, creating backup copies of critical files, running administration scripts, etc. For planning and automatic execution tasks in Windows environment standard means provided Job Scheduler. The task scheduler ensures the execution of pre-prepared tasks in certain time, or when certain events occur, either once or periodically, in the context of system or user accounts. Tasks can run command line scripts, WSH scripts, PowerShell cmdlets, or applications. Unlike previous Windows versions, Windows Vista, 7, 8 contain an extensive library of pre-configured jobs. These jobs perform a wide range of tasks to maintain the system and keep it in good working order. In addition, the Task Scheduler in these operating systems has become necessary for normal operation a component that cannot be disabled using standard means.

Scheduled execution of tasks is ensured by the Task Scheduler service. This service runs under the local system account, but allows you to configure jobs to run under specific user accounts by specifying a user name and password when creating the job. Tasks can be created not only on the local computer, but also on a remote one, in relation to which you have the appropriate rights. The process of creating scheduler jobs is simplified by using the appropriate wizard.

There are two main types of scheduled jobs in Windows

Standard tasks. This type of job is used to automate routine maintenance tasks computer system. The user can see these tasks and modify them if necessary.

Hidden quests. Jobs of this type are used to automate the execution of special system tasks. These tasks in standard mode views are hidden from users and changing them is undesirable.

Each scheduler job has specific properties:

Triggers- set the conditions for the start and end of the task. The execution of a task can be started according to a schedule, as well as according to events - when a user logs into the system, when the computer starts, when a terminal session is connected/disconnected, or when events with a certain code are recorded in the system logs. Actions- define the operation that should be performed by the launched task, which can be an application or a script.

Terms- define the conditions under which an activated job is started or stopped. For example, conditions can be used to ensure that a job can only run if a certain network connection is present. Conditions can be used to start, stop, and restart jobs. .

Options- define additional parameters that affect the execution of a task - restart after a failure, execution of an overdue task, behavior in the presence of a task already running.

Scheduler settings and task parameters are stored in the registry section

HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Schedule

The results of the task scheduler can be logged if this is determined by its settings (In the task scheduler management console - Action - Disable (Enable) log of all jobs).

Managing scheduler jobs on local and remote systems.

    Windows task management is performed using a special Microsoft Management Console snap-in (mmc.exe), which can be launched using the main menu Control Panel - Administration - Computer Management - Task Scheduler, or Execute(Win+R combination) - taskschd.msc.

The left side of the main window displays lists of tasks, organized according to purpose, in the form of a folder structure. The middle part displays information about the status of jobs and their properties. The right side displays a menu of actions allowed in relation to tasks. By default, jobs that are specific to the local computer are displayed. To work with tasks from remote computers, right-click on the top-level element “Task Scheduler (Local)” and select the menu item “Connect to another computer”. In the dialog box that opens, select the "Another computer" radio button and enter the name or IP address of the desired computer. To access job management on remote computer system administrator rights are required, and if the current user does not have them, then the connection must be made using another account, turning on the "Connect as another user" mode. Naturally, remote connections must be allowed by firewall rules and, in addition, you need to take into account that the data structure of scheduler jobs differs in different versions of Windows and connecting from an environment such as Windows XP will not work when connecting to a computer running Windows 8.

To work with a task, right-click on it in the main panel and select one of the following commands from the context menu:

  • Delete
  • (Delete) - completely delete the task;

  • Disable
  • (Disable) - temporarily disable the task;

  • Properties
  • (Properties) - view and/or edit task properties.

  • Export
  • (Export) - export the task to a file, data from which can be imported on another computer. Operating systems Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012 has the same job architecture as Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2, but the job architecture of earlier versions of Windows is different. When exporting jobs, you can specify the operating system with which the job can be used by using the Configure for option on the General tab of the job's properties window.

  • Execute
  • (Run) - start the task for execution;

  • Complete
  • (End) - if the task is running, stop its execution.

    Jobs created by users and applications can be modified or deleted without any special problems, but most of the tasks created by myself operating system, you should not touch it, as it may have unpleasant consequences. To display system tasks in the "View" menu, you must select the "Show hidden tasks" checkbox.

    View a list of jobs currently running on your computer.

    To obtain a list of tasks performed in at the moment time, you can select the top level of the “Task Scheduler” structure and in the context menu, called up with the right mouse button, select the item “Display all running tasks”. You can also use the main menu item "Action" - "Display all running tasks"

    Creating tasks for the scheduler.

    Job Scheduler Library, displayed on the left side of the Scheduler snap-in window, has a rather complicated hierarchical structure, therefore, to master the techniques of working with scheduled tasks, you can create a separate folder using the context menu called by the right mouse button and the item Create a folder, enter the name of the folder, and in the future, it is in it that you can create your test or work tasks.

    As a scheduler task, we will use a task that performs batch file, which determines what privileges it is running with and displays a message about this to the current user. Using such a task will allow you to clearly demonstrate some of the task properties settings.

    To check the privilege level, use the standard command whoami in a chain with the team find, to display messages - msg. As a result of executing the batch file, the message “The task is running with administrator rights” or “The task is running with user rights - name” is displayed on the screen. Let this batch file have the name who-admin.bat. If desired, a description of the commands used and the principle of determining the privileges with which the batch file is executed can be found in the section

    Contents of the file named who-admin.bat:

    @echo OFF

    WHOAMI/PRIV | find /i "SeRemoteShutdownPrivilege"

    Msg * The task is executed with user rights - %USERNAME%

    Msg * The task is executed with administrator rights.

    The file can be created in a regular text editor by copying the above text, highlighted green and giving it the name who-admin.bat . To display the Cyrillic alphabet correctly, you must use DOS encoding (CP866, code page 866) or change the text of messages to be output to English. If your text editor does not support Cyrillic in DOS encoding, you can use third party programs(For example - iconv) or online services like the Universal Cyrillic Decoder-Converter. You can simply download the archive with the command file in the correct encoding.

    To create scheduler tasks, two wizards can be used, called in the modes Create simple task And Create a task. When creating a simple task, a minimal set of parameters is used that does not provide for multiple execution conditions and multiple actions.

    You can create a new task in the following way:

    Using a menu item Action - Create task or through context menu, called by right-clicking at the "Task Scheduler" level. Then the task creation wizard starts:

    On the tab General In the wizard window, enter the task name and description. Name, for example - Test1, and the description is "Test Task 1". The description can be any text, but it is desirable that it reflects the essence of the task being created. The rest of the settings can be omitted, leaving the default values. We will change these settings before executing the created task in order to understand their meaning and purpose.

    By default, jobs are executed only if the user is logged in. To perform a task regardless of whether the user is logged in or not, a switch is used Execute regardless of user registration(Run whether user is logged on or not). You can also set the task to run with the highest privileges and/or configure it for specific versions of Windows.

    On the tab Triggers click the Create button in the window that opens Creating a trigger and set a condition, when it occurs, that the created task will be executed.

    For training purposes, it is better to define a trigger in such a way that the task is not executed automatically, but only manually, for example, by selecting the one-time run mode on an already past or future date. This will allow you to change the task settings and run it in right moment time manually.

    On the tab Actions select as action Starting the program, in the form of which the previously created batch file will act who-admin.bat to be selected using the button Review….

    On the tab Terms leave the default settings. Changes to settings can be made to determine their impact on the behavior of the created job later.

    On the tab Options We will also leave additional parameters for the task for subsequent experiments.

    After completing all the required settings, click the button OK and the task will be created. Almost any settings of a created task can be changed if the user has the appropriate rights.

    Diagnostics of the status of scheduler jobs.

    When setting up jobs, you may encounter several types of problems:

    The task does not start;

    The task does not complete;

    The task fails;

    To determine the status of a job, select the required job in the Job Scheduler and view details such as status, time of last run, result of last run, etc. Status:

    Disabled(Disabled) means that the task exists, but its execution is prohibited by the trigger settings.

    Queued(Queued) means that the job is waiting to be executed at the scheduled time.

    Ready means that the job is ready for the next execution.

    Also, the time of the next launch, the time of the last launch, the execution result, the author of the task and the date of its creation are displayed.

    For long-term monitoring of task execution by the scheduler, you can enable logging mode, which will save the history of task execution.

    State Works, may actually mean that the job is stuck, waiting for user input, or, for example, due to programming errors, has gone into an infinite loop. You can find out if the job is really stuck by checking the column Last launch time, which indicates the start time of the task. If a task is completed for more than a day, then, with rare exceptions, this is not normal. To stop a task, right-click on it and select the command from the context menu Complete. For jobs whose execution time is known, you can set a time limit of Properties-Options-Stop a task running longer:. If the allotted time is exceeded, the task will be forcibly completed by the scheduler.

    Having test task, try to set the hidden mode of its execution ("Hidden task"), run it with administrator rights ("Run with highest rights"), transfer it to another computer using the export and import mode. It will be useful to experiment with the conditions and parameters of the task, for example, by adding the command to the batch file pause when executed in stealth mode, thereby causing the task to simulate a freeze. It is also advisable to work out the option of executing an overdue task, when the scheduled time corresponds to the computer being turned off, and the option “Run the task immediately if the scheduled launch is missed” is enabled.

    List of some standard Windows 7.8 tasks:

    Application Experience\AitAgent- Collection and transmission of remote application tracking data (with express consent to participate in the quality improvement program software). Even if the execution time is set to 2-3 am, the settings indicate that the task is overdue and the data is transferred to Microsoft.

    Application Experience\ProgramDataUpdater- Collection of program telemetry data when participating in a software quality improvement program

    Autochk\Proxy- collects and downloads SQM data (with participation in the software quality improvement program).

    Customer Experience Improvement Program\BthSQM- The Bluetooth Experience Improvement Program task collects Bluetooth statistics and information about your computer and sends them to Microsoft. This information is used to improve the reliability, stability, and overall functionality of Bluetooth in Windows. If the user does not agree to participate in the Windows Software Improvement Program, this task does nothing. The task is present in Windows 8.

    Customer Experience Improvement Program\Consolidator When the Kernel CEIP task runs, it collects additional system data that is then reported to Microsoft. If the user has not consented to participate in this program, then this task does not perform any action.

    Customer Experience Improvement Program\UsbCeip- The USB Customer Experience Improvement Program (USB CEIP) task collects statistics about USB Universal Serial Bus usage and computer information and sends them to the Microsoft Windows Device Connectivity engineering team. The findings are used to improve the reliability, stability, and overall performance of the USB bus in Windows. If the user does not agree to participate in the Windows Software Improvement Program, the task does not perform any action.

    RAC\RacTask- System stability analysis tool task designed to process computer reliability data.

    One of the little-known tasks is Registry\RegIdleBackup- A registry backup job that runs every 10 days and ensures that registry files are saved in a folder C:\Windows\System32\config\RegBack\. In some cases, when there are no restore points or they are substandard, there is a chance to restore the system to a working state by booting into another OS and copying the registry file(s) to the directory \Windows\System32\config\. You can also use manual execution of this task to obtain a copy of the registry files that are needed at a given time.

    In Windows 8 there is a folder \Microsoft\Windows\WS with several tasks using data exchange with the Windows Store.

    This is far from full list system tasks present in the scheduler library of Windows 7 and Windows 8. The usefulness of many of them is questionable, and even more so, negative, since they can lead to a decrease in laptop battery life, consumption of expensive mobile traffic, additional energy costs, a decrease in real productivity and etc. In conclusion, let me remind you that disabling system tasks requires caution and understanding of what you are doing, otherwise you may end up with an inoperable or partially operational system.

    The scheduler library, as a rule, also contains tasks created by antivirus programs for updating programs and databases, tasks created by other, not always necessary, programs that check for new versions (Adobe products, Google, free software, etc.) and even updated without user knowledge.

    Managing scheduler jobs from the Windows CMD command line.

    To manage tasks from the command line Windows strings utility is used schtasks.exe.Examples of use:

    schtasks/Query- display a list of all tasks;

    SCHTASKS /Run /I /TN "System Backup"- run the "System Backup" task on the local computer immediately, ignoring any restrictions.

    SCHTASKS /end /TN "System Backup"- remove the "System Backup" task

    schtasks /change /tn "\Microsoft\Windows\Application Experience\ProgramDataUpdater" /disable- disable the task \Microsoft\Windows\Application Experience\ProgramDataUpdater

    In conclusion, I will provide the text of a command file that allows you to disable or enable system scheduler tasks, the usefulness of which is questionable. In the comments that precede the command schtasks presented brief description assignments taken from general properties jobs displayed in the management console. Running as an administrator is required to run this batch file. The action performed in relation to scheduler jobs is determined by the value of the variable task_action. Team set task_action=disable will cause tasks to be disabled, set task_action=enable- to turn on. When executing the command schtasks, its output is saved in a log file whose name matches the name of the batch file, with the extension txt.

    @echo off

    Rem action - setting the value to disable or enable

    Set task_action=disable

    REM Checking for administrator rights

    @WHOAMI/PRIV | find /i "SeRemoteShutdownPrivilege" > nul

    If %ERRORLEVEL% == 0 goto admin

    Echo Execution aborted. Run this batch file AS Administrator!!!

    @echo try %task_action% scheduled tasks ...

    Rem Collection and transmission of remote tracking data of applications (with express consent to participate in

    Rem software quality improvement program).

    Schtasks /change /tn "\Microsoft\Windows\Application Experience\AitAgent" /%task_action% >> %~dn0.log

    Rem Collection of program telemetry data when participating in a software quality improvement program

    Schtasks /change /tn "\Microsoft\Windows\Application Experience\ProgramDataUpdater" /%task_action% >> %~dn0.log

    Rem This task collects and loads SQM data while participating in a quality improvement program

    Rem software.

    Schtasks /change /tn "\Microsoft\Windows\ Autochk\Proxy" /%task_action% >> %~dn0.log

    Rem If the user has expressed a desire to participate in a program to improve the quality of software

    Rem Windows Software, this task will collect and send information about the operation of the software

    Rem provision at Microsoft.

    Schtasks /change /tn "\Microsoft\Windows\Customer Experience Improvement Program\Consolidator" /%task_action% >> %~dn0.log

    Rem When executing a Customer Experience Improvement Program task running in Kernel mode

    Rem CEIP), additional data about the system is collected, which is then transmitted to

    Rem Microsoft Corporation. If the user has not given his consent to participate in this program,

    Rem then this task does not perform any action.

    Schtasks /change /tn "\Microsoft\Windows\Customer Experience Improvement Program\KernelCeipTask" /%task_action% >> %~dn0.log

    Rem When performing a USB CEIP task, the collection of

    Rem USB Universal Serial Bus usage statistics and information

    Rem computer, which are sent to the Microsoft engineering team regarding device connectivity issues

    Rem on Windows. The information obtained is used to improve reliability, stability and overall

    Rem USB bus performance in Windows. In the absence of the user's consent to participate in

    The Windows Software Improvement Rem task does not perform any action.

    Schtasks /change /tn "\Microsoft\Windows\Customer Experience Improvement Program\UsbCeip" /%task_action% >> %~dn0.log

    Rem This task defragments the computer's hard drives.

    Schtasks /change /tn "\Microsoft\Windows\ Defrag\ScheduledDefrag" /%task_action% >> %~dn0.log

    Rem Measures system performance and capabilities

    Schtasks /change /tn "\Microsoft\Windows\ Maintenance\WinSAT" /%task_action% >> %~dn0.log

    REM Launch applications configured for Windows HotStart

    Schtasks /change /tn "\Microsoft\Windows\ MobilePC\HotStart" /%task_action% >> %~dn0.log

    Rem This job is designed to analyze the state of the system and look for conditions that may cause

    Rem to increased power consumption.

    Schtasks /change /tn "\Microsoft\Windows\Power Efficiency Diagnostics\ AnalyzeSystem" /%task_action% >> %~dn0.log

    Rem A system stability analysis tool task designed to process reliability data

    Rem computer.

    Schtasks /change /tn "\Microsoft\Windows\ RAC\RacTask" /%task_action% >> %~dn0.log

    REM (Windows Live Social Object Extractor Engine) After installing Windows Live Essentials 2011,

    REM it creates a task called "Extractor Definitions Update Task". The purpose of this task is to

    REM update the definition file for the Windows Live Social Object Extractor Engine. The task

    REM can be found under, Task Scheduler Library\Microsoft\Windows Live\SOXE. -


    Schtasks /change /tn "\Microsoft\Windows Live\SOXE\Extractor Definitions Update Task" /%task_action% >> %~dn0.log

    Rem This scheduled task is intended to notify the user that archiving

    Rem Windows is not configured.

    Schtasks /change /tn "\Microsoft\Windows\ WindowsBackup\ ConfigNotification" /%task_action% >> %~dn0.log

    Please note that disabling system jobs is an unsafe operation, and its consequences are entirely your own. For example, the batch file disables the file defragmentation task, which does not make sense when using an SSD drive, but can be useful when using mechanical HDDs. Additionally, if you look at the actions performed by the defragmentation job, you will see that the program is running %windir%\system32\defrag.exe –c, Where -c- a parameter that specifies defragmentation on all disks. It might make sense to create multiple jobs with different triggers for different drives, excluding SSDs. You can also change the settings existing task, eliminating defragmentation of SSD drives:

    defrag /E C:- perform defragmentation on all local disks, except the disk C:

    Although, it is more correct if the user performs defragmentation independently, as the need arises and for those disks that need it.

    Detailed description schtasks There is a separate page in the section.

    Using Task Scheduler to run applications as Administrator without prompting UAC.

    Published: 10/05/2014

    The Windows 7 task scheduler, also known as the windows task scheduler, is located in the computer's control menu and serves both as a reminder built into the system and as a scheduler of future tasks for their subsequent execution.

    The execution of tasks in the scheduler can be repeated according to a schedule and depend on certain conditions under which the task will either be executed or not. The condition and frequency of performing a certain task are set by the user when planning it. Okay, now let's take a closer look at how all this is done.

    Where can I find a task scheduler?

    As I already wrote, in the computer control menu. To do this, simply right-click on the “Computer” icon on your desktop. If you don’t have such an icon on your desktop, open the “Start” menu and right-click on “Computer”.

    In the drop-down menu that opens, click on the “Manage” item.

    And in the computer management window that opens, go to the “Task Scheduler” that appears in the left menu.

    Active tasks in Task Scheduler

    In the task scheduler that opens after the transition, we see that it already has some active tasks. These tasks were added there using built-in Windows tools and various third-party programs. Such as Adobe and Google in my case.

    If you want, you can edit these tasks or delete them altogether. To do this, just double-click on the task you are interested in.

    Create your own task

    Now let's try to create our own task. You can do this in two ways. Either by clicking on the “Create a simple task” item, or by clicking on the “Create task” item. All these items are located in the right menu called “Actions”, shown in the picture above.

    The differences between a simple and a regular task are that the former does not have the ability to configure additional parameters and conditions under which the task will or will not be executed. Setting additional parameters and conditions is rarely used, so the task scheduler provides 2 options.

    I will consider creating a new task in the task scheduler based on the usual one, in order to most fully reveal this topic to you. Don't be afraid! Once you have mastered creating a regular task, creating a simple task will not raise many questions for you. For this reason, I will omit the process of creating a simple task.

    General tab

    So, click on the “Create task” item and get into the “Create task” window. Let's start looking at the capabilities of this window from the "General" tab.

    In the "Name" field, enter the name of the new task; in the "Description" field, enter a description for the new task. Then we determine on behalf of which user the task will be executed and whether it will be executed for all users (even for guests) or only for specifically specified ones.

    Check the box next to "Run with highest rights" if the future task requires administrator rights to run. And in Windows 7/8 OS this is almost always the case. There you cannot even copy a file to drive C without administrator rights, so I sincerely advise you to check this box.

    You can also check the box next to the "Hidden task" field. This is necessary if you do not want your task not to appear in the list of active tasks.

    Well, of course, opposite the “Configure for” field, select your system from the drop-down list. In my case, this is Windows 8.1 with an interface configured from Windows 7. Don't be surprised. In one of the future articles I will definitely tell you how I set it all up.

    Triggers tab

    The "Triggers" tab is responsible for setting the conditions for starting a task. That is, in this tab we define under what condition our task should be launched.

    To add a new condition for triggering a task, you need to click on the “Create” button in the lower left corner of the “Triggers” tab

    As a result, we will get to this window for creating a new trigger (conditions for starting a task). As we can see from the top drop-down list of conditions for launching a new task, there can be a great variety. And they all have their own additional, but intuitive, settings. So don't be afraid.

    I think most of the launch conditions are clear to you, but I will still explain some:

    Upon event

    This is when a record of some event that just occurred occurs in one of the windows event logs. The task scheduler reacts to this entry and performs some predetermined task.

    Windows event logs are also located in the management tab, right under the windows task scheduler. You can open one of these magazines and look at some event.

    You will see that each event has its own source and code. It is on the source and event code that you can configure the launch of a task in the task scheduler.

    When creating or editing a task

    This refers to the current task that you are currently creating. As soon as you create it, some action will be performed. Or if you suddenly decide to change this task over time, some action will also be performed.

    When connecting or disconnecting from a user session

    This is when you use the built-in tools of Windows 7/8 to establish a remote connection to another computer under windows control 7/8. The task will be executed on the computer to which you are connected. (if the task is written on it to do something when connected.)

    This works roughly the same way on a local computer. That is, when you log into the computer under one user, and then log in under another, some event will be executed if you defined it in advance.

    When locking/unlocking a workstation

    This is when you go to the shutdown menu and select “Lock”.

    Accordingly, when the computer is locked, you can perform one task, and when unlocked, another. It depends on your imagination.

    Actions Tab

    This tab is responsible for the action itself, which will be executed when the condition we set in the trigger is triggered. As in the "Trigger" window, in the "Action" tab, first of all, you need to add a new action using the "Create" button in the lower left corner.

    As you can see, there are only 3 possible actions, so I’ll try to show you with examples how they are configured.

    Starting the program

    Here we just need to specify the path to the executable file of the application that we want to run

    You can also specify the working folder (the path to the folder in which the executable file is located) and arguments for the application to be launched, if you want the application to start in a certain mode.

    I warn you that the arguments for each application are different, but there are some common ones among them. You can torture the search engine if you are interested.

    Sending messages email

    As the name suggests, it is needed to send a letter from one mailbox to another. For example, you ordered the system to send you a letter from the office to your home PC if 1C accounting crashes with an error. Here's an example:

    Display a message

    Everything here is completely elementary. Fill in the title of the window, the text of the message and save.

    Conditions tab

    This tab is needed to check additional conditions. If they are completed, the task will run. If additional conditions will not be executed, the task will not run.

    Using this tab, we can determine how our task will react to computer downtime, its connection to a power source and network type. In general, there is nothing complicated here, you will understand everything yourself.

    Options tab

    We need this tab to configure additional parameters for performing our tasks. It allows us to determine what needs to be done if our task suddenly does not work at the right time, how often it should be repeated, whether it is worth waiting for the completion of the previous task before creating a new one, and other similar things.

    Here I think you will figure out for yourself, based on your interests, what and how you need to display. Everything is as always simple and clear.

    In conclusion

    After you fill out all the necessary tabs in the task scheduler, feel free to save the new task and check its functionality. Just check to be sure that at the right time everything will work as it should. And with that, let me take my leave and wish you good luck. Your,

    04.10.2009 17:50

    With the Improved Scheduler Windows jobs 7, you can schedule any program to run at a specific time under certain conditions. You can also schedule an email to be sent and even a specific message to be displayed.

    To launch Task Scheduler, open the Start menu, enter in the search bar and press Enter (in non-Russian Windows 7, instead of the word, enter taskschd.msc).

    You can also open Control Panel (advanced view) -> Administration -> Task Scheduler.

    In the menu on the right Actions click Create a task(or Create a simple task).

    In the window, enter the name of the new task and its description. If you need to run the program with elevated administrator rights, then activate the function Run with highest rights.

    Switch to the tab, click the button Create and assign a date, time, and frequency for completing the task. To set the date when the scheduled task will stop running, activate the function Validity period and enter the date and time.

    Go to the tab Actions and press the button Create.

    To schedule a program to run on a specified schedule, in the drop-down list Action select and using the button Review specify the location of the executable file.

    To schedule email to be sent, use the drop-down list Action select Sending an email and fill out the standard fields: From(your name and email address), To whom(name and address of the recipient of the letter), Subject(letter header) and Text(message text). If you need to attach files to the message you are sending, use the button Review indicate the location of the file you want to attach. In the field Server smtp specify the smtp server of your email provider (for example, and press OK.

    To schedule a specific message to be displayed on a specified schedule, use the drop-down list Action select Message output and fill in the fields Heading And Message.

    A very convenient thing when you need to remind yourself that something is coming in 5 minutes. New Year that it’s time to feed the cat, turn off the soup, or go to the Windows 7 website – Impressions and facts. The message will look something like this:

    Go to the tab Terms and specify the conditions for completing the task.

    You can also set additional task execution parameters on the tab.

    After completing all these steps, click OK to create a task.

    To edit a created task, open the Task Scheduler, select the task in the list, in the right menu Actions select Properties, edit the desired parameters and click OK.

    To delete a scheduled task, open the Task Scheduler, select the task in the list, in the right menu Actions select Delete and confirm your intentions.

    Note. For Task Scheduler to function, the Task Scheduler service must start automatically with Windows 7. Open Control Panel (advanced view) -> Administration -> Services. Find it in the list of services, double-click on it, and on the General tab set the startup type Auto and press OK.