Useful thoughts on the topics “who can be trusted” and “who can’t be trusted!” George Orwell

And one more feeling that gives great consolation in poverty. I think everyone who has found out what a pound of this dash costs is familiar with it. A feeling of relief, almost satisfaction, that you are finally at rock bottom. I often told myself that you’d get there, but now you’ve got there, and nothing, you’re standing still. This adds courage.

What can a person with brains do? Brains will make money out of nothing.

George Orwell. Pounds dashing in Paris and London

In general, it’s interesting - the poor man’s first personal feelings. I had a presentiment that sooner or later it would overtake me, I waited, I was timid, I prepared, I imagined it so many times, but in reality everything was unexpected. I thought it was simple, but no, it was amazingly complex. I thought it was a nightmare, but no, dull gray boredom. And a special, purely poor peasant pity, which you discover for yourself, involuntarily learning all sorts of miserable tricks, petty greed.

George Orwell. Pounds dashing in Paris and London

Poverty eliminates general rules just as money eliminates labor.

George Orwell. Pounds dashing in Paris and London

Overworking is an excellent means of inducing self-pity...

George Orwell. Pounds dashing in Paris and London

However, it was not at all as bad as it seemed. On the approaches to poverty, you make, among others, a discovery that balances out many others. You will recognize the blues, and pathetic cunning and hunger, but at the same time the greatest saving property of poverty - the future disappears. In a certain sense, indeed, the less money, the less anxiety. A single hundred francs exposes one to desperate cowardice; the only three francs do not break the general apathy: today three francs will feed you, but tomorrow is too far. You feel sad, but you are not afraid. You think vaguely: “In a few days you’ll just have to starve - terrible, huh?” And the scattered thought fades and creeps away somewhere to the side. The bread and margarine diet is not bad, I must say, it heals the nerves.

Ruslan Popov:“who to believe?! Trust no one! You need to know! And faith is a harmful thing! Therefore, “Who to believe?” is, in principle, the wrong way to pose the question.”

Pavel Guriev: that it is impossible to believe, many initiates said, but this does not concern the issue of everyday life: “Do not trust what you have heard; do not trust traditions, as they were passed on from generation to generation; do not trust anything if it is a rumor or the opinion of the majority ; do not trust if it is just a record of the saying of some old sage; do not trust what you believe to be true; do not trust only the naked authority of your teachers and elders. when it agrees with reason and promotes the good and benefit of one and everyone, then accept it and live according to it! Gautama Buddha, 400 BC.

Anton Blagin: on the topic of faith back in 1997, I wrote , What FAITH is given to man in addition to CONSCIENCE!

Yes, yes! A person needs faith in order to live as a community, community, commune, collective based on people’s trust in each other. Without trust life in a collective, in a community, in a commune is impossible! And pushes people to trust each other - sense of faith!

Everyone who has a conscience also has a sense of faith! Associated with it is the practice of people trusting each other. This is how we humans were created by the Almighty!

U Jewish Jews which are mentioned and in the Bible, And in the Koran unkind word, how is it going?

The Jewish Jews have this: "First the money - then the chairs!" And no trust in your word.

Have you read the book “The Golden Calf” by Ilf and Petrov?

Why do they do this? Because the Jewish Jews do not have no conscience, no faith, no trust to anyone, especially to people not their blood!

In the Jewish Torah (in the "Old Testament"), which they call "holy scripture" (!) the word CONSCIENCE is not even mentioned!!!

Meanwhile, modern scientists have already dug to such secret depths of our brain that they have discovered a center in it that is responsible for conscience!

Scientists' conclusions:
Conscience is a natural gift.
Everyone has a conscience.
Dogs also have a conscience.
Conscience is an element of self-control.
The cure for conscience is alcohol.

But even sober Jewish Jews don’t have it!

Conscience is not even mentioned in the Jewish Torah, which is considered "holy scripture"!!!

What does this mean?!

This suggests that normal people and Jewish Jews are both a plus and a minus.

When normal people and Jewish Jews come together somewhere, a conflict always arises on everyday grounds!

As the English science fiction writer H. G. Wells (1866 - 1946) noted: “Would it make sense to seriously analyze and figure out how it is that in every country where Jews live, anti-Semitism arises?”

And really, why “in every country where Jews live, anti-Semitism arises”?

The answer is simple: because Jewish Jews have lived since ancient times fraud! That is, by deceiving gullible people, the very ones who have a conscience and a sense of faith!

How else (!) can people live without conscience, without an internal judge, without self-control?!

And when Jewish Jews deceive normal people and treat them treacherously, then, naturally, no one can like it.

They can even punch you in the face for treachery!

For some reason, Jewish Jews call this attitude towards themselves on the part of normal people “anti-Semitism.” Even here they deceive everyone with concepts!

Who are "Semites" and "anti-Semites"?

Semites are Arabs! And “anti-Semites” are “anti-Arabs”?! So what?

And what does this have to do with Jewish Jews who hide behind cries of “anti-Semitism” as a shield? After all, they are predominantly of Germanic (Ashkenazi) and Spanish (Sephardic) origin!

And here’s something else that’s interesting. In the old days, our ancestors called the Jewish Jews - deceivers, scoundrels, but most often - swindlers!

Deceivers- because Jewish Jews have always tried to live by deception.

Rogues- because for all nations, Jewish Jews were strangers, aliens, literally “passing by.”

Fraudsters— because the Jewish Jews call their prophet (who gave them the “holy scripture” without mentioning conscience!!!) Moshe! And at the same time they also say that they follow his covenants, commandments and laws! So it turns out that Jewish Jews - followers of Moshe - scammers!

I also wrote on this topic three years ago whole treatise which I called .

Any people who, from ancient times, learned from bitter experience the impudence of the Jewish Jews, their treachery, necessarily made “memory notes” for posterity - composed proverbs and sayings about the Jewish Jews. The Russian people also made such “notches.” In the Russian language, even before the Jewish revolution of 1917, more than one hundred such proverbs were written down!

What is THIS if not the result of human trust undermined by the Jewish Jews for centuries!

I will cite just a few old Russian proverbs written before the memorable year 1917:

Where there is a Jew's hut, there is trouble for the whole village.
Give a Jew a car, you'll spend the rest of your life dragging a car for him.
A Jew is like coal: if it doesn’t burn, it gets dirty.
A Jew in action is like a leech on the body.
The Jew will treat you to vodka and then give you a drink.
The liquid is like rust - it gnaws at iron.
A baptized Jew is like a forgiven thief.
A Jew is not a wolf; he will not climb into an empty barn.
The Jew is fed up with deception.
The Jew is afraid of the truth, like a hare is afraid of a tambourine.
The Jew ruined him and enslaved him for life.
The Jew will say that he was beaten, but he won’t say why.
Even though the Jew is not a beast, don’t trust him.
The Jew is like a demon: he will never repent.
A Jew is like a rat - strong in a pack.
You can't buy a Jew with friendship.
If you hit a Jew in the face, you’ll raise a howl all over the world.
I want to believe that water is measured with a sieve.
Then the Jews don’t look like us from the face, so that we don’t make mistakes.
When the Jew showed up in the village, tie his tongue and let the dogs off the chain.
He who gives freedom to the Jew sells himself.
Whoever serves a Jew will not escape trouble.
Whoever buys from a Jew is digging his own grave.
The Jew is flattering in poverty, impudent in equality, a monster in power.
The love of a Jew is worse than a noose.
There is honey on the Jew's tongue, and ice under the tongue.
Call a Jew a brother, he will take after his father.
Do not do good to a Jew - you will not receive evil from him.
Don't let the thief near the field, and don't let the Jews near Russia.
There is no rose without thorns, and there is no grief without Jews.
Around the rich Jews, all the men are in patches.
As long as you have capital, you are praised by the Jew; just as he robbed you, he drove you out of the house.
You let a Jew into the house for a day, but you can’t kick him out in a year.
Once you lied, you became a Jew forever.
Russians with a bipod, and Jews with a spoon.
Talk to a Jew about getting drunk.
The locusts will devour the harvest, and the Jew will tear off the last shirt.
Serving a Jew is a joy to demons.
The Jew has two languages ​​- one annoys God, and the other fools Christians.
So that God does not become angry, do not let the Jew on the threshold...

Perhaps one of the readers will say now, after reading everything stated above: "Show me at least one Jew! What kind of animal is this?! A Jew to the studio!"

Yes please! You can admire typical example from the tribe Jewish Jews!

By the way, the way this guy thinks is quite famous "exhibit" teaching Jews in Brooklyn, America "Jewish survival system", popularly called - "Jewish logic" .

Compare the face of this “unique” with the faces of the current leaders of Ukraine: Poroshenko, Yatsenyuk and Groysman, who committed the genocide of the Slavs in Ukraine in 2014-2015!

As they say, one type!

I also wrote a whole treatise on this topic three years ago, which I called.

How to explain such an amazing external resemblance?

What is this? Special breed"homo sapiens"?

Or is everything much more prosaic, and we see imprint of "karma", about which one of the Old Testament prophets said this: “Therefore, even if you wash your face with soap and use a lot of lye on yourself, your wickedness is marked before me, says the Lord God"(Jer. 2:22).

To understand even better to whom Christ said his most famous phrase: "Your father is the devil, and you want to do the lusts of your father..." (John 8:44), try to compare the meaning now Russian folk proverbs with statements famous people who lived in different countries and at different times.

Abbot Tritheim of Würzburg (1462-1616): “It is clear that repulsion from Jewish usury is developing from above and below. I approve of legal methods of protecting people from the exploitation of Jewish usury and deception. Is it possible that foreign strangers should rule us not by their strength of courage or by their sublime virtues, but only by their meager money? Do these people dare to grow fat with impunity from the sweat of peasants and artisans?”

Here's a good explanation of the word for everything else: "crooks""foreign aliens".

Erasmus of Rotterdam (Desiderius Erasmus, Dutch scientist, 1468-1536): “What kind of robbery and oppression are being committed by the Jews on the poor, who cannot bear it any longer... God have mercy on them! Jewish moneylenders quickly take root even in small villages, and if they lend five florins they demand a deposit of six times that amount. They charge interest on interest, and interest on all this again, so that the poor man loses everything he had.”

Pope Clement 8th (Head of the Catholic Church from 1592-1605): “The whole world suffers from the usury of the Jews, their monopoly and swindles. They threw many unfortunate people into a state of poverty, especially peasant workers and the poor.”

Mark Cicero (Roman orator. Born in 106, died in 43 BC): “The Jews belong to a dark and repulsive force. Who knows how numerous this clique is, how they stick together and what power they can display thanks to their cohesion.”

Jean Francois Voltaire (French writer. 1694-1778): “The Jews are nothing more than a despised and barbarous people, who for a long time have combined disgusting greed with a terrible prejudice and unquenchable hatred of the peoples who tolerate them and from whom they enrich themselves.” “The small Jewish nation dares to show implacable hatred of the property of other peoples; they grovel when failure befalls them and become arrogant when things prosper.”

Benjamin Franklin (American scientist and statesman. 1706-1790): “Wherever in a country where Jews settle, regardless of their number, they lower its morality, commercial integrity, isolate themselves and resist assimilation. They ridicule the Christian religion, trying to undermine it, build states within a state and, in case of opposition to them, strive to mortally strangle the country financially.” “Unless we, by the Constitution, exclude them from the United States, in less than two hundred years they will rush in in great numbers, take over, swallow up the country, and change the form of our government. If you do not exclude them, then in less than two hundred years our descendants will be working in the fields, maintaining them, while they rub their hands in their offices. I warn you, gentlemen, if you do not expel the Jews forever, your children will curse you in your graves. Jews, gentlemen, are Asians, they can never be different.”

Frederick the Great (King of Prussia. 1712-1786): “Rulers must keep the Jews under their radar, prevent them from entering into wholesale trade, monitor the growth of their population, and prevent them from plotting wicked deeds anywhere. Nothing hurts merchants more than the illicit profit that Jews make.”

Maria Theresa (Empress of Austria. 1717-1780): “From now on, no Jew, no matter who he is, will stay here without my written permission. I know of no other unfortunate plague within the country than this race, which ruins the people by cunning, usury, borrowing money, and engages in affairs that repel honest people. Therefore, if possible, they will be moved and expelled from here."

Edward Gibbon (English historian. 1737-1794): “The Jews showed animal hatred against the Roman Empire, which they destroyed constantly with frantic murders and rebellions. Humanity shudders at the retelling of these disgusting barbarities."

Nicholas I (Russian Emperor. 1796-1855): “The main reason for the ruin of the peasants is the Jews, who are second in importance after the landowners; With their skill they exploit the unfortunate population. They are everything here: traders, contractors, tavern keepers, millers, suppliers, artisans, etc. They are so cunning in deceiving people that they provide money in advance for unsown grain and reduce the price of crops before the fields have not yet been harvested. They are common leeches that suck everything out and completely deplete areas.”. (The above is translated from The Thunderbolt, No. 29, May 1961. P.O.B. 783, Birmingham, Alabama. Editor: Dr. Edward R. Fields.)

Let us leave the topic of Jewish Jews for now and return again to the holy concept of faith.

Imagine the situation. A neighbor came to you and asked to borrow four chairs from you. A large family came to visit him for a couple of days; they had nothing to sit at the table, so he asked to borrow extra chairs for a while.

Question: Before giving your neighbor the chairs he asks for, will you ask the neighbor for a cash deposit or a receipt for them?

A normal person's conscience will not allow him to even mention this! And faith will whisper to a person: “Give it to me just like that! The neighbor is decent, he will return it!”

In 99.9% of cases this happens. People trust each other, believe! And those to whom you do good, as a rule, pay good. True, “black sheep” are found in any herd. It also happens that someone forgets to return what they took. Sometimes he deliberately doesn’t want to return it. It also happens that something gets damaged, but they don’t want to compensate for the damage. But such cases are the exception to the rule, rare even today. And in the old days this was even more of a rarity!

But today everything is different. But it’s not normal to live the way the Jewish Jews live - without faith in the decency of other people; for everything, be so kind as to sign a contract, an agreement, a piece of paper, or give a cash deposit!

However, alas, since for some time now the Jewish Jews have been supreme in our society (in the hands of the Jewish Jews at least 85% of the gold extracted from the earth over all centuries (!), the dollar printing press and most of the world's media), they have managed to accustom many live according to them - without conscience and without faith! That is why some people now tell me: “You don’t need to trust anyone. You need to know. And faith is a harmful thing. Therefore, “Who to believe?” is, in principle, the wrong way to pose the question.”

In my opinion, this answer is incorrect! You have to believe! Nothing without faith! It's unnatural not to trust anyone!

Only Jewish Jews should not be trusted! They are the only ones!

Because the entire history of the peoples of the world proves to us with the help of screaming, murderous facts that Jewish Jews are the collective image of the “biblical devil”.

Even if the Jewish Jews promise good things to other peoples in words, then their “good” always turns into terrible evil.

As evidence of my words, I want to cite this political caricature of American-Jewish propaganda, which is always woven from nothing but peace-loving phrases.

This is where the famous expression comes from "The road to Hell is paved with good intentions" .

With good intentions Jewish Jews(!), who today are crying about what was allegedly arranged for them by their fellow tribesman Hitler!

And these are hereditary scammers They deceived all peace-loving humanity even with this!

A selection of American newspapers for different years of the twentieth century indicates that the idea "HOLOCAUST OF 6 MILLION JEWS" was the greatest deception goyim at a time when Adolf Hitler's war machine KILLED 50 MILLION NON-JEWS.

As history shows, this myth is about "HOLOCAUST OF THE JEWS" spread through the American media (with the aim of misinforming billions of people), since 1869 !

All these newspaper facts are further proof that it is not easy for Jewish Jews CANNOT BE TRUSTED!

This DEADLY for life!

40 million Ukrainians in December 2013 acted against this rule, they believed a handful of Jewish Jews, and this is the result - today Ukraine is a robbed, humiliated, war-ravaged state without a future...

My life among the Jews [Notes of a former underground worker] Satanovsky Evgeniy Yanovich

Don't trust a horse that has been treated

Don't trust a horse that has been treated

The author is far from throwing stones at people who, for one reason or another, change their religion or surname. In the first case, this is a personal, intimate and deeply internal matter. The man believed in Christ. Or Mohammed. To Buddha. Zarathustra. Ganesha. Vishnu, Rama and Krishna - simultaneously or separately. The fact that Baba is actually a prophet of G-d - and became a Baha'i. Finally, to the G-d of Israel. There are many known and even more unknown cases. Including among adults, respectable people and sincere believers. They have every right.

Again, there are different circumstances. For example, coercion under pain of death. And not necessarily your own. The author, as is clear to even the most superficial reader, is a hyper-skeptical and very sober person. He doesn’t believe in G-d, he doesn’t believe in anything. Although the understanding that there is good and what is evil in this world was instilled in him by his parents from childhood. So, if the choice is the adoption of any faith or the life of innocent people, he will certainly read the shahada, kiss the cross and make any other gestures in the same area. If only these very innocent people could be saved. Those who believe that stories of this kind remained in the Middle Ages greatly underestimate the level of atrocities in a large part of the planet. And also the speed with which the country, not just ours, any country, is losing its subtle touch of civilization.

The same goes for last name or first name. Not necessarily Jewish. Akaki Akakievich could have been Gogol’s hero. In the 20th century, the names Akaki, African, or even Praskovya, which were native to our fatherland, came out in complete disarray. Because there is nothing bad about Praskovya. But in the diminutive form, no matter how you look at it, she is still Parasha. Hmmm... How are things going with Ilf and Petrov? “Kakashkin changes his last name to Lyubimov.” Again, what sounds neutral in one country may be completely obscene in another. Everyone's languages ​​are different.

During the author’s youth, the Jewish activist Shmukler was in Moscow. Last name is like last name. No better, no worse than others. It just means that his ancestors were brass workers. They made sewing for uniforms, aiguillettes and other epaulettes. But over the years in the United States, having matured, become rich and gained fame, he gradually began to be called Smuckler. Because “shmok” or “shmuk”, and not only for Jews, but for this entire big country in general, is the same three-letter word that is written on the barn, although there is firewood inside. And it’s clear why. Epaulets are shoulder pendants. They hang, dangle... Very similar.

From the same opera: this is a word that is often written on sheds and fences, in its three-letter Russian form read as x, igrek, and a short, at the same time common, quite innocent and even poetic Chinese name. And the headache of simultaneous interpreters, who have to replace this indecency with something. Again, the Russian “tooth” in Arabic exclusively means an object of male pride. From which of the Russian top officials did Deputy Prime Minister Zubkov suffer the most, without knowing it? Because his name was constantly distorted by the announcers of Arabic-language television and radio channels, although with the best intentions, in order to avoid a scandal. In the end, not every big boss likes it if, when his first or last name is pronounced, those around him start having terrible fun, and the girls also blush deeply.

Again, when they get married, these same girls, as a rule, change their last name to the one that their future husband readily provides them with. This is the custom. Not all. But many. So what now? Should they all sit without a husband, but with their father's last name? Keep it for history? At least there are no complaints about the girls? Fortunately, it is not only Jews who change their surnames in marriages, in accordance with the customs and traditions of the country. The author knew an extremely intelligent and impressive lady, a professor, who was a purely Russian person, but by marriage she was Katz. And her children were Katz. And nothing. I just loved my husband.

On the other hand, his first driver in the 90s bore the Ukrainian surname Kushch, in which there was nothing shameful or suspicious. Although in a foreign passport it was written in Latin with as many as eight letters, and when Western border guards tried to read it, they turned pale, covered in cold sweat and hissed like rattlesnakes during the molting period. So, his beautiful wife was Tsvetkova - and she registered her son in her last name. For aesthetic reasons. Although everyone who knew each other called her exclusively “tabernacle”, and the innocent baby – “tabernacle”. Because there were a dime a dozen Tsvetkovs in Moscow and even in the same office, but there was only one Kushch. But with surnames it happens differently, including in Russia. In particular, Glod, Kost, Zhigun, Sverdlik, Brainis and Tsios worked in the corporation in question, in the same building as Kushch. And at the same time. Of which there were two and a half Jews. But who believed in this?

But the double record of nationality... German-Kazakh, or what? Chechen Jew? Or a Yakut Tatar? Sounds strange. Although in everyday life they talked about Russian Jews or Kazakh Germans. These stable phrases had a clear meaning to everyone, without being used in any documents. So, life is one thing, but bureaucratic rules are something completely different. Self-identification and official document flow are fundamentally different things. And there was a change of nationality by an adult for career or other reasons in the country. But overall it was perceived negatively. Both by those from whom this person was leaving, and by those to whom he was trying to get close. Although, of course, this is an everyday matter.

It must be said that Jews were by no means the only people in the Soviet Union with the wrong nationality. How were the paraphrased words of Vasily Lebedev-Kumach ironically sung to the music of Isaac Osipovich Dunaevsky? A person passes like a master... unless, of course, he is a Jew. Which is understandable, since if the author of the words was actually just Lebedev, if we consider him without a revolutionary pseudonym, then with the author of the music it was much worse. Since pre-revolutionary Jews had traditional double and triple names, either Yiddish or Hebrew - biblical.

Accordingly, Isaac Beru Joseph Betsalev Tsalievich Dunaevsky in the country of victorious proletarian internationalism sounded somehow wrong. It sounded like a relic. And no passion of the Father of Nations for the music of the brightest and most talented of his composers could correct this. That was the time. And the father of the nation himself was for this nation and remains for today’s admirers Stalin, and not Dzhugashvili. But, as we said, the Jews had nothing yet. The Germans had it much worse. They flourished until 1914, but then they dwindled to nothing. Just like, at different times and for different reasons, other repressed peoples. From the Caucasian highlanders and Crimean Tatars to the Far Eastern Koreans and Chinese.

A changed last name or first name, not to mention patronymic and nationality, could save a life. Or become a pass to the future from places of exile, which are now mostly bearish. And in those times we are talking about... It is a sin to blame people who lived in the era of legalized atrocities. Despite the fact that the socialist Soviet Union clearly surpassed National Socialist Germany in terms of violence. The difference was that the main blow was inflicted on one’s own population, and not on others, without making a special exception for Jews and Gypsies.

Well, some more details. Which was enough for parents who were thinking about the future of their children to try to save them preventively. Because it was impossible to guess or predict who, when, where and for what exactly would be evicted, driven in trains to slaughter and rot in camps. Gennady Khazanov recalled how he lived with the Ossetian nationality until a certain age without any humor. Although in general he is a cheerful person. Yes, and it’s clear why. Genetics. Khazan for Jews is the same as chorister for Christians. Creative surname.

With all this, even in the most cannibalistic times, and even more so at the end of the USSR, when the level of danger from the “wrong” origin dropped to acceptable, there were enough people who did not exchange their birthright for lentil stew. For reasons of principle, love for parents or the desire to preserve the memory of ancestors - it doesn’t matter. They did not change their surnames to more euphonious ones. They didn’t choose a nationality that was convenient for life and career. We didn’t cling to someone else’s faith. Honor and praise to them.

But what's special? Just be yourself. Unless there are extraordinary circumstances as mentioned above. Jews are accustomed to the fact that there will be pressure. No matter what you do, they will still be there. But a career is not a career... Where do the mass of Jewish jokes come from about the attempts of especially timid people to be more Catholic than the Pope, and the consequences of these attempts. Not those jokes that every dude, including a high-ranking one, tells about Jews: “Abram and Sarah ...” - and it’s common to laugh at this until you get stomach cramps. And those that the Jews themselves tell about themselves.

A typical maysa is about a groom who, before the wedding, cut his sidelocks, took off his lapser coat and immediately, without waiting for the wedding night, was hit by a car. After which he reproachfully asked in the next world: “G-d, for what?!” All my life I prayed, kept fasts, prayed again...” G-d’s answer accurately characterizes both the situation and the familiar habits of Jews in relations with the creator: “Chaim, is that you? Well, sorry, I just didn’t recognize you!” Or, as it was said on another occasion in a Russian joke: “If you are Rabinovich, but at the same time Russian, then with such a surname we would be better off hiring a Jew.”

The old proverb about the fact that one should not trust a horse that has been treated, a thief that has been forgiven, and, how can I put it more politely... Iza Shamir, who has been baptized, generally reflected the popular assessment of the results of mimicry. Alas, the author, at the risk of appearing in the eyes of the liberal public as a xenophobe and cattle - in Hebrew it sounds beautiful: an am-Haarean, “man of the earth,” or simply a hillbilly, agrees with the proverb with certain reservations. Based on his personal experience, for every Galich there are fifty Shamirs. Or maybe a hundred. Because the poet, having been baptized, did not turn away from his people or their history and did not say a bad word about the Jews. And he says “our train is leaving for Auschwitz, today and every day.” In contrast, however, from the same Karl Marx, whom his Orthodox Jewish family apparently got to his feet. Although Marx would have lived to see the Holocaust...

True, if a Jew has not changed his passport details or religion, this does not mean anything. People who have a poor understanding of the system of internal relations in Jewish society believe that Jews drag each other upward, to warmer places. And there they cover each other in every possible way, help and protect. Yeah. Rather, they drown it.

There is such a widespread breed of Jewish bastards that they will strangle and crush any Jew except themselves. He won't hire me. He will not be presented with an honorary order. He won’t issue a bonus even if he sits up past midnight four hundred and twenty days a year. And he won’t give you a promotion even if you have a hundred inches in your brain. Not because there is no reason, but because they think it’s for patronage. Or they might think so. And he will sell it at once. He will lay it where the most seasoned anti-Semite will remain silent. Because an anti-Semitic theorist may well have normal human relations with individual Jews, working or living next to them.

The author, when he was a young specialist designing metallurgical plants, came across one of these. Moreover, in the same department where a veteran of the party, war and labor worked - a Jew, about whom the anti-Semite warned the author, who was intemperate in his speech in his youth. And he was right, anti-Semite Ivan Ivanovich, a front-line soldier and also a veteran of the party and labor, of blessed memory, about Matvey Abramovich, the future activist of the Anti-Zionist Committee. Totally right. The names, by the way, are real. It was a long time ago. Surely all the participants in this story died, except the one writing these lines. Only since then the author prefers such anti-Semites to these “as if” Jews. Because what is a Jew like...

However, the free will, the saved is paradise. If a Jew really wants to join the majority. Stop being yourself, but build a career. And if to hell with them, who were before him and gave birth to him, then why? But it still looks somehow wrong. Like: today he wears Adidas, and tomorrow he will sell his homeland. Doesn't inspire compliments. No one has yet built either faith or patriotism on this. Although you can earn money and open your way to the top. True, no one has ever earned more than from drug trafficking, smuggling and other trades of this kind. What now, to make a living out of all this? Yes, and we know what comes up. And there, at the top, in parliament, government, city hall and the party apparatus. Moreover, it is known to everyone around. Regardless of surnames, religion and nationality. Why, by the way, do they not believe the “reforged”... well, all this has already been said.

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9. Believe in the impossible So, having been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom by faith we have gained access to that grace in which we stand and rejoice in the hope of the glory of God. And not only this, but we boast in our sorrows, knowing that from sorrow

And in general, such definitions are understandable. Anything that does not fit into the templates and goes beyond the boundaries of established norms of behavior accepted in the West is called madness. How else? Moreover, this concerns not only you and me, they are also accustomed to labeling each other. Call the English prim, arrogant snobs, the Scots - curmudgeons, the Italians - temperamental, the Finns - slow, the Jews - cunning, the Germans - pedantic, the Italians - chatterboxes... But the Russians... No one will ever understand the Russians, they say, there is too much in their behavior does not fit into the norm - “they are such crazy people”... An American will never look for a way out of the current difficult situation on his own, just as a German, Austrian, French or Canadian will not do this - they will stubbornly contact the people or services responsible for this. Call service, call a tow truck, hire a person specially responsible for turning television antennas or screwing a screw into the wall. At the same time, they will convincingly prove that Russians are crazier than themselves, and there is no other country like it. Although in the end, Americans always add that “Russia is still cool. If only they were our neighbors instead of this idiotic Canada.” Especially recently, when news about Russia constantly flashes on TV screens all over the world. Foreigners simply began to react more often to certain links that say at least something about Russians. And this is not bad, if only because good videos of Russian drivers removing snow from the brake lights of a car in front, stopping in traffic in order to move a grandmother across the road or remove a kitten from the roadway have now become widely distributed and with headlines in English. After all, this is something that their media does not show, which means it is practically forbidden, which is why it is successful today all over the world. What was watched in Russia at least a year ago is now reposted with the following comment: I’ve Never Seen Anything So Beautiful. This Video From Russia Made The Whole World Cry. A Must Watch! Much has changed in recent years, the country has changed, turning into a new, Polite Russia, people have changed, loving their Motherland and starting to be proud of it, patriotism has been revived, and in the world at this time, despite the frenzied information aggression, the image of Russia is renewing every day , is gaining more and more respect. This is noticeable even in small ways, because all the photographs given in the article are exclusively from American, British and Austrian sites, forums, and collections, and the comments of users who viewed them have a positive coloration. Americans are crazy too n_tongue: Challenge breeds excellence... / robin yates: I much prefer Russian crazy because they laugh while they are being crazy (I prefer Russian “crazy” because they laugh during their craziness). Of course, there are other collections of this kind, including in English with the most negative content, they can usually be found on Russian resources, and the people posting them, in nine cases out of ten, are current Ukrainians, Latvians, Poles, and so on , which is extremely unpleasant, since these photos are selections for the Western average, deliberately containing exclusively drunken Russians of the 90s, dirt, destroyed houses and indecent awkward moments. I’ll just add a reminder to all our ill-wishers - the words of Russian President Vladimir Putin: “Russia today does not consider anyone its enemy, but We DO NOT ADVISE anyone to consider US as their enemy.”

1. “You have such a Jewish face,” they once said to Buknik with love, and he immediately forgot all those times when the same phrase was uttered with disgust, embarrassment, sarcasm, hostility and even disgust. You will be recognized by your face, and then by your deeds, and there is no getting around it.

2. Recognizing a Jew by face has become a science. Recognizing a Jew by face is an innate skill of some peoples, in particular, the Jews themselves. Recognizing a Jew by face is a popular pastime, for it is known that a Jew is always a stranger, although he may seem endlessly like oneself. And it is important to be able to recognize it.

3. The art of reading faces - physiognomy - has long become a science. If you believe her, eyes, nose, ears, mouth - these peculiar antennas that twenty-four hours a day report what is happening around, and their shape, as well as facial wrinkles, can tell a lot about a person. It turns out that the large, wide-open eyes of that same average Jewish face are a sign of the enduring ability to be surprised and interact with the world around us. About large ears - the same conclusions, but a large nose... No, it doesn’t work. None of the texts we studied say that people of Jewish nationality perceive odors in any special way. Unless that same common Mediterranean ancestor sent us greetings along with a large nose - fortunately there are a lot of spices and incense in the Middle East.

4. Buknik heard another version explaining the peculiarities of the ethnophysiognomy of Jews at school from a particularly militant classmate. He seriously defended the theory about noses: they say that Jews are smart because all sorts of nasal sinuses and other internal parts of the nose of homo sapiens among Jews are placed in the area of ​​​​the protruding part of the nose, and from this place in the head (and, consequently, space for the brain) remains more. Buknik never believed in this nonsense, but for some reason it is precisely this that is remembered from childhood, and not some important science.

Meryl Streep as Rabbi (Angels in America)

5. The nose, of course, is a theme. In Nazi Germany, special classes, lectures, and seminars were held where they taught how to recognize Jews. This is how in the children's textbook "Der Giftpilz", published by the number one anti-Semite of the Reich, Julius Streicher, boys and girls are taught to identify Jews. (We will provide here a brief retelling of this text, which unites almost all stereotypes.)

Today there is excitement in the seventh grade: the beloved teacher, Herr Birkmann, is talking about Jews. Even the laziest boy, Emil the snorer, does not sleep and listens carefully. Herr Birkmann knows about Jews from life and knows how to present this knowledge in an accessible form, which is why the children’s favorite time is “Jewish hour.” The moment comes when you need to check what the children have learned. Hands are reaching out. How do we recognize a Jew? “We can recognize it by the shape of its nose: it bends at the very tip and looks like the number six. That’s what we call this feature – “Jewish six”. It differs from just a humped or aquiline nose in that it looks exactly like a six,” they answer students. We can recognize him by his lips - they are usually fleshy. And his eyes are different from ours - their eyelids are heavy, their gaze is suspicious and piercing, they are immediately visible as a deceitful person, they are small in height, from medium to low, they have flat feet, and their ears are flat. They are big and stick out like the handle of a cup. Their hair is black and curly, like a black man’s, and when they talk they wave their hands.”
At the end of the lesson, the children sing together in clear voices: “The devil himself is looking at us from the Jewish face” and run away joyfully.

6. It has been noted that among Ashkenazi Jews the percentage of people with fair hair is lower than among other Northern Europeans, and among Sephardim and Mizrahi the percentage of such people is higher compared to Arabs and other Asian groups. There are more fair-haired people among Ashkenazim, fewer among Sephardim, and they are even less common among Mizrahi. Before the Holocaust, 30% of German Jews were fair-haired, 25% of English Jews, but only 5% of Italian Jews. Studies conducted at the beginning of the 20th century showed: among Ashkenazis (Galicia, Poland, Germany) blond-haired from 10 to 30% and red-haired - from 2% to 4%. Sephardim (Bosnia, England, Italy) - 10% blonde, 1% red. Among Mountain and Dagestan Jews, 2% are blond and 2% are red-haired. Russia, Galicia and Poland had the highest concentrations of redheads.

7. Statistically processed data on 145,000 Jewish children in Austria, Germany and Hungary during the pre-Holocaust period showed: 30% blondes, 55% brown-haired and 14% dark-haired. Red - half a percent.

8. The eye color of the great-grandparents of living Jews also underwent statistical analysis at the end of the 19th century. Among Russian Jews, 23% were light-eyed, among Austrian Jews - 27%, and among Ashkenazim living in England - 11.1%.

9. If you delve into the statistics, you may find an explanation for another cliché - “Jews are more likely to have a combination of dark hair and light eyes than other peoples.”

10. In the middle of the 20th century, in the Peruvian city of Cajamarca, two brothers Alvaro and Segundo Villanueva Correa en/Community.aspx?Name=The+Inca+Jews">decided to convert to Judaism. They began a community that was formed by 1958. Members of this community, received the name Sons of Moses (Bnei Moshe), strictly observed the Sabbath, holidays and kashrut. Over time, this group grew to 500 people, and people began to call them “Inco-Jews.” More recently, they were recognized by the rabbinate, and many of them moved. to Israel. I wonder how they got along there? If you don’t look closely, the Indian facial features vaguely resemble the stereotype of the Jewish one in American Westerns, until the fashion for indigenous peoples, Indians, began. Jews or Italians played. So Buknik’s students, discussing his nationality, once argued: one said that he was a Jew, and the other said that he was Mayan.

11. The beard is also a theme. And not only Jewish. In the 15th century there lived Cardinal Vissarion, who converted to Catholicism from Greek Orthodoxy and kept trying to unite the split churches. He was popular, and the papacy was predicted for him, but the beard, which he wore from old memory, got in the way. At one of the receptions in 1471, King Louis XI pulled his beard and said rude things. Vissarion was upset and died a year later. Because of a beard, a papacy was lost. Now let’s imagine how everyone who is not too lazy mocked Jewish beards at all times. And they were completely wrong, for it is said: “Do not shave your head round, and do not spoil the edges of your beard” (Lev 19:27).

12. Jews keep this very covenant. In addition, beards and leadership are obviously interconnected things in culture. There is a Talmudic story about Rabban Gamliel II, the spiritual leader, the Nasi, in the period after the destruction of the Temple. The moment came in his life when he was removed from leadership for abuse of power, and Eleazar ben Azariah, a brilliant young rabbi, a descendant of the high priest Ezra, was appointed to replace him. But he was young and beardless, which became a serious obstacle to his appointment. However, a miracle happened: Eleazar woke up one morning and saw that God had given him a long and, most importantly, gray beard.

13. So the beard became an important cultural marker. But still, facial hair is not to the taste of all Jews; some of our contemporaries are looking for and finding a compromise solution between the covenant and reality. If you can’t just shave, that is, cut, then you can, for example, depilate with cream (in this case, however, there is a risk of losing facial skin). Further, as is usually the case, the dispute moves into the area of ​​semantics of the expressions “cut off the ends of the hair” and “destroy/spoil the ends of the hair.” For example, you can remove hair with a machine (trimming is possible, shaving is not): the hairs on the face are destroyed, but not completely. Some halakhic authorities prohibit electric shavers, others believe that the device does not cut the hair as thoroughly as a machine, and therefore does not destroy it completely, and it is possible to use an electric razor. Don't ask where the logic is here, read the literature. Another thing is that both the Torah and the Talmud make it clear: a Jewish man must have a beard. Its loss is directly related to the loss of identity.

14. However, Christians interpret Scripture differently. Pope Gregory VII (1073-1085) may have introduced the rule of shaving for Catholic priests to distinguish them from their Jewish and Muslim counterparts, but over time this rule found a more elevated explanation in the works of the medieval theologian Guilhelm Durand (1237-1296), who argued that By cutting off our beard, we get rid of vices and sins, for their essence is superficial, and beardlessness brings a person closer to the angels who are forever young. So Joseph was shaved before being taken to the Pharaoh’s chambers, for the Egyptians cultivated beardlessness as a sign of youth. It turns out that Jews are not at all afraid of appearing older, because they cultivate the wisdom that inevitably accompanies age. Eh, if only it were so...

15. Here is a reconstruction of an Israeli Jewish face from the first century AD. It was made for the BBC film "Son of God" - this is a version of Jesus' appearance. And researcher and documentarian John Romer, in another Discovery Channel film, Seven Wonders of the World, points out that the traditional depiction of Jesus may be derived from the classical Hellenistic depiction of Zeus. Now let’s put this all together and look at a hypothetical representative of “Jewish nationality.” What are your impressions?

16. There are not so many images of ancient Jews. Buknik came across two interpretations of one of the most famous - the procession from the fresco of the tomb of Khnumhotep III from Beni Hassan. “A group of four Jewish women carry antimony to color the eyes of an Egyptian prince. This fresco shows us how great the difference is in the clothes of the Egyptians and the Jews. We also see how very different Egyptian and Jewish women are in profile: Egyptian women are beauties, with perfect noses, and Jewish women are fearful people! - with humped noses. Jews generally envy the beauty of other peoples, since they have faces like gnomes (no one has yet paid attention to this obvious similarity, because they are afraid of Jews), huge noses and shaggy eyebrows, like a Yeti.”

17. Surprisingly, others see in the same paintings of the tomb of Khnumhotep III a source of knowledge about the arts and crafts of the Jews. “Thirty-seven merchants and artisans with their wives and children are depicted on a fresco inside the burial. Their clothes, hairstyles and skin color indicate that they were from Canaan." The artists carefully depicted the garments of the Semites, and this allows scientists to establish that the fabrics were made on machines not yet known in Egypt, and dyed in colors that were not used in Egypt at that time. Actually, for our topic it is not so important that many advanced technologies were brought to Egypt by the Semites. What is important to us is the portrait of ladies who lived in Canaan in the 19th century BC and were seen through the eyes of an Egyptian artist. They are very attractive, and the similarities with our contemporaries are obvious.

18. Bees recognize people's faces. No one has yet figured out how they do it. Moreover, they recognize the right person, even if his photo is turned upside down.

19. Sniper rifles will soon be able to distinguish a person's face in the sights in order to know for sure whether to shoot or not.

20. The habit of determining a person’s nationality by his appearance will never disappear, because it is directly related to survival and the need to classify the world. Just like animals with their skills of accurately attributing individuals of different species. And only the most advanced of us are able to remember in time how easy it is to deceive the eye and how little this classification gives to the heart.