Halter for dogs with a short muzzle. Halter for dogs: description, dimensions, operating instructions, manufacturing tips

According to statistics, not all dog owners know? what is a halter and why is it needed. Why is this piece of equipment so important and how to make it yourself?


What is a halter?

When buying a pet, the owner often buys a collar and toys for the pet, but forgets about the halter or, as it is called, halti.

A halter is an accessory for a dog that fixes the animal's muzzle and allows you to walk it without problems. It is also called a collar-bridle, a muzzle-bridle, a leash-bridle.

The bridle collar holds the cheeks and jaws. It consists of two straps: one of them is attached to the upper part of the scruff of the neck, and the other is attached to the back of the nose. The neck strap of the halti is connected to the bow strap with the help of 2 cheek straps. The cheek straps should fit snugly against the cheeks, but not press into them. A bridle collar is used to correct the behavior of an animal on the street and at home.

It is necessary to select the correct accessory size. If it is very tight, then when jerking the pet may damage its jaw.

A dog wearing a bridle collar must not be tied or left unattended. Please remember that the accessory is used.

The nose strap should be directly in front of your pet's eyes and rest loosely on the muzzle. It slides into the metal ring of the chin strap. The leash is attached to the other ring. When the animal pulls on the leash, the central ring is pressed against the lower part of the jaw in such a way that the leash-bridle does not slide to one side.

At first, it will not be easy for your pet to get used to the muzzle-bridle. Therefore, you need to use the same training method for this accessory as for a muzzle.

There are several types of halter: Halti and Gentle Leader. The halti is worn on the pet along with another collar, since it is loosely attached. It does not tighten and suits a dog with a large muzzle. Popular manufacturers of such an accessory are Safari Whitcho, NY, Bohemia.

The Gentle Leader dog halter provides better snout support than the Halti, so another collar is not required. Well-known manufacturers Gentle Leaders are Premier Pet Products, VA, Richmond, Premier Pet Products.

Halti is not a muzzle and is not capable of harming your beloved dog.

We make halti ourselves

A halter for dogs is easy to make with your own hands. To do this you will need a little time, patience and a few tools and materials. We present to your attention simple instructions on how to create a muzzle-bridle with your own hands.

Tools and materials

First you need to prepare the following materials and tools:

  • belt tape (sling) – 2 m;
  • 2 rings – 25 mm;
  • 2 small carabiners;
  • fastener (fastener width - sling width);
  • needle;
  • strong threads;
  • meter for measurement.

Materials must be selected according to the size of the pet.

Step by step instructions

To ensure that the process of creating a bridle collar with your own hands is quick, and the result is no worse than one ready in the store, you must follow the instructions.

  1. Measure the circumference of the animal's neck and muzzle and write down the data.
  2. Measure the distance between the muzzle and neck girth measurement points.
  3. Measure the distance from the collar ring to the halter.
  4. Cut pieces of belt tape according to the dimensions obtained.
  5. Using a needle and thread, sew a ring to a sling equal to the circumference of the muzzle.
  6. In the same way, sew the clasp to a section equal to the circumference of the neck.
  7. Now you can sew the carabiners to the sling. When making a halti, do not forget to adjust its dimensions to the dog itself.
  8. Assemble the halti, place it on your dog and attach the bottom ring to the leash.

Video “Teaching a puppy to halti”

Don't know how to train your dog to eat halti? See how experienced dog handlers do it.

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According to statistics, not all dog owners know? what is a halter and why is it needed. Why is this piece of equipment so important and how to make it yourself?


What is a halter?

When buying a pet, the owner often buys a collar and toys for the pet, but forgets about the halter or, as it is called, halti.

A halter is an accessory for a dog that fixes the animal's muzzle and allows you to walk it without problems. It is also called a collar-bridle, a muzzle-bridle, a leash-bridle.

The bridle collar holds the cheeks and jaws. It consists of two straps: one of them is attached to the upper part of the scruff of the neck, and the other is attached to the back of the nose. The neck strap of the halti is connected to the bow strap with the help of 2 cheek straps. The cheek straps should fit snugly against the cheeks, but not press into them. A bridle collar is used to correct the behavior of an animal on the street and at home.

It is necessary to select the correct accessory size. If it is very tight, then when jerking the pet may damage its jaw.

A dog wearing a bridle collar must not be tied or left unattended. Remember that the accessory is only used for walking your dog on a leash.

The nose strap should be directly in front of your pet's eyes and rest loosely on the muzzle. It slides into the metal ring of the chin strap. The leash is attached to the other ring. When the animal pulls on the leash, the central ring is pressed against the lower part of the jaw in such a way that the leash-bridle does not slide to one side.

At first, it will not be easy for your pet to get used to the muzzle-bridle. Therefore, you need to use the same training method for this accessory as for a muzzle.

There are several types of halter: Halti and Gentle Leader. The halti is worn on the pet along with another collar, since it is loosely attached. It does not tighten and suits a dog with a large muzzle. Popular manufacturers of such an accessory are Safari Whitcho, NY, Bohemia.

The Gentle Leader dog halter provides better snout support than the Halti, so another collar is not required. Well-known manufacturers of Gentle Leader are Premier Pet Products, VA, Richmond, Premier Pet Products.

Halti is not a muzzle and is not capable of harming your beloved dog.

We make halti ourselves

A dog halter is easy to make with your own hands. To do this you will need a little time, patience and a few tools and materials. We bring to your attention simple instructions for creating a muzzle-bridle with your own hands.

Tools and materials

First you need to prepare the following materials and tools:

  • belt tape (sling) – 2 m;
  • 2 rings – 25 mm;
  • 2 small carabiners;
  • fastener (fastener width - sling width);
  • needle;
  • strong threads;
  • meter for measurement.

Materials must be selected according to the size of the pet.

Step by step instructions

To ensure that the process of creating a bridle collar with your own hands is quick, and the result is no worse than one ready in the store, you must follow the instructions.

  1. Measure the circumference of the animal's neck and muzzle and write down the data.
  2. Measure the distance between the muzzle and neck girth measurement points.
  3. Measure the distance from the collar ring to the halter.
  4. Cut pieces of belt tape according to the dimensions obtained.
  5. Using a needle and thread, sew a ring to a sling equal to the circumference of the muzzle.
  6. In the same way, sew the clasp to a section equal to the circumference of the neck.
  7. Now you can sew the carabiners to the sling. When making a halti, do not forget to adjust its dimensions to the dog itself.
  8. Assemble the halti, place it on your dog and attach the bottom ring to the leash.

Video “Teaching a puppy to halti”

Don't know how to train your dog to eat halti? See how experienced dog handlers do it.

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For many dog ​​lovers, the problem of failure to comply with the “near” command is a sore subject. Usually everyone advises going to a dog trainer, but what to do if 1) there are no dog trainers in your city 2) they are clueless and haven’t taught you or the dog anything 3) it’s just in the dog’s nature to pull.

Let’s say that dog handlers are really not omnipotent, but there are different breeds. You won’t go to a dog handler forever either. And if you can cope with a sneeze that breaks the leash, then holding a Caucasian Shepherd will be a problem. Such cunning breeds as the Doberman generally behave well in the company of an experienced dog handler, but in private they always test the owner’s strength. On the playground we are perfect, but in the forest, well, shazz!! How many times has our horse knocked over my husband in icy conditions (and there he was under 100 kg!)... It hasn’t knocked me over, my roar “near!!!” is enough. But how tired it gets for the dog to remember this “nearby” every 30 seconds, especially on steep slopes...

As you understand, I'm tired of this. I don’t accept strict collars; choke collars are inconvenient for me. I started looking for other options and suddenly on one of the forums I came across advice to buy a halti. Halti is a kind of bridle for a dog, or rather a halter. The leash is attached to the collar and ring on the halti or just to the halti, so if the dog starts to pull, his head turns back, he cannot see where he is going, and is forced to slow down. Finding halti was not easy. They were not available in stores, and not everywhere on the Internet either. I ordered it in a group on VK for 350 rubles. For Doberman (our elk), Labrador, Dalmatian, size No. 3 is used.

My dog ​​generally cannot stand muzzles, thank God he doesn’t need them. My dog ​​is literally ridden by children in the yard; she is just happy to play. And then they put THIS on her. I myself didn’t immediately understand what to fasten to what. The dog was in shock, despite the fact that this muzzle sits freely, does not restrict his mouth at all, yawns, eats, chews. She was offended by the very fact of having a halti on her face. Several times the dog tried to remove it with his paws, for which he was scolded and stopped trying (although no, no, he is still trying to pull it off).

And so we went out into the yard. The team is nearby. Out of habit, the dog quickly forgets that he has to walk next to him for more than 10 seconds, and overtakes him. And then her muzzle turns on its side. I have never seen such an angry face on my lady. One could clearly see a mixture of resentment, a desire to outwit and delay, and hopelessness.

But after 5 minutes of trying to pull off the halti and pulling, the dog walked alongside. It's been so long since we had such a good time!!! We walked half the area, and I didn’t have to pull the dog back and constantly insist on being nearby. The dog got used to the halti in 3 days, now when he sees that I take it in my hands, he starts jumping joyfully - let's go for a walk!

Even a child or a pensioner can walk with a dog in a halti (of course, if the dog is kind). What I mean is that the halti is not a muzzle in the normal sense. In it, the dog can bite easily, since it does not restrict the mouth. But for the ignorant, who are the majority, the halti is a muzzle. So if your dog is kind, but your neighbors are annoying you with threats, buy a halti - you will kill two birds with one stone: calm people down and get a dog walking next to you)) good luck!!

If you are interested in seeing my Doberman in all its glory from the first days of his life with us, here is a review

The halter consists of straps fastened in the form of a “basket”, passing through the scruff of the neck and the bridge of the nose. The straps hold the dog's cheeks and jaws in place.

The leash is attached to a strap under the chin. The halter does not prevent the animal from opening its mouth, eating, or drinking water. This accessory cannot be considered an alternative to a muzzle, since it does not exclude the possibility of a bite, especially if used incorrectly. If you do not tighten the noose on the mouth in time, the animal may bite.

The accessory is used to train the animal and correct behavior, for example, if the dog pulls on the leash. The animal's movements are guided carefully, without the risk of injury due to the fact that the animal is held by the head and not the neck. Pulling on the leash causes discomfort to the animal and he involuntarily has to turn his head. To avoid discomfort As a result of pulling on the leash, the dog learns a lesson and understands how to behave.

Unlike nooses and strict collars, a halter does not injure the neck or cause any other harm to the animal. However, if used improperly, the accessory can rub the skin on the nose; rubbing may cause hair loss; if the animal’s lips hang down, then when the loop is tightened, the pet can bite through them.

How to put a halter on a dog

The accessory consists of straps. It should be put on so that the nose strap lies freely on the muzzle, in front of the dog’s eyes. There should be a distance of about 1 cm between the nose strap and the animal's skin. The nose strap, encircling the pet's nose, should fit into the metal ring of the strap under the chin. When the chin strap is pulled, the pet should be able to open its mouth freely. The halter should be located behind the corners of the mouth. Once the halter is on your dog, you can attach the leash. If the nose loop does not move over the wide part of the nose or slides off the nose too freely, then the accessory is not the correct size.


Dog halters PetSafe Gentle Leader (Taiwan), which have a good hold, and Halti (USA) have gained popularity in the pet products market. Halti accessories consist of nose, neck and cheek straps, most suitable for breeds with large muzzles. The price for a Halti halter is about 1,500 rubles. The cost of accessories made in Taiwan is about 1,700 rubles.

To train and correct the behavior of dogs, devices such as a metal collar (strict or jerk) are traditionally used. It is believed that thanks to them, the owner does not have to sharply tug on the leash, because any strong tension already leads to discomfort and forces the dog to “slow down.”

However, the problem is that the dog quickly gets used to the pressure and stops responding to it. Having seen how much larger and stronger animals, horses, can be controlled, Dr. Roger McFord in 1979 invented a halter for dogs - a device that is popular all over the world.

How does a halter work?

The halter consists of several straps sewn together. The nose strap, made in the form of a loop, is connected to the neck strap using two cheek straps, which should fit snugly against the skin, but not press into it.

If they are too loose, the halter will flop around and irritate the dog. In this case, you need to tighten the neck strap. The nose strap should be directly in front of the dog's eyes and rest loosely on the muzzle (your finger can easily fit between it and the skin). The nose strap fits around the dog's nose and into the metal ring of the chin strap.

Another metal ring connects the ends of the nose strap, and it is to this ring that the leash is attached. When the dog begins to pull, the loop automatically tightens around the jowls and bridge of the nose. On the one hand, this pressure is sensitive enough for the animal to automatically stop pulling on the leash; on the other hand, the ring of the chin strap is pressed against lower jaw dog and prevents the nose strap from being pulled too tight and causing pain.

A properly selected halter is safe for the dog; he cannot pull it with such force as to harm himself.

Why a halter is the best assistant

A halter is not an accessory for free walks with a dog. It is indispensable if you need to walk with a pet that has a habit of pulling on the leash to veterinary clinic or store, drive to public transport. It will also come in handy when you entrust an elderly person or a child to take out large dog to the yard. But it needs to be removed when you let your pet play with your four-legged friends or when you need to tie it up. In general, a dog in a halter should not be left unattended. If the halter gets caught on something, the dog will not be able to move forward, as may be necessary, but will only back away.

Some people call a halter a "muzzle", but it is made completely differently and will not prevent the dog from picking up something from the ground or even trying to grab something with its teeth. It is only intended to prevent her from pulling on the leash.

However, this piece of equipment in itself does not teach anything, so as soon as you remove the halter and attach the leash to a regular collar the dog will start pulling again. The most important purpose of a halter is to be an assistant in training. The dog is much faster in a halter than in a snatch or snatch. strict collar, understands what the owner wants from her when he commands “near” or “don’t pull.”

The fact is that our pets have such a behavioral mechanism as the “resistance reflex”. Many owners are surprised: the harder they pull the leash or pull the dog towards you, the more furiously it rushes forward. This is because counteraction satisfies the resistance reflex and in itself is a positive reinforcement for the dog. No amount of pressure from the collar will outweigh the pleasure of tearing and pulling where she wants. A halter allows you to control the animal’s head and redirect its attention to yourself in the presence of strong distractions.

For example, while walking outside, a dog sees a distracting object - say, another dog - and begins to be drawn towards it. You tug on the leash attached to the halter and turn the dog's head towards you. Immediately loosen the leash and give the animal a few seconds to assess the situation. If the dog no longer looks towards the distracting object, then you reward it with a treat. If the dog returns to its previous behavior, pull the halter leash again.

With constant practice, correct actions and timely encouragement of the dog to learn to focus its attention on you in the presence of any distractions. And this means that you can safely walk on a slack leash past other dogs, cyclists, cats or fallen ice cream.

Of course, training a dog will require time, patience and appropriate preparation. Therefore it is better if professional trainer will show you how to work with an animal using a halter.

How to train a dog to wear a halter

The sequence of actions in accustoming to wearing a halter is approximately the same as when accustoming to a muzzle. Let the dog sniff first new item, praise it and treat it to evoke pleasant associations in the animal. Then, grab the halter by the nose strap in one hand, and with the other hand, pass the treat to the dog through the ring that forms it. To get the treat, the dog will have to stick his nose through the loop. Repeat these steps several times until your pet sticks his nose into the halter to get the treat.

Now you can put on and immediately remove the halter several times, not forgetting to praise and treat your dog. When you see that your pet has begun to take this procedure completely calmly, you can fasten the leash and go outside. Of course, at first the dog will try to remove the extra object from its muzzle. This is especially easy for breeds with a non-convex neck, for example, setters, huskies, and spaniels. But there's a lot on the street interesting moments, which will help distract the dog from trying to free itself. And besides, you won’t forget to give treats and praise your pet for its calm behavior. It is necessary to put a regular collar on the dog, since the halter is attached to it, and besides, you will need to take a break from training and let the dog off the leash.

Types of halters

The highest quality halters are produced under the Halti Headcollar brand, which belongs to the English company The Company of Animals. These halters have become so popular that the word “halti” has become a household word!

Halters come in five different sizes:

A properly worn halti is at an equal distance from the nose and eyes. When you pull the chin strap, make sure your dog can open his mouth freely.

A real halti is made of very durable yet lightweight nylon and has a soft neoprene insert to prevent the hair on your dog's face from rubbing off. Plastic fasteners allow you to quickly and securely attach the halter.

At the moment, Halti dog halters are no longer imported to Russia. But we are pleased to offer you halters from Trixie (Germany), which are in no way inferior in quality.

The best reward is the result

After just a couple of weeks of using a halti, your dog will understand that any disobedience entails discomfort and will become much more obedient. Try it and see for yourself!

The article is based on materials from the magazine “If you have a dog”