Explanatory dictionary of dreams. What is Dream? Miller's "Vocabulary"

Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language by Vladimir Dahl

Sleep, m. the state of a sleeping person; rest of the body, in oblivion of feelings; opposite sex vigil, vigor, reality. Deep, sound, undisturbed sleep; sleepyhead is light, alert, sensitive, audible, dozing. Rise from sleep, go to sleep. Sleep attacked and overcame. Concerns about sleep and eating

Ozhegov's Explanatory Dictionary

Sleep, sleep, m.

Coming at certain intervals physiological state peace and rest, with which the work of consciousness almost completely stops, reactions to external irritations decrease. Healthy p. Sleep soundly (deadly). See something. in a dream (foundation). Wake up from sleep. Immerse yourself in the village. (fall asleep). To fall into eternal sleep (translated: to die; high). Through s. hear (during sleep). And in a dream I dreamed of something. kamu-n. (didn’t think at all, didn’t guess; colloquial). How to dream (1) unconsciously. Moon; 2) vaguely, foggy. Remember like in a dream).

What is dreamed is dreamed by the sleeper, a dream. I'm dreaming. I dreamed of a terrible s. See with. S. in the hand (about a dream that came true; colloquial). *What does this dream mean? (colloquial irony) - how should this be understood? Neither sleep nor spirit (colloquial) - absolutely; not at all. Neither in my dreams nor in my spirit do I know, do not know anything. Not at all guilty, not guilty of anything. From sleep or from sleep (colloquial) - having just woken up. There is no sleep in either eye (colloquial) - I don’t want to sleep at all. || adj. sleepy, oh, oh. Sleepy visions.

Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language by Ushakov

SLEEP, Sleep, m.

Units only A periodically occurring physiological state, opposite to wakefulness, for a period of time the work of consciousness completely or partially stops. He spent more than one night without Sleep. Goncharov. Matvey Savvich muttered something in his sleep. Chekhov. Soon both fell asleep in a sweet sleep. Griboyedov. I have light sleep: As soon as someone creaks, I’m already watching. Goncharov. Sleep closes your eyes. L. Tolstoy. He fell asleep in a heroic sleep. Melnikov-Pechersky. You wrote everything and did not forget yourself with sleep. Pushkin. Rise up, awaken from Sleep. fall into sleep. He's getting sleepy. I didn’t hear anything from Sleep. see sth. in a dream. Go to sleep (go to sleep or go to bed. Baratynsky. Seville is embraced by both darkness and sleep. Pushkin. || transfer. Monotony, dullness, stagnation, lack of movement forward, change. Their life was immersed in sleep. Bring colonial countries out of Sleep.

What is dreamed, the vision, the dreams of the sleeper. I slept well all that night and had no dreams. Turgenev. Some dreams are strange, but in reality they are stranger. Griboyedov. Prophetic dream. Sleep in the hand (see hand). Bring golden dreams to silk eyelashes. Lermontov.

Peren. A dream, a daydream, something that captivates the imagination and feeling (poet). Was it a dream of imagination? Pushkin. She gave the poet his first dream to the young delights. Pushkin. In the wilderness, the lyrical voice is more sonorous, creative dreams are more vivid. Pushkin.

Peren. About something. unrealistic, fantastic, fabulous, about something. a product of the imagination. It's all a dream. To fall asleep (sleep) in eternal sleep or plunge into eternal sleep (rhetoric) - to die. as in a dream - 1) about something. amazing, extraordinary. it was beautiful, like a dream. 2) about being half asleep, semi-conscious someone, about the condition of a person who has temporarily lost the ability to clearly, clearly, smth. hear or see, understand something. I sit as if in a dream: I listen and understand nothing. Not in a dream (not guilty; colloquial) - completely, not at all guilty. I am not to blame for this, neither in my dreams nor in my spirit. Leskov. through a dream - during Sleep. I heard it in my sleep. With a clear smile, nature greets the morning of the year through a dream. Pushkin. I still remember, as if in a dream... Herzen. There is no sleep in one or (colloquially) in a single eye - I don’t want to sleep at all. what does this dream mean (mean, etc.; joke) - how should this be understood, what does it mean?


dream book, m. (outdated). A book containing interpretations of dreams (see dream in 2 meanings), dream interpreter.

Ushakov. Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language by Ushakov. 2012

See also interpretations, synonyms, meanings of the word and what a DREAMLINE book is in Russian in dictionaries, encyclopedias and reference books:

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To uncertainty and not knowing what to do.

1 Dictionary by Esoteric dream book

Compose, write - good sleep for representatives of creative professions: your work will see the light of day and bring success and income.

1 Dictionary according to the Dream Book of the 21st century

A dream with a dictionary in the dream book is interpreted as:

To get things done quickly, looking up the meaning of the word in a dictionary means that in managing affairs you will be dependent on the opinions of other people, but your deeds can be done quickly thanks to your willpower.

The more strange a dream seems to us, the deeper its meaning.

Sigmund Freud

1 Dictionary by To the newest dream book of G. Ivanov

Dreaming with a dictionary means:

If you buy a dictionary, take it from the library - you will put your home in order; working with a dictionary always leads to sadness.

1 Dictionary by Dream Interpretation of Catherine the Great

Meaning of sleep dictionary:

What is this dictionary for? You see a dictionary in a dream; you seem to be looking into a dictionary - you are not confident in yourself and your loved ones; you suffer from an inferiority complex and do not believe that you have a prophet in your fatherland; Distortions in your world- and self-perception could be corrected by an experienced psychologist.

1 Dictionary by Universal dream book

What does it mean if a woman dreams of a dictionary:

It is surprising that it is impossible to create a final version of the dictionary; new words appear in the language every day - perhaps the dictionary in your dream reminds you that modes of expression and verbal communication have no boundaries.

Consulting a dictionary is a great way to clarify something unclear. What do you want to clarify in your life? In a dream, are you trying to find a specific word in the dictionary? Which? Perhaps this word characterizes the current situation in your life.

Who owns the dictionary in a dream? If this is your dictionary, the dream speaks of your desire to define or explain yourself and your actions.

If the dictionary belongs to another person, perhaps you want to understand his personality. The dictionary also symbolizes discovery. Are you looking for something new in life?

In what language is the dictionary published? If it is published in a language that is unknown to you, perhaps the dream speaks of your subconscious desire to learn more about the country where this language is spoken. Sometimes, in order to understand and accept people living in a country, you need to learn their language.

Dictionary is also a sign of a strong internal desire to be in harmony with the people around you. When we are unsure of the meaning of a word, we look at the dictionary to find out its generally accepted meaning. Do you want to be in harmony with the people around you?

Inside everyone, even the best of us, lies an uncontrollable wild beast who wakes up when we sleep...


1 Dictionary by Modern dream book

What a dictionary might mean in a dream:

A dream in which you use a dictionary means that in real life When doing your business, you will depend too much on the opinions and advice of other people, although you are able to cope with everything yourself.

1 Dictionary by Housewife's Dream Interpretation

Dictionary in a dream means:

Pay great attention to the opinions of other people; do not trust your experience and intuition.

1 Dictionary according to Miller's dream book

If a girl dreams of a dictionary, it means:

Consulting a dictionary is evidence of your mental timidity and dependence on the opinions of others; if you get rid of this, your affairs will go much more successfully.

1 Dictionary by French dream book

Why does a woman dream about a dictionary?

Flipping through a dictionary in a dream means that your knowledge will soon bring you honor and wealth.

When in a dream it seems that someone is waking you up and calling you, do not respond and do not look out the window - this is one of your deceased relatives calling you to them.

1 Dictionary by Dream Interpretation of Spiritual Seekers

Why does a woman dream about a dictionary:

A dream in which you carefully double-check words in a dictionary suggests that in reality you are too dependent on the opinions of others. It's no wonder that you can't decide to take any specific step - you're too concerned about the impression you might make on others. Be bolder and more relaxed, and luck will turn its attention to you.

Vocabulary – pay great attention to other people’s opinions; do not trust your experience and intuition. Dictionary - To uncertainty and not knowing what to do. Dictionary in a dream - You see a dictionary; you seem to be looking into a dictionary - you are not confident in yourself and your loved ones; you suffer from an inferiority complex and do not believe that you have a prophet in your fatherland; Distortions in your world- and self-perception could be corrected by an experienced psychologist.

1 Dictionary by Dream Interpretation of Spiritual Seekers

Seeing a dictionary in a dream means:

Seeing a dictionary in a dream means getting things done quickly, asking about the meaning of a word in a dictionary means that in managing your affairs you will be dependent on the opinions of other people, but your work can be done quickly thanks to your willpower, in the next interpreter you can find out why do you have this dream?

Dictionary - Leafing through a dictionary in a dream means that your knowledge will soon bring you honor and wealth. Dictionary – Look, read for successful studies, admission or passing exams. Compose, write a good dream for representatives of creative professions: your work will see the light of day and bring success and income.

dream dictionary

A dream in which a person studies a word that interests him in a dictionary indicates susceptibility to the opinions of others, which negatively affects the affairs of the dreamer. After such a dream you should trust more own experience and rely on intuition to successfully move things forward.

dreamed of a dictionary

A dictionary seen in a dream foreshadows the speedy execution of affairs. Studying a word in the dictionary draws attention to a person’s excessive exposure to other people’s opinions. By giving up outside influence, you can significantly speed up the progress of things.

why do you dream about a dictionary

Purchasing or ordering a dictionary from the library predicts the organization of affairs in your own home. A dream in which a person is working with a dictionary promises impending sadness.

what does it mean if a dictionary is in a dream

Flipping through a dictionary in a dream prophesies the enrichment of the dreamer thanks to his own knowledge.

dream dictionary

If you look through or read a dictionary in a dream, you should expect successful progress in your studies, admission, or successful passing of exams. A good omen for creative people is the compilation of a dictionary seen in a dream: a person’s labors will be successful and will bring financial reward.

A dreamed dictionary speaks of dependence on the opinions of others, according to most dream books. However, there are also dream interpreters who are sure that such a book in a dream warns of the need to take difficult decision. In order not to make a mistake when interpreting what a dictionary means in a dream, remember all the details accompanying the plot.

Miller's "Vocabulary"

Miller's dream book explains why you dream of using a dictionary: you are a very insecure person who prefers advice from more experienced and wise people to your own thoughts.

Did you dream that you keep a small dictionary in your pocket, just in case? This suggests that you prefer to remain silent rather than be active or take initiative.

Explanatory dictionary as a symbol of insufficiency

Interpretations of dreams about an explanatory dictionary stand apart in dream books. Yes, according to Eastern dream book, read explanatory dictionary in order to find a new word - a sign of a lack of communication in the dreamer.

And here, Lunar dream book believes that such a dream indicates the “information hunger” of the sleeper. Among large quantity fuss and chatter, a person does not receive new information for himself, which leads him to dissatisfaction with everyone and everything.

Dictionary-translator, or Decide on your goals

Do you dream that you are learning new foreign words by flipping through, for example, English-Russian dictionary? The interpreter Longo will explain why you dream of such a vision: you are standing on the threshold of something new that promises you happiness and success. The only thing missing to achieve them is to understand what exactly you want.

Buying a phrasebook in a dream while in a foreign country is a signal that the time has come to put everything in its place: goals, thoughts, desires, priorities and preferences. If you don't do this, luck will turn away from you.

Did you dream that in front of you lies an encyclopedia or reference book, the compiler of which you were? This means that you can't go a day without recommending something to someone.

In a dream, someone else's name was on the cover of the directory? Such a plot means that it is important for you to know other people’s opinions about your work, hobbies, behavior - in a word, everything you do.

What exactly did you dream about?

Often in a dream we see pictures in such detail that the next morning we can tell what color the fifth flower of the seventh bush in the garden had. According to the dream books, despite the apparent frivolity, this important information. In the case of dictionaries, there is a possibility that in a dream you saw which particular dictionary was lying in front of you. So.