With changes and additions from. What information should be indicated in the ITU certificate of disability Where is ITU carried out?

Let's start with the fact that a disabled person is a person who has a health disorder with a persistent disorder of body functions.

Such a violation is caused by diseases, consequences of injuries or defects. It leads to limitation of life activity and causes the need for social protection of a person (Article 1 of the Law of November 24, 1995 No. 181-FZ (hereinafter referred to as Law No. 181-FZ)).

A person recognized as disabled is given a certificate confirming the fact of disability, indicating its group. Along with the certificate, he receives an individual rehabilitation program.

Disability and its group are determined by special federal institutions - the Bureau of Medical and Social Expertise (hereinafter referred to as ITU). A citizen can be referred to such a bureau by:

  • an organization providing medical and preventive care, regardless of its organizational and legal form;
  • body providing pensions;
  • social protection body.

A certificate confirming the fact of disability is issued in a certain form. It was approved by order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated November 24, 2010 No. 1031n.

Checking the certificate and IPR

First, you need to check the disability certificate and individual rehabilitation program (hereinafter referred to as IPR) of the disabled person for the presence of signatures and seals. These documents must be signed by the head of the ITU bureau where the employee underwent the examination, and certified with the seal of this bureau. After checking the documents, copies of them should be kept in the personal file of the disabled employee.

The IPR is of a recommendatory nature for a disabled person. He has the right to refuse one or another type, form and volume of rehabilitation measures, as well as the implementation of the program as a whole (Article 11 of Law No. 181-FZ). Therefore, an employee can only bring a disability certificate to work in order to receive general disability benefits provided for by the Labor Code.

The IPR of a disabled person includes certain types, forms, volumes, terms and procedures for the implementation of professional and other rehabilitation measures. Their goal is restoration, compensation for impaired or lost body functions, restoration, compensation for the abilities of a disabled person to perform certain types of activities (Article 11 of Law No. 181-FZ).


Refusal of a disabled person from the IRP as a whole or from the implementation of its individual parts exempts the employer from carrying out such a program. At the same time, a disabled person does not have the right to expect to receive compensation in the amount of the cost of rehabilitation measures provided free of charge (Article 11 of Law No. 181-FZ).

IPR of a disabled person must be implemented regardless of the organizational and legal forms and forms of ownership of the employer. This means that everything will need to be done to create the working conditions for the employee that are prescribed in his IPR.

You will also need to make a note about the completion (or non-compliance) of specific rehabilitation measures. The mark must be certified by the signature of the responsible person, for example, the head of the company, HR officer, accountant, and the seal of the organization.

Legal dismissal

The recognition of an employee as completely incapable of work in accordance with a medical report is a circumstance in which the employment contract is subject to termination. Reason – clause 5 of part 1 of Article 83 of the Labor Code.

The classifications and criteria used when conducting MSE are determined by order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia dated December 23, 2009 No. 1013n.

Let’s say an employee is recognized as disabled with the ability to work of the 3rd degree. Ability to work – the ability to work in accordance with the requirements for the content, volume, quality and conditions of work. Limitation of the ability to work 3rd degree implies the inability to do any work or its impossibility (contraindicated). This degree of limitation of one of the main categories of human life activity belongs to disability group I. In this case, the employment contract with such an employee can be terminated on the basis of clause 5 of part 1 of Article 83 of the Labor Code.

Limitation of the ability to work 1st degree assumes that the employee is able to work under normal conditions with a decrease in qualifications, severity, intensity or a decrease in the volume of work. As well as the employee’s inability to continue working in his main profession while maintaining the ability to perform lower-skilled work under normal working conditions. This degree of limitation corresponds to disability group III.

Restriction of the ability to work 2nd degree implies the ability to perform work in specially created working conditions with the use of auxiliary technical means or with the help of other persons. This degree of limitation corresponds to disability group II.

This means that if an employee is recognized as a disabled person of group II or III, then he can be dismissed at his own request on the basis of Article 80 or by agreement of the parties on the basis of Article 78 of the Labor Code.

Transfer to another job

An employee recognized as disabled can continue to work, but only under the working conditions recommended for him in the IPR. In this case, two options can be provided for the IPR. The first is a change in working conditions without changing the terms of the employment contract. The second is a change in the terms of the employment contract, including transfer to another job.

Changes to the terms of the employment contract must be agreed upon.

If it is not possible to create for a disabled person the conditions specified in the IPR, the employee must be transferred to another job.

If such a possibility exists and the employee has given his consent, a transfer agreement should be concluded with him. It will also be necessary to issue a transfer order in Form No. T-5. These unified forms were approved by Decree of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated January 5, 2004 No. 1.

The transfer of an employee to another job is reflected in section III of his personal card in form No. T-2*.

The transfer did not take place

If there is no suitable vacancy or the employee refuses to transfer, the employment contract with him is subject to termination. In this case, clause 8 of part 1 of article 77 of the Labor Code is indicated as the basis for dismissal.

There is no need to notify the employee of dismissal in advance in such a situation.

However, the right of all workers to receive information within a reasonable time about the termination of their employment is provided for in paragraph 4 of Article 4 of Part II of the European Social Charter, ratified by Law No. 101-FZ of June 3, 2009. Thus, having decided to dismiss a disabled employee, he should still be warned in advance. Before the expiration of this warning, the employer is obliged to remove the employee from his previous job. During the period of such suspension, wages are not accrued (Article 76 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

An employee’s application is not necessary to issue an order to terminate an employment contract. It is issued on the basis of a medical report. The employee must be familiarized with the order against signature. If it is not possible to bring the order to the attention of the employee or the employee simply refuses to read it under signature, a note about this must be made on the order.

By the way, at the employee’s request, he will need to provide a certified copy of the dismissal order.

The day of termination of the employment contract in all cases is the last day of work, with the exception of cases where the employee did not actually work, but retained his place of work (position). This means that the employment contract is terminated on the day specified in the dismissal order, even if the employee was suspended from work on that day.


The establishment of working conditions for disabled people in collective or individual labor contracts that would worsen the situation of disabled people in comparison with other employees is not allowed. We are talking, in particular, about wages, working hours and rest periods, the duration of annual and additional paid leave, etc.

On the day of termination of the employment contract, it is necessary to pay compensation to the employee for unused vacation. Deduction for unworked vacation days for the employee in question, if the vacation was provided to him in advance, is not made.

Severance pay is paid in the amount of two weeks' average earnings.

If the employee did not work on the day of dismissal, then the corresponding amounts must be paid no later than the next day after he submits a request for payment.

On the day of termination of the employment contract, the employee is given his work book. The following entry should be made in it: “Dismissed due to the employer’s lack of work required in accordance with the medical certificate issued in the manner established by federal laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, paragraph 8 of part one of Article 77 of the Labor Code.” It is this option for filling out a work record that is provided for in paragraph 5.2 of the Instructions for filling out work books (approved by Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated October 10, 2003 No. 69).

If it was not possible to issue a work book on the day of termination of the employment contract (for example, the employee was not at the workplace), the employee must be sent a notice of the need to appear for the work book or agree to have it sent by mail. From the date of sending this notification, the employer is released from liability for the delay in issuing the work book.

Benefits for a disabled employee

Benefits for a disabled employee are provided on the basis of a certificate of disability, regardless of the presence of an IPR. They are provided for by the Labor Code and Law No. 181-FZ.

A record of all the benefits to which the employee is entitled as a disabled person, indicating the number and date of issue of the disability certificate and IPR (if submitted), should be made in Section IX of the disabled employee’s personal card in Form No. T-2.

Annual leave

In general, the annual basic paid leave is 28 calendar days. Disabled people are granted annual leave of at least 30 calendar days (Article 115 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, Article 23 of Law No. 181-FZ). Moreover, such extended leave is due regardless of whether the employee was disabled during the entire working year for which he was granted leave or not.

It should be borne in mind that if, after establishing disability, an employee resigns, then compensation for vacation must be paid to him in proportion to the time when he was recognized as disabled.

Let's say that part of the working year for which leave is granted falls during the period when the employee was not yet disabled. Then for this part he is granted leave at the rate of 28 calendar days per working year. And for the part that falls on the period after the employee was recognized as disabled - at the rate of 30 calendar days per working year.

Vacation at your own expense

Unlike other employees, a disabled employee has the right not to ask, but to demand leave without pay; it is impossible to refuse to provide it. Moreover, based on a written application, a disabled employee can apply for unpaid leave of up to 60 calendar days a year (Article 128 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Let us note that the issue of the specific time for granting a disabled person leave at his own expense is still decided by agreement of the parties. After all, the Labor Code does not establish the employer’s obligation to provide such an employee with unpaid leave at the exact time he insists.

Reduced operating time

For disabled people of groups I and II, a reduced working time is established - no more than 35 hours a week while maintaining full wages (Article 92 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, Article 23 of Law No. 181-FZ). The duration of daily work (shift) for disabled people must correspond to the issued medical report, for example, IPR (Article 94 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

To indicate shortened working hours in the timesheet in form No. T-12 or T-13 and use: – or the letter code “LC”; – or digital code “21”.

Consent to overtime work

Involvement of disabled people in overtime work, work on weekends and at night is permitted only with their consent and provided that such work is not prohibited for them due to health reasons.

A disabled person cannot be involved in overtime work, work on weekends and non-working holidays, as well as night work, if this is directly contraindicated for him for health reasons according to the IPR submitted by him. In it, the ITU institution specifies the working conditions of a disabled person.

Let’s say a disabled employee did not want to use the IRP at the place of work and brought the employer only a certificate of disability, where restrictions on overtime work and other restrictions are not recorded. Then such an employee, with his consent, can be involved in overtime work, work on weekends and non-working holidays, and night work.

Sick leave payments

For an “ordinary” employee, temporary disability benefits for loss of ability to work due to illness or injury are paid for the entire period of temporary disability until the day the ability to work is restored or disability is determined.

In the case of a disabled employee, things are somewhat more complicated. An employee recognized as disabled is paid temporary disability benefits (except for tuberculosis) for no more than four consecutive months or five months in a calendar year.

If these persons fall ill with tuberculosis, temporary disability benefits are paid until the day of restoration of working capacity or until the day the disability group is revised due to tuberculosis.

But the amount of temporary disability benefits for disabled employees is determined in the usual manner.

P.R. Agapov, lawyer

If it is necessary to recognize a disability, the patient undergoes a medical commission. As a result, he is given an ITU certificate: what it is and how to draw up the document is described step by step in the article.

The main purpose of the certificate is documentary confirmation of the fact of disability with the establishment of:

  • degrees;
  • restrictions on work ability;
  • need for care and social protection.

If we talk about what an ITU certificate is directly, we can say that it is a document of a medical and social examination for which a patient with significant health problems is sent. We are talking about both a physical and mental state, which excludes work activity in general or some of its types.

The commission is passed by both patients who have health problems and already recognized disabled people in order to extend the validity of the previous document (or to recognize the fact of partial or complete recovery, or change the disability group).

The assigned group gives the patient certain rights:

  • full or partial exemption from work (that is, the ability to engage only in certain types of work, in a simplified mode);
  • receiving social benefits (disability pensions, benefits);
  • for social protection (assistance from a social worker);
  • receiving care benefits for a close relative or other person who volunteered to help the patient.

Therefore, it is important to know what an ITU certificate is and how to draw up the document: this is important both for people with significant health problems and for people with disabilities who intend to renew the validity of the certificate.

What does the ITU certificate look like?

The document form is uniform. The certificate is printed on a pink form indicating information about the disabled person, as well as medical information:

  • disability group (first, second or third);
  • cause of disability (including “disabled since childhood”);
  • date of group establishment;
  • date of next inspection;
  • the basis for drawing up the certificate (name and number of the relevant inspection report);
  • seal of the commission, signature of the responsible officer (head of the ITU Bureau).


reverse side

Step-by-step instructions for registration

To apply, you must contact the relevant ITU bureau. Detailed instructions with step-by-step descriptions of actions are given below.

Step 1: Getting directions

First of all, the patient should receive a referral. It can be issued by representatives:

  • hospital or hospital where the person is currently undergoing treatment (form No. 088/у-06);
  • local branch of the Pension Fund;
  • by court decision (in rare cases when these departments refused, but the patient defended his right in court).

The referral includes all basic information about the patient - personal data, as well as the following information:

  • specialty, qualification;
  • working conditions;
  • position at the present job;
  • information about education;
  • information about what treatment measures have already been used.

It is important to understand that even in the absence of a referral, a citizen can independently contact the local Bureau to obtain an ITU certificate. In any case, he must submit the entire package of documents described below.

Step 2. Collection of necessary documents

On site at the Bureau, the patient personally or through his guardian, legal representative, or representative by proxy writes an application for the commission. To obtain an ITU, the following documents are required:

  • direction (if available);
  • medical card with medical history;
  • conclusion of a medical commission;
  • medical documents, test results, diagnostic procedures related to the disease;
  • applicant's passport;
  • his education document;
  • work book.

Additionally, a notarized power of attorney may be required. In some cases, a report in form N-1 is also provided. It reflects information about an industrial accident and its consequences for the patient.

Step 3. Passing the commission

To pass the commission in order to obtain an ITU certificate, you need to understand what it is, how exactly it works, and where to apply. The decision is made by the so-called ITU Bureau. Initially, the patient goes to the local Bureau (in his city or district), then, in case of an appeal, to the main Bureau for the region, then to the federal Bureau. The final authority, as always, is the court, where, if necessary, you can appeal the commission’s decision.

The person goes through the commission personally. If he is incapacitated (fully or partially), he must be accompanied by a guardian. If we are talking about a minor, the accompanying person is a parent (legal representative) - natural or adopted.

If a Bureau of one level or another makes a negative decision, it is obliged to issue an appropriate written document justifying its actions. Next, the patient personally (or through a representative - parents, guardians, person acting by proxy) applies to the next level body, trying to change the previously made decision.

Step 4 Obtaining a certificate, sick leave and certificate

The citizen undergoes a commission, which consists not only of doctors, but also of specialists studying working conditions, since it is important to identify both the patient’s health status and the characteristics of his work (whether the person is able to continue to engage in this particular type of activity). The deadline for making a decision is 6 working days after completion of the examination (this period does not depend on the level of the Bureau - local, regional or federal).

If the decision is positive, the following documents are drawn up:

The Bureau itself does not extend sick leave - only the hospital where the patient is located does this. Therefore, it is important to know that such an action can be performed by a local physician: this is a general rule (they are approached with a card, an ITU certificate and other medical documents).

Acts of the ITU Bureau at all levels are stored in archives for at least 10 years. If necessary, the patient or his representative may request relevant documents on the application.

Answers to common questions

Along with the question of what an ITU certificate is, patients and their loved ones are also interested in others: these are typical situations that most often occur in practice.

Is it possible to pass the commission without registration?

A citizen can contact the Bureau at his place of registration:

  • permanent (in the same region);
  • temporary (at the place of stay).

Therefore, if the patient is located outside his “home” region, he must first obtain a temporary registration stamp at his place of stay, and then visit the local Bureau. If a person intends to pass the commission in the same region, but in a different area, temporary registration is not necessary. At the same time, residents of several regions can pass the commission without temporary registration:

  • in Moscow and the Moscow region;
  • in St. Petersburg and the Leningrad region;
  • in the Republic of Crimea and Sevastopol.

For example, a citizen is registered in the Moscow region - then he can pass the ITU in Moscow. Or the citizen is registered in Sevastopol, which means he can pass the commission in Crimea without additional registration.

If a person is seriously ill

If the patient is seriously ill (partially or completely paralyzed, has confusion, acute mental disorders, emotional disturbances, is not transportable, etc.), guardians or legal representatives (as well as representatives acting by proxy) should obtain a certificate from the attending physician that a citizen cannot independently collect all the necessary documents.

The process of registering a disability cannot be called pleasant and easy. In our country, people have to confirm for a long time with various certificates even such obvious things as disability of the first or second group.

But you have to overcome the barrier of your own inferiority and document the assignment of disability in order to have the right to preferential medical services, an increased pension and additional social benefits in the future. To save time and nerves, you need to know the basic nuances of registering a disability.

Disability is usually called a persistent, long-term or permanent impairment of socialization and ability to work, which is caused by a congenital or acquired disease, injury or injury.

The right to be considered disabled is given by severe physical impairments. But not all sick people are entitled to this status and receive the corresponding benefits.

Official registration of disability is available only when the disease is a serious obstacle to work activity. This term includes legal and social concepts. Official assignment of the status of a disabled person may entail a change in working conditions or termination of work, as well as the appointment of state social security in various forms.

The Russian Ministry of Health has established certain criteria and classifications on which the recognition of a person as disabled is based. Some suffer from serious illnesses and believe that they are entitled to Social Security disability benefits, but do not take any action to officially prove this. But personal opinion alone is not enough.

The main criterion is the presence of persistent pathology that limits the normal life activities (work activities, independent movement) of people.

A person can be advised to register a disability by a medical specialist who realistically assesses the patient’s health and capabilities. For example, the reason for obtaining the above status is a stroke. The disability group will depend on the severity of the disease and its consequences.

The reason for ordering a medical examination will be:

  • Loss of ability to work.
  • Restriction of certain body functions (speech, movement).

Some people associatively believe that myocardial infarction is always a reason for assigning a disability group. But this is not the case if the patient has fully recovered and can continue working. True, a lot here depends on the type of occupation. If it involves excessive physical exertion, this fact will be taken into account when conducting a medical and social examination.

The assignment of disability for cancer is a controversial issue. For example, skin cancer is not such a serious illness, since it does not interfere with the continuation of work. The only diseases for which a lifelong disability group is given are tumors of the brain and spinal cord, and leukemia.

As for amputation of limbs, there are some nuances here too. When determining a person's eligibility for disability benefits, factors such as:

  • Condition of the stump.
  • Cause of limb loss.
  • Age.
  • Profession.
  • What part of the limb was amputated?

Serious visual impairment or complete loss of vision necessarily entails the assignment of disability. The group will depend on the degree of visual impairment.

Mental disorders belong to a separate category of diseases, upon diagnosis of which a person receives a disability group:

  • Mild forms of mental disorders are the first group.
  • Seizures and dementia are the second group.
  • The patient is unable to assess himself adequately and lead a normal life - the first group is assigned.

To obtain the status of a disabled person, a person must apply to the bureau for a medical and social examination at his place of registration. The patient can do this on the direction of a doctor or at his own discretion.

Required documents

You will need to provide the following documents:

  • Passport and its copy.
  • Medical record from the clinic.
  • Completed application.
  • Referral for examination.
  • Sick leave, if available.
  • Extracts of medical examinations performed.
  • A copy of the work record book or employment contract.
  • Certificates of injuries or chronic diseases, if any.

The entire package of documents is submitted to the bureau, after which you can expect an invitation for examination.

A bedridden patient is examined a little differently. He does not have the opportunity to come for an examination, so relatives can agree with the doctor to conduct an examination in an inpatient setting. There is an option to register disability in absentia by obtaining a power of attorney to perform such actions from the disabled person.

Procedure and procedure

The medical and social examination usually involves three representatives from the bureau. On the appointed day, the person is invited to the bureau. The examination itself includes:

  • Study of medical documents.
  • Examination of the patient.
  • Analysis of various (domestic, social, labor) living conditions of a citizen.

Based on the data received, experts render their verdict. To be assigned a disability, the following conditions must be met:

  • Limitation of life activity;
  • Need for rehabilitation;
  • Persistent pathological disorder of body functions.

A person can receive a disability group even if only two of the above conditions are met.

When conducting an examination, it is mandatory to keep a protocol. In some cases, a citizen is recognized as incapacitated without being assigned a disability. The commission’s conclusions are documented in the form of a report, which is given to the patient.

If a person is recognized as disabled, he must be assigned an individual rehabilitation program and issued the appropriate certificates. These documents are necessary for applying to the pension fund and social security authorities.

The result will be a disability pension and preferential payments.


The process of registering disability takes place in several stages. Collecting documents and going through medical specialists takes approximately 7-10 days.

The examination can be scheduled no later than one month after submitting the documents. However, there is always a possibility that additional examinations and supporting documents will be required. The decision to assign disability must be made on the day of the examination. If the outcome is positive, the necessary certificates and documents are issued within three days.

Registration of disability should not take more than two and a half months, taking into account all the nuances and possible problems.

It will take three to four months for a child to be assigned a disability. A medical and social examination is also carried out, to which the child’s attending physician must refer.

If we are talking about a child with Down syndrome, you will need to obtain a genetic examination. A corresponding entry is made in the outpatient card. The following documents must be submitted to the bureau:

  • A certificate certified by a doctor at the clinic.
  • Outpatient card from a medical institution for children.
  • Registration information.
  • Identity documents of the guardian or parents.
  • Application completed according to the form.
  • Passport or birth certificate of the child.

When assigning disability, a specific group is not assigned. The child is registered as disabled without any degree of severity. If we are talking about Down syndrome, disability is assigned for a period of eighteen years without the need for a re-examination.

Conditions for registering disability

Assignment of disability is carried out upon fulfillment of certain conditions depending on the group.

First group:

  • Loss of ability to work.
  • Lack of self-service capabilities.
  • The need for the constant presence of an assistant.

Second group:

  • Persistent disturbances of the vital functions of the body.
  • Lack of normal working capacity (inability to engage in work activities for a long time).
  • The need to provide specific working conditions.

Third group:

  • The creation of special working conditions is required.
  • Admission to previous work activities is prohibited due to the fact that harm to surrounding people may be caused.
  • Inability to work at the previous place of work and engage in one’s professional activities.

If it is necessary to assign a certain disability group to a person, the document must reflect the reason. Specialists must justify why a person received the first, second or third group. The justification for the reason must be detailed.

After a certain period of time, the patient will again have to undergo an examination to re-register the disability. The dates for re-examination are set by specialists from the medical and social bureau.

It is important not to be afraid of possible difficulties. If you clearly know all the rules, paperwork will not take much time, but will provide an opportunity to receive additional benefits and payments.

A disability certificate is the most important document, thanks to which people with disabilities are awarded cash benefits and benefits. Those individuals who have recently become disabled often do not know how to document this status. I was one of them.

As it turned out, it was necessary to undergo a special examination, after which the disability group was determined. In this article, I just want to tell you what stages the procedure consists of, following which a certificate of disability is issued.

I will also explain what this document should look like and what information should be present in it. This will help individuals easily figure out on the spot whether any errors have been made in the certificate. If any shortcomings are discovered, the document can be reissued on the spot and avoid wasting time and effort.

Certificate of disability

The fact that a certain individual belongs to the category of disabled people can be confirmed only with the help of a special certificate. In order to become the owner of this document, you must pass the ITU. A referral for this procedure is issued by a medical institution. The Pension Fund or social protection authority can also refer a disabled person for examination.

Next, the individual who will undergo this procedure needs to prepare all the necessary documentation. You will also need to draw up a statement expressing a request to undergo ITU. After this, the examination itself takes place. Upon completion, the disability status is determined and approved. The individual is also assigned a pension benefit and, if necessary, a course of rehabilitation treatment.

People suffering from serious disorders of one or more body functions that arise as a result of diseases or injuries are sent to MTU. Individuals with limited life abilities (for example, the inability to take responsibility for their actions or move around) also undergo an examination.

Introductory part of the help

The upper right corner of the certificate should contain information about the form according to which it was compiled. In this case, this is form number 1031n, approved by order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of Russia, which came into force on November 24, 2010. Further at the top of the certificate, but along the width of the entire line, the bodies that are obliged to implement the decision of the employees of the medical and social examination bureau should be listed.

First of all, these are government bodies. The same applies to local governments. In addition, the decision displayed in the certificate must be followed by some other organizations, regardless of their form of ownership and legal norms. In other words, if the document states that a certain individual is a disabled person of the first group, then the Pension Fund, according to current legislation, cannot refuse to accrue benefits to him.

Then, in the introductory part of the document, a reference should be made to Federal Law No. 181, dedicated to the topic of social protection of Russian disabled people. In particular, the eighth article of this legislative act, which came into force on November 24, 1994, should be mentioned.

After this, the category of the medical institution that conducted the examination is displayed. There are three main types - district or city bureaus, main bureaus and federal bureaus. In addition, the branch number is indicated, as well as its name (for example, neuropsychiatric).

What should be reflected in the document

After the title of the document (help), its series is displayed, as well as its number. Next, the surname, name and patronymic of the individual are written down. It is very important that no mistakes are made in personal data. The information reflected in the certificate must fully correspond to the information contained in the identity document. Then the certificate must contain the following information:

  • Place of residence of the disabled person. The document must include the residential address of the individual in whose name this certificate is issued. If a disabled person is in Russia on a temporary or permanent basis, then the coordinates of his place of stay are recorded. It may also be that the disabled person immigrated outside the Russian Federation. In this case, information is displayed about the place located in Russia where the pension file opened in the name of the disabled person is located. Addresses are entered according to standard rules. First of all, the postal code is displayed, then the name of the region and city, and then the street name with house and apartment numbers. The date of birth of the individual is also written on the same line of the certificate.

  • Disability data. Also in the certificate, the bureau employee must indicate whether disability is being established for the first time or repeatedly. Next, the date when the individual was officially awarded the status of disabled person is entered in digital format. After this, a disability group is prescribed. I draw your attention to the fact that the group should be entered not using numbers, but in words. After this, the certificate must indicate what caused the disability. For example, a work injury or a traffic accident.
  • Additional details. Further, the document indicates for what time period the disability was established. The end date for the validity of this conclusion is specified. For example, if disability is set for a period of two years, then it is necessary to count this period from the date of issue of the certificate. If the date of provision of the document to a disabled person is September 23, 2019, then the final date of validity of the disability is September 23, 2020. Also, the sample certificate contains several lines for an additional conclusion. The doctor who conducted the medical and social examination should fill out this section only if there are any additional comments.

The document must also contain information about the basis on which this certificate was issued. The act of examination serves as such a basis. In addition, the place where the survey took place (for example, a federal state organization for the implementation of ITU) is also displayed. The act number is also indicated, as well as the day/month and year when it was issued.

After this, the date the certificate was issued is entered. Then there must be mandatory details, without which the document will be considered illegal. First of all, this is a wet seal of a certain ITU branch. Also, the seal of the federal bureau must be present at the top of the document. The signature of an individual acting as the head of the ITU bureau is also required. To the right of the signature you must indicate the owner's last name, as well as the first letters of his first and middle names.

Marks and corrections are strictly unacceptable in the certificate. Therefore, if you see that the doctor, having made a mistake, did not want to re-issue the document, but simply corrected it, then do not leave this matter unattended. Otherwise, the document is not recognized as having legal force.

Strength and health are far from eternal values. However, life does not end with the passing of youth. Retiring for disability is associated with paperwork, and quickly and successfully passing a medical examination depends on your knowledge. This article will review the ITU certificate. What this is will become clearer.

ITU certification

This is a medical examination of a person’s condition, determining his ability to work and the degree of limitation of his capabilities. In other words, the commission determines whether a person is disabled and to what extent he needs social support from the state. Defining the category of “disabled child” is also within the competence of the ITU. The study of the causes of disability and the identification of factors influencing the degree of disability is also within the competence of the medical examination.

Disability commission

Why do you need an ITU certificate, what is it? These questions interest many. More on this below.

ITU bureaus are divided into territorial, federal or main. A citizen can undergo examination at any location. A referral to ITU can be issued:

  • municipality;
  • the clinic or hospital where the candidate was recently treated;
  • by court decision;
  • it may be a person's own decision.

The commission must provide certificates and conclusions that confirm loss of ability to work. The citizen himself or an authorized representative (having a power of attorney certified by a notary) submits an application and finds out the time of the ITU meeting.


In addition to the application, the following documents are required:

  • direction according to the established form No. 188-u;
  • patient's outpatient card;
  • tests, x-rays, certificates;
  • conclusion of the referring institution, medical commission;
  • passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • or original;
  • conclusion of departmental examination;
  • act in form N-1 (about an accident at the workplace);
  • education diploma (or other document);
  • power of attorney if documents are not submitted in person.

Only after passing the commission is a certificate of disability issued by VTEK ITU.

It is possible to call the commission to the home of a patient who is unable to arrive on his own, provided he provides a doctor’s conclusion that the person cannot move independently.

Is it possible to undergo VTEK without registration?

The ITU Bureau can issue a sick leave certificate to a person who is not recognized as disabled and who will return to duty. In this case, sick leave is issued with an extension period of at least 30 days or until the next examination.

There is no need to be nervous while waiting for an expert examination. The state does everything to help citizens live, not exist. But you shouldn’t remain indifferent; if you have questions or doubts, contact specialists, they will check the completion of the ITU certificate.