Subcutaneous pimple on the genitals. White pimples on the labia, signals from the female body

Women quite often face such a problem as acne in intimate places, since their skin is much more delicate and sensitive, which means there is a risk of developing irritations of various etiologies. A pimple on the pubic area, as well as on the labia, does not always indicate the development of a serious disease and can be the cause of a common allergy or cold. As a rule, inflammation and rash in the groin area do not cause pain and go away without outside intervention after a couple of days. At the same time, there is a possibility of developing sexually transmitted diseases, one of the signs of which is a pimple.

Possible causes and treatment methods for acne on the labia in women

Possible reasons for the formation of acne on the genitals, including the labia, include changes in hormonal levels due to malfunctions of the body, pregnancy, puberty or the onset of menopause.
In addition to this, rashes of various types can be observed due to:

Each type of acne has its own cause of formation and treatment method. To carry out correct therapy, you will need to contact your doctor to clarify the diagnosis.


Pimples are a type of rash that forms on a woman’s genitals, as well as on the pubic area. As a rule, they form pinkish pimples, 2 mm or more in size.

The causes of such a rash may be an allergy to skin contact with powders, hygiene products and linen, or a lack of hygiene. Such pimples do not cause noticeable discomfort and disappear on their own within a few days. In addition, pimples can be a sign of the development of a herpes virus infection, or simply genital herpes. In this case, they have a transparent shell with liquid inside, while causing discomfort and pain. If the rashes have a denser structure with a pointed tip, then these are papillomas caused by the virus of the same name.

Such rashes are transmitted mainly during sexual contact with carriers of viruses, and may appear several months later when immunity decreases. At the same time, the herpes virus, as well as the human papillomavirus, are incurable.

Treatment is aimed at reducing the activity of viruses and eliminating the manifestations of the disease. To treat rashes caused by the human herpes virus, it is necessary to carry out immunomodulating therapy with the additional use of acyclovir drugs. Papillomas require removal surgically or using cryodestruction, laser removal or ultrasound.


Wen are rashes that form on the labia of women and in the pubic area due to blockage of the sebaceous glands of the skin. Such formations are called lipomas and are localized directly under the skin due to the increased work of the sebaceous glands, sebum accumulates and leads to blockage of the channels.

The reasons for the appearance of wen include:

  • excessive oily skin;
  • increased sweating;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • abuse of spicy, fatty foods and sweets;
  • lack of hygiene;
  • use of unsuitable hygiene products
  • disturbance of metabolic processes in the body, for example, with diabetes;
  • injury to the sebaceous gland (during depilation or active sexual intercourse).

The lipoma or wen must be removed, otherwise the formation of abscesses and even the development of oncology are possible.

As a rule, old wen is removed surgically, especially when inflammatory processes develop or suppuration occurs. The surgeon removes both the capsule itself containing purulent masses and the affected tissue around the wen. As a result, antibacterial therapy is carried out to avoid the development of secondary infection. If there is a “quiet” wen that brings only aesthetic discomfort, then it is removed using an endoscope or liposuction, or using a laser and radio waves.

White pimples (dots, spots)

White pimples on the intimate area in women are of two types - similar in appearance to “goose bumps” and with a purulent white head. The first type of rash appears due to the necrosis of the epidermal scales and their accumulation in the hair follicle. The skin becomes rough to the touch. To get rid of this problem, it is enough to carry out enhanced hygiene of the genital organs.

Whiteheads, spots and pimples with a white head can occur due to various factors. These could be:

  • irritation after unsuccessful depilation (for example, shaving the pubic area with a razor);
  • hypothermia;
  • , impervious to air and moisture, creating a sauna effect;
  • development of sexually transmitted diseases.

As a rule, such rashes go away on their own and do not require special treatment. But, if acne does not go away for a long time, you should consult a doctor who will conduct laboratory tests and prescribe treatment if necessary.

Red pimples

Red pimples on the labia look like a slight reddish lump located in the hair follicle. Such rashes can be caused by hair growth, and in some cases accompanied by suppuration under the skin. As a rule, acne goes away along with the sprouting of hairs and does not require treatment. If the hair does not grow and the suppuration does not go away, then you may need to see a doctor for treatment with antibacterial agents or to remove the problem.


The formation of black spots on the genitals in women can occur due to blockage of the sebaceous tubules of the epithelium of the pubic area. In addition, comedones (the medical name for blackheads on the skin) can be caused by a number of abnormalities and diseases:

  • damage to the sebaceous glands by pathogenic microflora due to excessive hygiene of the genital organs and washing out of the vaginal microflora;
  • inflammation of hair follicles due to improper depilation;
  • allergies to intimate hygiene products, lubricants, flavored condoms, etc.;
  • hypothermia and overheating can provoke the appearance of comedones;
  • hormonal imbalance, most often appear during the transition period in adolescents, as well as during menopause.

Regardless of the reason for the appearance of comedones, it is forbidden to squeeze them out. Treatment will need to be carried out under the supervision of a doctor in cases where the rash lasts more than 2 weeks, if discomfort, pain, dry skin and peeling occur in the area covered with comedones, and also if blackheads appear immediately after unprotected sexual intercourse with a new partner. For treatment, antibacterial and antiseptic agents may be prescribed; you will also need to refrain from using soap and genital care products with fragrances and fragrances, wearing synthetic and tight underwear, and having sexual intercourse.

Internal pimple

Internal pimples often appear in the intimate area of ​​women when the skin is damaged during depilation with a razor and a secondary infection occurs, which develops in the subcutaneous layers for some time and then forms internal suppuration and, as a result, an internal pimple.

Special topical medications can be used as treatment to help fight bacteria and relieve inflammation. In some advanced cases, surgery and removal of the pimple may be required.

Purulent pimple on an intimate place in women

Rashes on the labia in women quite often bother the fair half of humanity. Particularly unpleasant can be purulent pimples that form due to exposure to external factors:

  • , for example during puberty;
  • a cold, which can lead not only to a cough, but also to the formation of purulent pimples on the genitals;
  • inflammation of the Bartholin glands provokes the appearance of a boil; this problem can be accompanied by an increase in body temperature, pain in the inflamed area and itching;
  • staphylococci, streptococci, trichomonas, which can cause purulent rashes on the labia;
  • ulcers also appear with vulvovaginitis.

If you find a purulent pimple on the genitals, you should consult a doctor to clarify the diagnosis.

In many cases, treatment consists of surgically opening the pimple, or complex therapy is prescribed, including the use of immunomodulatory, disinfectant and antibacterial drugs, both external and internal.

According to the place of manifestation

Pimples differ not only in appearance and the reasons that led to their formation, but also in location. Depending on the location of the formation of the rash, special therapy may be carried out, requiring special medications and acne removal techniques. The most dangerous and difficult to diagnose are pimples located on the labia minora and in the vagina.

Pimple on the small lip in women

photo of a pimple on the small lip of a woman

Pimples on the labia minora can appear due to various factors:

  • failure to comply with personal hygiene measures;
  • abuse of soap during hygiene procedures, which leads to dryness of the epithelium, irritation of tissues and cracks in the skin through which bacteria penetrate;
  • herpetic eruptions primarily affect the mucous membranes, which means that quite often they form watery pimples on the labia minora;
  • Venereal diseases can also provoke the formation of acne of various types on the labia minora.

If a pimple bothers you, causes itching, burning, or peeling, then you will need the help of a qualified specialist, since it is almost impossible to determine the type of rash on the sebaceous labia from a photo from the Internet.

Vaginal rash

A rash in the vagina is detected during an examination by a gynecologist. This problem is serious and requires careful study and treatment in the future. As a rule, a rash in the vagina in women is formed due to:

  1. Inflammatory processes of the Bartholin gland, which is localized at the entrance to the vagina. The causes of inflammation can be a history of gonorrhea, mycoplasmosis and trichomoniasis.
  2. A pimple in the vagina is not a simple formation, but may be or. The causes of the formation of such growths can be a vaginal cyst, paraurethritis and urethral diverticulum.
  3. Herpes virus infection, condylomas and can even be located in the vagina. These diseases are transmitted primarily through sexual contact, which means it is necessary to avoid unprotected sexual intercourse.

There are quite a few types and causes of acne in the vagina. When a formation is detected, diagnosis and treatment should be carried out exclusively by a specialist. For treatment, specific therapy with antibacterial drugs of local and systemic action, immune-supporting treatment is used, and antiseptics are also used.

Rash and pimples on a girl's pussy

Girls at any age can develop pimples and rashes on the genitals, which are formed due to the influence of various factors, including the development of:

  • – is a diaper rash that occurs due to prolonged interaction with the surface of the diaper, the baby’s feces and lack of circulation of moisture and air. It looks like purulent rashes, swelling of the skin, spots, bumps and redness in the groin;
  • allergy – caused by food intake, manifested by redness and erythema of the skin;
  • overheating - has the appearance of red spots (), which form in the inguinal folds of girls and do not cause discomfort, characterized by the appearance of a red rash, spots and watery pimples on the genitals of girls;
  • – caused by a fungus of the genus Candida affects the genital area in girls, characterized by a red rash.

Treatment of rashes and pimples on the labia in girls requires medical supervision.

Disinfectants and drying agents are prescribed for affected areas of the skin. These can be ointments, creams, pastes and powders. In addition, you can use herbal decoctions of nettle, chamomile, string and other herbs.

Acne on the genitals is a sign of many diseases. They are observed in men and women. The process involves the labia, penis and scrotum. The presence of a rash may indicate a sexually transmitted infection. In this case, sick people pose a danger to their partners.

Causes of acne on the genitals

Pimples are the morphological elements of a rash that rise above the skin. They can be multiple or single. The most common acne that appears on the skin of the external genitalia is:

  • fat;
  • white;
  • pink (red).

Acne on the genitals can cause various diseases

Acne may occur during adolescence. They are most often localized on the face and back, but can also affect the genitals.

The reason is blockage of the sebaceous glands. These pimples are small in size. They are gray or reddish. Such formations have a head. There is a secretion inside the pimples. It is yellowish in color. Possible suppuration.

In men, small rashes are often found in the penis area. They resemble pimples. This is nothing more than enlarged sebaceous glands. The following causes of acne on the external genitalia are known:

  • syphilis;
  • phthiriasis;
  • allergic dermatitis;
  • genital herpes;
  • molluscum contagiosum;
  • lack of personal hygiene;
  • allergies to medications or intimate hygiene products;
  • skin irritation while shaving;
  • reaction to depilation;
  • sudden temperature change;
  • enlargement of sebaceous glands;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • increased skin sweating.
  • rare change of underwear;
  • adolescence;
  • hypothermia;
  • overheating;
  • viral infections;
  • decreased immunity.

Pimple-shaped bumps may be the only symptom, or other signs may be observed (fever, swollen inguinal lymph nodes, itching, burning, redness).

Cause: lice pubis

  • quickly die outside the host’s body;
  • feed on blood;
  • gray;
  • transmitted sexually;
  • up to 1-1.5 mm in size.

Phthiriasis is caused by lice

Phthiriasis is dangerous because lice can be carriers of dangerous infectious diseases.

In recent years, the number of cases has decreased significantly. The risk group includes the following categories of people:

  • homeless people;
  • people who neglect personal hygiene;
  • refugees;
  • employees of baths and saunas;
  • commercial sex workers;
  • military personnel.

A risk factor is sexual relations with different partners. Lice pubis can be contracted by wearing someone else's underwear, using bedding that is not your own, regularly visiting public baths and saunas, and sharing the same towel. People who have thick hair in the genital area are affected.

The size of the rash elements is about 1-2 mm. The skin in the affected area may thicken. This is called lichenization. Roughness appears. Itching leads to scratching. Hemorrhagic crusts appear. In severe cases, dermatitis develops.

Molluscum contagiosum rash

Pimples on the genitals may be a sign of molluscum contagiosum. This is a contagious viral disease that affects the skin and mucous membranes. Its main symptom is multiple nodules. This pathology belongs to the group of STIs. The risk group includes people who are promiscuous in their partners and children.

Human infection occurs by contact mechanism through the skin of patients. In this case, sexual intercourse is not necessary. Sometimes self-infection occurs when a person transfers the virus from other parts of the body to the genitals. The maximum incubation period is several months.

Predisposing factors are the following:

  • immunodeficiency;
  • unprotected sexual intercourse;
  • multiple sexual partners;
  • skin damage.

Bumps on the genitals may be a sign of molluscum contagiosum

The main symptom of this disease in women and men is the presence of nodules that resemble pimples. They have the following features:

  • painless;
  • benign;
  • round shape;
  • dense to the touch;
  • have a depression in the central part;
  • single;
  • up to the size of a pea;
  • are located chaotically;
  • pale pink color.

If treatment is not carried out, the number of acne increases. The reason is self-infection. Often the arms, face and torso are involved in the process. The number of rash elements reaches tens and even hundreds. When pimples are damaged, a white, pasty mass flows out of them. It contains leukocytes and keratinized cells.

The disease got its name due to the fact that during histological examination, bodies resembling mollusks in shape are found in the epidermis. In some cases, these tumors reach enormous sizes. There are no subjective complaints. Sometimes there is mild itching. Purulent complications are possible.

The cause is genital herpes

Acne in the genital area is most often caused by a herpes infection. This is a viral disease that belongs to the group of STIs. This pathology occurs in a chronic form with frequent relapses. If patients are not treated, the virus can spread from the skin of the genitals to the internal genital organs. Genital herpes is especially dangerous for women carrying a child.

The disease is caused by a simple virus

In this case, the fetus may become infected before or during childbirth. Genital herpes is caused by the simplex virus (HSV). At the same time, such people may have ureaplasmosis and cytomegalovirus infection. HSV easily penetrates the skin and mucous membranes.

The main route of infection is sexual. A household method of infection through towels, razors and other personal items is possible.

The virus multiplies in epithelial cells and causes their degeneration. Primary contact with the pathogen can occur in childhood. By 6-7 years of age, infection is about 50%. Provoking factors for the appearance of acne on the genitals due to herpes are:

  • young age;
  • casual sex;
  • neglecting to use a condom;
  • presence of other STIs;
  • HIV infection;
  • decreased immunity;
  • termination of pregnancy;
  • change in hormonal status.

With genital herpes, the following areas are most often affected:

  • glans penis;
  • foreskin;
  • scrotum;
  • labia majora and labia minora.

Prostatitis and urethritis often develop. The rash can be localized not only on the genitals, but also in the perineum and anus. With this pathology, small pimples appear on the skin. They are represented by bubbles with liquid.

Elements of the rash appear in the area of ​​redness. The diameter of the pimples is several millimeters. They are located in groups and are accompanied by itching and burning. There is severe pain. The color of acne is clear or pale pink.

After their rupture, small erosions occur. They heal within 1-2 weeks. Treatment of weakened people does not always protect against relapse. Exacerbations are possible monthly. The appearance of new acne on the genitals is promoted by hypothermia, stress, exhaustion, respiratory infections, poor nutrition, surgery, and wearing uncomfortable and synthetic underwear. Sometimes with genital herpes, the lymph nodes become enlarged.

The appearance of a rash on the genitals is a sign of infection with Treponema pallidum. These bacteria cause syphilis. This disease occurs in 3 periods.

Syphilis is caused by Treponema pallidum

With primary syphilis, a chancre appears. It looks like a big pimple. The diameter of the chancre is about 1 cm. With secondary syphilis, roseola, papules or pustules appear. They disappear without scarring.

Papules resemble nodules that rise above the skin. They are bright pink with a blue tint. Not accompanied by itching and pain. Papules often merge with each other, forming plaques.

Possible wetness. At this stage, the sick person is contagious to his sexual partners. Often with secondary syphilis, ulcers (pustules) form. They resemble pimples in acne.

With syphilis, the rash appears in waves. Each subsequent element is paler than the previous one. A distinctive feature of the rash with syphilis is its combination with other symptoms. In the secondary stage of the disease, the oral mucosa is often affected. Lymphadenitis develops. Possible hair loss. Areas of hyperpigmentation appear on the skin. Bones, joints and internal organs are affected.

Fordyce granules in men

Many men have discolored pimples in the genital area. This is not a disease. Acne is the result of enlarged sebaceous glands. The basis is the blockage of the latter and the disruption of secretion removal. As a result, cysts form. They are more visible in the genital area due to the thinner skin in this area.

Predisposing factors are:

  • puberty;
  • increased levels of androgens in the blood;
  • ectopic location of the sebaceous glands.

Fordyce granules come in two types. The first (pearl) are found only in men, and the second - in women. The process involves the head of the penis, testicles, labia and foreskin. Granules are represented by papules. They are painless, multiple, located subcutaneously, 1-2 mm in size, located in groups and convex. Their color matches the skin.

In women, the granules may be accompanied by itching. It intensifies during menstruation. Squeezing pimples does not help get rid of them. New papules appear at this location. In addition, this can lead to infection.

Examination and treatment tactics

Patients are treated after the diagnosis has been clarified. The following studies are required:

  • test for syphilis (Wassermann reaction);
  • general clinical tests;
  • dermatoscopy;
  • bacteriological examination of the secretion of ulcers;
  • biochemical analysis;
  • histological examination of the skin;
  • enzyme immunoassay;
  • polymerase chain reaction.

Treatment is determined by the doctor. This could be a dermatovenerologist or gynecologist.

Treatment of herpes involves the use of antiviral drugs

Treatment of herpes involves the use of antiviral drugs in the form of ointments, gels and tablets. The most effective drugs are Gerpferon, Valvir, Valtrex, Valcicon, Acyclovir Forte, Zovirax, Famvir and Familar.

For a speedy recovery, medications should be used alternately. They can be used not only by adults (child-bearing age), but also to treat adolescents and the elderly.

Treatment for genital herpes often involves the use of interferons. All patients need to boost their immunity and abstain from sexual intercourse until recovery.

If molluscum contagiosum is detected, surgical intervention is required. This is the only way to remove tumors.

The following treatment methods are known:

  • curettage;
  • radio wave;
  • cryodestruction;
  • laser

For single pimples, UV irradiation and various antiviral creams can be used. If the rash occurs due to syphilis, then penicillin is prescribed. For phthiriasis, external agents Spray-Pax and Nittifor are used. The patient's personal belongings must be disinfected. Hair in the pubic area is shaved. Thus, acne in the genital area can be a sign of serious diseases.

Very often, women and girls suffer from acne on the labia. This brings feelings of discomfort and sometimes terrible suffering from pain. The cause of the appearance can be either a hormonal imbalance or many other factors. To get answers to all your questions, please read the following information.

Rashes on the labia minora and majora can be of different types; their descriptions can be read here, and photos can be found on the Internet.

  • Boils are white and purulent pimples.
  • Blackhead pimples are red and painful rashes.
  • Bartholinitis - subcutaneous formations, compactions under the skin - this indicates inflammation of the Bartholin gland.
  • Fordyce granules are cysts of the sebaceous glands that look like white wen.
  • Condylomas and papillomas - have a pointed and elongated shape, in the form of transparent and watery pimples.
  • Molluscum contagiosum are small pimples of different shapes and there are often a large number of them.
  • Herpes (genital) - pimples appear that cause itching.
  • Irritation - various types of rashes caused by improper shaving or wearing synthetic underwear.
  • Black dots.

You should not treat yourself and you should not be afraid of visiting a doctor. Only a specialist will be able to identify the true cause of the disease after a thorough examination and examination. Self-medication can cause serious negative consequences and complications.

This type of formation on intimate organs can occur due to:

  • diseases, infections;
  • non-compliance with intimate hygiene rules;
  • hypothermia, sitting in the cold.


With furunculosis, the gland and hair follicle become inflamed. White, purulent formations appear at the base of the labia. When bacteria enter the body, then an inflammatory process begins to appear. Most often, staphylococci are these pathogenic microorganisms.
Causes of boils:

  • severe and frequent hypothermia;
  • failure to comply with hygiene standards;
  • inflammatory process in the Bartholin gland;
  • reduced immunity;
  • excessive sweating;
  • razor cuts;
  • vitamin deficiencies;
  • metabolic disorder.

This disease has 3 stages.

  • Stage 1 - swelling and itching appear. The boil thickens, swells and begins to pulsate. It can reach three millimeters in diameter;
  • Stage 2 - characterized by the appearance of a purulent core, and bubbles appear on the surface. At this stage, body temperature may rise, headache and enlarged lymph nodes may appear;
  • Stage 3 - the boil begins to open and its contents come out.

This disease can be treated using various means that help draw out the pus. These include: Vishnevsky ointment, Levomekol, etc. In severe cases, you will have to use ointments based on antibiotics: Tetracycline, Erythromycin or Dicloxacillin ointment.

If the boil cannot be cured with medication, then you have to operate. The surgeon performs the operation under local anesthesia. The pimple opens and the pus is removed. Afterwards, a special tube is placed through which the pus will drain. Physiotherapeutic procedures are sometimes used.

With furunculosis it is prohibited:

  • be sexually active;
  • touch the infected area with dirty hands;
  • press or open suppuration;
  • scratch a pimple;
  • treat furunculosis yourself;
  • cancel the doctor’s treatment at your own discretion ahead of time.


To avoid this disease, you should adhere to the following rules:

  • keep the genitals clean;
  • eat more vitamins;
  • eat rationally;
  • do not overcool;
  • carry out epilation and depilation in hygienically clean conditions and carefully;
  • buy linen made from natural materials.

Red pimples on the labia

If a red pimple appears on the labia majora, then it may be acne. This type of rash may appear due to:

  • hormonal imbalance (in adolescence, during pregnancy, during menopause);
  • diseases of the endocrine system;
  • nervous breakdowns, stress;
  • overwork of the body;
  • systematic lack of sleep.

The symptoms are as follows:

  • redness occurs;
  • slight swelling is visible;
  • there are painful sensations.

To avoid the appearance of acne on intimate organs, you should lead a calm lifestyle, do not overwork, get plenty of rest, eat well and monitor your health. If a red pimple is already present in a delicate area, then do not delay visiting a doctor. The doctor will accurately determine the nature of the rash and prescribe appropriate treatment.


This disease manifests itself in the form of an inflammatory process of Bartholin's glands. Women aged 20 to 40 years suffer the most. But others can be taken by surprise at any moment.
The causes of bartholinitis are:

  • poor personal hygiene;
  • casual sex;
  • tight and narrow underwear;
  • weak immunity;
  • hypothermia of the body;
  • insufficient amount of vitamins;
  • trauma to the genital area;
  • chronic infection in the body;
  • operations related to the genital organs, which were performed poorly.

Most often, the infection enters the Bartholin gland through sexual contact. If a woman suffers from urethritis or colpitis, then microbes can enter the gland from the urethra or vagina.

There are several degrees of bartholinitis. This:

  1. spicy;
  2. subacute;
  3. chronic;
  4. recurrent.

Depending on the location of inflammation, there are the following types:

  • abscess (purulent pimple);
  • cyst (pimple with liquid contents);
  • canaliculitis (excretory ducts of the gland become inflamed).

For acute bartholinitis it all starts with canaliculitis. You can observe redness of the skin at the site of the inflamed duct. When you press on this duct, a little white content appears. Next, the tissues swell, the duct closes and the inflammation moves to the next stage.
Subacute stage - abscess. Symptoms are: pain in the labia majora, severe swelling and redness, increased body temperature, weakness and headache, and enlarged lymph nodes.
Chronic bartholinitis has constant relapses. They can appear during hypothermia and even during menstruation. There may be slight pain at the site of localization and painful sexual intercourse. During acute periods, symptoms are identical to the acute stage. As a result, a cyst forms in the labia area.
Cysts may be in the stage of inflammation and vice versa. If it is small, then it cannot always be noticed, because it does not cause inconvenience. When it is inflamed, the following symptoms are observed:

  • pain during sexual intercourse, walking, sitting;
  • loss of strength, increased body temperature, headaches;
  • enlargement, swelling of the labia majora or minora;
  • clearly visible redness near the pimple.

The disease during pregnancy can cause infection of the fetus or miscarriage. It is especially dangerous in the first trimester and before childbirth. While passing through the birth canal, the baby can become infected. This will manifest itself in the form of damage to the umbilical ring, lungs or eyes.


Doctors may resort to surgery or prescribe a course of medications. If this is drug treatment, then you will have to take anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antipyretic medicine. In severe cases, antibiotics cannot be avoided. Compresses are applied locally and ointments are applied to the area of ​​inflammation. Good help: salt compress, Vishnevsky ointment or Ichthyol ointment. To kill germs, you should use Chlorhexidine or Chlorophyllipt. At the initial stage, physiotherapeutic procedures will help, but only with a doctor’s prescription. Antibiotics are prescribed with a wide spectrum of action: Erythromycin, Azithromycin, Ceftriaxone, Ciprofloxacin, Tinidazole, Trichopolum and others.

Fordyce granules

They look like small formations with yellow or white contents. If you press, this content comes out thick in consistency. Not transferable. If you look at photos of women who have this disease, you can see several formations at once. They can be located on the labia majora and minora. The reason for their occurrence has not yet been clarified.

How to treat these granules? Doctors recommend using jojoba oil or Retin-A cream. These products will remove existing rashes and prevent new ones from appearing. Such formations should not be squeezed out, as this will lead to an inflammatory process and infection. This disease cannot be cured by surgery.


This disease is sexually transmitted and can be present in the female body unnoticed.

  • sexually transmitted diseases;
  • stressful situations;
  • poor immunity;
  • intoxication in the body;
  • chronic diseases;
  • lack of vitamins;
  • hormonal imbalance.

Those who are sexually promiscuous and often change partners are at greatest risk of getting sick. You should use contraception to protect yourself from this type of infection.
The following symptoms are observed:

  • the presence of pointed, hanging growths;
  • pain at the site of localization, with papilloma injuries;
  • bleeding;
  • redness;
  • discharge with an unpleasant odor.


Treatment can be medicinal and surgical.
When treated with medications, the following occurs: suppression of virus activity, necrosis of papillomas, stopping inflammation, pain relief, blocking and suppression of new papillomas and stimulation of the immune system.
The following drugs are used:

  • "Kondilin";
  • cream "Imiquad";
  • gel spray "Panavir";
  • "Podophyllotoxin";
  • gel "Epigen Intim";
  • ointment "Veregen";
  • "Cycloferon".

If the situation is hopeless and drug treatment does not produce results, then the doctor advises resorting to surgery.
There are several options for this treatment:

  1. Laser method. Cauterization of damaged tissue.
  2. Operation. Removal in the presence of large formations.
  3. Electrocoagulation. Cauterization of papillomas using electric current.
  4. Cryodestruction. Impact on papilloma by low temperatures. A special feature is the presence of liquid nitrogen.

Molluscum contagiosum

If a dense small nodule appears, which has an umbilical depression, then this is dermatosis caused by molluscum contagiosum. Transmission is possible through sexual contact and through household items, so both adults and children can get sick. This illness may go away on its own. This period can take about two years. These cosmetic defects are not dangerous to health, but they look unsightly, so women strive to get rid of these formations. The greatest risk of getting sick is in those women who:

  • weak immunity;
  • oncological diseases;
  • HIV infection;
  • tendency to allergies;
  • have rheumatoid arthritis.

It can also appear in a baby if its mother suffers from this disease.
Rashes in women can appear on the labia minora and labia majora. It spreads very quickly. The incubation period is from two weeks to six months.
There is no cure for molluscum contagiosum, especially in children. After some time, these formations go away on their own. If a girl urgently needs to get rid of this pimple, then removal is carried out using a laser, electric current, scraping or cauterization with liquid nitrogen.
You can become infected with this infection in different ways:

  • During sexual intercourse. If sexual intercourse was not protected, and the partner has molluscum contagiosum on the genitals, then infection of the partner is inevitable.
  • Through contact and everyday life. Especially with poor hygiene. Riding on public transport, using other people's objects, hugging and shaking hands. After all these actions, if you do not wash your hands and touch your genitals, infection will also occur.
  • During water procedures. If the patient was in the same water: bathhouse, sauna, swimming pool, etc.
  • When self-infected. If you scratch or touch the infected area and then touch healthy skin, there is a chance of spreading the infection throughout the body.
  • In order for such an ailment to pass quickly and not have another pimple appear, you should adhere to the following rules:
  • Wash your hands often with soap.
  • Do not comb, touch or tear such formations.
  • Do not epilate or depilate infected areas.
  • Wipe acne twice a day with chlorhexidine, calendula tincture or alcohol.
  • When having sex, use a condom to avoid infecting your partner.

Genital herpes

Herpes is a virus that, once it enters the body, remains there forever and is completely impossible to cure. A woman can be treated and acute symptoms removed, but if her immunity weakens, this disease will make itself felt again. The greatest danger is if a woman first became acquainted with this virus during pregnancy. In this case, this will negatively affect the development of the fetus and may cause defects. If such a pimple pops up at the time of birth, then there is a danger that the newborn will also become infected with this disease when it passes through the birth canal. Formations occur on the labia minora and majora, perineum and vagina. If treatment is not started in a timely manner, the uterus may also suffer, which will subsequently lead to infertility.
It is transmitted sexually, from a sick person to a healthy person.

  • the labia are itchy and red;
  • bubble-shaped pimples appear, with liquid contents inside;
  • After a while, the pimples burst and crusts form;
  • lymph nodes enlarge;
  • there is weakness throughout the body;
  • sometimes body temperature rises.

After a month or two, all symptoms disappear and the herpes goes dormant. Relapses can appear either after a month or after several years.
You should go to the hospital immediately if:

  • the genitals are very itchy and have swelling;
  • acne appeared after sexual intercourse;
  • the rash does not go away within a week;
  • pimples peel off;
  • there are wounds that do not heal over the course of days;
  • if acne is accompanied by an increase in body temperature and enlarged lymph nodes.

Do not hesitate to show the doctor of education in such intimate places, because your future life will depend on it. Serious complications can result from some diseases that cause a rash on the labia. Be attentive to your health and follow all requirements to avoid such tumors.

Video about the papilloma virus as one of the causes of rashes on the labia

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Pimples on the labia cause a lot of discomfort to a woman when walking, making love, and even just sitting on a chair. Such pimples that appear on the labia majora and minora must be noticed, look for the causes of their occurrence and go to a consultation with a gynecologist, urologist and endocrinologist, and undergo the necessary tests.

Rashes on the labia may indicate failure to comply with basic rules of regular hygiene or the onset of an infectious disease (not necessarily sexually transmitted).

Some ways to put yourself in order for beauty can provoke the appearance of painful inflammation in such a delicate area. First of all, this is related to personal hygiene.

Causes of acne on the labia

Firstly, this is traumatic hair removal, during which skin irritation occurs, and pubic acne can occur in areas where hairs grow.

Secondly, underwear made of synthetic fabrics. This type of underwear does not at all allow moisture and air to pass through, which is why the skin heats up and becomes hot, and then becomes irritated.

Thirdly, overheating or hypothermia. Temperature extremes can lead to rashes and changes in blood circulation. If new blood does not wash away the bacteria located near the top layer of skin in time, this will provide the ground for the development of pathogenic microorganisms. Conversely, when overheated, our skin sweats and secretes excess sebum.

If you do not take hygienic measures after a hot day or difficult physical work, then the skin pores will be closed with already secreted sebum, and new secretions will not find an outlet and will accumulate under the pores, inside them. Add to this the spread of pathogenic microorganisms and as a result you will get purulent acne. If they are too large, this indicates the presence of a sexually transmitted infection, and not about improper hygiene.

Pimples on the labia minora

If non-inflamed cysts appear on the labia minora, which do not cause an unpleasant sensation of pain, then the reason lies in the same hygiene and decreased immunity of the vaginal area. But if infection occurs and the wen becomes inflamed, then the only possible method of treatment will be surgical removal.

Due to decreased immunity, subcutaneous tubercles may occur. They appear due to a disruption in the production of protective cells by the body.

If a red pimple appears in the area near the clitoris, then take the time to study it thoroughly: what size is it, is it bright in color, is it painful or not. Small red pimples do not require traditional or surgical treatment. They appear for the same reasons as acne on the face.

Large red pimples that are painful when touched can occur under the influence of the following factors:

Hormonal imbalances, endocrine diseases occurring during menopause and young age of women.

Constant lack of sleep and frequent stress. Because of these reasons, the body’s nervous system is disrupted, which causes inflammation on the skin.

Pimples on the labia majora

The rash can occur from hypothermia or due to a simple cold. Women often go out into the streets in winter, poorly dressed, to plow. But frosty air and wind can easily catch a cold in the female organs. Acne in this case will become an indicator of the onset of inflammation. They usually go away on their own if the body manages to overcome hypothermia itself. But a cold can turn into a viral disease, which causes suppuration and blood poisoning.

There are papillomas on the labia. They are a transparent small sac, dense to the touch, filled with liquid with a sharp tip. Papilomas appear due to a seasonal decrease in immunity or the presence of the human papilloma virus in the body.

If the rashes have a vesicular structure and can periodically burst and release liquid, then it may be herpes.

Treatment of acne on the labia

You can determine the cause of the rash on your own, but you will still need to see a doctor to confirm your diagnosis. The gynecologist will take a smear from the genital organs to test for infections, possibly conduct an examination of the internal organs and an ultrasound, and write a prescription for treatment. If you have viral and infectious diseases, you will have to protect yourself from the cold for a long time and receive treatment.

Treatment of purulent rashes is based on careful hygiene and the use of local antibiotics, which your doctor will recommend. Use products that increase the internal immunity of the vaginal area. For this purpose, immunomodulatory and vitamin medications are prescribed.

If one painful red pimple appears, then select only mild detergents for intimate hygiene that do not disturb the vaginal balance. Do not use any cosmetics that contain preservatives or fragrances. It is best to use baby or laundry soap.

Remove hair from the labia majora without using a razor, as the blades will cause irritation. It is best to use depilatory creams.

Be sure to contact your gynecologist in the following cases:

1. For a rash that does not go away for more than seven days and becomes more intense.

2. If the pimple begins to itch, the labia swell and the general condition of the body worsens.

3. If a rash with peeling skin appears and you don’t know how to get rid of it.

4. For watery pimples with different contents (bloody, cloudy, transparent).

If you have a pimple on your labia, do you maintain proper personal hygiene? After all, this does not require a lot of time and effort. Simply wash your genitals daily with soap and water. The industry now produces quite effective cosmetics for intimate hygiene, and they also have a pleasant aroma.

Acne can be a consequence of a lack of vitamins in your body, as well as poor nutrition. Many experts argue that all external manifestations: allergies, as well as acne, are the consequences of eating food. If you have a pimple on the labia, it is better to get examined by a specialist who will find out the cause of its occurrence and give recommendations on how to combat it skin phenomenon.

The appearance of white pimples on the labia is not always a cause for concern. The cause may be inflammation of the hair follicles; inaccurate depilation, after which small inflammations remain; synthetic underwear that blocks air circulation, slight changes in hormonal levels, or a signal of a cold. However, the cause can also be a number of serious diseases, which for now covertly undermine the functioning of a woman’s body and manifest themselves only through such minor “signals”. Rashes accompanied by secondary symptoms, such as itching or fever, require an immediate visit to the doctor.

Pimples on the labia: causes and treatment

Many women experience single pimples and entire rashes in the intimate area, which cause some discomfort. Depending on the general characteristics of the formations, the causes can be completely different: from sexually transmitted diseases to the common cold and an allergic reaction. The skin in the localized area is very delicate and sensitive, so you should get rid of ulcers with extreme caution. It is advisable to contact a specialist who can prescribe a course of treatment.


The causes of acne on the labia in women can be any “flower” from a whole bunch of diseases. If the formation has a watery structure and an elongated, pointed shape, most likely you have papillomas. Inflammation of the Bartholin gland provokes the formation of a thickening under the skin. A rash that causes severe itching may be herpes. Furunculosis can appear on any part of the body and the intimate area is no exception. Boils contain purulent rods inside and are accompanied by painful sensations when pressed. Small pustules can be common side effects of poor personal hygiene or an allergic reaction of the body to some irritant. And all of the above is only a small fraction of the total diversity.


If the patient does not have the opportunity to immediately visit a doctor, the following actions should be taken: change underwear, begin strict adherence to personal hygiene rules, and also use ointments. It is better to use Levomekol or Vishnevsky ointment. The first should be applied if a visual examination does not reveal purulent content in the pimple. The second, if the pimples on the labia are purulent. The ointment will “pull” the inflammatory fluid to the surface and will facilitate the breakout of the pimple and the leakage of its contents. Under no circumstances should you pick or squeeze the rash. If after all the above procedures the pimples do not go away, then it is still worth contacting a specialist.

How to treat acne on the labia?

Treatment can only be prescribed by a specialist after establishing the exact cause of pimples. If a pimple on the labia minora was caused simply by poor hygiene, then after applying a healing ointment there will be no trace of it. If a woman has a boil, the doctor may prescribe medications that increase immunity. The boil will “mature” for a long time and if it does not open on its own, after stimulation with special ointments, it may even lead to surgical intervention. If there are changes in the hormonal background, the specialist will prescribe medications that normalize the production of hormones. For colds, the patient will be prescribed a course of treatment for the underlying disease - the root cause. Inflammation of the Bartholin gland is also fraught with surgical intervention. Various types of STDs, i.e. Sexually Transmitted Diseases, which can also cause pimples, are treated only in accordance with doctor’s prescriptions and under his strict supervision.


Small pimples on the labia can be a symptom of genital herpes. They are characterized by a soft structure, the integrity of which is easy to break mechanically, which leads to the release of clear liquid. This disease is dangerous primarily for the carrier herself: the herpes virus deals strong blows to the immune system and gradually lowers it, which can become a catalyst for the appearance of other diseases. In addition, there is a serious danger for the patient’s sexual partners, who can easily become infected from her and face the same problems.


Watery pimples, dense to the touch and oblong in shape, are most likely manifestations of the papilloma virus. These formations occur in two cases: if a person has decreased immunity and HPV (Human Papilloma Virus).


Small pimples on the labia in the form of rashes can be both harmless symptoms of colds and the first sign of more serious diseases. For example: herpes, syphilis, psoriasis, some types of dermatitis and even cancer. If a woman begins to change her underwear more often, replaces synthetics with natural fabrics and observes the rules of personal hygiene, but the rash still does not go away within a week, then you should urgently consult a doctor. The main dangerous “signals”: ​​itching, burning, discharge, fever and other changes in the body.

  • Underwear and lack of hygiene
  • Inflammation of hair follicles
  • Sexually transmitted diseases
  • Hormonal imbalance and adolescence

Some women are bothered by pimples on the labia. What could cause such a manifestation and how to get rid of it - these are questions that concern women who have similar problems. The appearance of pimples in the intimate area may indicate several diseases.

First of all, you need to consult a doctor to make a correct diagnosis and prescribe appropriate treatment. Many self-medicate, which is completely unacceptable even with such a seemingly frivolous manifestation.

Reasons for the appearance of pimples on the labia:

  • genital herpes;
  • awkward age;
  • inappropriate underwear and lack of necessary personal hygiene;
  • inflammation of hair follicles;
  • sexually transmitted diseases;
  • human papillomavirus;
  • hormonal imbalance.

Rashes can be of various types, each type of these skin manifestations indicates the cause of the disease.

Types of rashes on the labia:

  1. Genital herpes. These are rashes of small watery pimples that appear on the genitals of women. Such pimples can itch and hurt. It is quite difficult to completely get rid of this disease, but it is possible to achieve long-term remission.
  2. Painful lumps located under the skin of a woman’s genital organs. With this type of pimples, the doctor usually diagnoses inflammation of the Bartholin gland. This disease cannot be called one of the most dangerous, but untimely treatment can lead to serious problems.
  3. Genital warts and papillomas. These pimples look like watery blisters with a sharp tip; they are localized on the genitals, so the doctor will definitely notice them during the examination.
  4. Furuncle. This pimple is a purulent inflammation that can be treated quite quickly and painlessly.
  5. Molluscum contagiosum. Pimples due to this disease can vary in shape and size.
  6. Purulent pimples formed on the labia, painful and red.
  7. Fordyce granules (seborrheic cysts or sebaceous cysts). The pimples look the same, they are light and small in size.
  8. Small wounds on the labia, which later turn into pimples.

With this disease, rashes occur in the intimate area of ​​both men and women. Pimples hurt and itch. In addition to the rash, other symptoms may appear: general malaise and fever. Genital herpes cannot be completely cured; it remains in the human body forever.

You can become infected with this disease through sexual contact. You can protect yourself by using a condom during sex.

With genital herpes, frequent relapses are possible. Relapses can occur for various reasons, primarily the state of the body’s immune system: when the immune system is weakened, the herpes virus can be activated. Hypothermia is also a cause of recurrence of herpes rashes.

Treatment for this disease includes herpes medications such as acyclovir. These medications are prescribed in the form of tablets for oral administration and ointments for external use. Basically, an attack of herpes goes away within 2-3 weeks.

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Underwear and lack of hygiene

Often women buy beautiful underwear without caring about its quality and size. Some fabrics can cause skin irritation upon contact with it, and if the panties are small, then friction will affect the labia in the form of pimples and redness. Underwear should be made from natural fabrics; this will protect not only from irritation, but also preserve women’s health. Artificial fabrics do not allow air to pass through, which promotes the development of pathogenic bacteria.

Today, the issue of poor personal hygiene is irrelevant, but there are women who neglect regular showering, which will certainly affect the skin. Pimples and pimples that appear on the labia if a woman does not wash are easily curable; it is enough to ensure regular hygiene procedures and everything will disappear without a trace.

Proof of dysfunction in the female body are white pimples on the labia. A delicate problem becomes a source of strong female experiences. Let's try to identify the main causes of sexual pathology and the methods that exist to eliminate the problem.

There is a widespread belief that the labia, endowed with foreign skin elements, is a sign of inadequate hygiene of intimate places. However, there are other reasons for such complications.

White pimples on the labia differ mainly in their purulent contents. They may develop a purulent tip, after which they disappear on their own.

There are 4 conditions that cause such acne:

  1. Damaged labia due to shaving or depilation.
  2. Preference for synthetic underwear.
  3. Sudden temperature changes.
  4. Venereal diseases.

Depilation causes damage to the skin, through which pathogens freely penetrate. The outer labia with elements that are not purulent in nature is often a carrier of a disease transmitted through intimate intercourse.

The best hygienic material for women's underwear is cotton. Panties made of cotton fabric provide free air exchange without creating a greenhouse effect. Synthetics cause diaper rash, which leads to cracks.

Hypothermia or overheating of the female body is the starting point for the formation of genital acne. Critical temperature fluctuations disrupt blood circulation in the genital area, which poses the risk of impaired local immunity.

Large abscesses located in the genital area may have a sexually transmitted etiology. This situation is a necessary reason to contact a venereologist or gynecologist. If elements of the genital area cause painful symptoms when urinating, suspicion falls on herpes. The disease is characterized by the development of closed pustules. A discovered pimple, both on the labia majora and labia minora, needs immediate diagnosis in the office of a dermatovenerologist.

Internal acne

Most cases of formations under the skin are hair follicles and are detected by palpation. The reasons for their birth are said to be changes in hormonal balance, including the endocrine network.

Enlargement of the sebaceous glands

Seals identified during adolescence that do not cause pain are not a reason to panic. The period of puberty is marked by the activation of the exocrine glands, which, in turn, can provoke an inflammatory process in the hair root (follicles) or lead to clogging of pores. Sprouted hair does not require treatment. If hair growth has stopped or has grown ingrown, there are 2 possible options for the development of the process in the genital area:

  • suppuration appears;
  • A white pimple forms on the labia.

As a rule, white elements do not cause discomfort, but they cannot be eliminated on their own. This will not bring a positive result and can become a source of infection. The occurrence of inflammation in the hair follicle is fraught with the formation of an abscess and redness around the diseased area. In this case, the possibility of an abscess breaking through is allowed if you use uncomfortable underwear that injures the integument of the intimate area. Insufficient hygiene accelerates the process of turning a microtrauma or crack into a pimple.

Cystic formations

Wen are considered harmless if they are not inflamed. Otherwise, surgical intervention is necessary. In modern medicine, a wen is called a lipoma. This benign subcutaneous formation, consisting of subcutaneous tissue, usually has a round shape and a jelly-like consistency. A pimple that appears in the external genitalia remains mobile and painless.

Lipoma pimple on the intimate lips is divided into several types:

  • fibrolipoma is recognizable by a large amount of connective tissue;
  • angiolipoma is characterized by a mixture of adipose tissue and blood vessels;
  • liposarcoma is a rare pimple with a tendency to metastasize and is observed in women between 40 and 50 years of age.

Subcutaneous formations indicate problems associated with immune deficiency. Autoimmune pathologies are treated comprehensively with the participation of a gynecologist, rheumatologist, and dermatologist.

Forms and treatment of genital acne

Light-colored pimples can be large in size and cause discomfort or pain to a woman. The reasons for their origin lie in endocrine disruption, a decrease in the body’s immune strength, and hormonal surges.

Viral acne

A watery-looking body with an elongated apex and dense to the touch is a sign of human papillomavirus. Their appearance provokes reduced immunity and vitamin deficiency.

The labia minora or majora, strewn with small bubbles (1-2 mm), which burst and form erosions, is infected with another virus. The bubbles are crowded on a red base, and then their contents turn white. This rash is characteristic of the genital form of herpes, accompanied by itching and enlargement of the inguinal lymph nodes. The disease is determined by analyzing a PCR smear. In case of a positive result, treatment is prescribed, including a set of measures:

  1. Therapy with antiherpes drugs
  2. Therapy with immune drugs.
  3. Prescription of antiherpetic vaccine.
  4. Auxiliary treatment with ointments.

Herpes is dangerous for both the woman and the partner, so timely consultation with a doctor guarantees the “catch” of the insidious virus and eliminates the possibility of relapse.

Molluscum contagiosum, a disease in which the labia is also affected by the virus. Most often, adults with weakened immune systems are affected by invasions in the genital area. The incubation period of such neoplasms is no more than 2 months. Their birth is characterized by the appearance of vesicles - 2-8 mm - flesh-colored with an indentation in the middle, slightly rising above the surface of the skin. When pressing on the element, a white substance is released. Sometimes adult patients experience symptoms of itching when a secondary infection is attached to the molluscum. Molluscum contagiosum should be distinguished from condylomas and papillomas. Nodules are also not a type of cancer. In healthy people, it disappears on its own without causing discomfort. A progressive disease is treated by destruction. For this purpose the following is used:

  • chemical removal;
  • cryodestruction;
  • coagulation;
  • removal with tweezers.

To establish a diagnosis, only an examination by a dermatologist is required; no studies are performed.

Hormonal nodes

Granular Fordyce cysts are frequent “guests” on the mucous membranes and genitals. A nodular defect is formed as a pimple of the sebaceous glands, small in size and light in color. A Fordyce nodule on the skin of the genital organs is not painful or dangerous. The reason for their appearance is considered to be the displacement of the sebaceous glands closer to the surface of the skin due to a surge in hormone levels. Sebum accumulates in the form of dense nodules and represents an aesthetic defect that is effectively removed using laser, liquid nitrogen and electrocoagulation. The surgical removal method is not used today because it leaves postoperative scars. There are also folk methods of dealing with cyst-shaped granules based on mumiyo. The product for external use "Retin-A" has a strong healing effect.

Recommendations for carriers of genital white acne

For women, a serious reason to think about their health and contact an appropriate specialist occurs when:

  1. The rash or cystic growths do not disappear within a week.
  2. There are unpleasant symptoms: itching, proliferation of elements, erosion, swelling of tissues.
  3. The rash appeared after intimate intercourse.
  4. Body temperature rises, lymph nodes enlarge.
  5. Open wounds appear.

Personal hygiene these days is becoming an important part of therapy. Replace special intimate care products with regular baby soap. When removing hair, use a cream for sensitive skin instead of a razor. Don't forget about the correct size of underwear and choice of material. White pimples on the labia that are not accompanied by pain symptoms can be cured on your own by using antiseptics. Remember, pain (especially during urination) requires an urgent visit to the doctor. It is likely that the disease is infectious in nature and requires complex treatment.