Celandine plant, what cures and methods of treatment. Celandine juice: healing properties of the plant and contraindications, recipes

Celandine contains more than twenty alkaloid substances (these are organic compounds that contain nitrogen and have a complex molecular structure). Celandine also contains flavonoids, vitamin C, malic, choledonic, succinic acids, carotene, saponins, and phytoncides.

The leaves themselves contain trace elements such as zinc, selenium, copper, silver, barium, and bromine. The alkaloid chelidonine has properties similar to morphine. Homohelidine has an anesthetic effect. And protopin tones the muscle tissue of the uterus and reduces the reactivity of the autonomic nervous system.


Now not only scientists are familiar with the medicinal properties of celandine; it has antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory, bactericidal, choleretic and diuretic effects. People are learning more and more new facts about this plant. Celandine is used in severe diseases of the stomach, intestinal disorders, liver, fungal and venereal diseases, rheumatism.

The substance chelidonine helps calm muscle pain and spasms, normalizes blood pressure and heart rate. Helps in the treatment of gastritis, gall bladder, duodenal and stomach ulcers. Thanks to its hypotensive and antispasmodic effect, the nervous system is calmed. Therefore, celandine is used in the complex treatment of neurosis, but you should not independently determine such a plant for yourself; this should be done by a specialist.

Prevention is very important; herbal medicine from celandine can be used correctly for these purposes; it cleanses the body of the disease in the first stages. It is better to prevent diseases than to treat them.

Juice, extract, oil, infusion, decoction of celandine

Now the use of celandine can be in various forms. Fresh juice is used in the treatment of nasopharynx and sinusitis. You just need to squeeze it out of the plant, strain through cheesecloth, place it in a container that closes tightly, and leave it in the refrigerator for several days. When the liquid has fermented, you can drop it into your nose with a pipette. You can cook 1:1 celandine juice and honey over low heat until there is no foam and the composition no longer resembles honey. This decoction is used to lubricate the cataract.

Celandine is taken orally for many stomach diseases. With its use, you can immediately notice an improvement in appetite, the appearance of a calm and uninterrupted sleep. Stool normalization occurs (at least once a day). The human nervous system also returns to normal.

Various face masks are made and skin problems are treated: herpes, eczema, boils, fungi, hanging moles. Celandine for warts is the best remedy, you just need to burn them with the juice. When dandruff appears, celandine juice is rubbed into the scalp. This will help you get rid of several hair problems.

Buying celandine extract in a pharmacy is not difficult; it is an inexpensive but effective remedy against burns and inflammation. It has both cosmetic and medicinal properties. The plant oil helps with calluses, skin tuberculosis, and polyps. Good results are seen in the treatment of papillomatosis, periodontal disease, dermatosis, and lichen with celandine.

An infusion of celandine herb can be prepared as a laxative, analgesic or diuretic. It should be stored in the refrigerator and consumed internally. If you are worried about thrush, then you need to make a decoction. It also washes wounds and ulcers, and makes compresses to reduce inflammation and irritation of the skin.

In addition to washing, you can sprinkle the affected area with dry herb powder, or apply crushed leaves to the skin. But you need to understand and know that you can take celandine juice or infusion orally for no more than three months in a row, otherwise dysbacteriosis may begin.

Treatment with celandine

You should always remember that self-treatment with celandine can cause different reactions; the plant is poisonous. You should definitely seek advice from a specialist. Large amounts of grass consumed can lead to serious health consequences. You can ask for reviews about celandine and its actions in medical brochures or institutions.

This plant is used for warts, periodontal disease, polyps, and calluses. Prostate adenoma is being treated. Mix 1:1 celandine juice and vodka, take the solution every day, starting with one drop, and every day increase the dose by one until it reaches 30 drops.

To get rid of toothache, apply cotton wool to the site of inflammation, first moistened in equal parts with the juice of Kalanchoe and celandine. For diseases of the stomach and liver, you need to drink an infusion of celandine before meals for several months.

To treat nasopharynx, 1-2 drops of plant juice are instilled into the nose. The procedure is carried out at intervals of 5 minutes, until 0.5 ml of juice is poured into the nostril.

For oncological diseases of internal organs, it is recommended to drink an infusion of celandine. For mastitis, lubricate the nipple cracks with juice and allow it to be absorbed. For flu, rinsing the nasopharynx and mouth will be very useful and effective.

Burnt or frostbitten parts of the skin can be generously lubricated with celandine 3-4 times at intervals of about 5 minutes.

Celandine treats skin diseases. As doctors say, what’s inside a person is what’s outside. If a rash or eczema appears, this indicates an abnormal metabolism in the human body. First you need to take blood purifying agents, and then external ones, or all in combination.

Celandine is not a scarce product; you should brew a portion that can be consumed in one sitting. After a week of taking celandine, it is necessary to make a gap of at least 3 days. And during treatment you need to eat plenty of grated carrots.

Despite its toxicity, celandine cures many diseases

Folk recipes with celandine

Allergy recipe

Brew one tablespoon of dry celandine with two glasses of boiling water. Leave for four hours. Take half a glass morning and evening.

Treatment of asthma and bronchitis

Mix 20 grams of celandine herb, horehound, cinquefoil, black elderberry, and pine buds. Mix well, pour 4 tablespoons of the mixture into a glass, sprinkle with water and leave for at least a couple of hours. Then cook (boil for a few minutes) and consume three times a day.

For hemorrhoids

You need to pour two teaspoons of dry celandine herb with cold but boiled water (1 glass). Let it brew for 8 hours, drink a quarter glass about 4 times a day.

Soak a cotton swab in the juice, insert it into the anus for the first time for a small amount of time, about half an hour, then for 45 minutes, and then for an hour. It is better to carry out procedures at night. After all the steps, insert a tampon soaked in rosehip oil. After 2 weeks you will be healthy.

Treatment of herpes

Add two drops of eucalyptus and calendula oils to a dessert spoon of celandine juice. Apply to affected areas three times a day.

For various burns

Apply the plant juice to the skin and let it absorb well. The more you rub, the better the result.

For wounds and ulcers

Disturbing areas should be sprinkled with celandine powder. Wounds that cannot be treated with antibiotics can be soothed by this method. After all, the plant has a unique analgesic property.

Recipe for strengthening hair

10 grams of burdock, sea buckthorn, rose, eucalyptus oils, 5 grams of pollen, extracts of celandine, hops, nettle and hazelnut. Apply this balm to the scalp, massaging with your fingers from the temples to the crown each time you wash your hair.

Getting rid of heartburn

In equal proportions, crush the herbs of celandine, St. John's wort, yarrow, chamomile flowers, licorice root, immerse in hot water, leave for a day and use as an infusion in a glass twice a day an hour after a meal.

Celandine will save you from asthma, herpes and heartburn

Celandine against cancer

Homeopaths are in good demand in the modern world, and their opinions are taken into account. According to the reasoning of such specialists, treatment of cancer with celandine is effective, it affects the destruction of cancer cells at the beginning of the disease, and subsequently helps to remove their remains from the body.

Of course, with metastases it will bring little benefit, but it is used with the hope of stopping their growth and accumulation. An infusion of celandine herb kills microbial colonies and inhibits the growth of tumors. For prevention, this collection can be drunk in three doses for 10 days in a row.

This remedy even treats leukemia: per liter of boiling water, 10 grams of calendula and tartar flowers, add celandine leaves and chopped nettle. Leave for about eight hours, place in a cool place. Before use, dilute with water at room temperature. The infusion has an excellent effect on the entire body. But during treatment you need to follow a certain diet, eat only fruits, carrots, cabbage, beets (you can even eat dried ones).

An infusion of celandine for cancer is used internally. It’s easy to prepare: pour one heaping tablespoon of dried herbs into a container and pour boiling water over it, leave for a couple of hours, pass through cheesecloth or a fine sieve.

For skin cancer, it can be used topically. Or prepare an ointment from dry powder, lanolin and petroleum jelly. This mixture can treat the most troubling ailments: papillomas, warts, growths, corns, eczema, tuberculosis.

Ointment with celandine extract in an alcohol solution has very useful properties. For part of the herb, take twice as much alcohol liquid, the mixture must be kept in a cool, protected corner for a couple of weeks, shaking occasionally. Then the infusion is thoroughly squeezed through gauze and the sediment is removed. Add pig fat and steam it until the alcohol evaporates. At the same time, take ten drops of the extract orally (dilute with vodka 1:3 to reduce the concentrate), wash down with plantain juice (1/4 cup).

Main contraindications: irritation or inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract, diarrhea, stomach pain, vomiting, headaches. Expectant mothers should not use celandine; if signs of poisoning appear, they should urgently rinse and visit the hospital.

Celandine is contraindicated for small children; the smallest concentration can cause a negative reaction. People with unstable mental health, bronchial asthma, angina pectoris, and epilepsy should avoid taking celandine. If severe itching or inflammation of the skin occurs upon first use, you should immediately stop taking it and consult a specialist.

Herbal preparations of celandine have a huge arsenal of useful properties and help fight ailments. The main thing is the ability to use reliable information and adhere to all doctor’s advice.

Many medicinal plants are used in folk medicine, but among them there are those that can rightfully be called universal. This is what celandine is. What does this herb help cure? It turns out that if you use the plant correctly, you can defeat a number of diseases. From this article you can find out what celandine helps with, how to properly prepare medicinal products based on it, and in what cases this component can be dangerous.

Use in folk medicine

Celandine is a unique plant that has healing properties and can relieve many diseases. Since ancient times it has been used to heal wounds. Over time, other beneficial properties of celandine were discovered. Traditional healers know what the plant helps with. The list of serious diseases against which this remedy is worth trying is huge, it is impossible to talk about them all. Next, let's try to figure out what diseases celandine is most often used for. But first, let's give a brief description of this plant for those who have no idea what it looks like and where it grows.

Greater celandine is found in Russia. The height of the grass exceeds one meter. Celandine grows in almost any area. This is an unpretentious plant that blooms several times during the summer season. Celandine is a perennial herbaceous shrub. Its leaves, stem, and rhizome also have beneficial properties. The grass blooms with yellow flowers, so it is difficult to confuse it with other plants.

What does celandine help with, what diseases? The spectrum of action of this medicinal plant is incredibly wide. The herb is a natural antiseptic, has bactericidal properties, helps destroy fungi, activates regeneration processes, and produces an antispasmodic effect. Due to its diuretic and choleretic effect, celandine juice is used in the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and genitourinary system. In addition, the plant has been proven to have antitumor properties. This is one of the few medicinal herbs that even oncologists recommend using.

Poisonous composition

No matter how paradoxical it may sound, celandine is a poisonous plant. This remedy must be used with extreme caution and prudence in folk therapy. The unique chemical composition can cause a lot of harm to the human body, but when used correctly it can cure many diseases. Celandine juice contains:

  • ascorbic acid;
  • carotene;
  • organic acids;
  • essential oils;
  • resins;
  • phytoncides;
  • saponins.

But alkaloids deserve special attention - these are substances that can relieve pain, but if the dosage is incorrect, they can lead to unpredictable consequences. The alkaloids in celandine juice are chelidonine and protopine. Their structure is similar to papaverine and morphine. If used incorrectly, alkaloids provoke convulsions and paralysis. The maximum concentration of chelidonin is contained in the rhizome, so at home the above-ground part of the celandine herb is mainly used. What this substance helps with is easy to guess. Thanks to chelidonine, it is possible to relieve spasms, relieve pain in the gastrointestinal tract, and alleviate the condition of a patient with cancer.

In what forms is the plant used?

Not everyone knows that for certain diseases you need to drink celandine internally. What does this treatment help with? First of all, these are diseases of the digestive system, liver, and gall bladder. Based on celandine, you can prepare various medications:

  • Tincture. To preserve the valuable properties of alkaloids, alcohol is used. Tincture of celandine with vodka is suitable for treating only adults, and is also contraindicated in some cases. Due to the high degree of toxicity, it can be used in minimal doses, and only after consulting a doctor.
  • Decoction. Unlike alcohol tincture, it is prepared from dry raw materials, so this medicine has a less aggressive effect on the body. The herbal decoction should also be taken internally. What does celandine help with in this form? Most often, the decoction is used for diseases of the bladder, gynecological diseases, gastritis, and ulcers.
  • Juice. The concentration of alkaloids in fresh celandine juice is maximum, so you should not drink it. The product is used only externally, so the main purpose of celandine juice is to treat skin diseases.

The herb goes well with other components, so it is often included in various herbs and used for a variety of diseases in various areas.

Negative consequences of use, reviews

So, celandine is poisonous. To use it in the treatment of a particular disease, you must first understand the fact that the plant can bring not only benefits, but also harm. Reviews from patients are direct evidence of how dangerous celandine herb can be.

In most cases, problems arose if a person began treatment not with a minimum dose, but immediately in a large concentration. That is why it is not enough to know what celandine helps with. You need to be sure that the body will tolerate this plant normally. Before taking the tincture orally, you need to try just one drop. If it is a decoction, then it is advisable to dilute it with water the first time.

If you have an individual intolerance to celandine, a reaction will occur immediately. If you believe the reviews, there may be signs of food poisoning and severe malaise. In this case, it is necessary to urgently rinse the stomach. You cannot take celandine again. Doctors do not recommend even trying to be treated with this herb:

  • patients with serious neurological disorders (epilepsy, multiple sclerosis, stroke, etc.);
  • pregnant and lactating women;
  • children under 10 years old;
  • persons suffering from bronchial asthma and diseases of the cardiovascular system.

How to deal with psoriasis

When asked what celandine helps with, reviews often indicate skin diseases. The juice of the herb is used for psoriasis, eczema, dermatitis and other pathologies. At the same time, it is not at all necessary to give up basic medications prescribed by your doctor. The use of celandine will be an addition to the treatment of skin diseases at home.

To relieve inflammation and itching in psoriasis, you will need to lubricate the affected areas with fresh plant juice. This procedure must be repeated at least twice a day - morning and evening. It is not advisable to take the product for more than two weeks in a row. For extensive psoriatic lesions, taking a medicinal bath will be more effective. To do this you will need to prepare an infusion. For 25 g of herb (dry or fresh) you will need 3 liters of boiling water. The raw material is brewed and then left for one hour. As soon as the plant is infused, it is filtered and poured into the bath. The procedure must be repeated every day for a week.

A more powerful remedy for this skin disease will be lotions with the root of the herb. It must be kept in hot water. After a couple of hours, the celandine will become softer. Then the rhizome is boiled for half an hour, the broth is cooled, filtered and used for lotions. Using a gauze bandage, compresses can be applied to psoriasis lesions. You need to keep them on your body for at least two hours.

Method for treating eczema

Another ailment that celandine herb helps with is eczema. The folk remedy cannot be used at the weeping stage. To prepare the decoction you will need raw materials of celandine and dandelion. Both components are taken in equal quantities - 15-20 g each. The plants need to be chopped and placed in an enamel pan, pour 200 ml of boiling water and put on fire. After the broth has boiled for half an hour, it is removed from the stove. The strained and cooled medicine should be poured into a glass jar and closed with a lid. You can use the decoction to wipe eczematous lesions for two days.

Human papillomavirus

No folk remedy will help get rid of this infection. Moreover, even pharmaceutical drugs cannot eliminate the virus. Once in the body, it remains there forever, becoming more active from time to time and manifesting itself as benign formations on the skin. What does celandine help with? For warts - this is the answer of any person, even those who are far from traditional medicine. To get rid of unpleasant growths, it is necessary to use fresh plant juice to cauterize and kill the formations. Celandine also helps against papillomas.

The product should be used every 2-3 hours. It is important to ensure that the substance does not get on a healthy area of ​​the skin, otherwise a burn will occur. To protect the skin around the growth, you need to apply baby cream.

Judging by the reviews, it will take no more than a week for the papilloma to disappear. Older warts may take longer to remove. To enhance the effect, you can add alcohol tincture of propolis to celandine juice in a 1:1 ratio. The components are thoroughly mixed and applied to the growth.

Celandine for healthy skin

It turns out that the poisonous herb can be used to treat acne and acne. Unfortunately, only a few people with problem skin know about the effectiveness of this inexpensive folk remedy.

Celandine helps against acne, but to get the expected effect, you need to properly prepare the skin treatment in the form of a lotion. To do this, take 2 tbsp. l. dry raw materials, pour two glasses of boiling water and leave to infuse for several hours or overnight. Before use, the broth must be filtered and refrigerated. You need to wipe your skin with cool celandine lotion at least twice a day.

Now there is not the slightest doubt that celandine helps against acne. To cope with large acne, it is advisable to use ointment along with lotion. It's not difficult to prepare. All you need is celandine juice and Vaseline. The last component should be five times larger. After mixing well, the homogeneous mass is sent to the refrigerator. The ointment should be applied to problem areas on the face before going to bed for two weeks.

Folk remedy for nail fungus

In reviews, many patients write about how they successfully used celandine against fungus. Whether such a remedy helps, everyone can find out for themselves. You can use a variety of methods for this purpose:

  • Lubricate the affected nail plates with alcohol tincture of celandine several times a day for two weeks.
  • Soak your feet in a decoction of celandine.
  • Apply fresh plant juice to affected nails.
  • Take foot baths by adding 2 tbsp to the celandine decoction. l. vinegar and a few drops of iodine. This remedy not only helps to get rid of the fungus faster, but also eliminates itching.
  • Lubricate your nails with celandine ointment, the recipe for which was presented in the previous section. Instead of Vaseline, you can use pork fat or baby cream.

Cure for women's ailments

Does celandine help cure gynecological diseases? Yes, it helps, but you shouldn’t count on this plant to get rid of diseases either. Celandine herb is mostly used as an element of symptomatic therapy for vaginal candidiasis, endometritis, uterine fibroids, as well as during menopause in women.

For thrush, in combination with antifungal tablets or suppositories, many doctors recommend douching with a decoction of celandine. For preparation, you can take fresh or dry raw materials. For one tablespoon of crushed plant you will need a glass of boiling water. To obtain a decoction, the mixture is boiled for 15 minutes. When the product has cooled, it must be strained through cheesecloth. The prepared solution can be used during hygiene procedures.

The same decoction can be taken orally. What does celandine help with in this case? It strengthens the immune system and attacks the fungus from the inside. The course of treatment lasts 7-10 days. To improve the result, add celandine herb, which is sold in any pharmacy.

What does alcohol-based celandine help with? Women often use this medicinal tincture for the treatment and prevention of uterine fibroids and ovarian cysts. If these benign formations are hormone-dependent, with the help of celandine you can achieve a significant reduction in their size. Together with this plant, it is recommended to use flax seeds and tincture of the uterus. Together, these components have a positive effect on a woman’s overall well-being.

During menopause, celandine is used to eliminate the symptoms of approaching menopause. Many women know firsthand about painful hot flashes, mood swings, weakness, and night heat. In this case, doctors recommend that their patients take an infusion, which, in addition to celandine, should contain:

  • chamomile;
  • yarrow;
  • goose cinquefoil.

All herbs are mixed in equal proportions and poured with boiling water (for one glass of water you will need 1 tablespoon of the medicinal mixture). After the product has infused, it must be strained and divided into three parts. The infusion should be taken orally before breakfast, lunch and dinner for a month.

Celandine is often used in the treatment of endometritis, an inflammatory disease of the uterus. The product should be taken orally, according to reviews. What does celandine help with? Drinking an infusion of this medicinal herb is necessary to eliminate pain in the lower abdomen, which is characteristic of this disease. To treat endometritis you will need 1 tbsp. l. leaves of the plant and 250 ml of boiling water. The decoction is usually infused for two hours, then it is filtered and divided into several doses. Thus, a glass of infusion must be drunk during the day to feel the effect.

Diseases in men

One of the ailments that is more common among the stronger sex is hemorrhoids. Men move little and spend a lot of time driving. There is an effective folk remedy that will get rid of the disease at the initial stage or alleviate the condition even with advanced hemorrhoids.

To cure hemorrhoids, you need to do an enema with a decoction of celandine once every two days. The solution should be prepared at the rate of 0.5 g of herb per 1 kg of body weight. This requires 10 times more water. The celandine is poured with boiling water and sent to the fire. After bringing the solution to a boil, remove the container from the stove and let it brew for a couple of hours. As soon as the product has cooled to a temperature of 35 °C, you can begin the procedure:

  • the patient is placed on the right side;
  • using a bulb, the solution is injected into the rectum;
  • the medicine must be retained in the intestines for the maximum possible period (30-60 minutes).

An enema with celandine will help reduce the pain of hemorrhoids and relieve inflammation. Thanks to the medicinal properties of this herb, after a few treatments, the hemorrhoids will become smaller.

For prostatitis and prostate adenoma, use celandine in vodka. What does the tincture help with? The medicine has a systemic anti-inflammatory and bactericidal effect, improves blood circulation in the pelvic organs. To treat male diseases, you need to take half a glass of water, add 2 tsp. tinctures and drink the solution in the morning and evening after meals. To achieve better results, you need to do enemas with decoctions of sage, chamomile and celandine. If you believe the reviews, many men use celandine tincture for the purpose of prevention and maintenance of male strength.

Digestive system diseases

This is one of the main indications for taking celandine orally. This plant copes well with pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, helps improve digestion and the functioning of internal organs. If you take medicines based on celandine for a long time, you can achieve complete healing from ailments such as gastritis, bulbitis, sigmoiditis, proctitis.

Celandine also helps with cholecystitis. To treat the chronic form of this disease, an alcohol tincture is used, which can be made independently according to the recipe described above or purchased at a pharmacy. The medicine is taken 10 drops before meals for two weeks. To achieve the expected result, it is important to follow a strict diet during the treatment of gallbladder inflammation. By the way, this condition is mandatory for the treatment of all diseases of the digestive system.

Celandine also shows good results in liver diseases. One of the popular recipes used to treat hepatitis is an infusion of herbs and calamus root. The components are taken in equal quantities (1 teaspoon each), mixed and poured with a glass of boiling water. Before use, the product is allowed to brew for about an hour, then filtered and divided into 5-6 parts. All parts should be drunk throughout the day. You need to take the infusion for three weeks, then take a seven-day break and repeat the course again. As a rule, celandine is recommended to complement drug therapy.

With the help of this medicinal plant, patients even with cirrhosis of the liver can be helped. Despite the fact that this disease is incurable, celandine will help reduce the severity of the symptoms of the disease and stop its progression. For cirrhosis, you need to prepare raw materials from yarrow, adonis, celandine and horsetail, then take 2 tsp. mixture and pour 200 ml of boiling water. Before use, the infusion is kept in a water bath for 20 minutes, then filtered and the entire glass is drunk before eating. In the evening the medicine is taken again.

Gastritis and gastroduodenitis are another common disease that celandine can help treat. To prepare the decoction, you will need several components:

  • coltsfoot;
  • elecampane;
  • St. John's wort;
  • chamomile;
  • peppermint;
  • celandine.

All of the above components are mixed. The medicine is prepared every day. For one day of treatment, 1 tbsp is required. l. vegetable mixture. It is filled with water and put on fire. After 10 minutes of boiling, remove the broth from the stove, cool and divide the drink into three doses. You need to take the medicine 10-15 minutes before meals.

Celandine is a medicinal plant that has many indications for use in folk medicine. The article describes only a few recipes for various diseases. At the same time, we must not forget that celandine grass can bring not only benefits. It is poisonous and can be dangerous if used incorrectly. Celandine has a number of contraindications that should not be ignored. Before starting treatment at home, you need to adequately assess the risks of using this plant and consult a doctor.

It is not always possible to cure a disease with traditional medicines. We often look for a method of treatment in traditional medicine, and in most of the most difficult cases, the use of celandine turns out to be effective. Treatment with traditional methods and the best compositions of medicinal herbs help relieve severe inflammatory processes and destroy pathogenic bacteria. The special healing properties of this plant help get rid of warts, pimples, polyps and fungus. Celandine (used in preparations) helps with diseases of the liver and gall bladder, digestive system, oral cavity and other diseases.

Special healing properties

During treatment with celandine, you can use not only its juice, but also make tinctures. For this you can use not only flowers, but leaves and stems. Its juice is contained in every part of the plant, and the medicinal effect is determined by the presence of alkaloids in the herb.

These compounds have the ability to enter into different chemical reactions. But most of them are in the rhizome. It is also worth remembering that an old plant is much more healing than a young one. But the healing effect of young grass is much milder. We hope that you know how to properly collect medicinal herbs.

The composition of celandine includes:

  • Alkaloid chelidonine - helps with hypertension, as it relieves spasm from the walls of blood vessels.
  • Sanguinarine - helps fight microorganisms and stimulates intestinal motility.
  • Coptizine and berberine - promotes the removal of bile.
  • Homochelidonin - should be used in minimal quantities. Showed excellent properties as a local anesthetic.

Healing celandine (used for medicinal purposes helps to curb the growth of tumors) has an analgesic effect, diuretic, antimicrobial and antiviral. Such a large list of indications makes this plant quite popular in folk medicine.

The plant also contains vitamin A and C and several types of acid: citric, succinic and malic. They have a beneficial effect on metabolic problems. Celandine also contains flavonoids and saponids.

Flavonoids have anti-inflammatory and antiviral effects, they reduce the risk of tumor formation and the development of allergic reactions. Saponides have a diuretic and expectorant effect.

If you decide to do the treatment yourself, then you should know that the celandine plant is quite poisonous. Application and treatment should begin with a minimum dose and always only diluted with water. The rhizome of the grass is considered especially dangerous.

How to prepare it correctly?

Before using celandine, it must be prepared, and this must be done correctly. Its green parts should be collected only in dry weather between May and August, and the rhizome is dug up in August, but if you don’t have time, then not earlier than late autumn. It is necessary to choose healthy and strong plants, without damage to the leaves. The stem is cut off completely at a distance of 10 cm from the rhizome. Be sure to protect your hands and eyes so that the juice does not get on them.

After the plant is collected, it must be dried. Do this in a well-ventilated dark place, hanging in small bunches. Sun rays have a detrimental effect on its healing properties and significantly reduce the healing effect. If the stem is well dried, it breaks easily when bent.

After the plant has dried, it is crushed and placed in paper bags, which are hung in a cool, dark place. You can also store it in a wooden box.

As for harvesting the roots, they need to be dug up entirely, then washed well and hung to dry. After they dry, wrap them in paper and also store them in a hanging state. Shelf life is about three years.

Collecting and preparing celandine juice for storage

The healing plant can be used not only in the form of grass or roots; celandine juice is also considered a strong medicine. Its use helps in the prevention and healing of many diseases. But before starting treatment, it must be properly prepared and stored for long-term use.

Healthy and strong plants are dug up completely along with the roots, and then washed thoroughly. Finely chop the entire plant, from the root to the flowers, then pass through a meat grinder. Squeeze the resulting mass through cheesecloth, but take care of your hands, it is better to use rubber gloves.

Pour the resulting juice into jars and close the lid tightly. It should be stored in a cool place, but not in the refrigerator. After 5 days the juice should ferment. Release the gas accumulated under the lid, and so on every two days until fermentation completely stops.

The product can be stored for several years, but only in a cool place; it is used in the treatment of various types of wounds.

The use of celandine in medicine helps with many diseases; it is often used in gynecology, dermatology, for cleansing the face, strengthening hair, in the treatment of colds, diseases of the stomach and intestines, liver and gall bladder. Its use in the treatment of the oral cavity is also quite effective.

Traditional methods of treating celandine

A huge number of plants beneficial to the human body grow in our country. The total number of medicinal herbs reaches 25 thousand, 250 species have been carefully studied and used in scientific medicine.

More than 2 thousand species are used in folk medicine, including celandine. Its use has shown stunning results in the treatment of many diseases, but it must be done under the supervision of a doctor, since this plant is considered a strong poison.

Even in ancient times, celandine was used in folk medicine. The Greek philosopher Theophas wrote that he prescribed it for jaundice, tumors in the liver, constipation and cholelithiasis.

In the Middle Ages, it was believed that those who carry celandine herb with them will not have any obstacles in starting any business.

And in the mid-20th century, some doctors used this plant in the treatment of oncology. There is no scientific evidence that people who used celandine were completely cured, but the fact that it helped reduce the growth of metastases is confirmed.

Celandine tincture has shown very good results in the treatment of many diseases. Using it internally and treating external wounds helps get rid of many chronic diseases of the liver, intestines, stomach, as well as psoriasis and other types of skin diseases.

Celandine is widely used not only in our country. In Poland, it is used as an analgesic, anti-inflammatory, for the treatment of diseases of the stomach and intestines, colitis and hemorrhoids.

In Austria, treatment is carried out with young shoots of celandine; it has a calming effect on the body, and it is also an excellent anticonvulsant. Even in traditional medicine, celandine is often used in the manufacture of medicines.

In Germany, dried or fresh herbs are most often used: brewing it as tea and taking it warm can cure colds.

In Bulgaria, many doctors also recommend celandine for many diseases. The use (patient reviews confirm this) of herbs for dropsy, scrofula, malaria, jaundice and other diseases has shown that a better treatment has not yet been found.

In folk medicine, celandine is used in the form of oil, decoction, infusion, alcohol tincture and even ointment.

Celandine oil

Currently, a huge number of recipes for making decoctions and tinctures are offered, but not all advice can be trusted. Celandine oil showed positive results. Its use helps in the treatment of skin diseases; it is effective for healing wounds, burns and cuts. It is also often used in cosmetology to remove acne, age spots, calluses and warts. Oil can be made not only from the stem, but also from the root. The effect in both cases is excellent.

When treating acne, celandine oil is often purchased. Application (reviews speak of an amazing effect) is very simple. All you have to do is apply the oil to the problem skin and leave it on for about 15 minutes. After that, blot well with a napkin. You can apply the oil twice a day, and after a while you will see positive results.

Alcohol tincture of celandine

Recently, most of the world's population prefers treatment with traditional methods, and alcohol tinctures are often chosen for these purposes. The list of popular remedies also includes a tincture of celandine in alcohol. Its use helps with pain in the liver and stomach, helps cleanse the bladder, and strengthens the immune system. Increases appetite and fights cancer, but only in the early stages.

Making your own tincture with alcohol is not difficult:

  1. Take 20 gr. herbs and pour 200 gr. vodka, leave for 14 days in a dark and cool place, shaking occasionally. After two weeks, strain the celandine in alcohol. Application is possible up to 4 times a day, 10 drops, adding them to water.
  2. Take 1 glass of celandine juice and add 250 g to it. vodka. Pour the entire mixture into a glass container, close the lid tightly and leave for 14 days, and your celandine tincture with alcohol is ready. Application occurs only in the morning on an empty stomach in the amount of 15 drops, which will be added to a glass of water.

Decoctions and tinctures of celandine

All decoctions and tinctures of medicinal herbs are prepared from both dry and fresh raw materials. Using celandine internally in the form of a decoction helps get rid of diseases of the internal organs: liver, intestines, stomach, bladder and others. Also very often, the decoction is used for rinsing the mouth, in the form of lotions, douching and even medicinal baths.

You can infuse celandine herb not only with alcohol, because an alcohol tincture may not be suitable for every patient, so for such people a regular celandine tincture is perfect. Its use also showed excellent results, and you can prepare it like this:

  • You will need 2 tbsp. spoons of crushed celandine. Pour one liter of boiling water over the herb and boil for another 3 minutes. After this, set the broth aside and let it brew for an hour. The strained infusion is perfect for rinsing the mouth or douching.
  • There is another way to make celandine tincture. To do this, you need to take fresh herb, rinse it thoroughly and put it in a jar, pour 1 liter of boiling water, let the infusion stand for 4 hours and strain. You should take it half a glass 3 times a day 10 minutes before meals. The course of treatment lasts a week, after which you need to take a two-day break and repeat the procedure.

The herb celandine helps very well in the treatment of intestinal diseases. It is important to use it strictly according to schedule at the same time, only in this way can positive results be obtained during treatment. Pour boiling water over the herb, let it steep for 5 hours, and take 3 times a day.

Treatment of cancer with celandine

Recently, many people have been suffering from cancer. Taking celandine in the early stages helped many stop the development of the disease. But, alas, not everyone knows the correct recipe, which is why celandine does not help everyone. Instructions for use will make it possible to cure the disease in the early stages and slightly slow down the rapid growth of cancer cells in the middle.

If the patient has the initial stage of the disease, then a decoction of fresh celandine herb can help him perfectly, but to stop the growth of metastases, a decoction of three herbs is suitable: celandine, nettle and calendula. Many people call this collection super-celandine. Directions for use: drink an infusion of boiling water on an empty stomach, half a glass.

Celandine has shown excellent results in the treatment of cancerous tumors, and it is also often used in the treatment of many female diseases.

Celandine for female diseases

Every older woman has felt all the “delights” of menopause, but few people know that the best remedy for relieving symptoms is super-celandine. The method of application is easy and simple. You need to take 1 spoon of crushed celandine and pour a glass of boiling water, leave and divide the glass of decoction into three doses a day. You can also make it for douching, you will need 30 grams. herbs and 3 liters of boiling water, infuse and douche 2 times a day.

Celandine for allergies

Recently, more and more people are suffering from various types of allergic reactions. The cause of its occurrence may be the use of antibiotics and other agents, environmental exposure, plant flowering, chemicals and dyes. For allergies, medications do not always help. But there is an excellent remedy - celandine. Instructions for use:

  • Pour one tablespoon of dry celandine herb into 500 ml. boiling water and leave for 4 hours. You should take half a glass of the decoction in the morning and evening.


Celandine, like other traditional medicines and herbs, has its contraindications. Celandine grass is considered very poisonous. Livestock on pasture will never eat it, and this is all because of the chelidonine it contains. It causes a depressed state in the animal, and after a short time the animal is paralyzed. Most doctors equate celandine to a strong painkiller like morphine. Therefore, it is best to start treatment with celandine in small quantities, in low concentrations and only after consulting a doctor.

Very often, its use causes irritation in the digestive tract and can significantly reduce blood pressure. In case of overdose, the patient may experience:

Not only tinctures and decoctions can cause poor health. There are also contraindications for external use, for example, if you use celandine oil. Application (people's reviews indicate this) should be very careful. Many people note that when they applied the product to wounds or skin defects in large quantities, they felt a strong burning sensation, and as a result, a burn formed around them.

Who is contraindicated for using celandine?

As we have already said, celandine is a poisonous plant. They should approach treatment with great responsibility and attention. It is best if the patient asks his doctor for advice on its use.

Before starting treatment with celandine, you should definitely familiarize yourself with the contraindications. Although it helps with numerous diseases, its use is not suitable for everyone. The reviews give advice from those who have tried this remedy, and they remind you: you should strictly follow the dosage and duration of taking celandine, and be sure to take breaks in treatment. Everyone unanimously says that it is worth starting treatment only with a minimum dose and in a very small concentration. Check your body and find out how you tolerate celandine. Directions for use: start with one drop of tincture, but if it is a decoction, then dilute the first portion with plenty of water.

The use of celandine is contraindicated:

  • patients with epilepsy;
  • pregnant and breastfeeding women;
  • children under 3 years of age;
  • Patients with bronchial asthma and diseases of the nervous system and angina pectoris should be treated with celandine very carefully.

If you are intolerant to celandine, the first dose will show how it will affect your body. If you show signs of poisoning or feel severely unwell, immediately stop taking celandine and rinse your stomach. In case of severe poisoning, you should immediately consult a doctor. Do not continue further treatment if undesirable effects occur.

Celandine is an excellent medicinal plant, it will help cure many chronic diseases, help stop the growth of cancer cells and metastases in cancer patients. It perfectly heals wounds, burns, cuts, helps overcome colds, but you should only take it in strict accordance with the recommendations and not take the initiative, so as not to harm your body even more and not lead to aggravation of the painful condition, not to provoke the rapid development of the disease.

Proper intake of celandine herb will allow you to cure a chronic disease and prevent other diseases without harm to the body. But you should not self-medicate. Although everyone is familiar with celandine, the instructions for use must still be followed. Please consult your doctor first. Medicinal herbs have a mild effect, but they also have side effects and contraindications.

Celandine juice has long been used in folk medicine to treat burns and wounds, remove warts and calluses, get rid of psoriasis, mycosis, lichen and many other diseases. This product can not only be purchased at the pharmacy, but also prepared independently, while preserving its beneficial properties as much as possible. In traditional medicine, celandine medicine is used as an addition to main therapy or as a preventive measure.

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    Methods of application

    Celandine juice is used as an ingredient for tinctures, ointments, decoctions, ear drops and oil. It is practiced to add the product to the solution for enema and mouth rinse.

    Celandine juice from the pharmacy

    Storage conditions

    Celandine juice should be stored in glass bottles or tightly closed jars. To prevent the product from losing its medicinal properties, it should not be kept in the open air or in the refrigerator for a long time. Glass containers must be placed in a cool and dark place, which is reliably protected from children. A dark green precipitate forms in small quantities at the bottom of the bottle, which is considered normal. On average, the shelf life of celandine oil after the first use is up to 3 years.

    Basic principles of treatment

    Before using the remedy at home, you should first study the instructions and take into account the basic principles of celandine juice therapy:

    1. 1. If there are alarming changes in the body or deterioration in health, the use of the drug must be stopped.
    2. 2. The use of celandine begins with small doses, which are gradually increased according to the doctor’s prescription.
    3. 3. The duration of treatment should not exceed 3 years.

    When is poison useful?

    For the prevention and treatment of various diseases, celandine juice, prepared by active and passive methods, is actively used. It was revealed that the drug contains a large number of active substances, namely 20 alkaloids - barbarine, chelidonine, sanguinarine, etc. In addition, the juice contains such useful components as:

    • vitamin A, C;
    • organic acids;
    • phytoncides;
    • essential oils;
    • saponins;
    • bitterness.

    The most important and significant element in celandine juice is considered to be chelidonin, which has a calming and antispasmodic effect and slows down the transmission of impulses through nerve tissues.

    Glass container for storing celandine juice

    Use in cancer

    Celandine juice can be used as an addition to the main treatment in the early stages of oncology. A natural medicine can destroy cancer cells and stop their development, namely:

    1. 1. If cancer of internal organs is detected, then you need to drink celandine juice with milk. One drop of the product on the first day, 2 drops on the second day and so on, up to 20 days. After this, the drop rate decreases in the reverse order.
    2. 2. For skin cancer, you should wipe the affected areas with celandine juice 3 times a day. Medicine-based baths (100 ml of juice per 35 liters of water) will also be effective.

    For eczema, fungus and lichen

    In the treatment of skin diseases, two options for using celandine juice can be used: internal (drink infusions) and external (lubricating diseased areas of the skin 3-4 times a day). The duration of use of the folk remedy is 2 weeks. During treatment, itching occurs, which subsides 5 minutes after applying homemade or pharmacy-bought medicine. No bandages are applied for external treatment.

    Do not touch or scratch the lubricated area of ​​skin with your hands. Doing so can prolong treatment time and promote future scarring.

    For a cold

    Due to saponins, celandine juice has an antiviral and anti-inflammatory effect. Thanks to this, it is quite possible to get rid of colds quickly and without negative consequences both in summer and winter. From the first days of the disease, the patient can take 20-30 drops of the drug three times a day, washed down with warm water in small quantities.

    You can also prepare your own water-based medicinal solution. To do this, you need to dissolve 1 tablespoon of celandine juice in a glass of warm water with a volume of no more than 200 ml. The medicine should be taken three times a day, one tablespoon. On the second day, the dosage is doubled. The course of treatment is 2-3 days.

    Treatment of polyps

    A polyp is a benign tumor that appears on the mucous membrane of internal organs, for example, the stomach, intestines, bladder, etc. Surgical removal of such growths does not solve the problem, and polyps appear again over time in the same quantities. If treatment is refused, the growths completely cover the organ and contribute to the formation of cancer.

    To eliminate polyposis, traditional medicine is used, the recipes of which are based on celandine juice. Both rinsing and the use of medicinal solutions internally help. For direct impact on the adenoids, injections and enemas can be performed using drops of celandine juice and alcohol tincture. Before treatment, it is recommended to cleanse the intestines of toxins. Thanks to this, the plant juice is quickly absorbed by the intestinal walls and enters the bloodstream.

    The duration of treatment for polyposis is from 10 to 20 days, after which a 2-week break is taken. To prepare the solution, add 1 tablespoon of celandine juice to 1 liter of water.

    Contraindications and side effects

    Despite all the beneficial properties, juice from a poisonous plant should be taken with caution. Before drinking the medicine, you should consult with your doctor in advance and rule out the presence of an allergic reaction, individual intolerance to the plant or contraindications. An allergy can manifest itself in the form of urticaria, which immediately disappears when treatment with celandine is stopped. Since the juice of the plant contains a large amount of alkaloids, if it is consumed in excess, poisoning can occur.

    Symptoms of poisoning:

    • headache that does not stop when taking painkillers;
    • nausea and vomiting;
    • thirst;
    • depression of consciousness;
    • paralysis of the respiratory center;
    • loss of consciousness;
    • in case of severe poisoning - coma.

    To prevent the sudden onset of an allergic reaction, it is recommended to purchase an antihistamine. It is prohibited to take celandine orally if you have been diagnosed with diseases such as:

    • epilepsy;
    • heart disease;
    • neurotic conditions;
    • nervous system disorders;
    • schizophrenia;
    • bronchial asthma;
    • severe diseases of the heart, stomach, lungs and liver;
    • neurocirculatory dystonia.

    Collection and preparation

    You can not only buy celandine juice in pharmacies, but also prepare it yourself. To do this, it is necessary to collect grass in an ecologically clean area in May-June. At this time, celandine is just beginning to bloom and contains the maximum amount of useful substances. All parts of the plant are useful - from leaves to rhizomes. Roots should be collected and harvested in September or October. When working with the plant, it is recommended to use gloves and a mask. Before you start preparing the grass for grinding, it is shaken off the ground and dried well.

    To obtain the juice, the leaves and stems of the plant are crushed, placed in cheesecloth and squeezed. The resulting liquid begins to ferment after 6-7 days, after which it is taken only a few drops per day. To prepare a decoction, pour boiling water over the dry mixture of celandine leaves, flowers and stems. The decoction is cooled and used to wash wounds.

    If you collect the plant correctly and squeeze the juice out of it, you can prepare an effective remedy for warts, polyps, calluses, abscesses, pimples and other skin diseases. You should consult your doctor before using this medicine.

Contraindications for use and side effects

Despite the wide range of beneficial properties of celandine, the increased content of alkaloids in its composition can have a negative effect on the body. Therefore, treatment should be started only with the permission of a specialist, and if signs of deterioration in health occur, the course must be interrupted immediately.


  • pulmonary and bronchial diseases (including asthma);
  • childbearing and breastfeeding;
  • age less than 7 years;
  • epilepsy;
  • hypotension;
  • cardiac diseases.

Important! Celandine is incompatible with medications such as sulfonamides, opiates and heart medications. If it is impossible to interrupt therapy with the listed drugs, treatment with the plant should be abandoned.

If the dosage of a plant-based product is exceeded, the following side effects may occur:

  • thirst;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • dizziness;
  • diarrhea;
  • loss of consciousness.

If there are signs of poisoning, depending on the severity of the condition, you should rinse your stomach and take activated charcoal.

Celandine for hair

The plant is widely used for hair health and beauty. The disinfecting, anti-inflammatory, and antifungal properties of the herb allow you to get rid of dandruff, itching, and seborrheic dermatitis. The plant nourishes, stimulates the growth of hair follicles, improves the structure of the hair shaft itself, due to which the curls acquire thickness and shine.

Decoction for hair

This product is most often used to rinse hair and scalp. To prepare it you need:

  • 2 tbsp. dried plant, pour boiling water (2 cups) and put on fire for 7 minutes.
  • The product is cooled and filtered. Regular rinsing of your head and hair after washing will make your curls beautiful and strong, and add shine and thickness to your hair.

Recipe for dandruff

You can get rid of dandruff by just adding a few drops of plant juice (2-3) to your shampoo. The product will normalize the condition of the scalp, eliminating excessive dryness or oiliness - the main causes of dandruff. . You need to wash your hair with this product twice a week.

From severe loss

An effective remedy for the scalp for severe hair loss is ointment. It’s easy to prepare: you need powdered dry celandine, which is mixed with unsalted butter. The components are thoroughly ground and mixed, applied with massaging movements to the scalp. The procedure is performed up to 3 times a day. This will not only prevent hair loss, but also significantly accelerate its growth.

Celandine in cosmetology

The use of celandine in cosmetology is due to its beneficial properties for the face. The plant has an anti-inflammatory, disinfecting, restorative effect on the skin, eliminating various damage and imperfections of the skin (https://otzovik.com/review_3723435.html).

An aqueous infusion of the herb is used to treat pimples and acne; you can wipe your face with it in the morning and evening. Alcohol tincture of celandine is recommended to be used to eliminate inflamed acne and is applied pointwise . Do not wipe the entire face with an alcohol solution containing herbs.


This product is ideal for wiping with multiple inflammatory rashes on the skin of the face and body. It has a pronounced antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effect. Recipe:

  • 4 tbsp. dried warthog is poured into a thermos.
  • The raw materials are poured with boiling water (500 ml). Infuse for 1 hour, strain.
  • Pre-cleaned skin is wiped with a cotton swab dipped in celandine infusion. Then apply night or day cream.

This infusion will help fight acne and severe acne.


An effective remedy against acne and rashes - a mask based on celandine and chamomile. Cooking method:

  • Mix celandine and chamomile flowers in equal proportions (2 tbsp each).
  • Add 1 tbsp to the herbal mixture. alcohol, everything is infused for about 3 hours.
  • Squeeze out the mixture and remove the alcohol. Mix the remaining cake with a teaspoon of honey.
  • Mix the resulting mass with 2 tbsp. lanolin cream.
  • It is necessary to apply the mixture 3 times a week for 15 minutes. on previously cleansed skin. Then the mask is washed off, tonic and cream are applied to the skin. The product is stored in the refrigerator.

Important! Before use, be sure to melt the natural mask in a water bath. Refrigerated product becomes too thick.

Celandine for moles

Removing moles (nevi) with celandine is a well-known method of traditional medicine. However, it can be used only after agreement with a dermatologist and confirmation that the formation is benign.

So is it possible to remove moles? Before using celandine, pay attention to the shape and color of the nevus. Under no circumstances should you touch formations of irregular shape, uneven color, so-called “hanging” moles. These nevi are considered the most prone to degeneration into malignant formations, therefore any impact on them is prohibited.

Scheme for using the plant to eliminate moles

Is it possible to cauterize moles with celandine? This way, you can get rid of nevus of the correct shape and uniform color. To do this you need:

  • Moisten the formation with water, then lubricate it with fresh plant juice (squeezing directly from the stem).
  • Then the growth is tied with a thread at the very root. The thread tightens as the mole dries.
  • You need to wipe the nevus three times a day for 30 days.

Red moles (angiomas) are rubbed with a mixture of warthog and green walnut juices. In this case, the angiomas lighten and after a few days practically disappear. You need to wipe the mole three times a day.

Celandine for allergies

For allergic reactions, the plant is used as an adjuvant to antihistamine therapy, since it cannot cope with allergies on its own. However, celandine for allergies can significantly reduce symptoms: relieve itching, redness, reduce the area of ​​rashes and swelling.

The most gentle and effective way is medicinal baths with celandine for skin allergies. This method ensures contact with the entire surface of the skin, soothes the skin, soothes and improves the general condition of the patient. Recipe:

  • Dry warthog herb (2 tbsp) should be poured with two glasses of boiling water. The liquid should sit for about an hour.
  • The product is filtered, the infusion is poured into a pre-prepared bath.
  • You need to take a medicinal bath for at least 20 minutes. The procedure is carried out once a day for a week.

Celandine for eyes

The use of the herb will help not only relieve fatigue and irritation of the eyes, but also relieve a number of diseases of the visual organs.

Folk recipes with celandine for conjunctivitis

An effective method at the initial stage of the disease is a herbal decoction. Cooking method:

  • A teaspoon of herb is poured with boiling water (1 glass) and infused for about 4 hours.
  • Then you need to strain the broth and wipe your eyes with a cotton swab soaked in it 3 or 4 times a day.

An equally effective method is to use juice, a few drops of which (2-3) are added to a small container (2-3 l) with warm boiled water. You need to immerse your face there for a few seconds. After the procedure, the face must be washed.

Use of the plant for leukoma (thorn)

In the treatment of this eye disease, a decoction of eyebright and warthog is used:

  • Mix a tablespoon of eyebright and 1 tsp. celandine. The herbal mixture is poured with two glasses of boiling water.
  • Place the liquid on the stove, bring to a boil and simmer over low heat for 5 minutes.

The decoction is used for compresses, which are applied to the eyes for 5 minutes. daily for a week.

Eye fatigue

You can also alleviate the condition, eliminate irritation, and dry eyes using a decoction of the plant:

  • Mix dry raw materials of celandine and chamomile (1 tsp each), pour a glass of boiling water, boil the liquid for 5 minutes.
  • A cotton swab is moistened with the decoction and applied to closed eyes for 3-7 minutes.

Celandine for runny nose

You can get rid of rhinitis (runny nose) or sinusitis quickly and efficiently by using celandine. By gently affecting the nasal mucosa, the herb will relieve inflammation, irritation, and restore tissue. Celandine has pronounced antiviral and analgesic properties, which allows it to be used even in chronic forms of the disease.

Use for sinusitis

Sinusitis can be eliminated using 2 popular folk recipes:

  • Instilling plant juice into the nose. To do this, a few drops of fresh warthog juice are mixed with the same amount of aloe juice and put into a pipette. It is necessary to instill the product into the nose (2 drops into each nasal passage) every 4 hours during the day. You can learn more about the benefits and nuances of using plant juice from the article.
  • Treatment of sinusitis can be carried out using an infusion for rinsing. 1 tsp dry collection of chamomile and celandine should be poured with a glass of boiling water. After which the liquid must be cooled and filtered. Rinsing is carried out up to 3 times a day.

Use for rhinitis (runny nose)

For a runny nose, the following remedy can be effective:

  • Add 3 drops of warthog juice to a tablespoon of sea buckthorn or olive oil.
  • This mixture should be dropped into the nose after rinsing.

Celandine for nasal polyps

The rich composition of the plant allows it to be used against growths on the mucous membrane. Celandine helps stop the growth of cellular proliferation, prevent an increase in the number of formations, and in some cases reduces the size of polyps.

Important! Cauterization should not be used to treat polyps. This can cause burns and damage to the mucous membrane, which can lead to malignancy of the polyp.

Nasal rinsing

The best way to use the herb to combat nasal polyposis is by rinsing. The recipe is as follows:

  • A tablespoon of crushed dry plant material (flowers) is poured into 250 ml of boiling water.
  • Cover the container and leave the liquid to infuse for an hour.
  • The broth is filtered and used to rinse the nose three times a day.

Celandine for adenoids

Adenoids are growths of lymph tissue on the back wall of the nasopharynx. Even radical treatment of enlarged formations does not always give the desired result; moreover, after surgery, the adenoids may begin to grow again.

To prevent this, it is worth using one of the effective means of traditional medicine - celandine.

Treatment of adenoids in children with celandine

Using the plant in any form to treat adenoids in a child is prohibited without prior consultation with a specialist. Celandine can only be used with the permission of an otolaryngologist!

The most gentle and permitted method for children is the use of infusion. The method of preparing it is simple: pour 20 g of dry celandine raw material into 500 ml of boiling water. The liquid should sit for half an hour, after which the product is filtered. This infusion should be used to rinse the nasopharynx or instill 2 drops into each nostril (twice a day). Treatment lasts 10 days.

Important! The use of celandine is prohibited for children under 6 years of age. This can cause a burn and a severe allergic reaction.

Is it possible to gargle with celandine?

The plant is an effective fighter against infectious lesions of the nasopharynx and is used as a prophylactic against seasonal colds and exacerbation of tonsillitis. Celandine is used for gargling and allows you to achieve the following results:

  • Destruction of microbes that provoke inflammatory processes, stopping their reproduction;
  • Removal of ulcers, plugs from the tonsils and pharynx;
  • The plant disinfects sores on the tonsils;
  • Celandine softens and heals affected mucous membranes.


For the prevention and treatment of sore throat, tonsillitis, pharyngitis, a decoction is prepared. The recipe is as follows:

  • A tablespoon of dried warthog is poured into a glass of boiling water.
  • Place the liquid in a water bath for 10 minutes.
  • Strain and cool.

You can prepare a decoction of several herbs:

  • Take equal parts of celandine, sage, St. John's wort, chamomile (to make a total of 2 tablespoons), pour a glass of boiling water. Let it brew for half an hour, then strain.
  • Gargling with a decoction or infusion of herbs must be repeated 3 to 6 times a day. As a result of the procedures, pain is reduced, irritation is relieved, and the mucous membranes are cleansed of purulent deposits.

Application nuances

The rinse liquid should be warm (approx. +36 °C). For one application you need to use 1 glass of the product. Depending on the severity of the pathology, the treatment course can vary from 5 to 10 days.

Treatment of the thyroid gland with celandine

Numerous beneficial characteristics of the herb make it possible to successfully use it to normalize hormonal levels and endocrine pathologies, including the treatment of the thyroid gland. In this case, a tincture is used for internal use and canned juice for compresses on the neck.


The cooking method is as follows:

  • Take a jar (1 liter), put crushed celandine raw material (leaves and stems) in it, pour vodka over everything.
  • The jar of liquid should be placed in a dark place, where it should steep for 14 days. The container must be shaken regularly so that the celandine releases all its beneficial substances.

Reception nuances:

  • On the first day, you need to add 2 drops of the product per 50 ml of boiled water. Each subsequent day, the dosage is increased by another 2 units, ultimately reaching 16 drops.
  • You need to drink the product every day for a month. After the period of treatment for the thyroid gland with the tincture expires, a break is taken (5 days), after which the course is repeated. Reception begins with 16 drops, each subsequent day you need to add 2 drops less.


To prepare a compress, the freshly harvested plant is washed well with running water and finely ground (you can use a blender or meat grinder). Then the resulting mixture is placed in a half-liter jar and filled with a glass of alcohol (70%). The product is infused for 10 days and the crushed plant is changed every day (the old raw material is taken out and squeezed into a jar, and a new one is added instead).

After the required period has passed, the product must be moistened with gauze and applied to the neck. The procedure is repeated daily for a month.

Celandine for the liver

Celandine is a strong antiseptic with detoxifying, analgesic, and wound-healing properties (https://otzovik.com/review_2288122.html). The plant normalizes the bile ducts, helps get rid of hepatic and biliary colic, due to which it is used as an auxiliary therapeutic method for treating the liver.

Liver cleansing

To cleanse and heal the organ, a mixture of dry herbs is ideal: celandine, dandelion, immortelle, plantain . It is necessary to mix the plant raw materials in equal proportions (20 g of each mixture) and pour 1.5 liters of boiling water over it. Leave for 2 hours. The infusion should be drunk in the morning and before dinner.

Celandine for cholecystitis

To treat inflammation of the gallbladder, alcohol and water infusions of celandine are used:

  • Alcohol tincture. It must be taken daily, 6 drops dissolved in warm boiled water (70 ml).
  • Infusion. It is necessary to mix celandine and immortelle in proportions 1:2, pour a glass of boiling water. Let the liquid stand for 8 hours, then boil it and strain. Take 100 ml. up to 3 times a day.

For hepatitis C

If the liver is inflamed, the condition can be stabilized by taking canned plant juice:

  • The fresh plant (leaves, stems, roots, flowers) is crushed and finely ground in a blender or meat grinder. The juice is squeezed out.
  • The liquid is kept in the refrigerator for 1-2 days. Then mixed with alcohol in a ratio of 2 to 1.
  • After this, the product is placed in an airtight container with a tight-fitting lid (you can take a plastic bottle). The medicine must be infused, regularly opening the lid (up to 2 times a day) to release fermentation gases.
  • The finished product should be consumed 15 drops three times a day. Treatment lasts 1 month.

Celandine for the stomach and intestines

Since ancient times, celandine has been successfully used in witchcraft to treat the stomach and intestines. The plant is considered poisonous, so in order not to harm your health, it is important to strictly follow the dosage regimen and not violate the dosage.

Celandine for gastritis

How to treat the stomach with gastritis? It all depends on the form of the disease:

  1. To get rid of gastritis with normal or low acidity, you need to use an infusion: a tablespoon of dried herb is poured into a glass of boiling water. You need to drink 100 ml of the product every day for a month.
  2. Inflammation of the gastric mucosa, accompanied by an increased acid level, is treated with herbal infusion. Mix celandine, yarrow, chamomile in equal proportions and pour into a glass of boiling water. The product should be drunk 50 ml daily. You need to start taking the herbal medicine with half the dose to monitor the body's reaction to taking celandine.

Celandine for stomach ulcers

The plant is effectively used for stomach ulcers. The anti-inflammatory, disinfecting, wound-healing characteristics of celandine allow you to get rid of ulcerations of the stomach or duodenum.

An alcoholic extract of the plant is used for medicinal purposes. In order to prepare the remedy, you need to take a tablespoon of warthog juice and mix with 100 ml of alcohol (ideally medical alcohol). It is recommended to take the medicinal liquid three times a day before meals (1 tsp).

For bleeding duodenal ulcers, herbal tea can help. To make it, you need to combine 1 part of celandine, yarrow and 3 parts of St. John's wort and chamomile. The herbal mixture is poured with a glass of boiling water and left for 2 hours. You need to drink the medicine 50 ml three times a day.

Bowel treatment

Celandine has been successfully used to treat the intestines. Taking plant-based products allows you to cleanse the organ and normalize its functioning. Thus, drinking tea with celandine (1 dessert spoon per 2 glasses of water) will improve peristalsis and have a mild laxative effect.

For inflammatory processes in the intestines, severe spasms, you need to use the following recipe:

  • Combine a tablespoon of dried sage and celandine with 2 tbsp. daisies. Pour 350 ml of boiling water over the dry mixture of herbs and leave for 6 hours.
  • For the first 3 days you need to take the product up to 8 times a day (15 ml each), for the next 3 days the number of doses is reduced to 4. By the 8th day the number of times is reduced to 2.

Treatment of rectal polyps with celandine

Localization of polyps is an important condition in the use of celandine. Formations in the nose should be washed with an infusion of the plant; for polyps in the stomach, decoction and tea from celandine are suitable; for neoplasms in the uterus - douching; polyps in the intestines and rectum must be treated with an enema with a decoction of the plant. All this helps to improve the results of the main treatment and reduce the size of polyps.

Rectal polyposis is eliminated with the help of enemas and therapeutic compresses:

  • To prepare an enema, celandine juice squeezed from several leaves is suitable. It needs to be diluted in a glass of warm boiled water and douched. The duration of treatment is approximately ten days.
  • If the polyp is located close enough to the anus, a special compress will help. To prepare it, celandine juice is combined with a teaspoon of flaxseed oil and ten drops of an aqueous solution of propolis. Stir. A gauze swab soaked in the mixture should be placed in the anus overnight.

An additional method against polyposis is a decoction of celandine:

  • The dried herb must be poured with a liter of just boiled water and placed on the stove. Boil over low heat for half an hour. Afterwards, the liquid needs to be cooled and strained.
  • How to drink the decoction correctly? It should be consumed 100 ml in the morning on an empty stomach and before bed. Treatment lasts a week, after which it is necessary to take a break of about ten days to avoid poisoning.

Celandine for prostatitis

Celandine's ability to slow down the growth of tumors makes it an effective treatment for prostatitis. Taking the plant allows you to control cell proliferation.

Let's consider two methods of application:

  • Infusion. Pour a tablespoon of the dried plant into a glass of boiling water and leave for 2-3 hours. Drink 1 tbsp. half an hour before breakfast, lunch, dinner. The course runs for about a month. After consultation with a doctor, if necessary, the course should be repeated.
  • Microclyster. Add a tablespoon of celandine to half a liter of water, put it on the fire, bring to a boil, stirring constantly. Then leave to cool, after straining. Apply with microenemas once every two days. This treatment method lasts for up to 10 applications.

Celandine for hemorrhoids

At the moment, in medicine there is no question of how to treat hemorrhoids. There are a huge number of drugs to choose from. But one should not discount such an ancient folk remedy as celandine.

First, you should decide whether it is even possible to treat hemorrhoids at home? Of course, with such a problem you need to see a doctor immediately. You should not self-medicate.

But, as a means of therapy, celandine has proven itself well even before the advent of modern treatment methods, so it is often prescribed by doctors themselves. This herb has antipruritic and antiseptic properties, relieves spasms and pain. And in the early stages of the disease it copes well with hemorrhoids - relieving symptoms, reducing pain and the size of the nodes.

To treat hemorrhoids, enemas with the plant, oil and ointment are used, which will be discussed further. It is also worth paying attention to the general strengthening of the body - then you cannot do without the oral use of infusion and herbal tea with celandine.

Enemas with celandine

In order to make an enema solution you need:

  • Take 500 grams of warthog for every kilogram of body weight. Pour hot (70-80 degrees) water in the ratio: 1 gram of plant to 10 grams of water.
  • After the herbal mixture has cooled, you can, without straining, introduce it into the intestines using an enema and leave the product for as long as you can stand it (ideally for an hour).
  • Before use, the enema spout should be disinfected with boiling water. There should be no pain when inserting the spout.
  • Afterwards, you need to remain lying down for one hour - this way the solution will work more effectively. You can add herbs such as oak bark, yarrow, and chamomile to the infusion. Enemas with celandine help well against polyps and prostatitis.

Microenema with celandine is a good remedy for inflammatory processes in the rectum. Also often used for hemorrhoids. For a microenema, you need to make an infusion of celandine, according to the paragraph about a regular enema. But you can also make an infusion of different herbs.

For example, take 3 (for body weight up to 70 kg) and 5 (over 70 kg) mixtures of warthog and chamomile herbs, pour boiling water in a ratio of 1 to 10. After the mixture has cooled, take a syringe and carefully inject the infusion into the rectum. For best effect, leave the product inside for 1 hour.

To treat thrush, you need a tablespoon of herb, which is poured into a liter of boiling water. Afterwards the liquid settles. Douching is done daily, with a warm infusion, morning and evening. The course is a week.

Celandine oil

The product is very beneficial for the skin. In addition, such a remedy is easy to prepare at home.

Properties and application of the product

The oil has pronounced wound-healing and antimicrobial properties. It also perfectly removes itching and redness on the skin. Due to these properties, the product is actively used in many areas. One of them is cosmetology.

For example, if you use this cosmetic oil to treat acne and skin redness, the positive effect will not be long in coming. In general, this is a fairly safe product for the face and body, especially considering that this oil can be used to treat the delicate skin of a baby. But only after consulting a doctor and checking the child for allergies to celandine.

In addition, the plant oil is an excellent remedy against psoriasis - it relieves itching and redness. Promotes healing and restoration of damaged skin. Using the same principle, this remedy is used to treat eczema, diathesis, allergic reactions and even neoplasms.

How to make at home

It is very simple to prepare celandine oil at home:

  • If you make the product from fresh herbs, you need to grind the celandine through a meat grinder or in a blender. Squeeze the juice out of the resulting mass through cheesecloth and mix with olive oil in a 1 to 1 ratio.
  • Then you should put the finished mixture in the refrigerator for a day, shaking occasionally.
  • If there is only dry celandine, then you need to grind the grass. Then transfer to a glass container (preferably dark glass) and pour in olive oil heated in a water bath to 40 degrees.
  • Then wrap the jar in a towel and set aside to cool. The cooled mixture should be refrigerated for a week, shaking occasionally. After a week the oil is ready.

Celandine ointment

From celandine at home you can prepare such a useful remedy as an ointment. It copes well with itching and skin irritation. It will also relieve pain and have a slight antiseptic effect. The product should be lubricated on the affected area every evening.

But how to make an ointment based on celandine at home? Very simple. You need to take the plant directly. Fresh or dried. A base is also needed. This can be Vaseline and lanolin, or baby cream, or even animal fat.

In order to make an ointment with celandine from fresh herbs, you must first squeeze the juice out of it. To do this, use the recipe for making warthog oil. After that, 1 part of the juice is mixed with 4 parts of Vaseline, or another base, and mixed thoroughly.

If dried celandine is available, then you need to grind the herb into powder and mix it with the base in a ratio of 1 to 4. The ointment must be mixed before use.

Recipe for making ointment with plant infusion:

  • First prepare the infusion. To do this, you need 2 tablespoons of herbs, which are poured into 100 ml of water.
  • Cook over low heat until the moisture volume is reduced by half.
  • Later, strain the broth and mix with the base in a 1 to 1 ratio.

The product is widely used in cosmetology and medicine. Treats a whole range of skin diseases - from psoriasis and warts to acne and allergic reactions. Typically, the ointment is applied to the affected areas every evening.

Celandine inside

The herbal infusion can be drunk on its own without mixing with excipients. But is it possible to drink an infusion of this plant, since it is quite poisonous? It’s possible, but the main thing is the dosage. If you are also interested in ingesting a plant tincture, you should read the article, which describes all the nuances of using the product.

The answer to the question “what does a herb treat when taken orally” can be answered – almost everything. The fact is that it is an excellent remedy for treating digestive problems. It also has strong anti-inflammatory and restorative properties. An excellent hepatoprotector. It can even be used to prevent tumor diseases.

A surprisingly versatile and useful tool. But, remembering that the plant itself is poisonous, the question remains - how to drink celandine to cleanse the body, and at the same time not overdo it and not get poisoned by it. It's all about the dosage and regimen.

How to prepare and properly drink infusions based on the plant will be discussed below:

  • To make an infusion, you need to place 250 grams of dried herb in a liter jar. Pour boiling water there up to the neck of the container. Let it brew for 30-40 minutes. After this, the product is ready. How to take the infusion orally? The usual consumption pattern is a glass of infusion before meals once a day for a week.
  • An infusion can also be made from fresh celandine. The cooking recipe differs from using dried raw materials only in that you need to take half a jar of fresh herbs.
  • Another way to prepare an infusion is 1 tablespoon of celandine, 200 ml of boiling water. Afterwards, let it brew overnight and take 50 ml 4 times a day before meals. The course is also no more than 7 days.

If you want to cleanse the body, it is better to make a weaker infusion. To do this, take 1 dessert spoon and pour it into a glass of boiling water. Let it brew for 2 hours. How to drink celandine to cleanse the body? It's simple: take the product 2 times a day before meals. The infusion will allow you to remove excess water, toxins and processed products, and improve intestinal motility. This action of the product will cleanse your body and reduce weight.

How to brew celandine

Making infusions with celandine both for oral administration and for enemas is quite simple. The only thing you need to always remember is the dosage. You should not exceed it - it is fraught with poisoning. And instead of a beneficial effect, you can get a bunch of unforgettable emotions in the toxicology department. How to brew celandine correctly to avoid negative consequences? It's simple:

  • The usual dosage for an infusion with celandine is ¼ liter jar of the herb, which needs to be filled with boiling water up to the neck of the container.
  • Then let it brew for 30-40 minutes. And the infusion is ready. Moreover, the mixture should turn out dark in color and with a pronounced bitterness.

Important! To collect a pure plant that does not contain harmful substances and toxins, you need to follow rather banal precautions. You cannot collect celandine near highways and industrial bases.

To the question whether it is possible to brew fresh celandine, the answer is unequivocal - yes. The recipe for an infusion with fresh celandine is not much different from using a dried plant. The only thing is that you need to take half a liter jar of fresh herbs. An infusion of fresh or dried celandine is usually taken a glass a day before meals.

Herbal tea from celandine is very useful. The recipe for making it is very simple. You need to take 1 teaspoon of celandine per 200 ml of boiling water at 80 degrees. Leave for 20 minutes to brew and that’s it, the tea is ready. Afterwards you can add sugar or honey to taste.

Is it possible to eat celandine

Despite the undoubted benefits of the plant, it is practically unsuitable for use in cooking. When cooked, it is not harmful, but it also loses its beneficial qualities, adding a bitter taste to the dish.

However, in folk practice there are cases of using celandine raw. You should know what will happen if you eat certain parts of celandine.

You should absolutely not eat fresh roots and stems of the plant - they cause poisoning. But the leaves have a lower concentration of alkaloids and consuming them in small quantities (1-2 leaves per day) will not cause harm. Therefore, the answer to the question “is it possible to chew celandine for health?” relatively positive: the leaves are suitable for consumption, but in such quantities that will bring only a slight healing effect.

Nature itself has given us a remedy for attractiveness, health and youth - the celandine plant, which is equally effective for internal and external use. Use the herb to make your skin beautiful - and you will be surprised at how quickly all imperfections will disappear. And oral administration will ensure good health for many years!