Research Institute of Prosthetics. Joint replacement clinics, useful information, ratings

In the regions of the Russian Federation, new endoprosthetics clinics are opening, equipped no worse than European medical centers for prosthetics. Also, in the departments of orthopedics and traumatology of many leading state medical institutions, which have a long history of work in the field of surgery of the musculoskeletal system, today they perform a unique operation on thousands of people with severe joint pathologies.

Two types of surgery: on the left total, on the right superficial.

Some statistics

Each joint replacement clinic works according to a similar scheme with foreign colleagues and uses the same endoprostheses from well-known manufacturers. The only drawback of Russian prosthetics is too little clinical experience of surgeons specializing specifically in this complex and still “young” area. In Russian clinics, approximately 15 to 20 thousand patients undergo endoprosthetics annually. Let's take, for example, the USA and Germany. In America, almost half a million such operations are performed in just one year. German orthopedic surgeons install joint prostheses on about 300 thousand patients every year.

The metal components shown in the photo are used less and less due to poor long-term prospects.

Using just two of the examples given, we were able to trace the difference in significant figures, by which, to a large extent, the development of a particular area of ​​orthopedic surgery is judged. Within our state alone, approximately 300 thousand people annually experience the need to undergo this type of arthroplasty. In endoprosthetics clinics in Moscow and other regions of the Russian Federation, only 1/15 of the annual norm is performed. That is, as was said earlier, only 20 thousand interventions, and this is the maximum limit so far. This is due, first of all, to a limited funding budget and a shortage of bed capacity in joint replacement clinics.

We will monitor the percentage of complications. Private clinics and federal medical centers for endoprosthetics: the risk of complications after primary intervention in average values ​​is 5.5%, after revision – up to 8%. In medical institutions of the leading countries in orthopedics (Czech Republic, Israel, Germany, etc.), the probability of developing negative consequences after the first installation of an endoprosthesis is 0.5-1%, after a second installation - an average of 2%.

Who needs surgery?

  • pseudarthrosis;
  • intra-articular fractures;
  • congenital and acquired joint dysplasia;
  • oncological damage to the bones of the articulation.

Gonarthrosis of the knee joint is a direct indication for surgery.

Guide to choosing a hospital and surgeon in the Russian Federation

Let us immediately note that it is necessary to choose not just a “star” professor of orthopedics and traumatology, but a qualified orthopedic surgeon with a high medical degree who has been successfully working for at least 5 years specifically in the field of joint arthroplasty. You need to find out as much information as possible about all medical facilities located within the country that are potentially suitable for your case, namely:

  • how many years have you been practicing;
  • is the clinic certified, are there any diplomas and awards in this area;
  • what is the number of interventions of the required type per year;
  • what is the average percentage of unfavorable cases associated with complications (the figure should not exceed 5%, ideally up to 3-4%);
  • what prosthetic systems are used and who their manufacturer is;
  • to what extent is the operating room, resuscitation, rehabilitation and diagnostic unit equipped with all the necessary modern equipment;
  • what is the length of stay in hospital (the longer the better);
  • how much will it cost to undergo treatment if it is not implemented under the VMP and medical programs? insurance (very low prices are a reason to doubt the quality of the service, since the most complex type of surgical intervention cannot be cheap).

Leading Russian clinics

Perhaps someone does not want to deal with making inquiries and scrupulously analyzing information for each hospital, then we suggest using our ready-made recommendations. The following endoprosthetics clinics in Russia are recognized as the best, so they can perform high-precision replacement of the knee joint, hip joint and other large osteochondral joints. By the way, they may well compete with foreign medical centers in terms of the level of surgery and the level of qualifications of the medical staff.

In Smolensk

Operating room of the federal center.

In Novosibirsk

Now let's talk about Novosibirsk: the endoprosthetics clinic, which is called the ANO clinic NIITO, occupies an honorable position not only within the regional center, but throughout the Russian Federation. An autonomous non-profit organization specializes in the diagnosis/treatment of deformations and destruction of musculoskeletal structures, disorders of locomotor functions resulting from congenital malformations and acquired damage to parts of the musculoskeletal system. The long-term activity of the endoprosthetics clinic in Novosibirsk allows doctors today to achieve incredible success in restoring the functions of the knee joint, hip, and spinal column. By the way, the opening of a highly specialized center took place in 2000.

Clinic of Scientific Research Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedics in Novosibirsk.

Many people from different parts of our vast homeland strive to go to the capital of Siberia, Novosibirsk, knowing that there is a worthwhile endoprosthetics clinic there. And all of them are united by one desire - to have a successful operation without leaving the country and, finally, to say goodbye to the debilitating symptoms of chronic arthrosis.

In St. Petersburg

Total or partial knee replacement in St. Petersburg is performed by the Vreden Clinic. The well-known Russian Research Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedics, named after its first director, Roman Romanovich Vreden, has been operating for more than one century.

Russian Research Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedics

Endoprosthetics of knee joints at the Vreden Clinic in St. Petersburg occurs both on a planned basis (according to a quota) and on an emergency basis. In addition to knee implantations, advanced orthopedic traumatologists implant equally high-tech functional devices that replace hip joints, glenohumeral and elbow joints. The high quality of services has been noted at the state level, awards, diplomas and other insignia received from the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.

Where is the best place to get a knee replacement?

Since the lower extremities around the knee are most often injured and are most susceptible to degenerative changes, knee replacement in endoprosthetics clinics in Russia is the leading operation in terms of frequency. Every year, the incidence of post-traumatic, autoimmune, degenerative-dystrophic gonarthrosis is only rapidly increasing, and, unfortunately, there has been no trend towards its reduction for five years. Therefore, the aspect of selecting a knee replacement clinic in Russia for most patients has been and will be relevant for many decades to come, as disappointing statistics show.

Partial knee replacement.

Moscow and St. Petersburg medical institutions have proven themselves especially positive in prosthetics of new articular surfaces of the knee. We have already talked about one of them, the Vreden Research Institute. Additionally, it is worth noting the medical centers of the Russian Federation, which are spoken about mostly in a good context, these are:

  • Federal State Budgetary Institution "SPMC" of the Ministry of Health of Russia;
  • St George's City Hospital;
  • NMHC named after. Pirogova N.I.;
  • Clinical Hospital on Yauza;
  • GVKG im. Burdenko;
  • Children's Clinical Hospital named after Semashko;
  • KB MSMU im. Sechenov;
  • Nizhny Tagil Hospital of Restorative Innovative Technologies;
  • Krasnodar clinic "Zdrava";
  • Privolzhsky Federal Medical Research Center, Nizhny Novgorod.

Advice! When choosing a place where you will have surgery, a definite advantage will be the presence of a research institute or fruitful cooperation of the center with medical institutes. It is in such medical institutions that they thoroughly pay attention to the in-depth study of this discipline. Moreover, in such serious structures, medical workers have qualification degrees of candidates, professors and doctors of medical sciences, and, therefore, they have a significant amount of practical experience and knowledge regarding complex joint surgery.

Prosthetics is a medical manipulation with the inclusion of an orthopedist and a prosthetist in the process. Today it is performed in specialized medical institutions - prosthetics and orthopedics centers.

Types of prosthetics and orthopedics centers

There are several main types of prosthetics and orthopedics centers in Russia:

1. Government institutions - such centers exist in almost all large cities and regional centers. They are financed from the state budget. Therefore, for the corresponding preferential categories of patients, there is the possibility of free prosthetics at the expense of the state. To improve competitive opportunities, state prosthetics and orthopedics centers cooperate with large concerns that produce prosthetics. This gives a wide selection of products and their subsequent warranty or post-warranty service. So, most government centers began to cooperate with the German concern OTTO BOCK using C-Leg knee modules in prosthetics.

2. Private medical institutions - operate at clinics in large cities of Russia. All services related to prosthetics are paid, but there is a guarantee regarding the quality of the products. Such centers cooperate with most manufacturing companies. Their representatives take part in the prosthetics process.

3. Prosthetic and orthopedic centers at research institutes - engaged in atypical prosthetics and the scientific development of new prostheses. They exist only in a few large cities (Moscow, St. Petersburg). These centers are partially funded by the state budget and offer free prosthetics.

Criteria for choosing a prosthetics and orthopedics center

The choice of center for prosthetics is made by the patient himself, who is guided by certain criteria, these include:

1. Possibility of paying for prosthetic services - if it is possible to fully pay for the installation of a prosthesis, then it is preferable to choose a private center for prosthetics and orthopedics, where it is possible to perform all stages of prosthetics from amputation of a limb to training in the use of the installed prosthesis. Private centers involve orthopedic doctors of the highest category, specialist prosthetic technicians and representatives of the manufacturer. This gives good continuity in performing all stages of prosthetics. In the future, warranty and post-warranty service is provided.

The main indications for contacting a dental prosthetist are the loss of one, several or all teeth, destruction of the dental crown or mobility of the dentition.

In this article we will talk about the most important clinics where dentures are made. You will also learn what orthopedic services are currently available and how to make an appointment.

Orthopedic dentistry services

  • Dental restoration with microprostheses (crowns, inlays, veneers, lumineers, bridges);
  • restoration of the integrity of the dentition using removable and conditionally removable dentures (nylon, acrylic, clasp, etc.);
  • prosthetics on implants and pins;
  • strengthening the dentition in advanced forms of periodontitis (splinting);
  • children's prosthetics (for congenital adentia or premature loss of baby teeth).

The diagnostics that need to be completed before dentures include an orthopantomogram (panoramic photo of the jaws), as well as taking dental impressions to make a custom prosthesis.


The Central Research Institute of Prosthetics and Prosthetics is located on the street. Ivan Susanina, 3. The nearest metro station is “Vladykino”. This is the main specialized institution in Moscow, where specialists with 20 years of experience work and accept doctors and candidates of medical sciences.

Central Research Institute of Dentistry and Maxillofacial Surgery

Here on weekdays there is a department of orthopedic dentistry, where complex maxillofacial prosthetics are performed. The institute also installs all types of dental crowns: metal-ceramic, zirconium, porcelain, metal-plastic. The institution is located on the street. Frunze, 16.

European Center for Dental Implantation and Prosthetics

This is a private institution that has 2 branches in Moscow: on Studenetsky Lane, 3 and st. Dubninskaya, 27. Here they use the “All on 4” technology, which allows you to place dental implants with a fixed prosthesis in one session (in the absence of teeth). The initial consultation with specialists is free of charge.

Central Research Institute of Dentistry

Dental prosthetics centers in St. Petersburg

The orthopedic department is open on weekdays from 9.00 to 19.00. Dentists carry out all the preparatory work before installing dentures: sanitation of the oral cavity, treatment of caries and periodontitis, filling of root canals. The dental laboratory produces crowns, as well as partial and complete dentures. The clinic is located on Lunacharsky Avenue, 45 (metro Ozerki).

It is located within walking distance from the Park Pobedy metro station (Moskovsky Avenue, 153). Orthopedic doctors select and install all types of fixed and removable dentures, and perform splinting with fiberglass tape. Here you can also take a panoramic photo of the jaw.

Research Institute of Dentistry and Maxillofacial Surgery

The institute receives specialists from PSPbSMU named after. Academician I.P. Pavlov. In the department of paid services, you can install a clasp prosthesis with clasp or lock fastening, as well as metal-ceramic structures on precious metal alloys. Location: Petrogradskaya embankment, 44.

Dental prosthetics clinics in Nizhny Novgorod

A state institution where dentists of the first and highest categories receive treatment. There are 12 branches in the city, the main branch is located on the street. B. Pokrovskoy, 23 (former Institute of Dentistry and Orthodontics). There is an orthopedics office here, as well as its own dental laboratory.

Central Dental Clinic

A private clinic that offers innovative telescopic dental prosthetics, dental implantation and other orthopedic services. Regular patients are provided with cumulative and club discounts. The institution is open on weekdays and Saturdays, located at st. Kovrovskaya, 47.

How to make an appointment

You can make an appointment with an orthopedist at a state clinic through a terminal in the lobby of the institution, by phone, or by visiting the reception desk in person. Don't forget to take your compulsory medical insurance policy and passport to save on prosthetics.

Free dental prosthetics is provided only for disabled people, pensioners and other benefit categories of the population.

Patients who do not have a compulsory medical insurance policy can undergo treatment in the paid services department.

You can find more detailed information about prosthetics institutes and centers on our website. To do this, use our search engine.

Are you unsure about choosing a prosthesis? Read about all the methods