Training the body and spirit of Norbeks. Read the book “Training of Body and Spirit” online in full - Mirzakarim Norbekov - MyBook

Norbekov Mirzakarim Sanakulovich -"Training Body and Spirit" 2 - revised edition

You are holding in your hands the 2nd revised edition of the book “Training of Body and Spirit”, which contains a number of significant clarifications of the unique system of healing and rejuvenation of the body. More than 2 million people have experienced its beneficial effects. The system includes methods for vision and hearing correction, skin rejuvenation, effective exercises to restore the functions of the spine and joints, a unique gynecological massage that literally works miracles. A carefully thought-out sequence of classes, the experience of ancient Eastern medicine , the author’s amazing scientific discoveries will help everyone who wants to be young and healthy!

I have to warn you!

Lately, dozens of different books have been published under my name: this Norbekov system, and another Norbekov system, and expanded, and supplemented, and improved, and accelerated, and God knows what else! Several years ago, somewhere on the periphery, a book on the treatment of diabetes mellitus was published, which I DIDN’T WRITE, but my name was on the cover. Do you already understand what I'm talking about? I have a whole library of such works at home.

Another such book was recently published with the subtitle “The Complete Norbekov System.” It is beautifully published and attracts attention. But to make it clear to you, I’ll explain.

What I am trying to convey to you does not actually belong to me. It does not and cannot belong to anyone at all. This knowledge was passed on to me by my Mentors, and to them by their Mentors. And so from century to century, from millennium to millennium. Deep down, at the very basis of this system, lies very ancient knowledge. This is a worldview containing subtleties that not everyone can comprehend!

I won't go into details now. I'll say one thing. To become a master, a student undergoes training for forty years! Can you imagine?! And before being sent on this thorny path, he is taught for three years how to be a student. Then they prepare for twelve years, and only after that the real study begins. The mentor imparts knowledge to the student bit by bit.

The summer of 2002 marked the thirty year anniversary of my apprenticeship.

What do I mean by this?

On the one hand, I myself have not yet completed my studies. On the other hand, I did not pass on even a tenth of the knowledge that I had already mastered to my students. Moreover, I haven’t put it on paper yet! Where then, please tell me, can the FULL COURSE appear?!! I haven't even started talking about the full course yet. I prepare and prepare and prepare for this because this is my life's work.

I am grateful to the people who write on my behalf about the system and, thus, about me. But I want to say: I myself would have written COMPLETELY DIFFERENTLY!

They actually write something completely different! I would not like to take on other people's merits. It will be better if you form an opinion about me based on my own works. You will recognize my real books right away, from the first page.

If you are a man, you will first feel a firm, friendly handshake; if you are a lady, then you will feel the touch of my lips on your hand, and only then will you receive a blow to the head or a slap on the butt. These strange sensations of yours will precisely mean that I wrote this book myself.

“Bring back health and youth. A Practical Guide for Men and Women" is my first miserable experience of writing a book in Russian.

Following it, a revised and expanded edition was published - “The Road to Youth and Health. A practical guide for men and women." The rework was done without my consent, and the book turned out to be dead.

And here is “The experience of a fool, or the key to insight. How to get rid of glasses" - my first beloved child, my first tender, bright and pure love.

Shaking with fear, so as not to offend Ves with my attacks,” I still released her as my soul told me. This is where my essence leaked out. This book is my business card and your main guide for the future! And a whole series of books is planned for the near future, in each of which I have something to say.

The book you now hold in your hands was written “based on” my first books. This is a textbook, rather a methodological guide for those who are ready to say goodbye to their ailments, who have truly decided to work on themselves, who want to find out what the power of their spirit is capable of. Your feedback and accumulated work experience forced me to make some additions and changes to this edition. I hope this book will be useful to you.

There is a saying: “He who does not know how to work, teaches. He who can do neither one nor the other writes a book.” Well, what should I do if, unfortunately, I can work?!

With all my heart I am with you

Mirzakarim Norbekov

Preface A few words about the uniqueness of the work that lies before you.

The practical work and creative research of the author allow us to speak of him as a healer and scientist of global scale, for his work has already helped hundreds of thousands of sufferers (including many thousands of those whose illnesses were considered incurable) to return to a full-blooded life, gaining health, youth and good spirits.

The author himself at one time suffered from a serious physical illness (kidney dysfunction), but he not only found a way to cope with his illness, but also dared to prove in practice that any person can independently and in a very short time overcome any disease.

A feat comparable to the feat of Prometheus. The difference is that the mythical titan taught people how to use fire stolen from heaven. The author shows a person the amazing properties of the flame that is in everyone. The name of this flame is spiritual energy, spirit.

“Well, again you’re talking about lofty matters, but I, for example, have hemorrhoids! - some skeptic may say. - Spirit is an immaterial substance, but my hemorrhoids are real. I’ll go and light a candle for myself!” Don't rush to conclusions, dear skeptic. Read (only carefully) this book and you will understand? that your hemorrhoids do not need any suppositories, that they are trivial, like a runny nose. Is it worth talking about such a small thing when both bronchial asthma and diabetes mellitus recede before Nor-bekov’s self-healing system? There are no candles, no oxygen pillows, or any other means, but magical changes occur in the patient’s condition. The blind begin to see, the deaf begin to hear, and the dumb begin to speak!

The first step towards this was the book “Lessons of Nor-bekov” (authors M. Norbekov, Yu. Khvan. -SPb., “Peter”, 1999).

This book takes the reader further along this fascinating path. In it you will continue your acquaintance with the principles of the Norbekov system, you will find practical instructions on improving vision, hearing, training emotions and much more, and women will be able to master the technique of gynecological non-contact automassage (which triggers the mechanism of uterine contractions and restores the full perception of sensory sensations).

All elements of the exercises offered in this book are easy to perform and accessible to a variety of people: women, children, people of mature age, and even those who have already considered themselves old people. Taken together, they resemble graceful dance steps that bring youth and health to the performer. However, everyone who has tried his hand at choreography knows that in dance you must not confuse movements or lose the rhythm, otherwise, at best, you will become a laughing stock for those around you, at worst, you will fall and break into blood.

A student who has set out on the path of self-healing using this method must always remember this and strictly adhere to the established training regulations. By the way, dance itself is considered a high art, harmoniously combining the physical with the spiritual.

There will be no mistake if Mirzakarim Norbekov becomes your mentor.

Keys to the self-healing system Dear readers!

Chronic diseases most often affect those who initially wrote themselves down as losers. Consider what has been said, and then try to accept everything below with all your heart, mind and spirit.

You are now being given the keys both to the entire system of self-healing as a whole, and to each of its exercises separately. Study this section carefully and always return to it as needed before starting classes. It is small in volume, but very significant in content and was written in order not to precede each exercise of the technique with similar instructions, otherwise the thin book you hold in your hands would turn into a plump volume, and, unfortunately, we like to read not very many.

In addition, it should be noted that people do not really trust lengthy reasoning and truths that seem truism to them. I never trusted them either. As a result, six intense years of persistent training were, one might say, in vain for me. For six whole years (just think about it!) I wandered through the wilds of my own stupidity, the support of which was the opinion that I myself knew and understood everything very well.

Once upon a time, when I was still a very young man, I sat, like you, in front of my mentor, and he talked, talked, talked. That the person being healed should believe in his own strength, that he needs to strive for success, that during training he simply must be in a joyful mood, but if it doesn’t come on its own, then you need to learn how to cause it. In general, in my opinion, the mentor was talking all sorts of nonsense, nonsense, hanging loose noodles on my ears, and I sat and thought: “When will this trouble end, when will we finally do what I came here for?” After all, I was already an old-timer in the kidney department of the city hospital, where they did artificial blood purification two or three times a week, without this I would die. First, the kidneys fail, then the heart and liver begin to malfunction, then the entire body collapses. These were the prospects that awaited me, this is what I was so eager to get rid of at that moment.

Classes have started. In order not to offend my mentor, I tried to create some kind of mood in myself, sometimes I succeeded, sometimes not. The mentor was patient, and with his help I still cured my kidneys, but I still had a problem that men don’t talk about out loud.

Having healed my kidneys, I began to read special literature, building my own concept of self-healing, and even began to pass on grains of my knowledge to others. But my problem did not go away, despite the hard training that I did not give up.

Every day I started with a ten-kilometer run, when I returned, I plunged into an ice hole and lived (in winter) in an unheated room with a temperature below zero. I mastered yoga and slept on a board studded with nails. The training took 6-8 hours a day.

As a result, I became not only a great expert in hand-to-hand combat, but also managed to become a silver medalist at the first USSR karate championship. Six years of hard work did not bring any benefit: my impotence remained with me. Why? 'Cause I was just flexing my muscles A. my spirit during classes not only did not help me, but also worked against me.

I started my studies with great enthusiasm, but after a month or two I was overcome by doubts; after a year or two they were replaced by frenzy and anger at the injustice of fate, which transformed into despondency with which I continued to pull the usual strap. My stubbornness turned against me. In other words, it, so to speak, strengthened my weakness. (Doubt is almost our only main enemy. Start practicing with thoughts: “What if it doesn’t help?”, “The day has passed, but where is the result?” - that’s all, and you are dooming yourself to failure.) One day my mentor asked me: “Why don’t you get married?” (27 years in the East is already maturity.) I had to explain myself. “You brainless ass,” my mentor told me, “you have been treating other people for so many years and cannot figure out the cause of your own troubles. Why didn’t you tell me everything right away?” Why, why, because I was ashamed. The mentor took on me again and with greater care than before. He thoroughly “shook up” my spirit, setting it up for new guidelines, that is, in short, he made me believe in myself again.

When I returned home, I announced to everyone that I was getting married. Nine months later my first son was born, a year later another, and I opened a small school, which at first only accepted men with certain types of problems. Now there is simply no end to them, and letters are coming to me from all over the world.

The effectiveness of the male power of some recent sufferers, judging by their own testimonies, is now comparable to the effectiveness of a construction hammer (a powerful tool capable of working 25 hours a day, breaking through concrete with reciprocating movements). Needless to say, such transformations have given many thousands of childless families the joy of fatherhood and motherhood?

The upshot of all of the above is this. The human spirit is the main stimulator of his bodily healing. By doing the same exercise, you can: a) get benefits;

b) achieve nothing;

c) harm yourself.

It all depends on how determined you are to win and how focused you are on your goals. Train your spirit, because only what is trained develops, and start doing it right now.

Mirzakarim Norbekov

Illustration for what was said People suffer for the wrong reasons

what is happening, but from your

attitude to what is happening.

Montaigne This saying can be rephrased like this: your victory in a situation depends not on the circumstances that make up this situation, but on your attitude towards them.

At one time I happened to be a karate trainer. In my group there was a young man who had brilliant abilities and studied with great zeal. You could say he spent his days and nights in the gym. But he had a problem - fear. There are no fearless people. Fear, as an instinct of self-preservation, works in our favor, allowing us to see danger and escape from it. However, it’s bad when it begins to dominate our psyche and fetter our movements.

This is exactly what happened to my brilliant fighter. He mastered fighting techniques impeccably and during training did not miss a single blow, but in contact combat he was a coward and lost to almost everyone.

Fear deprived him of self-confidence. Suggestions that in battle it is not so much technique that wins as spirit did not help.

One day a very strong fighter came to visit me - the winner of the Central Asian Championship. I asked him to hold exhibition fights with my guys, but warned that one of my guys was superior to him in all respects. What's wrong with him, they say, even such a master should keep his ears open. In other words, I planted a spark of doubt in my own abilities in the champion’s soul. And he told the guys the following: “Tomorrow, one arrogant guy asked to come to us, considering himself an invincible fighter. He wants to warm up and beat the dust out of you, but I know that any of you can handle him with just your left. Even you! And he pointed to the newcomer, who still barely knew how to move. And then, as if casually, he turned to the cowardly young man: “You are the most technical among us, intimidate the upstart, drive him a little around the hall.”

The meeting took place. And something like a miracle happened. The coward had a great fight and defeated the champion. When he found out the name of the master he was meeting, he felt sick.

The lesson was not in vain. In the early nineties, in Hiroshima (at the Asian Games), my “coward” won first place among martial artists. I am still proud of his success to this day.

The conclusion, I hope, is clear. You can count on victory in the outside world only by defeating yourself. Never forget this.

Part 1 Health as a lifestyle The purpose and meaning of self-health training The components that make up the healing process itself.

The image of health and youth, its meaning and role in the practice of self-healing.

Why do we get sick? Because we live somehow, focusing on false attitudes. For example, since childhood we have become accustomed to considering the postulate “a healthy mind in a healthy body” to be an axiom, despite the fact that it is fundamentally incorrect. Look around you and you will find many young and healthy people whose behavior suggests otherwise. They are immoderate in their search for pleasure, unbridled in their passions, they drink, smoke, take drugs, in a word, they do everything to weaken and prematurely age their body. Does such behavior indicate high spiritual health? No and no again. A person who does not drink or smoke, but does not care about his body, viewing it as something secondary, without responding in any way (or to a very small extent) to its demands and needs, is also spiritually defective. The result is the same: soreness, a general decline in vigor and loss of physical and emotional activity (youth) by the age of thirty or forty.

The health of the body is ensured by the health of the spirit inhabiting it, and not vice versa. The human body is equipped from birth with an eight to tenfold safety margin. If you are overcome by illness, do not panic and, most importantly, do not sit idly by. Find the strength to reconsider your attitude towards life, restore and be able to preserve your protective resource. A self-healing system specially developed by the Institute of Human Self-Healing will help you with this.

The self-healing system, which will be discussed below, has no analogues in modern world practice. It is unique in structure and amazing in efficiency, although all its individual elements are simple and, at first glance; are not anything unusual. Any person, looking at the list of exercises, will say: I can do this, and this, and that, and even this... It’s all like this: each of the exercises, indeed, is within the capabilities of each of us; Why, one might ask, is not every one of us perfectly healthy? And why, let us add, not every one of us will become perfectly healthy, even if we begin with all the persistence, but mechanically, to work out the positions of the proposed training? Here is the answer: mechanical training without meaning and purpose helps us little, they are the path to nothing.

To clarify this, let's look at an example. Consider a person learning to swim. Feeling a strong bottom under his feet, a beginner with passion and ease performs movements that can keep him afloat, but when he gets into a deep place, he drowns. What's the matter? In the absence of the ability to cope with the situation (in the wrong attitude towards it). Such a person: is terrified of drowning (emotionally determined to lose);

Sees nothing, hears nothing (unable to correctly assess his position);

Blows bubbles, chokes (cannot breathe);

Flounders at random (does not know how to coordinate movements);

Gets tired quickly (not physically strong);

Does not imagine himself swimming (has not formed his image of a swimmer in his soul).

And vice versa, a person who knows how to swim: is spiritually serene (not afraid of the abyss that opens up beneath him);

Sees waves, the shore, other swimmers, hears the splash of oars, the roar of boats, the noise of a waterfall (i.e., is able to objectively assess the situation);

Breathes correctly;

Measured in movements;

Does not get tired (saves energy, rests);

Feels like a swimmer.

The last point is the most important of those listed, because it collects the effectiveness of all the others into a single whole - into a monolith.

The image of a swimmer, supported by a burning desire to freely and confidently cut through the surface of the water, helps those who learn to swim to put together the skills acquired in training and gain power over the water element. Depending on how vivid this image is and how great the desire to swim, a person gains the ability to either cross the Hellespont or lightly rinse in calm water, holding on to the walls of the bath. Here everyone, as they say, is free to choose what he likes more.

The patient, caught in the disastrous whirlpool of the disease, is deprived of such a choice. He must cope with this misfortune himself and in the shortest possible time, otherwise a very, very sad fate awaits him. The sufferer is simply obliged, having shaken himself up physically and spiritually, to tune in to the image of health and youth, which really (putting together the effectiveness of the exercises of a special program) will return him youth and health within 30-40 days.

Is this possible? After all, miracles don't happen. Our methodology says with absolute certainty - yes. This can be confirmed by thousands and thousands of people who have overcome their illnesses that were considered incurable. They, without resorting to medications or any other auxiliary means, managed to gain youth and health on their own. The technique has helped many get rid of such serious ailments as ulcers, chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, disbacteriosis, bronchial asthma, diabetes mellitus, thyroid diseases, auditory neuritis, optic neuritis, benign neoplasms (especially gynecological ones, such as cysts). and fibroids), etc.

What is the secret of these magical (incredible, fabulous) metamorphoses? In the magnificent properties of our body, given to us by generous nature at the behest of the Creator. As a matter of fact, we knew how to swim from birth, but we forgot about it. A newborn baby, lowered into water, feels free there, without choking during the dive, he is active, relaxed, he glows with curiosity, he joyfully absorbs new information.

In the same way, our bodies from birth were endowed with mechanisms of self-healing and bioprotection, but today these structures seem to have “fallen asleep” in us. They have been put to sleep by the way of modern life, devoid of physical and spiritual dynamics; we need to return to the original (baby-like) state of active comprehension of the world (as if to be born again) in order to awaken them.

However, no one can be born twice. What remains for us? All that remains is to artificially (showing a steady will and desire to recover) “stir up” oneself - that is, through specially selected physical exercises, restore the former mobility to the members, and especially the spine, and by training emotions, cleanse the soul of “toxins”, returning it to infantile serenity .

In addition, we have to train our imaginative thinking in order to gain the ability to non-contactly massage our internal organs and joints with the help of mental concentration of the sensations of warmth (T), tingling (P) and cold (X). Such a massage, improving blood circulation and activating nerve endings in the most remote corners of our body, will with amazing ease eliminate interruptions in the functioning of our kidneys, liver, lungs, and intestinal tract, thoroughly cleanse them and set them up for major repairs. It caresses and invigorates the endocrine glands, stretches the vertebrae and joints, smoothes the skin, restoring its youthful elasticity, then eliminates wrinkles and scars, giving orders to rejuvenate the entire body, which will have a beneficial effect on our entire appearance, starting with the face.

This amazing (and fundamentally unique) massage, developed thousands of years before us by ancient Eastern healers, will improve our vision, sharpen our hearing, increase male potency, and help a woman cope with gynecological diseases, at the same time deepening and expanding the whole range of sensory sensations she receives in minutes of physical intimacy.

M. Norbekov, Yu. Hwang

Body and mind training


Dear readers!

It seems urgently necessary for the publishing house “Peter” to say a few words about the uniqueness of the work that lies before you, since its authors do not consider it correct for themselves to touch upon this topic and generally avoid excessive self-promotion in every possible way.

Meanwhile, the practical work and creative research of these people allows us to speak of them as healers and scientists of global scale, for their work has already helped hundreds of thousands of sufferers (including many thousands of those whose illnesses were considered incurable) return to a full-blooded life and regain health , youth and enduring good spirits.

Both authors themselves at one time suffered from serious physical illnesses (Mirzakarim Norbekov - disability, kidney dysfunction, Yuri Khvan - chronic tonsillitis, heart failure), but they not only found a way to cope with their ailments, but also dared to prove in practice that any person can independently and in a very short time defeat any disease.

A feat comparable to the feat of Prometheus. The only difference is that the mythical titan taught people to use fire stolen from heaven, and M. Norbekov and Yu. Hwang set out to turn people to the amazing properties of the flame that everyone has. The name of this flame is spiritual energy, spirit. In fact, M. Norbekov and Yu. Hwang introduce humanity to the ownership rights to what it has possessed since the beginning of time.

“Well, again you’re talking about lofty matters, but I, for example, have hemorrhoids! - some skeptic may say. - Spirit is an immaterial substance, but my hemorrhoids are real. I’ll go and light a candle for myself!”

Don't rush to conclusions, dear skeptic. Read (only carefully) this book, and you will understand that your hemorrhoids do not need any suppositories, that they are trivial, like a runny nose. Is it worth talking about such a small thing when both bronchial asthma and diabetes mellitus recede before Norbekov-Khvan’s self-healing system. There are no candles, no oxygen pillows, or any other means, but magical changes occur in the patient’s condition. The blind begin to see, the deaf begin to hear, the dumb begin to speak! And this is not fiction, not fantasy or a fairy tale, although the authors of this book seriously argue that there is much more reality in fairy tales than is commonly believed.

The authors approached cooperation in ways that were outwardly different, but very similar in essence. Their union is not accidental. Yuri Khvan began by studying ancient Eastern martial arts (karate, taekwondo, kung fu, etc.) and came to the conclusion that the postulate “The strongest wins” is false.

Will, reason and confidence in one’s rightness win. These three qualities form what is called fortitude. This perseverance can be cultivated by any person who does not have the physique and makings of a superman. Yuri Khvan founded his own school of sam jong do (the experience of thousands of persistent ones), the main principle of which is: “Win ​​in a situation and you will always win.” The disease is also seen by Hwang as an extreme situation that must be overcome.

Jeong do itself is not a fighting school or a system of fighting techniques (although it includes these components), but, first of all, a philosophy and lifestyle that allows a person to overcome the obstacles that arise in front of him in the most economical manner. Spiritual improvement (striving for the ideal) is the ultimate goal of the teachings of sam jeong do. The practice of self-healing is only the first milestone on this path, and M. Norbekov’s methodology harmoniously harmonizes with it.

Mirzakarim Norbekov, founder of the Center for Self-Healing Technologies, entered Yuri Khvan’s section two decades ago and continues to consider him his spiritual mentor to this day. The classes helped the young man overcome a very serious illness (consequences of injuries received in the army). At the same time, he became so spiritually strong that he gave up revenge on the people who crippled him, and began to study ancient Eastern treatises, looking for grains of true wisdom in them and comparing them with the achievements of modern health medicine. The results exceeded the explorer’s wildest expectations, which can be confirmed by the legion of people he healed and are now living.

The phenomenal thing about the provisions of Chon Do itself and Norbekov’s self-healing system is that they do not involve any “external” means (medicines, preparations, balms, ointments, lotions, surgical or hypnotic interventions) in the treatment process. It is not surprising that both of these streams merged together, forming a healing current of amazing power, which has no analogues in modern times.

The publishing house “Piter” has the honor of widely publishing for the first time fundamental lessons from the practice of this area, designed to help everyone in need to independently master and apply them.

The first step towards this was the book “Lessons of Norbekov”, which takes into account many of the teachings of Chon Do itself and provides the basic method of bodily healing.

This work takes the reader further along this fascinating path. In it you will become more familiar with the principles of jong do itself, you will find practical instructions on improving vision, hearing, training emotions and much more, and women will be able to master the technique of gynecological non-contact automassage (which triggers the mechanism of uterine contractions and restores the full perception of sensory sensations).

All elements of the exercises offered in this book are easy to perform and accessible to the widest segments of the population (women, children, people of mature age, and even those who have already considered themselves old people). Taken together, they resemble graceful dance steps that bring youth and health to the performer. However, everyone who has tried his hand at choreography knows that in dance you must not confuse movements or lose the rhythm, otherwise, at best, you will become a laughing stock for those around you, at worst, you will fall and break into blood. A student who has embarked on the path of self-healing using this method must always remember this and strictly adhere to the established training regulations. By the way, dance is revered in Chon Do itself as a high art, harmoniously combining the physical with the spiritual.

The essence of jong do itself is not in the mechanical development of body movements, but in the ability to make the right choice. It is no coincidence that the first tenet of this school says: “Don’t make a mistake when choosing a mentor. A mistake can cost a student his whole life.”

There will be no mistake if Mirzakarim Norbekov and Yuri Khvan become your mentors.

Keys to the self-healing system

Dear readers!

Chronic diseases most often affect those who initially wrote themselves down as losers. Consider what has been said, and then try to embrace the following with all your heart, mind, and soul.

You are now being given the keys both to the entire system of self-healing as a whole, and to each of its exercises separately. Study this chapter carefully and always return to it as needed before starting classes. It is small in volume, but very significant in content and was written in order not to precede each exercise of the technique with similar instructions, otherwise the thin book you hold in your hands would turn into a plump volume, and, unfortunately, we like to read not very many.

In addition, it should be noted that people do not really trust lengthy reasoning and truths that seem truisms to them. I once didn’t trust them either. As a result, six intense years of persistent training were, one might say, in vain for me. For six whole years (just think about it!) I wandered through the wilds of my own stupidity, the support of which was the opinion that I myself knew and understood everything very well.

Once upon a time, when I was still a very young man, I sat, like you, in front of my mentor, and he talked, talked, talked. That the person being healed should believe in his own strength, that he needs to strive for success, that during training he simply must be in a joyful mood, and if it does not come on its own, he needs to learn how to cause it. In general, in my opinion, the mentor was talking all sorts of nonsense, nonsense, hanging loose noodles on my ears, and I sat and thought, when will this drudgery end, when will we finally get down to what I came here for? After all, I was already an old-timer in the kidney department of the city hospital, where they did artificial blood purification two or three times a week, without this I would die. First, the kidneys fail, then the heart and liver begin to malfunction, then the entire body collapses. These were the prospects that awaited me, this is what I was so eager to get rid of at that moment.

Classes have started. In order not to offend my mentor, I tried to create some kind of mood in myself, sometimes I succeeded, sometimes not. The mentor was patient, and with his help I still cured my kidneys, but I still had a problem that men don’t talk about out loud.

Norbekov Mirzakarim, Khvan Yuri - Training of body and spirit - read book online for free

M. Norbekov, Yu. Hwang
Body and mind training


Dear readers!

Meanwhile, the practical work and creative research of these people allows us to speak of them as healers and scientists of global scale, for their work has already helped hundreds of thousands of sufferers (including many thousands of those whose illnesses were considered incurable) return to a full-blooded life and regain health , youth and enduring good spirits.

Both authors themselves at one time suffered from serious physical illnesses (Mirzakarim Norbekov - disability, kidney dysfunction, Yuri Khvan - chronic tonsillitis, heart failure), but they not only found a way to cope with their ailments, but also dared to prove in practice that any person can independently and in a very short time defeat any disease.

A feat comparable to the feat of Prometheus. The only difference is that the mythical titan taught people to use fire stolen from heaven, and M. Norbekov and Yu. Hwang set out to turn people to the amazing properties of the flame that everyone has. The name of this flame is spiritual energy, spirit. In fact, M. Norbekov and Yu. Hwang introduce humanity to the ownership rights to what it has possessed since the beginning of time.

“Well, again you’re talking about lofty matters, but I, for example, have hemorrhoids! - some skeptic may say. - Spirit is an immaterial substance, but my hemorrhoids are real. I’ll go and light a candle for myself!”

Don't rush to conclusions, dear skeptic. Read (only carefully) this book, and you will understand that your hemorrhoids do not need any suppositories, that they are trivial, like a runny nose. Is it worth talking about such a small thing when both bronchial asthma and diabetes mellitus recede before Norbekov-Khvan’s self-healing system. There are no candles, no oxygen pillows, or any other means, but magical changes occur in the patient’s condition. The blind begin to see, the deaf begin to hear, the dumb begin to speak! And this is not fiction, not fantasy or a fairy tale, although the authors of this book seriously argue that there is much more reality in fairy tales than is commonly believed.

The authors approached cooperation in ways that were outwardly different, but very similar in essence. Their union is not accidental. Yuri Khvan began by studying ancient Eastern martial arts (karate, taekwondo, kung fu, etc.) and came to the conclusion that the postulate “The strongest wins” is false.

Current page: 1 (book has 9 pages in total) [available reading passage: 6 pages]

M. Norbekov, Yu. Hwang
Body and mind training


Dear readers!

It seems urgently necessary for the publishing house “Peter” to say a few words about the uniqueness of the work that lies before you, since its authors do not consider it correct for themselves to touch upon this topic and generally avoid excessive self-promotion in every possible way.

Meanwhile, the practical work and creative research of these people allows us to speak of them as healers and scientists of global scale, for their work has already helped hundreds of thousands of sufferers (including many thousands of those whose illnesses were considered incurable) return to a full-blooded life and regain health , youth and enduring good spirits.

Both authors themselves at one time suffered from serious physical illnesses (Mirzakarim Norbekov - disability, kidney dysfunction, Yuri Khvan - chronic tonsillitis, heart failure), but they not only found a way to cope with their ailments, but also dared to prove in practice that any person can independently and in a very short time defeat any disease.

A feat comparable to the feat of Prometheus. The only difference is that the mythical titan taught people to use fire stolen from heaven, and M. Norbekov and Yu. Hwang set out to turn people to the amazing properties of the flame that everyone has. The name of this flame is spiritual energy, spirit. In fact, M. Norbekov and Yu. Hwang introduce humanity to the ownership rights to what it has possessed since the beginning of time.

“Well, again you’re talking about lofty matters, but I, for example, have hemorrhoids! - some skeptic may say. – Spirit is an immaterial substance, but my hemorrhoids are real. I’ll go and light a candle for myself!”

Don't rush to conclusions, dear skeptic. Read (only carefully) this book, and you will understand that your hemorrhoids do not need any suppositories, that they are trivial, like a runny nose. Is it worth talking about such a small thing when both bronchial asthma and diabetes mellitus recede before Norbekov-Khvan’s self-healing system. There are no candles, no oxygen pillows, or any other means, but magical changes occur in the patient’s condition. The blind begin to see, the deaf begin to hear, the dumb begin to speak! And this is not fiction, not fantasy or a fairy tale, although the authors of this book seriously argue that there is much more reality in fairy tales than is commonly believed.

The authors approached cooperation in ways that were outwardly different, but very similar in essence. Their union is not accidental. Yuri Khvan began by studying ancient Eastern martial arts (karate, taekwondo, kung fu, etc.) and came to the conclusion that the postulate “The strongest wins” is false.

Will, reason and confidence in one’s rightness win. These three qualities form what is called fortitude. This perseverance can be cultivated by any person who does not have the physique and makings of a superman. Yuri Khvan founded his own school of sam jong do (the experience of thousands of persistent ones), the main principle of which is: “Win ​​in a situation and you will always win.” The disease is also seen by Hwang as an extreme situation that must be overcome.

Jeong do itself is not a fighting school or a system of fighting techniques (although it includes these components), but, first of all, a philosophy and lifestyle that allows a person to overcome the obstacles that arise in front of him in the most economical manner. Spiritual improvement (striving for the ideal) is the ultimate goal of the teachings of sam jeong do. The practice of self-healing is only the first milestone on this path, and M. Norbekov’s methodology harmoniously harmonizes with it.

Mirzakarim Norbekov, founder of the Center for Self-Healing Technologies, entered Yuri Khvan’s section two decades ago and continues to consider him his spiritual mentor to this day. The classes helped the young man overcome a very serious illness (consequences of injuries received in the army). At the same time, he became so spiritually strong that he gave up revenge on the people who crippled him, and began to study ancient Eastern treatises, looking for grains of true wisdom in them and comparing them with the achievements of modern health medicine. The results exceeded the explorer’s wildest expectations, which can be confirmed by the legion of people he healed and are now living.

The phenomenal thing about the provisions of Chon Do itself and Norbekov’s self-healing system is that they do not involve any “external” means (medicines, preparations, balms, ointments, lotions, surgical or hypnotic interventions) in the treatment process. It is not surprising that both of these streams merged together, forming a healing current of amazing power, which has no analogues in modern times.

The publishing house “Piter” has the honor of widely publishing for the first time fundamental lessons from the practice of this area, designed to help everyone in need to independently master and apply them.

The first step towards this was the book “Lessons of Norbekov”, which takes into account many of the teachings of Chon Do itself and provides the basic method of bodily healing.

This work takes the reader further along this fascinating path. In it you will become more familiar with the principles of jong do itself, you will find practical instructions on improving vision, hearing, training emotions and much more, and women will be able to master the technique of gynecological non-contact automassage (which triggers the mechanism of uterine contractions and restores the full perception of sensory sensations).

All elements of the exercises offered in this book are easy to perform and accessible to the widest segments of the population (women, children, people of mature age, and even those who have already considered themselves old people). Taken together, they resemble graceful dance steps that bring youth and health to the performer. However, everyone who has tried his hand at choreography knows that in dance you must not confuse movements or lose the rhythm, otherwise, at best, you will become a laughing stock for those around you, at worst, you will fall and break into blood. A student who has embarked on the path of self-healing using this method must always remember this and strictly adhere to the established training regulations. By the way, dance is revered in Chon Do itself as a high art, harmoniously combining the physical with the spiritual.

The essence of jong do itself is not in the mechanical development of body movements, but in the ability to make the right choice. It is no coincidence that the first tenet of this school says: “Don’t make a mistake when choosing a mentor. A mistake can cost a student his whole life.”

There will be no mistake if Mirzakarim Norbekov and Yuri Khvan become your mentors.

Keys to the self-healing system

Dear readers!

Chronic diseases most often affect those who initially wrote themselves down as losers. Consider what has been said, and then try to embrace the following with all your heart, mind, and soul.

You are now being given the keys both to the entire system of self-healing as a whole, and to each of its exercises separately. Study this chapter carefully and always return to it as needed before starting classes. It is small in volume, but very significant in content and was written in order not to precede each exercise of the technique with similar instructions, otherwise the thin book you hold in your hands would turn into a plump volume, and, unfortunately, we like to read not very many.

In addition, it should be noted that people do not really trust lengthy reasoning and truths that seem truisms to them. I once didn’t trust them either. As a result, six intense years of persistent training were, one might say, in vain for me. For six whole years (just think about it!) I wandered through the wilds of my own stupidity, the support of which was the opinion that I myself knew and understood everything very well.

Once upon a time, when I was still a very young man, I sat, like you, in front of my mentor, and he talked, talked, talked. That the person being healed should believe in his own strength, that he needs to strive for success, that during training he simply must be in a joyful mood, and if it does not come on its own, he needs to learn how to cause it. In general, in my opinion, the mentor was talking all sorts of nonsense, nonsense, hanging loose noodles on my ears, and I sat and thought, when will this drudgery end, when will we finally get down to what I came here for? After all, I was already an old-timer in the kidney department of the city hospital, where they did artificial blood purification two or three times a week, without this I would die. First, the kidneys fail, then the heart and liver begin to malfunction, then the entire body collapses. These were the prospects that awaited me, this is what I was so eager to get rid of at that moment.

Classes have started. In order not to offend my mentor, I tried to create some kind of mood in myself, sometimes I succeeded, sometimes not. The mentor was patient, and with his help I still cured my kidneys, but I still had a problem that men don’t talk about out loud.

Having healed my kidneys, I began to read special literature, building my own concept of self-healing, and even began to pass on grains of my knowledge to others. But my problem did not go away, despite the hard training that I did not give up.

Every day I started with a ten-kilometer run, when I returned, I plunged into an ice hole, I lived (in winter) in an unheated room with a temperature below zero. I mastered yoga and slept on a board studded with nails. The training took 6–8 hours a day. As a result, I became not only a great expert in hand-to-hand combat, but also managed to become a silver medalist at the first USSR karate championship. Six years of hard work brought no benefit: my impotence remained with me. Why? Because I was just pumping up my muscles, and my spirit during classes not only did not help me, but also worked against me.

I started my studies with great enthusiasm, but after a month or two I was overcome by doubts; after a year or two they were replaced by frenzy and anger at the injustice of fate, which transformed into despondency with which I continued to pull the usual strap. My stubbornness turned against me. In other words, it, so to speak, strengthened my weakness. (Doubt is almost our only main enemy. Start practicing with thoughts: what if it doesn’t help? Now the day has passed, but where is the result? - that’s all, and you are dooming yourself to failure.)

One day my mentor asked me, “Why don’t you get married?” (27 years in the East is already maturity.) I had to explain myself. “You brainless ass,” my mentor told me, “you’ve been treating other people for so many years, and you can’t figure out the cause of your own troubles. Why didn’t you tell me everything right away?” Why, why, because I was ashamed. The mentor took on me again and with greater care than before. He thoroughly “shook up” my spirit, setting it up for new guidelines, that is, in short, he made me believe in myself again.

When I returned home, I announced to everyone that I was getting married. Nine months later my first son was born, a year later another, and I opened a small school, which at first only accepted men with certain types of problems. Now there is simply no end to them, and letters are coming to me from all over the world. The effectiveness of the male power of some recent sufferers (judging by their own testimonies) is now comparable to the effectiveness of a construction hammer (a powerful tool that breaks through concrete with reciprocating movements, which can work 25 hours a day). Needless to say, such transformations gave many thousands of childless families the joy of fatherhood and motherhood.

The upshot of all of the above is this. The human spirit is the main stimulant for his bodily healing. By doing the same exercise, you can:

a) benefit;

b) achieve nothing;

c) harm yourself.

It all depends on your mood and degree of aspiration towards the goal. Train your spirit, because only what is trained develops, and start doing it right now.

Mirzakarim Norbekov

Illustration for what was said

“People suffer not from what happens, but from their attitude towards what happens.”


This saying can be rephrased like this: your victory in a situation depends not on the circumstances that make up this situation, but on your attitude towards them.

At one time I happened to be a karate trainer. In my group there was a young man who had brilliant abilities and studied with great zeal. You could say he spent the day in the gym and spent the night. But he had a problem - fear. There are no fearless people. Fear, as an instinct of self-preservation, works in our favor, allowing us to see danger and escape from it. However, it’s bad when it begins to dominate our psyche and fetter our movements. This is exactly what happened with my brilliant fighter. He mastered fighting techniques impeccably and during training did not miss a single blow, but in contact combat he was a coward and lost to almost everyone. Fear deprived him of self-confidence. Suggestions that what wins in battle is not so much technique as spirit, did not help.

One day a very strong fighter came to visit me - the winner of the Central Asian Championship. I asked him to hold exhibition fights with my guys, but warned that one of my guys was superior to him in all respects. What's wrong with him, they say, even such a master should keep his ears open. In other words, I planted a spark of doubt in my own abilities in the champion’s soul. And he told the guys the following: “Tomorrow, one arrogant guy asked to come to us, considering himself an invincible fighter. He wants to warm up and beat the dust out of you, but I know that any of you can handle him with just your left. Even you! And he pointed to the newcomer, who still barely knew how to move. And then, as if casually, he turned to the cowardly young man: “You are the most technical among us, intimidate the upstart, drive him a little around the hall.”

The meeting took place. And something like a miracle happened. The coward had a great fight and defeated the champion. When he found out the name of the master he was meeting, he felt sick.

The lesson was not in vain. In the early nineties, in Hiroshima (at the Asian Games), my “coward” won first place among martial artists. I am still proud of his success to this day.

The conclusion, I hope, is clear. You can count on victory in the outside world only by defeating yourself. Never forget this.


Man is the true and only master of his destiny

Principles of sam jeon do

Chapter 1. General provisions sam jeon do

Life is a chain of situations, sometimes difficult, and sometimes extreme (deadly dangerous), which should include illness. An extreme situation is always associated with the invasion (expansion) of external forces seeking to destroy, weaken or enslave a person. Therefore, each of us must be able to resist this expansion.

Jeon do itself, as a symbiosis of the ancient arts of counteracting physical and spiritual expansion, promotes an active lifestyle in all its manifestations. Only those who are spiritually and physically healthy can lead such a life. Therefore, each of us simply must be completely healthy. Health is the natural state of a person, illness is a deviation from the norm: this is what the ancient Eastern sages said.

Based on the achievements of the philosophical thought of the East, the Jeon Do school itself does not aim to create a clan of supermen. It is addressed to the widest segments of the population. Its goal is to teach each of its followers the ability to make the right choice in difficult circumstances and get out of any situational conflicts with the greatest benefit for themselves. In other words, jong do itself is the science of martial arts:

a) with illness (with old age);

b) with the situation;

c) with a real opponent (or opponents);

d) with dark (negative) forces that oppress our body and spirit.

Chong Do himself claims that any person can successfully resist expansions of this kind if he:

Physically and internally collected;

Emotionally balanced;

Morally pure (attuned to the ideal).

These qualities, firstly, are cultivated, and secondly, they work superbly not only in critical circumstances, but also in all spheres of human life (business, love, production, everyday life). This book is entirely devoted to the healing aspect of the practice of sam jong do.

Self-health training using this system is available to people of any age and occupation. They can be done by children, teenagers, boys, girls, mature women and men, and gray-haired elders. The physical condition of a person who has decided to take the path of self-healing also does not matter, because the key exercises of the method are primarily designed to heal (rejuvenate) the body and strengthen the student’s spirit.

Is the learning itself difficult? It is difficult, but approximately to the same extent as it is difficult to learn to waltz or, for example, ride a bicycle. Others are riding, and you fall, pedal faster, hoping that speed will help, and you fall again. The steering wheel doesn't obey, the wheels wobble, the bike doesn't want to stand. And how can he stand if there is nothing standing on two points? This is contrary to the laws of physics. At first glance, yes, it contradicts, but others are riding, and again you climb into the saddle. And again. And again. And suddenly - oh, miracle! - the trick was a success. The mechanism becomes stable and carries the rider. God, what an intoxicating feeling of happiness! And this is really happiness, because happiness in itself is the achievement of a goal, and this is also one of the principles of jeong do itself. Happiness cannot be constant, it is dynamic, because after an achieved goal a new goal opens! Now you should learn to go around the pits, then overcome the climbs, then roll down the dizzying cliffs. Each stage is a small victory.

What about driving in the dark? You will also have to master it. This means that you should acquire a sixth sense that helps you evade invisible danger. The name of this feeling is intuition. And it will certainly come to you. Just don't stop training. Difficult-easy. Difficult-easy. It is difficult when there is no skill and ability, it is easy when skill comes, when a series of developments that seem to have no meaning suddenly collapse into one point that hits the target without missing a beat. Improving the health of the body is your first “bicycle” (or “waltz”). Then new horizons open up.

The circle of people who have accepted the ideology of Jeong Do itself is expanding in an increasingly tangible progression. Students are attracted by the simplicity of the elements of the curriculum, in which there is nothing overly complex. You just need to remember (and we always try to emphasize this) that the accessibility and elegance of many positions of the chon do itself were ensured by the painstaking work of our predecessors - thousands and thousands of strategists and philosophers of antiquity, who sought to achieve spiritual and physical harmony. Their experience is truly invaluable, and we should strictly honor their memory.

Mentally paying tribute to the masters of past centuries, we connect to the energy over which space, time and even death itself have no power.

Death is a given, it accompanies life and strikes first of all either the coward who trembles before it or the fool who ignores it. But a formidable enemy can turn into an ally when you take into account his presence and, in accordance with this factor, begin to calibrate your every step. Jeon do itself teaches a person to control his emotions in such a way that the feeling of danger, while warning the owner about the degree of the real threat, does not at the same time overwhelm him completely. Panic fear paralyzes our mind and our will, depriving us of the ability to resist, but, like an angry dog, it can always be put on a strong chain. When this happens, a person's consciousness becomes like a stream of water. It is easier for someone who grasps with his inner gaze the thousands of little things that make up a situation to choose the only correct path. Rather than cursing the gathering darkness, it is better to light a candle (that is, illuminate the darkness with the flame of your spirit).

“He who conquers himself is invincible.” So said the great Confucius. The deep meaning of this saying, for all its apparent simplicity, is not immediately decipherable. Only persistent training can help you comprehend this wisdom in its entirety. For now, let's note this.

Jeong do itself does not at all set the goal of “forging” something out of you or “melting” your body and spirit into something that is not like you. You, in your innermost core, are a unique and inimitable creation of the Creator (only because you are endowed with the ability to self-awareness and the right to choose), but your deepest qualities are not manifested in you.

The technique gives a direction, focusing on which, you can most fully reveal your essence.

The path to self-healing is ultimately the path to one’s pristine self (freed from false ideas and emotional “blockages”). This path cannot be followed without cultivating a sense of deep self-respect. The self-healing technique cultivates this feeling in the student by all means and tries in every possible way to awaken in him love for his body. This is the basics. Without self-love, love for a woman, for a man, for nature, for a child, for the universe is impossible; healing and a correct assessment of things are impossible. “Love your neighbor as yourself” is not an easy instruction. It forces us to make a qualitative assessment of how we love ourselves.

People who have accepted the Jeong Do ideology change both physically and spiritually, many of them noticeably manifest themselves in creativity, in science, and all, without exception, lead an active, fulfilling life. They are friendly and always ready to help. Already in the process of classes, an inner light of great energy power begins to emanate from the students. Such a transformation always pleases and never ceases to amaze.

Let us give two examples of metamorphoses that could be called magical if they were not happening before our eyes.

Vadim Nazhipov, physician. The absolute absence of hair and white spots all over his body are a consequence of radiation trauma received by Vadim’s parents before his birth.

Elena Shinkevich, former gymnast. A double fracture of the spine, a fracture of the jaw and the shoulder joint are the result of a fatal fall.

In a year and a half. Vadim - complete disappearance of spots on the skin, luxuriant hair, eyebrows, eyelashes, mustache. Helen - complete restoration of health, normalization of body weight (reduction from 90 to 55 kg), happy mother (gave birth to a boy).

Such cases are far from isolated. Now Vadim Nazhipov heads the Self-Healing Center in Chelyabinsk, Elena Shinkevich heads a similar center in Yekaterinburg.

We hope that these examples, dear readers, will strengthen your faith in human capabilities and help you choose the right path leading to health and youth. The next chapter of the book invites you to take a closer look at how our work will be structured.