The tooth fairy number is real. Is it true that fairies exist? There is evidence! What does the tooth fairy look like?

According to tradition, a child who has lost a baby tooth (especially if this tooth is the first) puts it under the pillow or in a glass on the nightstand next to it in the evening. In the morning, a coin or a small gift is found in place of the tooth.

During the day, when the fairy sleeps sweetly, tiny airborne creatures fly around the world, looking for children whose teeth are loose. Their names are entered in a special one. Waking up, the fairy reads the magazine and develops a plan for the night's journey.

It is believed that the fairy can have teeth on any day except Christmas. If the tooth is nevertheless given as a gift at Christmas, the fairy will die, and the life of the person responsible for her death will turn into one, which will end in slavery or suicide.

The teeth collected by the fairy are stored in a large warehouse located in her palace, and the fairy's numerous assistants enter the names of their former owners into a card index. A variety of fairies fly there, wanting to buy teeth or beautiful jewelry made from them by the elves.

Fairy appearance

In the magical world of fairies, the tooth fairy is one of the most beautiful. She usually wears a sparkly white dress and gorgeous sparkling jewelry made from baby teeth. The fairy's tiny shoes are made of iridescent snow-white silk, her small wings flicker with golden sparks, and her hair emanates such a shine, as if silk and pearl threads are woven into it.

The tooth fairy always carries with her a small bag filled with magic powder. If the child begins to move in his sleep when she flies in to get the tooth, the fairy sprinkles him with a pinch of powder, and the baby falls asleep sweetly.

The creators of the animated film “The Guardians of Dreams” presented a slightly different image of the tooth fairy to young viewers. In it, she looks more like a tiny bird in iridescent yellow-green-blue plumage. Another distinctive feature of this fairy is her amazingly beautiful violet eyes.

True, no matter how strange it may seem, most cinematic stories of the tooth fairy are filmed in the horror film genre. There are also comic versions where the fairy often appears in the form of a man.

Although the tooth fairy is not a traditional folklore character, it has long gained the same popularity as Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny. And this is not bad at all: after all, thanks to her, children understand that the pain and suffering associated with tooth loss will definitely be followed by a reward.

According to the legend of any nation, teeth have enormous magical powers. Why are they given to the Mouse and what does the Tooth Fairy do with children’s teeth?

Every nation has legends and fairy tales related to teeth. Some legends have been preserved more fully, while others remain fragments of memories. They all agree that teeth have powerful magical powers.

Regarding milk teeth, legends of many nations agree. The lower teeth were thrown onto the roof, and the upper teeth were thrown behind the stove.

Where did the tooth go then? The Mouse or the Tooth Fairy would come and take the tooth.

To ensure that the tooth was in the right hands, a message or gift from the person who took the tooth would appear in place of the tooth.

According to an unspoken agreement, the rate for one tooth is one ruble in local currency. Sometimes, by agreement with the parents, fairies raise the rate to five local rubles. But they take the kickback with fillings.

You can easily tell by money that it is magical. This money is sprinkled with small sparkles. This is not glitter, but real fairy dust from fairy wings.

And the fairy and the mouse take the tooth for themselves. The mice take the tooth to the sky, and the tooth becomes a star. There is no need to look for logic in this action. She remained in that part of the legend that is lost.

There is a theory that one day the dental specialist Mouse became a fairy. In the 19th century, Spanish writer Luis Coloma wrote a tale for the young King Alfonso Xll, who lost his first tooth at age eight. In the fairy tale, the Mouse's name was Peris. Later the mouse got wings, and then the mouse turned into a fairy. Apparently for good behavior.

So let's return to the question of the future fate of the tooth. According to legend, baby teeth store childhood memories. And to make it more convenient to use the tooth, fairies make jewelry out of them. And when they want an adult to remember something, they wear jewelry with a tooth that stores these memories.

Teeth that hold special memories are especially decorated. This tooth, for example, is decorated with a large diamond. It contains memories of special brightness and purity, sparkling like a well-cut diamond in the rays of the sun.

A discreet design for a tooth with simple but important memories. This is how they remember a simple and good life. Suddenly your soul feels calm and good from the life you have lived.

But events in life are different, and we must try to choose a worthy design for them.

And it happens that several memories are interconnected. And they are always remembered all together. And a stone in a ring for this special occasion.

Sometimes adults who still believe in magic and old legends put fairy teeth under their pillow.

A group of memories not related to events in his personal life were reflected in a bracelet made of specially made teeth. These are teeth made of fimo plastic - when you want to preserve memories that were not part of your life. And one gold tooth. For a special day, you get the idea :)

Some life events remain a gaping wound in the soul. In memory of such events, Scarlet Tooth.

A necklace made of teeth is rare. Just like the rare cases when a person writes memoirs. Try to remember your whole life, it's not very easy.

But some memories you just want to keep close. Somewhere on the edge of a daily audit of the day, just to make sure that the memory of these events is still with us.

Large ring with a large tooth. Despite all the laconicism and severity, such brass knuckles are not for every day.

To commemorate especially touching memories, fairies mark the body with drawings.

However, now almost anyone can play the role of the Tooth Fairy. As part of role-playing games, you can purchase the Tooth Fairy's suitcase. Wings are usually sold in the party supplies department.

However, you can wait until you have children and truly become the Tooth Fairy. In order not to look for a tooth under your pillow, behind the stove, or on the roof, you can pre-equip a hiding place for the fairy.

Or several individual ones if you have several children in the process of losing teeth.

Some creatures in English mythology do not have a clear description of their appearance. What a tooth fairy looks like can only be determined by the class to which the creature belongs. These creatures have thin bodies, flexible dragonfly wings and small sizes. The nature of the creatures is dual: they reward obedient children with coins, and punish unscrupulous children with lost teeth and pain.

General characteristics

The modern image of the tooth fairy emerged relatively recently, but references to such creatures date back to pagan periods. Initially, the creatures that took the incisors at night did not leave coins for them, but over time, clean children began to receive such a reward. There are no official ones; their role is usually performed by parents.

Lost incisors, according to legend, should be left under a pillow or in a glass of water. You can lure a fairy on any day of the year except Christmas. A tooth left behind on this holiday will kill a pagan creature.

It is unknown what the fairy does with the milk incisors. It is believed that the creature feeds on these teeth to strengthen its bones. Also, according to legends, part of the wearer’s soul remains in the incisors, which is absorbed by fairies.

The tooth fairy lives in forests and caves. The creature puts its milk teeth in neat rows so that it always has access to the right incisor.


There is no clear description of the tooth fairy. However, in English mythology it is classified as a species whose appearance has the following features:

  1. The height of these creatures does not exceed 60 cm.
  2. Faeries are often depicted with pointed ears, small fangs, and thin, flexible fingers without nails.
  3. The creatures have small dragonfly wings on their bodies.

According to legends, any iron leaves a burn on the fairy’s body, so the tooth should be placed in a glass container. The pollen of the creatures has an intoxicating effect, and it also helps relieve toothache.

Nature of creation

By nature, the tooth fairy is a kind and affectionate creature. Its functions include encouraging personal hygiene in children.

The creature is described as a gentle winged creature that brings money as a reward for a lost tooth. The number of coins depends on the quality of the cutters:

  1. For a white, clean tooth, the fairy leaves 2 gold coins or
  2. If the child had caries or crumbled enamel, the number of coins was reduced to one.
  3. The creature refused to take away the bad teeth.

Despite the good nature of modern culture, in early times the tooth fairy not only gave coins to obedient children, but also punished unscrupulous children with toothache. Origin from fairies gives this creature a tough character: according to legend, it takes pleasure in tearing out the incisors of a naughty child.

Analogues in other mythologies

The appearance of mythical creatures varies depending on the people in whose culture the creature was mentioned. Some countries have their own understanding of what the tooth fairy usually looks like.


An ancient version of the tooth fairy. The creature belongs to the class of small trolls. He has a wide nose, small, close-set eyes, and tufts of fur all over his body.

Hammaspeiko has a dual character. In addition to encouraging good self-care, the troll punishes those children who refuse to follow the rules of hygiene. The creature also monitors how much sweets the child eats and whether he listens to his parents.

The troll carries a thin drill with which he punches holes in the teeth of naughty children. Like all members of its class, the creature is vulnerable to the sun and comes only at night.

Rodents as fang stealers

Mice and beavers were revered by different peoples for their strong jaws and sharp incisors. They were often prayed to to strengthen their own teeth.

The role of the tooth fairy among the Spaniards and French is played by a mouse named Fares (Perez). This name refers to the Hebrew scriptures. In the Bible, Perez was the child of Judah, and the literal translation of his name means “to pluck out.”

Outwardly, this creature resembles an anthropomorphic rodent. It walks on two hind legs, can speak, and has a small wallet on its belt. In it, Perez keeps gold coins of unknown mintage. Unlike a real fairy, this creature is a buyer and can even start bargaining with a child in a dream for a low-quality tooth.

In Asian countries, rodents also performed the function of protecting children's teeth. In China, there is a tradition of placing children's fallen incisors in barns. If the tooth was in the top row, then it was left on the roof of the storage facility; if it was in the bottom row, it was placed in the underground.

The child should also say:

“I’ll give you my fang in exchange for a mouse’s!”

In Asia there was no tradition of giving coins for the loss of incisors. Externally, Chinese tooth keepers do not differ from ordinary rodents.

Slavic culture

As in most countries, mice played the role of patrons of children's teeth among the Slavs. The fallen incisor was thrown into the oven or underground so that the rodent would take it and leave his own in return.

Also in the mythology of Eastern Europe there are references to tooth snatchers. Shishimores and others did similar things. The victims were unscrupulous house owners.

These creatures are found in the mythology of India, China and Japan. According to legends, demons became proud and rebelled against the Gods, for which they were expelled to earth.

The Ashuras mainly harm the peasants with their evil jokes. According to legends, demons pull out the teeth of unwashed people. The creatures have the appearance characteristic of demons. They:

  1. Red skin and powerful physique.
  2. Golden horns and powerful fangs protruding beyond the mouth.
  3. Six arms and three faces.

With easy encouragement from adults, children willingly believe in magical creatures. If parents tell their child about the existence of the tooth fairy, he takes it for granted. If they claim that there is no tooth fairy, the child accepts this as a fact. Should you tell your child about the tooth fairy, who takes away lost baby teeth and gives small gifts instead?

However, the child himself can find out the truth, especially if he notices that it is the parents themselves who are putting coins under the pillow: “Dad, I saw you! You're the tooth fairy! Many children are “opened” by their older sisters or brothers. On the other hand, in families where there are older children, the younger ones become even stronger in their belief in magical creatures, because the belief has already become part of the family tradition.

Children often ask each other: “Do you believe in the tooth fairy?” Despite the fact that the interlocutors often take opposite positions, they prefer not to argue, but to say the following: “Dima believes in the tooth fairy, but I know that the tooth fairy is my parents” or “Sveta doesn’t believe in the tooth fairy, but I believe!"

Children who believe in the tooth fairy are often afraid of breaking the ritual. If a child leaves a lost tooth at a party or at school or does not notice how it fell out, he will be afraid that the tooth fairy will not come to him.

Another fear of the fairy is that she takes away teeth. Some children love to keep their teeth and don't want to give them away.

If your child also has any of these fears, reassure him by telling him that he will receive a gift under his pillow regardless of whether he saves the lost tooth or not. If you don't mind him continuing to believe in the tooth fairy, tell him to leave the fairy a note explaining why the tooth is lost.

One day your child may ask you, “Are you the tooth fairy?” Answer the question with a question: “What do you think?” If he knows the truth, agree and add: “I really liked being a fairy, I liked giving you gifts” or “When I was little (small) I believed in the tooth fairy, it seemed to me that you would like this too game".

If you don't want your child to believe in the Tooth Fairy, you can create a fun prank. Pretend that the fairy exists and write your child funny notes on her behalf, “from your favorite fairy.” If you're adamantly against the tooth fairy, sign notes left under your child's pillow "your mom and dad."

Over time, children stop believing in magic and lose faith in the tooth fairy. But the ritual still remains. It’s so nice to receive gifts - coins, stickers, cards or small toys.

P.S. If you have problems with your teeth, contact the Veshnyaki dental clinic. You will be pleased with our professionalism and prices.

does the tooth fairy exist and do you believe in her and got the best answer

Answer from?Elena m?[guru]
Fairies are gentle, almost ghostly figures with transparent wings behind their backs. Back in the 8th-9th centuries in Europe, most often on the islands of Britain, there are references to these strange creatures.
Are you wondering if fairies exist? Without going into the essence, you can answer: “Yes, they exist! In fairy tales, in dreams, in our imagination!...” And brownies, mermaids, ghosts, gnomes?... After all, if you think about it, this is a huge magical invisible world ...
Most lovers of extrasensory perception and everything unknown, when asked whether fairies exist, will answer in all seriousness: “Yes!” The greatest dreamer and inventor Arthur Conan Doyle published amazing information in 1920.
According to him, two young English women photographed each other surrounded by gnome-spirits (fairies) with wings on their shoulders. The photo was published in all newspapers. This was then considered real confirmation of whether fairies existed.
Later, priests, scientists and even Air Marshal Lord Dowding proved that these sorceresses exist. Only they were often imagined not as kind and sensitive, but as angry, envious and very touchy.
Do you think Winx fairies exist?
This is an easier question. After all, they are fairy girls from an Italian animated series. Having thought about whether Winx fairies exist, we can assume that these sorceresses were born in the imagination of the authors of the series, including director Iginio Straffi. They look completely different, ordinary girls are very loyal and sincere friends, value family values, and fall in love.
By helping others strive for self-improvement and preaching eternal values, the Winx fairies “save the world.” The main character Bloom lived in ignorance. What she didn’t know about herself was that she was capable of performing miracles. Her friends are the Winx fairies Stella, Tecna, Muse, Flora and Leila. It's in the series.
And in real life, a musical based on this plot has already been released, books have been written, video games have been created, and even an Ice Show has been staged. Here is the answer to the question of whether Winx fairies exist. A generous, kind heart, the ability to understand another person and help - this is something that will always have a very high price.

Reply from 2 answers[guru]

Hello! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: does the tooth fairy exist and do you believe in it?

Reply from Mark Gellerstein[guru]
I don't believe it

Reply from Zarina Kurashova[active]
It happens that there is, and not only the tooth fairy)))

Reply from Mountain Hunter 06 🙂[guru]
She owes me 320 rubles))) If she exists, give her my email address))

Reply from Alexander[guru]
Once I met three tooth fairies, 6 teeth + a mobile phone disappeared immediately.

Reply from Kokaxp[guru]
Of course I do. There are fairies for every organ, recently I was visited by three at once - anal, oral and vaginal..